Nutrition Test #3 carbohydrates

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algae; paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) Dinoflagellates are a type of unicellular algae. During red tide, high levels of a neurotoxin produced by Alexandrium (a dinoflagellate) are found in shellfish. Consumption of these shellfish leads to a foodborne disease called paralytic shellfish poisoning.

Dinoflagellates are a type of unicellular __________. One genus of dinoflagellates is responsible for a foodborne disease called __________.

Which statement regarding helminths is true? Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems. They are unicellular. They are always dioecious, which means that one individual has both male and female reproductive organs. The life cycle of helminths is always very simple, and they usually infect only one host.

Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems.

Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are spore structures produced by budding in yeasts, whereas bacterial endospores are produced by bacteria under extreme conditions Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are asexual spores used for reproduction. Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia produce cells that are identical to the parent cells, whereas sexual spores produce offspring that have characteristics of both parents. Endospores are produced by bacteria during harsh conditions

How do blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia produced by yeast differ from bacterial endospores?

Yeasts use pseudohyphae to invade host tissue, whereas filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae for obtaining nutrients. Yeasts use the pseudohyphae as a virulence factor to better penetrate the host's tissues and also to evade phagocytosis. Filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae as a means to absorb nutrients from their environment. In optimal conditions, the vegetative hyphae will grow into a substrate to obtain food and will then support the growth of aerial hyphae, which project above the surface of the medium. These aerial hyphae are responsible for producing the reproductive spores of the fungus.

How do pseudohyphae in yeasts differ from vegetative hyphae in filamentous fungi?

inhibiting the formation of microtubules, which prevents the worms from absorbing nutrients

Mebendazole acts against Ascaris lumbricoides by __________.

Taenia saginata; tapeworm

Part A Humans are the definitive host for __________, which is a type of __________.. Echinococcus granulosus; tapeworm Plasmodium; cestode Taenia saginata; tapeworm Taenia solium; roundworm

It is rarely fatal, with exiting adult worms being the major sign and symptom.

Part complete Which of the following statements best characterizes the signs and symptoms of an Ascaris lumbricoides infection? It is rarely fatal, with exiting adult worms being the major sign and symptom. It is rarely fatal but induces malnutrition by preventing the host from absorbing nutrients. It is often fatal, inducing respiratory failure due to migrating larvae. It is often fatal, inducing massive diarrhea leading to dehydration and death.

They can tolerate low-moisture conditions

Seventeen patients in ten hospitals had cutaneous infections caused by Rhizopus. In all seventeen patients, Elastoplast bandages were placed over sterile gauze pads to cover wounds. Fourteen of the patients had surgical wounds, two had venous line insertion sites, and one had a bite wound. Lesions present when the bandages were removed ranged from vesiculopustular eruptions to ulcerations and skin necrosis requiring debridement. Fungi are more likely than bacteria to contaminate bandages because they Seventeen patients in ten hospitals had cutaneous infections caused by Rhizopus. In all seventeen patients, Elastoplast bandages were placed over sterile gauze pads to cover wounds. Fourteen of the patients had surgical wounds, two had venous line insertion sites, and one had a bite wound. Lesions present when the bandages were removed ranged from vesiculopustular eruptions to ulcerations and skin necrosis requiring debridement. Fungi are more likely than bacteria to contaminate bandages because they are aerobic. have a fermentative metabolism. cannot tolerate high osmotic pressure. can tolerate low-moisture conditions. prefer a neutral environment (pH 7).


Some species of dinoflagellates produce neurotoxins that cause fish kills and red tides

Platyhelminthes, Nematoda

The helminths that parasitize humans belong to which two of the following phyla? Select all that apply. Platyhelminthes Oomycota Dinoflagellates Nematoda

cutaneous mycoses

The term dermatophyte is typically used for fungi that cause which of the following?

Candida albicans Diagnosis of a yeast infection usually involves patient history, observation of yeast cells via microscopy, and growth of a culture on Sabouraud dextrose agar. Differentiation between yeasts and bacteria is reliant on biochemical characteristics. Differentiation between yeasts and molds is reliant on spore type and function

Tori, a 24-year-old graduate student, had been suffering from a respiratory infection for over a week. She went to the student health center, where the physician prescribed her a broad-spectrum antibiotic. By the end of her round of antibiotics, Tori was no longer suffering from respiratory complications, but she had noticed an increase in itchiness in her genital region. Within a few days, the itchiness was getting worse and was accompanied by a vaginal discharge that had a cheesy consistency and foul odor. Tori returned to the student health center to discuss her condition with the physician. A sample of her discharge was taken and sent to the laboratory for microscopy and plating. Based on the lab results, which organism is most likely causing Tori's new symptoms? Candida albicans Trichomonas vaginalis Sporothrix schenckii Gardnerella vaginalis

It has an undulating membrane, infects the vagina, and is frequently transmitted by sexual contact.

Trichomonas vaginalis can be distinguished from other parasitic protozoa by which of the characteristics listed below? Trichomonas vaginalis can be distinguished from other parasitic protozoa by which of the characteristics listed below? It infects Anopheles mosquitoes and can be transmitted by a bite. It is usually found in drinking water and is associated with fecal contamination. It is a photosynthetic organism that lives in fresh water. It has an undulating membrane, infects the vagina, and is frequently transmitted by sexual contact.

The antibiotics that treated Tori's primary respiratory infection also removed some of her normal bacterial flora, resulting in an overgrowth of other organisms Tori had undergone treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic for her respiratory infection. Antibiotic treatment most likely affected the normal flora in the vagina, resulting in a preferential decrease in bacterial numbers. Yeasts are normal flora in the vagina, but with fewer bacteria present to antagonize their growth, the yeast cells were allowed to flourish beyond their normal levels. The increased numbers of yeast cells led to Tori's new symptoms. She had developed a yeast infection as a secondary infection to her primary respiratory infection. A secondary infection is defined as an infection caused by an opportunistic microbe after a primary infection has weakened the host's defenses. Yeast infections are common secondary infections after antibiotic treatment for a primary bacterial infection.

Which of the following best explains why Tori developed a new series of symptoms? -Tori's immune system was compromised because of her respiratory infection, and this resulted in a yeast infection. -Tori contracted a sexually transmitted infection that was not related to the primary respiratory infection. -The antibiotics that treated Tori's primary respiratory infection also removed some of her normal bacterial flora, resulting in an overgrowth of other organisms. -The initial antibiotics were not successful in clearing the respiratory infection, so the organism disseminated to the genitourinary tract.

-a topical over-the-counter ointment, such as clotrimazole or miconazole -a single oral dose of fluconazole Treatment of a yeast infection includes the application of topical ointments and the use of oral antifungal agents. Nonprescription antifungal creams are among the most commonly purchased over-the-counter medications in the United States.

Which of the following could Tori's physician choose as a treatment for her yeast infection? Select all that apply. -an antiviral medication, such as acyclovir -a topical over-the-counter ointment, such as clotrimazole or miconazole -a single oral dose of fluconazole -an oral narrow-spectrum antibiotic, such as penicillin G

fulminating disease oral thrush Candida albicans is also the causative agent of oral thrush and fulminating disease. Infants are prone to thrush because they come in contact with the yeast as part of mom's normal flora when nursing. Fulminating disease, which most often afflicts immunosuppressed individuals, results when the yeast enters the bloodstream and travels throughout the entire body, resulting in a systemic infection. Individuals suffering from AIDS are susceptible to this type of infection.

Which of the following infections are also caused by C. albicans? Select all that apply. syphilis fulminating disease oral thrush genital warts

Extensive mechanisms for strong locomotion

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of parasitic helminth Extensive mechanisms for strong locomotion Reduced nervous system Complex reproductive system Lack of a digestive system

Human ingests egg; egg hatches in intestine; larva crosses intestinal wall and travels to lung; larva is swallowed and matures in intestine; adult females lay eggs; eggs exit host in stool.

Which of the following is the correct life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides?

Plasmodium species. The life cycle of Plasmodium species requires two hosts, one of which is a mosquito

Which of the following organisms requires an additional non-human host to complete its life cycle? Which of the following organisms requires an additional non-human host to complete its life cycle? Plasmodium species Ascaris lumbricoides Enterobius vermicularis Necator americanus

When conditions become harsh, some protozoa can form a protective capsule, which is called a cyst.

Which of the following statements about protozoa is true? Which of the following statements about protozoa is true? Most protozoa are photosynthetic. All protozoa can undergo sexual reproduction. Some protozoa reproduce by schizogony, a process that is virtually identical to the budding process that happens in some yeast. When conditions become harsh, some protozoa can form a protective capsule, which is called a cyst.

Fungal cells and human cells have a nucleus, multiple organelles, and 80S ribosomes for protein synthesis. One of the key similarities between a fungus and its human host is that both are eukaryotic. This makes it difficult to develop antifungal drugs, because therapeutic agents that target certain properties of the fungus (e.g., ergosterol in the membrane, DNA replication, protein synthesis) also have the potential to target the host cells. One of the keys to antimicrobial therapy is selective toxicity, which means that the agent will hinder/kill the pathogen without doing much damage to the host. The more similar the agent is to its host, the harder it is to achieve selective toxicity

Which of the following statements best describes why the treatment for Tori's fungal infection may result in side effects to her own cells? Fungal cells and human cells both reproduce via budding. Fungal cells and human host cells both have cell walls made of cellulose. Fungal cells and human host cells both have flagella for movement. Fungal cells and human cells have a nucleus, multiple organelles, and 80S ribosomes for protein synthesis.

Apicomplexa.Apicomplexa contains many species that cause disease, including the Plasmodium species that cause Malaria.

Which phylum of protozoa contains organisms that are non-motile, obligate intracellular parasites? Which phylum of protozoa contains organisms that are non-motile, obligate intracellular parasites? Apicomplexa Amoebozoa Ciliates Euglenozoa

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