Nutrition Chapter 10, 11, 12 TopHat Questions

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Which statement about the processing of foods is true? a. Processing destroys minerals. b. The processing of grains causes the loss of magnesium, selenium and zinc. c. Sodium is typically absent in processed foods. d. Potassium is often added during food processing.


A water loss of ______________ of body weight can impair physical and cognitive performance.


Kevin lost 3 pounds during his workout. He should consume a minimum of ______________ liters of liquid to replace lost fluid.


Hypertension is very common, affecting ______________ of adults in the U.S.


The recommended intake of calcium for adults is ______________ mgs/day.


The UL for sodium intake is ______________ mg/day.


Approximately what percentage of the adult human body is water?


The RDA for phosphorus is ______________ mg/d for adults.


Approximately what percentage of those affected by osteoporosis are women?


The AI for potassium intake is:

>2x than that of sodium

All of the following are adequate sources of nonheme iron EXCEPT: a. apples b. enriched white rice c. garbanzo beans d. spinach


Copper deficiency is most likely to occur in: a. pre-term infants. b. children aged 1-3. c. adolescents. d. the elderly.


Identify the most accurate statement regarding copper. a. Copper deficiency usually causes iron-deficiency anemia. b. Copper deficiency may result in zinc deficiency. c. High copper intake can cause osteoporosis. d. Copper excess may cause changes in hair color.


Magnesium's major functions in the body include all of the following EXCEPT: a. blood clotting b. being a cofactor for many enzymes c. stabilizing ATP d. maintenance of bones


When blood calcium is low, parathyroid hormone raises levels by doing all of the following EXCEPT: a. increasing appetite for calcium containing foods. b. activating vitamin D. c. reducing calcium excretion by the kidney. d. stimulating calcium release from bone


Which is NOT a factor in determining the rates of iron absorption? a. Blood glucose levels b. Levels of iron stores c. Presence of vitamin C in foods d. Form of iron ingested


Which is the FALSE statement about absorption of calcium? a. Calcium absorption decreases during pregnancy. b. Calcium supplements may interfere with absorption of copper and iron. c. Lactose enhances the rate of calcium absorption. d. Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption.


Which is the least plentiful source of calcium? a. carrots b. eggs c. sardines d. yogurt


Which is the most sensitive indicator of iron stores in the body? a. Ferritin b. Hematocrit c. Hemoglobin d. Transferrin


Which of the following compounds has NOT been found to interfere with mineral absorption? a. ascorbic acid b. oxalates c. phytates d. tannins


Which of the following functions to inhibit calcium release from bone? a. calcitonin b. parathyroid hormone c. calmodulin d. insulin


Which of the following groups is LEAST at risk for phosphorus deficiency? a. healthy adults d. vegans c. elderly d. alcoholics


Which of the following is a copper-containing plasma protein that converts iron to a form that can be transported and stored? a. Ceruloplasmin b. Ferritin c. Hemoglobin d. Transferrin


Which of the following is a true statement about iron requirements? a. The RDA for young adult women is higher than the RDA young adult men. b. For adolescents 14 to 18 years-of-age, the RDA is the same for males and females. c. Iron requirements increase after menopause. d. Babies should not be fed iron-containing formulas, because of the risk of toxicity.


Which of the following is an excellent source of selenium? a. Salmon b. Kiwi c. Potato d. Drinking water


Which of the following acts to increase blood pressure?

Angiotensin II

Which hormone signals the kidneys to reabsorb water back into the bloodstream?

Antidiuretic hormone

All of the following decrease the risk of osteoporosis EXCEPT: a. weight bearing exercise. b. low body weight. c. increased muscle mass. d. high body weight and fat.


Good sources of magnesium include all of the following EXCEPT: a. leafy green vegetables. b. processed foods. c. nuts. d. whole grains.


Of the following, the best source of chromium is: a. dairy. b. whole grains. c. vegetables. d. fruits.


The following minerals all compete with each other for absorption EXCEPT: a. calcium b. sodium c. copper d. zinc


What factor might increase mineral bioavailability? a. Proportion of dietary calcium absorbed is higher with increases in age. b. Consumption of acidic foods enhances iron absorption. c. A high intake of calcium in a meal promotes iron absorption. d. The presence of phytic acid promotes zinc absorption.


Which is the correct relationship between smoking and drinking and osteoporosis risk? a. Smoking increases risk while drinking decreases it. b. Smoking and drinking both increase risk. c. Smoking decreases risk while drinking increases it. d. Smoking and drinking both decrease risk.


Which is the true statement about iron loss? a. When red blood cells die, the iron in the cells is excreted. b. Most loss of iron from the body is associated with blood loss. c. There is significant loss of iron through the urinary tract. d. Iron from red blood cells binds to calcium and is excreted through the large intestine.


Which of the following has been the most effective in decreasing post-menopausal bone loss? a. Fluoride treatment b. Hormone replacement therapy c. Supplemental vitamin C d. Aerobic exercise plus multi-vitamins


Which of the following is NOT a function of calcium? a. Muscle contraction b. ATP stabilization c. Blood pressure regulation d. Neurotransmitter release


Which of the following is NOT likely to result from prolonged low calcium intake? a. A lower peak bone mass in young adult females b. Problems with cell signaling and regulation c. Fractures in the elderly d. Development of osteomalacia


Which of the following is true about minerals? a. Minerals are organic molecules. b. Minerals can be structural components. c. Minerals are destroyed by heat. d. All of these statements are true.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about FLUORIDE? a. Aluminum cookware increases fluoride content of food. b. Teflon increases fluoride content of food. c. Toothpaste does not contribute significantly to fluoride in the body. d. Tea is a significant source of fluorine in the body


Which of the following would NOT enhance absorption of the iron found in supplements? a. Consuming the supplement with a meal containing beef b. Taking it with a calcium supplement c. Taking the supplement with a meal containing fish d. Consuming it with orange juice


Which one of the following foods is a good source of magnesium? a. Beef steak b. Garbanzo beans c. Applesauce d. Canned sardines


Which of the following statements is true regarding copper absorption? a. Zinc promotes the absorption of copper. b. About 80% of copper is absorbed. c. Vitamin C enhances copper absorption. d. By inhibiting zinc absorption, phytates may enhance the copper absorption


______________ is an inherited condition that causes individuals to absorb and accumulate too much iron.


Which statement describes the relationship of bone calcium to blood calcium?

If dietary calcium is low, bone calcium is sacrificed to maintain blood calcium

What is known about molybdenum?

Molybdenum in food varies with its content of the soil where the food is produced

How is calcium in the blood regulated?

Parathyroid hormone stimulated calcium release from bone

What is a function of phosphorus?

Phosphorus is a major constituent of the genetic material DNA and RNA

Which property makes water a good solvent?


What is a function of magnesium?

Prevents cardiovascular disease

Which of the following best describes the distribution of sodium and potassium in the body?

Sodium in primarily extracellular; potassium is primarily intracellular

The hard compact layer found on the surface of bones is called ______________ bone.


Iodine deficiency during pregnancy may cause ______________ in the offspring.


Fluoride has shown to be most effective in preventing:

dental carries

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding maintenance of electrolyte concentrations across cell membranes?

depolarization of cell membranes is necessary

When table salt is dissolved in water, the sodium and chloride ions:


Most of the fluoride in the U.S. comes from:

drinking water and toothpaste.

Peak bone mass in women is typically achieved in:

early adulthood

Positively and negatively charged ions in water are called:


Sodium, chloride, and potassium in cells and body fluids are examples of:


Postmenopausal bone loss is primarily associated with decreased levels of the hormone:


Which of the following has NOT been associated with loss of bone mass in women?

excessive walking

Zinc transport proteins:

export zinc to the lumen when zinc intake is high.

Of the following, the tissue with the lowest water content is:


Most body water comes from:

fluids we drink

The best source of potassium per calorie comes from:

fruits and vegetables

How does the DASH diet affect blood pressure?

fruits and vegetables decrease blood pressure

Osmosis requires all of the following EXCEPT: - glucose - a selectively permeable membrane - dissolved solutes - water


Substances that interfere with the utilization of iodine or with the function of the thyroid gland are called:


Healthy blood pressure is defined as ______________ mm of mercury.

greater than or equal to 120/80

The consumption of soda:

has led to a decreases in the consumption of milk

Iron is a component of the protein, ______________ that binds and transports oxygen in the bloodstream.


The DASH diet is:

high in potassium, calcium and magnesium while low in sodium

Which is LEAST likely to be implicated as a contributor to hypertension?

high level of carbonated beverage consumption

Which of the following is LEAST likely to result in an increased need for water?

high potassium intake

The human diet has:

historically been higher in potassium and lower in sodium than at present

Which one of the following foods is a good source of phosphorus? a. Hot oatmeal b. Fresh orange c. White bread d. Olive oil

hot oatmeal

A reaction that breaks large molecules into smaller ones by the addition of water is called a(n):

hydrolysis reaction

Diets high in sodium have been linked to in some people.


Iodine deficiency during childhood and adolescence has been known to cause:

impaired mental function

Healthy electrolyte intake for the American diet includes:

increasing potassium intake

Calcium absorption is highest in:


Fluid requirements for infants are proportionately greater than those for adults because:

infants have immature kidneys that are not able to concentrate urine

Bisphosphonates treat osteoporosis by/through:

inhibiting the action of osteoclasts

The loss of body fluid in ways not obvious or noticeable to us is called:

insensible losses

Chromium is thought to work by:

interacting with the insulin receptor

Water found inside cells of the body is called:

intracellular fluid

______________ is not a component of an antioxidant enzyme.


What is true about dehydration?

it can impair physical and cognitive performance

When a nerve cell depolarizes, all of the following occur EXCEPT:

it causes muscle contractions

What is the effect of dietary salt intake on blood pressure?

it increases blood pressure

What is a function of water in the body?

it transports oxygen and nutrients to cells

Maintaining bone health involves:

keeping calcium in the bones regardless of blood concentrations

Which organ is responsible for regulating sodium and chloride concentrations in the body?


The function of synovial fluid is to:

lubricate joints

Which food group provides the largest variety of minerals?

meat and beans

High intakes of zinc stimulate the synthesis of ______________ in the mucosal cells.


When phosphorus intake is high, the most likely consequence is that:

more is lost in the urine

Excess fluoride consumption may cause:

mottled teeth

In most people, hypertension results from:

no obvious external cause

The risk of hypertension is lowest for which of the following groups?

non-hispanic whites

The best dietary sources of manganese are:

nuts and whole grains

The richest source(s) of copper in the diet is (are):

organ meats such as liver and kidney

The shrinking of a strawberry from water loss after being sprinkled with sugar is an example of:


Water is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract by:


What factor affects the amount of water in different body compartments?

osmotic balance

______________ are cells that build bone, while______________ are cells that break down bone.

osteoblasts; osteoclasts

Significant loss of bone mass and increased risk of fractures associated with aging is termed:


Two hormones regulate blood calcium levels; ______________ raises blood calcium and ______________ lowers blood calcium levels.

parathyroid hormone; calcitonin

Zinc deficiency in Iranian and Egyptian men occurred because:

phytates in the diet bound zinc, decreasing its bioavailability

A compulsion to eat non-food items such as laundry starch, clay or ice is called:


The DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet is best characterized by:

plenty fruits, vegetables and whole grains, with lean protein and low-fat dairy foods.

Manganese homeostasis is maintained through:

regulation of absorption and excretion in the bile

All of the following occur when the concentration of sodium in the blood rises EXCEPT:

renin is released

______________ is a component of the antioxidant enzyme gluthathione peroxidase.


Proteins containing selenium as a component of their amino acids are called:


The normal pH of the body fluids of 7.4 is considered:

slightly basic

Good sources of potassium include all of the following EXCEPT:

snack crackers

In the United States, the typical diet is high in ______________ and low in ______________.

sodium and chloride; potassium

Nerve conduction and muscle contraction depend on which minerals?

sodium and potassium

In the body, sulfur plays an important part in the structure of:

some amino acids and vitamins

The trace minerals are difficult to study in humans because:

some of them are required in such small amounts that environmental contamination can obscure experimental results.

What is a consequence of hypertension?


What are electrolytes in the body?

substances that dissociate in water to form charged ions

What is the role of sulfur in the body?

sulfur helps to regulate acid-base balance

An electrical charge or membrane potential exists across nerve cell membranes because:

the cell membrane allows more positively charged ions to leak out than to leak in

Water is polar because:

the electrons are spend more time around the O atom than the H atom

Blood levels of magnesium are regulated primarily by:

the kidneys

As calcium intake increases:

the percentage absorbed declines

The recommended intake of sulfur for adults is ______________ mg/d.

there in no recommended intake

Salt is added to processed food for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

to balance potassium content

What factor might increases the risk of osteoporosis?

tobacco use

The absorption of some minerals is regulated by:

transport proteins

Marginal chromium deficiency has been linked to:

type 2 diabetes

Which section of MyPlate provides calcium in the diet, besides dairy?


Electrolyte deficiency most likely occurs:

when losses are extreme

In most people, taking selenium supplements to increase intake over the RDA:

will not provide any additional benefits.

When the intake of ______________ is high, copper absorption into the blood is inhibited.


Which of the following statements regarding calcium is true? a. Infants get adequate calcium from breast milk. b. Diets high in phytates increase calcium absorption. c. Pregnant women need more calcium to supply the needs of the growing fetus. d. Women who breast feed need more calcium in their diets.


Which statement about chromium supplementation is the most accurate? a. Supplementation may improve the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. b. Chromium supplementation increases lean body mass. c. It leads to weight loss. d. It may improve athletic performance.


Which statement about fluoride is FALSE? a. Fluoride is poorly absorbed, with only ~20% transported across the intestine. b. Calcium containing foods decrease fluoride absorption. c. Fluoridated water typically contains 0.7-1.2 ppm fluoride. d. Fluoride has the greatest effect on caries prevention before age 13.


Which statement about vitamin D is correct? a. It promotes active transport of calcium across the intestine. b. It is required for the passive transport of calcium across the intestine. c. Vitamin D is most necessary when calcium intake is high. d. Adequate consumption increases the absorption of calcium to 50%.


Which statement concerning magnesium deficiency is FALSE? a. Deficiency is common in the general population. b. Symptoms include changes in heartbeat and blood pressure. c. It can be caused by diuretics. d. All of these statements are false.


Phosphorus is essential for energy production since it is part of:


The group with the highest bone density is:

African Americans

Which group contains the highest proportion of individuals who do not meet their calcium requirement?

Girls 9-17

Which statement concerning magnesium toxicity is FALSE? a. It may occur with consumption of Mg-containing laxatives or antacids. b. It is characterized by high blood pressure. c. It is more common in the elderly with impaired kidney function. d. Magnesium toxicity would most likely occur from supplements.


What contributes to the loss of iron?

Blood loss

Extracellular fluid does NOT include: a. blood. b. lymph. c. fluid within cells. d. interstitial fluid.


Milk-alkali syndrome is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. excessive use of calcium containing antacids. b. high blood calcium. c. increased secretion of PTH. d. calcification of the kidney.


Molybdenum is required for all of the following EXCEPT: a. the metabolism of sulfur containing amino acids. b. the production of uric acid. c. the synthesis of collagen. d. the metabolism of nitrogen containing compounds in RNA and DNA.


The following are physiologic roles of copper EXCEPT: a. connective tissue synthesis. b. maintenance of heart muscle. c. normal sexual development. d. functioning of the central nervous system.


The symptoms of zinc deficiency include all of the following EXCEPT: a. hair loss b. impaired reproduction c. anemia d. reduced immune function


Which is NOT a plentiful source of zinc? a. Beef b. Refried beans c. Saltine crackers d. Yogurt


Which mineral protects against oxidative damage and also helps synthesize thyroid hormone? a. Copper b. Manganese c. Selenium d. Zinc


Which of the following is NOT a true statement? a. Cooking in iron skillets can provide dietary iron. b. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption. c. Phytates in cereal enhance the absorption of iron. d. Calcium supplements decrease iron absorption.


Which of the following statements about Keshan disease is FALSE? a. A virus appears to be involved. b. It causes an enlarged heart and poor heart function. c. Middle aged men are most at risk. d. Keshan disease occurred in areas of China where soil selenium is very low.


Which statement about age-related bone loss is true? a. It occurs primarily in females. b. It is not typically associated with any dietary changes. c. Age related bone loss proceeds at ~0.3-0.5% per year. d. It is usually related to over-activation of vitamin D in the kidney.


Which statement about overt chronic chromium deficiency is correct? a. It may in part explain the obesity epidemic in the US. b. It is common in the U.S. since so many processed foods are consumed. c. Overt chronic chromium deficiency may occur in malnourished children. d. Chromium deficiency results in high blood pressure and increased risk of stroke.


Which statement about phosphorus is correct? a. Toxicity is common in the U.S. because of increased use of phosphorus-containing food additives. b. Toxicity causes uncontrolled muscle contractions. c. Toxicity may cause bone resorption. d. High intake increases the energy available to cells, eventually leading to exhaustion.


Which statement about zinc toxicity is FALSE? a. It can lower HDL cholesterol. b. It may occur from food and beverage contamination by galvanized containers. c. Zinc toxicity interferes with the function of iron in superoxide dismutase. d. It can decrease immune function


Which statement regarding lactose intolerance is true? a. It must be treated with calcium supplements to avoid osteoporosis. b. It means a person can eat no dairy products. c. The symptoms can be avoided by using products treated with lactase. d. Lactose intolerance is common in individuals of all ethnic backgrounds.


What is a function of calcium?

Calcium is necessary in blood clotting

How does chromium affect blood glucose levels?

Chromium decreases blood glucose

Why might copper deficiency lead to anemia?

Copper-containing proteins are require for iron transport

Drinking plain water after a long period of excessive sweating can do all of the following EXCEPT: a. dilute the sodium in the blood. b. cause water toxicity. c. result in nausea, muscle cramps and confusion. d. increase potassium in the blood causing high blood pressure.


Of the following, ______________ is (are) the best source of zinc. a. apples b. refined grains c. chocolate d. red meat


The POOREST source of fluoride among the following is: a. toothpaste. b. foods cooked with Teflon. c. tea. d. pork.


What is true about the peak bone mass? a. Men start to lose bone mass after about age 25. b. During childhood, sex differences in bone mass first appear. c. Women have a higher bone mineral density than men. d. Women experience accelerated bone loss after menopause


Which group could benefit from calcium supplements if needs are not met by diet? a. Young people who have not yet achieved peak bone mass. b. Post-menopausal women. c. Individuals with decreased bone density. d. All these groups could benefit.


Which of the following groups is at risk for zinc deficiency in the United States? a. Children aged 1-3 years b. Adults older than 71 years of age c. Adolescent boys d. All of the above


Which of the following individuals is at risk for dehydration? a. an athlete, exercising in cool weather b. an elderly woman, just returning from a 4 hour flight c. a child recovering from diarrhea d. all are potentially at risk for dehydration


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the role of water in regulating body temperature? A. Water changes temperature slowly, helping to maintain body temperature. B. When body temperature rises, sweat is produced; this evaporates to cool the body. C. Low body temperature causes restricted blood flow to the skin to conserve body heat. D. High body temperature increases blood flow to the kidneys increasing urine production, thus dissipating excess heat.


Which of the following is NOT a good source of heme iron? a. beef b. chicken c. salmon d. spinach


Which of the following is NOT a major function of phosphorus in the body? a. Contributor to bone and teeth structure b. Constituent of DNA c. pH balance d. Regulating blood pressure


Which of the following is NOT a typical reason why women are at increased risk of osteoporosis? a. Women achieve a lower peak bone mass than men. b. Bone breakdown accelerates after menopause. c. Calcium absorption declines for a few years post-menopause. d. The hormonal changes that a accompany menopause affect appetite for calcium-containing foods


Which of the following is a good source of phosphorus? a. dairy b. whole grains c. nuts d. all of these


Which statement about manganese toxicity is FALSE? a. Toxic levels can occur in mineworkers exposed to manganese dust. b. Manganese toxicity damages the nervous system. c. Manganese toxicity is not the result of eating manganese-containing foods. d. Manganese toxicity is a common cause of birth defects


Which statement about mineral supplements is FALSE? a. They can be toxic. b. Supplements of one mineral can decrease the bioavailability of other minerals. c. Supplements can help individuals meet their dietary needs. d. They should always be avoided.


Which statement about osteoporosis is FALSE? a. It relates to a decrease in bone density. b. It has no early symptoms. c. Osteoporosis may result in a loss of height. d. It is primarily an American disease.


Which statement about tetany is FALSE? a. It occurs when the extracellular calcium concentration is too low. b. Tetany causes muscles to contract. c. It can cause death. d. Tetany is caused by a dietary calcium deficiency.


Which statement concerning electrolyte imbalance is true? a. It can cause sudden heart failure. b.I t can occur in anorexia nervosa. c. It can disturb acid base balance. d. All of these statements are true.


Which statement is FALSE regarding the function of zinc in the body? a. Zinc is a cofactor for many enzymes. b. Zinc is needed for development of sex organs. c. Zinc is needed for growth and tissue repair. d. Zinc is needed for synthesis of vitamin E.


Which statement regarding antioxidant supplements is FALSE a. Some antioxidant supplements can actually enhance oxidation. b. The optimum dose of each antioxidant is unknown c. Supplements cannot replace the benefits of eating antioxidant-rich foods. d. Antioxidant enzyme supplements have been shown to boost defenses.


Which mineral is found in varying amounts in food depending on where it is grown?


What affect does iodine deficiency have on the thyroid gland?

Iodine deficiency stimulates the thyroid gland to enlarge to take up iodine

What is the function of iodine?

Iodine is an essential component of the thyroid hormones

Lack of which trace element is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide?


What is the function of iron in the body?

It is essential for delivering oxygen to cells

How do high intakes of zinc affect copper absorption?

Metallothionein binds copper, preventing it from being released into the blood

What role do minerals play in promoting proper nutrition?

Minerals help to regulate chemical reactions and body processes.

______________ is needed to activate enzymes and in the production of uric acid.


What is true about water movement across cell membranes?

The amount of water in blood and tissues is determined by blood pressure.

Whether an element is classified as a major or as a trace mineral is determined by:

The amounts needed daily by the body

What is true about trace elements?

The arsenic that occurs in foods is nontoxic

What role does selenium have in cancer development?

The incidence of lung, prostate, and colon cancer decreased in one selenium-supplemented group.

Why is bioavailability a concern with trace elements?

The interactions among minerals affect their utilization

Which of the following statements about intestinal absorption of sodium, chloride and potassium from the diet is true?

They are readily absorbed

How do manganese, copper, and zinc influence antioxidant function?

They are required for the activity of a form of superoxide dismutase

How are selenium and vitamin E related?

They help protect cells from oxidative damage

What is the role of zinc in gene expression?

Zinc stimulates the production of metallothionein by binding to a regulatory factor.

Iodine deficiency often causes an enlarged thyroid gland resulting in:

a goiter

The matrix of bones is:

a protein frame work, made up primarily of collagen, and imbedded with hydroxyapatite

Most of the salt consumed by Americans is:

added to food during processing and manufacturing

The hormone that increases sodium reabsorption by the kidneys is:


High blood pressure results in all of the following EXCEPT:

an increased diabetes risk

Iron stores that are higher than normal but not at a toxic level may be associated with:

an increased risk of cancer and heart disease

Which of the following is the POOREST source of iodine?


The primary role of iodine in the body is:

as a component of thyroid hormones

The role of water in urine is:

as a transport medium

One form of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which has antioxidant properties, contains the trace element ______________.


The typical magnesium intake in the US is:

below the RDA

After 35 to 45 years of age:

bone breakdown exceed bone formation

Most of the magnesium in the body is in:


The most abundant mineral in the body is:


The most significant dietary factor contributing to osteoporosis is:


A low selenium diet has been most highly associated with:


All of the following are ways to reduce sodium intake in your diet EXCEPT:

choosing canned vegetable rather than frozen vegetables

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