Nutrition Module 1-4

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Absorbed nutrients have two possible routes to take: via the blood stream or the lymphatic system. what does this mean?

Bloodstream- water- and water-soluble nutrients (portal) Lymphatic system- most lipids and fat-soluble vitamins (lymphatic) Portal and lymphatic system are two different blood vessels that drain SI

Identify the six classes of nutrients

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water

Calculate the percentage of total calories coming from the following: 200g carbs, 80g fat, 110g protein. Assume the person consumes 2200 calories

carbs: 200 x 4= 800 cal fats: 80 x 9= 720 cal protein: 110 x 4= 440 cal total: 1960 cal

What is the cephalic phase of digestion? describe.

• Cephalic Phase of digestion is where the body relaxes juices for the body to signal it is time to eat • This is what causes hunger pains

What determines how a fatty acid is digested and absorbed? Explain.

• Length of the carbon chain (number of carbons) • Level of hydrogen saturation (number of hydrogens) • Shape (straight or bent)

Examine and explain the role of bile in the digestion of fat.

• The arrival of fat stimulate the hormone chlisisticcimine o Bile from the liver> gallbladder breaks down fat o Enzymes from pancreas - Break apart triglycerides - Break apart phospholipid - Break apart cholesterol esters o Micelles formed for fat absorption and transport o Bile emulisifes the fat and big fats go to liver and small fats go to pancreas o Fat is hydrophobic o Bile and phospholipids are the main products of the micelle o The transport them through the watery part of the small intestine

Explain how a diet low in carbohydrate could cause organ damage over time.

• The body's choices for fuel: • 1st: glucose from carbohydrates • Second: Gluconeogenesis which is where the body uses protein as the glucose which means the body can not use the protein to repair itself • Third: ketones from fat • Fat can not be converted to glucose • Ketones serve as a fuel for the brain instead of glucose but too many of them in the blood will create an acidic blood pH called ketoacidosis

Take a moment and think of the food you have eaten in the last 24 hours. Why did you choose the food you consumed?

• The foods I have eaten in the last 24 hours resemble my macros and what I eat on a day to day basis. I follow a flexible meal plan where I can choose the foods I want to eat as long as they fit in my macros and my body agrees with them. I chose varies different healthy foods (aspargus, berries, oatmilk yogurt, egg whites, oats, etc.) because this is what I LOVE to eat, and I love to watch my body prosper from the foods I eat every day!

Scenario: You have been diagnosed with an inflamed gallbladder. You have been advised by your medical doctor to minimize intake of dietary fat but not to limit intake of carbohydrate or protein. Explain the doctor's reasoning.

• The gallbladder is what is what stores bile and bile is what brings fat and water together to emulsify lipids. If your gallbladder is inflamed it is producing too much bile for the gallbladder to secrete therefore an individual needs to reduce there fat intake.

Why are the salivary glands important?

• They contain salivary amylase which is enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates

You have eaten a large dinner but still have room for a slice of chocolate pie. Given this scenario, is this your appetite or are you still hungry

• This is your appetite speaking to you because you really want that chocolate pie but may not actually have room in your stomach for it.

Assume you are credentialed nutrition professional. What steps would you take to accurately evaluate a patient's nutritional health

- checking of vital signs( pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and respiration rate) -auscultation of heart and lung sounds -laboratory analysis of blood and or urine samples -height and weight (anthropometric assessment) -family history of disease - personal health history -energy intake, socioeconomic factors, disease history - food intake patterns

Identify three features within the choose my plate website that can help you become a healthier individual.

- make half you grains whole - vary your veggies - focus on fruits

Explain the human body's necessity for dietary cholesterol.

- our body can make cholesterol. majority is produced in liver and intestine. - we absorb about 40-60% of the cholesterol we consume. the exact amount absorbed depends on a number of factors, including genetics, body size, health status, and the types of foods we consume. - our Bodies recycles cholesterol so we have enough

Given that nutrition is a science based on researched evidence, explain how the scientific method plays a role in the science of nutrition. within your explanation, identify the parts of the scientific method

- researcher makes an observation and description of a phenomenon - researcher proposes a hypothesis or educated guess, to explain why the phenomenon occurs - researcher develops an experimental design that will test the hypothesis - researcher collects and analyzes data that will either support or reject the hypothesis - if the data do not support the original hypothesis, then an alternative hypothesis is proposed and tested - if the data support the original hypothesis, then a conclusion is drawn - the experiment must be repeatable, so that other researchers can obtain similar results - finally, a theory is proposed offering a conclusion drawn from repeated experiments that have supported the hypothesis time and time again

Though the human body needs carbohydrate to live, a diet too high in simple sugars may be detrimental. Factually explain three negative impacts of a diet high in simple carbohydrates.

- tooth decay: the bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive off of sugar. they produce acids which eat away at tooth enamel and can eventually cause cavities and gum disease - Unhealthful changes in blood lipids: higher intakes of added sugars are associated with higher blood levels of low density lipoproteins and lower levels of high density lipoproteins. risk factors for heart disease. - Diabetes and obesity

What is the fatty acid (saturation) profile of butter verses canola oil? Explain.

-butter: .32 -canola oil: 1.28

. Conversely, if your diet is high in complex carbohydrates, what does this mean? Is this a good thing? (Read your text thoroughly regarding this topic, as not all complex carbohydrates are created equal.) Explain both scenarios.

-generally consist of long chains of glucose molecules -more nutrients, higher in fiber so they digest slower -help manage blood sugar spikes after meals -Two types: fiber and starch -Examples of fiber: fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains -Examples of starchs: whole wheat bread, cereal, corn, oats These are good for your diet

b. Due to a busy schedule, you have not eaten in 16 hours, and the only thing you had to drink was water. From a blood glucose perspective, what is happening in your body?

1. glucagon secretion: when blood glucose levels are low, the pancreas secretes the hormone glucagon from the alpha cells into the blood stream 2. glycogenolysis: Glucagon stimulates the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose, which is released into the blood and transported to the cells for energy 3. gluconeogenesis: Glucagon also assists in the breakdown of proteins and the uptake of amino acids by the liver, which creates glucose from amino acids

8. Understanding the hormone regulation of blood glucose is key to your studies in this course. Take a moment to thoroughly review the text on this topic as well as the graphic on page 129 of your book "Regulation of Blood Glucose." Then, respond to the following scenarios with a thorough explanation: a. You are a healthy 20-year-old female. It is 11am and you consume a 32-ounce fruit and yogurt smoothie. This is the first thing you have eaten since the previous evening. In terms of blood glucose regulation, what is happening in your body?

1. insulin secretion: when blood glucose levels increase after a meal, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin from the beta cells into the bloodstream 2. cellular uptake: insulin travels to the tissues. there, it stimulates glucose transporters within cells to travel to the cell membrane, where they facilitate glucose transport into the cell to be used for energy 3. glucose storage: insulin also stimulates the storage of glucose in the body tissues. glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles (glycogenesis), and is stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue (lipogenesis)

How much carbohydrate should you be consuming? Step 1: Determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (page 517) Step 2: Multiply your BMR by 50% or .5 to determine the calories you should consume from carbohydrate. (The AMDR for carbohydrate is 45-65% of total calories.) Step 3: Divide the calories from carbohydrate by 4 (4 calories in one gram of carbohydrate) in order to determine the grams of carbohydrate you should eat per day.

1339.2 x .5= 669.6 1339.2 x .7= 937.44 2008.6 2276.64 669.6/4= 167.4 g of carbs

summarize acceptable macronutrient distribution range

A range of intakes for a particular energy source that is associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate intakes of essential nutrients

Summarize adequate intake

A recommended average daily nutrient intake level based on observed or experimentally determined estimates of nutrient intake by a group of healthy people

According to your textbook, a healthy diet consists on four very important characteristics (not nutrients). Identify and explain each in detail

Adequate diet- a diet that provides enough of the energy, nutrients, and fiber to maintain a person's health;th Moderation- eating any foods in moderate amounts- not too much and not too little balanced diet- a diet that contains the combinations of foods that provide the proper nutrient proportions Variety- eating a lot of different foods each day

What is the caloric value per gram of each macronutrient?

Carbs: 4kcal/g Fats: 9 kcal/g Protein: 4kcal/g

Scenario: You have been experiencing weight loss and abdominal pain. It seems no matter how many calories you consume, you keep losing weight. Upon the microscopic examination of the lining of your small intestine, your doctor finds that the villi are inflamed and decreased in number. a. Explain the condition that is occurring.

Crohn's disease is occuring which is a possible immune system reaction to a virus or bacteria

Inflammatory bowel diseases are serious conditions for many Americans. For the two types mentioned in your book, investigate the following after identifying the diseases..

Crohns disease o An inflammatory bowel disease Possible cause is immune system reaction to a virus or bacteria Symptoms include: diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss, fever, anemia Children may experience delayed growth Treatment: nutrition support through TPN short term, increased or decrease fiber depending on symptoms Crohns can develop in both SI and LI Up to 20% need surgery • Ulcerative colitis (UC) o Inflammation and ulceration of the colon Symptoms include: diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal, bleeding, weight loss, fever, anemia Increased risk of colon cancer Treatment: Medications, surgery, nutrition support through TPN short term, Diet modifications long term; increased water, smaller meals Develops in LI • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) o A disorder that interfered with normal colon function Symptoms of IBS include: Abdominal cramping and bloating Diarrheas or constipation or both Associated with stress, caffeine, large meals, chocolate, alcohol, dairy, or wheat IBS more common in women than men due to hormonal changes Treatments include: Stress management, High fiber diet, fluids, avoiding offending food, Low FODMAP diet

You are concerned with rising blood glucose and insulin levels due to your diabetes. Your friend told you to avoid foods with a high glycemic index. What does this mean? How would monitoring glycemic load be valuable to you? Explain.

Glycemic index is a rating of the potential of foods to raise blood glucose and insulin levels. a high index will cause a sudden surge in blood glucose but a low index will cause low to moderate fluctuations in blood glucose glycemic load is the amount go carbohydrate in a food multiplied by the glycemic index of the carbohydrate Food or meals with lower glycemic load are a better choice for someone with diabetes, because they will not trigger dramatic fluctuations in blood glucose

Explain in detail the role of the hypothalamus in regulating blood glucose before and after a meal. Include information about hormone regulation within your response

Hunger is the physiological drive for food triggered by the hypothalamus in the brain Hypothalamus is what controls hunger sensations Appetite is a psychological desire to consume a specific food Anorexia means someone does not have the appetite for food Pancreas produces both insulin and glucagon

Briefly describe the difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy.

Lactose intolerance- a disorder in which the body does not produce sufficient lactase enzyme and therefore cannot digest foods that contain lactose, such as cow's milk milk allergy- people become anaphylactic can not consume any milk products

What are accessory organs and what roles do they play in digestion and absorption? explain

Liver: produces bile salts, which emulsify lipids, aiding their digestion and absorption Gallbladder: stores, concentrates, and releases bile Pancreas: produces digestive enzymes and bicarbonate Bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juices help neutralize acidic chyme and provide optimal environment for enzymatic activity

Scenario: Joe consumes 150g Carbohydrate per day as part of his 2000 total calorie diet. According to the AMDR, is Joe consuming enough carbohydrate? Show calculations and explain.

No he is not he is only consuming 600 calories of carbs when he should be consuming between 900-1300

Does sugar intake cause diabetes? Explain your answer from a factual standpoint.

No sugar does not cause diabetes. Our bodies need a certain amount of sugar in oder to Regulate blood glucose levels in the body. There are certain sugars such as High fructose corn syrup that if we consume only that type of sugars through our body it can cause weight gain and can lead to diabetes

How does dietary fiber help the colon stay healthy? Explain.

Normalizes bowel movement Helps maintain bowel health Lowers cholesterol levels Helps control blood sugar levels Aids in achieving a healthy weight Helps you live longer

Summarize the evolution of nutrition as a science

Nutrition: scientific study of how the food we consume nourishes our body and influences health Where does it come from?? Plants and animals that we consume

Which part of the nervous system controls the involuntary muscular movements of digestion? Explain in detail.

Peristalsis is a series of rhythmic waves of movement This allows the bolus to move down the esophagus and not get stuck Peristalsis consists of sequential, alternating waves of contraction and relaxation of alimentary wall smooth muscles, which act to propel food along (Figure 1). These waves also play a role in mixing food with digestive juices. Peristalsis is so powerful that foods and liquids you swallow enter your stomach even if you are standing on your head.

explain the difference between the sizes of portions and servings. Give examples within your response

Serving size in a common household measure( cups), a metric measure (grams), and the number of servings contained in the package. a serving size on the package may not be the same as the amount you eat

What professional organizations exist that also provide reliable nutrition information? identify and explain two.

The American Society for Nutrition: the ASN is the premier research society dedicated to improving quality of life through the science of nutrition. They foster, enhance, and disseminate nutrition related research and professional education activites The obesity society: TOS is the leading scientific society dedicated to the study of obesity. it is committed to improving the lives of people with obesity, nurturing careers of obesity scientists and healthcare providers, and promoting interdisciplinary obesity research, management, education

Summarize estimated average requirement

The average daily nutrient intake level estimated t meet the requirement of half of the healthy individuals in a particular life stage or gender group

summarize estimated energy requirement

The average dietary energy intake that is predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy individual

summarize tolerable upper intake level

The highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals in a particular life stage and gender group

Explain how these tools could improve your lifestyle

They could improve your lifestyle because people will start to see improvement in there health with just little changes to there diet.

Explain how the current dietary recommendations became current dietary standards.

They depend on age, gender, medical conditions, risk factors, exercise patterns

Pretend you desire a career in the field of nutrition and desire becoming a registered dietitian. A. What steps can you take toward becoming a credentialed nutrition professional, a registered dietitian? B. What does a registered dietitian do in their scope of practice?

To become a RD, you need a bachelors degree, completion of a supervised clinical experience, a passing grade on a national examination, and maintenance of registration with the Academy of nutrition and dietetics qualified to provide nutrition counseling in a variety of settings

Explain the three types of lipids in food, giving examples of each.

Triglycerides- a molecule consisting of three fatty acids attached to a three- Carbon glycerol backbone ex: way we store fat, butter, milk, oil phospholipids: a type of lipid in which a fatty acid is combined with another compound that contains phosphate; unlike other lipids, phospholipids are soluble in water ex: egg yolks, peanuts, soybeans sterols: a type of lipid found in foods and the body that has a ring structure, cholesterol is the most common sterol that occurs in our diet ex: Cholesterol

a. If your diet is high in simply carbohydrates, what does this mean? Is this a good thing?

Your diet is high in sugar which are monosaccharides and disaccharides Most simple carbs are add ins which are raw sugar, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, fructose, sucrose, fruit juice concentrate no not good

summarize dietary reference intake

a set of nutritional reference values for the US and Canada that applies to healthy people

What is the predominant sweetener in Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi?


Identify the quantity of each of these servings recommended for your consumption every day

dairy- 3 cups a day fruit- 2 cups a day vegatables- 2 1/2 cups grains- at least 6 oz meat- at least 5 1/2 oz

Identify and explain three types of research studies the could be used by nutrition researchers

epidemiological studies- studies that examine patterns of health and disease conditions in defined populations - observational studies: types of epidemiological studies that indicate relationships between nutrition habits, disease trends, and other health phenomena of large populations of humans -Case-control studies: complex observational studies with additional design features that allow us to gain a better understanding of factors that may influence disease

Describe the primary function during digestive process of the following:

espophagus: Muscular tube connecting the back of the mouth to the stomach (10 inches) o Peristalis: Muscular action moving food bolus o Lower esophageal sphincter: at end of esophagus Stomach: a holding tank for 4 cups of food and liquid but when stomach is at its max stomach can hold 1 gallon pancreas: Manufactures and secretes digestive enzymes small intestine: Largest portion of GI tract; Chyme is released through the pyloric sphincter from stomach to SI o Duodenum: most digestion occurs o Jejunum: digestion also occurs here with the help of digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas o Ileocecal valve: controls movements of food into LI large intestine: stores undigested food mass (12-24 hours); absorbs water, short chain fatty acids and electrolytes, form feces (waste) and holds it for elimination in the rectum liver gallbladder: stores bile; bile brings fat and water together (emulsifier)

Levels of saturation of fatty acids vary. Identify the levels of saturation a fatty acid can contain and explain what this means from a structure, function and health perspective.

i) Saturated: maximum number of hydrogen atoms bound to the carbon chain; no double bonds. (solid at room temperature; longer self life) - Straight and ridged - At less risk of going bad because f the hydrogen in the chains ii) Unsaturated: (liquid at room temperature) (1) Monounsaturated: one double bond along the carbon chain -Double bond means a hydrogen bond is missing and it has bonded to a carbon instead (2) Polyunsaturated: more than one double bond along the carbon chain (3) Omega 3 (double bond located at the 3rd carbon) (4) Omega 6 (double bond located at the 6th carbon) - Chain is slightly bent - Location of the double bond makes a difference

Popular low carbohydrate diets encourage carbohydrate consumption that is abnormally low. Explain the condition that may result from a very low carbohydrate diet and the risks involved

ketoacidosis- a condition in which excessive ketones are present in the blood, causing the blood to become very acidic, which alters basic body functions and damages tissues. untreated ketoacidosis can be fatal. this condition is often found in individuals with untreated diabetes mellitus

Identify the appropriate serving sizes for the following foods: milk, yogurt, fruit, raw and cooked vegetables, grains, meat and beans.

milk- 1 cup (8 oz) yogurt- 1 cup (8 oz) fruit- 1 cup vegetables- 1 cup broccoli grains- 1/2 cup brown rice meat- 1 oz of chicken

Explain the differences between endogenous and exogenous cholesterol. How does the body utilize both?

o Are manufactured in our bodies and therefore are not necessary in our diet (endogenous cholesterol); consumed in the diet from animal products (exogenous cholesterol/ cholesterol ester) o Essential components of cell membranes, bile, and many hormones o We make our own cholesterol for nervous cells o We consume exogenous cholesterol from dairy, egg yolks

Many substances combine to create gastric juice in the stomach. Identify each component of gastric juice and also explain function and cell type of origin.

o Gastric inhibitory peptide Production site: Small intestine Target organs: Stomach, pancreas Inhibits gastric juice secretion, slows gastric emptying, stimulates insulin release

Describe the action of each hormone. How do they work?

o Gastrin Production site: stomach Target organ: stomach Actions: Stimulates secretion of HCL and pepsinogen (inactive form of pepsin), stimulates gastric motility, promotes proliferation of gastric mucosal cells o Secretin Production site: Small intestine ( duodenum) Target organs: Pancreas, stomach Actions: stimulates secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate (which neutralizes acidic chyme), decreases gastric motility o Cholecystokinin (CCK) Production site: Small intestine (duodenum and jejunum) Target organs: Pancreas, gallbladder, stomach Actions: Stimulates secretion of pancratic digestive enzymes, stimulates gallbladder contraction, slows gastric emptying o Gastric inhibitory peptide Production site: Small intestine Target organs: Stomach, pancreas Inhibits gastric juice secretion, slows gastric emptying, stimulates insulin release o Somatostatin Production site: stomach, Small intestine, pancreas Target organs: stomach, small intestine, pancreas Actions: inhibits release of gastrin and slows gastric emptying, inhibits release of secretin, CCK, and GIP and reduces smooth muscle contraction in the small intestine, inhibits release of pancreatic hormones and digestive enzymes

What factors, including nutrients, affect how full you may feel (satiety) after a meal?

o Gherlin (Hunger) o Cholecystokinin (Fulliness)

Referring to a fatty acid, the level of saturation of a fatty acid affects its shape. a. Explain the differences in bonds of various fatty acids

o Saturated fats are more solid at room temp • CIS form: hydrogen atoms located on the same side of the double bond. o Ex: naturally occurring in food • Trans form: hydrogen atoms are on diagonally opposite sides. Increase rigidity. o Ex: man-made hydrogenation o Associated with an increase in heart disease and fat gain o Hydrogenation adds hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids usually healthy oils and makes them un healthy solid

Explain the role of the pancreas and specific pancreatic enzymes involved in lipid absorption.

produces lipid-digesting enzymes, which are released into the small intestine

Your friend calls you and asks if plant sterols lower total cholesterol. You are unsure. where do you go to seek accurate information on this topic?

scientific method which is a method ensures that certain standards and processes are used in evaluating claims

summarize recommended dietary allowance

the average daily nutrient intake level that meets the nutrient requirements of 97% to 98% of healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group

Your daughter has decided she wants to begin following a healthy diet. Does she need to take a nutrition class at school, or are there other tools that can help increase her awareness of her nutritional health? discuss available tools your daughter can use

the is My plate which discusses appropriate portion sizes, which foods to substitute etc.

What are the primary functions of the macronutrients?

they are sources of fuel (carbs and fats) Proteins: are needs for growth, repair and maintenance

Discuss how poor nutrition is related to the leading causes of death in the United States. How do nutrients contribute to health?

unhealthy diets contribute to aout 678,000 deaths per year in the US poor nutrition leads to heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes or obesity

Are vitamins and minerals organic or inorganic?

vitamins (organic) and minerals (inorganic)

What does this mean in relation to their stability?

vitamins are needed everyday for someone to survive and minerals are do not contain carbon or hydrogen so a person could live a few days with out them

Gas is a potential bi-product of digestion. Identify the reason gas is produced during this process. Be specific.

when undigested food is being broken down from the small intestine to large intestine gas is produced as a bi product in the large intestine: bacteria digest sugars found in the waste through fermentation which creates gas

Briefly explain the difference between digestion and absorption. why are each important?

· Digestion is the process of changing something from a large size to a small size absorption which is the process of moving digested products through the intestinal wall • Mechanical digestion: starts when we start chewing food and the chewing breaks down into smaller pieces which is know as a bolus • Chemical digestion begins when saliva is mixed with the food. It contains chemicals secreted with the salivary glands o Salivary amylase (enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates) o Mucous o Antibodies and lysozymes • Absorption: the movement of molecules across the instestinal cell membrane, into cells of the body o A small amount of absorption occurs in the stomach' o Most absorption of nurtrients occurs in the SI

Stomach pain due to ulcers may be a common digestive issue. a. Explain what it means to have a stomach ulcer.

• Areas of the GI tract eroded of HCL and pepsin b. Identify the bacterial culprit responsible for most peptic and duodenal ulcers. Explain • Helicobacter Pylori is the producer of both gastric and duodenal ulcers • Caused by long term use of aspirin and no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen and Aleve (naproxen sodium)

Why is the small intestine so vital to the absorption of nutrients? Explain in detail, including the anatomical features of this organ

• Because it is where most digestion is occurs • Anatomical features of this organ: o Villi: are finger like projections and on surface of villi are enterocyte cells o Microvilli: are on top of enterocyte cells (look like hair) o Capillaries are inside each villi in which allow nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream or the lympatetic system

What is chemical digestion?

• Begins when saliva is mixed with food. It contains chemicals secreted with the salivary glands • How do enzymes aid in chemical digestion? Be specific and give examples. o Salivary amylase (enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates) o Mucous o Antibodies and lysozymes o More

6. a. What is the difference between the cis and trans shape of an unsaturated fatty acid? b. Provide food examples of each. c. Identify health effects that may result from excess consumption of trans fatty acids.

• CIS form: hydrogen atoms located on the same side of the double bond. o Ex: naturally occurring in food • Trans form: hydrogen atoms are on diagonally opposite sides. Increase rigidity. o Ex: man-made hydrogenation o Associated with an increase in heart disease and fat gain o Hydrogenation adds hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids usually healthy oils and makes them un healthy solid

From a physical perspective, how does fiber vary from starch?

• Carbs are held together by alpha or beta bonds • Alpha bond: digestible by the human digestive syestem (starch, glycogen) • Beta bonds: indigestible by the human digestive system' digestible by ruminant animals ( rodents, cows, sheeps, etc) • Fiber binds to cholestorel and bile in the body • When body is low in fiber the body ca not bind to it therefore cholestrol moves to small intestine for absorbption • Digestion= the break down of carbohydrate • Digestion breaks down a substance from a large form to a smaller form • Larger polysaccharides and disaccharides are broken into small monosaccharides

What is unique about the structure of a phospholipid? How does this structure affect a phospholipid's function?

• Consist of: o Glycerol backbone o 2 fatty acids (attached to 1st and 2nd carbon) o Phosphate o Water loving part is the tail and water avoiding part is the head o Phospholipids allow fats and water to go into the cell • Key functions: o Transport fat in the bloodstream o Cell membrane synthesis o Emulsifier (lecithins) • Are manufactured in our bodies, so they are not required in our diet • Food sources include egg yoke, soybeans, peanuts • The tails and heads of phospholipds touch which allows the it to control movement of substances in and out of the cell • Hydrophobic (inwards) hydrophilic(outwards

How does diet play a role in the treatment of an ulcer?

• Diet plays a role because if a person does not have a good diet in can cause inflammation and ulcers in there colon

If not thoroughly explained in question #3, outline the three main distinctions of fiber.

• Dietary fiber: non-digestible structure of a plant; naturally found in fruits and vegatables inside leaves, stems, and seeds • Functional fiber: non-digestible fiber from plants or laboratory made fibers. "isolated or synthetic fibers" •• Total fiber: the sum of dietary fiber and functional fiber

a. What is an essential fatty acid? Explain and identify them by name. b. Why can't these fatty acids be made in the human body?

• Fats we must consume to survive o Linoleic acid: omega- 6 fatty acid o Food sources: vegetable and nut oils (sunflower, safflower, corn, soy, peanut oils) o Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): omega-3 fatty acid o Food sources: dark green leaf vegetables, flaxseed and oil, walnuts and oil, soybeans and oil, canola oil, fatty fish (salmon and tuna) o Precursor to DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids

a. Scenario: After taking a bite of chocolate ice cream, you begin to have an immune response, marked by swelling, breathing difficulty and eventually loss of consciousness. Unknowingly, you consumed peanuts. Was the reaction you experienced likely to have occurred from food intolerance or from a food allergy?

• Food allergy • In detail, explain both food intolerance and food allergy, providing examples of each. o Food intolerance: involves symptoms that occur after a person consumes a certain (lactose) o Food allergy: an immune response to the protein in the food

Identify the four hormones involved in the regulation of digestion.

• Gastrin, Secretin, Cholecystokinin, Gastric Inhibitory peptide, Somatostatin

Instances of low blood sugar occur for several reasons. Explain the conditions of a. Reactive hypoglycemia and b. Fasting hypoglycemia

• High blood sugar can damage the vascualer system over time damaging the system over time causing blindness • Hypoglycemia- coma or death may occur if blood sugar gets to low • Diabetes: • Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dl): 125 or above • Oral glucose tolerance test (mg/dl): 200 or above • A1C (percent) 6.5 or above • Prediabetes: • FPG: 100 to 125 • OGTT: 140 to 199 • A1C: 5.7 to 6.4 • NormaL: • FPG: 99 or below • OGTT: 139 or below • A1C: about 5

Identify and explain how hormones regulate hunger

• Hormones are chemical messengers secreted into the bloodstream by endocrine glands in the body. The amount of hormones in our blood signal hunger. • Examples: insulin and glucagon which maintain blood glucose levels • Gherlin and cholecystokinin are produced in the stomach and give the sensation of hunger(G) and fullness(C)

How can you keep your gastrointestinal tract as healthy as possible?

• Human microbiome: microorganisms living on and within our bodies o Also called intentional bacteria or flora • Probiotics: healthy bacteria that populate the GI tract o "residents of the house" o Ex: fermented dairy- yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut • Prebiotics: non digestive fibers that create a healthy environment for the growth of gut bacteria o "house of the GI tract" o Ex: some fruits, veggies, legumes • Synbiotic: a food containing both prebiotic and probiotics

Explain hunger and appetite from a physiological and psychological perspective.

• Hunger: the physiological drive for food triggered by the hypothalamus in the brain • Hypothalamus is what controls hunger sensations • Appetite: the psychological desire to consume a specific food o Ex: anorexia in which someone does not have the appetite for food

Explain the process of carbohydrate digestion. (Page 126 has a great visual view of this process.) Include names of enzymes within your explanation.

• Mouth: Beginning of carbohydrate digestion • Depends on the action of salivary amylase (enzyme) in saliva • Stomach: carbohydrate digestion ceases (stops) • Small intestine: majority of carbohydrate digestion takes place; pancreatic enzymes enter at this location • Pancreatic amylase • Maltase, sucrase, lactase • ASE (enzyme suffix) breaks down OSE (carb suffix) • Amylase breaks down amylose which is a complex carb. ASE breaks down OSE of a similar name • How are they absorbed? • Glucose and galactose= ACTIVE TRANSPORT • (requires a carrier and energy; can move against a concentration gradient) • Fructose= facilitated diffusion (requires a carrier) • Once in the liver, all monosaccharides are converted to: GLUCOSE!

What can be done from a nutrition aspect to treat this condition? (Provide a detailed response that includes food components that need to be avoided, foods that may contain the offending component, alternatives food components that may be safely consumed.)

• Nutrition support through TPN short term for weight loss and the increase or decrease fiber intake in diet depending on symptoms

Four types of absorption occur. Describe each type and give examples of which nutrients would use each type of absorption

• Passive diffusion: the movement of molecules through the small intestine without the expenditure of energy or use of a carrier protein. When the concentration is of cell is higher outside of the cell it goes from higher concentration to least concentration (fats, vitamins, minerals) • Facilitated difffusion: requires for a special carrier to cross into the enterocyte. Requires a carrier protein to transport nutrients (Fructose) • Active Transport: Requires both energy and a carrier protein to transport nutrients. Nutrients can flow against concentration gradient (low to high or high to low) (glucose, galactose, sodium, potassium) • Endocytosis (pinocytosis): active transport by which small amount of intestinal contents is engulfed by the cell membrane into the cell.

a. Why are eicosanoids important? b. Synthesis of eicosanoids within the human body is dependent on what compounds? Explain.

• Regulators of cellular function, GI tract motility, vascular permeably, blood clotting • Fatty acids are about getting the right balance • Needed for cell structure • Help with vision • Produce eicosanoids o Blood pressure o Blood clotting o Inflammation o Ex: leukotrienes prostaglandins thromboxanes

Articulate the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, including specific examples and food sources of each.

• Simple carbohydrates: sugars can be individual called monosaccarides or diasaccarides which is two molecules linked together • Monosaccharide: consists of one sugar all by itself (glucose, fructose, galactose) • Glucose is most abundant sugar molecule in our body and diet; good energy source • Fructose: is the sweetest natural sugar; found in fruit, high-fructose corn syrup (predominant sugar found in fruit) • Galactose: does not occur alone in foods; binds with glucose to form lactose • Each of these contains 6 carbons, 12 hydrogens, and 6 oxygen • Disaccharides are two monosaccharides linked together • Disaccharide= one glucose+ another monosaccharide • Disaccharides= lactose, maltose, sucrose • Lactose= glucose and galactose • Maltose= glucose+glucose • Sucrose= glucose + fructose (brown sugar, table sugar) Complex • A group of three or more glucose units linked together • Complex carbs are stored in plants as starched • Starch is found in grains, legumes, and tubers • Amylose and amylopectin are the main starch in plants • Amylopectin the body can break down quicker because of its many branches

Then, explain the function, source and health benefits of soluble and insoluble fibers.

• Soluble fiber: dissolves in water • Is fermentable in the colon and digestible by colon bacteria • EX: PECTINS (citrus rinds), FRUCTANS (long stems of vegetables), GUMS (used as thickening and geling agents), MUCILAGES (used as thickener, cilium from seeds) • Foods: citrus fruits, oats, berries, beans • Benefits: lowers blood cholesterol and blood glucose levels • Insoluable fiber: do not dissolve in water • Are not fermentable not digestible by colon bacteria • Ex: lignins, cellulose, hemicellulose • Food: whole grains, brown rice, wheat, rye • Benefits: reduce cholesterol, regular bowel movements • Daily recommendation for fiber: • Women = 25g/day • Men= 38g/day

Articulate the similarities and differences between starch and glycogen.

• Starch is found in grains, legumes, and tubers • Amylose and amylopectin are the main starch in plants • Amylopectin the body can break down quicker because of its many branches • Glycogen: storage form of glucose in animals; stored in liver and muscles

The most predominant disorder involving carbohydrate metabolism is diabetes. As applicable, outline the etiology (cause), definition, frequency within the population, symptoms, treatment, prevention and long-term effect of both type-1 and type-2 diabetes. You may choose to create a table to display your answers.

• Type 1 diabetes: the pancreas does not produce insulin and as a result the insulin builds up in the blood and the cells starve • Blood glucose level rise dangerously high but body can not get glucose to cells because pancreas does not produce insulin • Insulin must be injected • Type 2 diabetes: Majority of people have it • Pancreas produces insulin but bodies cells are less responsive • Cell is resisdent to the insulin receptors and therefore the insulin can not enter the cells • Oral mediations are used to make the cell less resisdent, and diet control • Type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms: Increased or frequent urination, excessive thirst, constant hunger, unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, blurred vision • Type 2 diabetes signs and symptoms: any of the type 1 signs and symptoms, greater frequency of infections, sudden vision changes, slow healing of wounds or sores, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, very dry skin

If you wrote a resume for carbohydrate, what would it say? What are carbohydrates? What do they do for the human body and where do they come from?

• We need glucose for the metabolic process of produving ATP • Carbohydrate is the optimal fuel for the brain • Plant foods are rich in Carbs (fruits, veggies, whole grains, wheat) • Glucose is the most abundant carbohydrate and a monosaccride • Glucose is a product of photosynthesis • Most of the glucose we consume is from the process of photosynthesis (the sun)

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