OB Abbreviations

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, Rh immune globulin (RhoGAM). (maternal sensitization can now be prevented by administration of Rh immune globulin (RhoGAM, WinRho-SDF),


A birth in which the buttocks and/or feet are presented instead of the head.

43.GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus)

A form of diabetes of variable severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.

11.HCG- human chorionic gonadotropin (prolan)

A hormone produced by the chorionic villi and found in the urine of pregnant women. Also called prolan. • The hormone hCG is present in maternal blood serum 8 to 10 days after fertilization.

47.Nagele's Rule

A method of determining the estimated date of birth (EDB): after obtaining the first day of the last menstrual period, subtract 3 months and add 7 days.

10.APGAR scoring

A scoring system used to evaluate newborns at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth. The total score is achieved by assessing five signs: heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color. Each of the signs is assigned a score of 0, 1, or 2. The highest possible score is 10.

29.Leopold's Maneuvers

A series of four maneuvers designed to provide a systematic approach whereby the examiner may determine fetal presentation and position.

12. Surfactant

A substance composed of phospholipid, which stabilizes and lowers the surface tension of the alveoli during extrauterine respiratory exhalation, allowing a certain amount of air to remain in the alveoli during expiration


A woman who has given birth to her first child (past the point of viability), whether or not that child is living or was alive at birth


A woman who has never been pregnant.


After childbirth.

27. Crowning

Appearance of the presenting fetal part at the vaginal orifice during labor.


Contractions may be induced (stimulated) with oxytocin (Pitocin) administered intravenously (also known as an oxytocin challenge test [OCT]

42. Meconium

Dark green or black material present in the large intestine of a full-term infant; the first stools passed by the newborn.

45.. FHR

Fetal heart rate


Fine, downy hair found on all body parts of the fetus, with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, after 20 weeks' gestation.

49.GBS (group beta strep)

Group B streptococcus (GBS) can cause serious problems for a newborn. Consequently, rectal and vaginal swabs of the mother are taken at 35 to 37 weeks' gestation to screen for the infection. Women with GBS in the urine at any time during the pregnancy are considered to be positive and do not need a culture completed


Historically, the due date has been called the estimated date of confinement (EDC). keeping with a view that emphasizes the normality of the process, we have chosen to refer to the due date as the estimated date of birth (EDB) The most common method of determining the EDB is by Nägele's rule. To use this method, begin with the first day of the LMP, subtract 3 months, and add 7 days.


In the fetus, an unossified space, or soft spot, consisting of a strong band of connective tissue lying between the cranial bones of the skull.

26.Braxton Hicks contractions

Intermittent painless contractions of the uterus that may occur every 10 to 20 minutes. They occur more frequently toward the end of pregnancy and are sometimes mistaken for true labor signs.

39. Preterm or premature labor

Labor occurring between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.

40.Post term labor

Labor that occurs after 42 weeks' gestation.

8.Placenta abruption or abruption

Life threatening labor complication. Partial or total premature separation of a normally implanted placenta.


Loss of pregnancy before the fetus is viable outside the uterus; miscarriage.

46. Lightening

Moving of the fetus and uterus downward into the pelvic cavity.


Period of intrauterine development from conception through birth; pregnancy.

25.Bloody show

Pink-tinged mucus secretions resulting from rupture of small capillaries as the cervix effaces and dilates

7.PROM and ROM

Premature rupture of membranes Rupture of membranes (ROM) Rupture may be PROM (premature), SROM (spontaneous), or AROM (artificial). Some clinicians may use the abbreviation RBOW (rupture of bag of waters)

18.Fetal Lie

Relationship of the cephalocaudal axis (spinal column) of the fetus to the cephalocaudal axis (spinal column) of the woman. The fetus may be in a longitudinal or transverse lie

19.Fetal attitude

Relationship of the fetal parts to one another. Normal fetal attitude is one of moderate flexion of the arms onto the chest and flexion of the legs onto the abdomen


Relationship of the presenting fetal part to an imaginary line drawn between the pelvic ischial spines.


Shaping of the fetal head by overlapping of the cranial bones to facilitate movement through the birth canal during labor


The area of the fetal skull occupied by the occipital bone, beneath the posterior fontanelle


The entrance of the fetal presenting part into the superior pelvic strait and the beginning of the descent through the pelvic canal.


The normal duration of pregnancy.


The time from the onset of true labor until the birth of the infant and expulsion of the placenta.


Time between conception and the onset of labor; usually used to describe the period during which a woman is pregnant.

17.Multipara multigravida

Woman who has had more than one pregnancy in which the fetus was viable. Woman who has been pregnant more than once.

31.Mongolian spots

darkened skin on the lower back and buttocks of some babies with dark skin tones.


performed with a sharp scissors that has rounded points, just before birth, when approximately 3 to 4 cm of the fetal head is visible during a contraction). A midline episiotomy is performed along the median raphe of the perineum. It extends down from the vaginal orifice to the fibers of the rectal sphincter. (avoids muscle fibers and major blood vessels because it divides the insertions of the superficial perineal muscles (Blackburn, 2013). A midline episiotomy is preferred if the perineum is of adequate length and no difficulty is anticipated during the birth because it entails less blood loss, is easy to repair, and heals with less discomfort for the mother


• A pregnant woman.

4. Para

• A woman who has borne offspring who reached the age of viability

9.Placenta previa

• Abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment. Classification of type is based on proximity to the cervical os: total—completely covers the os; partial—covers a portion of the os; marginal—is in close proximity to the os.


• Moving of the fetus and uterus downward into the pelvic cavity.


• Removal of amniotic fluid by insertion of a needle into the amniotic sac; amniotic fluid is used to assess fetal health or maturity

6. Stillbirth

• The birth of a dead infant.


• The chin

5. Fundus

• The upper portion of the uterus between the fallopian tubes


• Thinning and shortening of the cervix that occurs late in pregnancy or during labor.


• Tightening and shortening of the uterine muscles during labor, causing effacement and dilatation of the cervix; contributes to the downward and outward descent of the fetus.

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