Nutrition Exam 6-7

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a neurological disorder typically associated with chronic alcoholism and caused by a deficiency of the B-vitamin thiamin (B1)

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

enzymes themselves are not __________ by the reactions they facilitate


(4) ____________ is synthesized. (5) ______________ atoms react with oxygen to make H2O

1. ATP 2. Hydrogen atoms

metabolic reactions almost always require ______________ to facilitate their action. in many cases, the enzymes need assistants to help them. enzyme helpers are called ______________

1. enzymes 2. coenzymes

some of the energy released during the breakdown of glucose, glycerol, fatty acids, and amino acids is captured in the high-energy compound _________. __________ as its name indicates has 3 phosphate groups

1. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

1. the average life span of a skin cell is ________ days. 2. cells of the GI tract are replaced _____________

1. 30 2. every few

a drink is any alcoholic beverage that deliver 1/2 ounce of "pure ethanol": 1. ___ ounces of wine 2. ___ ounces of wine cooler 3. ___ ounces of beer 4. ___ ounces of liquor

1. 5 2. 10 3. 12 4. 1 1/2

as glucose break down to pyruvate, hydrogen atoms with their electrons are released and carried to the electron transport chain by coenzymes made from the _____ vitamin _______

1. B vitamin 2. niacin

during digestion the body breaks down the 3-energy yielding nutrients into: 1. CHO 2. FAT 3. PRO

1. CHO --> glucose (6 carbons) 2. FAT --> triglycerides (3 carbons) 3. PRO --> amino acids (even number, 16 or 18)

alcohol's effects on the brain: 1. ______________: judgement reasoning centers 2. ______________: speech and vision in the midbrain are affected next 3. ______________: voluntary muscular control is then affected 4. ______________: respiration and heart actions are last to be affected

1. Frontal Lobe 2. Midbrain 3. Cerebellum 4. Pons, Medulla Oblongata

PRO chemical bonds:

1. H forms 1 bond 2. O forms 2 bonds 3. N forms 3 bonds 4. C forms 4 bonds

when Acetyl CoA enters the ___________, energy is harnessed through the _______________

1. TCA cycle 2. electron transport chain

(1)all of the energy-yielding nutrients--PRO, CHO, and FAT--can be broken down to ___________________; (2) _________________ can enter the TCA cycle

1. acetyl CoA

Energy Metabolism Review: 1. all of the energy-yielding nutrients--proteins, carbohydrates, and fat--can be broken down to ________________ 2. acetyl CoA can enter the __________ cycle or it can make ________ 3. Many of these reactions release ______ atoms with their electrons, which are carried by _____________ to the "electron transport chain"

1. acetyl CoA 2. TCA cycle; fat 3. H atoms, coenzymes

pyruvate breaks down to _____________ in an ___________ pathway. __________ pathways produce energy more slowly, but because they can be sustained for a long time, their total energy yield is greater

1. acetyl CoA 2. aerobic pathway

what are the 2 products when amino acids are broken down and deaminated--stripped of their nitrogen containing amino groups?

1. ammonia (NH3) 2. keto acid

reactions in which small molecules are put together build larger ones. __________ reactions require energy (ex. ____________ )

1. anabolism 2. condensation

for acetyl CoA, it carbons go only 1 way to _______________; as compound compounds in the TCA cycle lose a carbon to carbon dioxide, hydrogen atoms with their electrons are carried off by coenzymes made from the ________ vitamins __________ and ______________ to the electron transport chain

1. carbon dioxide 2. B-vitamins 3. niacin 4. riboflavin

breaking down reactions are ______________, whereas building up reactions are ______________

1. catabolic 2. anabolic

reaction ins which large molecules are broken down to smaller ones. ____________ reactions release energy (ex. _____________ )

1. catabolism 2. hydrolysis

complex organic molecules that work with enzymes to facilitate the enzyme's activity, many _____________ have ________ vitamins as part of their structures

1. coenzymes 2. B-vitamins

alcohol needs no digestion and is quickly absorbed across the wall of the an ___________________; the stomach begins to break down alcohol with its ___________________

1. empty stomach 2. alcohol dehydrogenase

1. ______________ the 1st stage of liver deterioration seen in heavy drinkers, interferes with the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to the liver cells 2. if _______________ lasts long enough the liver cells die and form fibrous scar tissue. this 2nd stage of liver deterioration is called ______________ 3. the most advanced stage, _______________, damage is the least reversible

1. fatty liver 2. fatty liver; fibrosis 3. cirrhosis

when the body needs energy quickly, pyruvate is converted to _______________. the breakdown of glucose-to-pyruvate-to-lactate proceeds without oxygen--it is ________________.

1. glucose 2. anaerobic

the metabolic breakdown of glucose to pyruvate. glycolysis does not require oxygen ( ______________ )

1. glycolysis 2. anaerobic

nitrogen status is positive in ______________, _____________, ________________, ______________, _______________

1. growing infants 2. children 3. adolescents 4. pregnant women 5. people recovering from protein deficiency (they are retaining protein)

(3) most of the reactions of the energy yielding pathways release ___________ atoms with their electrons, which are carried by _____________ to the "electron transport chain";

1. hydrogen atoms 2. coenzymes

the wasting form of malnutrition, known as _______________, was attributed to protein deficiency. the stunting form of malnutrition, known as _______________, was attributed to energy deficiency. together they were named "protein-energy malnutrition".

1. kwashiorkor 2. marasmus

_________ cells release urea into the blood, where it circulates until it passes through the _________. the __________ then filter urea out of the blood for excretion in urine

1. liver 2. kidneys 3. kidneys

to build a bone or a tooth, cells first lay down a __________ of the protein _______________ and then fill it with crystals of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, fluoride, and other minerals

1. matrix 2. collagen

the TCA cycle reactions take place in the inner compartment of the ___________________; __________ goes only 1 way--down to 2 carbon dioxide molecules and a coenzyme (CoA)

1. mitochondria 2. Acetyl CoA

when polypeptides enter the small intestine, several pancreatic and intestinal _______________ hydrolyze them further into short peptide chains. the _______________ enzymes on the membrane surfaces of the intestinal cells split most of the dipeptides and tripeptides into single single amino acids

1. proteases 2. peptidase

1. _______________ can be used to make glucose 2. _______________ cannot be used to make glucose

1. pyruvate 2. Acetyl CoA

amino acids and glycerol can be converted to ______________ and therefore "can" provide glucose for the body. fatty acids are converted to _______________ and therefore "cannot" make glucose

1. pyruvate 2. Acetyl CoA

if the body degrades more than it synthesizes, the protein is being lost and nitrogen status is negative. nitrogen status is negative in people who are _________________, _______________, and ________________; their nitrogen excretion exceeds their nitrogen intake

1. starving or suffering 2. suffering other severe stresses such as burns, injuries, infections, and fever

what are the 2 steps of transforming the information in DNA into the appropriate sequence of amino acids needed to make a specific protein

1. transcription 2. translation

DNA --> __________ RNA --> _____________ protein

1. transcription 2. translation

protein recommendations for athletes: _________ to __________ g/kg/day


the net yield of 1 glucose molecule is _______ pyruvate molecules


Energy Metabolism Review (Continued): 4. in the end, ___________ is consumed, __________ and _____________ are produced, and energy is captured in ATP 5. Some amino acids, pyruvate, and glycerol can be used to make ______________ 6. _____________ cannot be used to make glucose

4. oxygen; carbon dioxide; water (H2O) 5. glucose 6. Fatty acids

each turn of the TCA releases a total of ________ electrons

8 electrons

the protein RDA for adults is ______ grams per kilogram of healthy body weight per day

8.0 grams per kilogram

in the first few days of a fast body proteins provide ________ % of the needed glucose; glycerol 10%


the pathway in which glucose is metabolized to lactate (by anaerobic glycolysis) in the muscle, lactate is converted back to glucose in the liver, and then glucose is returned to the muscle

Cori Cycle

the instructions for making every protein in a person's body are transmitted by way of the genetic information received at conception. this body of knowledge which is filed by _____________ within the nucleus of every cell, never leaves the nucleus


_________ is a more efficient fuel source. gram for gram _________ can provide much more energy than either of the other 2 energy yielding nutrients, making it the body's preferred form of energy storage


in addition to the dehydrogenase enzyme, the liver possesses an enzyme system that metabolizes with both alcohol and several other types of drugs; this system handles about 1/5th of the total alcohol a person consumes

MEOS (microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system)

women produces less ___________________ enzyme, more alcohol reaches the intestine for absorption

alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme

when oxaloacetate is insufficient, the TCA cycle slows down, oxaloacetate is made primarily from pyruvate but cannot be made from ___________________


all ____________ have the same basic structure--a central carbon (C) atom with a hydrogen atom (H), an amino group (NH2), and an acid group (COOH) attached to it

amino acids

an _______________ pathway yields energy quickly, but it cannot be sustained for long--a couple minutes at most


people who drink alcoholic beverages may notice that they urinate more, alcohol depresses production of __________________ a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that retains water--consequently, with less ADH, more water is lost

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

when proteins are subjected to heat, acid, or other conditions that disturb their stability, they undergo ________________--that is, they uncoil and lose their shapes and, consequently, also lose their ability to function


the major even in the stomach is the partial breakdown ( _____________ ) of proteins. hydrochloric acid uncoils (denatures) each protein's tangled strands so that digestive enzymes can attack the peptide bonds


proteins help to maintain the body "fluid balance". because proteins attract water, fluid accumulates and causes swelling. swelling due to an excess of fluid in the tissues is known as ___________________


the _____________ characteristic of kwashiorkor is apparent in this child's swollen belly. malnourished children commonly have an enlarged abdomen from parasites as well.


proteins that facilitate chemical reactions without being changed in the process, protein catalysts


the 9 amino acids that the body either cannot make at all or cannot make in sufficient quantity to meet its needs

essential amino acids

during a fast, the need for glucose poses a major problem. amino acids that yield pyruvate can be used for ___________________--the making of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources


as a fast continues, the body finds a way to use its fat to fuel the brain. it adapts by combining acetyl CoA fragment derived from fatty acids to produce an alternate energy source, ___________________

ketone bodies

when keto acid concentration rises, the pH of blood drops this is ________________. a fruity odor of the breath develops, reflecting the presence of ketone acetone


a 3-carbon compound produced from pyruvate during anaerobic metabolism


by accepting the hydrogens, pyruvate becomes ______________, and the coenzymes are freed to return to glycolysis to pick up more hydrogens


the accumulation of __________ in the muscles coincides with--but does not seem to be the cause of--the subsequent drop in blood pH, burning pain, and fatigue that are commonly associated with intense exercise


__________________ the essential amino acid found in the shortest supply relative to the amounts needed for protein synthesis in the body. four amino acids are most likely to be limiting: 1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________

limiting amino acid 1. lysine 2. methionine 3. threonine 4. tryptophan

of all the body's cells, the ________ cells are the most versatile and metabolically active


the sum total of all the chemical reactions that go on in living cells


coenzymes carry the hydrogens from glucose breakdown to the electron transport chain. if the electron transport chain is unable to accept these hydrogens, as may occur when cells lack sufficient _________________ or in the absence of sufficient oxygen, pyruvate can accept the hydrogen


the cellular organelles responsible for producing ATP aerobically; made of membranes (lipids and proteins) with enzymes mounted on them


"protein turnover" and _______________ go hand in hand. in healthy adults, protein synthesis balances with degradation, and protein intake from food balances with nitrogen excretion in the urine feces, and sweat. when the nitrogen intake equals nitrogen output, the person ins in nitrogen equilibrium, or zero _________________

nitrogen balance

more than half of the amino acids are ____________, meaning that the body can synthesize them for itself. proteins in foods usually deliver these amino acids, but it is not essential that they do so. the body can make all ___________________

nonesssential amino acids

the TCA cycle is a circular path because a 4-carbon compound known as ________________ is needed in the 1st step and it is synthesized in the last step


the hydrochloric acid also converts the inactive form of the enzyme pepsinogen to tis active form, _________________. ______________ cleaves protein--large polypeptides--into smaller polypeptides and some amino acids


a ____________ bond unites each amino acid to the next

peptide bond

the ________________ structure of proteins involves the interactions between 2 or more polypeptides. one molecule of _______________--the large, globular protein molecule that, by the billion, backs the red blood cells and carries oxygen

quaternary structure

the _________________ structure of proteins is determined not by chemical bonds as between amino acids but by the weak electrical attractions within the polypeptide chain. twists into a "helix or folds into a pleated a sheet"

secondary structure

an error in the amino acid sequence results in an altered protein--sometimes with dramatic consequences. the protein hemoglobin offers one example of such a genetic variation. in a person with _____________________, 2 of hemoglobins four polypeptide chains have the normal sequence of amino acids, but the other 2 chains do not--they have etc...

sickle-cell anemia

the _________________ structure of proteins occurs as long polypeptide chains twist and fold into a variety of complex tangled shapes (aa side groups attracted to water = hydrophilic) (aa side groups repel water = hydrophilic)

tertiary structure

if a particular nonessential amino acid is not readily available, cells can make it from a "keto acid"--if a nitrogen source is available. cells can also make a nonessential amino acid by transferring an amino group from one amino acid to its corresponding keto acid through many such _______________ reactions, involving many different keto acids, the liver cells can synthesize nonessential amino acids


in the 1st step, known as ______________ , a stretch of DNA is used as a template to make messenger RNA. messenger RNA then carries the code across the nuclear membrane into the body of the cell, where it seeks out and attaches itself to one of the ribosome


________________ collects amino acids from the cell fluid and takes them to the messenger RNA

transfer RNA

in the 2nd step, known as _______________ , situated on a ribosome, messenger RNA specifies the sequence which the amino acids line up for the synthesis of protein


________ is the body's principal vehicle for excreting unused "nitrogen", and the amount of _________ produced with protein intake


to prevent the ammonia (a base) created from transamination from upsetting the bodies critical acid-base balance the liver combines ammonia carbon dioxide to create __________


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