OB Final Review

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_____ captures the value of a work goal or purpose, relative to a person's own ideals and passions. A. Meaningfulness B. Self-determination C. Competence D. Impact E. Integrity

A meaningfulness

In most business situations, the proper norm for allocating the decision-making outcomes is A. equity B. equality C. information D. building harmony E. contributing socially


In the case of _____ trust, we rationally evaluate the pluses and minuses of an authority, in terms of its ability, integrity, and benevolence. A. cognition-based B. mentor-based C. affect-based D. emotion-based E. disposition-based


One way an organization can improve its trustworthiness is to focus its attention on A. corporate social responsibility B. relativism ideology C. utilitarian ideology D. stage 3 of the pre-conventional level of cognitive moral development E. stage 6 of the pre-conventional level of cognitive moral development


The _____ rule reflects whether authorities refrain from making improper or offensive remarks. A. propriety B. justification C. truthfulness D. respect E. voice


The effects of general cognitive ability are _______ for citizenship behaviour and counterproductive behaviour. A. near zero B. moderately negative C. moderately positive D. strong positive E. strong negative

A. near zero

A passive, destructive response in which interest and effort in the job declines is referred to as: A. neglect. B. exit. C. voice. D. loyalty. E. influence.

A. neglect

If conscientiousness is the most important of the Big Five from the perspective of job performance, _______ is the second most important. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness E. collectivism

A. neuroitcism

Conscientiousness has _______ effect on continuance commitment. A. no B. a strong positive C. a weak negative D. a moderate positive E. a weak positive

A. no

_______ exists when there is a sense that staying at a firm is the "right" or "moral" thing to do. A. Normative commitment B. Embeddedness C. Social influence D. Continuance commitment E. Affective commitment

A. normative commitment

Which of the following is correlated with perceived organizational support? A. Organizational commitment B. Job satisfaction C. Job performance D. Loyalty E. Retention

A. organizational commitment

When employees consider efficacy levels for a given task, they first consider their: A. past accomplishments. B. vicarious experiences. C. current projects. D. extrinsic motivators. E. instrumentality.

A. past accomplishments

_______ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behaviour. A. Personality B. Values C. Beliefs D. Ethnocentrism E. Perception

A. personality

The need for the food, shelter, safety, and protection required for human existence is a ____ need. A. physiological B. relatedness C. control D. self-regard E. self-actualization

A. physiological

When you get from teams "more than the sum of their parts", the teams seem to benefit from A. process gain B. staff validity C. team informity D. team commitment E. teamwork KSAs

A. process gain(synergy)

Some trustors are high in _____ a general expectation that the words, promises, and statements of individuals and groups can be relied upon. A. benevolence B. trust propensity C. competence D. trustworthiness E. integrity


Tom has the reputation of manipulating team members for personal control. Tom can be described as a(n) A. aggressor B. dominator C. blocker D. recognition seeker E. slacker


What are the consequentialist principles sometimes called? A. deontological B. teleological C. rational D. relativism E. formalism


Whether interacting face-to-face or electronically, the communication process assumes A. Gender differences B. Communication competence C. Noise D. Privacy E. Information richness


Which of these is NOT a facet of moral intensity? A. Probability of effect B. Economic consensus C. Proximity D. Concentration of effect E. Temporal immediacy


Which of these is a team task role? A. aggressor B. energizer C. harmonizer D. dominator E. follower


With _______ there are established rules and standard operating procedures that guide team members' behaviour and their interactions with one another. A. management teams B. action teams C. project teams D. parallel teams E. work teams


_____ conveys an alignment between words and deeds—a sense that authorities keep their promises, "walk the talk," and "do what they say they will do." A. Ability B. Integrity C. Benevolence D. Trust propensity E. Competence


_______ justice reflects the perceived fairness of the communications provided to employees from the authorities. A. Interpersonal B. Informational C. Procedural D. Distributive E. None of these


_______ justice reflects the perceived fairness of the treatment received by employees from authorities. A. Procedural B. Interpersonal C. Informational D. Distributive E. None of these


Which of the following statements about the effects of trust on performance and commitment is true? A. Trust has a strong positive effect on performance. B. Employees who are willing to be vulnerable to authorities tend to have higher levels of task performance. C. Trust has a moderate positive effect on commitment. D. Employees who are willing to be vulnerable to authorities tend to have lower levels of affective commitment. E. Employees who are willing to be vulnerable to authorities tend to have lower levels of normative commitment.

B. (vulnerable=trust)

Actually making oneself vulnerable to an authority is a risk; trust reflects the willingness to take that risk.


Almost every gesture involving fingers is sure to offend someone, somewhere, sometime.


An encoded message is transmitted to a receiver, who needs to interpret or decode the message to form an understanding of the information it contains.


Anesthesiology is a great example of a job for which problem sensitivity is crucial. T/F


Cognitive ability is a strong, positive predictor of job performance; in particular, the task performance dimension. T/F


Commercial divers require stamina as well as flexibility & coordination abilities. T/F


Competence brings with it a sense of pride and mastery that is itself intrinsically motivating.


Conscientious people are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering T/F


Conscientiousness has a moderate positive effect on performance as well as on commitment. T/F


Continuance commitment tends to create more of a passive form of loyalty. T/F


Culture is defined as the shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of a society. T/F


Economic exchanges are impersonal and resemble contractual agreements, such that employees agree to fulfill the duties in their job description in exchange for financial compensation.


Embeddedness summarizes a person's links to the organization and the community, his/her sense of fit with that organization and community, and what he/she would have to sacrifice for a job change. T/F


Employees likely respond to negative events with voice because they have the desire to offer constructive suggestions for change. T/F


Employees who feel a sense of equity are more emotionally attached to their firms and feel a stronger sense of obligation to remain.


Face-to-face communication can be either written or oral.


Generally speaking, senders may use verbal and written language, and nonverbal language and cues, to encode the information into a message.


If an employer provides training and development opportunities, this should improve normative commitment. T/F


Instrumentality represents the belief that successful performance will result in some outcome.


Involuntary turnover occurs when employees are fired by the organization for some reason. T/F


Learned helplessness reflects the sense that it does not matter what a person does, nothing will make a difference.


Low-power distance cultures prefer that power be distributed uniformly where possible, in a more egalitarian fashion. T/F


Maclean's magazine was subject to questions about procedural justice with the annual ranking of Canadian universities.


Merit pay and profit sharing offer little in the way of difficult and specific goals.


Merit pay represents the most common element of organizational compensation plans, yet the pay increase for top performers is only modestly greater than the pay increase for poor performers.


Moral identity is the degree to which a person views himself or herself as a moral person.


More than 50% of the population agrees that most people can be trusted in Canada.


Motivation is a critical consideration because job performance is a function of motivation and ability. T/F


Motivation is not one thing but rather a set of distinct forces.


One factor that increases continuance commitment is a lack of employment alternatives. T/F


Oral communication is probably more prevalent than written communication.


Organizational commitment is the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization. T/F


Perceptual ability refers to being able to perceive, understand, and recall patterns of information. T/F


Procedural justice has little impact on reactions when distributive justice is high.


Sometimes neglect can be even more costly than exit because it is not as readily noticed. T/F


Static strength refers to the ability to lift, pull, or push very heavy objects using the hands, arms, legs, shoulders, or back. T/F


The effects of specific and difficult goals are almost twice as strong on simple tasks as on complex tasks.


The types of organizational commitment are continuance, normative, and affective. T/F


Valences can be positive, negative, or zero.


Waving your arm up and down to convey the idea that your team members need to work faster is an example of an encoded message


When goal commitment is high, assigning specific and difficult goals will have significant benefits for task performance.


Whether interacting face-to-face or electronically, the communication process assumes communicator competence.


The three dimensions of trustworthiness are competence, character, and benevolence.

True (ability, benevolence, integrity)

Famous management guru ____________ once said "The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." A. Geert Hofstede B. Mary Parker Follett C. Frederick Taylor D. Peter Drucker E. B. F. Skinner


Inquisitiveness and intellectualness are alternative labels for which of these Big Five dimension? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

D. Openness to experience

The work and non-work forces that bind us to our current employer refers to A. normative commitment B. affective commitment C. industry regulations D. embeddedness E. social influence

D. embeddedness

What are foreign-born employees less likely to feel in their current jobs? A. Commitment B. Job satisfaction C. Loyalty D. Embeddedness E. Voice

D. embeddedness

Which of these is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values? A. Power distance B. Masculinity-femininity C. Individualism-collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Extraversion-introversion

E. Extraversion-introversion

If your roommate is nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous, he would fit which of these dimensions of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

E. Neuroticism

Which of the Big Five dimension is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity? A. Neuroticism B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Conscientiousness E. Openness to experience

E. Openness to experience

Instrumentality is represented by which of these linkages? A. P E B. E P C. P V D. V P E. P O

E. P O (performance--> outcome)

Perhaps the most widespread form of psychological withdrawal among white-collar employees is A. daydreaming B. moonlighting C. tardiness D. absenteeism E. cyberloafing

E. cyberloafing

Nikki appears to be working, but is actually distracted by random thoughts or concerns. Nikki is experiencing A. moonlighting B. cyberloafing C. socializing D. tardiness E. daydreaming

E. daydreaming

All of these are types of psychomotor abilities except: A. reaction time B. fine manipulative C. response orientation D. control movement E. depth perception

E. depth perception

Normative commitment from employees can result from all of these except A. personal work philosophies of employees B. organizational socialization C. creating a feeling that the employee is in the organization's debt D. increasing the organization's charitable activities E. developing a low-cost structure in the organization

E. developing a low-cost structure in the organization

Emotional intelligence is defined in terms of all of these abilities except: A. self-awareness B. other awareness C. emotion regulation D. use of emotions E. emotion expectations

E. emotion expectations

In his job, Ryan has to constantly run from one building to another to get the documents signed and pick up material important for decision making by the executives. Ryan would rely on which of these strengths? A. Static B. Dynamic C. Sensory D. Flexible E. Explosive

E. explosive

Of the Big Five, _______ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. A. openness B. conscientiousness C. agreeableness D. neuroticism E. extraversion

E. extraversion

The all-channel structure is an example of what type of communication structure? A. Downward communication B. Upward communication C. Horizontal communication D. Informal communication network E. Formal communication network

E. formal

Which of the following is not considered to be an individual-focused compensation plan? A. piece-rate B. merit pay C. lump-sum bonus D. recognition award E. gain sharing

E. gain sharing

Which of the following managerial techniques provide a forum for assigning difficult and specific goals? A. Merit pay and Furloughs B. Gainsharing and Merit Pay C. Lump sum bonuses and Merit Pay D. Furloughs and Gainsharing E. Gainsharing and Lump sum bonuses

E. gainsharing and lump sum bonuses

Amber has a wonderful ability to consider several specific pieces of information and then reach a more general conclusion regarding how those pieces are related. Amber has which of these abilities? A. Verbal comprehension B. Deductive reasoning C. Perceptual speed D. Quantitative E. Inductive reasoning

E. inductive reasoning

The focus of commitment could include all the following except A. the work team B. the company's top management C. the department D. specific coworkers E. industry regulations

E. industry regulations

Kelly believes that if she successfully earns her MBA, she'll be promoted to a midlevel executive manager position. She is therefore motivated to earn an MBA because of A. past accomplishments B. vicarious experiences C. verbal persuasion D. emotional cues E. instrumentality

E. instrumentality

Kendra is more motivated when successful performance helps her attain attractive outcomes, such as bonuses, while helping her avoid unattractive outcomes such as terminations. Kendra's motivation is dependent on A. past accomplishments B. valence C. expectancy D. emotional cues E. instrumentality

E. instrumentality

When a manager is lenient in their performance evaluations so everyone "goes home happy," this manager is reducing A. self-efficacy and departmentation B. instrumentality and self-efficacy C. equity and self-efficacy D. departmentation and instrumentality E. instrumentality and equity

E. instrumentality and equity

_______ is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario by using problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that is satisfying to both parties. A. Substitutability B. Ingratiation C. Distributive bargaining D. Coalition building E. Integrative bargaining

E. integrative bargaining

Behavioural and attitudinal change occurs in which of the responses to influence attempts? A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Personal appeals E. Internalization

E. internalization

When the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request, which of the following responses to influence tactics occurs? A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Personal appeals E. Internalization

E. internalization

Which of these teamwork processes are important before, during, and between periods of taskwork? A. transition processes B. action processes C. boundary spanning processes D. creative behaviour processes E. interpersonal processes

E. interpersonal

When a culture stresses values such as persistence, prudence, and thrift, it can be said that according to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, this culture is high on A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. long-term orientation

E. long-term orientation

High uncertainty avoidance means that the culture tolerates uncertain and ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviours. T/F

False- low uncertainty avoidance

Voice is defined as a passive, constructive response that maintains public support for the situation while the individual privately hopes for improvement. T/F

False- loyalty

Self-determination captures the value of a work goal or purpose, relative to a person's own ideals and passions.

False- meaningfulness

Research suggests that women are more likely than men to view money as representing achievement, respect, and freedom.

False- men are more likely

Extraverts are less likely to emerge as leaders in social and task-related groups. T/F

False- most likely

The term teleological is named after the Greek word for moral.

False- named after "goal"

Valence can be defined as cognitive groupings or clusters of outcomes that are viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequences.

False- needs

The primary response to negative events at work that is a passive, negative response in which interest and effort in the job declines is termed exit. T/F

False- neglect

My organization gave me my start . . . they hired me when others thought I wasn't qualified. This is an example of continuance commitment. T/F

False- normative

Affective commitment exists when there is a sense that staying is the "right" or "moral" thing to do. T/F

False- normative commitment

Continuance commitment is defined as a desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation. T/F

False- normative commitment

Quantitative ability refers to the mathematical capabilities of number reasoning and mathematical facility. T/F

False- number facility and mathematical reasoning

According to the text, one study showed that occupational equity is the most powerful driver of citizenship behaviours and job equity is the most powerful driver of employee withdrawal.

False- opposite

Whereas neuroticism is synonymous with positive affectivity, extraversion is synonymous with negative affectivity. T/F

False- opposite

Inductive reasoning refers to being able to examine and compare numbers, letters, and objects quickly. T/F

False- perceptual speed

Examples of psychological withdrawal include missing meetings, socializing, and tardiness. T/F

False- physical withdrawal

Meaningfulness reflects energy rooted in the belief that work tasks contribute to some larger purpose

False- psychological empowerment

Sensory abilities include fine manipulative and the control movement abilities. T/F

False- psychomotor ability

The most serious form of physical withdrawal is absenteeism. T/F

False- quitting

The appraisal and expression of emotions in oneself is referred to as self-esteem. T/F

False- self-awareness

Self-actualization is defined as the belief that a person has the capabilities needed to execute the behaviours required for task success.

False- self-efficacy

A moral exchange is a work relationship that is characterized by mutual investment.

False- social exchange

The erosion model suggests that employees who have direct linkages with "leavers" will themselves become more likely to leave. T/F

False- social influence model

A tourist with high visualization would have no trouble finding her way back to her hotel on foot after a long day of sightseeing, even without a map or help from anyone on the street. T/F

False- spatial orientation

The relationship between supervisor feedback and organizational commitment is stronger for affective and continuance commitment.

False- stronger for affective and normative

Research shows that feelings of underreward inequity are among the strongest predictors of constructive behaviours.

False- strongest predictor of counterproductive behaviour

Reliability and predictive validity improves when interviews are unstructured rather than structured.

False- structured

The symbolic value of money can be summarized in at least four dimensions.

False- three dimensions: achievement, respect, freedom

Emotion regulation reflects the degree to which people can harness emotions and employ them to improve their chances of being successful in whatever they are seeking to do. T/F

False- use of emotions

The primary response to negative events at work that is a constructive response in which individuals attempt to improve the situation is termed loyalty. T/F

False- voice

There is a strong positive effect of supervisor feedback on job performance.

False- weak positive

The motivating force with the strongest performance effect is perceptions of equity.

False- weaker effect on performance

The relationship between supervisor feedback and organizational commitment is stronger for continuance commitment.

False- weaker for continuance

The importance of trust propensity is most obvious in interactions with family, in which any acceptance of vulnerability would amount to "blind trust."

False- with strangers

Cognitive distortion allows you to restore balance mentally by altering your behaviour in certain ways.

False- without altering behaviour

Written expression is the ability to understand written words and sentences. T/F

False- written comprehension

Similar to its relationship with job performance, research has supported a significant linkage between cognitive ability and organizational commitment. T/F


Define embeddedness and what commitment does it strengthen.

Links to organization and community, sense of fit in org. and community, and what one would sacrifice for a job change. Strengthens continuance commitment by giving reasons on why one needs to stay in the position.

A project team at ABC International is given the task to develop new product ideas for three different foreign markets. _______ reflects whether the project team members at ABC possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities. A. decision informity B. staff validity C. hierarchical sensitivity D. transportable competency E. transactive memory


According to research, _______ justice was a stronger predictor of satisfaction with supervision, overall job satisfaction, and organizational commitment than _______ justice. A. procedural; distributive B. distributive; procedural C. informational; distributive D. interpersonal; distributive E. informational; procedural


According to the communication process model, what happens immediately after the sender encodes the message? A. The message is sent to the receiver B. The message is encoded by the receiver C. The message is decoded by the receiver D. The message is understood by the receiver E. None of these


Communication is the process by which information and meaning is transferred from a ____________ to a _________. A. sender; receiver B. receiver; sender C. transmitter; receiver D. transmitter; accepter E. sender; target


Do procedures consider the needs of all groups? pertains to which procedural justice rule? A. Representativeness B. Correctability C. Suppression D. Propriety E. Accuracy


Downward communication is notoriously slow because of A. Filtering decisions at each level B. People ignoring messages C. Passing along too much information D. People discounting messages E. People don't know what to say


The degree to which team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team refers to A. task interdependence B. goal interdependence C. deep-level diversity D. outcome interdependence E. the storming stage of team development


What are the non-consequentialist principles sometimes called? A. deontological B. teleological C. rational D. relativism E. formalism


When authorities are perceived as _____, it means that they care for employees, are concerned about their well-being, and feel a sense of loyalty to them. A. benevolent B. competent C. integrity D. compassionate E. ability


When authorities are perceived to be of sound character, it means that they have _____, honest motives, and intentions. A. integrity B. competence C. benevolence D. trust propensity E. trustworthiness


Which consequentialist principle is described as an act that is morally right because it results in the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people? A. Utilitarianism B. Formalism C. Idealism D. Conventionalism E. Relativism


Which of the following is an informational justice rule? A. Truthfulness B. Consistency C. Equity D. Correctability E. Propriety


Which of these is an individualistic role? A. aggressor B. energizer C. harmonizer D. follower E. coordinator


Which of these teams is not an action team? A. sales team B. surgical team C. musical group D. expedition team E. sports team


_______ in task interdependence _______ the ability of the team to adapt to new situations. A. Increases; increase B. Increases; decrease C. Decreases; increase D. Decreases; decrease E. Fall; reduces


_______ justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes. A. Procedural B. Interpersonal C. Informational D. Distributive E. None of these


_______ teams are teams in which the members are geographically dispersed, and interdependent activity occurs through electronic communications. A. Virtual B. Project C. Management D. Action E. Work


___________ is probably more prevalent than ____________ in organizational settings. A. Oral communication; written communication B. Face-to-face communication; written communication C. Written communication; oral communication D. Written communication; face-to-face communication E. Nonverbal communication; written communication


Expectancy is a subjective probability ranging from A. 0 to 1 B. 1 to 5 C. 10 to 20 D. -1 to + 1 E. .5 to 1.5

A. 0 to 1

Students who engage in neglect during lectures (e.g., reading the newspaper, surfing the Web, and falling asleep) will result in a lower GPA by an average of _________ points. A. 0.23 B. 0.45 C. 0.6 D. 0.85 E. 1.57

A. 0.23

Managers at ABC International are quite worried about the recent turnover trend at the firm. ABC is loosing quite a few hourly and salaried employees. According to recent estimates, it costs about _______ times the annual salary + benefits to replace an hourly worker and _______ times the annual salary + benefits to replace a salaried employee. A. .5; 1.5 B. 5; 10 C. 2; 4 D. 25; 40 E. 1.5; 2.5

A. 0.5; 1.5

According to a survey of more than 10,000 employees, _______ percent viewed seniority as the key determinant of pay and _______ percent viewed successful performance as the key driver. A. 60; 35 B. 25; 75 C. 40; 60 D. 20; 40 E. 90; 10

A. 60; 35

According to international research, which country has the lowest ranking for ethics? A. Cameroon B. Pakistan C. Mexico D. China E. Jamaica

A. Cameroon

Trust propensity relates to which of these? A. Disposition-based trust B. Affect-based trust C. Cognition-based trust D. Power-based trust E. Feeling-based trust

A. Disposition-based trust

One study of faculty and staff within a university setting found that as the level of A. E-mail use increased, all other forms of communication decreased. B. E-mail use decreased, all other forms of communication decreased. C. Videoconferencing use increased, all other forms of communication decreased. D. Face-to-face communication decreased, all other forms of communication decreased. E. Face-to-face communication increased, all other forms of communication decreased

A. E-mail use increased, all other forms of communication decreased.

People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. A. accomplishment strivers B. communion strivers C. status strivers D. negativity strivers E. empathetic strivers

A. accomplishment strivers

Systems monitoring and helping behaviours are examples of A. action process B. brainstorming process C. transactive memory process D. transition process E. interpersonal process

A. action

Student teams typically use this type of communication structure. A. All-channel network structure B. Circle network structure C. Chain network structure D. Y network structure E. Wheel network structure

A. all-channel

Which of these occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target personally? A. Apprising B. Ingratiation C. Coalitions D. Personal appeals E. Exchange

A. apprising

According to the textbook, a study compared the impact of a variety of human resources management practices on voluntary turnover and found that two of the most significant predictors were _______________. A. average pay level and quality of the benefits package B. job security and pay level C. more vacation and developmental opportunities D. Developmental opportunities and better benefits E. Job security and better benefits

A. average pay level and quality of the benefits package

Individuals who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others. These individuals exhibit which contingency factor? A. Centrality B. Discretion C. Substitutability D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

A. centrality

Which of these represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks? A. Centrality B. Discretion C. Substitutability D. Ingratiati

A. centrality

Verbal and spatial abilities are which type of abilities? A. Cognitive B. Emotional C. Physical D. Sensory E. Psychomotor

A. cognitive

Careless, negligent, and irresponsible are opposite traits for which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

A. conscientiousness

Professor Mason was writing a recommendation for Lisa. He described Lisa as a dependable, organized, reliable, and ambitious individual. According to the Big Five taxonomy, traits describing Lisa classifies as which of these? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

A. conscientiousness

Tom and Marty are managers at Express Services, an appliance service company. The company has advertised for a field manager position. Tom and Marty are evaluating various applications they have received for this position. For the first candidate, Tom reads part of a reference letter out loud, "The best way I can describe Susan is that she is curious, imaginative, creative, and quite sophisticated. She should be an asset to your company." Marty says here is a good one for Allen. His reference says Allen is a dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, and hard working person. Tom remarks that if we want to hire a talkative, sociable, and assertive individual, we should look at Mary's application. Marty immediately comments, you know Tom, this is a type of position where we should really try to get someone who is cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, and warm to our customers. Allen, according to the Big Five taxonomy, can best be described as which of these? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

A. conscientiousness

Which dimension of the Big Five has the biggest influence on the job performance? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

A. consientiousness

Bianca Bentley has been a loyal employee for the past 25 years at ABC International. However, Bianca does not enjoy her job anymore and has been receiving several offers and inquiries from head hunters for other interesting jobs. Bianca feels that she should stay at ABC because her pension weighs later years of service more than earlier and it will be far more valuable in the last five years of her employment with the company. This is an example of A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. ethical commitment D. normative commitment E. social influence

A. continuance

A desire to remain a member of an organization because of an awareness of the costs associated with leaving it refers to A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. ethical commitment D. normative commitment E. social influence

A. continuance commitment

Joe, Moe, and Larry are co-workers at Crazy Stuff, Inc. (CSI). Working at CSI for five years now, the three are discussing their career one day during lunch break when they heard Mary just quit and decided to go work for a competitor. Moe remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and very hard work for this promotion and if he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Larry replies to Moe that for him, it's the CSI's relaxed atmosphere and some of his best friends at CSI that keeps him working there. When they asked Joe about how he felt, Joe indicates that Mary had no bonds to CSI. She was relatively new and had not invested any time at CSI. For me, Joe says, CSI gave me an opportunity. My boss took a chance on me, invested so much of his time in mentoring me and preparing me for the position and showing me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company. Moe is exhibiting which of these? A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. embeddedness D. normative commitment E. social influence

A. continuance commitment

The job of a judge which involves making decisions by applying the rules of law to make verdicts, requires _______. A. deductive reasoning B. perceptual speed C. verbal comprehension D. problem sensitivity E. inductive reasoning

A. deductive reasoning

_________ are tasks where the effectiveness of the team depends on the member who possesses the highest level of the ability relevant to the task. A. Disjunctive tasks B. Similarity-attraction tasks C. Surface-level tasks D. Conjunctive tasks E. Additive tasks

A. disjunctive

Alfredo (from Italy) was just hired last week as an account specialist at Payroll Partners (PPI). PPI specializes in managing the human resource functions on behalf of hundreds of small-to-medium sized companies focusing on entrepreneurs of different ethnicities. Allen was placed in a four member team. Marcos (from Brazil) had joined the team about a year ago. Tina (from the U.S.) and Huan (from China) have been with the company and working together in the team for about 3 years now. Both Tina and Huan get along very well and trust the managers at PPI. When the assignments and instructions on how to interact and manage a particular customer from a different culture are given by the managers at PPI to this team, Alfredo's trust in his supervisors is more likely going to be A. disposition-based trust B. affect-based trust C. cognition-based trust D. power-based trust E. feeling-based trust

A. disposition-based trust

_______ is the foundation for cultural intelligence, a type of intelligence that enables people to be effective in contexts in which they interact with people from different cultures. A. Emotional intelligence B. Visualization C. Problem sensitivity D. Inductive reasoning E. Perceptual speed

A. emotional intelligence

Which theory acknowledges that motivation doesn't just depend on your own beliefs and circumstances, but also what happens to other people? A. Equity B. Extrinsic C. Expectancy D. Goal setting E. Psychological empowerment

A. equity

Don feels an internal tension that he is not getting the same rewards as his colleague. He believes that this situation can only be alleviated by restoring balance to the comparison ratios. This is known as A. equity distress B. comparison other C. cognitive distortion D. expectancy E. goal commitment

A. equity distress

_______ reflects the degree to which the behaviours of an authority are in accordance with generally accepted moral norms. A. Ethics B. Justice C. Competence D. Whistle-blowing E. None of these

A. ethics

A propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong" refers to which of these? A. Ethnocentrism B. Neuroticism C. Extraversion D. Zero acquaintance E. Short-term orientation

A. ethnocentrism

There are two types of flexibility: A. extent and dynamic B. static and dynamic C. extent and static D. static and explosive E. explosive and managed

A. extent and dynamic

The "g-factor" refers to A. general cognitive ability B. gross motor facilitation C. gross body equilibrium D. gross body coordination E. general adaptation syndrome

A. general cognitive ability

A professor who had published several well regarded books and articles had a very difficult time expressing concepts and theories to students effectively. This was because the professor had _______ but _______. A. high ability of written expression; low ability of oral expression B. low ability of written expression; high ability of oral expression C. low ability of written comprehension; high ability of oral comprehension D. high ability of written comprehension; low ability of oral comprehension E. high deductive reasoning; low inductive reasoning

A. high ability of written expression; low ability of oral expression

Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in group and act loyal to it. Given this criterion, the Chinese culture, according to Hofstede's dimensions, can be described as which of these? A. High on collectivism B. High on uncertainty avoidance C. High on masculinity D. Low on power distance E. High on short-term orientation

A. high on collectivism

In performing the boundary spanning role in a team, members who engage in ambassador activities typically communicate with people who are A. higher up in the organization B. vendors and distributors of the organization C. front line production supervisors in the industry D. board of directors only E. peers and those below the team's level in the organization

A. higher up in the org

Which of the following influence tactic is "moderately effective" on average? A. Ingratiation B. Coalitions C. Consultation D. Collaboration E. Inspirational appeals

A. ingratiation

The belief that successful performance will result in some outcome(s) is known as A. instrumentality B. valence C. complexity D. expectancy E. self-efficacy

A. instrumentality

Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of A. interpersonal processes B. action processes C. boundary spanning processes D. creative behaviour processes E. transition processes

A. interpersonal

Neurotic people tend to be both A. less satisfied with job as well as life B. agreeable as well as conflict avoiders C. happy as well as calm D. extraverted as well as positively affected E. none of these

A. less satisfied with job as well as life

Which of these is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics? A. Machiavellianism B. Limited resources C. Ambiguity in roles D. High performance pressure E. Unclear performance evaluations

A. machiavellianism

Teamwork processes have a _______ effect on team performance. A. moderate positive B. weak negative C. moderate negative D. strong positive E. strong negative

A. moderate positive

When Jonathan uses his work time and resources to complete something other than his job duties, such as planning the business he is going to start, he is A. moonlighting B. cyberloafing C. socializing D. looking busy E. daydreaming

A. moonlighting

Mints International (MI) has recently implemented the team approach to accomplishing the tasks and goals at all of its divisions. The company has developed a color code for different teams. Members of Gold Teams work together on an ongoing basis to produce the mints. Silver Teams are responsible for coordinating the activities of its marketing, production, finance, and human resources functions. In the production department, MI has created a special team that consists of individuals who normally perform core production tasks, but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement. This team is called the Red Team. Finally, MI has created the Blue Teams. These teams take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex and require a lot of input from members with different types of training and expertise. A good example of a Blue Team at MI is a product design team that it created for entering a new foreign market. Gold Team A has decided that all members will work independently and then the work will be combined to provide the finished product. Gold Team B members have been chosen as task specialists but will interact with some of the other members of their team to complete their work. Gold Team B uses ______________ task interdependence. A. reciprocal B. pooled C. sequential D. comprehensive E. response

A. reciprocal

Communications that reflect incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences refers to A. relationship conflict B. goal specificity mismanagement C. mission analysis deficiency D. mission analysis conflict E. task conflict

A. relationship conflict

At Taser Sport, Inc. (TSI), Tammy, a member of the marketing team, recently met with Mike from Research and Development to learn about new technology and materials that were being experimented with at TSI and other companies in the industry. This is an example of which of these boundary spanning activities? A. scout activities B. task coordinator C. hierarchical sensitivity D. decision informity E. ambassador

A. scout

Interviewers assume the role of A. Senders and receivers B. Senders C. Receivers D. Decoders E. Encoders

A. senders and receivers

Job applicants assume the role of A. Senders and receivers B. Senders C. Receivers D. Decoders E. Encoders

A. senders and receivers

All of these are suggested guidelines for using legitimate power except: A. show acceptance and positive regard B. make polite, clear requests C. explain the reason for the request D. don't exceed your scope of authority E. follow up to verify compliance

A. show acceptance and positive regard

Employees who have direct linkages with "leavers" will themselves become more likely to leave. This is the _______ model. A. social influence B. embeddedness C. erosion D. decay E. none of these

A. social influence

Which of these refers to having a good understanding of where one is relative to other things in the environment? A. Spatial orientation B. Visualization C. Problem sensitivity D. Inductive reasoning E. Perceptual speed

A. spatial orientation

Steve is a firefighter which requires him to lift and carry heavy hoses and equipment. In his job, Steve would rely on which of these strengths? A. Static B. Dynamic C. Sensory D. Flexible E. Explosive

A. static

Extraverted people prioritize A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. negativity striving E. none of these

A. status striving

Motivation has a _______ effect on job performance. A. strong positive B. moderate positive C. weak positive D. moderate negative E. strong negative

A. strong positive

Overall, supervisor feedback to employees has a _____________ effect on organizational commitment. A. strong positive B. moderately positive C. weak positive D. very strong positive E. very weak negative

A. strong positive

Bianca has found herself playing the role of an energizer who motivates her team members to work harder towards the team goals. This is an example of which of these roles? A. Team task B. Team building C. Team composition D. Individualistic E. Team compensation

A. team task

Mission analysis, goal specifications, and strategy formulation are examples of which of these teamwork processes? A. transition B. brainstorming C. transactive memory D. action E. interpersonal

A. transition

Ajay was recently added to the marketing team at Listen International. He will be starting at the company in two weeks. Ajay has had the reputation of being an expert in ad campaigns and catching the nerve of the target audiences, however, he also has the reputation of not getting along with anyone. He doesn't care much about where and for whom he works but is primarily motivated to achieve goals for himself and beat his own records. As soon as Amanda heard about Ajay joining the team, she turned in her resignation. Ashton, another team member, called Ajay and held a lunch meeting to express all the team members' concerns and reason with Ajay to smooth things before he formally joins the team. Amber indicated that if the organization and the team is going to be benefiting from Ajay's expertise, it doesn't matter whether she likes it or not and how unhappy she is about this decision, she is willing to maintain her full effort levels and work with Ajay. She doesn't have the expertise that Ajay has but she is committed to Listen International and its success. It should be very interesting the day Ajay formally joins the team. Amanda's reaction can be described as which of these? A. voice B. neglect C. loyalty D. exit E. none of these

A. voice

The response to negative events at work that is an active, constructive response in which individuals attempt to improve the situation is referred to as A. voice B. neglect C. loyalty D. exit E. none of these

A. voice

The degree of comfort with specific job responsibilities and performance expectations refers to _______ adjustment. A. work B. cultural C. interaction D. familial E. none of the choices is correct

A. work

Suggested minimum Wonderlic score for an unskilled labourer is A. 17 B. 20 C. 25 D. 29 E. 70


Two factors that directly contribute to process losses are A. coordination loss and motivational loss B. staff loss and scout loss C. hierarchical sensitivity loss and scout activity loss D. staff validity loss and hierarchical sensitivity loss E. none of the choices are correct

A.coordination loss and motivational loss

A communication network in which members can send and receive messages from individuals who are immediately adjacent to them are called A. All-channel network structure B. Circle network structure C. Chain network structure D. Y network structure E. Wheel network structure


As trust increases between employees and their authorities, _______ relationships develop that are based on vaguely defined obligations that are open-ended and long-term in their repayment schedule. A. distributive justice B. social exchange C. disposition-based trust D. economic exchange E. relativism


Communication is the process by which ___________ and ___________ is transferred from a sender to a receiver. A. information; understanding B. information; meaning C. information; data D. data; understanding E. data; meaning


Expert and referent powers are called _______ powers. A. internal B. personal C. external D. organizational E. directional


How likely is it that the act will actually occur and that the assumed consequences will match predictions? reflects which of the following facets of moral intensity? A. Social consensus B. Probability of effect C. Magnitude of consequences D. Temporal immediacy E. Concentration of effect


In the team development process, punctuated equilibrium takes place at A. the beginning of the development process B. the midpoint C. towards the end of the development process D. after the team is fully developed E. none of these


Informational justice is fostered when authorities adhere to two particular rules: A. voice and correctability B. justification and truthfulness C. equity and equality D. consistency and accuracy E. respect and propriety


Planning teams are an example of which of the following? A. Parallel B. Project C. Management D. Action E. Work


The nature of communication in ______________________ often has both verbal and nonverbal qualities that together provide an extremely rich information source. A. e-mail B. face-to-face communication C. wiki D. Web 2.0 E. social network applications


R in the S.M.A.R.T. goals stands for A. robust B. resolved C. requirements D. results-based E. realist

D. results based

Patricia is a new college instructor and is trying to determine if student absenteeism will harm their course grade. One study revealed that students who attend all classes average a ______ point higher GPA in the course than students who only attend half the classes. A. 0.23 B. 0.45 C. 0.6 D. 0.85 E. 1.57

B. 0.45

Which is not a recommendation by the privacy commissioners across the country to protect your privacy and avoid embarrassment? A. Never expect privacy B. Before you join a site and post your profile, find out if you can join an open network C. Choose the highest and most restrictive security settings possible D. Take a second to think about what you're posting about yourself and friends E. Keep in mind that even sites with extensive privacy options may be required to make your personal information available to certain authorized persons

B. Before you join a site and post your profile, find out if you can join an open network

All of these are suggested guidelines for using coercive power except: A. Explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations B. Don't make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements C. Respond to infractions promptly and without favouritism D. Investigate to get facts before following through E. Provide ample warnings

B. Don't make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements

Expectancy is represented by which of these linkages? A. P E B. E P C. P V D. V P E. P O

B. E P (effort --> performance)

Which is not a characteristic of a good communicator? A. Good communicators have mastered both the sending and receiving sides of the communication process B. Good communicators are able to understand the message without needing clarification or feedback C. Good communicators are able to craft and deliver meaning using channels that your intended target will be able to process and understand D. Good communicators are effective listeners E. Good communicators are able to use their skills to discern and resolve difficulties related to body language

B. Good communicators are able to understand the message without needing clarification or feedback

All the following are ways for organizations to foster a sense of commitment among employees except: A. Increase the bonds that link employees together. B. Keep salaries competitive even if employees get stuck in neutral when climbing the career ladder. C. Create a salary and benefits package that creates a financial need to stay. D. Provide various training and development opportunities for employees. E. Stop the progression of withdrawal symptoms in its early stages by trying to root out the source of the reduced commitment.

B. Keep salaries competitive even if employees get stuck in neutral when climbing the career ladder

Alfredo (from Italy) was just hired last week as an account specialist at Payroll Partners (PPI). PPI specializes in managing the human resource functions on behalf of hundreds of small-to-medium sized companies focusing on entrepreneurs of different ethnicities. Allen was placed in a four member team. Marcos (from Brazil) had joined the team about a year ago. Tina (from the U.S.) and Huan (from China) have been with the company and working together in the team for about 3 years now. Both Tina and Huan get along very well and trust the managers at PPI. If we were to apply the research on trust propensities by nation to this team at PPI, who will have the lowest trust propensity in this team? A. Alfredo B. Marcos C. Tina D. Huan E. All of these because they have not put in enough time at work yet

B. Marcos

Which of these countries has the highest trust propensity? A. Brazil B. Sweden C. France D. Spain E. Argentina

B. Sweden

A process by which a third party determines a binding settlement to a dispute between two parties is called A. Mediation B. Arbitration C. Consultation D. Discretion E. Ingratiation

B. aarbitration

A special military team is getting ready for deployment to the Midwest in response to threats from a terrorist group who said they were planning to contaminate the water supply with bio-hazards. Jim is a bio-medical engineer, Scott is an environmental scientist, Megan is a virus specialist, and Susan is a critical care physician. The team also comprises three nurses and other technical experts. Jim was elected as the leader of the team. Scott is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Susan took on the role of a motivator and the confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. Scott's role of monitoring the team's progress contributes to which of these teamwork processes? A. brainstorming process B. action process C. transactive memory process D. transition process E. interpersonal process

B. action

Sara has the ability to imagine how a room would look if it were rearranged and she can buy separate things from different places that go very well put together. Sara can be said to have which of these abilities? A. Spatial orientation B. Visualization C. Problem sensitivity D. Inductive reasoning E. Perceptual speed

B. visualization

Task interdependence has a _______ relationship with team commitment. A. weak positive B. weak negative C. moderate positive D. strong negative E. strong positive

B. weak negative

Joe, Moe, and Larry are co-workers at Crazy Stuff, Inc. (CSI). Working at CSI for five years now, the three are discussing their career one day during lunch break when they heard Mary just quit and decided to go work for a competitor. Moe remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and very hard work for this promotion and if he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Larry replies to Moe that for him, it's the CSI's relaxed atmosphere and some of his best friends at CSI that keeps him working there. When they asked Joe about how he felt, Joe indicates that Mary had no bonds to CSI. She was relatively new and had not invested any time at CSI. For me, Joe says, CSI gave me an opportunity. My boss took a chance on me, invested so much of his time in mentoring me and preparing me for the position and showing me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company. Larry is exhibiting which of these? A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. obligation-based commitment D. normative commitment E. skill-based commitment

B. affectice commitment

When a manager looks at an employee and says "she's committed" or "he's loyal", that manager usually is referring to a behavioural expression of _______ commitment. A. skill-based B. affective C. comprehensive D. continuance E. normative

B. affective

_____ people focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." A. Conscientious B. Agreeable C. Neurotic D. Diligent E. Emotional

B. agreeable

The need to be able to predict and control one's future is a(n): A. relatedness need. B. autonomy need. C. esteem need. D. self-actualization need. E. self-regard need

B. autonomy need

High assertiveness and low cooperation represents which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaborating D. Compromise E. Accommodating

B. avoiding

On average, which of the following influence tactic is least effective? A. Ingratiation B. Coalitions C. Consultation D. Collaboration E. Personal appeals

B. coalitions

Agreeable people prioritize A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. negativity striving E. none of these

B. communion striving

What is a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing one's personality? A. status striving B. communion striving C. positive affectivity D. a differential reactivity E. accomplishment striving

B. communion striving

_______ is a key driver of typical performance, whereas an employee's _______ is a key driver of maximum performance. A. Neuroticism; openness B. Conscientiousness; ability C. Extraversion; neuroticism D. Uncertainty avoidance; short-term orientation E. Agreeableness; openness

B. conscientiousness; ability

Synchronizing team members' activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly refers to _______ and is an example of a(n) _______ process. A. scout activity; brainstorming B. coordination; action C. goal specification; transition D. boundary spanning; transition E. staff validity; interpersonal

B. coordination; action

The degree of comfort with general living conditions, climate, cost of living, transportation, and housing offered by the host culture refers to _______ adjustment. A. work B. cultural C. interaction D. familial E. none of the choices is correct

B. cultural

When Nathanial uses the Internet to check his personal email and sends instant messages to his friends during work hours, it is an example of A. moonlighting B. cyberloafing C. socializing D. looking busy E. daydreaming

B. cyberloafing

Which three specific factors have been found to account for a team's ability to make effective decisions? A. Groupthink, social loafing, and process rotation B. Decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity C. Transactive memory, transformative memory, and decision memory D. Individual effort, team effort, and boundary spanning effort E. Decision redundancy, social facilitation and transactive memory

B. decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity

Which ability refers to the use of general rules to solve problems? A. Verbal comprehension B. Deductive reasoning C. Perceptual speed D. Quantitative E. Inductive reasoning

B. deductive reasoning

Brandon is a newly hired manager at Trade Tools, Inc. On the job just one week, he is responsible for supervising 24 employees in his job. Given his time at Trade Tools, what type of trust should he expect from his employees? A. Affect-based B. Disposition-based C. Cognition-based D. Character-based E. Mentor-based

B. disposition-based

Strengths can be classified as either static, explosive or A. stamina B. dynamic C. sensory D. flexible E. anabolic

B. dynamic

The ability to exert force for a prolonged period of time without becoming overly fatigued and giving out refers to which of these strengths? A. Static B. Dynamic C. Sensory D. Flexible E. Explosive

B. dynamic

Self and other awareness are which type of abilities? A. Cognitive B. Emotional C. Physical D. Sensory E. Psychomotor

B. emotional

ABC International values team-based work and wants to allocate decision-making outcomes using a norm that fits their team-based culture. Which of these norms would be appropriate for ABC? A. Equity B. Equality C. Social standing D. Seniority E. None of these

B. equality

Which theory argues that employee behaviour is directed toward pleasure and away from pain or, more generally, toward certain outcomes and away from others? A. Psychological empowerment B. Expectancy C. Goal setting D. Extrinsic E. Equity

B. expectancy

Raj has always been quiet, shy, and reserved. If he wants to improve these qualities, which of the following Big Five dimension would you recommend he should work on? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

B. extraversion

Situations in which two people have only just met are known as: A. differential exposure situations. B. zero acquaintance situations. C. locus of control situations. D. ethnocentric situations. E. uncertainty avoidance situations.

B. zero acquaintance situation

Tom and Marty are managers at Express Services, an appliance service company. The company has advertised for a field manager position. Tom and Marty are evaluating various applications they have received for this position. For the first candidate, Tom reads part of a reference letter out loud, "The best way I can describe Susan is that she is curious, imaginative, creative, and quite sophisticated. She should be an asset to your company." Marty says here is a good one for Allen. His reference says Allen is a dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, and hard working person. Tom remarks that if we want to hire a talkative, sociable, and assertive individual, we should look at Mary's application. Marty immediately comments, you know Tom, this is a type of position where we should really try to get someone who is cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, and warm to our customers. Mary can be described as which of these? A. Conscientious B. Extraverted C. Agreeable D. Open E. Neurotic

B. extraverted

Motivation that is controlled by some contingency that depends on task performance is known as _______ motivation. A. self B. extrinsic C. intrinsic D. expectant E. efficacious

B. extrinsic

Which of the following emotions is not characterized as survivor syndrome? A. Anger B. Fatigue C. Depression D. Fear E. Distrust

B. fatigue

Raj is an artist. He writes names of individuals on a grain of rice or any other small items. The work is so delicate and must be done with care. Raj would need which of these psychomotor abilities? A. Reaction time B. Fine manipulative C. Response orientation D. Control movement E. Depth perception

B. fine manipulative

The various people, groups, and teams that can inspire a desire to remain a member of an organization is referred to as A. focus of influence B. focus of commitment C. focus of attention D. focus of performance E. all of these

B. focus of commitment

The ability to maintain the balance of the body in unstable contexts refers to A. static strength B. gross body equilibrium C. extent flexibility D. gross body coordination E. dynamic flexibility

B. gross body equilibrium

Capabilities to hear and discriminate sounds that vary in terms of loudness and pitch reflects A. auditory attention B. hearing sensitivity C. speech recognition D. depth perception E. spatial orientation

B. hearing sensitivity

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, citizens of Canada tend to be all of these except: A. high on individualism B. high on uncertainty avoidance C. high on masculinity D. low on power distance E. high on short-term orientation

B. high on uncertainty avoidance

To use _____ effectively, individuals must have insight into what kinds of things are important to the target. A. rational persuasion B. inspirational appeals C. consultation D. ingratiation E. exchange

B. inspirational appeals

Technically, _____ is a set of subjective probabilities, each ranging from 0 to 1, that successful performance will bring a set of outcomes. A. valence B. instrumentality C. expectancy D. self-efficacy E. complexity

B. instrumentality

According to research, _______ equity is the most powerful driver of citizenship behaviours. A. company B. job C. occupational D. age E. educational

B. job

Which of these reflects the perceived fairness of an authority's decision making? A. Ethics B. Justice C. Social judgment D. Corporate social responsibility E. None of these

B. justice

All of these are organizational characteristics that foster organizational politics except A. limited resources B. low self-monitoring C. ambiguity in roles D. high performance pressure E. unclear performance evaluations

B. low self monitoring

Which of these refer to the level of common understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of the team and its tasks? A. cohesion B. mental models C. transactive memory D. potency E. boundary spanning

B. mental models

A message with a ____________ level of information richness is a personal written note. A. high B. moderate C. low D. weak E. strong

B. moderate

Equity has a _______ effect on citizenship behaviour and a _______ effect on counterproductive behaviour. A. strong positive; strong negative B. moderate positive; moderate negative C. no; moderate positive D. moderate negative; strong negative E. strong negative; moderate positive

B. moderate positive; moderate negative

Julie Burns feels obligated to stay at her job even though she dislikes her job. This is an example of A. continuance commitment B. normative commitment C. affective commitment D. embeddedness E. involvement commitment

B. normative commitment

The relationship between supervisor feedback and organizational commitment is stronger for A. Normative commitment and continuance commitment B. Normative commitment and affective commitment C. Effective commitment and normative commitment D. Continuance commitment and affective commitment E. None of the answers are correct

B. normative commitment and affective commitment

Which of these refers to the capability to do simple math operations? A. Oral and written comprehension B. Number facility C. Problem sensitivity D. Mathematical reasoning E. Perceptual speed

B. number facility

Effectiveness in jobs in which people need to proofread documents, sort things, or categorize objects depends a lot on _______. A. speed and flexibility of closure B. perceptual speed C. spatial orientation D. visualization E. originality

B. perceptual speed

At Great Garments, employee teams work on putting decorative tags on children's clothing. They get the clothing from a common bin, thread the needle with appropriate color thread, and hand-stitch the tag on the clothing. When completed, the finished pieces are thrown in another common bin which at the end of the day gets counted as the team's daily production. This is an example of which of these interdependences? A. Reciprocal B. Pooled C. Sequential D. Comprehensive E. Response

B. pooled

Jack and Jill have been working at Up the Hill International (UHI) for about a year now. Jack has always been concerned about how much he is getting paid and what his work assignments are compared to others in the department. Jill, on the other hand, has had more interest in participation in decision making and being able to express her opinions when she feels that a procedure in the department seems to have worked ineffectively. The managers at UHI are focusing on a company-wide initiative that focuses on treating employees with sincerity and refraining from improper remarks. UHI is also exploring the transformation of work from individual productivity to team-based work. The managers are hoping that it will boost the employee morale. Jill appears to be more concerned about which of these? A. Informational justice B. Procedural justice C. Distributive justice D. Interpersonal justice E. None of these

B. procedural

Withdrawal comes in two forms: A. psychological and social B. psychological and physical C. psychological and mental D. psychological and accidental E. psychological and spiritual

B. psychological and physical

In _______ interdependence, members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's work. A. pooled B. reciprocal C. response D. comprehensive E. sequential

B. reciprocal

The need to perform tasks that one cares about and that appeal to one's ideals and sense of purpose is a(n): A. relatedness need. B. self-actualization need. C. control need. D. responsibility need. E. self-regard need.

B. self-actualization need

April delegates work tasks to her employees rather than micromanaging them and she trusts her employees to come up with their own approach to certain tasks. April is attempting to instill a sense of _______ in her employees. A. meaningfulness B. self-determination C. competence D. expectancy E. all of the choices are correct

B. self-determination

The internalized goals that people use to monitor their own task progress are known as ________ goals. A. organizational B. self-set C. comparison other D. extrinsic E. management-set

B. self-set

With _______ interdependence, different tasks are done in a prescribed order, and the group is structured such that the members specialize in these tasks. A. comprehensive B. sequential C. pooled D. reciprocal E. response

B. sequential

A theory that has been used widely to explain why diversity may have negative effects is called the A. disjunctive approach B. similarity-attraction approach C. surface-level approach D. conjunctive approach E. additive approach

B. similarity-attraction approach

The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioural expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. A. situation awareness B. situational strength C. situational prevention D. situational ethics E. situation specificity

B. situational strength

Which of these refers to the degree to which members of the team make useful recommendations to the leader? A. transactive memory B. staff validity C. hierarchical sensitivity D. production gain E. decision informity

B. staff validity

Samantha has no idea how complicated the information and actions are in taking the Graduate Management Admissions Test. Samantha is looking to understand A. Goal commitment B. Task complexity C. Feedback D. Goal Complexity E. None of the choices is correct

B. task complexity

At Healthy Products, Inc., Rebecca, a member of the marketing team, recently met with George from manufacturing to explore how new product samples and their coupons can be incorporated in the packaged consumer goods. This is an example of which of these boundary spanning activities? A. decision informity B. task coordinator C. hierarchical sensitivity D. scout E. ambassador

B. task coordinator

Which of these roles refer to behaviours that influence the quality of the team's social climate? A. Team task B. Team building C. Team composition D. Individualistic E. Team compensation

B. team building

Roger plays the role of a devil's advocate and offers constructive challenges to his team's status quo. This is an example of which of these roles? A. Individualistic B. Team task C. Team building D. Team composition E. Team compensation

B. team task

Whereas _______ processes are primarily important before and between periods of taskwork, _______ processes are primarily important as the taskwork is being accomplished. A. mission analysis; scout activity B. transition; action C. scout activity; interpersonal D. action; transition E. interpersonal; transition

B. transition; action

Neurotic people are much more likely to be A. Type Bs B. Type As C. Agreeable D. Open E. Holding internal locus of control

B. type As

The anticipated value of the outcomes associated with performance is known as A. instrumentality B. valence C. equity D. expectancy E. self-efficacy

B. valence

Sharon is considering her efficacy level for making Thanksgiving dinner for 12 people. Sharon watched her Mother successfully make Thanksgiving dinner for 20 people for 10 years. This is known as A. past accomplishments B. vicarious experiences C. verbal persuasion D. emotional cues E. instrumentality

B. vicarious experiences

Which of these is a team building role? A. aggressor B. energizer C. harmonizer D. dominator E. coordinator


According to research, trust has a _______ effect on performance and a _______ effect on commitment. A. strong positive; moderate negative B. moderate negative; strong positive C. moderate positive; strong positive D. strong positive; moderate positive E. mild negative; mild positive


Alfredo (from Italy) was just hired last week as an account specialist at Payroll Partners (PPI). PPI specializes in managing the human resource functions on behalf of hundreds of small-to-medium sized companies focusing on entrepreneurs of different ethnicities. Allen was placed in a four member team. Marcos (from Brazil) had joined the team about a year ago. Tina (from the U.S.) and Huan (from China) have been with the company and working together in the team for about 3 years now. Both Tina and Huan get along very well and trust the managers at PPI. If we were to apply the research on trust propensities by nation to this team at PPI, who will have the highest trust propensity in this team? A. Alfredo and Marcos B. Marcos and Tina C. Tina and Huan D. Huan and Marcos E. Tina and Alfredo


Effective communication occurs when A. Information is sent through informal rather than formal channels B. Information is transferred between two or more people C. Information and meaning is transferred from a sender to a receiver D. The sender provides the information in the hopes that the receiver understands it E. The target of the communication is ready and willing to accept the communication


From a meta-analysis of 183 studies, which form of justice provides the strongest predictor of satisfaction with supervision? A. informational B. interpersonal C. procedural D. distributive E. economic


How much time will pass between the act and the onset of its consequences? reflects which of these facets of moral intensity? A. Probability of effect B. Social consensus C. Temporal immediacy D. Proximity E. Magnitude of consequences


In the _______ stage of team development, members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team and are unwilling to accommodate others' ideas. A. performing B. forming C. storming D. projecting E. norming


It has been estimated that the vast majority of information we process face to face is based on __________, information not easily conveyed using computer technology. A. e-mail communication B. verbal cues C. nonverbal cues D. social networks E. noise


Jack and Jill have been working at Up the Hill International (UHI) for about a year now. Jack has always been concerned about how much he is getting paid and what his work assignments are compared to others in the department. Jill, on the other hand, has had more interest in participation in decision making and being able to express her opinions when she feels that a procedure in the department seems to have worked ineffectively. The managers at UHI are focusing on a company-wide initiative that focuses on treating employees with sincerity and refraining from improper remarks. UHI is also exploring the transformation of work from individual productivity to team-based work. The managers are hoping that it will boost the employee morale. If the managers at UHI adhere to rules that serve to create equal employment opportunity, which of these is fostered? A. Interpersonal justice B. Informational justice C. Procedural justice D. Distributive justice E. None of these


Jessica is gauging the track record of her boss Cindy to determine trustworthiness. According to research, she would evaluate which of these? A. Competence, position, and power B. Character, integrity, and personality C. Ability, integrity, and benevolence D. Benevolence, attitude, and integrity E. Ability, character, and feeling


Major types of power can be grouped along two dimensions: A. internal and external B. personal and professional C. organizational and personal D. professional and organizational E. upward and downward


One way to potentially prevent problems associated with cohesion is to formally institute the role of A. ambassador B. scout C. devil's advocate D. social loafing E. groupthink


The Communication Process Model has which three components? A. Form message, transmit message, receive message B. Encode message, transmit message, receive message C. Encode message, transmit message, decode message D. Decode message, encode message, take action E. Decode message, transmit message, encode message


The interactions in teams, as opposed to groups, revolve around A. Coercive power B. social loafing C. deeper dependence D. spatial orientation E. pooled interdependence


The purpose of which of these teams is to provide recommendations and resolve issues? A. Work B. Management C. Parallel D. Action E. Project


What are the two branches or models of the study of business ethics? A. procedural and informational B. teleological and deontological C. prescriptive and descriptive D. utilitarianism and egoism E. rights and virtues


When employees evaluate outcomes such as pay, rewards, and promotions to determine whether they are allocated using proper norms, they are gauging which of these? A. Informational justice B. Procedural justice C. Distributive justice D. Interpersonal justice E. None of these


Which is not an example of a way that women use communication to build rapport? A. Saying something constructive and positive to a team member before saying something critical B. Being subtle and indirect when sending messages to others C. Taking credit for something good they have done D. Asking for help or feedback E. Using compliments to build relationships


Which non-consequentialist principles is described as an act that is morally right if it allows the decision maker to lead a good life by adhering to virtues like wisdom, honesty, courage, friendship, mercy, loyalty, modesty, and patience? A. Utilitarianism B. Relativism C. Virtue ethics D. Conventionalism E. Ethics of rights


Which of the following is a distributive justice rule? A. Justification B. Correctability C. Equity D. Respect E. None of these


It has been estimated that approximately _______ percent of employees are victims of abusive behaviours. A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25

C. 15

Suggested minimum Wonderlic score for an office manager is A. 8 B. 15 C. 25 D. 29 E. 70

C. 25

Using the Wonderlic Personnel Test, what score should a potential upper-level manager or executive achieve? A. 17 B. 21 C. 28 D. 35 E. 46

C. 28

John has just recently been promoted to be a line manager. He is trying to learn about how to use the reward power. Which of the following would you suggest as a guideline for using reward power? A. Explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations B. Don't make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements C. Don't promise more than you can deliver D. Listen seriously to person's concerns and suggestions E. Do unsolicited favours

C. Don't promise more than you can deliver

What is the concept that refers to the degree to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions and care about their well-being? A. Psychological contract B. Employer loyalty C. Perceived organizational support D. Organizational commitment E. Investment in human resources

C. Perceived organizational support

Actually making oneself vulnerable to an authority is A. trust B. ethics C. a risk D. distributive justice E. procedural justice

C. a risk

The factors that increase normative commitment include A. number of competitors in an industry B. availability of employment opportunities C. a sense that the organization has invested in the employee D. links to the local community E. all of these

C. a sense that the organization has invested in the employee

Which of these refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities? A. Knowledge B. Perception C. Ability D. Values E. Attitudes

C. ability

Jayne has a long list of personal business that needs to be completed, so she takes a day off to complete these errands. This behaviour is an example of A. long breaks B. missing meetings C. absenteeism D. tardiness E. quitting

C. absenteeism

Conscientious people prioritize A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. negativity striving E. none of these

C. accomplishment striving

Many organizations find it difficult to attract skilled employees. According to the Conference Board of Canada, which organizations were most likely to not experience staff shortages? A. natural resources B. government C. accounting D. retail E. education

C. accounting

Employees who have _______ commitment to their organizations tend to engage in more interpersonal and organizational citizenship behaviours. A. normative B. skill-based C. affective D. obligation-based E. continuance

C. affective

In a conflict situation, Maya tends to react by walking away or adopting a "wait-and see" attitude. Maya can be described as which of these individual, according to the Big Five? A. Thinking B. Extraverted C. Agreeable D. Sensing E. Conscientious

C. agreeable

Which theory suggests that employees create a "mental ledger" of the outcomes they get from their job duties? A. Expectancy theory B. Goal-setting theory C. Equity theory D. Psychological empowerment theory E. Extrinsic theory

C. equity theory

Employees with fewer or weaker bonds to others in the workplace are likely to feel less emotional attachment to work colleagues making it easier to decide to leave an organization. This is the _______ model. A. social influence B. social impact C. erosion D. decay E. none of these

C. erosion

Tom and Marty are managers at Express Services, an appliance service company. The company has advertised for a field manager position. Tom and Marty are evaluating various applications they have received for this position. For the first candidate, Tom reads part of a reference letter out loud, "The best way I can describe Susan is that she is curious, imaginative, creative, and quite sophisticated. She should be an asset to your company." Marty says here is a good one for Allen. His reference says Allen is a dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, and hard working person. Tom remarks that if we want to hire a talkative, sociable, and assertive individual, we should look at Mary's application. Marty immediately comments, you know Tom, this is a type of position where we should really try to get someone who is cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, and warm to our customers. Marty believes that ESI should hire someone who is A. Conscientious B. Extraverted C. Agreeable D. Open E. Neurotic

C. agreeable

Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

C. agreeableness

Kind, cooperative, helpful, and warm describe which of these dimensions of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

C. agreeableness

Mrs. Aniston, who has recently shifted to the 5th block, describes her new neighbor, Mr. Logan as a very courteous and sympathetic man. Considering Mrs. Aniston's opinion, Mr. Logan would fit which dimension of the Big Five? A. Neuroticism B. Openness C. Agreeableness D. Extraversion E. Conscientiousness

C. agreeableness

Which of these is not a type of cognitive ability? A. Verbal B. Quantitative C. Auditory attention D. Spatial E. Perceptual

C. auditory attention

In the context of teams, three types of taskwork processes are crucially important: creative behaviour, decision making, and A. groupthink B. interpersonal process C. boundary spanning D. teamwork E. transition process

C. boundary spanning

Which of these taskwork processes involves activities with individuals and groups other than those who are considered part of the team? A. action process B. cross-training C. boundary spanning D. social loafing E. groupthink

C. boundary spanning

This type of communication structure is fairly typical in hierarchical organizational structures. A. All-channel network structure B. Circle network structure C. Chain network structure D. Y network structure E. Wheel network structure

C. chain network

In order to bring Josh, the marketing manager, on board with the idea of new product introduction at Mountain City Coffee, Evan, the operations manager, enlisted the help of Laura and Ellen, two top sales people for the company. Evan is using which of the influence tactics? A. Apprising B. Ingratiation C. Coalitions D. Personal appeals E. Pressure

C. coalitions

Abilities can be grouped into which of these categories? A. Social, physical, and emotional B. Emotional, social, and cognitive C. Cognitive, emotional, and physical D. Physical, cognitive, and external E. External, internal, and transactional

C. cognitive, emotional, and physical

Comparison with others in the same organization doing substantially different jobs is: A. job equity. B. occupational equity. C. company equity. D. age equity. E. educational equity.

C. company equity

Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Competing D. Collaboration E. Accommodating

C. competing

Only behavioural change occurs in which of the responses to influence attempts? A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Personal appeals E. Internalization

C. compliance

The Dean of College of Business at EduNational University has decided to pursue a coveted accreditation for the college. To get the faculty's buy-in and support for the process, she has created a faculty-driven process where faculty participate in the accreditation process every step of the way and they decide how to carry out the process under her guidance. This process has increased the faculty commitment who now have a stake in seeing the process succeed and the goal of accreditation accomplished. The Dean has used which of these influence tactics? A. Rational persuasion B. Personal appeals C. Consultation D. Ingratiation E. Exchange

C. consultation

The relationship between supervisor feedback and organizational commitment is weaker for A. Normative commitment B. Affective commitment C. Continuance commitment D. Effective commitment E. Loyalty commitment

C. continuance commitment

The statement from the movie The Incredibles, "I can't do that to my family again, everyone just got settled." is an example of A. affective commitment B. normative commitment C. continuance commitment D. cost-based commitment E. social influence

C. continuance commitment

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _______ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. A. agreeableness B. extraversion C. differential exposure D. openness E. none of these

C. differential exposure

_______ is a human ability that affects social functioning. A. Intelligence quotient B. General cognitive ability C. Emotional intelligence. D. Perceptual ability E. Spatial ability

C. emotional intelligence

Any imbalance in ratios triggers an internal tension that can only be alleviated by restoring balance to the ratios. This is called: A. cognitive distortion. B. expectancy. C. equity distress. D. goal commitment. E. comparison other.

C. equity distress

Joe, Moe, and Larry are co-workers at Crazy Stuff, Inc. (CSI). Working at CSI for five years now, the three are discussing their career one day during lunch break when they heard Mary just quit and decided to go work for a competitor. Moe remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and very hard work for this promotion and if he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Larry replies to Moe that for him, it's the CSI's relaxed atmosphere and some of his best friends at CSI that keeps him working there. When they asked Joe about how he felt, Joe indicates that Mary had no bonds to CSI. She was relatively new and had not invested any time at CSI. For me, Joe says, CSI gave me an opportunity. My boss took a chance on me, invested so much of his time in mentoring me and preparing me for the position and showing me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company. Mary's situation can be described using which of these? A. social influence model B. social impact model C. erosion model D. decay model E. none of these

C. erosion

When employees perceive high levels of _____, they believe that things are being done the way they "should be" or "ought to be" done. A. corporate social responsibility B. risk C. ethics D. social judgment E. justice

C. ethics

Which of the following is not a comparison type from which to judge equity with different comparison others? A. company B. occupational C. experience D. age E. educational

C. experience

Sonya works as an auto stereo installer at ABC Megamusic. Her job requires her to work in a cramped compartment and usually work in an awkward position in the trunk of cars. What type of flexibility would she require? A. Static B. Dynamic C. Extent D. Managed E. Explosive

C. extent

Paul, a B-school graduate, has written inhibited and submissiveness as his weaknesses, in his resume. If Paul works on his weaknesses constructively, he will become a(n) ____ person. A. Conscientious B. Agreeable C. Extraverted D. Neurotic E. Intellectual

C. extraverted

Regina cares a lot about being successful and influential and always directs her work efforts towards "moving up" and developing a strong reputation. Regina can be described as which of these, according to the Big Five? A. Neurotic B. Agreeable C. Extraverted D. Close E. Conflict-oriented

C. extraverted

People tend to view _____, who are more energetic and outgoing, as more "leader like." A. neurotics B. intellectuals C. extraverts D. conscientious individuals E. agreeable individuals

C. extraverts

If a culture values aspects such as caring for others and about quality of life, according to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, it would be classified as high on which of these? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Femininity D. Power distance E. Short-term orientation

C. femininity

As described in the text, the meaning of money has which of the following facet(s)? A. Efficacy B. Expectancy C. Freedom D. Instrumentality E. All of these

C. freedom

Which of the following is a unit-focused compensation plan element? A. Merit pay B. Lump-sum bonuses C. Gainsharing D. Profit sharing E. Piece-rate

C. gainsharing

Tom, Dick, and Harry are members of a marketing team at Brain Games, Inc. (BGI) responsible for generating ideas for new product development. Tom has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Harry has the best record of making good recommendations to Jill, vice president of marketing. Dick can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Fortunately, Jill pays careful attention to what Harry has to say, but generally doesn't pay much attention to what Dick proposes. In addition to Jill, Harry has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Jill's tendency to listen to Harry and ignore Dick reflect which factor in effective decision making? A. production blocking B. staff validity C. hierarchical sensitivity D. decision informity E. transition process gain

C. hierarchical sensitivity

This team's strong belief that they can be effective across a variety of situations reflects which of these? A. moderate transactive memory B. diverse mental models C. high potency D. low cohesion E. minimal boundary spanning

C. high potency

The degree of comfort with socializing and interacting with members of the host culture refers to _______ adjustment. A. work B. cultural C. interaction D. familial E. none of the choices is correct

C. interaction

Motivation that is felt when task performance serves as its own reward is known as _________ motivation. A. instrumental B. extrinsic C. intrinsic D. expectant E. efficacious

C. intrinsic

Ajay was recently added to the marketing team at Listen International. He will be starting at the company in two weeks. Ajay has had the reputation of being an expert in ad campaigns and catching the nerve of the target audiences, however, he also has the reputation of not getting along with anyone. He doesn't care much about where and for whom he works but is primarily motivated to achieve goals for himself and beat his own records. As soon as Amanda heard about Ajay joining the team, she turned in her resignation. Ashton, another team member, called Ajay and held a lunch meeting to express all the team members' concerns and reason with Ajay to smooth things before he formally joins the team. Amber indicated that if the organization and the team is going to be benefiting from Ajay's expertise, it doesn't matter whether she likes it or not and how unhappy she is about this decision, she is willing to maintain her full effort levels and work with Ajay. She doesn't have the expertise that Ajay has but she is committed to Listen International and its success. It should be very interesting the day Ajay formally joins the team. Amanda's reaction can be described as which of these? A. voice B. neglect C. loyalty D. exit E. none of these

C. loyalty

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, if a culture values aspects such as assertiveness and the acquisition of money and things, it would be classified as high on which of the following? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Masculinity D. Power distance E. Short-term orientation

C. masculinity

Power and influence have a _______ effect on job performance and a _______ effect on organizational commitment. A. moderate positive; moderate negative B. strong positive; strong negative C. moderate positive; moderate positive D. strong negative; strong positive E. weak positive; moderate negative

C. moderate positive; moderate positive

The relationship between task interdependence and team performance is A. weakly positive B. weakly negative C. moderately positive D. strongly negative E. strongly positive

C. moderately positive

Trust propensity is a product of both A. social and economic exchange B. moral and immoral intents C. nature and nurture D. distributive and procedural justice E. moral intensity and moral judgment

C. nature and nurture

The decline in interest and effort that Fred is experiencing in his job is referred to as A. voice B. loyalty C. neglect D. exit E. none of these

C. neglect

Organizational commitment should decrease the likelihood that an individual will respond to a negative work event with which of the following? A. loyalty and citizenship B. exit and performance C. neglect and exit D. performance and citizenship E. all of these

C. neglect and exit

Jody feels she should stay at her current job as principal of the local high school as it is the "right" or "moral" thing to do. Jody is feeling A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. normative commitment D. a cost-based commitment E. all of these

C. normative commitment

Quantitative ability refers to two types of mathematical capabilities; _______ and _______. A. speed and flexibility of closure; perceptual speed B. spatial orientation; visualization C. number facility; mathematical reasoning D. problem sensitivity; originality E. deductive reasoning; inductive reasoning

C. number facility; mathematical reasoning

An avoiding conflict resolution style should be used during all of these situations except A. when an issue is trivial B. when potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right D. to let people cool down and regain perspective E. when others can resolve the conflict more effectively

C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right

Motivation determines which of the following about effort? A. Perception B. Feedback C. Persistence D. Pushback E. None of the choices are correct

C. persistence

In a worldwide survey of 3,332 teens, what factor was revealed by 78% as a key motivator? A. status symbols B. pay C. personal fulfillment D. workplace perks E. vacation

C. personal fulfillment

Psychomotor and sensory abilities are which type of abilities? A. Cognitive B. Emotional C. Physical D. Perceptual E. Spatial

C. physical

Shawn has the ability to effectively understand others at Trade Tools, Inc. (TTI), where he is a manager, and he can use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance his own and/or TTI's objectives. Shawn's ability can be described as which of these? A. Conceptual skills B. Ingratiation skills C. Political skills D. Negotiation skills E. Technical skills

C. political skills

The type of task interdependence with the lowest degree of required coordination is _______ interdependence. A. comprehensive B. sequential C. pooled D. reciprocal E. response

C. pooled

Paul is overheard saying, "I just don't have any respect for my employer anymore. In the beginning, I'd daydream a bit during work or socialize with my colleagues. As time went on, I began coming in late or taking a long lunch. Lately I've been staying home altogether, and I'm starting to think I should just quit my job and go somewhere else." Paul is summarizing the _______ model of withdrawal. A. independent forms B. compensatory forms C. progression D. attitudinal E. none of the choices are correct

C. progression

When various withdrawal behaviours positively correlate with one another and the withdrawal behaviours tend to have a causal sequence, that description summarizes the _______ model of withdrawal. A. independent forms B. compensatory forms C. progression D. attitudinal E. none of the choices are correct

C. progression

Which of these consists of actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment? A. Physical withdrawal B. Organizational commitment C. Psychological withdrawal D. Erosion model E. Social influence model

C. psychological withdrawal

What improves when interview conversations are structured rather than unstructured? A. Predictive reliability B. Predictive validity C. Reliability and predictive validity D. Reliability E. Validity

C. reliability and predictive validity

All of these are types of sensory abilities except: A. night vision B. depth perception C. response orientation D. auditory attention E. visual color discrimination

C. response orientation

Don't promise more than you can deliver is a suggested guideline for using which of these powers? A. Coercive B. Legitimate C. Reward D. Referent E. Expert

C. reward

Marcus is tired of working late shift and wants better hours at Personal Deliveries International. He has decided to talk to Martha who sets the schedule for all employees at the company. Martha has which of these powers? A. Coercive B. Legitimate C. Reward D. Referent E. Expert

C. reward

The need to hold a high evaluation of oneself and to feel effective and respected by others is a(n): A. control need. B. self-actualization need. C. self-regard need. D. autonomy need. E. relatedness need

C. self-regard need

A speech pathologist would require which of these physical abilities the most for her job? A. Stamina B. Psychomotor C. Sensory D. Flexibility and coordination E. Spatial orientation

C. sensory

Country Project Team at ABC International is given the task to develop new product ideas for three different foreign markets. Team members possessed all the necessary information to make a good recommendation for each of the three countries, but they failed to do so because of the lack of insight and good judgment. This reflects which of these effective decision factors? A. hierarchical sensitivity B. transactive memory C. staff validity D. production blocking E. decision informity

C. staff validity

According to research, potency has _______ impact on team performance. A. a strong negative B. a moderate positive C. a strong positive D. a moderate negative E. no

C. strong positive

Cognitive ability tends to be more strongly correlated with _______ than _______ or _______. A. citizenship behaviour; counterproductive behaviour; task performance B. organizational commitment; counterproductive behaviour; task performance C. task performance; citizenship behaviour; counterproductive behaviour D. counterproductive behaviour; citizenship behaviour; task performance E. citizenship behaviour; organizational commitment; task performance

C. task performance; citizenship behaviour; counterproductive behaviour

_______ memory refers to how specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for the team. A. Cohesive B. Normative C. Transactive D. Potency E. Bounded rational

C. transactive

Maria is considering her efficacy level for making Thanksgiving dinner for 30 people. If she is encouraged by friends and coworkers that she can complete the holiday meal successfully, that is known as A. past accomplishments B. vicarious experiences C. verbal persuasion D. equity distress E. instrumentality

C. verbal persuasion

Overall, supervisor feedback to employees has a _____________ effect on job performance. A. relatively strong positive B. moderately positive C. weak positive D. very strong positive E. very weak negative

C. weak positive

Which of the following statements about the effects of power and influence on performance and commitment is true? A. Power and influence have a weak positive effect on performance. B. Power and influence have a moderate negative effect on commitment. C. When used effectively, power and influence increase internalization and compliance, which facilitates task performance. D. The use of organizational forms of power is associated with increased affective commitment. E. The internalization and compliance facilitated by power and influence decrease citizenship behaviour.

C. when used effectively, power and influence increase internalization and compliance, which facilitates task performance

Suggested minimum Wonderlic score for a police officer is A. 8 B. 15 C. 22 D. 45 E. 70


In a project team at ABC International, everyone focuses on his or her specialty and what they do best, members know exactly where they can go to get information when there are gaps in their knowledge, and this team produces synergistic results. This shows that the project team at ABC has had an effective A. staff validity B. mental model C. transactive memory D. potency E. hierarchical sensitivity


Define the types of organizational commitment

Continuance(cost-based) Affective(emotional-based) Normative(obligation-based)

Which of the following is defined as the perception that the authority adheres to a set of values and principles that that the trustor finds acceptable? A. Affect B. Competence C. Character D. Integrity E. Benevolence


A desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation is called A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. embeddedness D. normative commitment E. social influence

D normative commitment

A Y network structure is A. A communication network in which any member can send and receive messages from any other B. A communication network in which members can send and receive messages from individuals who are immediately adjacent to them C. A communication network in which information is passed from member to member, from one end of the chain to another D. A communication network in which one member controls the flow of information between one set of members and another E. A communication network in which all communication between members is controlled by a single member


According to research, trust has no effect on A. job performance B. affective commitment C. normative commitment D. continuance commitment E. task performance


According to the communication process model, what happens immediately after the message is sent to the receiver? A. The message is encoded by the sender B. The message is encoded by the receiver C. The message is decoded by the receiver D. The message is understood by the receiver E. None of these


Brandon, a first-line supervisor at Garden Toys Manufacturing regularly dishes out the verbal abuse to employees, berates, bad-mouthing and embarrassing them in public. Which of these is said to be occurring here? A. Distributive injustice B. Informational injustice C. Procedural injustice D. Interpersonal injustice E. All of these


Email often lacks the same richness of information as A. Verbal communication B. Nonverbal communication C. Computer-mediated communication D. Face-to-face communication E. Video conferencing


How much agreement is there that the proposed act would be evil (or good)? reflects which of the following facets of moral intensity? A. Probability of effect B. Temporal immediacy C. Concentration of effect D. Social consensus E. Magnitude of consequences


Legitimate, reward, and coercive powers are called _______ powers. A. internal B. personal C. external D. organizational E. directional


Many of the activities and interactions that occur within work settings rest on the assumption that people are able to effectively A. Be team members B. Calculate C. Be punctual D. Communicate E. Handle financial transactions


Mints International (MI) has recently implemented the team approach to accomplishing the tasks and goals at all of its divisions. The company has developed a color code for different teams. Members of Gold Teams work together on an ongoing basis to produce the mints. Silver Teams are responsible for coordinating the activities of its marketing, production, finance, and human resources functions. In the production department, MI has created a special team that consists of individuals who normally perform core production tasks, but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement. This team is called the Red Team. Finally, MI has created the Blue Teams. These teams take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex and require a lot of input from members with different types of training and expertise. A good example of a Blue Team at MI is a product design team that it created for entering a new foreign market. Gold Team A has been in place for about 2 weeks and has had a lot of discussion and arguments about how their work should be performed. They still haven't resolved their issues, but hope to do so once leadership decisions are made within the group. In contrast, Gold Team B has been operating effectively for the last 3 months, and are on target to meet their project deadlines. Gold Team A can be described at which stage of team development? A. Norming B. Adjourning C. Forming D. Storming E. Performing


Of the communication types, which is particularly sensitive to the presence or absence of noise? A. Verbal communication B. Nonverbal communication C. Computer-mediated communication D. Face-to-face communication E. Video conferencing


What describes websites and applications through which users actively interact, create, collaborate, and communicate? A. E-mail B. Videoconferencing C. Wiki D. Web 2.0 E. Social network applications


What form of communication is the primary way organizational members communicate with each other? A. Computer-mediated communication B. Face-to-face communication C. Videoconferencing D. Verbal communication E. Nonverbal communication


When it comes to interactions, teams differ from groups in two important aspects: A. Roles and norms B. spatial orientation and response orientation C. oral and written expressions D. deeper interdependence and a specific task-related purpose E. none of the choices


Which concept refers to an authority's degree of commitment to the moral course of action? A. moral judgement B. moral attentiveness C. moral intensity D. moral intent E. morality


Which is not a way that people can manage work e-mail more efficiently? A. Use the filing and labeling capabilities of your e-mail program B. Use your delete button C. Unsubscribe to websites that send regular promotional materials D. Copying your sent messages to yourself to ensure you follow-up E. Limit your time on e-mail


Which of these represents the first step in ethical decision making? A. Moral intent B. Moral judgment C. Ethical behaviour D. Moral awareness E. Trust propensity


Which of these teams mostly likely requires only part-time commitment from members? A. Action B. Management C. Work D. Parallel E. None of these


_______ justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes. A. Procedural B. Interpersonal C. Informational D. Distributive E. None of these


_______ teams have life spans that vary in duration, and perform tasks that take place in highly visible or challenging circumstances. A. Parallel B. Project C. Management D. Action E. Work


planning team comprised of engineers, architects, designers, and builders, charged with designing a suburban town center is an example of _______ team. A. parallel B. action C. work D. project E. management


Suggested minimum Wonderlic score for an attorney is A. 16 B. 20 C. 25 D. 29 E. 70

D. 29

What type of jobs benefit from high levels of openness? A. Jobs that are slow-moving, with very few changes required. B. Jobs that require low levels of creativity. C. Jobs that have more beneficial characteristics, such as autonomy and significance. D. Jobs that are very fluid and dynamic, with rapid changes in job demands. E. Jobs that are ordinary and do not make much of an impact.

D. Jobs that are very fluid and dynamic, with rapid changes in job demands

According to the OB Internationally section in the text, employees in which continent prefer to be given individual goals? A. Asia B. Africa C. South America D. North America E. Europe

D. North America

Which of the following is not true of cognitive ability's impact on task performance and organizational commitment? A. An increased amount of job knowledge helps an employee complete job tasks. B. Cognitive ability tends to be more strongly correlated with task performance than citizenship behaviour or counterproductive behaviour. C. People may do poorly on a test of general cognitive ability for reasons other than a lack of cognitive ability. D. Research has not supported a significant linkage between cognitive ability and organizational commitment. E. Knowing how smart an employee is tells us a lot about the likelihood that he or she will remain a member of the organization.

D. Research has not supported a significant linkage between cognitive ability and organizational commitment.

Conscientiousness has _______ effect on performance and commitment. A. a moderate negative B. a strong positive C. a weak negative D. a moderate positive E. a weak positive

D. a moderate positive

General cognitive ability has _______ effect on task performance. A. a near zero B. a moderate negative C. a moderate positive D. a strong positive E. a strong negative

D. a strong positive

Monitoring progress towards goals is a type of A. transition process B. brainstorming process C. transactive memory process D. action process E. interpersonal process

D. action process

ery few work relationships are based on _______ trust as compared to other types of trusts. A. competence-based B. disposition-based C. cognition-based D. affect-based E. character-based

D. affect-based

Sally likes Fitness Central, her new employer. She identifies with Fitness Central, has accepted Fitness Central's goals and values, and is more willing to exert extra effort on behalf of Fitness Central. Sally is experiencing _______ commitment. A. normative B. continuance C. comprehensive D. affective E. skill-based

D. affective

If some of your best friends work at the same place you do, you might prioritize _______ reasons early in your work life before shifting your attention to _______ reasons as you become more established in a community and start a family. A. normative; continuance B. continuance; affective C. normative; affective D. affective; continuance E. continuance; normative

D. affective, continuance

Verbal communication is the vehicle for which of the following organizational activities? A. Obtaining information and knowledge B. Storing information and knowledge C. Transferring information and knowledge D. All of these E. None of these

D. all

Which of these activities are boundary spanning activities? A. groupthink, social loafing, and staff validity B. decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity C. transactive memory, transformative memory, and social loafing D. ambassador, task coordinator, and scout E. decision informity, social loafing, and transactive memory

D. ambassador, task coordinator, and scout

_______ power is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those that wield it. A. Referent B. Expert C. Reward D. Coercive E. Legitimate

D. coercive

_______ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Status striving B. Negativity striving C. Accomplishment striving D. Communion striving E. None of these

D. communion striving

Tasks for which the team's performance depends on the abilities of the "weakest link" are called A. disjunctive tasks B. similarity-attraction tasks C. surface-level tasks D. conjunctive tasks E. additive tasks

D. conjunctive

_______ ability is important in tasks for which people have to make different precise adjustments using machinery to complete the work effectively. A. Reaction time B. Fine manipulative C. Response orientation D. Control movement E. Depth perception

D. control movement

Fulfilling the legal component of corporate social responsibility suggests that the organization has reached _______ of moral development. A. preconventional level B. principled level C. postconventional level D. conventional level E. none of these

D. conventional

Tom, Dick, and Harry are members of a marketing team at Brain Games, Inc. (BGI) responsible for generating ideas for new product development. Tom has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Harry has the best record of making good recommendations to Jill, vice president of marketing. Dick can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Fortunately, Jill pays careful attention to what Harry has to say, but generally doesn't pay much attention to what Dick proposes. In addition to Jill, Harry has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Tom's action would contribute to which factor in effective decision making at BGI? A. production blocking B. staff validity C. hierarchical sensitivity D. decision informity E. transactive memory

D. decision informity

In the case of _____ trust, our willingness to be vulnerable has little to do with the authority and more to do with our genes and our early life experiences. A. affect-based B. character-based C. cognition-based D. disposition-based E. mentor-based

D. disposition-based

Jack and Jill have been working at Up the Hill International (UHI) for about a year now. Jack has always been concerned about how much he is getting paid and what his work assignments are compared to others in the department. Jill, on the other hand, has had more interest in participation in decision making and being able to express her opinions when she feels that a procedure in the department seems to have worked ineffectively. The managers at UHI are focusing on a company-wide initiative that focuses on treating employees with sincerity and refraining from improper remarks. UHI is also exploring the transformation of work from individual productivity to team-based work. The managers are hoping that it will boost the employee morale. Jack appears to be more concerned about which of these? A. Interpersonal justice B. Informational justice C. Procedural justice D. Distributive justice E. None of these

D. distributive

As Barry was driving to work, he was listening to a nice Jazz program on his car radio. Suddenly, another car cut in front of him without any indicators, and the occupants began throwing trash and empty beer cans out of the car window. Barry was in initial shock and anger for a few minutes but was able to quickly forget the incident and get back to his program and drive calmly to work. Barry can be described as high on which of these abilities? A. Self-awareness B. Other awareness C. Use of emotions D. Emotion regulation E. Emotion expectations

D. emotion regulation

Thomas is considering his efficacy level for making Christmas dinner for 24 people. Thomas takes pride in his cooking skills and is always enthusiastic about cooking and entertaining dinner guests. Thomas's efficacy is dictated by which of these? A. Past accomplishments B. Vicarious experiences C. Verbal persuasion D. Emotional cues E. Instrumentality

D. emotional cues

Wendy, Cindy, and Mindy work at Teach Business International (TBI), a for-profit educational institution. Last month, Mindy and Cindy, newly hired on temporary teaching position, were asked by their supervisor to prepare material for teaching their courses online. Having never taught online, Mindy and Cindy are considering their efficacy. Mindy has been talking to several individuals including Wendy who have been teaching online for several years. Wendy takes pride in her teaching and always approaches her teaching with total enthusiasm. Giving her tips for effective online teaching and other do's and don'ts, Wendy suggests to Mindy that she strongly believes that exerting high level of effort will result in the successful performance in her online teaching. Cindy believes that successfully teaching the online courses will be her ticket to getting the permanent teaching position at TBI but is very nervous about the online experiment. In the coffee room, colleagues gave her a lot of support and backing that she can successfully complete the online teaching assignment. This support and encouragement seems to have helped Cindy. Wendy's self efficacy source appears to be A. past accomplishments B. vicarious experiences C. verbal persuasion D. emotional cues E. instrumentality

D. emotional cues

Jack and Jill have been working at Up the Hill International (UHI) for about a year now. Jack has always been concerned about how much he is getting paid and what his work assignments are compared to others in the department. Jill, on the other hand, has had more interest in participation in decision making and being able to express her opinions when she feels that a procedure in the department seems to have worked ineffectively. The managers at UHI are focusing on a company-wide initiative that focuses on treating employees with sincerity and refraining from improper remarks. UHI is also exploring the transformation of work from individual productivity to team-based work. The managers are hoping that it will boost the employee morale. If UHI wants to transform work from individual productivity to team-based work, which of these allocation norm should be utilized by the managers? A. Seniority B. Social standing C. Equity D. Equality E. None of these

D. equality

Ajay was recently added to the marketing team at Listen International. He will be starting at the company in two weeks. Ajay has had the reputation of being an expert in ad campaigns and catching the nerve of the target audiences, however, he also has the reputation of not getting along with anyone. He doesn't care much about where and for whom he works but is primarily motivated to achieve goals for himself and beat his own records. As soon as Amanda heard about Ajay joining the team, she turned in her resignation. Ashton, another team member, called Ajay and held a lunch meeting to express all the team members' concerns and reason with Ajay to smooth things before he formally joins the team. Amber indicated that if the organization and the team is going to be benefiting from Ajay's expertise, it doesn't matter whether she likes it or not and how unhappy she is about this decision, she is willing to maintain her full effort levels and work with Ajay. She doesn't have the expertise that Ajay has but she is committed to Listen International and its success. It should be very interesting the day Ajay formally joins the team. Amanda's reaction can be described as which of these? A. voice B. neglect C. loyalty D. exit E. none of these

D. exit

The belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task is known as A. instrumentality B. valence C. equity D. expectancy E. none of these

D. expectancy

Research suggests that _______ employees are more likely to emerge as leaders in social and task-related groups. A. close B. conflict-driven C. agreeable D. extraverted E. neurotic

D. extraverted

Concepts like difficulty and specificity are key aspects of which of the following theories? A. Equity B. Extrinsic C. Expectancy D. Goal setting E. Psychological empowerment

D. goal setting

The ability to synchronize the movements of the body, arms, and legs to do something while the whole body is in motion refers to A. static strength B. gross body equilibrium C. extent flexibility D. gross body coordination E. dynamic flexibility

D. gross body coordination

Whereas jumping rope effectively requires _______, walking on a balance beam requires _____. A. static strength; extent flexibility B. gross body equilibrium; gross body coordination C. extent flexibility; static strength D. gross body coordination; gross body equilibrium E. dynamic flexibility; static strength

D. gross body coordination; gross body equilibrium

_______ is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behaviour to make the target feel better about the influencer. A. Apprising B. Personal appeals C. Consultation D. Ingratiation E. Exchange

D. ingratiation (sucking up)

Aaron and Tom work for Toddler Toys, Inc. (TTI). Both have been at TTI for about five years and work at the same level of management doing similar type of work. Tom has been feeling lately that he puts in a lot more work effort compare to Aaron but is underrewarded. Aaron on the other hand has been focusing on setting specific and difficult goals and believes that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance in his job and that is what he should focus on. When Tom compares himself to other managers, such as Jim at ABC Toys who is in a similar work position, he feels even worse because he feels he is significantly underrewarded at TTI. From the expectancy theory viewpoint, Tom's feeling of being underrewarded most closely describes which of these? A. Valence B. Empowerment C. Expectancy D. Instrumentality E. None of these

D. instrumentality

Which of these is not a contingency of power? A. Centrality B. Discretion C. Substitutability D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

D. integrtiation

When employees perceive high levels of _____, they believe that decision outcomes are fair and that decision-making processes are designed and implemented in a fair manner. A. risk B. corporate social responsibility C. ethics D. justice E. social judgment

D. justice

All the following are "exit" withdrawal behaviours except: A. tardiness B. missing meetings C. long breaks D. looking busy E. absenteeism

D. looking busy

A passive, constructive response that maintains public support for the situation while the individual privately hopes for improvement is referred to as: A. voice. B. exit. C. neglect. D. loyalty. E. ignorance.

D. loyalty

Organizational commitment should increase the likelihood that an individual will respond to a negative work event with which of the following? A. loyalty and exit B. exit and withdrawal C. voice and withdrawal D. loyalty and voice E. withdrawal and voice

D. loyalty and voice

Joanna is really good at choosing and applying formulas to solve problems that involve numbers. Joanna has which of these abilities? A. Inductive reasoning B. Number facility C. Problem sensitivity D. Mathematical reasoning E. Perceptual speed

D. mathematical reasoning

Job performance is largely a function of: A. motivation and emotions B. emotions and ability C. ability and expectations D. motivation and ability E. expectations and emotions

D. motivation and ability

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called: A. zero acquaintance. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. negative affectivity. E. differential reactivity.

D. negative affectivity

Hubert Hall has been a loyal employee for the past 25 years at XYZ International, but has not been enjoying his job as much in the past two years. Hubert feels obligated to stay with XYZ until he retires in five years because the company has invested a lot of time and money in him. This is an example of A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. embeddedness D. normative commitment E. social influence

D. normative commitment

Joe, Moe, and Larry are co-workers at Crazy Stuff, Inc. (CSI). Working at CSI for five years now, the three are discussing their career one day during lunch break when they heard Mary just quit and decided to go work for a competitor. Moe remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and very hard work for this promotion and if he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Larry replies to Moe that for him, it's the CSI's relaxed atmosphere and some of his best friends at CSI that keeps him working there. When they asked Joe about how he felt, Joe indicates that Mary had no bonds to CSI. She was relatively new and had not invested any time at CSI. For me, Joe says, CSI gave me an opportunity. My boss took a chance on me, invested so much of his time in mentoring me and preparing me for the position and showing me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company. Joe is exhibiting which of these? A. continuance commitment B. affective commitment C. embeddedness D. normative commitment E. social influence

D. normative commitment

Randy was recently given the following comment by his best friend. "You are uninquisitive, conforming, and quite inartistic. You need to work on these aspects." Randy needs to work on which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

D. openness

Tom and Marty are managers at Express Services, an appliance service company. The company has advertised for a field manager position. Tom and Marty are evaluating various applications they have received for this position. For the first candidate, Tom reads part of a reference letter out loud, "The best way I can describe Susan is that she is curious, imaginative, creative, and quite sophisticated. She should be an asset to your company." Marty says here is a good one for Allen. His reference says Allen is a dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, and hard working person. Tom remarks that if we want to hire a talkative, sociable, and assertive individual, we should look at Mary's application. Marty immediately comments, you know Tom, this is a type of position where we should really try to get someone who is cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, and warm to our customers. According to the Big Five taxonomy, the traits describing Susan can be classified as which of these? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

D. openness to experience

A high degree of _______ interdependence exists when team members share in the rewards that the team earns. A. task B. goal C. sequential D. outcome E. reciprocal

D. outcome

Which of these refer to the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks? A. cohesion B. mental models C. transactive memory D. potency E. boundary spanning

D. potency

A culture high on _____ accepts the fact that power is usually distributed unequally within organizations. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. power distance E. short-term orientation

D. power distance

Which of the following is NOT a procedural justice rule? A. Voice B. Consistency C. Representativeness D. Respect E. Correctability

D. respect

An organizational behaviour class requires completion of individual assignments and a team project. Josh, George, Megan, and Kristin are members of one team in this class. The team project involves a written case analysis and a presentation of the results to the class, and members of the team will receive the same grade for this work. Josh and Kristin worked extremely hard on the team project. George and Megan believed that the team would receive a good grade because of Josh and Kristin's work, and so rather than working hard on the team project, they put all their effort in their individual assignments. George and Megan engaged in A. groupthink. B. staff validity loss. C. hierarchical sensitivity. D. social loafing. E. transition loss.

D. social loafing

Two reasons why brainstorming doesn't work as well as individual idea generation are A. groupthink and social loafing B. social loafing and process gain C. process gain and process loss D. social loafing and hesitance to express oneself E. process gain and production blocking

D. social loafing and hesitance to express oneself

Jason can pick out a pattern of information quickly in the presence of distracting information, even without all the information. Jason can be described as having which of these abilities? A. Spatial orientation B. Visualization C. Problem sensitivity D. Speed and flexibility of closure E. Inductive reasoning

D. speed and flexibility of closure

Teamwork processes have a _______ effect on team commitment. A. moderate positive B. weak negative C. moderate negative D. strong positive E. strong negative

D. strong positive

Which of these is a form of physical withdrawal? A. Daydreaming B. Moonlighting C. Socializing D. Tardiness E. Cyberloafing

D. tardiness

Which of the following factors alter the strength of the relationship between goal setting and task performance? A. Task complexity, Goal complexity, Feedback B. Task simplicity, Goal complexity, Feedback C. Task simplicity, Goal commitment, Feedback D. Task complexity, Goal commitment, Feedback E. Task complexity, Goal commitment, Pushback

D. task complexity, goal commitment, feedback

Maggie always plays the role of an orienter who establishes the direction for her team at ABC Manufacturing. This is an example of which of these roles? A. Individualistic B. Team building C. Team composition D. Team task E. Team compensation

D. team task

The efficacy of an individual can be dictated by all of these except: A. past accomplishments B. vicarious experiences C. verbal persuasion D. the valence of rewards E. emotional cues

D. the valence of rewards

Which of the following refers to recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment? A. Perceptions B. Values C. Short-term orientations D. Traits E. Beliefs

D. traits

A culture high on ____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

D. uncertainty avoidance

A culture low on _______ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviours. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

D. uncertainty avoidance

Some formal communication occurs through ____________ whereas some occurs through ___________. A. downward communication; upward communication B. downward communication; horizontal communication C. upward communication; horizontal communication D. vertical channels; horizontal channels E. grapevine; rumours

D. vertical channels; horizontal channels

There are two main types of spatial abilities: spatial orientation and A. verbal comprehension B. deductive reasoning C. perceptual speed D. visualization E. inductive reasoning

D. visualization

Which of the following forms of comfort relates significantly to affective commitment? A. work, cultural, and familial B. work, needs, and interaction C. familial, cultural, and interaction D. work, cultural, and interaction E. none of the choices is correct

D. work, cultural, and interaction

Over the years, Jason, a district manager at Books-R-Us has developed a reputation that he is a "man of his words." His employees and co-workers know that he can "walk the talk", follow through on his promises, and have honest motives and intentions. These aspects describe which element of trustworthiness? A. Affect B. Competence C. Benevolence D. Trust propensity E. Integrity


Production teams and sales teams are specific examples of which of these types of teams? A. Management B. Action C. Parallel D. Project E. Work


Which company was cited as understanding the importance of benevolence by adding a five-day course on positive organization scholarship? A. Walmart B. Target C. Walgreens D. Rona E. Meijer


Which of these represents the second step in ethical decision making? A. ethical behaviour B. trust propensity C. moral intent D. moral awareness E. moral judgment


A special military team is getting ready for deployment to the Midwest in response to threats from a terrorist group who said they were planning to contaminate the water supply with bio-hazards. Jim is a bio-medical engineer, Scott is an environmental scientist, Megan is a virus specialist, and Susan is a critical care physician. The team also comprises three nurses and other technical experts. Jim was elected as the leader of the team. Scott is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Susan took on the role of a motivator and the confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. Beyond her task responsibilities, Susan's role also consists of behaviours that contribute to A. transition process B. brainstorming process C. transactive memory process D. action process E. interpersonal process


According to research, having a greater number of members is beneficial for _______ teams but not for _______ teams. A. management; project B. production; project C. project; management D. production tasks; management E. project; production


Employees who don't trust their authorities have _______ relationships that are based on narrowly defined, quid pro quo obligations. A. benevolence at work B. social exchange C. affect-based trust D. character-based trust E. economic exchange


If the team member in charge of marketing does not gather information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client, it reflects which of these factors of effective decisions? A. transactive memory B. staff validity C. hierarchical sensitivity D. production gain E. decision informity


Interpersonal justice is fostered when authorities adhere to two particular rules: A. voice and correctability B. justification and truthfulness C. equity and equality D. consistency and accuracy E. respect and propriety


Jack and Jill have been working at Up the Hill International (UHI) for about a year now. Jack has always been concerned about how much he is getting paid and what his work assignments are compared to others in the department. Jill, on the other hand, has had more interest in participation in decision making and being able to express her opinions when she feels that a procedure in the department seems to have worked ineffectively. The managers at UHI are focusing on a company-wide initiative that focuses on treating employees with sincerity and refraining from improper remarks. UHI is also exploring the transformation of work from individual productivity to team-based work. The managers are hoping that it will boost the employee morale. The managers at UHI are focusing on a company-wide initiative that focuses on treating employees with sincerity and refraining from improper remarks. The managers should focus on which of these rules in their attempt to improve these elements at UHI? A. Voice and correctability B. Justification and truthfulness C. Distributive and procedural D. Equity and equality E. Respect and propriety


Men tend to use a style of communication that helps them achieve and maintain A. Status, power, and relationships. B. Status, independence, and relationships. C. Independence, relationships, and power. D. Power, politics, and independence. E. Power, status, and independence.


Mints International (MI) has recently implemented the team approach to accomplishing the tasks and goals at all of its divisions. The company has developed a color code for different teams. Members of Gold Teams work together on an ongoing basis to produce the mints. Silver Teams are responsible for coordinating the activities of its marketing, production, finance, and human resources functions. In the production department, MI has created a special team that consists of individuals who normally perform core production tasks, but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement. This team is called the Red Team. Finally, MI has created the Blue Teams. These teams take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex and require a lot of input from members with different types of training and expertise. A good example of a Blue Team at MI is a product design team that it created for entering a new foreign market. Gold Team A has been in place for about 2 weeks and has had a lot of discussion and arguments about how their work should be performed. They still haven't resolved their issues, but hope to do so once leadership decisions are made within the group. In contrast, Gold Team B has been operating effectively for the last 3 months, and are on target to meet their project deadlines. Gold Team A can be described at which stage of team development? A. Norming B. Adjourning C. Forming D. Storming E. Performing


Quality circles and advisory councils are specific examples of which of these teams? A. Project B. Management C. Work D. Action E. Parallel


Raj believes that everybody's words should be taken at their face value and that statement of individuals and groups can be relied upon even when you meet them for the very first time. Raj appears to have a(n) A. power-based trust B. affect-based trust C. cognition-based trust D. low trust propensity E. high trust propensity


Sarah was frustrated again. She had thought she had been extremely clear in her instructions to her team at Mobile Telephone System (MTS). She had verbally told her team to ensure to provide the royal treatment to a prospective client (Jerry) when he came into the store, as he was looking at opening a large account with MTS to supply his entire mobile telephone needs across Canada. This order could approach 2,000 cell phones, monthly network plans, and any repair/maintenance required. She had even followed this up with an email! No wonder she was shocked to learn when Jerry arrived at the store, he was left waiting in line with all of the other random customers and when he was finally served, it was by her most junior team member, Jeff. Unfortunately, due to Jeff's relative inexperience, he wasn't able to fully answer Jerry's questions, and Jerry walked out the door. She really didn't know what went wrong, but she sure knew she needed to resolve this problem! What forms of communication did Sarah use to instruct her team? A. Face-to-face communication B. Verbal communication C. Nonverbal communication D. E-mail communication E. All of these are correct


Videoconferencing tends to be less effective for tasks that require more "communication bandwidth", such as A. Bargaining B. Conflict resolution C. Negotiation D. Getting to know people E. All of these


What is not a purpose of upward communication? A. Managers at higher levels are informed about relevant activities and outcomes at lower levels. B. Managers at higher levels are informed about unsolved work problems. C. Managers at higher levels are informed about suggestions for improvements. D. Managers at higher levels are informed about how subordinates feel about their jobs. E. All are purposes of upward communication.


What plays a central role in virtually all aspects of organizational behaviour? A. Leadership B. Change management C. Power D. Politics E. Communication


Where as _______ teams focus on the accomplishment of core operational-level production and service tasks, _______ teams participate in on-going administrative and coordinating tasks that affect the entire organization. A. management; work B. action; work C. parallel; project D. project; work E. work; management


Which of the following is a specific principle used by the consequentialists? A. egoism B. ethics of duties C. ethics of rights D. virtue ethics E. utilitarianism


Which of these is probably one of the first personality traits to develop in us? A. Emotional stability B. Extroversion C. Introversion D. Conscientiousness E. Trust propensity


_____ is driven by a number of situational factors, including the existence of on-the-job pressures, role conflict, and rewards and incentives that can be more easily attained by unethical means. A. Moral consciousness B. Moral opinion C. Moral intensity D. Moral awareness E. Moral intent


Personality researchers note that the third edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary contains _______ adjectives that can be used to describe someone's traits. A. less than 100 B. 657 C. 14,754 D. 6,593 E. 1,710

E. 1,710

Johnson & Johnson is looking to replace their chief executive officer. According to recent estimates, what percentage of an executive's annual salary and benefits will it cost to replace an executive? A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 1.5 D. 2.5 E. 5

E. 5

A recent survey of managers around the world revealed that almost ___________ of them said their organizations would actually be more productive if leaders communicated in person more often. A. 25 percent B. 40 percent C. 50 percent D. 60 percent E. 70 percent

E. 70%

Researchers have estimated that what percentage of a message's meaning is conveyed, not by words, but rather by body language? A. 20-40 B. 40-60 C. 50-70 D. 60-80 E. 70-90

E. 70-90

Information in the grapevine have a relative accuracy of approximately _________. A. 25 percent B. 40 percent C. 50 percent D. 65 percent E. 75 percent

E. 75%

According to the research presented in the textbook, people from which nation had the lowest trust propensity? A. United States B. Sweden C. China D. Canada E. Brazil

E. Brazil

According to international research, which country has the highest ranking for ethics? A. Japan B. Hong Kong C. Canada D. Sweden E. Denmark

E. Denmark

A wheel network structure is A. A communication network in which any member can send and receive messages from any other B. A communication network in which members can send and receive messages from individuals who are immediately adjacent to them C. A communication network in which information is passed from member to member, from one end of the chain to another D. A communication network in which one member controls the flow of information between one set of members and another E. A communication network in which all communication between members is controlled by a single member

E. a communication network in which all communication between members is controlled by a single member

A project team at City Place, Inc. (CPI) is in a high strung conflict situation about which of three new products to introduce. Susan, the vice-president of new products, is looking for a win-win situation in resolving this conflict. However, Amanda is being very aggressive about her choice and is clearly unwilling to cooperate. Wanda wants the team members to get along and move forward so she argues that she is willing to give in to Amanda's preference for new product introduction. Lynn is quite tired of the team bickering and has decided to read up on and pursue the most effective influence tactics so she can bring about a change in her team. Wanda shows which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaborating D. Compromise E. Accommodating

E. accommodating

Which of these acts as a leap of faith in the face of uncertainty about trustworthiness? A. Cognition-based trust B. Competence-based trust C. Power-based trust D. Coercion-based trust E. Affect-based trust

E. affect-based

Derek noticed that when he communicated with Tom, that Tom did not seem to understand his message. The problem exists at what stage of the communication process model? A. Encoding B. Message transmission C. Decoding D. Understanding by receiver E. All of these could be reasons for the problem.

E. all

Laurie feels she is being underrewarded relative to her peers and could take which of the following actions to reduce her equity distress? A. Change the comparison other B. Grow outcomes by stealing from company C. Shrink inputs by lowering intensity of effort D. Shrink inputs by lowering persistence of effort E. All of the choices are potential responses

E. all of the choices are potential responses

Organizational commitment influences whether an employee A. stays a member of the organization B. engages in withdrawal behaviour C. leaves to pursue another job D. continues to be employed by an organization despite other opportunities E. all of these

E. all of these

The components of embeddedness include A. a person's links to the organization B. his or her sense of fit with that organization or community C. what he or she would have to sacrifice for a job change D. a person's links to the community E. All of these

E. all of these

The factors that increase continuance commitment include A. total amount of time invested in one's job B. lack of employment alternatives C. level of embeddedness D. total amount of effort and energy invested in one's job E. all of these

E. all of these

James, a member of a marketing team at MBI recently met with a member of the executive management team at MBI Corporate Headquarters to get support for his team's request to increase the budget for an expanded print media campaign. This is an example of which of these boundary spanning activities? A. decision informity B. task coordinator C. hierarchical sensitivity D. scout E. ambassador

E. ambassador

Tom, Dick, and Harry are members of a marketing team at Brain Games, Inc. (BGI) responsible for generating ideas for new product development. Tom has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Harry has the best record of making good recommendations to Jill, vice president of marketing. Dick can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Fortunately, Jill pays careful attention to what Harry has to say, but generally doesn't pay much attention to what Dick proposes. In addition to Jill, Harry has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Harry is engaging in which of the boundary spanning processes? A. decision informity B. task coordinator C. hierarchical sensitivity D. scout E. ambassador

E. ambassador

_______ occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down. A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaborating D. Competing E. Avoiding

E. avoiding

Which type of interviews have been shown to effectively incorporate structure and job relevance? A. Behavioural description B. Situational C. Structured D. Unstructured E. Both behavioural description and situational

E. both behavioural description and situational

Which of these is not a team states as discussed in the text? A. cohesion B. mental models C. transactive memory D. potency E. boundary spanning

E. boundary spanning

The best known activity that teams use to foster creative behaviour is A. potency models B. job-training C. boundary spanning D. social loafing E. brainstorming

E. brainstorming

All of these influence tactics are considered the "most effective" except: A. rational persuasion B. inspirational appeals C. consultation D. collaboration E. coalitions

E. coalitions

In groups with _______ interdependence, each member has a great deal of discretion in terms of what they do and with whom they interact in the course of the collaboration involved in accomplishing the team's work. A. sequential B. response C. pooled D. reciprocal E. comprehensive

E. comprehensive

All of these are team task roles except A. devil's advocate B. orienter C. energizer D. coordinator E. compromiser

E. compromiser

According to research, which of these salespeople set higher sales goals for themselves and were more committed to meeting those? A. Neurotic B. Extraverted C. Agreeable D. Open E. Conscientious

E. conscientious

According to research, interviewers are unable to gauge _______ and _______, two Big Five dimensions that are related to job performance. A. neuroticism; agreeableness B. extraversion; openness C. agreeableness; openness D. openness; conscientiousness E. conscientiousness; neuroticism

E. conscientiousness; neuroticism

Josh, George, Megan, and Kristin are team members in an Organizational Behaviour class. As a team, they are responsible for conducting a case analysis and presenting the results to the class. Josh and Kristin have worked very hard. However, George and Megan did not work as hard as they could have, nor did they do what was necessary for the team to complete the project effectively. The loss in team productivity that occurred due to George and Megan refers to A. coordination loss B. scout loss C. hierarchical sensitivity loss D. staff validity loss E. motivational loss

E. motivational loss

The cognitive groupings or clusters of outcomes that are viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequences are known as A. instrumentality B. valence C. equity D. expectancy E. needs

E. needs

The dimensions of psychological empowerment include all of these except A. meaningfulness B. self-determination C. competence D. impact E. needs

E. needs

Emotional stability is the flip side of which of these Big Five dimension? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

E. neuroticism

General cognitive ability has _______ effect on organizational commitment. A. strong negative B. moderate negative C. moderate positive D. strong positive E. no

E. no

Sarah was frustrated again. She had thought she had been extremely clear in her instructions to her team at Mobile Telephone System (MTS). She had told her team to ensure to provide the royal treatment to a prospective client (Jerry) when he came into the store, as he was looking at opening a large account with MTS to supply his entire mobile telephone needs across Canada. This order could approach 2,000 cell phones, monthly network plans, and any repair/maintenance required. She had even followed this up with an email! No wonder she was shocked to learn when Jerry arrived at the store, he was left waiting in line with all of the other random customers and when he was finally served, it was by her most junior team member, Jeff. Unfortunately, due to Jeff's relative inexperience, he wasn't able to fully answer Jerry's questions, and Jerry walked out the door. She really didn't know what went wrong, but she sure knew she needed to resolve this problem! What form of informal communication did Sarah use to convey her instructions? A. Informal communication networks B. Grapevine C. Rumours D. Gossip E. None are correct

E. none

How much harm would be done to other people? represents which facet of moral intensity? A. Probability of effect B. Social consensus C. Temporal immediacy D. Proximity E. None of these

E. none (magnitude of consequences)

Extraverted people tend to be high in A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. negative affectivity. D. conflict avoidance. E. positive affectivity.

E. positive affectivity

Which model of withdrawal has received the most scientific support? A. Individualistic B. Compensatory C. Independent D. Autonomous E. Progression

E. progression

Which of the following is an interpersonal justice rule? A. Truthfulness B. Consistency C. Equity D. Correctability E. Propriety

E. propriety

What type of contract is described as employees' beliefs about what the organization owes them? A. Employment contract B. Relational contract C. Transactional contract D. Contingent contract E. Psychological contract

E. psychological contract

A form of intrinsic motivation rooted in the belief that work tasks contribute to some larger purpose is known as A. self efficacy B. goal commitment C. goal setting D. vicarious experience E. psychological empowerment

E. psychological empowerment

_______ ability is a diverse set of abilities associated with sensing and solving problems using insight, rules, and logic. A. Verbal B. Quantitative C. Perceptual D. Spatial E. Reasoning

E. reasoning

The belief that a person has the capabilities needed to execute the behaviours required for task success is known as A. instrumentality B. valence C. equity D. complexity E. self-efficacy

E. self-efficacy

Which of the following is the motivating force with the strongest performance effect? A. Difficult goals B. High levels of valence and instrumentality C. Perceptions of equity D. High levels of expectancy E. Self-efficacy/competence

E. self-efficacy/competence

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, when a culture stresses values that are more past and present oriented, such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations, it is high on: A. collectivism. B. power distance. C. masculinity. D. uncertainty avoidance. E. short-term orientation.

E. short-term orientation

Which of these refers to the learning plans and problem-solving approaches used to achieve successful performance? A. Expectancy B. Emotional cues C. Vicarious experiences D. Goal setting E. Task strategies

E. task strategies

Political skill involves all of these except A. social astuteness B. networking ability C. interpersonal influence D. apparent sincerity E. technical know how

E. technical know how

An accommodating conflict resolution style should be used during all of these situations except A. to build social credits for later issues B. when harmony and stability are especially important C. to minimize loss when you are outmatched and loosing D. to allow subordinates to develop by learning from mistakes E. to achieve temporary settlements to complex issues

E. to achieve temporary settlements to complex issues

A competing conflict resolution style should be used during all of these situations except A. when quick decisive action is vital B. on important issues for which unpopular actions need implementation C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right D. against people who take advantage of noncompetitive people E. to build social credits for later issues

E. to build social credits for later issues

Teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work refers to which of these? A. interpersonal processes B. decision informity activities C. transactive memory D. action processes E. transition processes

E. transition

Which of the following are teamwork processes? A. nominal technique, social loafing, and staff validity B. decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity C. transactive memory, transformative memory, and social loafing D. ambassador, task coordinator, and scout E. transition, action, and interpersonal

E. transition, action, and interpersonal

Employees consider _____ by taking into account their observations and discussions with others who have performed such tasks. A. emotional cues B. instrumentality C. past accomplishments D. verbal persuasion E. vicarious experiences

E. vicarious experiences

Managers at XYZ Information, Inc. always give employees a chance to express their opinions and views during the decision-making process. These managers are adhering to which of the rules of fair process? A. Suppression B. Correctability C. Accuracy D. Propriety E. Voice

E. voice

Sarah was frustrated again. She had thought she had been extremely clear in her instructions to her team at Mobile Telephone System (MTS). She had told her team to ensure to provide the royal treatment to a prospective client (Jerry) when he came into the store, as he was looking at opening a large account with MTS to supply his entire mobile telephone needs across Canada. This order could approach 2,000 cell phones, monthly network plans, and any repair/maintenance required. She had even followed this up with an email! No wonder she was shocked to learn when Jerry arrived at the store, he was left waiting in line with all of the other random customers and when he was finally served, it was by her most junior team member, Jeff. Unfortunately, due to Jeff's relative inexperience, he wasn't able to fully answer Jerry's questions, and Jerry walked out the door. She really didn't know what went wrong, but she sure knew she needed to resolve this problem! What form of formal networks most closely reflects what Sarah used to convey her instructions? A. All-channel network structure B. Circle network structure C. Chain network structure D. Y network structure E. Wheel network structure

E. wheel network structure

Define erosion model and social influence model.

Erosion model- employees don't have strong bonds with others, so it's more likely they'll leave the org. Social influence model- people are more influenced to leave an org. if others are leaving and they have a strong bond

Name the primary responses to negative events at work.

Exit, neglect, loyalty, voice

Interview expert Dr. Ronald Riggio has suggested that in the category of poise, applicants need to try to ensure they don't yawn.


When authorities are perceived to be competent, it means that they have integrity.


When work is simple and straightforward, a decentralized communication structure tends to result in faster solutions with fewer mistakes.


Individuals will typically use a competing strategy when the issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party.

F- accomodating

When trust is cognition-based, it means that it depends on feelings toward the authority that go beyond any rational assessment.

F- affect-based trust

Substitutability represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks.

F- centrality

Communication is defined as the process by which information and data are transferred from a sender to a receiver.

F- info. and meaning

Affect-based trust is more rational than emotional.

F- opposite

Integrative bargaining is similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution.

F- similar to collaborating

The performance of all tasks, except solitary tasks, will at some point have to communicate with clients and suppliers so that coordination can occur.

F- solitary tasks have to communicate too

In Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, short-term orientation stresses values that are more future-oriented, such as persistence, prudence, and thrift. T/F

False- long-term orientation stresses prudence, persistence etc.

According to research, agreeable employees have the weakest customer service skills T/F


Agreeableness is related to performance across all occupations. T/F


As e-mail conversations eliminate the need for casual face-to-face interactions, this leaves employees feeling more connected with each other.


Conscientious employees are more likely to engage in day-to-day psychological and physical withdrawal behaviours. T/F


Given their high cognitive abilities, according to research, Google employees should have very high organizational commitment. T/F


High levels of information richness are always preferable to lower levels.


Informal communication networks are quite small, involving relatively few people


One important social factor is the culture in which an individual is raised. T/F


Oral expression and written expression are always highly related. T/F


Profit sharing tends to have a stronger motivational effect on employee effort than individual incentives.


Scores on cognitive ability tests have a strong negative correlation with measures of performance across different types of jobs. T/F


We tend to evaluate and judge the quality of our relations on the basis of verbal instead of nonverbal cues.


Goal-setting theory argues that employee behaviour is directed toward certain outcomes and away from others.


The progression model of withdrawal argues that the various withdrawal behaviours are correlated with one another, occur for different reasons, and fulfill different needs on the part of employees. T/F


Personality researchers note that the third edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary contains 17,100 adjectives that can be used to describe someone's traits. T/F

False- 1,710

Employees who feel a sense of normative commitment identify with the organization, accept that organization's goals and values, and are more willing to exert extra effort on behalf of the organization. T/F

False- affective commitment

Aside from voice and correctability, distributive justice is fostered when authorities adhere to four rules that serve to create equal employment opportunity: consistency, bias perspective, representativeness, and accuracy.

False- bias suppression

Neuroticism is the most important of the Big Five from the perspective of job performance. T/F

False- conscientiousness is most important

Employees gauge procedural justice by asking whether decision outcomes, such as pay, rewards, evaluations, promotions, and work assignments, are allocated using proper norms.

False- distributive justice

Embeddedness weakens continuance commitment by providing more reasons why a person needs to stay in his or her current position. T/F

False- embeddedness strengthens continuance commitment

The communication process model includes encoding a message, decoding a message, and taking action

False- encode, transmit, decode

The social influence model of withdrawal behaviour suggests that employees with fewer bonds will be most likely to quit the organization. T/F

False- erosion model

Instrumentality represents the belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task.

False- expectancy

Motivation that is controlled by some contingency that depends on task performance is intrinsic motivation.

False- extrinsic

Of the Big Five, openness is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations.

False- extroversion

Self-determination in goal setting theory refers to progress updates on work goals

False- feedback

From a continuance commitment perspective, employer strategies could center on increasing the bonds that link employees together to prevent withdrawal. T/F

False- influenced by salary, benefits

Interpersonal justice is fostered when authorities adhere to the justification rule.

False- informational

Expectancy represents the belief that successful performance will result in some outcome.

False- instrumentality

Informational justice is fostered when authorities adhere to the respect rule.

False- interpersonal

A sense of self-determination is a strong driver of extrinsic motivation

False- intrinsic

The truthfulness rule mandates that authorities explain decision-making procedures and outcomes in a comprehensive and reasonable manner.

False- justification rule

Define the different forms and types of withdrawal

Physical withdrawal- missing meetings, tardiness, absent, quitting, long breaks Psychological withdrawal- cyberloafing, socializing, daydreaming, moonlighting, looking busy

Define the three categories of contracts that are perceived by employees.

Psychological: belief on what employee owes org. and what org. owes them. Transactional: focus on narrow set of specific monetary obligations. Relational: focus on wide set of open ended, subjective obligations

Behavioural description and situational interviews have been shown to be reliable and valid predictors of job success.


Disposition-based trust guides us in cases when we do not yet have data about a particular authority.


Interview expert Dr. Ronald Riggio has suggested that in the category of expressiveness, applicants need to try to exhibit positive energy and emotion.


Justice is the perceived fairness of an authority's decision making.


Moral judgment occurs when an authority can accurately identify the right course of action.


Morally attentive people are likely to report that they face several ethical dilemmas in a typical day.


Nike has taken years to overcome its unethical use of sweatshops to manufacture its shoes.


Official vertical and horizontal communication channels are necessary for coordination as an organization grows and its tasks become more complex and interdependent.


Rational persuasion is the only tactic that is consistently successful in the case of upward influence.


The ethical component of corporate social responsibility argues that organizations have an obligation to do what is right, just, and fair and to avoid harm.


The personal forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance than are the organizational forms.


The situations which revolve around the idea that the more other employees depend on a person, the more powerful that person becomes, increase or decrease the degree to which individuals can use their power to influence others.


The term deontological is named after the Greek word for duty or formalist


The theory of cognitive moral development argues that as people age and mature, they move through several stages of moral development—each more mature and sophisticated than the prior one.


There is a strong positive effect of supervisor feedback on organizational commitment.


Trust propensity is a product of both nature and nurture.


A difficult goal is one that stretches an employee to perform at his/her maximum level while still staying within the boundaries of his/her ability.


A wiki in corporate settings are explicitly controlled by one or more "owners."


Abilities capture what people can do; not what people are like. T/F


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