nutrition chapters 1-3

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Identify factors that influence personal food choices:

Family Food flavors Moods Religious beliefs Habits

Compare americans' current typical eating habits to the populations typical habits in 1970:

In 2014 we ate more fruits and veggies, fish, cheese and chicken. Then in the 1970s they ate more red meat, eggs, milk and yogurt. They ate more energy foods.

Discuss factors contribute to undernutrition in the world:

Low income Anorexia nervosa Chronic alcoholism

Explain why it is important to learn about foods and nutrition

So you can stay away from suffering from any chronic diseases such as heart diseases, types of cancers, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Describe the general goals of Healthy people 2020:

To promote good health and reduce the chances of getting chronic diseases by having healthier diets and managing body weight goals.

Which of the following observations is an example of a negative (an inverse) correlations? A. When a group of older adults increases their intake of high-fiber foods, the percentage of people in the group who develop intestinal cancer decreases. B. When a group of children eat more sugary foods, the percentage of children in the group who develop two or more decayed teeth increases. C. When a group of adults increases their intake of fruits and vegetables, the percentage of people in the group who have high blood levels of vitamin C increases. D. When a group of people decreases their physical activity levels, the percentage of people in the group with healthy levels of body fat decreases.


Which of the following websites is most likely a source of biased and unreliable nutrition information? A. B. C. D.


Give examples of the empty-calorie, energy-dense, and nutrient-dense foods:

-Empty calories: larger portion → unhealthy solid fat, added sugar, and or alcohol -Nutrient dense: food w/ more vitamins and minerals in relation to unhealthy fat, added sugar, or alcohol. -Energy density: the energy value of food in relation to its weight

micro- milli

1 X 10^6 =1,000,000 1 X 10^3 =1,000

deci- centi- milli-

10 100 1000

Protein- carbs- fat- alcohol-

4 kcal/g 4 kcal/g 9kcal/g 7kcal/g

Maria limits her sodium intake to 2.3 g/day. This amount is equivalent to ________. A. 2300 mg/day B. 23 mg/day C.23,000 mg/day D. 230 mg/day



small amount of energy


supply large amounts of energy.


when referencing food measurements

Identify lifestyle factors that contribute to come of the leading causes of death in the U.S.:

No exercise Poor eating habits Drug use Age genetics

Explain why people should be concerned about their lifestyle and risk factors for chronic diseases:

People should be concerned about their lifestyle and risk factors because they will be more prone to chronic diseases and a chance of death if they do take care of themselves.

Explain how to determine whether a substance is phytochemical or an essential nutrient:

Phytochemicals is substances found in plants and essential nutrient is supplied by food.

Discuss how sustainable agriculture can improve the environment:

Rely on non chemical methods of pest management Eat less meat Reduce food waste


do not supply energy

Researchers are conducting a study to determine the effects of vitamin C on the human immune system. The study involves providing pills that contain vitamin C to one group of humans subjects and pills that do not contain vitamin C or other active ingredients to another group of people. The pills that do no contain the vitamin are A. Placebos B. Supplements C. Probiotics D. Antidotes


Researchers at a major American university plan a 10-year scientific study to investigate lifestyle factors that contribute to heart disease. Which of the following activities is likely to be a component of their research efforts. A. Submitting an article describing the study to a peer-reviewed journal B. Establishing a place for the subjects to live for the duration of the study C. Posting significant findings at the main researchers interest website D. Contacting the local news station to report their findings.


The energy value of a raw peach is reported as a number of ________. A.kilocalories B.rads C.thermals D.BTUs


What is the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) A. Group of nutrition scientists that develop DRI's B. Various energy and nutrient intake standards C. Average daily energy intake D. Standards for recommending daily intakes


What is the tolerable upper intake level (UL) A. Highest amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to be harmful B. Dietary recommendations for nutrients that lack RDA C. Group of nutrition scientists that develop DRI's D. Standards for recommending daily intakes


Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States? A.Stroke B.Chronic lower respiratory infections C.Suicide D.Influenza and pneumonia


Which of the following nutrients is a source of energy for human cells? A.Protein B.Iron C.Vitamin D D. Cholesterol


Which statement is true? A. It is not unusual for similar studies, especially those involving human subjects, to have different findings. B. Dietary recommendations are generally based on the findings of one team of nutrition researchers. C. Since 1970, nutrition information has undergone a few updates, because scientists have discovered all of the nutrients and determined their functions. D. The results of one study are usually enough to convince nutrition scientist to adopt new ideas about nutrition-related topics.


Which of the following statements is true? A. Most people are born with the ability to choose a nutritious diet. B. A person's diet is influenced by his or her blood type, birth order, and sustainability. C. In the United States, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death. D.Nutrients are life-sustaining phytochemicals in food

B. A person's diet is influenced by his or her blood type, birth order, and sustainability.

Eating diets that contain high amounts of certain kinds of fat raise the risk of developing heart disease. Thus, a diet that supplies an excessive amount of such fats is a ________ for heart disease. A.nutritional determinant B.dietary modulator C.risk factor D. hypothetical variable


Having a control group enables researchers to A. Explore possible hypotheses for future research efforts B. Avoid using harmful interventions when testing control subjects responses C. Compare findings of the control group with those of the experimental group. D. Provide specific treatments to participants of the group.


Over a 2-year period, a team of scientist records the eating behaviors and physical activity patterns of a group of healthy 8-year old children to determine whether these factors are associated with weight gain. This study is an example of a ______ study. A. Case-control B. In-vitro C. Prospective D. Retrospective


What is recommended dietary allowance (RDA) A. Group of nutrition scientists that develop DRI's B. Average daily energy intake C. Standards for recommending daily intakes D. Highest amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to be harmful


Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving? A. Soft margarine B. Iceberg lettuce C. Fat-free milk D. Cheese nachos


Which of the following statements is true? A. In the united states only registered dietitians can provide nutrition information legally. B. Registered dietitians are not required to update their knowledge of nutrition and dietetics regularly. C. The first amendment of the U.S conditions often protects people who spread nutrition misinformation D. Pseudoscience is the scientific study of the causation and treatment of chronic diseases.


Which of the following statements is true? A.Phytochemicals are antioxidants produced by animal cells. B.Under certain conditions, the human body can make iron, copper, and zinc. C.An essential nutrient must be supplied by the diet. D.People develop scurvy when their diets lack vitamin E.


________ includes farming techniques that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment. A. Biotechnologic food production B. Nutrigenomic farming C. Sustainable agriculture D. Organoleptic crop management


___________ can be classified as a dietary supplement. A. Chewing tobacco B. Cherry jelly C. Gingko biloba D. Orange drink


A person's ________ is not a major influence for his or her food selection practices. A.mood B.blood type of residence status


A serving of food contains 15 g carbohydrate, 3 g protein, 5 g fat, 5 mg vitamin C, and 100 ml water. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies ________ kcal. A.107 B.117 C.97 D.87


A serving of food supplies 20 g carbohydrate, 10 g fat, 25 g protein, and 100 g water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food? A. Water provides the most food energy. B. Protein provides the most food energy. C. Carbohydrate provides the most food energy. D. Fat provides the most food energy.


What is a dietary reference intake (DRI) A. Standards for recommending daily intakes B. Various energy and nutrient intake standards C. Highest amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to be harmful D. Average daily energy intake


What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) for carbohydrate A. 90-100% of total calories B. 10-35% of total calories C. 45-65% of total calories D. 20-35% of total calories


What is the estimated energy requirement (EER) A. Standards for recommending daily intakes B. Average daily energy intake C. Various energy and nutrient intake standards D. Amount of nutrient that meets 50% of healthy people


Which of the following nutrients is a micronutrient? A. Fat B. Vitamin D C. Water D. Cholesterol


Which of the following statements is false? A. In general, personal websites, such as blogs, are not reliable sources of nutrition information B. The internet is generally a reliable source of information, because information posted at websites have been peer-reviewed C. When evaluating claims for dietary supplements that appear at a website, be wary of products that include promises for a quick remedies D. Websites with .edu in their addresses are likely to provide reliable nutrition information


Which of the following statements is true? A. Manufacturers of dietary supplements must inform the FTC about negative health reports that may have resulted from the use of their products B. The FDA can recall a dietary supplement when there is evidence that it is harmful. C. Medicinal herbs must undergo testing for safety and effectiveness by the FDA before they can be marketed. D. The EPA regulates the labeling of dietary supplements.


List 6 classes of nutrients/identify major role:

Carbohydrates (energy) Proteins (cellular growth) Lipids ( energy/ physical growth) Vitamins ( regulation of body process) Minerals ( regulation of body process) Water ( fluid balance)

A person claims his newly invented device treats cancer without surgery,medication, or other forms of conventional medical therapy. However, people who have used the device reports that it was not helpful, and it may have harmed them. According to this information, the inventor's claims and his device are A. Unbiased B. Intuitive C. Legal D. Quackery


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans consumed more ________ in 2010 than in 1970. A.eggs meat C.milk


Derek takes high protein supplements before and after he workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple months after he added the supplements to his diet. His report about the effects of the supplement is an example of A. Case report B. Factoid C. Variable D. Anecdote


Scientist who investigate lifestyle factors that influence the prevalence of obesity among different populations groups are conducting a _____ study. A. In-vitro B. Technological C. Pathological D. Epidemiological


What is an adequate intake? A. Various energy and nutrient intake standards B. Average daily energy intake C. Group of nutrition scientists that develop DRi's D. Dietary recommendations for nutrients that lack an RDA


What is the estimated average requirement (EAR) A. Average daily energy intake B. Various energy and nutrient intake standards C. Highest amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to be harmful D. Amount of nutrient that meets 50% of healthy people


Which of the following statements is true? A. Physicians and dietitians do not recommend dietary supplements for their patients. B. People who develop side effects after taking dietary supplements can report their experiences to the GAO C. According to the legal definition developed by the FDA, a "dietary supplement" is a food that influences metabolism. D. Dietary supplements may interact negatively with other substances a person takes.


Which of the following substances is a nutrient that does not supply any energy for the human body? A.Fat B.Alcohol C.Carbohydrate D.Vitamin D


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