OB/gyn 1

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At what gestational age do the fetal kidneys begin to produce urine


The fetal femur length can be measured as early as


Ovulation normally occurs on which day of the menstrual cycle


If a normal cranium is not identified on a fetal Ultrasound by________weeks gestational age, cranial defects should be suspected


The secretory phase occurs during days_____in the menstrual cycle

15 to 28

Chromosomal defect's may be present in a pregnancy where the amnion chorion have not completely fused by______gestational age

16 weeks

A Esophageal atresia is significant indication for which of the trisomies


Which of the following trisomies has a significant association with Choriod plexus cysts


Which trisomy is commonly associated with radial Ray anomalies


Which trisomy is most commonly associated with strawberry shaped fetal skull


The main sac diameter in a normal IUP will demonstrate____increase in size per day until the 10th we could gestation


During a standard 30 minute BPP, what is the minimal amount of fetal breathing that must be observed in order to assign two points to the BPP score

30 sec

The normal fetal bladder should empty and refill every

30 to 45 minutes

Which type of transducer would be used for a trans abdominal evaluation of the uterus and ovaries and a patient with a height 5'3 and weight 275

3MHZ curvilinear array

What do you have the fetal heart is preferred to evaluate a possible muscular VSD

4 chamber view

A fetus with male genitalia and ovaries would be described as

46 X X intersex

Which of the following sets of measurements would correspond with a NUlliparous premenopausal uterus

7 x 5 x 4 cm

If a patient's LMP was November 1, 2018. What is the EDD When neageles rule is applied


Organogenesis of a fetus is normally complete by_______gestation


If the stomach and heart are visible on the same transverse view:

A diaphragmatic hernia is present

Spina bifida is demonstrated using

A transverse image of the vertebrae

All the following are slammed a fetal hydrops except

Allantoic cyst

Which of the following is not a potential complication of sonohysterography

Allergy to contrast media

The fetal structures within an omphalocele are protected by membrane composed of

Amnion and peritoneum

The most common location of an ectopic pregnancy is


The most common cause of pelvic congestion is

An incomplete left ovarian vein

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the performance of OBGYN ultrasound exam

An increase of 2°C or more in the worm can have adverse effects on the pregnancy

At what gestational age does the CRL become invalid for fetal dating

At the 12 week

The uterine artery is best evaluated by PW Doppler

At the level of the cervix

Which of the following best describes the proper measurement of the fetal abdominal circumference

Axial view of the fetal abdomen at the level of the portal vein and stomach used to measure the distance around the fetal waist

Which of the following techniques can be used to enhance the 2-D image of the fetal kidneys by accentuating certain shades in the image to assist in detecting subtle differences

B color

If fertilization occurs,_____will stop the regression of the corpus luteum cyst so that it can produce progesterone to stimulate the decidual reaction


the cephalic index is calculated by


All of the following correctly describes intracranial hemorrhage in a fetus, except

Blood first appears as a hypoechoic fluid collection

Which type of fetal tissue is that the greatest risk of temperature increase due to Ultrasound exposure


All of the following are true related to serum levels of CA 125, except

CA 125 is a tumor marker that is elevated only when ovarian carcinoma is present

Which of the following sonographic techniques used to assess fetal age an estimated date of confinement is the most accurate


The umbilical vein

Carries oxygenated blood

A patient presents for a pelvic ultrasound due to a history in the bath he insist. Where will you scan to evaluate this abnormality


What is the most common cause for pelvic inflammatory disease


I want the following describe the sonographic appearance of agenesis of the corpus callosum except

Collecting of the cerebral hemisphere's

Which type of breech presentation is defined as the fetus presenting but first and sitting cross legged with knees bent


Which of the following imaging planes will best display the fetal diaphragm


While scanning and asymptomatic patient with a 10 week gestation, you identify a complex cyst in the right ovary. What does this most likely represent

Corpus luteum cyst

On the following can cause an echogenic endometrium except

Cyst formation

Which of the following ovarian tumors contains both epithelial and stromal components


All the following are part of a CHAOS syndrome except

Cystic changes in the lung tissue

The AutoZone will recessive genetic disorder that is associated with meconium ileus and feel bowel obstruction is

Cystic fibrosis

A rokitansky nodule is commonly identified with what type of pelvic mass

Cystic teratoma

When evaluating a patient with suspected ovarian torsion, which of the following system adjustment should be made

Decrease color Doppler velocity scale

What can be done to improve the visualization of the fetal spine when the baby is face up in the uterus

Decrease transducer frequency

While scanning a transvaginal exam, you increase the sector size to visualize an ovary that is high in the adnexa. How does this affect temporal resolution


A sagittal image of the uterus allows measurement of which uterine dimensions

Depth and length

A 60-year-old patient presents for a pelvic ultrasound due to a history of intermittent pelvic pain. The exam is normal except for the appearance of multiple small echogenic focus within the myometrium. Which of the following is the most common cause for these findings in a post menopausal female


The "twin peak" is associated with what type of pregnancy


Which of the following is associated with an inevitable abortion but is not present with a threatened abortion

Dilated cervix

All of the following or signs of embryonic demise , except

Double bleb sign

Which of the following terms describes the vessel that bypasses the fetal liver in fetal circulation

Ductus venosus

Which of the following terms refers to pain associated with sexual intercourse


The best time to visualize a polyp is in the______phase of the menstrual cycle when the endometrium is at it's thinnest

Early proliferative

You are performing a follow up exam for a limited fetal anatomy of the last ultrasound with non-visualization of the stomach and kidneys at 15 weeks. The fetus should be 21 weeks today. On today's exam, you identify a single normal kidney but the stomach is barely visible and very small. Borderline polyhydramnios is also present. The head measures three standard deviation's lower than the abd and femoral measurements. Rocker bottom feet are also present. The fetus most likely has______syndrome


Spotting between cycles and infertility are common symptoms related to

Endometrial polyp

Ring down artifact can be seen with


Which hormone causes the endometrium to thicken during the proliferative phase


Which of the following is responsible for stimulating the contraction of the fallopian tubes to propel the egg toward the uterine cavity


Which of the following hormone levels are monitored in the patient's blood during ovarian stimulation for follicle production

Estrogen and estradiol

While performing a pelvic ultrasound, you identify uterine didelphys. When you complete the pelvic protocol, what should you do before you let the patiently

Evaluate the kidneys for associated abnormalities

If a PUBS procedure is performed and erythroblastosis fetalis is identified in a fetus, what is the most likely next step in the patient's care

Fetal blood transfusion

Which of the following findings is not associated with the toxoplasmosis infection

Fetal weight over 4000 g

The most common solid pelvic mass seen with pregnancy


Perihepatic adhesions and peritonitis are seen with

Fitz-hugh-Curtis syndrome

The sonographic appearance of hydranencephaly

Fluid filled sacs of cerebrospinal fluid in cranial cavity, varying amounts of tissue may remain as atrophy and necrosis occurs

An endometrial polyp would be described as

Focal hypertrophy of endometrium

The ovary is normally found in the

Fossa of waldeyer

Which of the following describes the best way to measure the femur length

From the window where the femur is closest to the face of the probe and when the ultrasound beam is perpendicular to the length of the femur

Which of the following is least likely to be associated with preterm labor

Fundal placenta

My patient presents for a pelvic ultrasound due to a palpable, pliable, rounded, mobile mass in the vaginal canal. What will be the most likely findings on the exam

Gartner cyst

All of the following are caused a failure of neurulation during fetal development, except


An abd wall abnormality that occurs with abdominal contents herniating through the abdominal layers outside the fetus is called


What anomaly of the fetal digestive system has been associated with maternal use of aspirin during pregnancy


In a normal pregnancy, the personal thickness should be relatively equal to

Gestational age in weeks +10mm

All of the following are possible postpartum complications except

Gestational diabetes

Which of the following types of maternal diabetes are associated with a risk of macrosomia in the fade

Gestational diabetes mellitus

Which of the following is a sonographic son of an abnormal eight week intrauterine pregnancy

Gestational sac located in the lower uterine segment

Virilization is associated with all of the following except

Granular cell tumor

Which of the following best describes the Doppler waveforms obtained from the uterine artery of a nulligravida uterus

High resistance, high velocity

Craniosynostosis is associated with all the following except

Holt oram syndrome

Which of the following describes the PW Doppler tracing obtained from the tissues surrounding the dominant follicle

How velocity, low resistance

A 26-year-old patient presents with a positive pregnancy test and an approx age of seven weeks and three days from her LMP. Beta hCG levels are significantly higher than A seven week gestation. The exam shows a large heterogeneous solid mass measuring 6x 4x 3 cm within the endometrial cavity. The uterus measures 10x 6x 5cm. What is most likely the explanation for the Sonographic findings?

Hydatidiform mole

What skeletal dysplasia is associated with low levels of alkaline phosphatase in the fetal tissue samples obtained by CVS


All of the following have an increased risk for postpartum hemorrhage Except


Which of the following is a sign of maternal HTN on the fetal ultrasound exam


All of the following statements correctly describe trisomy 21, except

In most patients with trisomy 21, a duplicated duodenum is commonly identified as the double bubble sign

As the pregnancy advances, the sonographic appearance of the fetal lungs will

Increase in echogenicity

Assymetric IUGR

Involves shunting of arterial blood flow from the abdomen to the brain

The cephalic index

Is used to predict the shape of the head

When evaluating a patient with a large fibroid uterus, what organs should be evaluated for potential complications due to the uterine size

Kidneys for Hydronephrosis

Fitz Hugh Curtis Syndrome is associated with all the following except

Krukenburg tumor

Well evaluating the vaginal cuff in a transverse plane, you notice a flat muscle extending laterally on both sides of the cuff. What muscle is this

Levantor ani

Which of the following types of placenta previa is defined as placement of the percenta tip within 2 cm of crossing the internal os

Low lying placenta

The left ovarian vein emptied into

Lt renal vein

Which of the following type of twin gestation will have the highest risk for conjoined twins


Of the following are an important part of the exam protocol for evaluating a fetus with potential IUGR, except

Measurement of the length of the nasal bone

Multiple exhogenic foci located in the fetal liver, bowel and peritoneum accompanied by polyhydramnios and fetal ascites most likely indicates

Meconium peritonitis

Which of the following is the most likely symptom of endometriosis


If you set the gain to the lowest level and slowly increase it until an echo was identified on the image, what are you evaluating on the Ultrasound system

Minimum sensitivity

The incorrect placement and a copy of a structure in an abnormal location on the ultrasound image is called

Mirror image

At the end of my second trimester fatal scan you notice the overall game with it to the maximum level during the exam. Which of the following statements is true

None of the above

In order to calculate the corrected BPD, you must measure the BPD and


Chiari II Malformation is strongly associated with which of the following

Open spina bifida

Patient presents with RLQ pain increasing over the last few months. The pelvic ultrasound demonstrates an abnormal ovary that contains a 3 cm echogenic mass. The poster borders of the mass are difficult to assess due to the presence of dirty shadowing. Which of the following are most likely

Ovarian teratoma

The whirlpool sign is associated with

Ovarian torsion

Which of the following would demonstrate a high resistance Doppler waveform

Partial ovarian torsion

All of the following patient populations have an increased risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy or a heterotopic pregnancy except

Patient is currently taking methotrexate

Which of the following Doppler information is necessary to calculate the pulsatility index

Peak systolic velocity and end diastolic velocity

A patient presents with a 33 week gestation with recent onset of intermittent light bleeding that is bright red. She does not have any associated pain or cramping. What is the most likely finding US exam

Placenta previa

The transvaginal assessment of the cervical length is used to assess the risk for

Preterm labor

If arhinia is present, the feeder should be evaluated for which of the following commonly associated anomalies


The most common cause of death in lethal skeletal dysplasia

Pulmonary hypoplasia

Which arteries course through the myometrium

Radial arteries

All of the following are true regarding a twin to twin transfusion except

Recipient twin growth restricted, appear stuck to a wall due to oligohydramnios

The uterus is anterior to the


Which of the following muscles is located in the greater pelvis

Rectus abdominis

You are performing a PW Doppler evaluation of the umbilical artery and the Venus flow signal is also demonstrating on the tracing. What system adjustment can be made to remove the Venus signal while maintaining the proper arterial signal on the tracing

Reduce the sample size

A uterine body/fundus that is tilted posteriorly with a sharp angle to the cervix is described by which of the following terms


A patient presents for a BPP and states that they have a history of supine hypotension. What should you do differently on their exam

Scan the patient and A decubitus position

Fetal cardiac activity can be first visualized with transvaginal sonography at approximately what gestational age

Six weeks

Which pelvic space is located anterior to the bladder and called the retropubic space

Space of retzius

Which of the following will lead to an increase in levels of acetylcholinesterase or ACHE in the sample of amniotic fluid

Spina bifida

Which of the following is not true regarding cystic hygroma

Strong association with trisomy 18

Which pedal abnormality is commonly seen with spina bifida

Talipes equinovarus

Which of the following is the most common type of a lethal fetal skeletal dysplasia

Thanatophoric skeletal dysplasia

Primary amenorrhea refers to

The absence of Menarche after age15 years

For 65-year-old post menopausal female presents with a recent history of spotting. She does take a regimen of tamoxifen from a previous diagnosis of breast cancer but no other medications are used. Which of the following statements is true regarding the ultrasound findings

The endometrium is thickened and heterogeneous which can be normal on a patient using tamoxifen

Dwarfism occurs when

The limbs are abnormally shortened with a relatively normal HC and AC

How can you differentiate and ureterocele from obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction of the kidney

The ureter will be dilated with a ureterocele, but not with a UPJ obstruction

A patient presents for a pelvic ultrasound due to right lower quadrant pain. You identify a solid ovarian mass with mild posterior shadowing and fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac and in Morrison's pouch. The patient chart has a recent chest x-ray report that indicates a mild pleural effusion on the right side. Recent lab results indicate normal white blood cell count the elevated estrogen levels. What type of tumor is most likely seen on the exam.


And autosomal dominant disorder will occur

There is one defective gene present in the pair

Placental abruption is most common cause of significant________bleeding

Third trimester

The L/S ratio is used

To evaluate fetal lung maturity

A patient presents for an anatomy scan of 20 week gestation. She has a history of a prior pregnancy with a genesis of corpus callosum. What is the best way to evaluate this fetus for this abnormality

Transverse axial view of the fetal head with the beam perpendicular to the parietal bones

You are evaluating a heart on a 28 week fetus. A single large trunk vessel exit heart and the pulmonary artery appears to branch from it instead of the right ventricle.these findings describe

Truncus arteriosus

Which of the following is caused by an arteriovenous malformation in the placenta

Twin to twin transfusion

When attempting to assess interval fetal growth, the follow up exam should be performed an interval of _________

Two weeks or more

Renal agenesis is the least likely to be associated with which of these findings

Urinary bladder that fills and empties every 30 to 45 minutes

In most cases, Unilateral renal agenesis

Will demonstrate a normal AFI and Fetal bladder

Grand multiparity is defined as

Woman who has already delivered five or more infants who have achieved A gestational age of 24 weeks or more

If the cranium is not identified and a 16 week fetus,____ should be suspected


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