Nutrition (NUTR240 - Oregon State University; Fall 2017)

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Fuel with duration: ATP Creatine Phosphate Glucose Fat

ATP: 1 to 3 sec CP (Creatine Phosphate): 3 sec to 15 sec Glucose: 30 sec to 3 min Fat: Greater that 3 min

The common currency of energy for virtually all cells in the body is

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Which of the following is/are NOT modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

Age, Gender

In high blood calcium levels, the body suppresses vitamin D synthesis. This action leads to:

All of the above: - decreased re-absorption of calcium by the kidneys - decreased absorption of calcium from the intestines - decreased breakdown of bone

What is the MAIN micronutrient at risk for deficiency when following a vegan diet?


Energy expenditure with daily total energy expenditure: BMR TEF Physical Activity

BMR: 60-75% TEF: 5-10% Physical Activity: 15-35%

In type 1 diabetes, the __________ may be destroyed by an autoimmune disease.

Beta cells of Pancreas

Why should Sarah avoid drinking cow's milk with iron-rich foods?

Calcium can cause a decrease in iron absorption

Which vegetarian food is highest in grams of omega-3 fatty acids per serving?

Canola Oil

Which of the following is a characteristic of type 1 diabetes?

Least common form

Which of the following are the fat soluble vitamins?

E, A, K, D

Current research suggests that the classic energy balance equation

does not help explain why people with similar energy intake and expenditure over time gain or lose different amounts of weight.

In type 1 diabetes the body...

does not produce enough insulin

Which of the following hormones is produced from cholesterol?


What are the ramifications of not getting an adequate amount of this micronutrient, B12, over time?

Failure to consume adequate in B-12 vitamins can have an impact on overall health and metabolism of the individual. Symptoms of deficiency include weakness, tingling sensations, anemia, fatigue and memory loss, and can lead to atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, and other immune related disorders. B-12 vitamins are essential in the normal functioning of brain and neural impulses - failure to reach appropriate intake levels of the vitamin may result in diminished or extinguished abilities for these systems for function normally.

A micelle is responsible for transport of lipid from the intestinal enterocyte to the lymphatic system.


As exercise time increases, the amount of energy from adipose tissue triglycerides decreases.


For those working to gain muscle mass it is advised to consume at least 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram body weight.


It is possible to prevent the loss of bone density using diet and physical activity approaches.


People with low amount of body fat do not use lipid for energy during physical activity.


The body can, and does, burn only one type of fuel at a time?


The form of the micronutrient that we absorb is the same form used by our bodies to accomplish its goals.


Vitamins give you energy


Which of the following provides the most ATP per molecule?

Fatty Acids

Fuel to site of metabolism in cell: Fatty Acids Ketogenic Amino Acids Glucogenic Amino Acids Glucose

Fatty Acids: Aerobic metabolism (mitochondria) Ketogenic: Aerobic metabolism (mitochondria) Glucogenic: Anaerobic metabolism (cytoplasm) Glucose: Anaerobic metabloism (cytoplasm)

Feeding state characteristics: Fed Short-term Fasting Long-term Fasting

Fed: Anabolic; build, repair, store Short-term Fasting: Catabolic; glycogen depletion, fat use Long-term Fasting: Catabolic; muscle protein used as fuel, ketone bodies

Metabolic states with primary hormone associate: Fed Fasted Exercise Stress

Fed: Insulin Fasted: Glucagon Exercise: Epinephrine Stress: Cortisol

Estimate the BMR for the following individual Female age 22, height is 5'5" and current body weight is 148 pounds.

Female age 22, height is 5'5" and current body weight is 148 pounds. 148 / 2.2 = 67.3 kgs 67.3 x 0.9 = 60.6 kcal/hr 60.6 x 24 hr/d = 1454 kcal/day for BMR

A deficiency in which nutrient can lead to macrocytic anemia?


Why is folate important for women of childbearing age?

Folate, or folic acid, is an essential nutrient in women of childbearing age due to the influence it has in embryonic development and cell growth, especially in the cases of neural tube and spinal cord development. Having appropriate amounts of folic acid on the system of a mother has significant impact on decreasing development-associated birth defects.

Red blood cells and the central nervous system rely on ___________ for their primary energy source.


Which of these represent stages where food contamination can occur?

Grocery stores, transportation, home, farms, processing facilities...all of them

What usually causes muscle soreness in the days following intense activity?


Hormone and metabolic effect: Insulin Ephedrine Glucagon Cortisol

Insulin: Fed, Anabolic Ephedrine: Exercise, Catabolic Glucagon: Fasted, Catabolic Cortisol: Stress, Catabolic

The primary determinant of basal metabolic rate is an individual's

lean body mass

The dietary guidelines now recommend limiting saturated fat intake to

no more than 10% of daily energy needs

Phospholipids are not essential because

our bodies make all we need

The two most common extracellular ions are:

sodium and chloride

Safe and legal ergogenic supplements:

- Beta-alanine - Caffeine - Creatine

Hormone regulation of metabolism: Cortisol Insulin Glucagon Epinephrine

- Cortisol: decreases uptake of glucose and increases gluconeogenesis; decreases uptake of amino acids and increases breakdown of protein - Insulin: increases cell uptake of glucose, increases glycogen synthesis, increases cell uptake of amino acids and protein synthesis - Glucagon: increases glycogen degradation and gluconegenesis, increases protein degradation - Epinephrine: increases glycogen degradation, no significant effect of protein synthesis

True statements regarding fluid intake and its relationship to exercise:

- Evaporation of water from the skin is the primary way the body tries to cool itself. - Dehydration significantly increases our risk for heat related illnesses - Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion are the most dangerous heat related illnesses

True statements of exercise lasting longer than 1 hour:

- Fluids consumed during exercise should contain some sodium- though not a lot - The concentration of carbohydrate in a sport drink should be between 5-10%

True statements about re-hydration:

- For each pound lost during exercise consume 3 cups of fluid -Choose fluids that help with glycogen restoration, re-hydration and electrolyte replacement

True statements regarding micronutrient absorption:

- Heme iron is only approx. 25% of what we consume - Iron absorption is improved by the presence of Vitamin C - Non-heme iron is absorbed at a far lower level than heme iron - Typically we only absorb about 30-45% of the calcium from dairy foods and milk - Iron and zinc compete for intestinal absorption - Calcium absorption is improved by the presence of lactose

True statements about glycogen:

- Higher glycemic index foods enhance glycogen restoration following exercise - If exercise is not to be repeated within 12 hours, then glycogen restoration does not have to be immediately following exercise - Low carbohydrate diets decrease ones ability to recover from exercise. - Consuming some protein along with carbohydrate during immediate recovery from exercise is beneficial. - The most rapid repletion of glycogen following exercise occurs in the first few hours post exercise. -

Long term fasting causes:

- Inability to burn fat through aerobic metabolism - Increased production of ketones as an alternative fuel supply - increase in glycerol used to make glucose - Increased use of amino acids to make glucose

Lifestyle changes that could reduce one risk for cardiovascular disease:

- increase intake of whole grain forms of carbohydrate - increase intake of fiber to recommended levels - add 2-3 g of plant sterol to your diet - consume an adequate amount of Vitamin B12, B6, and Folate - exercise and maintain a healthy body weight

Exercise is important in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes because...

- it's acts like insulin, therefore it decreases the body's need to make insulin - it burns off calories and decreases risk for obesity - it increases the body's need for carbohydrate - it increases energy expenditure

The adequate intake (AI) for alpha-linolenic acid is:

1.1 g per day for women; 1.6 g per day for men

Estimate BMR

1.Your weight / 2.2 = your weight in kilograms 2. Your weight in kilograms x (0.9 if male, or 1.0 if female) = BMR per hour 3. Your BMR per hour x 24 hr/day = BMR for 24 hours

Water formed during oxidative metabolism accounts for what percentage of the water the body needs each day?


RDA iron, female 19

18 mg/d

What is Jerry's daily requirement for the micronutrient that is considered to be the main micronutrient at risk for deficiency when following a vegan diet?

2.4 mcg/d

Who would have the highest percent of total body water?

20 year old lean male

At about what age does basal metabolic rate begin to gradually decrease?


At what age have we reached peak bone mass? (males and females)


By what age does bone density begin an irreversible decline?


Which of these represents the "danger zone" of temperatures at which many microorganisms thrive?

40-140 degrees F

RDA Folate, female 23, prenatal

400 mcg/day

George's dinner contains 750 kilocalories. At most, how many kilocalories will George expend in order to process this meal?

75 kcals

If an individual losses 3 pounds of weight during physical activity, they will need to rehydrate with _______ cups of fluid

9 cups

Approximately ____ % of calcium and ____ % of phosphorus are found in the bone.

99, 85

Nutrients and the Recommended Range for Vigorous Activity Carbohydrates Fats Protein Water Iron (19 and older males) Iron (19-50)

Carbohydrates: 6-10 g/kg/day Fats: 20-35% daily energy needs Protein: 1.2-1.8 g/kg/day Water: at least 8 cups, plus water lost Iron (19 and older males): 8 mg/day Iron (19-50): 18 mg/day

Physical Activity and Fuel-Energy Sourcing: Day Hike 100-M Dash 10-K Sprint

Day Hike: 65% fat, 35% carbohydrate 100-M Dash: 50%ATP-CP, 50% carbohydrate 10-K: 65% carbohydrate, 35% fat Sprint: ATP-CP

Activity to Fuel Source: Carbohydrate Fat ATP-CP

Day Hike: Fat 10-K (30-40min): Carbohydrate Sprint: ATP-CP Sleep: Fat

Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include all of the following EXCEPT

Decreased thirst and urination

Obesity is linked to which of the following chronic diseases?

Depression Alzheimer's Heart Disease Stroke Hypertension Type 2 Diabetes Menstrual Stuff Osteoarthritis

Most lipids are transported in the body as part of spherical compounds called


Which of these is a modifiable risk factor for osteoporosis?

Low body weight

Basal metabolic rate as per gender type.

Male: 1.0 kcl/kg/hr Female: 0.9 kcal/

What non-nutrient component of food can help increase iron absorption?

Meat Factor

What kind of anemia is iron-deficiency anemia


Major Mineral

Need 100 mg/d

Ultra-Trace Mineral

Need less than 1 mg/d

Trace Mineral

Need less than 100 mg/d

Fasting glucose measurements: Normal Pre-Diabetes Diabetes

Normal: 70-99 mg/dL Pre-Diabetes: 100-125 mg/dL Diabetes: >= 126 mg/dL

Which of these is responsible for approximately half of all foodbourne illnesses in the US?


Which of the following is the most common trigger for type 2 diabetes?


Which of the following foods is rich in monounsaturated fat?

Olive Oil

Which of these statements is false regarding phosphorus?

On average, Americans do not consume enough phosphorus in their diets (True statements: - Bacteria in the large intestine can break down the phosphorus from plant sources - Humans absorb about 50% of the phosphorus from plant sources - Phosphorus from animal sources is more readily absorbed than the phosphorus from plant sources)

Bone cells that are responsible for resorption (breaking down) of bone tissue are called:


The primary enzyme for digesting lipids in the small intestine is

Pancreatic Lipase

Which of the following B-complex vitamins is involved in the metabolism of fatty acid?

Pantothenic acid

The critical structural component of cell membranes is:


High intake of which type of fat increase the risk of heart disease by increasing total blood cholesterol, as well as VLDL and LDL?

Saturated Fat

High intake of which type of fat increase the risk of heart disease by increasing total blood cholesterol, as well as VLDL and LDL?

Saturated fat

Calculate the estimated calorie expenditure for Theo (weight is 200 lbs or 90.91 kg) if he does all of the following: Sits in classes and studies for a total of 7 hours Walks (light intensity)around campus for a total of 1.5 hours Walks from his house to campus (moderate intensity) 2 times a day for a total of 1 hour Weight lifts for 1 hour a day

Sits in classes and studies for a total of 7 hours: 90.91 x 0.022 kcal/kg min x 420 min = 840 kcals Walks (light intensity)around campus for a total of 1.5 hours 90.91 x 0.042 kcal/kg/min x 90 min = 344 kcals Walks from his house to campus (moderate intensity)2 times a day for a total of 1 hour 90.91 x 0.083 kcal/kg/min x 60 = 452 kcals Weight lifts for 1 hour a day 90.91 x 0.100 kcal/kg/min x 60 = 545 kcals 2181 total kcals from these activities

Water Soluble

Soluble in water, needs to be consumed more frequently

Estimate daily total energy needs:

Step 1: list the BMR you calculated in the previous question Step 2: determine your appropriate physical activity category Step 3: multiply your BMR by the gender specific percents (%) listed with your activity level Step 4: Calculate your estimated total daily energy needs as a range Step 5: Calculate the AVERAGE of the range, and use this number for the answer to the next question.

Which is true of trans-fat?

They result from partial hydrogenation.

Bone turnover is a normal process that occurs in health adults.


Cooking food in cast-iron pans can increase the iron content of the food.


Lean tissue contains a greater percentage of fluid compared with fat tissue.


Most absorbed fats travel through the lymphatic system before reaching the bloodstream.


True or false, BMR energy expenditure is happening 24 hours a day, including during exercise.


Which type of fat below is most likely to be liquid at room temperature?

Unsaturated fat with only cis- double bonds

Which of the following, when consumed with iron in the diet, will help increase the absorption of iron?

Vitamin C

Fat Soluble

Vitamins absorbed in presence of fat, consume less frequently, higher risk of toxicity

For exercise sessions lasting 60 minutes or less, it is likely that

Water will be the only fluid needed

Is iron added to"enriched white flour" in the USA?


Which of the following is NOT classified as an ultra-trace mineral?


Three components of total energy expenditure:

basal metabolic rate, physical activity, and the thermic effect of food

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