Nutrition Chapters 14-16 Exam

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What physiological factors influence dietary intake and alter nutrient needs?

- changes in body composition - body systems - chronic diseases

Psychosocial Influences on Nutritional Status

- changes in lifestyle and social interaction - presence of mental health issues, such as depression and alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's Disease

- cognitive decline can occur 10 to 20 years before warning signs appear - poor diet, alternations in cell development, strokes, altered blood lipoprotein, obesity, poor blood glucose regulation

Are adults following the current dietary recommendations?

- consumed less matured fat, but eat more cheese - eat less butter, fewer eggs, less animal fat, and more vegetable oils/fish

Heavy Alcohol Drinking

- contributes significantly to five of the 10 leading causes of deaths in north america - increases risk of heart damage, inflammation of the pancreas, GI tract damage, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer

The "graying" of North America

- group constituting those aged 85+ years is the fastest growing segment - more medications - more hospital stays - more on the federal budget

Typical Physiological Decreases with Aging

- lower appetite - lower sense or taste of smell - lower sense of thirst - lower stomach acidity - lower bowel function - lower lactase production - lower liver production


- requires no digestion - metabolized in the liver and other tissues

Increase in macronutrients during pregnancy: Protein and carbohydrate

-1.1 g/day/kg body weight (~ additional 25 g/day) of protein -At least 175 g/day of carbohydrates

Increase in macronutrients during pregnancy: energy

-An additional 300 to 450 kcal/day may be required in the second and third trimesters -Nutrient-dense foods are essential in order to obtain sufficient nutrients

A healthful diet before conception includes

-Avoiding teratogens -Avoiding other possible hazards (Smoking, caffeine, medications, some herbs and supplements) -Body mass index (BMI) between 19.8 and 26.0 kg/m2 and appropriate level of physical activity

Challenges Associated with Breastfeeding

-Many harmful substances are passed into breast milk, including Illegal drugs, caffeine, nicotine, and prescription and over-the-counter medications -HIV is passed through breast milk - Conflicts with mother's employment - Social concerns

2007-2008 How many US adults were obese? Children and adolescents affected by obesity?

-adults over 1/3 children 17%

what can be done to reduce food insecurity?

-better land management and proper sanitation -fortification of foods -education

What are examples for each of the factors that create food shortages? -crop failure -natural disasters -wasteful ag practices

-crop failure: crop diseases, insect infestations, lack of irrigation -natural disasters: droughts, floods -wasteful ag practices: overcropping, overgrazing livestock, aggressive timber harvesting, misuse of fertilizers, pesticides and water

What four things does breast milk benefit / provide

-immune development -mother infant bonding -lower long term risk for chronic diseases -optimal nutrition uniquely suited for humans

what does the international education to reduce food security need to address?

-literacy, technological knowledge, ag skills, horticulture, health ed and development of natural resources

How many people (and % of population) lack basic sanitation facilities? How many lack access to safe water?

-more than 2.5 billion people (40% of population) -780 million

Pregnant/lactating women why at high risk for undernutrition (what need)? what is global recommendation for nursing babies? What do inadequately nourished pregnant women give birth to?

-pregnant: need high amounts of nutrients especially protein, vitamins and minerals -lactating-need even more than pregnant women global: nurse for 1st 6 month & continue nursing w/ supplement foods into 2nd year of life -undernourished infants

How can we better manage land and have proper sanitation?

-use productive land for nutritious plants like high-protein beans, veg, grains, seeds, nuts or fruits -farmers can be wise about irrigation, crop rotation, land following (plowed but unplanted) and appropriate soil management

What does a malnourished individual have that increases vulnerability to various infections? what are examples of these conditions that can happen as a result?

-weakened immune system -fever, parasitic disease, pneumonia, measles and malaria

Anaerobic activities


How do you nutrition screen


Iatrogenic malnutrition


Nutrition assessment parameters


Rule of 8


Types of nutrition assessment tools


If weight loss is necessary in younger children, it should be gradual, about X to X a week


health children weight loss/week


marginal food security

1 or 2 reported indications--typically of anxiety over food sufficiency or shortage of food in the house. little or no indication of changes in diets or food intake

When a new food is introduced, the amount that should be served is

1 teaspoon.

Studies show that by X year of age, veggie choices are dominated by

1 year of age, white potatoes

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a limit of X hour per day of screen time for entertainment purposes for children X to X years of age.

1, 2-5 years

Infants swallow a lot of air as they ingest either formula or human milk. To alleviate discomfort, it is important to burp an infant during feeding (every X to X ounces) and again at the end of the feeding. Spitting up a bit of milk is normal at this time.


What is the range of years for genetic potential of infant growth to be established?


Households at greater than average risk of experiencing poverty and food insecurity: (PERCENTS) 1--headed by sing woman 2--hispanic households 3--black (non-hispanic) households 4--those w/children

1-36.8 2-26.2 3-25.1 -20.6

What % of world did FAO estimate was hungry between 2010-2012? -IN developing countries like Southern Asia under nourishment has increased to what? -As of 2013, World Bank estimated how many poor people living in developing countries lived on $1.25 a day or less in 2010?

1. 12% 2. 35% 3. 1.22 billion

In 2011: what % of US households were food insecure @ least sometime during yr? 2)# of adults living in households w/ very low food security 3) # of children living in households w/ very low food security?

1. 14.9% 17.9million 2. 12.1 million 3. 845,000

Only about X of children are getting the recommended 60 minutes of exercise per day.


Studies suggest that genetic factors account for only X of individual differences in body weight.



10 C/day

Vitamin A needs during pregnancy

10% increase. 770 micrograms/day

Less than X% of girls and less than X% of boys meet recommendations for calcium intake.

10, 25

Starting at age X, children who are X or X and who have risk factors for type 2 diabetes should be screened for type 2 diabetes every x years.

10, overweight or obese, screened every 2 years

For children, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises limiting caffeine intake to X milligrams per day, if it is used at all.


Children's percentiles represent the rank of the person among

100 peers matched for age and gender

AAP says limit caffeine to


About how much protein should an 18-pound (i.e., 8.2kg), 10-month-old baby consume each day?

12 g

It is best to avoid serving cow's milk until the infant reaches the age of

12 months.

Vitamin C needs during pregnancy

13% increase. 85 mg/day

Calcium requirements for 14- to 18-year-old girls and boys are X milligrams per day—higher than during any other time of life.


Calcium RDA for 9-18


AAP recommends limiting total television and gamer time to?


Throughout the adolescent years, both males and females gain about ____% of their adult height.


Total calorie needs peak for females at about age ____.

15 to 16 years

how many grams of protein and carbohydrates are required for breast-feeding

15-20 g of protein and 80 g of carbohydrate required per day above prepregnancy needs

Healthy weight gain for overweight pregnant women

15-25 lbs

Healthy women should get ____minutes/week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity


An estimated how many children have become orphaned by AIDS?

16 million

The targeted efforts of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) have helped to decrease the occurrence of iron deficiency among children, but it still remains a problem for almost X% of toddlers and about X% of preschoolers.

16, 5

In 2011, how many children globally experienced stunted growth because deficiencies in protein and other nutrients? --How many children under 5 had moderate or severe wasting?

165 million 52 million-wasting

stage of life that body systems are at peak efficiency rate


About 1 in _____ pregnancies results in a spontaneous abortion, often before a woman even realizes she is pregnant.


cow milk can be consumed at

2 years old

Breastfeed for at least

2-3 years

For example, a 6-month-old infant requires X to X times more kilocalories per pound of body weight than an adult.


weight gain during 1st trimester

2-4 Ib.

How much does human population grow a day and what is projected # of population by 2025? Where does most growth occur?

200,000 a day and 8 billion -most occurs in developing and least developed countries

How many worldwide national disasters were there in 2008?


Studies show that about X% of young children with food allergies outgrow them.


Women who begin pregnancy at a normal BMI should gain about ____ pounds during pregnancy.


Healthy weight gain for normal weight pregnant women

25-35 lbs

what % of children under 5 living in developed countries are physically stunted? Growth stunting also has long-term effects on what 2 things?

26% -physical work capacity and fertility


28 gm/day

Women who begin pregnancy at a low BMI should gain about ___ pounds during pregnancy.


Healthy weight gain for underweight pregnant women

28-40 lbs

by what year of age should a child's measurements, such as length (height) for age track consistently along an established percentile?


Avoid how many cups of Coffee

3 cups

how many servings of dairy should teens consume to meet their daily calcium needs

3 servings per day

Calories in 1lb (.45 kg)


Children have small stomachs and need to eat

3-4 hours

After age ____ or so, the rate of cell breakdown begins to exceed the rate of cell renewal.


Starting around age ___, organ size and efficiency begin to decrease.


Obesity BMI

30-39.9 kg/m^2

A healthy range of fat intake is X% to X% of total calories for ages 1 to 3 years and X% to X% of total calories for older children and teenagers.

30-40 25-35

Toddlers fat "DRI"

30-40% of total daily energy intake

2nd and 3rd Trimester

300 - 450 extra kcal per day

how much fat do infants need


how much energy should lactating woman consume in the first 6 months of breast feeding?

330 kcal/day above their prepregnancy needs

Zinc needs during pregnancy

38% increase. 11 mg/day

After what age can kids safely eat raw veggies without fear of choking


infants are born with some iron stores but how long will it take to be depleted if not consumed in the diet

4-6 months but if the mothers iron stores are initially low then it will deplete faster

Most experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, advise waiting to introduce solid foods until X to X months of age for lowest risk of food allergies. Delaying introduction of solid foods beyond X months of age is not advised.

4-6, 6

Enough food is available to provide @ least how many lbs of food per person per day worldwide?


what % of children under 5 lack sufficient vitamin A?


energy needs of newborns in the first year

40-50 kcal/lb/day

energy from fat in newborns

40-50% should come from fat

What percent of calories should total fat make up in an infant's diet?


how much energy should lactating woman consume in the second 6 months of breast feeding?

400 kcal/day

Additional energy requirements for lactation are approximately _______ kcal per day.


In 2011, How many people lived in poverty in US? -how many children under 18?

46.2 million (15%) and 21.9% (16.1 million children)

Iodine needs during pregnancy

47% increase. 220 micrograms/day

An appropriate serving size of ground beef for a 5-year-old is

5 tablespoon

Newborns need about ____ calories per pound of body weight each day.


What percentage of all pregnancies are unplanned?


what % of miscarry


what is the prevalence of children who achieve the recommended 60mins of physical activity per day


Iron needs during pregnancy

50% increase. 27 mg/day

Folate needs during pregnancy

50% increase. 600 micrograms/day. Essential during first weeks of pregnancy for proper neural tube growth

Underweight <X percentile


healthy weight

5th-85th percentile

Childhood iron-deficiency anemia is most likely to appear in children between the ages of X and X months—a time when iron stores from X have run out, but intake of iron from food sources may be inadequate.

6 and 24, gestation

developmentally appropriate nutrient dense foods will help meet the infants kilocalorie and irons needs at what age

6 months

Fluoride supplementation is not advised before

6 months of age

However, if food sources of iron are not part of the infant's dietary pattern, body iron stores will be depleted by about X months of age. If the mother was iron deficient during the pregnancy, these iron stores will be exhausted ...

6, even sooner

During what months of child's life can inadequate feeding lead to diminished growth?

6-12 months

in 2011, how many children under 5 died? --W.H.O. says how many of all children deaths in developing countries associate w/chronic hunger and malnutrition?

6.9 million more than 1/3

Carbohydrate needs in infancy are X grams per day at 0 to 6 months and X grams per day at 7 to 12 months

60, 95



carbohydrate needs for infants 0-6 months


Today's generation of children now engages in X hours per day of screen time, on average.


Waiting about X days between the introduction of each new food is important because it can take that long for evidence of an allergy or intolerance to materialize. Also, it is best to avoid introducing mixed foods until each component of the combination dish has been given separately without an adverse reaction.


how many pregnancies does preeclampsia affect

7-8% of U.S. pregnancies

How many individuals were classified as working poor in 2003?

7.4 million Americans

___% of all mothers breastfeed in the hospital


older adulthood age


how many calories does milk production require?

700-800 kcal/day

life expectancy of north american men


Vitamin B12 needs during pregnancy

8% increase. 2.6 micrograms/day

What % of people experiencing hunger around the world make living from land? How many are actually farmers?

80% and 50% are farmers

life expectancy of north american women



85th-95th percentile

When are many babies ready for finger foods?

9 months

Daily protein needs in infancy are about X grams per day for younger infants and about X grams per day for older infants

9, 11

The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends universal blood lipid screening for all children around the ages of X to X. Even earlier screening is recommended for "at-risk" children who are X, have high x x, x, or have x; have a family history of x disease; or whose family history is x.

9-11, obese, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoke, family history of cardiovascular disease, or unknown family history

underweight BMI for age percentile

<5th percentile


>95th percentile

ATP and phosphocreatine are major energy sources for events lasting how long? A) 1 minute B) 5 minutes C) 10 minutes D) 30 minutes


According to present day growth charts, an infant will double his or her birth weight at about ______ months of age. A) 5 B) 3 C) 2 D) 9


All of the following should be omitted from an infant's diet except A) iron. B) low-fat milk. C) hot dogs. D) corn syrup.


Approximately one third of children in developing nations are short and underweight for their age. The most frequent cause is A) weaning to high-carbohydrate, low-protein diets. B) diets low in essential fatty acids. C) weaning to low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets. D) diets high in protein.


For a girl, undernutrition could be expected to have its greatest effect on height if it occurs A) before the onset of menses. B) 2 years after the onset of menses. C) 1 year after the onset of menses. D) 3 years after the onset of menses.


If a woman athlete is not menstruating regularly, she should do all the following except A) exercise more intensely. B) increase her kcalorie intake. C) get adequate calcium in the diet. D) have her body fat percentage checked.


Loss of menstrual periods associated with anorexia nervosa is caused by A) low body fat content. B) loss of lean body mass. C) low thyroid hormone synthesis. D) lanugo.


Serious fetal malformations may occur when pregnant women consume very large doses of vitamin


The best way to determine how much fluid must be replaced as a result of a workout is to A) weigh before and after the workout. B) rely on thirst. C) drink various amounts of fluid during the workout and see how much makes you feel best. D) estimate how much you sweated.


Vitamin needs generally increase during pregnancy, especially for A) folate. B) iron. C) vitamin D. D) pantothenic acid.


What is the name of the high energy compound that cells use directly to fuel other chemical reactions? A) Adenosine triphosphate B) Glucose C) Amino acids D) Fatty acids


Which foods would you suggest adding to the diet of a preschool child who needs increased iron intake? A) Lean meats B) Milk C) Orange juice D) Egg whites


Which of the following is true about protein intake during pregnancy? A) The RDA for protein increases by about 25 grams per day over that for the nonpregnant state. B) Women probably do not get enough protein in typical diets to meet their total needs for pregnancy. C) The RDA for protein increases by about 10 to 15 grams per day. D) The RDA for protein increases by about 5 to 10 grams per day.


he hormone that triggers "let down" or milk release is A) oxytocin. B) prolactin. C) estrogen. D) progesterone.



A carcinogen formed from nitrates and breakdown products of amino acids; can lead to stomach cancer.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

A fetal alcohol spectrum disorder which has irreversible birth defects and mental abnormalities caused by more than three to four drinks per day during pregnancy

Thrifty Metabolism

A genetic tendency toward efficient use of energy that results in below-average energy requirements and increased storage of calories as fat


A loss of functioning liver cells, which are replaced by nonfunctioning connective tissue. Any substance that poisons liver cells can lead to cirrhosis. The most common cause is a chronic, excessive alcohol intake. Exposure to certain industrial chemicals also can lead to cirrhosis.

hospice care

A program offering care that emphasizes comfort and dignity in death.


A severe allergic response results in low blood pressure and respiratory distress. A person who is extremely sensitive to a food may not be able to touch the food or even be in the same room where it is being cooked without reacting to it.

Anaphylaxis results in low --- ---- and --- distress.

A severe allergic response results in low blood pressure and respiratory distress. A person who is extremely sensitive to a food may not be able to touch the food or even be in the same room where it is being cooked without reacting to it.

Anaphylaxis: definition and results in ___ ____ pressure and ______ distress

A severe allergic response results in low blood pressure and respiratory distress. A person who is extremely sensitive to a food may not be able to touch the food or even be in the same room where it is being cooked without reacting to it.

Vegetarianism while pregnant

A vegetarian consuming eggs and dairy products has the same nutritional concerns as a nonvegetarian

13) During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the woman's energy needs increase by how many kilocalories per day? A) 350 to 450 B) 500 to 650 C) 700 to 800 D) more than 900

A) 350 to 450

40) Which of the following would NOT be good advice to give to a parent regarding the introduction of solids to their six-month-old infant? A) Add honey to the infant's cereal and yogurt to improve acceptance of these new foods. B) Introduce one new food at a time and watch for signs of allergies. C) Avoid seasoning foods with either salt or spices. D) Begin with pureed foods before advancing to soft foods and then to textured foods.

A) Add honey to the infant's cereal and yogurt to improve acceptance of these new foods.

50) Which of the following statements about breastfeeding is TRUE? A) Breastfed newborns typically require more frequent feedings than formula-fed infants. B) In the United States and Canada, HIV-positive women are encouraged to breastfeed. C) Environmental contaminants such as pesticide residues do not pass from a lactating mother into her breast milk. D) For reasons that are not entirely clear, women who are overweight or obese appear to initiate and maintain breastfeeding at higher rates than women of normal weight.

A) Breastfed newborns typically require more frequent feedings than formula-fed infants.

58) Which of the following statements about food allergies is TRUE? A) Breastfeeding helps to reduce the risk of food allergies. B) In breastfed infants, only 4 to 6 foods have the potential to stimulate an allergic reaction. C) Food allergies are considered the most likely culprit in infant colic. D) In infants, the most common health effects of food allergies are high fevers and seizures.

A) Breastfeeding helps to reduce the risk of food allergies.

45) Anchovies, mackerel, salmon, and sardines are good sources of A) DHA. B) vitamin C. C) folate. D) fiber.


54) Which of the following is NOT true for a pregnant woman who was obese prior to her pregnancy? A) She should restrict her energy intake and attempt to lose weight before her due date. B) Her baby has an increased risk for being large for gestational age. C) Her baby has an increased risk of childhood obesity and insulin resistance. D) She should gain 0.5 lb/week during the second and third trimesters.

A) She should restrict her energy intake and attempt to lose weight before her due date.

4) Which of the following changes are typical of the fetal physiological response to maternal starvation or malnutrition? A) The production of hormones shifts to promote energy storage. B) The activity of certain enzymes important in metabolism ceases. C) Body cells no longer use DNA to assemble proteins. D) Nearly all body organs diminish in size.

A) The production of hormones shifts to promote energy storage.

7) The process by which a fetus's metabolism, hormone production, and other physiological processes shift in response to inadequate energy intake during pregnancy is called fetal A) adaptation. B) accommodation. C) compromise. D) modification.

A) adaptation.

46) The substance that cushions and protects the developing fetus is the A) amniotic fluid. B) placenta. C) blastocyst. D) umbilical cord.

A) amniotic fluid.

30) Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy typically resolve with A) birth of the infant. B) hypertensive medication. C) a low-sodium diet. D) hospitalization with total bed rest.

A) birth of the infant

10) In which trimester of pregnancy is the fetus the most vulnerable to teratogens? A) first B) second C) third D) fourth

A) first

28) Which of the following is NOT associated with gestational diabetes? A) increased risk of giving birth to a low-birth-weight infant B) increased maternal risk of developing type 2 diabetes C) increased risk to offspring of developing metabolic disorders later in life D) increased risk to offspring of developing overweight later in life

A) increased risk of giving birth to a low-birth-weight infant

23) Most of a pregnant woman's nutrient needs can be met by consuming a healthful, balanced diet, EXCEPT for which specific nutrient? A) iron B) folate C) calcium D) protein

A) iron

16) During pregnancy, women should avoid consuming large, predatory types of fish and consume no more than 12 oz per week of other types of fish to avoid what kind of contamination? A) mercury B) lead C) arsenic D) nitrogen

A) mercury

51) Over-reliance on breast milk or formula by older infants can limit iron intake and lead to A) milk anemia. B) sickle cell anemia. C) macrocytic anemia. D) iron-deficiency anemia.

A) milk anemia.

31) During pregnancy, what amount of alcohol consumption is considered safe? A) none B) one drink a month C) one drink a week D) one drink a day

A) none


Adenosine Triphosphate. Main energy source in the body. Can store about 3 seconds worth in the muscles. The rest must be made during physical activity

Under what conditions is the use of nutrient supplements advisable?

Adolescent pregnancy Multiple fetuses Poverty Inadequate maternal diet

Who may not receive sufficient protein?

Adults with limited budgets Adults with chewing problems Adults who are lactose intolerant

Teratogens (especially to be avoided in pregnancy)

Alcohol, smoking, illegal drugs, excessive caffeine

Energy use for sprinting

All stored ATP


Among adults, intake often lower than recommended

alcohol dehydrogenase

An enzyme used in alcohol (ethanol) metabolism that converts alcohol into acetaldehyde.

acetaldehyde dehydrogenase

An enzyme used in ethanol metabolism that eventually converts acetaldehyde into carbon dioxide and water.


As defined by the American Medical Association, an illness characterized by significant impairment directly related to persistent and excessive use of alcohol.

Benefits of Alcohol

Associated with low to moderate consumption - pleasurable and social aspects - reduction in various forms of cardiovascular disease - increase in insulin sensitivity - protection against some harmful stomach bacteria

An alternative medical practice system is

Ayurveda. naturopathy. homeopathy. acupuncture.

A regular physical activity program should include all the following except A) a warmup. B) a frequency of 2 times per week. C) a heart rate of 60 percent to 70 percent of maximum. D) at least 20 to 30 minutes duration.


Anorexia nervosa sufferers A) tend to be between 25 and 35 years of age. B) tend to be adolescent and early adult girls. C) lack denial of their disease. D) see themselves as thin even though they are fat.


Criteria for diagnosing bulimia nervosa includes all the following except A) overconcern with body shape and weight. B) purposely eats large quantities of food and feels tremendous control in doing it. C) uses purging techniques like self-induced vomiting. D) two binge eating episodes per week for at least 3 months.


During each feeding, human milk changes composition in which of the following ways? A) carbohydrate increases B) fat increases C) minerals decrease D) protein decreases


During the first trimester, a woman should gain ______ pounds. A) 1 to 3 B) 2 to 4 C) 5 to 9 D) 10 to 14


If a child is born prematurely during the third trimester A) the child will have minimal nutritional problems. B) the child may have problems sucking and swallowing. C) the child will almost always die. D) the infant will maintain adequate mineral and fat stores.


Susie is 3 years old. At her most recent checkup she was at the 20th percentile for height. This means that A) 79 of 100 girls her age are shorter than she is. B) 19 of 100 girls her age are shorter than she is. C) 79 of 100 girls her age are taller than she is. D) 20 girls her age are taller than she is.


The adolescent growth spurt A) begins earlier in boys than girls. B) begins earlier in girls than boys. C) decreases energy and nutrient needs. D) begins at the same age for boys and girls.


The conversion of glucose to lactic acid is called A) aerobic glucose breakdown. B) anaerobic glucose breakdown. C) aerobic glycogen breakdown. D) anaerobic glycogen breakdown.


The incidence of anorexia nervosa is highest in A) adolescent males from middle and high socioeconomic classes. B) adolescent females from middle and upper socioeconomic classes. C) adolescent males from low-income classes. D) preteen females from low-income classes.


The most sensitive indicator of long-term nutrient intake in a child is A) weight. B) height. C) head circumference. D) fusion of bone ends.


The slower basal metabolism that accompanies anorexia nervosa is caused by A) decreased synthesis of growth hormone. B) decreased synthesis of thyroid hormone. C) low intake of iron. D) hypoglycemia.


Which of the following does not have an ergogenic effect according to your text? A) Growth hormone B) Carnitine C) Anabolic steroids D) Blood doping


55) How much weight should a woman of normal pre-pregnancy BMI gain during the first trimester? A) 0.5 to 1 pound B) 3 to 5 pounds C) 6 to 8 pounds D) about 10 pounds

B) 3 to 5 pounds

33) During the first six months of lactation, the daily energy needs of the mother increase by how many kilocalories as compared to pre-pregnancy levels? A) 120 B) 330 C) 540 D) 650

B) 330

9) A low-birth-weight infant is one who weighs less than about how many pounds? A) 4.5 B) 5.5 C) 6.5 D) 7.5

B) 5.5

Which of the following factors helps to explain why infants are at higher risk of dehydration than adults? A) Neither breast milk nor formula can adequately meet an infant's fluid needs. B) Infants lose proportionally more fluid via evaporation than adults. C) Infants have no way of signaling to adults either hunger or thirst. D) Infant kidneys produce more highly concentrated urine than adult kidneys.

B) Infants lose proportionally more fluid via evaporation than adults.

57) Which of the following about infant lead exposure is FALSE? A) You should allow tap water to run for at least a minute before using it to make infant formula. B) Lead is an endotoxin that causes severe diarrhea, vomiting, and wasting in children. C) Although lead in paints and plumbing has been outlawed, it can still be found in older buildings. D) It is safe to hire a professional to paint over lead-based paint with latex paint.

B) Lead is an endotoxin that causes severe diarrhea, vomiting, and wasting in children.

20) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding vitamin B12 during pregnancy? A) Vitamin B12 is easily obtained by consuming animal food sources. B) The RDA for vitamin B12 doubles during pregnancy. C) Vegan women are at risk for developing a vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy. D) Vitamin B12 absorption is very efficient during pregnancy.

B) The RDA for vitamin B12 doubles during pregnancy.

The inner portion of the zygote that implants in the uterine linning is called the A) conceptus. B) blastocyst. C) embryo. D) placenta.

B) blastocyst.

18) At what point during pregnancy is adequate folate MOST important? A) during the first four days after conception B) during the first four weeks after conception C) during the second trimester D) during the third trimester

B) during the first four weeks after conception

15) During pregnancy, protein needs A) remain 0.8 g/kg of body weight, resulting in a slow increase as the woman gains weight. B) increase to 1.1 g/kg of body weight. C) increase by an additional 40 grams or so of protein per day. D) remain 0.8 g/kg of body weight throughout the first and second trimesters, then increase to 1.8 g/kg of body weight in the third trimester.

B) increase to 1.1 g/kg of body weight.

44) Which pregnancy-specific structure is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and removing waste products? A) amniotic fluid B) placenta C) uterus D) blastocyst

B) placenta

34) The hormone that stimulates maternal breast milk production is A) estrogen. B) prolactin. C) leptin. D) oxytocin.

B) prolactin.

49) The hormone responsible for the synthesis of breast milk is called A) oxytocin. B) prolactin. C) progesterone. D) lactic acid.

B) prolactin.

10) An increased risk of cardiovascular disease is associated with high maternal intake of A) vitamin A. B) trans fats. C) red meat. D) alcohol.

B) trans fats.

Although weight for age and stature for age are available from 2-20, what is the preferred way to asses weight status for children and adolescents

BMI for age

Steps to determine if a person's body weight is healthful

BMI, measure body composition, assess pattern of fat distribution

Which is a good indicator of recent nutritional status?


First trimester

Balanced and adequate diet


Balanced multivitamin and mineral supplements Diet rich in whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables


Basal metabolic rate falls about 2% per decade - eat less calories

Which domain of complementary and alternative medicine involves using foods and special diets?

Biological based practices

Which is NOT a current hypothesis about the cause of aging?

Blood concentrations of hormones change. Cells can divide about 50 times, and then they die. The immune system becomes less able to recognize and destroy foreign substances. Connective tissue stiffens and reduces flexibility.

Why are adolescents at risk for iron deficiency anemia?

Blood volume is expanding. Menstruation begins in females. Lean body mass increases in males


Body Mass Index. Below 18.5 or above 30 has increased risk of health problems

The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes can be fatal to the developing fetus. What foods are possible sources of this bacterium and should be avoided by pregnant women?

Brie and blue-veined cheeses

A 120-pound woman is attempting to be a bodybuilder so she would like to gain large quantities of muscle mass. Her daily protein intake should be how many grams? A) 32 to 59 B) 65 to 87 C) 82 to 93 D) 44 to 81


A pre-event meal should A) be eaten 1 hour before the event. B) contain at least 600 kcalories. C) be low in fat and fiber, high in carbohydrate and moderate in protein. D) be high in fat to prevent hunger.


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the best age to introduce solid foods into the infant's diet is A) less than 1 month. B) 1 to 4 months. C) 4 to 6 months. D) over 8 months.


Anabolic steroid use may cause all of the following side effects except A) stunting growth in teenage athletes. B) cardiovascular disease. C) body fat loss. D) "roid rage" (extreme mood swings).


Anaerobic glucose breakdown provides most of the energy for sports activities lasting A) 10 seconds. B) up to 30 seconds. C) 30 seconds to 2 minutes. D) up to 5 minutes.


Athletes who consume adequate carbohydrate promote all of the following except A) reducing the risk of chronic fatigue. B) loading the liver with adequate glycogen stores. C) increases in body fat levels. D) loading the muscles with adequate glycogen stores.


Carbohydrate loading A) involves loading up on carbohydrate-laden foods the day before an endurance event. B) involves little exercise and a high-carbohydrate diet the first 3 days, followed by heavy exercise and a low-carbohydrate diet right before competition. C) involves a tapering in the intensity of workouts with a corresponding increase in the percentage of carbohydrate intake. D) does not increase glycogen stores to any significant degree.


During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, an average of ______ extra kcalories per day are needed. A) 150 - 250 B) 250 - 350 C) 350 - 450 D) 450 - 550


High-fiber diets are A) recommended for infants after 4 months of age. B) recommended for infants after 6 months of age. C) not recommended for infants. D) recommended for breastfed infants only.


If an athlete's body fat level is too high, what is the best weight loss approach? A) Follow an 800 kcalorie eating plan. B) Wear a rubber suit to sweat off extra weight. C) Eat about 200 to 500 kcalories less per day. D) Restrict dietary carbohydrates.


Infants who are born prematurely will catch up in growth by A) 6 months. B) 1 year. C) 2 to 3 years. D) 4 to 5 years.


The difference between aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis is A) aerobic glucose breakdown uses amino acids, anaerobic does not. B) the end product of aerobic glucose breakdown is lactic acid; the end products of anaerobic glucose breakdown are carbon dioxide and water. C) the end products of aerobic glucose breakdown are carbon dioxide and water; the end product of anaerobic glucose breakdown is lactic acid. D) anaerobic glucose breakdown uses oxygen, aerobic does not.


The organ that nourishes the fetus in the mother's womb is called the A) ovum. B) umbilicus. C) placenta. D) embryo.


The total weight gain goal of a desirable-weight pregnant woman is how many pounds? A) 10 to 15 B) 15 to 25 C) 25 to 35 D) 28 to 40


What is the name of the condition characterized by disordered eating, lack of menstrual periods, and osteoporosis? A) Female anorexia B) Female bulimia C) Female athlete triad D) Binge eating disorder


What vitamin routinely is given by injection to all infants at birth? A) A B) E C) K D) D


Which characteristic is more indicative of bulimia than anorexia nervosa? A) Rigid, disciplined dieting B) Feeling a sense of power because of strict discipline and self-denial C) Lack of impulse control D) Lack of menstruation


Which of the following is not true about the let-down reflex? A) It is needed to make milk available to the infant. B) It can be inhibited by anxiety or nervous tension. C) It is triggered by the release of the hormone estrogen. D) After a few weeks of lactation, it becomes automatic.


Which of the following statements is true? A) There is strong evidence that infant obesity will result in adulthood obesity. B) Obese infants become obese preschool children. C) Most overweight infants become normal weight preschoolers. D) Kcalories should be restricted for obese infants to levels less than those for normal weight infants.


39) At birth, baby Ramon weighs 8 pounds. If his growth and development are normal, what would you expect Ramon to weigh at his first birthday? A) 16 pounds B) 20 pounds C) 24 pounds D) 32 pounds

C) 24 pounds

26) A normal-weight woman should gain approximately how many pounds during pregnancy? A) 5 to 10 B) 15 to 20 C) 25 to 35 D) 40 to 50

C) 25 to 35

60) Baby Joe is a 5-month-old exclusively formula-fed infant who needs 600 kcal per day. About how many ounces of formula does Joe need each day? A) 20 ounces B) 25 ounces C) 30 ounces D) 35 ounces

C) 30 ounces

48) Colostrum, which is rich in protein, micronutrients, and antibodies, is replaced by mature milk in about A) 1 to 2 days. B) 2 to 4 days. C) 4 to 6 days. D) 6 to 9 days.

C) 4 to 6 days.

8) What is the average weight for a healthy newborn in the United States (with an average height of 18 to 22 inches long)? A) 5-1/2 lbs B) 6-1/2 lbs C) 7-1/2 lbs D) 8-1/2 lbs

C) 7-1/2 lbs

12) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding calcium needs during pregnancy? A) The AI for calcium is the same for pregnant and non-pregnant women. B) Calcium absorption is very efficient during pregnancy. C) The extra demand for calcium during pregnancy has been shown to cause bone demineralization and increase the risk of future fractures. D) Kale, collard greens, and broccoli are good plant sources of calcium.

C) The extra demand for calcium during pregnancy has been shown to cause bone demineralization and increase the risk of future fractures.

42) Why are newborns given an injection of vitamin K? A) Breast milk and infant formulas are low in vitamin K. B) The trauma of birth destroys the newborn's vitamin K stores. C) The newborn does not yet have a population of GI flora able to synthesize adequate vitamin K. D) Infants cannot absorb vitamin K from breast milk or formula until approximately 3 months of age.

C) The newborn does not yet have a population of GI flora able to synthesize adequate vitamin K.

32) Which of the following foods is LEAST likely to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes? A) bologna B) smoked salmon C) a hard-boiled egg D) raw sprouts

C) a hard-boiled egg

14) Which of the following fatty acids is thought to support fetal brain and eye development? A) stearic acid B) oleic acid C) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) D) palmitic acid

C) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

56) Which of the following aspects of a pregnant woman's nutritional status increases the risk of a neural tube defect in the fetus? A) megadoses of beta-carotene B) iodine deficiency C) folate deficiency D) excess alcohol consumption

C) folate deficiency

3) Poor maternal intake of calcium increases the risk of what disease in the adult offspring? A) osteoporosis B) colon cancer C) hypertension D) obesity

C) hypertension

35) The stimulus that is needed for continued and sustained production of breast milk is A) high fluid intake by the mother. B) high protein intake by the mother. C) infant suckling. D) adequate maternal rest.

C) infant suckling.

2) According to certain studies, exposure of a fetus to famine in the first trimester of pregnancy can result in high risk for the development of what condition in adulthood? A) osteoporosis B) celiac disease C) metabolic syndrome D) colon cancer

C) metabolic syndrome

11) Recommended weight gain during pregnancy is based on the A) mother's weight at the end of the first trimester. B) size of the fetus at 3 months' gestation. C) mother's weight before becoming pregnant. D) mother's height.

C) mother's weight before becoming pregnant.

53) Never leaving an infant alone with a bottle and teaching an older infant to use a cup are useful tips to prevent A) colic. B) milk anemia. C) nursing bottle syndrome. D) dehydration.

C) nursing bottle syndrome.

9) Research into the fetal origins of adult disease suggests that A) maternal nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy have no effect on the fetus. B) the harmful effects of prenatal exposure to famine can be reversed if followed by high nutrient intakes shortly after birth. C) prenatal exposure to famine affects the health of the offspring as well as the health of their children. D) low birth weight among babies exposed to famine in utero reduces cardiovascular disease risk in adulthood.

C) prenatal exposure to famine affects the health of the offspring as well as the health of their children.

38) Which of the following is NOT a maternal benefit of breastfeeding? A) assists the uterus in returning to prepregnancy size B) potential decreased risk of breast cancer C) shortens the intervals between pregnancies D) may help the woman lose the weight she gained during pregnancy

C) shortens the intervals between pregnancies

The natural termination of pregnancy and expulsion of pregnancy tissue is called A) preterm birth. B) sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). C) spontaneous abortion. D) stillbirth.

C) spontaneous abortion.

29) Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of preeclampsia? A) protein in the urine B) increased blood pressure C) unexplained and rapid weight loss D) edema

C) unexplained and rapid weight loss

21) During pregnancy, excessive consumption of which of the following micronutrients is MOST significantly associated with birth defects? A) folate B) vitamin C C) vitamin A D) calcium

C) vitamin A

19) Macrocytic anemia results from a deficiency of either folate or A) vitamin D. B) vitamin B6. C) vitamin B12. D) vitamin C.

C) vitamin B12.

24) Which of the following enhances the absorption of iron? A) milk B) bran C) vitamin C D) oxalates

C) vitamin C

What are an adequate amount of nutrients needed during the growth and development process?

Calories, protein, calcium, iron, and zinc

Macronutrient need increases through lifespan

Carbohydrates have no change into adolescence


Cessation of menses in women, usually beginning at about age 50.


Chemical term for the form of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages.

What food and nutrition service programs does the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Administration on Aging provide for older adults?

Commodity Supplemental Food program Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program Senior Farmers Market Nutrition program Child and Adult Care Food program

Relaxation of the intestinal muscle Fetus competes with the GI for space


Vitamin K drug interactions

Coumadin and wharfarin

Causes physical and mental impairment


All of the following are true about "nursing bottle syndrome" except A) it causes tooth decay in bottle-fed infants. B) it is associated with an infant keeping a bottle in his or her mouth while sleeping. C) it results from the teeth being bathed in carbohydrate-rich fluid. D) it is associated with not brushing the infant's gums at least 3 times per week.


All of the following are true of an anorexic person who falls below 75 percent of normal body weight except A) hospitalization is almost always necessary. B) cure becomes very difficult. C) premature death is likely. D) loss of menstrual period becomes irreversible.


Anorexia nervosa is defined as A) hyperactivity. B) compulsive eating. C) purging, including laxatives and diuretics. D) psychological denial of appetite.


At later stages in anorexia development, anorexics A) do not feel hungry. B) abstain from beverages and food. C) eat 1,200 to 1,500 kcalories per day. D) eat 300 to 600 kcalories per day.


Breast milk contains approximately how many kcalories per quart? A) 450 B) 570 C) 600 D) 640


For every pound lost during a workout, cup(s) of water should be consumed during or after exercise. A) 1/2 B) 1 C) 1.75 D) 3


If a child is to follow a totally vegetarian diet, greater attention should be given to which of the following nutrients? A) Iron and calcium B) The fat soluble vitamins C) Carbohydrate and fiber D) Protein and vitamin B-12


Neil is a football player. We can tell whether he is getting enough kcalories by all the following except A) determining his body fat level. B) seeing if his body fat is about 5 percent to 18 percent. C) monitoring weight changes on a weekly basis. D) weighing him before and after football practice.


Night eating syndrome is characterized by evening hyperphagia which is defined as A) eating all of total daily calories after the evening meal. B) eating one-half of total daily calories after the evening meal. C) eating one-half of total daily calories at the evening meal. D) eating more than one-third of total daily calories after the evening meal.


The fluid requirements of the infant are approximately __________ cups per day. A) 2 B) 1 C) 4 D) 3


The use of sports drinks is critical for activities lasting A) 5 to 60 seconds. B) 1 to 5 minutes. C) 30 minutes. D) 60 to 90 minutes.


Which of the following is true about lactation? A) Only about 50 percent of all women can breastfeed. B) The most significant reason why women do not breastfeed is that they cannot produce enough milk. C) Some women cannot breastfeed because they do not have big enough breasts. D) The major reason why women do not breastfeed is lack of information.


Which of the following is true about the protein intake for athletes? A) Most athletes must take protein supplements to get enough protein. B) Bodybuilders need more protein than endurance athletes. C) Amino acid supplements are a better way to deliver amino acids because they do not need to be digested. D) Most athletes eating a variety of foods will easily meet their protein needs.


17) It has been suggested that what percentage of neural tube defects could be prevented if all women of childbearing age consumed adequate amounts of folate or folic acid? A) 20 percent B) 30 percent C) 50 percent D) 70 percent

D) 70 percent

59) Which of the following statements about infant growth is FALSE? A) An infant who is in the 60th percentile for length should be in about the 50th to 70th percentile for weight. B) An infant's head is normally quite large in comparison to his or her body. C) It is thought that the microbiome of breastfed infants reduces their future risk for obesity. D) Breastfed infants grow in length and weight at a greater rate than formula-fed infants.

D) Breastfed infants grow in length and weight at a greater rate than formula-fed infants.

43) Why is it strongly recommended that infants NOT consume honey? A) Because honey is a viscous fluid, it is likely to adhere to the infant's gums and promote the development of dental caries. B) Honey can lead to chronic diarrhea in infants. C) Honey is sweeter than table sugar and consumption may cause the infant to develop a preference for sweet tastes. D) Honey may contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which the infant's GI tract is not mature enough to destroy.

D) Honey may contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which the infant's GI tract is not mature enough to destroy.

8) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the consequences of maternal micronutrient deficiencies during pregnancy? A) Poor maternal intake of calcium is associated with an increased risk for hypertension in adult offspring. B) Poor maternal intake of folate is linked to the development of neural tube defects. C) Poor maternal intake of folate is associated with an increased risk for insulin resistance in children. D) Poor maternal intake of sodium is associated with an increased risk for hypertension in adult offspring.

D) Poor maternal intake of sodium is associated with an increased risk for hypertension in adult offspring.

41) Which of the following is NOT a factor that indicates an infant is ready to accept solid foods? A) The infant can sit up with or without support. B) The infant's tongue extrusion reflex has begun to abate. C) The infant is at least six months old. D) The infant has high stores of iron.

D) The infant has high stores of iron.

52) Inconsolable crying for hours at a time is a characteristic of A) milk allergy. B) dehydration. C) milk anemia. D) colic.

D) colic.

6) As compared to the general population, the children of diabetic women are A) twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. B) four times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. C) six times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. D) eight times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

D) eight times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

37) Milk that is low in fat and produced first in a breastfeeding session is known as A) hindmilk. B) colostrum. C) final milk. D) foremilk.

D) foremilk.

5) Which of the following outcomes for offspring has NOT been linked to maternal obesity? A) increased risk of neural tube defects B) increased risk of breast cancer C) increased risk of adult obesity D) increased risk of cretinism

D) increased risk of cretinism

47) Colostrum has a laxative effect on the newborn, helping the newborn to expel A) intestinal pathogens. B) amniotic fluid. C) hind milk. D) meconium.

D) meconium.

36) Which of the following hormones is referred to as the "let down" hormone? A) estrogen B) prolactin C) leptin D) oxytocin

D) oxytocin

27) The primary cause of gastroesophageal reflux and constipation during pregnancy is A) inadequate fluid intake by the mother. B) overeating by the mother. C) intolerance to prenatal vitamins. D) relaxation of the smooth muscles.

D) relaxation of the smooth muscles.

1) Some of the earliest evidence for the fetal origins theory came from A) France. B) South Africa. C) Japan. D) the Netherlands.

D) the Netherlands.

22) Embryonic/fetal demand for iron is highest during the A) first eight weeks of gestation. B) first trimester. C) second trimester. D) third trimester.

D) third trimester.

25) The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all breastfed infants up to six months old be given what kind of supplement? A) zinc B) iron C) vitamin C D) vitamin D

D) vitamin D

Compression of Morbidity

Delay of the onset of disabilities caused by chronic disease

compression of morbidity

Delay of the onset of disabilities caused by chronic disease.

Disadvantages to breastfeeding

Drugs can pass from mother to infant in breast milk, HIV from mother to child, conflict between feeding and employment, social concerns (where to do it in public)

Placental hormone causes body tissue to retain fluid Increase in blood volume Some swelling is normal Salt restriction and/or diuretics not needed for mild edema Only a problem if accompanied by hypertension and protein in urine


Age group most at risk for malnutrition/weight loss

Elderly (taste changes, muscle mass, drugs)

Basal Metabolic Rate

Energy spent on basic bodily functions (resting functions). 60-75% of total energy expenditure

Thermic effect of food (TEF)

Energy spent to eat/digest/absorb food

alcohol abuse

Excessive alcohol consumption that leads to severe alcohol-related health and other problems, such as recurrent sickness, inability to fulfill major obligations, use in hazardous situations (e.g., driving), related legal problems, or use despite social and interpersonal difficulties.

Which strength training recommendations, as suggested by the National Institutes on Aging, are appropriate for older adults?

Exercise at least 2 days per week. Stretch after completing all exercises. Perform exercises that involve major muscle groups.

15) About 80% of American women follow the advice of the American Academy of Pediatrics to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of their infant's life.


1) During pregnancy women should not consume fish or fish products.


10) Women who are of normal weight before pregnancy and are pregnant with twins should try to gain between 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy.


11) Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is dangerous only during the first trimester.


14) The "let down" hormone, oxytocin, is activated by the stress response.


17) Breast milk is very low in cholesterol.


19) Infants over 6 months of age may safely be given cow's milk.


2) All cases of neural tube defects are directly related to inadequate folate consumption during pregnancy.


20) Because breastfeeding suppresses ovulation, it can be a reliable form of contraception.


23) The neural tube is an embryonic structure that develops into the fetal skeleton.


26) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that the Nutrition Facts panel on baby formula lists % Daily Values (%DV).


27) Before 4 to 5 months of age, attempts to feed an infant solid foods are unlikely to succeed because the extrusion reflex will cause the infant to vomit.


28) Small fruits such as grapes and raisins are appropriate "sweets" for older infants.


5) Once the placenta has formed, the fetus's and mother's blood supplies will mix.


8) Increased fluid volume, the fetus, amniotic fluid, and the placenta together account for about 30% of the weight gained during pregnancy.


9) Gestation is the event in which the ovum and sperm unite to create a fertilized egg.


22) Pica is an abnormal craving for high-fat foods.


In children, gastroesophageal reflux is most common after age 2 years.


What do preschool children like to eat?

Familiar foods Foods served at comfortable temperatures Mild flavors Crisp-textured foods

Macronutrient need decreases through lifespan

Fat and protein

what is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity?

Feeding America (formerly called Second Harvest)


First 6 months of life breastfeed solely

13-14 weeks of pregnancy Rapid increase in cell number and size Nutritional deficiency or toxicity Can be harmful to embryo Medication, radiation, trauma Can be harmful to embryo

First Trimester

Low iodide during

First Trimester

Medication, radiation, trauma

First trimester

morning sickness 70-80% in

First trimester

Changes in calorie intake for pregnant women

First trimester there are no increases. Last two see increases of 350-450 kcal/day. On a 2000 calorie diet, this is about a 20% increase

Inadequate intake of which nutrient during the first few weeks of pregnancy is associated with spinal cord defects in the fetus? protein iron calcium folate


Important Minerals in Adulthood

Folate and Vitamins B-6 and B-12 - they are required to clear homocysteine from the bloodstream - high levels of homocysteine are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, bone fracture, and neurological decline

Prevention of neural tube defects Periconceptional period Fortified grain products Woman of childbearing years need 400 micrograms/day

Folic Acid

Which determines the rate of aging?

Genetics Lifestyle Environment

Steps to achieve and maintain healthful weight

Gradual change in energy intake, regular appropriate exercise, application of behavior modification tehniques

in which 1 of following countries is food insecurity most prevalent?


Risks of being overweight

Heart disease, type 2 diabetes

Straining during elimination A result of constipation


Gestational Diabetes

Hormones synthesized by placenta decrease action of insulin 4 % of pregnancies

Which is NOT true about the fat in human milk?

Human milk is low in cholesterol and linoleic acid.

Which is an example of a mind-body intervention?

Hypnosis Biofeedback Yoga

Dangers of excess protein in infancy

Immature kidneys won't be able to excrete the nitrogen produced


In general, loss of muscle tissue. Among older adults this loss of lean mass greatly increases their risk of illness and death.

Other fuel sources (besides ATP)

In order of use: ATP-CP (3-15 seconds), glycolysis to make ATP (Aerobic or Anaerobic), Fats break down to make ATP

Which aspects of the environment influence the rate of aging?

Income and education Quality of housing and autonomy Access to health care and nutritious food Psychosocial support and protection from climactic extremes


Increase loss of dietary fat, fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, other minerals

What is the recommended treatment for childhood obesity?

Increase physical activity. Decrease intake of high-fat, high-energy foods. Modify problem behaviors, such as snacking while watching TV.

risks babies face with low birth weight

Increased risk of infections, learning disabilities, impaired physical development, and death in the first year

Why do infants have a greater need for water than older humans?

Infants have a high body surface area Infants have a greater proportion of body water Infant's kidneys are not as efficient

Vitamin K for newborns

Infants have not had time to reach adequate levels. They receive an injection after birth

Iron needs

Iron (27 mg/day) Increased hemoglobin Iron stores for the fetus

What three things can childhood iron deficiency anemia lead to

It can lead to decreases in both stamina and learning ability, as well as lowered resistance to disease.

Which is true of the Congregate Meal program?

It is part of the Older Americans Act.

Which is true about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?

It provides nutrition education. It provides a means to purchase food-producing plants. It provides a means to buy hot meals in group homes. It supplements food budgets of low-income households.

All of the essential vitamins play important roles in infant growth and development, but three vitamins—X, X, and X—are of special interest for infants because levels tend to be low and the consequences of deficiency are dire.

K, D, B-12

A factor in human milk that helps prevent the growth of some harmful bacteria in an infant's intestinal tract is

Lactobacillus bifidus factor.

Increase/Decrease of BMR

Lean tissue increases, Age decreases (3-5% every decade after 30)

Recommendations 20-30% of total calories from fat 7% or less from saturated fat 1% or less from trans fat Omega-6 and omega-3 Required for fetal growth, brain and eye development 13 g/day Omega-6 1.4 g/day Omega-3


Found in unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses made from raw milk, raw cabbage Causes flu-like symptoms 7 to 30 days after exposure May contribute to spontaneous abortion Recommend pasteurized milk, thoroughly cooked meats, fish, and poultry

Listeria monocytogenes

Sarcopenic Obesity

Loss of muscle mass accompanied by gains in fat mass

sarcopenic obesity

Loss of muscle mass accompanied by gains in fat mass.


Loss of muscle tissue - loss of lean mass greatly increases risk of illness and death

Less than 5.5 pounds at birth Usually due to preterm births Increased medical costs Small for gestational age Full-term babies Low birth weight More likely to have medical complications

Low Birth Weight Infants

Exercise where fat is broken down

Low-intensity exercise, long duration


Lowers blood folate levels; increases iron loss due to gastrointestinal bleeding

Pregnant women must pay attention to their intake of

Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Fluids


Malicious; in reference to a tumor, the property of spreading locally and to distant sites.


Mass of cells; may be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign).


May cause increase loss of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium; may cause retention of potassium and other electrolytes


May cause weight gain as a result of increased appeeetite

drug use while pregnant

Most drugs pass through the placenta into fetal blood • Newborns suffer withdrawal symptoms

Energy use for distance running

Mostly carbohydrates, some fat

Energy use for hiking

Mostly fat

Some deficiency-related problems develop very early in pregnancy

Neural tube defects • Related to inadequate level of folate • Affects the embryo in the first few weeks • Adequate folate (400 μg daily) before conception can reduce the risk

Dietary supplement regulation

No approval needed by FDA, company determines if safe, may not have to even check with FDA, no federal guidelines, no rules to limit size or amount of nutrient, must be proven unsafe before removed from market


Noncancerous; tumors that do not spread.

If human milk or infant formula are not available, ____ can provide a safe, nutritious alternative for infants.

None of these are healthy alternatives to human milk or infant formula.

To minimize nausea during pregnancy, pregnant women should

None of these responses are accurate.

Advantages to breastfeeding

Nutrition in it (lactose, fats, proteins, calcium, magnesium, easily absorbable iron), protection from infections allergies and residues, uterine contractions after birth in mother (shrinks it), mother-infant bonding, convenient and cost effective

Successful Aging

Physical and physiological function declines that occur only because one grows older, not because of lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and chronic diseases have assaulted body tissues

What are the causes of failure to thrive?

Physical problems Poor infant-parent interactions Inborn errors of metabolism

Possible effects of iron-deficiency anemia

Preterm delivery Low birth weight Fetal deaths

Nutrients that decrease in need through lifespan (female)

Protein, fat

Prevent ketosis 175 gm/day Most women exceed this amount

RDA for carbohydrate

Additional 25 gm/day Many (non-pregnant) women already consume recommended amount

RDA for protein

how to reduce constipation when pregnant

Reduce constipation by consuming 25-35 g/day of fiber and plenty of fluids, and remaining physically active

Physical fitness health benefits

Reduce risk of: heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer (maybe)

Antiretroviral agents

Reduced absorption of most nutrients

Hind milk

Resembles cream ~66% fat, ~28% CHO, ~6% protein Released 10-20 minutes into the feeding

Fore milk

Resembles skim milk ~17% fat, ~74% CHO, ~9% protein

Lead poisoning

Results in reduced mental capacity, behavioral problems, and impaired growth

Fetus begins to look more like an infant Still susceptible to toxin exposure Preparation for lactation Increase of 2 - 4 lb. in breast tissue Deposit of fat tissue Nutritional deficiency at this time affects mother's ability to breastfeed

Second Trimester

what toxins does maternal smoking expose fetus to?

Smoke contains lead, cadmium, cyanide, nicotine, and carbon monoxide

Prenatal care Maternal age Closely spaced and multiple births Smoking, medication and drug abuse Food safety Nutritional status ( healthy, not healthy person)

Success in Pregnancy

What is wrong with giving juice in a bottle or propping up a bottle of formula for the child to drink at bedtime?

Sugar bathes the teeth, bacteria grow, acids are produced from sugar, and acids dissolve tooth enamel.


Surgically created short circuit in intestinal flow where the end point usually opens from the abdominal cavity rather than the anus


Surgically created short circuit in intestinal flow where the end point usually opens from the abdominal cavity rather than the anus—for example, a colostomy. Short circuiting the intestinal flow means more water is lost in fecal matter than would be if the intestinal tract were intact.

12) Caffeine consumed during pregnancy crosses the placenta and reaches the fetus.


13) As many as one out of every five pregnant women in the United States abuses illicit or prescription drugs.


16) Women who breastfeed typically lose approximately 1 to 4 pounds per month.


18) Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for pregnant women.


21) Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months reduces the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).


24) A fatal neural tube defect in which brain tissue is partially or fully absent is called anencephaly.


25) An infant born before 38 weeks' gestation is said to be preterm.


3) Malnutrition contributes to abnormalities in sperm.


4) Excessive vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy is associated with birth defects.


6) During pregnancy it is difficult for many women to obtain adequate iron from diet alone.


7) Morning sickness can begin at any time of day and can last all day.


Baby bottle tooth decay

Teeth break down from constant sugar coating them (sugar in milk)

Vitamin A

Teratogenic effect in high doses Facial and cardiac effects Supplements should not exceed 3000 micrograms RAE per day

life expectancy

The average length of life for a given group of people born in a specific year (such as this year).

Reserve Capacity

The extent to which an organ can preserve essentially normal function despite decreasing cell number or cell activity

reserve capacity

The extent to which an organ can preserve essentially normal function despite decreasing cell number or cell activity.

Which is NOT a sign that an infant may be ready for solid foods?

The extrusion reflex is strong.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of breastfeeding for the infant? A) The protein in breast milk is easy for the infant to digest. B) The antibodies and immune factors found in breast milk help to protect the infant from infection. C) The DHA found in breast milk is essential to the development of the infant's nervous system and retina. D) The iron found in breast milk is sufficient to meet the infant's needs throughout the first year of life.

The iron found in breast milk is sufficient to meet the infant's needs throughout the first year of life.

Life Span

The maximum number of years a human can live


The membrane that lines the inside of the uterus. It increases in thickness during the menstrual cycle until ovulation occurs. The surface layers are shed during menstruation if conception does not take place.

alcohol dependence

The person experiences repeated alcohol-related diffi culties, such as an inability to control use, spending a great deal of time associated with alcohol use, continued use of alcohol despite physical or psychological consequences, persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use, and withdrawal symptoms. Tolerance is also seen.

life span

The potential oldest age a person can reach. (maximum number of years a human can live)


The process by which glucose attaches to (glycates) other compounds, such as proteins.


The spreading of disease from one part of the body to another, even to parts of the body that are remote from the site of the original tumor. Cancer cells can spread via blood vessels, the lymphatic system, or direct growth of the tumor.


The time-dependent physical and physiological changes in body structure and function that occur normally and progressively throughout adulthood as humans mature and become older - process of slow cell death

Kidney Nephrons

The units of kidney cells that filter wastes from the bloodstream and deposit them into the urine

kidney nephrons

The units of kidney cells that filter wastes from the bloodstream and deposit them into the urine.

Which is true about herbs?

There is little regulation regarding herbal supplements in the U.S.

What foods NOT to feed to an infant

These foods include hot dogs, hard or gummy candies, whole nuts, grapes, coarsely cut meats, raw carrots, popcorn, and peanut butter. Caregivers should not allow younger children to gobble snack foods during playtime and should supervise all meals.

Why are high fiber diets not ideal for infants (3)

They are bulky, low in calories, and may limit absorption of minerals

Rapid growth 2X length 2X-3X weight Transfer of fat, calcium, and iron to fetus during the last month Iron Fetus may deplete mother's store of iron if intake is low

Third Trimester

what is extrusion reflex?

This is when babies push any food placed on their tongue out the front of their mouth.

Usual Aging

Those changes commonly thought to be a typical or expected part of aging - increasing body fatness - decreasing lean body mass - rising blood pressure - declining bone mass - increasingly poor health

What are the three physical markers that indicate a child is ready for solid foods?

Three physical markers indicate that a child is ready for solid foods: (1) the disappearance of the extrusion reflex (thrusting the tongue forward and pushing food out of the mouth); (2) head and neck control; and (3) the ability to sit up with support. These usually occur around 4 to 6 months of age, but they vary with each infant.


Time-dependent physical and physiological changes in body structure and function that occur normally and progressively throughout adulthood as humans mature and become older.

What causes food insecurity in US? What causes food insecurity around the world?

US- poverty (economic status) and health problems World: discrimination & inequality, political sanctions and armed conflicts, population overgrowth **crop failure, natural disasters, and wasteful agricultural practices (can happen to any country but biggest impact on least developed countries

Measurement tools for body composition

Underwater weighing, skinfold measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis, DXA, Bod Pod

Vitamins that increase in need through lifespan (female)

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Iron (has a decrease), zinc, fluid

Why is vitamin D a nutrient of particular concern in older adults?

Vitamin D synthesis in the skin slows.

IF there is safe X supplies, formula feeding is a safe and nutritionally adequate alternative to breastfeeding



With oxygen. Breakdown of glucose to make 36 ATP. CO2 and H2O produced


Without oxygen. Breakdown glucose to yield 2 ATP and creates lactic acid

Alcohol Recommendations

Women: No more than 3 drinks in 1 day and no more than 7 drinks per week Men: No more than 4 drinks in 1 day and no more than 14 drinks per week

First trimester

Zygote (fertilized egg) travels through the fallopian tube and implants in the wall of the uterus • Development of organs, limb buds, facial features, and placenta • Embryos are extremely vulnerable to teratogens during this time

After the eighth week of pregnancy, the developing offspring is known as

a fetus

what is an allergen

a foreign protein or antigen that triggers an immune response

A maternal practice that can be harmful to the fetus is

a low-carbohydrate diet. fasting. smoking.

fecal impaction

a mass of dry, hard stool that remains packed in the rectum and cannot be expelled

developed country

a nation advanced in industrial capability, technological sophistication, and economic productivity

Maternal nutrient deficiencies or exposure to toxins can cause _____ in the fetus.

abnormal organ function

how often should you burp a baby

about 10 minutes after feeding bc of the discomfort of swallowing air

By about what time frame is the infant ready to start eating solid foods

about 4-6 months of age

Initially, when an infant is ready to eating solids, solid food is X rather than replaced human milk or formula


What is fortification of Foods mean? what nutrients are usually fortified? What are examples of foods that can be fortified?

adding nutrients to foods that are staple in culture, have good food shelf, stable and affordable --iodine, iron and Vit A. are 3 most common -ex. rice, cereals, flours, salt and even sugar (oil, soy sauce)

decreased appetite, reduced kidney function, diminishing lean body mass, increased fat stores, decreased body water, and lowered immune function are all physical changes that occur in


food intolerance

adverse reaction to food that does not involve immune response

aging leads to the loss of kidney nephrons that

affects the functionality of the kidney

A baby should be burped

after giving 1 to 2 ounces of formula.

when is the developing baby is called a fetus

after week 8

MyPlate proportions apply to children as well as adults, but portion sizes and food choices vary by.


Adverse reactions to foods—indicated by sneezing, coughing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, and other rashes—are broadly classed as food X (also called hypersensitivities) or food X.

allergies, intolerances

why do these woman consume 330 kcal/day the first 6 months and 400 kcal/day the second 6 months

allows a woman to gradually lose weight (1-4 pounds per month)

7 calories

amount of calories provided per gram of alcohol

To produce human milk, a lactating woman needs

an extra 32 ounces of fluid daily.

Embryonic stage

approximately day 15 to week 8

Many elderly people avoid social contact because they

are experiencing hearing loss. have trouble seeing, so they avoid going out. have problems with urinary incontinence.

what is the annual income of a family of 4 in US that is considered impoverished?

at or below $23,283

how long should infants suckle for

atleast 20 minutes

If diarrhea, vomiting, a rash, and/ or wheezing appears, the suspected problem food should be

avoided then reintroduced in small quantity

Calorie needs decline after age 30 years or so because

basal metabolism declines.

Why can young infants not tolerate unaltered cow's milke

because of its high protein and mineral content

why is lead especially toxic to infants

because the brain and nervous system are still developing

cue from infants that signal satiety

becoming playful, turning head away, falling asleep, inattentiveness

Breast milk or formula should be supplemented with solid food at what months?

beginning at 4 to 6 months

A common cause of iron deficiency anemia in adulthood is

bleeding ulcers. use of aspirin. bleeding hemorrhoids.

A characteristic of preeclampsia is

blurred vision and headaches

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for adults do not take into consideration aging-related changes in

body composition. metabolism. organ function.

The fact that breastfed infants learn to eat based on internal cues of hunger and satiety lead to better X X management and lower risk for what two things throughout life

body weight management, lower risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes


born at term but weigh less than would be expected for their gestational age

Preterm babies

born before 38 weeks and may be low-birth-weight babies

Intakes of ______ have been associated with reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

both lutein and zeaxanthin

political sanctions

boycotts or trade embargoes used by 1 country or international group to apply political pressure on another

What can excessive fluid in infants be especially harmful to


If energy intake is limited during infancy to minimize the number of adipose cells, the growth of other organ systems may also be severely restricted, especially X and X system development

brain and nervous system development

Tracking head circumference for age on a growth chart is a means of assessing

brain growth

head circumference is an important indicator of

brain growth

major advantage of breast feeding over formula feeding with regard to long term health?

breast feeding increases immunity and immune protection

increased consumption of soft drinks contributes to a decrease in _____ intake for teens


increased consumption of soft drinks contributes to decrease in _______ for teenagers


Advertisers push a vast array of products—candy, fast foods, soft drinks, and energy drinks—at the teenage market. Frequently, these foods crowd out nutrient-dense foods, thus limiting intake of X, X, X, fat-soluble X, and X.

calcium iron zinc fat-soluble vitamins and folate

nutrients that are limited in the teens diet due to increase in consumption of fast food and sugary beverages

calcium, folate, iron, zinc, and fat soluble vitamins

most important for children to consume for proper growth

calcium, zinc, iron, calories, protein

hot dogs, grapes, whole nuts, peanut butter, and popcorn should not be fed to infants because they

can cause choking

excessive vitamin d while pregnant

can cause developmental disabilities in newborns

excess vitamin a while pregnant

can cause fetal abnormalities

Pregnancy-induced hypertension

can develop into a deadly condition called eclampsia.

For breakfast,the goal of lasting energy and satiety should be met by combining traditional X-rich breakfast foods with a source of X, such as low-fat cheese, nuts, or eggs.

carb rich, source of protein

If an infant drinks continuously from a bottle, the X-rich fluid bathes the teeth, providing an ideal growth medium for X adhering to the teeth. These bacteria then make acids, which dissolve X enamel

carb, bacteria, tooth

Components of physical fitness

cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, flexibility, body composition

usual aging

changes commonly throught to be a typical part of aging

Composition of milk

changes during a feeding from fore milk to hind milk

cure to preeclampsia


why is it more beneficial to offer children six smaller meals per day as opposed to three larger meals

children have smaller stomachs so offering smaller more frequent meals results in a more successful feeding experience

WIC serves low-income

children up to the age of 5. newborns and infants. pregnant mothers.

What health problems contribute to food insecurity in US? (3 categories) & explain each

chronic illness- less likely to have steady income; difficulty shopping and preparing food disability- difficulty shopping & preparing food, some can't work and others limited to low wage jobs substance abuse- drugs & alcohol abuse are common causes of food insecurity because hard to maintain steady employment mental illness-have to rely on charity, church meals or public assistance programs for most of their food

Several studies indicate that iron-deficiency anemia during infancy, even if corrected, has a lasting impact in terms of X, X development, and X later in life.

cognition, motor development and behavior

The first fluid secreted by the mother's breast after giving birth is called


Which U.S. government program distributes surplus agricultural products?

commodity supplemental food program

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER)

common during pregnancy

The point which the ovum becomes fertilized by the sperm is implantation parturition conception gestation


First trimester period

conception to week 13

A major problem afflicting the elderly gastrointestinal tract is


strategies teen females can use to ensure adequate intake of iron and prevent iron deficiency anemia

consume balanced multivitamin and mineral supplement and consumer iron rich food sources

dietary practices known to reduce lead absorption

consuming adequate calcium, iron, fat, and consuming regular meals

signs an infant is ready to consume solid foods

consuming more than 32oz of formula per 24 hours, reaching at least 13 lbs, breastfeeding more than 8-10 times per 24 hours

nervous system in new borns

continues to develop

why are infants unable to tolerate cow's milk

cow's milk has high mineral and protein content

world health organization

data collected from various regions of the world, the children were raised under optimal conditions for growth and development

national center for health statistics

data collected primarily from caucasian chlildren who were mostly formula fed during infancy

situations classified as failure to thrive

declining two or more major percentile lines over time and weight for age below the 5th percentile

which of the following is a nutritional risk factor for older adults?

decreased sense of taste and smell

Why are older adults at risk for undernourishment?

decreased sense of taste and smell, dental problem, immobility, malabsorption, or chronic illnesses also loneliness, isolation, confusion or depression can diminish appetite or cause a person to lose interest in cooking and eating

An age-related change in the nervous system that can adversely affect nutritional status is

decreased taste perception. hearing loss. vision loss.

In adulthood, a nutritious diet can help to

delay onset of disease. recover more quickly from disease. increase mental, physical, and social well-being

benefits of older adults consuming high quality protein with each meal in combination with physical activity

delay the onset of muscle loss, reduce the incidents of functional consequences, and slow the progression of muscle loss

Low birth weight

describes any baby born weighing less than 5.5 pounds

What are ex. of developed countries? developing countries? least developed?

developed: canada, australia, most western european nations and US developing: countries in Asia & south America like Brazil, China, India and Saudi Arabia least: countries located in central & western Africa

why is it important to wait about a week after introducing one solid foods item to another

development of a food allergy or intolerance may take up to 7 days to appear

Mediterranean Diet

diet associated with lowest recorded rates of chronic diseases


diminishment of muscle and fat tissue caused by extremely low energy intake from too little food --sometimes referred to as acute malnutrition

physical markers that indicate a child is ready for solid foods

disappearance of the extrusion reflex, ability to sit up with support, and acquisition of head and neck control

low iron infant formulas are strongly



disease carried by mosquitos

Thanks to ag advances the world's farmers can grow plenty of food. However, what keeps some people from getting enough to stave off hunger?

distribution problems and other factors

An infant's weight --- in the first 4-6 motnhs and -- within the first year

doubles, triples

During pregnancy, women should try to ________ each day.

drink 3 cups of milk or milk products

what's leading cause of severe food shortages in developing and underdeveloped countries?


signs of dehydration infants

dry mouth and lips and absence of tears when crying

The fetus accumulates most of its body fat and mineral stores

during the 3rd trimester

A baby that sleeps with a bottle filled with formula has an increased risk for

ear infections

compared to formula fed infants breastfed infants have lower rates of

ear infections, diarrheal diseases, and food allergies

Drinking from a cup rather than from a bottle helps to prevent

early childhood caries (upper tooth decay)

In the short run, the main consequences of childhood obesity are ridicule, embarrassment, possibly depression, and short stature linked to X X .

early puberty

true statements about protein in human milk

easily digested and promotes immune system development

which of following lead to hunger in developed countries like US?

economic hardships

Alarmingly, there have been thousands of reports of caffeine poisoning—and even some deaths—as a result of excessive intake of X drinks. Clearly, excessive caffeine intake has no place in the diets of children.


The bulkiness of a plant-based diet is not as much of a concern for teens as it is for younger children with smaller stomach capacity, but a strictly vegetarian diet must be monitored for adequate X, X, X, vitamin X, X, and vitamin X (the latter if sun exposure is not sufficient) at any age

energy, protein, iron vitamin b-12, calcium and vitamin d

Growth plates at the end of long bones are called


By age 1 year, the calories provided from human milk or formula should be ____ the calories provided by solid food.

equal to

What % of homeless people in urban areas abuse substances and/or have mental illness?

estimate 85%

chemical term for the form of alcohol found in beverages


starting at 10, those who are overweight or obese and who have risk factors for type 2 diabetes should be screened for the disease how often?

every 2 years

To keep gestational diabetes under control, recommendations for pregnant women include


Age-related degenerative changes can be minimized, prevented, or reversed by

exercising regularly. getting enough sleep. avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight. eating nutritiously.

Maternal smoking

exposes the fetus to toxins

the condition of inadequate growth is termed

failure to thrive

Acne is strongly linked with intake of fatty foods like pizza and chocolate.


An infant's nutrient stores are exhausted by the time the infant has gained 3 pounds.


Breast size is an indicator of successful breastfeeding.


Herbal products offer a safe way to treat disease in pregnant women.


Insufficient intake of protein during pregnancy is very common in the U.S.


Insufficient prenatal care increases the risk of delivering a low birth weight baby.


Megadoses of prenatal vitamin and mineral supplements are dangerous for the mother, but not the fetus.


Special cells in the breast filter out toxins like alcohol and caffeine and keep breast milk safe.


The growth percentile curve a child follows depends ONLY on their genetic potential.


The transition from childhood to adulthood is called puberty.


To help children keep their weight under control, they should receive no more than 3 meals daily. `


T or F not enough food is produced in the world to feed everyone children are at a higher risk for food insecurity than are adults older adults who are financially secure can still sometimes experience low food security and undernutrition

false true true

T or F consuming inadequate nutrients won't affect mental development ag advances can help increase food production

false true

T or F fortifying foods doesn't alter their nutritional content the only thing you can do to alleviate hunger is to give $ to charities

false and false

For these reasons, it is unwise for an infant's dietary pattern to be restrictive—especially X intake


The diets of adults tend to be high in


what macronutrient is the most important for the development of the infants nervous system


This cycle disrupts regular bowel habits, leading to distress and, if not treated, .

fecal impaction

An infant may suffer from water intoxication when

fed water instead of formula

in both humans and other species, who tends to live longer


Participation in WIC is associated with

fewer infant deaths


first milk produced (from birth up to 3 days after); rich in proteins, antibodies, vitamins, and minerals

Research shows that the X of the mother's diet are transferred into her milk, which can positively affect the infant's acceptance of a variety of solid foods later in life


Besides droughts what is another major cause of food shortages?


why is the use of fluoridated bottle water not recommended by the American dental association

fluoridated water creates risk of enamel fluorosis during development prior to eruption from the gums

Neural tube defects may occur when women consume too little ____ before becoming pregnant.


The micronutrients that are most critical during pregnancy are?

folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, iodine

Protein deficiency may also be induced by elimination diets used to detect .

food allergies

food insecurity exists because?

food distribution is uneven and some people do not have access to enough food

Breastfeeding also reinforces the natural ability of the infant or child to self-regulate X intake

food. The infant has to do some work to get milk from the mother's breast, so it is unlikely that the infant will override satiety cues and overeat from the breast

Folate food sources

fortified cereals and grains, spinach, lentils

successful aging

function declines that occur because of age and not lifestyle

For the best pregnancy outcome, overweight women (BMI > 26 to 29) should

gain about 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.

consuming too much caffeine can lead to

gastrointestinal distress, anxiety, insomnia

Some of the negative effects of caffeine at any age are X distress, sleep X, X, increased X pressure, and irregular X.

gastrointestinal, sleep disturbance, anxiety, increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat

An infant's birth weight is closely related to

gestation length. mother's prepregnancy weight. weight the mother gains during pregnancy.

A characteristic of a favorable pregnancy outcome is

gestation period longer than 37 weeks. a live, healthy infant. an infant who weighs at least 5.5 pounds.

What is true about when females reach their peak growth rate?

girls experiences peak growth rate just before the onset of menses

choking hazards for young children

grapes, popcorn, hot dogs, peanut butter

obese percentile

greater than or equal to 95

Why are infants/children at risk for undernourishment?

growing at rapid rate so need high # of nutrients

Disturbances in normal sleep patterns could affect ______ and _________ ability

growth and learning ability

Sisturbances in normal sleep patterns could affect

growth and learning ability

Iron-deficiency anemia is a highly undesirable condition for a teen. It can lead to fatigue and a decreased ability to concentrate and learn, such that academic and physical performance suffers. Iron-deficiency anemia sometimes appears in boys during their X X, but adolescent females are at greatest risk of deficiency due to heavy X X and poor X intake

growth spurt, heavy menstrual flow, dietary intake

Also, on average, children (and adults) in the United States barely obtain X of the AI for fiber.


TEF for dietary fat

has minimal thermic effect`

Compression of morbidity can be defined as

having the greatest number of healthy years and the fewest number of years with illness.

factors that significantly influence the rate at which a person ages

heredity, lifestyle, environment

what is general term for the common condition where micronutrients are consistently deficient in diet?

hidden hunger

why is it important for caregivers to make sure that infants do not consume excessive fiber in their diets

high fiber foods are filling and often low in calories

Choose fruits, veg, and grains for babies but do NOT overdo

high fiber foods.

Which is NOT an example of energy medicine?

high-calorie diets

recommended fat intake for an infant

higher than any other stage of the life cycle


highest average life expectancy worldwide

Assessment strategies used to determine food allergies in order that is most commonly performed

history, physical exam, elimination diet, food challenge

Elevated blood concentrations of ____ are associated with increased risk for stroke and neurological decline in some elderly adults.



hormone responsible for milk let-down


hormone responsible for the synthesis of milk • Produced toward the end of pregnancy • Suppressed by estrogen and progesterone until childbirth

risks of heavy alcohol abuse

hypertension and stroke, coronary heart disease, and obesity

Edema during late pregnancy is a problem if

hypertension is detected. excess protein is found in the urine. extreme fluid retention occurs.

Risks of being obese

hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, certain cancers, menstrual irregularities, infertility, gestational diabetes, depression, alzheimer's, demetia

Excessive water can cause what in infants


an infant who weighed 8lbs at birth should weigh how much on his 1st birthday?

if following a normal curve it should be triple his weight which is 24lbs

growth stunting

impaired growth and development primarily manifested in early childhood and including malnutrition during fetal development **once occurs, usually permanent

Physical activity is associated with

improved sleep. reduced risk for falling. positive mental outlook. better mobility.

food insecurity

inability to satisfy basic food needs due to lack of financial resources or other problems. USDA further defines as falling into categories of either low or very low food security

Researchers believe that although diet is an important factor, X is also a major contributor to the increase in childhood obesity


failure to thrive can result from

inadequate nutritional intake, parental neglect, and nutrient malabsorption

Exposure to alcohol during fetal life may cause

inadequate prenatal and infant growth. physical deformities. mental retardation.

To prevent constipation, older adults should

increase dietary fiber.

A body composition change that typically occurs in adulthood is

increased fat stores

iron deficiency anemia symptoms commonly experienced by teenagers

increased fatigue, impaired physical performance ,decreased concentration, impaired ability to learn

Risk of malnutrition

increased infant/child mortality, vulnerability to infection, macronutrient deficiencies, micronutrient deficiencies, poor work capacity

dietary factors that contribute to childhood obesity

increased reliance on fast food restaurants, increased availability of calorie dense foods, and excessive snacking

The requirement for nearly all nutrients during pregnancy


The amount of fluids needed during pregnancy

increases to 3 liters per day

prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children


Which is an example of usual aging?

increasing body fatness

working poor

individuals or families who are steadily employed but still experience poverty due to low wages or high dependent expenses.


individuals who are either "crashing" with friends or family members or residing on street or in automobile

Who are the "working poor"?

individuals who are employed but have incomes that fall below the poverty line

What is a workable substitute for mothers who do not breastfeed and what do formula manufacturers model their products on

infant formula, human milk

self feeding development 7-8 month

infant is able to push food around on a plate, play with a drinking cup, hold a bottle, and self feed a cracker or piece of toast

self feeding development 9-10 months

infant's desire to play and explore foods may hinder feeding. feeding is very messy during this time

Fluoride supplements should be given to

infants after 6 months of age if the home's water supply is not fluoridated.

which of the following group are especially vulnerable to food insecurity-related illness?

infants and young children

physical symptoms of alcohol withdrawal

insomnia, seizures, nausea and vomiting

Gestational diabetes

insufficient insulin production or insulin resistance that increases blood glucose levels during pregnancy

total calories

intake needs fall steadily after age 30 for inactive adults


interfere with activation of vitamin D

A growing body of research supports the hypothesis that breastfed infants learn to eat based on

internal cues of hunger and satiety

Infants are born with some internal sources of


Long-term use of aspirin or aspirin-like medications can deplete _________ reserves.


frequent use of aspirin, digestive tract injuries that cause bleeding, and monthly menstruation can potentially lead to _______ deficiency


what 2 deficiencies are referred to as "hidden hunger"?

iron and iodine deficiences

Vegetarian diets can pose several risks for young children. These include the possibility of developing X, a deficiency of vitamin X, and rickets from a vitamin X deficiency.

iron deficiency anemia, B-12, D

nutritional risks for vegetarian children

iron deficiency anemia, b12, vitamin D, inadequate calorie intake

The first solid foods introduced should be

iron fortified cereals

Which nutrients are most likely to be used to fortify foods?

iron iodine and vitamin A

If solid foods are introduced before 6 months of age, the primary goal of the food should be to meet

iron needs

nutrients lacking in the diet of a child consuming a strict vegetarian diet

iron, b12, vitamin D

A fortified, low-sugar, ready-to-eat breakfast cereal is typically the greatest source of X, vitamin X, and X acid for children ages 2 to 18

iron, vitamin a, folic acid

The first solid food usually introduced to the infant's diet is

iron-fortified infant cereals.

Gestational diabetes

is most common in women with a family history of diabetes.

what happens to fetal blood flow is the mother smokes

it is reduced

skin reaction

itching, tingling, redness, hives, swelling

A rational approach for someone wanting to try complementary and alternative medicine is to

keep a record of symptoms and practices followed.

Consumption of Alcohol

known teratogen that crosses the placenta and is associated with various birth defects, delivery complications, sudden infant death syndrome, and increased risk of miscarriage

what are factors that contribute to obesity and malnourished people?

lack of access to healthy food, lack of safe areas to exercise or play, lack of basic healthcare, poor housing, low wage job and working long hours, advertising of less healthy food and increased stress


lacking the means to provide for material or comfort needs

The major protein in human milk is


what does the developed world education to reduce food security need to address?

land management, improved crop yields, boost nutrient levels within crops and continue development of drought resistant and insect repellent plants

A full-term pregnancy

lasts 38 to 42 weeks

If the problemed food continues, a pediatrician should be consulted. But, fortunately, many babies outgrow food allergies ..

later in childhood

running tap water for about 2 mins after a period of inactivity will limit the amount of __________ that has accumulated in the water



leading cause of severe food shortages in developing and least developed countries

Girls tend to accumulate both X and X tissue, whereas boys tend to gain mostly X tissue.

lean and fat, lean

self feeding development 6-7 months

learned to handle finger foods and transfer objects from one hand to another

Low fluid intake in older adults may be caused by

less intense feelings of thirst. chronic disease. certain medications. reduced ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine.

What amount of land in developing countries is operated let alone owned by women?

less than 1/4

A low birth weight infant weighs

less than 5.5 lbs

To help children develop good nutritional habits,

let children make some choices about the food they eat.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a goal for adults is to

limit intake of added sugars and emphasize vegetables in the diet. keep body weight in a healthy range. practice safe food handling.

What are 2 qualities that help people overcome life's challenges?

literacy and education build self-esteem and self-confidence

Why are the critically ill at risk for undernourishment?

liver and kidney disease can impair the body's ability to process and use some nutrients; cancer patients have loss of appetite (same with AIDS patients)

black cohosh

liver damage

Changes in height and weight in children are used to indicate

long-term effects of nutrition.


long-term outcome of consuming a diet that contains an imbalance to nutrients


longest stage of the life cycle

A change in muscle that occurs in adulthood is

loss in muscle strength


loss of muscle tissue

Cow's milk, especially X-fat or fat-X cow's milk. The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly urges parents not to give children under age X fat-reduced, 1%, or fat-free milk. Before age X, the amount of this milk needed to meet energy needs would supply too many minerals, which could overwhelm the X. The lower fat intake might also harm X system development. Beyond x years, children can drink fat-reduced, 1%, or fat-free milk because by this age, they are consuming enough solid foods to meet X and X needs.

low fat or fat free, age 2, age 2, kidneys, nervous system development, to meet calorie and fat needs

What type of formula is strongly discouraged

low iron formulas

common causes of constipation among young children

low physical activity, low fiber, holding in bowel movements

evidence suggests that breastfeeding helps an infant learn to self regulate food intake - to eat only when hungry and to stop eating when full. This could contribute to?

lower risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity

benefits of moderate drinkers

lower risk for dementia, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, reduce hypertension, improve circulation to the brain

adverse health effects associated with iron deficiency anemia in children

lowered resistance to disease, decrease in stamina, and decrease in learning ability

Inadequate intake of ____ in adults may contribute to loss of bone strength and mental confusion.



main intestinal problem for older people

During adulthood, nutrients are used primarily

maintain the body

most important strategy for successful aging

maintaining lean body mass


major risk factor for gallbladder disease in older women

childhood is an important time to establish behaviors such as

making nutrient dense food choices, engaging in physical activity during leisure time, and eating in response to hunger cues

who gains more lean tissues during adolescent growth spurts


improperly nourished pregnant women often have ____ infants


In complementary and alternative medicine, a manipulative practice is

massage. Reiki therapy. chiropractic manipulation.

It is recommended that honey not be given to infants because it

may contain Clostridium botulinum spores.

Antacid nutrient interactions

may decrease absorption of iron, calcium, folate and vitamin B12


may deplete the body of vitamin K

Antibiotic nutrient interactions

may reduce absorption of calcium, fat-soluble vitamins; reduces production of vitamin K by body

Girls experience their peak growth rate right before the onset of

menstrual periods

Iron deficiency anemia can lead to poor X X in infants

mental development

food fortification can help alleviate deficiencies of


risks of maternal smoking

miscarriage, stillbirth, placental abnormalities, preterm delivery, and low birth weight

which of following is a reason why the elderly experience malnutrition?

missing teeth, disinterest in food and depression

Compared to foremilk, hind milk has

more fat

iron deficiency anemia

most common type of malnutrition during the adult years


most serious respiratory infection and **leading killer of children worldwide

developing country

nation having a relatively low level of industrial capacity, technological sophistication or economic productivity

least developed countries

nation having low level of economic productivity and technology sophstication within contemporary range of possibility

What is an example of discrimination @ both national and local levels in Afghanistan/saudi arabi etc.?

national: control over land and assets local (household): gender, control over income, education, age and birth order affect access to food

Morning sickness

nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy • Can occur at any time; often lasts all day • May begin after the first missed period and can last 12 to 16 weeks • Can be severe enough to require hospitalization • No cure, but symptoms can be reduced

GI tract reaction

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, indigestion

The RDA for iron during pregnancy increases greatly. To reach this level the pregnant woman may

need to take a low-dose iron supplement.

Calcium needs during pregnancy

no increase. 1000 mg/day

Sodium needs during pregnancy

no increase. 1500 mg/day

Vitamin D needs during pregnancy

no increase. 5 micrograms/day

Typical signs of dehydration in an infant are

no or few tears while crying

high food insecurity

no reported indications of food-access problems or limitations

what demographic group of woman with what type of income have greatest likelihood of being obese?

non-Hispanic black women with low income

To relieve the symptoms of arthritis, older adults should

none of these options

AAP recommends not restricting fat intake in infants

not restricting

To protect the cardiovascular system, adults should

not smoke

To preserve bone mass, adults should

not smoke. consume adequate vitamin D. consume adequate calcium

WIC aims to provide

nutrition education. nutritional care. nutritious food.

An alarming increase in the frequency of type 2 diabetes among children (and teenagers) has been documented. This is primarily due to the rise in X in this age group. Up to X% of children with the disease are x at diagnosis.

obesity, 85%, obese

Physiological anemia that occurs during pregnancy

occurs because the plasma expands more than the number of red blood cells.

treatment of preeclampsia

ocuses on managing blood pressure and often includes bed rest

The basic treatment for food intolerances is to avoid specific X X. However, total elimination often is not required because people generally are not as sensitive to compounds causing food intolerances as they are to X.

offending components, allergens

The largest group of adults at risk for nutrient deficiencies is

older adults living in long-term care facilities.


one's pattern of living, including food and exercise choices that greatly determines the rate of muscle mass deterioration

Infant Nutrition

optimal nutrition is critical for first year

Out of the 900 million illiterate individuals in the world how many are women? What % of 1.2 billion in extreme poverty are females?

over 2/3 70%

Warning signs of Alzheimer's disease include

personality changes. language problems. reduced job performance. faulty judgment.


physical discomfort that results from the lack of food associated with food insecurity

Possible outcomes of failure to thrive include physical, mental, behavioral poor X growth, impaired X development, and X problems.

physical, mental, behavioral

The practice of eating non-food substances, such as clay or laundry starch, during pregnancy is called


Which is NOT a common mealtime challenge with preschoolers?


What are the most common causes of death among post neonatal children?

pneumonia or other acute respiratory infection, diarrhea, malaria and measles

Women who begin pregnancy underweight have an increased risk for

poor nutrient stores

Which of these foods pose a choking hazard for infants and children?

popcorn peanut butter nuts grapes


pregnancy-induced hypertension

Who are @ increased risk for undernutrition? (4 groups)

pregnant/lactating women, infants and children, critically ill, and older adults

Severe zinc deficiencies during pregnancy can cause

premature birth. fetal growth retardation. birth defects.

what is one reason why preschool children are less likely to try new foods compared to adults

preschool aged children have more taste buds and they are more sensitive than adults


primary site for alcohol metabolism


production of breast milk

The ability to produce milk is affected by the hormone


consuming ______ in amounts higher than the RDA may help preserve muscle and bone mass in aging adults


Almost all food allergies are caused by X in foods that act as X (also called allergens)

protein, antigens


provitamin that helps reduce the risk of macular degneration

early childhood caries are likely to result from

putting a baby to bed with a bottle of milk

Due to rapid X and a high X rate, the energy requirements per pound of body weight for an infant are the highest of any life stage

rapid growth and high metabolic rate

food allergy symptoms of infants

rash, diarrhea, wheezing, vomiting

As the growth rate tapers off, what two things change

rate of growth decreases, eating behaviors change

World Health Organization recommendations for breast feeding

recommends breastfeeding for at least the first 2 years

A diet rich in fiber helps adults to

reduce risk of heart disease.

Risks of being underweight

reduced immune ability, increased infections and illness. Can be fatal

A benefit of breastfeeding for mothers is

reduced risk for ovarian cancer. less postpartum bleeding. weight loss.

alcohol abuse

reduces a person's life expectancy 15 years

dietary fiber

reduces risk of colon cancer and heart disease and eases constipation

what decreases sarcopenia

regular exercise

"fetal origins theory"

relationship that says Increased evidence suggests that the fetal environment—including a mother's nutritional status—can influence risks for obesity and chronic diseases later in life

very low food security

reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake

low food security

reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. little or no indication or reduced food intake

vitamin B12

requires intrinsic factor to be absorbed from the intestine

What does diarrhea result from? caused from? ** GI infections that cause diarrhea kill how many people globally each year and mostly what group? **What is major cause of diarrhea?

result from severe dehydration -caused by parasites, viruses and harmful microorganisms -2.2 million mostly children -use of contaminated water

Which cereal is least likely to cause allergies in infants?


best progression for introducing new foods to an infant

rice cereal, strained carrots, oat cereal, strained chicken

respiratory tract reaction

runny nose, wheezing, congestion, difficulty breathing

However, surveys of dietary intake among children show that they are consuming too much X fat, most of which comes from whole milk, other full-fat dairy products, and X

saturated, fatty meats

During X, infants should be fed a variety of fruits and vegetables

second half of the firdt year

USDA says a home is food secure if what? food insecure?

secure: if has access to enough food for an active, healthy life @ all times insecure: when any members don't have resources needed to get adequate amounts of nutritious food

how to help picky children accept nutrient dense foods

serve finger foods and let the child help with food prep, sectioned plate, pair a new food with a familiar one

practices to avoid when introducing new foods to a childs diet

serving hot foods and using one food to bribe to eat another


severe shortage of food caused by crop destruction due to weather problems or poor agricultural practices so that the food supply is destroyed or severely diminished. **causes by pestilence (fatal disease) or war

As with the fetus in the womb (utero), the long term effects of nutritional problems in infancy and childhood depend on what three factors?

severity, timing, duration

A nursing infant is getting enough milk if the infant

shows normal weight gain


skin irritation

When the infant begins acting full, bottle feeding should be stopped, even if

some milk is left in the bottle

Specialized formulas

soy-based, predigested, others for certain medical conditions

one drink/day for men and slightly less than one for women

specific intakes of alcohol associated with health benefits


state of inadequate nutrition whereby a person's nutrient and/or energy needs aren't being met through the diet


substances that cause birth defects (alcohol and illegal drugs)

What kind of high calorie foods should be limited for moderation of calorie intake in middle school aged children

sugar sweetened soft drinks and whole milk

Which of the following programs serve the greatest number of people in the United States?

supplement Nutrition Assistance Program

what are some examples for Food Assistance Programs in US?

supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly as Food Stamp) special supplement nutrition program for women infants and children (WIC) National School Lunch Program Summer Food Service Program Child and Adult Care Food Congregate Meals for the Elderly and Meals on Wheels

Even in hot weather, American Academy of Pediatrics does NOT recommend what within the first six months

supplemental water or juice

What do the people in Kenya, Latin America and India do to purify water? What does it destroy? What is it officially called?

take clear plastic jugs with water and put in sun for 6 hours **this destroys cholera, typhoid and dysentery which are waterborne bacteria ---called SODIS for Solar Disinfection

The Zika Virus is an example of a genopathogen neonatal pathogen teratogen toxicogen


what does the fetal origins theory say about being exposed to famine in the first trimester

the child has increased risk for obesity, coronary heart disease, abnormal serum lipid profile, and metabolic syndrome

Altered bowel habits also may be a sign of a food allergy or intolerance to a food component such as cow's milk. The majority of the time, however, constipation results from

the child withholding bowel movements.

When does the brain grow faster during than any other time of life

the first year

When serving a food for the first time to an infant,

the food should be a single-ingredient (not mixed) food item. wait several days before serving another new food. expect the baby to eat only a few bites.

The high metabolic rate of infants results from

the large surface area of its body.

what does a healthful diet before conception reduce?

the risk of developing nutrition-related disorders during pregnancy, such as Gestational diabetes and Hypertensive disorders

why do infants have such high caloric needs

their rapid growth and high metabolic rates

What happens in children if hunger starts @ levels of development for brain that are crucial? what result in?

then development is impaired -can result in permanent lower intelligence and hindered learning ability

How do infant food labels differ

there are separate daily values for infants through 12 months of age and children 1-3 years

Iron, vitamin D, zinc, fluoride, and iodide needs in new borns

they are a concern

fluid and micronutrient needs while breastfeeding

they are increased

Youngsters also tend to be wary of new foods. One reason is that

they have more taste buds, and their taste buds are more sensitive than those of adults.

post-neonatal children

those children who survive birth and first 28 days of life

X servings per day from the dairy group are recommended for all teenagers and young adults to meet calcium needs.


heredity, lifestyle, environment

three factors that influence aging


to suffer severely from lack of food; a state in which body breaks down its own tissue for fuel

A developing offspring's cells have separated into a stack of 3 layers (mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm) when the zygote stage ends.


AAP does not recommend supplemental water of juice during the first 6 months


Adding too much water to infant formula can be dangerous to the infant.


Children with autism frequently have unusual eating behaviors.


Hormones synthesized by the placenta decrease the efficiency of insulin.


Infant formula should be prepared with cold water.


Leftover infant formula should always be discarded because it is contaminated by bacteria and enzymes from the baby.


Mature human milk provides about 20 calories per ounce.


One-third of all growth in a lifetime occurs during adolescence.


Smokers secrete nicotine in their breast milk.


Substance use can negatively affect teenagers' diets.


The main component of breast milk is water.


children who eat breakfast are more likely to meet their daily needs for vitamins and minerals than children who do not eat breakfast


exercise benefits older adults by halting, slowing, or even reversing reductions in lean body mass


few children meet the recommendation for fiber daily as defined by the Food and Nutrition Board


growth charts set by the CDC and other health organizations represent typical measurements for 90-96% of children


to ensure that school aged children have adequate fat intake, foods should not necessarily excluded from their diets due to fat content


T or F Food insecurity in the developing world is primarily due to poverty. no hard-working American goes to bed hungry. People who are obese don't experience food insecurity

true false false

solid foods should be introduced with formula or human milk

true(iron is the most important)

The protein needs of an infant are about ___ as much per pound of body weight as adults.


X cups per day of milk will help toddlers and preschoolers meet their requirements for bone-building nutrients. Children up to 2 years of age should drink whole milk because they need the extra fat for energy, but after 2 years of age, reduced-fat or fat-free milk is preferred


Furthermore, few children (or adults) meet recommendations to include X servings of X per week to ensure adequate intake of omega-3 fats.

two servings of fish

Emphasizing low-fat dairy products (after age X), offering broiled or baked X, choosing leaner cuts of meat, trimming visible X from meats, and removing the X from poultry before serving foods will establish heart-healthy eating habits to last a lifetime.

two, fish, fat, skin

infants in the first year of life

typically grow 10 inches in length and triple their weight

During the adult years, ____ can adversely affect the immune system.

undernutrition overnutrition excessive iron intake obesity

How much of their body can adults lose in prolonged starvation? Where does greatest amount of organ deterioration occur in? moderate deterioration? least amount?

up to 50% -intestinal tract and liver moderate in heart and kidneys least damage to brain and nervous system

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

variety of characteristics associated with prenatal exposure to high quantities of alcohol


very high in fat

what are the most common vitamin/mineral deficiencies?

vit. A, iron, Iodine, folic acid and vit B.12

a lack of which micronutrient has been implicated in causing blindness in children?

vitamin A

what deficiencies increase the risk of preeclampsia

vitamin C, vitamin E, and magnesium

macronutrients that tend to be suboptimal in many adults

vitamin D, b6, calcium

A complete vegetarian (vegan) must carefully monitor the intake of what nutrients?

vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B6, iron, vitamin B12, zinc

The diets of adults tend to be low in

vitamin D. zinc. magnesium. folate.

supplemental vitamin _______________ should be discontinued when dietary sources provide at least 400 IU per day

vitamin K and D

Although there is disagreement over the true benefit of breakfast for cognitive ability, children who eat breakfast are more likely to meet their daily needs for X and X compared to children not eating breakfast.

vitamins and minerals

Continuing to offer choices of colorful vegetables during late infancy and the toddler years will enhance intake of important X, X, and X

vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals

Aerobic activities

walking, running, swimming, sking

What causes famine?

war, natural disaster or civil unrest


watery and low in fat

Second trimester period

week 14 to week 27

Third trimester period

week 28 to week 40

On average, a full-term infant at birth

weighs 7 to 8 pounds and is about 20 inches long.

BMI calculation

weight (kg)/height (m)^2

beneficial activities for middle school aged children

weight raining with small weights and organized sports

Fetal adaptation

when a fetus is exposed to harmful elements, it goes into "survival mode": hormones shift to promote energy storage, and enzymes can increase or decrease the size and function of various body organs


when a region has more people than its natural resources can support

when does a food allergy occur

when immune bodies produced by the body react with a protein from food the body sense as foreign

Studies show that by X year of age, veggie choices are dominated by

white potatoes

children up to age 2 should drink ___________ milk, after 2 they should drink _________ milk.

whole, reduced-fat

What are vulnerable groups around world for poverty promoted by discrimination and inequality?

women, elderly, disabled, refugees, orphans, migrant workers and illiterate people

does nutrition play a role in the conditions of babies being born preterm or small-for gestational age?


BY what % can proper irrigation increase yield by? what % of the world's land is irrigated and how much does this % produce of the worlds' food?

yield 100-400% 17% of land produces 40%

Insufficient intakes of ___ by adults may contribute to loss of taste sensations and delayed wound healing.


Calcium when pregnant

• 1,000 mg/day, same as for non-pregnant women • Calcium absorption is more efficient during pregnancy

sodium while pregnant

• 1,500 mg/day, same as for non-pregnant women

Vitamin D while pregnant

• Adequate Intake (AI) does not increase during pregnancy • If exposure to sunlight is limited or milk consumption is low, supplementation is advised • Prenatal vitamin supplements contain 10 μg/dose

nutrition related concerns about pregnancy

• Adolescent pregnancy • Vegetarianism • Exercise • Caffeine consumption • Alcohol consumption • Smoking • Illegal drug use • Foodsafety

factors of gestational diabetes

• Affects as many as 10% of U.S. pregnancies • Condition resolves after birth occurs • Risk of delivering a large baby • Gestational diabetes increases a woman's risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Other detrimental maternal impacts on a fetus include exposure to

• Alcohol • Tobacco • Toxic agents, such as environmental pollutants

Nutrition-related concerns for infants include

• Allergies • Dehydration • Colic • Anemia • Nursing bottle syndrome • Lead poisoning

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) tips to help minimize it

• Avoid excessive weight gain • Chew food slowly • Wait for 1 hour after eating before lying down • Sleep with your head elevated

Consumption of Caffeine while pregnant

• Caffeine is a stimulant that crosses the placenta and reaches the fetus • One to two cups of coffee per day very likely will cause no harm • More than two cups of coffee may slightly increase the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight

Second trimester

• Continued development of organ systems • Growth from approximately 3 inches to over 1 foot long by the end of this trimester

zinc while pregnant

• Critical for making proteins, DNA, and RNA • Need increases 38% during pregnancy (11 mg/day)

folate deficiency when pregnant

• Deficiency is associated with anencephaly and spina bifida

deficiency of vitamin c when pregnant

• Deficiency results in elevated risk for preterm births and preeclampsia

Infant Dehydration

• Extremely dangerous for infants • Caused by diarrhea, vomiting, and inadequate fluid intake • Pediatric electrolyte solution may be used

Infants should not eat

• Foods they could choke on • Corn syrup or honey • Goat's milk • Cow's milk • Too much salt or sugar • Too much breast milk or formula

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

• High-quality nutrition • Protection from infections, allergies, and residues • Assists the mother in weight loss • Suppresses ovulation • Provides an opportunity for bonding • Convenience and cost efficient

what does fluids do to pregnant woman and their baby

• Increase in maternal blood volume • Body temperature regulation • Production of amniotic fluid to protect and cushion the fetus • Combat fluid retention and constipation • Reduce risk of urinary tract infections

Iron during pregnancy

• Increased need for red blood cells increases the need for iron by 50% (27 mg/day) • Fetal need for iron increases in the third trimester • Iron stores of mother are depleted to support needs of the fetus • Iron-deficiency anemia is common during pregnancy

Infant Anemia

• Infants are born with enough iron for only 6 months • Anemia can develop • Iron-fortified cereal/supplement may be needed

Nursing bottle syndrome

• Leaving an infant alone with a bottle can lead to cavities (dental caries) and tooth decay • The high-carbohydrate fluid provides an optimal food source for bacteria that cause dental caries • Rather than a bottle, begin using a cup by 8 months and no bottle after 18 months

cravings and aversions

• Little evidence supports the idea that cravings indicate a deficiency • Due to hormonal fluctuations, physiologic changes, or familial or cultural roots • Pica: craving a nonfood item (ice, clay, laundry starch) • Food aversions are common but not universal among pregnant women

Fetal stressors that influence adult health include what nutrient deficiencies

• Low maternal intake of calcium increases risk of hypertension in offspring • Poor maternal folate intake is linked to neural tube defects and early signs of atherosclerosis • Zinc deficiency has been linked to later-life disorders such as diabetes and atherosclerosis

effects on new child of FAS

• Malformations of face, limbs, heart, and nervous system • Many developmental disabilities

Strong evidence links maternal dietary excesses to health problems in adult offspring

• Maternal obesity may account for changes in the "programming" of the fetal brain, resulting in lifelong health consequences • Maternal obesity increases rates of spina bifida, neural tube defects, infant heart defects, cleft lip and palate, and abnormal arms or legs • Maternal diabetes can increase risks for infant type 2 diabetes, overweight, and metabolic syndrome

Formulas are very tightly regulated by federal government

• Minimum and maximum standards for 29 nutrients • Protein source: casein or whey from cow's milk • Carbohydrate source: lactose and sucrose • Fat source: vegetable oils or microbiologically produced lipids

Nutrition-related problems during pregnancy can include

• Morning sickness • Food and nonfood cravings and aversions • Gastroesophageal reflux (GER)/heartburn • Constipation • Gestational diabetes • Preeclampsia (maternal blood pressure increase)

iodine during pregnancy

• Need for iodine increases significantly • 220 μg/day can be obtained from iodized salt

Vitamin A while pregnant

• Needs increase by 10% in pregnancy • 770 μg/day • Supplementation is not recommended due to toxicity risk • Beta-carotene (provitamin A) is not associated with birth defects

Adolescent Pregnancy

• Nutritional needs of pregnant adolescents are higher than those of adult women • Adolescent bodies are still growing and changing, adding to the nutritional needs of pregnancy


• Pregnancy hormones that cause smooth muscles to relax also slow the movement of material through the large intestine

Vitamin C while pregnant

• Production of collagen (connective tissue) • 85 mg/day during pregnancy

Exercise During Pregnancy

• Reduces risk for gestational diabetes and preeclampsia • Helps prevent excessive prenatal weight and body fat gain • Improves mood, energy level, sleep patterns • Enhances posture and balance • Improves muscle tone, strength, and endurance • Reduces lower back pain and shortens the duration of active labor • Reduces risk of preterm birth and large-for- gestational age infants

Vitamin B12 when pregnant

• Regenerates the active form of folate • 2.6 μg/day during pregnancy

how to prevent lead poisoning

• Remove old, lead-based paint • Allow tap water to run a minute before use to discard lead leached from pipes • Use only cold tap water because hot tap water is more likely to leach lead

Folate while pregnant

• Required for cell division • Critical in the first 28 days for development of the neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord • 400 μg/day for sexually active women • 600 μg/day for pregnant women

Infant Allergies

• Solid foods should be introduced one at a time for a week to watch for allergies • Cow's milk, egg whites, peanuts, and wheat commonly trigger food allergies

Nutritional quality of breast milk

• The main protein, lactalbumin, is easily digested • Primary carbohydrate is lactose • Rich source of readily absorbed calcium and magnesium

Increase in macronutrients during pregnancy: fats

• The percentage of Calories obtained from fat should not change during pregnancy • Limit saturated fat; avoid trans fats • Consume rich sources of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid

why are Infants' nutritional needs unique

• Their energy needs are high to support rapid growth • Their digestive tracts and kidneys are still immature • They are small in size

Third trimester

• Time of considerable growth • Fetus gains three-quarters of its weight in this time • Brain growth is also extensive • Lungs become fully mature • A balanced, adequate diet for the mother is essential during this time

When to Introduce Solid Food

• Tongue movement allows swallowing • Muscle development allows infant to sit up • Digestive system and kidneys have matured • Less likely to develop food allergies • Iron-fortified cereals are well tolerated


• Uncontrollable crying that can last for hours • Precise cause is unknown

Pregnant women should avoid consuming

• Unpasteurized milk, raw or partially cooked eggs, raw or undercooked meat/fish/poultry, unpasteurized juices, and raw sprouts • Large fish such as shark, swordfish, and king mackerel, along with canned albacore tuna • Soft cheeses unless the label specifically states the product is made with pasteurized milk

Several micronutrients may need supplementation for infants

• Vitamin D because of limited exposure to sunlight • Iron—stores are depleted by the sixth month • Fluoride for tooth development • Vitamin B12 if the mother is a vegan • Water is generally not required unless loss is excessive (diarrhea, vomiting, fever, hot weather)

Weight gain during pregnancy

• Women who do not gain enough weight are at risk of having a low-birth-weight baby • Too much weight gain is also risky • Women should not diet during pregnancy since this may deprive the fetus of critical nutrients

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