NYC: What's the Address?

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apartment a room or set of rooms where people live in a larger building; written as Apt. in an address

My address is 1083 N.E. 152nd St. Apt. 5.

abbreviation a shorter way to write a word

Ave. is an abbreviation for Avenue.

address words and numbers that describe where a place is in a town

Can you tell me the address of the food bank please?

phone number numbers that you use to call someone on the telephone

If you give me your phone number, I will call you tomorrow.

city an area where people live, like a town, but larger

I like living in a big city with a lot of people around me.

street a type of road with houses and buildings; written as St. in an address

I live on Main Street. My address is 501 Main St.

ZIP code the postal code used by the post office

The last part of an address is the ZIP code; the ZIP code of my school is 98821.

north, south, east, west directions found on a map; written as N., S., E., or W. in an address

The address of Safeco Field is 1250 1st Ave. S.

avenue a wide road or street; written as Ave. in an address

The address of Seattle City Hall is 600 Fourth Ave.

area code the first three (3) digits in a phone number that tell which part of the state the number is in

The area code for Seattle phone numbers is 206.

state a part of a country that has its own government

Washington is one (1) of fifty (50) states in the United States of America.

digit a written symbol for a number from zero (0) to nine (9)

We write a ZIP code with a five-digit number, for example, 98208.

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