OB terms

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manifestations of genital herpes:

*Blister-like genital lesions, dysuria, fever, headache, muscle aches.

Which risk factors are associated with vaginal cancer? Select all that apply.

-Advancing age -HIV infection -Smoking

When caring for a client with reproductive issues, the nurse is required to clear up misconceptions. This enables new learning to take hold and better client response to whatever methods are explored and selected. Which misconceptions will she need to clear up?

-Taking birth control pills protects against STI's -Douching after sex will prevent pregnancy - Irregular menstruation prevents pregnancy

A nurse is assessing a 45-year old client for uterine fibroids. Which are the predisposing factors for uterine fibroids?

-age -nulliparity -obesity

Genital herpes

A recurrent, lifelong viral infection.


Acute, systemic viral infection that can be sexually transmitted.

what is AIDS?

Breakdown in immune function by HIV; malignancies become fatal; progression from HIV to AIDS occurs at about 11 years after infection.

A nurse is required to assess a client complaining of unusual vaginal discharge for bacterial vaginosis. Which of the following is a classic manifestation of this condition that the nurse should assess for?

Charateristic stale fish odor.

A 41-year old female client arrives at a health care setting reporting dull nipple pain with a burning sensation, accompanied by pruritus around the nipple. The physician suspects mammary duct ectasia. Which order should the nurse question?

Cool compresses to the affected area. In this case warm compresses would be necessary.

A nurse is caring for a client who has been diagnosed with genital warts due to HPV. The nurse explains to the client that HPV increases the risk for vulvar cancer. Which preventative measure should the nurse explain to the client?

Genital examination should be done by the client.


Inflammation and infection of the vagina.

Colpexin sphere

Polycarbonate sphere with a locator string fitted above the hymenal ring to support the pelvis floor muscle.

A nurse is caring for a female client who has a history of recurring vulvovaginal candidiasis. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching session with the clients?

Superabsorbent tampons.

A 30-year old client would like to try using the BBT as a fertility awareness method. Which instruction should the nurse provide the client?

Take temperature before rising and record it on a chart.

What medications are prescribed for genital warts?

Topical trichloroacetic acid (80 to 90%), liquid nitrogen cyrotherapy, topical imiquimod (5%) and podophyllin in (10 to 25%) as well as surgical incision/ removal.

A nurse is caring for a client who just delivered a baby. Which of the following information should the nurse give the client regarding the hepatitis B vaccination for the baby?

Vaccine consists of a series of three injections given within 6 months.

A nurse caring for a client who has been prescribed gonadotropin-releasing hormone medication for uterine fibroids. For which side effect of GnRH medications should the nurse monitor the client?

Vaginal dryness.


Very severe bacterial infection in the columnar epithelium of the endocervix.


a condition in which bone mass declines to such an extent that fractures occur with minimal trauma.

Pelvic organ prolapse

abnormal descent or herniation of the pelvic organs from their original attachment or their normal positions in the pelvis.

Primary amenorrhea

absence of menses by age 14 with absence of growth and development of secondary sex traits or absence by age 16 with normal sex traits developed.


an intense pruritic dermatitis caused by a mite.

Most common symptoms of ovarian cancer

back pain, abdominal bloating, fatigue, urinary frequency, constipation and abdominal pressure.

Squamous cell carcinomas

begin in the epithelial lining of the vagina tend to spread early by directly invading the bladder and rectal walls.

Early detection symptoms of ovarian cancer include

bloating, satiety, fatigue, abdominal pain, urinary frequency, diarrhea, constipation, weight gain/loss.

Hormone therapy is used to

block or counter the effect of the hormone estrogen while treating breast cancer.

High-grade dysplasia

can progress to invasive cervical cancer; the progression takes up to 2 years.

At the onset of ovulation

cervical mucus that is more abundant, clear, slippery and smooth is known as spinnbarkeit mucus.

Any woman suspected of having gonorrhea should also be tested for

chlamydia because co-infection is extremely common (45%).

The two major types of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) are

classic (undifferentiated) and simplex (differentiated).


common benign solid breast tumors that occur in about 10% of all women and account for up to half of all breast biopsies; Firm, rubbery, well-circumscribed freely mobile nodules that may or may not be tender when palpated.

Signs and symptoms in the postpartum period heralding endometritis include

delayed uterine involution, foul-smelling lochia, tachycardia, abdominal tenderness, and temperature elevations up to 104°F (37.9°C). This intrauterine infection may lead to further maternal complications, such as infections of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and blood (sepsis).

Risk factors associated with cervical cancer:

early age of intercourse, promiscuous partners, unprotected sex, sex with uncircumcised men, DES, herpes, chlamydia infections.

Diagnostic options for endometrial cancer include

endometrial biopsy (procedure of choice) 90% of cases; Transvaginal ultrasound.

Causes of primary amenorrhea

extreme weight loss or gain, stress, excessive exercise or eating disorders; congenital abnormalities of the reproductive system.

Symptoms of hepatitis A:

flulike symptoms with malaise, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, pruitus, fever and upper right quadrant pain.

Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by

increased prostaglandin production by the the endometrium in an ovulatory cycle.


involves taking x-ray pictures of the breasts while they are compressed between the two plastic plates.


involves the ingrowth of the endometrium into the uterine musculature.

Metorrhagia or

irregular, acyclic uterine bleeding is the most frequent clinical manifestation of women with endometrial polyps.


is a biologic tumor marker associated with cervical cancer.


is a complex, curable bacterial infection caused by the spirochete treponema pallidum.

Endometrial or uterine cancer

is a malignant neoplastic growth of the uterine lining.


is a microscopic examination of the lower genital tract with use of a magnifying instrument.

A pessary

is a silicone or plastic device that is placed into the vagina to support the uterus, bladder, and rectum as a space-filling device.


is a useful adjunct to mammography that produces images of the breasts by sending sound waves through a conductive gel applied to the breasts.

What is breast conserving surgery?

least invasive; wide local excision or lumpectomy of a tumor along a 1-cm margin of normal tissue; usually for early stage localized tumors.

Nursing responsibilities for the care of the client with endometritis include

maintaining adequate hydration (3000 to 4000 mL/day), bed rest in Fowler's position to facilitate drainage and lessen congestion, providing appropriate analgesia to lessen the pain, and administering antibiotics as prescribed.

Clinical manifestations of Chlamydia:

mucopurulent vaginal discharge, urethritis, bartholinitis, endometritis, salpingitis, and dysfunction uterine bleeding.

Natural menopause

one year without a menstrual flow occurring on average at age 51.

Basal Body Temperature

refers to the lowest body temperature and is reached upon awakening.


refers to the surgical removal of the uterus.

Hepatitis B can result in

serious permanent damage to the liver.

Kegel exercises

strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to support the inner organs and prevent further prolapse.

Kegel exercises function in

strengthening the pelvic floor muscles to support the inner organs and prevent prolapse; Increase muscle volume and contraction.

minimal variability is associated with

tachycardia, fetal hypoxia, metabolic acidemia and congenital anomalies.

Why are the axillary lymph nodes important in the diagnosis of breast cancer?

the more lymph nodes involved the more aggressive the cancer, the more powerful the chemotherapy will need to be in both duration and toxicity of drugs.

During perimenopause

the ovary begins to falter, producing irregular and missed periods and an occasional hot flash.


the removal of all breast tissue, the nipple, and the areola for breast cancer treatment.

In a medical abortion

the woman takes certain medications to induce a miscarriage to remove the products of conception. Ex. methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy.

Breast cancers are classified based on

tumor size, extent of lymph node involvement and evidence of metastasis.

Ovarian cancer

usually originates in the ovarian epithelium.

A nurse is educating a 43-year old female client about required lifestyle changes to help avoid breast cancer. Which instructions regarding diet and food habits should the nurse include in the teaching plan?

- Restrict intake of salted foods - Limit intake of processed foods - Consume seven or more portions of complex carbohydrates daily

A client has undergone an abdominal hysterectomy to remove uterine fibroids. Which interventions should a nurse perform as a part of the postoperative care for the client?

-Administer analgesics promptly and use a PCA pump -Frequent ambulation -Administer anti-emetics to control N/V

A 19-year old female has been diagnosed with PID due to untreated gonorrhea. Which of the following instructions should the nurse offer when caring for this client?

-Avoid douching vaginal area -Complete antibiotic therapy -Limit the number of sex partners

Diagnosis of breast mass:

1. Clinical manual breast examination 2. Imaging studies 3. Core needle biopsy 4. Advanced breast biopsy instrument biopsy


A common vaginal infection characterized by a heavy yellow, green, or gray frothy discharge.

Stress incontinence

Accidental leakage of urine that occurs with increased pressure on the bladder from coughing, sneezing, laughing or physical exertion.

A client who report changes in her normal voiding patterns and altered bowel habits is diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Which instruction is most appropriate for the nurse to provide the client to help alleviate her condition?

Adhere to follow up care.


An infection of the connective tissue in the breast, occurring primarily in lactating women.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Cause of essentially all cases of cervical cancer.

Mammography is recommended for a client diagnosed with intraductal papilloma. Which factor should the nurse ensure when preparing the client for mammography?

Client has not applied deodorant on the day of testing. Deodorant can appear on the film of the x-ray as calcium spots.

A nurse is caring for a client who has just had her intraductal papilloma removed through a surgical procedure. What instructions should the nurse give the client during this part of her care?

Continue monthly breast self-examinations.

mammary duct ectasia

Dilation and inflammation of the ducts behind the nipple.

A nurse is caring for a client for whom estrogen replacement therapy has been recommended for pelvic organ prolapse. Which nursing intervention is the most appropriate for the nurse to implement before the start of therapy?

Evaluate the client to validate her risk for complications.

A nurse needs to assess a female client for primary stage herpes simplex virus infection. Which of the following symptoms related to this condition should the nurse assess for?

Genital vesicular lesions.

A 62-year old female client arrives at a health care facility reporting skin redness in the breast area, along with skin edema. The physician suspects inflammatory breast cancer. For which symptom should the nurse assess?

Increased warmth of the breast.

Risk factors for endometriosis:

Increasing age, family hx. of endometriosis, short menstrual cycle, long menstrual cycle, few or no pregnancies.

The client would like some information about the use of a cervical cap. Which information should the nurse include in the teaching plan of this client?

Inspect the cervical cap before insertion, wait for 30 minutes after insertion before engaging in sexual intercourse, do not use the cervical cap during menses.

A pregnant client has been diagnosed with gonorrhea. Which of the following nursing interventions should be performed to prevent gonococcal opthalmia neonatorum in the baby?

Instill a prophylactic agent in the eyes of the newborn.

A nurse who is conducting sessions on preventing the spread of STIs in a particular community discovers that there is a very high incidence of hepatitis B in the community. Which of the following measures should the nurse take to ensure prevention of the disease?

Instruct people to get vaccinated for hepatitis B.

A client diagnosed with fibroadenoma is worried about the chances of developing breast cancer. She also asks the nurse about various breast disorders and their risks. Which benign breast disorder should the nurse include as having the greatest risk for the development of breast cancer?

Intraductal papilloma

It is recommended that a 48-year old female client with breast cancer undergo a sentinel lymph node biopsy before a lumpectomy. The client asks the nurse the reason for removing the sentinel lymph node. which statement will the nurse make?

It will prevent lymphedema, which is a common side effect.

Predisposing factors for vulvovaginal candidiasis:

Pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives with high estrogen content, broad spectrum antibiotics, diabetes mellitus, HIV, tight clothing and douching.

A 55-year old client presents to the clinic with persistent vulvar pruritus, burning and a lump. She states she has had the symptoms for 5 months and has been trying to treat them with OTC creams. She has a history of multiple sexual partners and HPV and is a smoker. What should the nurse do next?

Prepare the client for a biopsy of the lesion.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Presence of multiple inactive follicle cysts within the ovary that interfere with ovarian function.

A nurse is caring for a 32-year old client for whom a pessary usage is recommended for uterine prolapse. Which instructions should the nurse include in the teaching plan for the client concering the pessary?

Report any discomfort with urination and defacation.

A client with abnormal uterine bleeding is diagnosed with small ovarian cysts. The nurse has to educate the client on the importance of routine checkups. Which assessment is most appropriate for this client's condition?

Schedule ultrasound every 3 to 6 months.

A client is waiting for the results of an endometrial biopsy for suspected endometrial cancer. She wants to know more about endometrial cancer and asks the nurse about the available treatment options. Which treatment information should the nurse give the client?

Surgery involves removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries; adjunct therapy is used if relevant.

A client with large uterine fibroids is scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy. Which intervention should the nurse perform as part of the preoperative care for the client?

Teach turning, deep breathing and coughing.

Kegel exercises are recommended for a client with pelvic organ prolapse. which should the nurse inform the client about the exercise?

They alleviate mild prolapse symptoms.

A 30-year old client tells the nurse that she would like to use a contraceptive sponge but does not know enough about its use and whether it will protect her from STI's. Which information should the nurse provide the client about using a contraceptive sponge?

Wet the sponge with water before inserting it, insert he sponge 24 hours before intercourse, leave the sponge in place for atleast 6 hours following intercourse.

A client presents at a community health center for a routine checkup. The client wants to know about any tests that can effectively detect ovarian cancer early. About which test that can aid in the detection of ovarian cancer should the nurse inform the client?

Yearly bimanual pelvic examinations.

When diagnosing a woman with intraductal papilloma

a hemoccult card is used to evaluate nipple discharge for the presence of occult blood.

Risk factors associated with puerperal infection include

a history of previous puerperal infections, cesarean births, trauma, prolonged rupture of the membranes, prolonged labor, multiple vaginal exams, and retained placental fragments.


a type of therapy for breast cancer, leads to side effects such as hair loss, weight loss and fatigue.

Causes of urinary incontinence:

alcohol, carbonated and caffeinated drinks, constipation, habitual preventive emptying, anatomic changes, pregnancy/childbirth and obesity.

Weakened pelvic floor musculature

also prevents complete closure of the urethra, resulting in urine leakage during moments of physical activity.


an alternative to radiation therapy, involves the use of a catheter to implant radioactive seeds into the breast after a tumor has been removed surgically.

The nurse is assessing a client for ammenorrhea. During the assessment, the nurse notes facial hair and acne. The nurse knows this could be related to:

an androgen excess secondary to a tumor.


are small benign growths that may be associated with chronic inflammation, an abnormal local response to increased levels of estrogen, or local congestion of the cervical vasculature.

Secondary infertility

being unable to conceive after doing so in the past.

Uterine fibroids are

benign tumors composed of muscular and fibrous tissue in the uterus.


bleeding between periods.

If a pregnant client has gonorrhea her and the fetus is at risk for

chorioamnitis, premature labor, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum endometritis; transmitted to the baby via cervix in infection of the eyes.

Oral contraceptives called "mini pills"

contain only progestin and work primarily by thickening the cervical mucus to prevent penetration of the sperm and make the endometrium unfavorable for implantation.

A nurse is caring for a female client undergoing radiation therapy after her breast surgery. The client is refusing to eat and states she does not have a desire to eat at this time. Which action should the nurse take first?

continue to monitor the client.

The nurse is caring for a client at the ambulatory care clinic who questions the nurse for information about contraception. The client reports that she is not comfortable about using any barrier methods and would like the option of regaining fertility after a couple of years. Which method should the nurse suggest?

cycle beads or medroxyprogesterone injection (depo).

The tertiary stage of syphilis

is characterized by diseases affecting the heart, eyes, brain, central nervous system, and/or skin.

Diagnostic tests for ammenorrhea

karyotype, ultrasound to detect ovarian cysts, pregnancy test, thyroid function tests, prolaction, FSH and LH levels, 17-ketosteroid tests, laparoscopy and CT of the head.

Interventions for uterine prolapse include

kegel exercises, estrogen replacement therapy, dietary and lifestyle changes, and pessaries.


occurs when the posterior bladder wall protrudes downwards through the anterior vaginal wall.

HIV is transmitted through

sexual contact, sharing needles with IV drug use, mother to fetus during pregnancy or blood transfusion/exchanges.

Intrauterine systems

small, plastic, T-shaped objects placed in the uterus to provide contraception; Prevent pregnancy by making the endometrium of the uterus a hostile inflamed environment therefore preventing implantation.

Adjunct therapy

supportive therapy after surgery; local therapy such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy.

Treatment for endometrial cancer

surgery and adjunct therapy; hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy; radiation, chemo, and routine surveillance.

A person is said to be in the last stage of AIDS when

the CD4 T-cell count is less than or equal to 200.


the male sterilization procedure in which a small portion of the vas deferens is surgically removed.

Bartholin cysts

two mucus secreting glandular structures with duct openings at the base of the labia minora providing lubrication during sexual arousal; These cysts are blockages of these ducts and common cystic growths occurring in 2%.

A postmenopausal women presents to the clinic with painless vaginal bleeding. The HCP wants to assess for endometrial cancer. The nurse would anticipate the HCP ordering which procedure first?

A transvaginal ultrasound.

A pregnant client is diagnosed with AIDS. Which of the following interventions should the nurse undertake to minimize the risk of transmission of AIDS to the infant?

Administer antiretroviral syrup (zidovudine or AZT) to the infant within 12 hours after birth.

A female client is prescribed metronidazole for the treatment of trichomoniasis. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give the client?

Avoid alcohol.

Intraductal papilloma

Benign wart-like growths found in the mammary ducts, usually near the nipple.

A client reports that she has multiple sex partners and has a lengthy history of various pelvic infections. She would like to know if there is any temporary contraceptive methods that would suit her condition. Which should the nurse suggest?


A nurse working in a community health education program is assigned to educate community members about STI's. Which of the following nursing strategies should be adopted to prevent the spread of STIs in the community?

Discuss limiting the number of sex partners.

Primary infertility

Inability to conceive after one year of intercourse with no contraception or the inability to carry a pregnancy to term.

A client has been following the conventional 28 day regimen for contraception. She is now considering switching to an extended oral contraceptive regiment. She is seeking information about safety precautions. Which is true for the extended OC regimen?

It carries the same safety profile as the 28-day regimen.

A 52-year old client is seeking treatment for menopause. She is not very active and has a history of cardiac problems. Which therapy option should the nurse recognize as contraindicated for this client?

Long-term hormone replacement therapy

Symptoms of uterine prolapse:

Low back pain, pelvic pressure or vaginal fullness, urinary frequency, retention and incontinence.

Fibrocystic breast changes:

Lumpy, tender breasts; multiple smooth, tiny "pebbles" or lumpy "oatmeal" under the skin in later stages.

A 49-year old client who is in the perimenopausal phase of life reports to the nurse a loss of lubrication during sexual intercourse, which she feels is hampering her sex life. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

You can manage the condition by using OTC moisturizers or lubricants.


are common cause of skin rash and pruritus throughout the world.

During a precipitous labor,

when the infant's head crowns the nurse instructs the client to breathe rapidly to decrease the urge to push.

Steps to obtaining a pap smear:

1. Wash hands. 2. Assemble the equipment. 3. Position the client in stirrups or foot pedals so that her knees fall outwards. 4. Drape the client with a sheet, leaving the perineal area exposed. 5. Provide support to the client as the practitioner obtains a sample. 6. Transfer the specimen to a container or a slide.

A female client with a malignant tumor of the breast has to undergo chemotherapy for a period of 6 months. For which side effect should the nurse monitor when caring for this client?


Myomectomy is recommended to a client for removal of uterine fibroids. The client is concerned about the surgery and wants to know if there are any disadvantages associated with it. Which of the following is a disadvantage of myomectomy?

Fibroids may grow back.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis if not treated effectively during pregnancy can cause what in the newborn?

an oral infection known as thrush during the birth process.


is contraindicated for women whose active connective tissue conditions make them especially sensitive to the side effects of radiation.

Causes of vaginitis:

one of three organisms: Candid (fungus), Trichomonas (protozoan) or Gardnerella (bacteria).

Conditions associated with chlamydia infection:

Cervicitis, acute urethral syndrome, salpingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

A client has undergone a masectomy for breast cancer. Which instruction should the nurse include in the postsurgery client-teaching plan?

Elevated the affected arm on a pillow.

Benign breast disorders:

Fibrocystic breasts, fibroadenomas, intraductal papilloma, mammary duct ectasia and mastitis.

A female client with metastatic breast disease is receiving trastuzumab as part of her immunotherapy. The client has nausea, fatigue, and diarrhea, appears jaundiced, and has a distended abdomen. What would the nurse do next?

Notify the HCP. Adverse effects of this medication include cardiac toxicity, vascular thrombosis, hepatic failure, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and pain with first infusion.

Risk factors for ovarian cancer

Nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause, increasing age, fatty diet, obesity, family history of ovarian cancer, hormonal replacement therapy, and infertility.

A nurse is educating a 25-year old client with a family history of cervical cancer. which test should the nurse inform the client about to detect cervical cancer at an early stage?

Papanicolaou test.

Rubin has identified 3 phases of regeneration during the postpartum period:

The taking-in phase occurs in the first 3 days postpartum, and the taking-hold phase occurs between days 3 and 10. During the taking-in phase, the new mother is attempting to integrate her labor and birth experience. She tends to need sleep and feels fatigued, talks about labor, and is self-focused and dependent. In the taking-hold phase, the client is more active and independent, initiates activities, and partakes in mothering tasks. In the letting-go phase, the mother may grieve over the separation of the baby from part of her body.

A client has been referred for a colposcopy by the physician. The client wants to know more about the examination. Which info regarding this procedure should the nurse give the client?

The test is conducted because of abnormal results in pap smears.

Transvaginal ultrasound is used for

evaluating the endometrial cavity and measuring the thickness of the lining to detect endometrial hyperplasia.


occurs when the rectum relaxes and pushes against or into the posterior vaginal wall.


retrovirus causes breakdown in immune function, leading to AIDS.

Two-day method for contraception

reviewing the presence or absence of cervical secretions by examining toilet paper, their underwear or physical sensations.

A client complaining of genital warts has been diagnosed with HPV. The genital warts have been treated and they have disappeared. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching plan when educating the client about the condition?

Even after warts are removed, HPV still remains.

A nurse is educating a client on the technique for performing breast self-examination. Which instruction should the nurse include in the teaching plan with regard to the different degrees of pressure that need to be applied on the breast?

Hard pressure applied down to the ribs.

Urge incontinence

Precipitous loss of urine, preceded by a strong urge to void, with increased bladder pressure and detrusor contraction.

Endometrial cancer/ staging:

Stage 1: muscle wall of the uterus Stage 2: Cervix Stage 3: Bowel or vagina, with metastases to pelvic lymph nodes Stage 4: Bladder mucosa, with distant metastases to the lungs, liver, and bone.


is the direct visualization of the internal organs with a lighted instrument inserted through an abdominal incision.

Uterine prolapse occurs

when the uterus descends through the pelvic floor and into the vaginal canal.

a 33-year old female client reports yellow nipple discharge and a pain in her breasts a week before menses that dissipates on onset of menses. diagnosis reveals that the client is experiencing fibrocystic breast changes. Which instructions should help the client alleviate the condition?

-Avoid caffeine -Maintain a low-fat diet -Take diuretics as recommended

A 40-year old client reports low back pain after standing for a long time. The primary HCP has diagnosed the client with pelvic organ prolapse. The nurse correctly recognizes which clients are likely not candidates for corrective surgery for pelvic organ prolapse.

-Client at high risk of recurrent prolapse after surgery -Client who is morbidly obese before surgery -Client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Lumpectomy is a treatment option for clients diagnosed with breast cancer with tumors smaller than 5 cm. For which clients is lumpectomy contraindicated?

-Client who has had previous radiation to the affected breast -Client whose connective tissue is reported to be sensitive to radiation -Client whose surgery will not result in a clean margin of tissue

A nurse is caring for a female client with urinary incontinence. Which instructions should the nurse include in the client's teaching plan to reduce the incidence or severity of incontinence?

-Continue pelvic floor exercises -Increase fiber in the diet (avoid straining) -Control blood glucose levels (to prevent polyuria)

When working in a local community health care center, a nurse is frequently asked about cervical cancer and ways to prevent it. Which information should be provided by the nurse?

-Encourage cessation of smoking and drinking -Encourage prevention of sexually transmitted infections to reduce risk factors -Counsel teenagers to avoid early sexual activity

A nurse is assigned to educate a group of women on cancer awareness. Which risk factors for breast cancer are modifiable?

-Failing to breastfeed for up to a year after pregnancy -Postmenopausal use of estrogen and progestins -Not having children until after the age of 30

Treatments available for genital herpes:

Antiviral therapies such as acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir) or valacyclovir (Valtrex).

A client arrives at the health care facility reporting a lump that she felt during her breast self-examination. Upon diagnosis, the physician suspects fibroadenomas. Which question should the nurse ask when assessing this client?

Are you lactating?; The incidence of fibroadenomas is more common among pregnant and lactating women.

A 52-year old client with an estrogen receptor positive breast cancer is undergoing hormonal therapy. While taking selective estrogen receptor modulator the client begins to experience hot flashes. What should the nurse do next?

Document the hot flash in the clients chart; she should monitor for S/E such as hot flashes, vaginal discharge, bleeding and cataract formation.

A client presents for her annual Pap test. She wants to know about the risk factors for cervical cancer. which should the nurse inform her is a risk factor for cervical cancer?

Early age at first intercourse.

An HIV positive client who is on antiretroviral therapy complains of anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Which of the following suggestions should the nurse offer the client to cope with this condition?

Eat dry crackers after meals.

A nurse is caring for a female client with symptoms of first-degree pelvic organ prolapse. Which instruction related to dietary and lifestyle modifications should t he nurse provide to the client to help prevent pelvic relaxation and chronic problems later in life?

Increase dietary fiber.

A female client has a 2-month old infant and arrives at the health care facility reporting flu-like symptoms with fever and chills. When examining the breast, the nurse observes an increase in warmth. Which instruction should the nurse provide the client to help cope with the condition?

Increase her fluid intake; The nurse should instruct the client with mastitis to increase fluids, breastfeed as tolerated and frequently change positions while nursing. She should also instruct her to apply a warm compress to the breast before breastfeeding.

The nurse is instructing a client with dysmenorrhea on how to manage her symptoms. Which should the nurse include in her plan of care?

Increase water consumption, use heating pads or take warm baths, increase exercise and physical activity.

Risk factors for genital warts:

Multiple sex partners, age 15 to 25, sex with a male with multiple partners, and first intercourse at 16 or younger.

Side effects of chemotherapy:

N/V, diarrhea or constipation are the most common.

The 40-year old client arrives at the community clinic experiencing a strange dragging feeling in the vagina. She stated that "at time it feels as if there is a lump" there as well. Which condition may be an indication of these symptoms?

Pelvic organ prolapse.

A client reports lumpy, tender breasts, particularly the week before menses. She reports pain that often dissipates after the onset of menses. The nurse suspects the client has fibrocystic breast changes. which should the nurse do next?

Perform a breast examination.

A client has opted to use an intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception. About which effect of the device on monthly periods should the nurse inform the client?

Periods become lighter.

Uterine artery embolization

Polyvinyl alcohol pellets are injected into blood vessels via catheter to block circulation to the fibroid causing shrinking and resolution.

A nurse is caring for a 45-year old client using a pessary to help decrease leakage of urine and support a prolapsed vagina. which recommendation is most commonly provided to a client regarding pessary care?

Remove the pessary twice weekly, and clean it with soap and water.

A pregnant client arrives at the community clinic complaining of fever blisters and cold sores on the lips, eyes and face. The primary HCP has diagnosed it as the primary episode of genital herpes simplex, for which antiviral therapy is recommended. Which of the following information should the nurse offer the client when educating her about managing the infection?

Safety of antiviral therapy during pregnancy has not been established.

Four stages of ovarian cancer:

Stage 1: only ovaries Stage 2: 1 or both ovaries and pelvic extension. Stage 3: Lymph nodes/ organs and structures. Stage 4: Metastasized to distant sites.

A nurse is teaching a female client about fertility awareness as a method of contraception. Which should the nurse mention as an assumption for this method?

The "unsafe period" is approximately 6 days.

A 65-year old client presents at a local community health center for a routine checkup. while obtaining her medical history the nurse learns that she had her menarch when she was 13 years old. She experienced menopause at age 51. She is between 5 and 10lbs underweight but otherwise in good health. The nurse should inform the client of which factor that increases the client's risk of getting ovarian cancer?

The client's present age.

A client in her second trimester of pregnancy asks the nurse for information regarding certain oral medications to induce a miscarriage. What information should this client be given about such medications?

They can be taken only in the first trimester.

Pap smear results are

classified by the bethesda system.


is the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze abnormal cervical tissue.


is used as an adjunct therapy for breast cancer to help stimulate the body's natural defenses to recognize and attack cancer cells.

Transvaginal ultrasound

is used to distinguish fluid-filled ovarian cysts from a solid mass.

Uterine fibroids

or "leiomyomas" are benign proliferations composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue in the uterus.

Mammary duct ectasia clinical manifestations:

presence of green, brown, straw-colored , reddish, gray or cream-colored nipple discharge with a consistency of toothpaste. The treatment includes antibiotic therapy with penicillinase-resistant penicillin or cephalosporin, pain medication and warm compresses to the inflamed area.

A client complaining of genital ulcers has been diagnosed with syphilis. Which of the following nursing interventions should the nurse implement when caring for the client?

-Have the client urinate in water if urination is painful -instruct the client to wash her hands with soap and water after touching lesions -Instruct the client to wear nonconstricting clothing

A nurse is conducting a session on education about cancers of the reproductive tract and is explaining the importance of visiting a HCP if certain unusual symptoms appear. Which should the nurse include in her list of symptoms that merit a visit to the HCP for further evaluation?

-Irregular vaginal bleeding -persistent low backache not related to standing -Elevated or discolored vulvar lesions

The endometrial biopsy of a client reveals cancerous cells,and the primary HCP has diagnosed it as endometrial cancer. Which responsibilities of the nurse are part of the treatment of the client?

-Make sure the client understands all the available treatment options. -Inform the client about possible advantages of a support group -Offer the family explanations and emotional support throughout the treatment

A client needs additional information about the cervical mucus ovulation method after having read about it in a magazine. she asks the nurse about cervical changes during ovulation. About which should the nurse inform the client?

Cervix is high or deep in the vagina.

A healthy 28-year old who has a sedentary lifestyle and is a chain smoker is seeking information about contraception. The nurse informs this client of the various options available and the benefits and the risks of each. Which should the nurse recognize as contraindicated in the case of this client?

Combination oral contraceptives.

A couple is being assessed for infertility. The male partner is required to collect a semen sample for analysis. What instruction should the nurse give him?

Deliver sample for analysis within 1 to 2 hours after ejaculation, or as soon as possible.

A nurse is caring for a female client who is undergoing treatment for genital warts due to HPV. Which of the following should the nurse include when educating the client about the risk of cervical cancer?

-Obtaining pap smears regularly helps early detection of cervical cancer -Recurrence of genital warts increases risk of cervical cancer -Use of latex condoms is associated with a lower rate of cervical cancer

A nurse is caring for an HIV-positive client who is on triple-combination highly active antiretroviral therapy. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching plan when educating the client about the treatment?

-Unpleasant side effects such as nausea and diarrhea are common -Provide written materials describing diet, exercise and medications -Ensure that the client understands the dosing regimen and schedule

Cervical cap insertion:

1. Compress the cervical cap dome. 2. Pinch the sides of the cap together. 3. Insert the cap into the vagina and place over the cervix. 4. Use one finger to feel around the circumference and make sure there are no gaps. 5. Pinch the cap dome and tug gently to check for evidence of suction.

Causes of pelvic organ prolapse:

Constant downward gravity due to posture, childbirth trauma, atrophy, reproductive surgery, multiparity.


Heavy bleeding occurring at irregular intervals with flow lasting longer than 7 days.

A client is to be examined for the presence and extent of endometriosis. For which test should the nurse prepare the client?


A nurse is conducting an AIDS awareness program for women. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching plan to empower women to develop control over their lives in a practical manner so that they can prevent becoming infected with HIV?

-Give opportunities to practice negotiation techniques -Encourage women to develop refusal skills -Encourage women to use female condoms

A 38-year old female client has to undergo lymph node surgery in conjunction with mastectomy. The client is likely to experience lymphedema due to the surgery. Postsurgery, which factors will make the client more susceptible to lymphedema?

-Using the affected arm for drawing blood or measuring BP -Engaging in activities like gardening without using gloves -Not wearing a well-fitted compression sleeve

Order in which symptoms of syphilis occur:

1. Painless ulcer at site of bacterial entry that disappears in 1 to 6 weeks. 2. Flu-like symptoms; rash on trunk, palms, and soles. 3. No clinical manifestations even though serology is positive (latent). 4. Life-threatening heart disease and neurologic disease that slowly destroys the heart, the eyes, the brain, the CNS and the skin.

Diaphragm insertion:

1. Place a tablespoon of spermicidal jelly or cream in the dome and around the rim of the diaphragm. 2. Select the position that is most comfortable for insertion. 3. Hold the diaphragm and compress it to a figure 8 shape. 4. Insert the diaphragm into the vagina, downward, as far as possible. 5. Tuck the front rim of the diaphragm behind the pubic bone so that the rubber hugs the front wall of the vagina.

A nurse is caring for a client undergoing treatment for BV. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give the client to prevent recurrence of BV.

Practice monogamy.

A client presents for a routine checkup at a local health care center. One of the client's distant relatives died of ovarian cancer and the client wants to know about measures that can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. The nurse informs the client about which measures to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer?

Provide genetic counseling and thorough assessment.

The results of a pap smear test have been classified as atypical squamous cells with possible HSIL. as per the 2001 Bethesda system. Which interpretation of the result is correct?

Refer for a colposcopy without human papilloma virus testing.

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