Oceanography Final!!!!!!!!

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Which of the following is the main reason that Earth has a magnetic field? Select only one answer

Convection in the liquid iron-nickel outer core generates a magnetic field.

The last time the atmospheric carbon dioxide level was as high as it is today was _________ years ago.

15 million

peek at the numbers: The figures below show how SA and V change at different rates, favoring volume as things get bigger and surface area as things get smaller.

3 dimensions in space: length, width, and height Length = 1 dimension L Area = 2 dimensions (squared) L x W Volume = 3 dimensions (cubed) L x W x H Oxygen and other nutrients pass through the walls. More wall area = more oxygen and nutrient exchange. Imagine an oxygen molecule at the very center trying to get out.

If primary photosynthetic productivity in a given area of the ocean is 300 g C/m2 /yr, about how much organic matter is added to a square meter of the seafloor sediments each year?

3 grams

Earth's atmosphere is made up of

78% nitrogen

To produce a surface current of 1.6 knots in the open ocean, a steady wind of _____ knots would be required.


A heterocercal caudal fin is


The theoretical movement of surface water due to Ekman transport in the Northern Hemisphere is about __________.

90 degrees to the right of wind direction

The ratio surface area to volume for Cube C is


There is a general trend of decreasing pH with increasing water depth in the ocean. What is the cause of this pattern?

Deeper, colder ocean water contains more dissolved carbon dioxide, which causes the pH to be lower

Periodic variations in Earth's orbit that can cause natural climate changes are called _________.

Milankovitch cycles

The wobble of the Earth's axis as it orbits around the Sun is referred to as


Giant kelp is a member of the phylum _________.


The kingdom of represented at F is


mid-ocean ridge

Near the land

What is the name of the last supercontinent?


Biozones --zones of unique habitat favoring certain organisms.

Pelagic = water = blue Benthic = bottom = brown Photic = lit by the sun

Which of the following is not a primary cause of erosion?


Three domains of life: Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

Six Kingdoms of Organisms -Eubacteria -Archaebacteria -Plantae -Animalia -Fungi -Protista

What do all plate boundaries have in common? Select only one answer.

They are all associated with zones of earthquakes.

According to the Geologic Time Scale, which selection lists the correct order of coexistence, from earliest to latest?

Trilobites and amphibians, insects and dinosaurs, dinosaurs and birds, flowering plants and fishes, humans and reptiles

The Oxygen Minimum Layer occurs at a depth of 200 meters in conjunction with a nutrient maximum because

bacteria are digesting dead phytoplankton, using up oxygen and releasing nutrients

There are two types of Earth crust, which are

basaltic and granitic

The measurement of ocean depth and the charting of seafloor topography is called


At the depositional coastline above, feature E is a

bay barrier

Beach joggers prefer to run on the __________.

beach face

Ch. 8 The wave orbitals at the bottom of a deep water wave

become very small

As waves come ashore in shallower water, they

bend toward headlands

As waves come ashore in shallower water, they

bend towards headlands

Siliceous ooze most often forms

beneath the calcite composition depth

A commensal relationship is

beneficial to one species, harmless to the other

Ch. 12 A commensal relationship is

beneficial to one species, harmless to the other

You are about to go out and harvest some Pismo clams. The environment you find them in will be _________.

benthic, littoral

The important contribution to navigation made by Eratosthenes in the third century BC was __________.

a reasonably accurate calculation of the circumference of our planet

Summer productivity in temperate waters typically is hampered by _________.

a strong thermocline

During a strong El Niño event, the news media might be expected to cover __________.

a tropical cyclone in Hawaii or Tahiti

The kingdom represented at D is


The primary producers in chemosynthetic vent communities are _________.


In the gas phase, atoms and molecules

are far apart

In the gas phase, molecules and atoms

are far apart

Toothed whales emit clicks that

are focused by fats in the melon on the way out

The prevailing westerlies

blow from west to east

As the ocean's surface is warmed, evaporation to the atmosphere increases. The addition of moisture to the atmosphere results in _________.

both positive and negative temperature feedback loops

An ion may be in the form of either a single atom or a polyatomic ion (multiple atoms), but the number of electrons and protons is unequal, and it carries a net electrical charge.

are nonpolar whereas water molecules are polar

A relatively small tidal range could be expected __________.

at an amphidromic point

Stage 3 of a coral reef, when the volcano is gone, is called a(n)


Temperature is defined as the

average translational kinetic energy

Temperature is the

average translational kinetic energy of something

The pattern of orbiting objects

is to encircle the barycenter, which is closer to the more massive object

A buffered liquid, like the ocean, can act as either as acid or a base. For example

it can release more H+ if lots of OH- are present

As water cools from 4 degrees C to 0 degrees C,

it expands

A disadvantage shared by wave, solar and wind energy is that ___________________________.

it is not available on demand, and there currently is no viable way to store the energy

The surface of Venus is extremely hot because ____.

its atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide

Probably the greatest threat to gray whale calves today is _________.

killer whales

Which of the following is the correct order for the taxonomic classification of living things?

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

Compared to blue wavelengths, red wavelengths of light are


Compared to the wavelength of light, red wavelengths are


The speed of a deep water wave is greater for

longer wavelength waves

A tail shape not shown here is


A semi-diurnal inequality

manifests as a higher high and a lower high in the same day

The deep ocean bottom receives nutrition from ______.

marine snow

Particles in a nucleus lose _____ when brought closer together.


Bioaccummulation refers to

materials that accumulate in living tissues

Ch. 11 Bioaccumulation refers to

materials that accumulate in living tissues

The maximum fishery biomass that can be removed yearly while still sustaining the fishery ecosystem is the _________.

maximum sustainable yield

Earth's polar regions (above 60° latitude) are classified as deserts because __________.

cold, dry sinking air in the polar high regions produces little precipitation

Which of the following groups of matter would "freeze" out at the highest temperature?


At an oil spill, at A, _______ bubbles into the air


What form of chemical pollution results in neurological damage that can range from blindness to brain damage to paralysis and even death?


In dead zones resulting from eutrophication, animal life is absent due to the lack of _________.


Amphipods are _________.

deposit feeders

Accretion is associated with

depositional shorelines

A positive feedback

destabilizes conditions

Because of the scarcity of food in the deep-sea environment, many organisms rely on _________ as their principal source of food.


The three cycles are associated that seem to be associated with ice ages are

eccentricity, obliquity, precession

Hotter objects

emit colors with shorter wavelengths

In the ongoing processes of photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition in the ocean, all components are recycled except _________.


Light and variable winds, warm and humid conditions, and frequent rainfall are characteristic of __________ oceanic climate zones.


Evaporites such as salts and gypsum, occur when

evaporation exceeds rainfall

We would expect the salinity of surface waters to be higher in regions where __________.

evaporation is much greater than precipitation

Whales can survive diving deeply for a prolonged time because they

extract up to 90% of the oxygen from their blood

The total mass of two nuclear particles will total more when they are _____.

far from each other

The celerity (speed) of a deep-water wave with a wavelength of 9 meters, relative to that of a deep-water wave with a wavelength of 1 meter, will be ______________.


Ch. 14 Baleen wales are

filter feeders

Water ice

floats in water that is 4 degrees C.

Water ice

floats in water that is 4 degrees Celsius

When a fish fills its swim bladder with air, the fish_____.

floats upwards

One species that takes advantage of the spring-neap cycle to spawn during the highest spring-tides to protect the developing eggs from predation is the


Important plants in a coastal wetland at 45°N latitude are most likely to be __________.

halophytic grasses and pickleweed

The difference in rotational speeds responsible for the Coriolis effect

is greater near the poles than near the equator

Crude Oil

is made of metamorphosed ancient plankton

Some of the tide height numbers in your tide table are preceded by minus signs (or in some cases printed in red). This tells you that __________.

spring tides are occurring

The ocean's "biological pump" _________.

takes carbon from the photic zone and stores it in deep-ocean water and sea floor sediments

San Francisco Bay is a __________ estuary


Of the following locations, where would you expect to find the HIGHEST annual phytoplankton productivity?

temperate waters

The most sophisticated use of sound by marine mammals is found in the _________.

toothed whales

Biomagnification of toxic substances means that __________.

toxic substances become increasingly concentrated in the tissues of organisms in each higher level of the food web

Which of the following types of sunlight is least absorbed by the atmosphere

visible light

Nearly all oceanic islands are __________. (Choose the best answer.) Hint: Consider how oceanic crust is formed

volcanic in origin

Osmosis is the diffusion of


The process of respiration results in releasing _____ into the surroundings

water and carbon dioxide

The process of respiration results in releasing _____ into the surroundings.

water and carbon dioxide

A fact regarding photosynthesis is that _________.

water and carbon dioxide are converted to oxygen gas and sugar

Of the following atmospheric gases, only _________ is an important greenhouse gas.

water vapor (H2O)

Submarines sometimes ride out heavy storms in deep water by submerging. That is a practical application of utilizing the ____________________.

principle of decreasing orbital motion with depth

The topography of the ocean bottom can be measured by satellites because

satellites can see al the way to the ocean floor

On the pictured erosional shoreline, feature E is a

sea cave

Ch. 10 At the above erosional shoreline, Feature D is a

sea stack

An important predator of mussel beds in the middle tide zone is the _________.

sea star

Measurement of ocean floor bathymetry from satellites relies on ___________. Select only one answer. Hint: Radar pulses from satellites cannot detect the sea floor directly.

sea surface elevation, which varies depending on the shape of the underlying sea floor

The organism posing the greatest threat to the kelp forest is the _________.

sea urchin

In comparison, with other ocean basins, major sedimentary features such as continental rises and abyssal plains are relatively rare in the Pacific. The primary reason for their scarcity in the Pacific is that __________. Hint: Consider the "Pacific Ring of Fire."

sediment is trapped within the trenches of the convergent plate boundaries ringing the Pacific

A coral atoll will feature all of the following except

sediment-laden waters

Benthic animals inhabiting the rocky intertidal environment consist mostly of _________.

sessile animals, epifauna, and very few infauna

The tail fin on a tuna is lunate, which is good for


Of the following statements about kelp and kelp forests, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Kelp is held to the bottom by a strong anchor called a holdfast. -The giant kelp Macrocystis can grow up to 0.6 meters (2 feet) per day.

Turbidity currents are associated with

(above of the above) -underwater avalanches -graded bedding -deep sea fans

Fecal pellets

(all of the above) -are aggregates of biologic refuse -make up the particles of oozes -make up marine snow

Which of the following conditions allows for calcareous ooze to exist beneath the CCD? Select only one answer

-A layer of clay buries the ooze before the sea floor subsides

Which of the following statements about tidal patterns and tidal charts is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-A semidiurnal tidal pattern has two low tides every tidal day. -The tidal range is the difference in height between a high tide and a low tide. -A tidal day is 24 hours and 50 minutes long. -A mixed tidal pattern has two lows of unequal height and two highs of unequal height every tidal day

Of the following adaptations, which apply to life in rocky intertidal environments? Choose all that apply.

-A thick exterior or exoskeleton helps protect creatures from being crushed. -A thick exterior or exoskeleton helps protect creatures from being crushed. -Some organisms can survive for long periods of time out of water.

Of the following statements about the transfer of heat on Earth, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Air currents move warmer air from the tropics to higher latitudes. -Ocean currents move warm water from the tropics to higher latitudes. -Water vapor in the air carries latent heat with it, which is released in other areas.

Of the following statements about the density of seawater, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-An increase in salinity increases seawater density. -A decrease in temperature increases seawater density. -An increase in pressure with depth has a negligible effect on density.

Which of the following feature(s) is/are associated with the mid-ocean ridge? Choose all that apply.

-Basalt volcanism and pillow lavas -volcanoes -hydrothermal vents -a central rift valley

Of the following statements about the tides, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Both Earth and the Moon orbit around their common center of mass, called the barycenter. -There are two tidal bulges on Earth caused by the Moon: one facing the Moon, and the other facing away from the Moon -Although we observe the tides coming in and going out, in reality, Earth is rotating into and out of various tidal bulges, which produces changing tides -The tides are caused by an imbalance between the centripetal force and the gravitational force of the Moon and the Sun.

If you were an explorer stranded in the Arctic Ocean, what method(s) could you use for creating fresh drinking water?

-Catch and melt fresh falling snow. -Heat sea ice that formed a long time ago. -Boil seawater; catch and condense the water vapor.

Of the following statements about coastal wetlands, which is/are true?

-Coastal wetlands are good at cleansing water of agricultural runoff, toxins, and other pollutants. -Coastal wetlands often serve as important nursery areas for many species of fish. -Scientists estimate that, globally, 50% of all coastal wetlands have disappeared in the past century. -Mangrove swamps are a type of coastal wetland that can protect shorelines from erosion.

Which of the following are microscopic, single-celled floating algae that accumulate to form biogenous sediment? Choose all that apply.

-Coccolithophores -Diatoms

Of the following statements about Earth's crust, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Continental crust and oceanic crust are both composed of igneous rocks -Continental crust is made of rock that is relatively light in color. -Continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust.

Which of the following statements about tropical reef-building corals are true? Choose all that apply.

-Coral reefs require moderate to strong wave action or current flow. -Reef corals need warm, tropical waters to survive. -The biomass of coral reefs is composed mostly of algae.

Of the following statements about deep-ocean currents, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Deep-ocean circulation is referred to as thermohaline flow. -Deep-ocean currents are important regulators of global climate. -Deep-ocean currents are initiated near Antarctica and in the North Atlantic Ocean, where cold, dense water sinks -Deep-ocean currents contain water with high oxygen concentrations. -Deep-ocean currents transport a volume of water equal to that of 100 Amazon-size rivers.

Which of the following statements correctly interpret the environmental conditions associated with types of biogenous deposits? Choose all that apply.

-Diatomaceous ooze on the sea floor indicates cool surface water above. -Foraminifer ooze on the sea floor means warm surface water above. -Coccolith ooze on the sea floor indicates the water is shallower than 4000 meters.

Weather (short-term conditions of air temperature, wind speed/direction, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure) occurs because __________.

-Earth's surface is heated unevenly by the Sun

Which of the following are viable options for reducing the amount of plastic in the ocean?

-Educate people so they understand the impacts of their choices on the environment. -Dispose of plastics properly and recycle when possible. -Support proposals that ban or regulate the use or sale of single-use plastics and their improper disposal at sea -People can reduce their consumption of single-use plastics.

Of the following statements about the Ekman spiral and Ekman transport, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Ekman transport is to the right of the wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere. -In the deeper layers of the Ekman spiral, water can move in a direction opposite of the wind direction. -Ekman transport can result in both upwelling and downwelling. -The Coriolis effect causes surface waters to move at an angle relative to the wind direction.

Which of the following techniques can be used to measure the salinity of seawater? Choose all that apply.

-Evaporate the water sample and weigh the amount of solids that precipitate out. -Pass electrical current through the water. -Measure the chlorinity of the water.

Of the following processes, which increases the salinity of seawater? Choose all that apply.

-Evaporation -Sea ice formation

Of the following events, which occurred during the Age of Discovery in Europe? Choose all that apply.

-Ferdinand Magellan's crew completed the first circumnavigation of the globe. -Christopher Columbus made several trips across the Atlantic and discovered a "new world."

Which of the following statements about marine fisheries is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Fishing practices have removed 90% of large marine predatory fish species. -Based on current practices, it is predicted that marine fish stocks will be depleted by 2048. -80% of the world's marine fish stocks are fully exploited, overexploited, or depleted/recovering from depletion

Of the following, which energy resource(s) can be extracted from marine sediments? Choose all that apply

-Gas hydrates -Petroleum

Which of the following statements about gills are true?

-Gills rely on diffusion to release carbon dioxide waste from the blood. -Gills are fibrous respiratory organs used to extract oxygen from seawater.

Which of the following statements about the greenhouse effect and global warming are true? Choose all that apply.

-Global warming will result in more rainfall in some regions. -Global warming will result in more intense tropical storms. -Global warming will result in more prolonged droughts in some regions.

Which of the following statements about gray whales are true? Choose all that apply.

-Gray whales spend most of their time in coastal waters. -Gray whales used to be known as "devilfish" because of their aggressive behavior toward whalers. -Gray whales typically feed on bottom-dwelling organisms, such as crustaceans and clams. -Gray whales are one of only a few species ever to be removed from endangered status. -Gray whales undertake the longest migration of any mammal.

Of the following statements about groins, which is/are true?

-Groins can be singular or many. -Groins can be constructed out of large blocky rocky material (rip-rap) or of sturdy wood pilings

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are associated with depositional shores?

-High sediment supply -A large sand spit -The formation of barrier islands -A location near a large delta -Bay-mouth bars

Which of the following statements is/are true about the formation or movement of hurricanes? Choose all that apply.

-Hurricanes are storms that form over warm ocean water. -The latent heat stored in water vapor provides the energy that fuels the storm. -Hurricanes generally travel from the east toward the west because of the trade winds. -The cyclonic flow of air currents in a hurricane is a result of the Coriolis effect.

Of the following statements about ocean ownership and the Law of the Sea, which is/are true?

-If the continental shelf (defined geologically) exceeds the 200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ), countries are allowed to extend their ownership to 350 nautical miles from shore. -Coastal nations own the resources of the area 200 nautical miles from their shoreline, which is called the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). -The Law of the Sea Treaty, which establishes the rights of nations in ocean ownership, was ratified by the required 60th nation in 1993. -Forty-two percent of the world's oceans are under the control of coastal nations.

Of the following statements about the physical characteristics of coastal oceans, which is/are true?

-In middle-latitude coastal oceans where evaporation is high, a halocline can develop. -In high-latitude areas, the coastal ocean is isothermal (has a uniformly low temperature from surface to deeper waters). -Onshore wind and coastal runoff create geostrophic currents that flow northward along western North America -In low-latitude areas where there is no mixing, surface water temperatures can be very high.

Which of the following statements about oceanic productivity in polar regions is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-In polar oceans, nutrient concentrations are usually adequate and do not limit productivity. -In polar oceans, productivity is limited by the lack of sunlight in the winter. -In polar oceans, there is incredibly high productivity in the summertime.

Of the following statements about water's latent heat and changes in state, which is/are true? Choose all that apply

-In the solid state, all water molecules are connected by weak (hydrogen) bonds. -Latent heat allows water to transfer energy from one place to another. -When water vapor condenses and forms a liquid, it releases heat to the environment -In the vapor state, there are no weak (hydrogen) bonds between water molecules. -When water evaporates, its latent heat of evaporation absorbs heat.

Which of the following statements about oceanic productivity is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-In tropical oceans, productivity is limited year-round by the lack of nutrients -In temperate oceans, the spring bloom is limited by the lack of nutrients. -In temperate oceans, the fall bloom is limited by the lack of sunlight.

Of the following conditions, which is/are related to strong El Niño events? Choose all that apply.

-Increase in sea surface temperatures and destruction of coral reefs in the eastern Pacific Ocean -Higher sea levels in the eastern Pacific Ocean associated with warmer water -Increased abundance of hurricanes in the eastern Pacific Ocean

Of the following gyres, which one(s) flow in a counterclockwise direction? Choose all that apply.

-Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre -Northern Hemisphere Subpolar Gyres -South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre -South Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Which of the following statements about the iron hypothesis are true? Choose all that apply.

-Iron is a limiting nutrient in some regions of the ocean. -Adding iron to the ocean removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. -Adding iron to the ocean might cause an ecological disaster in the ocean. -Plankton must die and sink to the sea floor for this to reduce global warming.

Which of the following properties of plastic make it unusually persistent and damaging?

-It is durable. -It is inexpensive. -It is lightweight. -It is strong.

Of the following statements about the location of the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system, which is/are true? Choose all that apply

-It is located at the center of mass of the Earth-Moon system. -It is located at a point beneath Earth's surface within the mantle.

Which of the following statements accurately describes a segment of the mid-ocean ridge spreading at a rate of 3 centimeters per year? Choose all that apply.

-It would be classified as an oceanic ridge. -It would have a prominent and deep rift valley.

Of the following statements about benthic communities along sediment-covered shores, which is/are true? Choose all that apply

-Large numbers of organisms can generally be found buried in sandy shores. -Gently sloping beaches with finer sediment show less distinct intertidal zonation as compared to coarser beaches. -Coarse sandy beaches usually have the same tidal zonations as rocky shores.

Of the following statements about longshore transport (longshore drift), which is/are true?

-Longshore transport moves sediment in a zigzag path. -Longshore transport can change direction depending on which direction the waves approach the beach. -Longshore transport moves sediment upcoast or downcoast along the beach.

Which of the following statements about the characteristics of marine mammals are true? Choose all that apply.

-Marine mammals have hair (or fur) during at least some stage of their development. -Marine mammals bear live young. -Marine mammals evolved from land species. -Marine mammals are warm-blooded. -Marine mammals must surface to breathe air.

Of the following statements, which is/are included in the World Health Organization's definition of marine pollution?

-Marine pollution is human-made. -Marine pollution results in or is likely to result in harmful effects to marine life -Marine pollution can be a substance or a form of energy.

Of the following statements about mapping the ocean floor, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Measurements of sea surface elevation by satellites are used to produce maps of the sea floor. -Multibeam surveys from ships produce very detailed maps of the sea floor. -Only about 20% of the sea floor has been accurately mapped in detail

Which of the following statements about corals are true? Choose all that apply.

-Most corals go through a planktonic stage of life. -Most individual coral species are about the size of an ant. -Corals catch small food particles with stinging cells similar to those of jellyfish. -Some coral species grow in cold deep waters beneath the euphotic zone.

Of the following statements about the monthly tidal cycle, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Neap tides occur twice a month. -The full moon and the new moon affect the tides about the same. -The full moon is associated with spring tide conditions. -Spring tides occur twice a month.

Of the following statements about nemataths and volcanic arcs, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Nemataths and volcanic arcs are both the result of volcanic activity. -In a volcanic arc, any of the volcanoes can be active at any time. -Volcanic arcs are associated with convergent plate boundaries

Of the following surface currents, which one(s) flow generally from west to east? Choose all that apply.

-North Pacific Current -Equatorial Counter Current -West Wind Drift

Of the following statements about ocean crust, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Ocean crust is created at the mid-ocean ridge. -Ocean crust is destroyed at deep sea trenches.

Of the following statements about ocean waves, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Ocean waves can be classified by the depth of water in which they move. -Ocean waves can be described by their period, wavelength, and height. -Ocean waves can be classified by the force that created them.

Which of the following statements about odontocetes are true? Choose all that apply.

-Odontoceti have large brains relative to their body size. -Odontoceti have the ability to use echolocation. -Odontoceti form long-lived social groups. -Odontoceti have prominent teeth and good vision.

Of the following statements about density stratification, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Outgassing is a direct result of density stratification. -The origin of Earth's oceans and atmosphere are a result of density stratification. -Density stratification has caused Earth's internal structure to be layered. -Density stratification has caused the highest-density material to be found at Earth's core.

Of the following statements about lunar phases, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Over the few days of a waxing crescent moon, the tidal range decreases. -Over the few days of a waxing gibbous moon, the tidal range increases.

Which of the following marine pollutants will bioaccumulate or biomagnify in the food web?

-PCBs -DDTs -mercury

Of the following statements about plankton, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Plankton can move up and down in the water column. -Plankton are very abundant and comprise most of Earth's biomass. -Plankton drift with ocean currents. -Plankton also include certain types of bacteria.

Which of the following statements correctly explain the issues with plastics in the marine environment?

-Plastics do not biodegrade. -Microbeads bind chemical pollutants like PCBs and DDTs. -Drifting plastics can be ingested by animals that mistake them for their natural gelatinous prey. -Plastics photodegrade into smaller fragments, ultimately becoming microplastics. -Large durable pieces of plastic can entangle marine animals.

Which of the following ideas support our current scientific understanding of the development of life on Earth? Choose all that apply

-Primitive life likely existed without the need for oxygen. -The "prebiotic soup" of the primitive oceans provided favorable conditions for life to develop. -As life evolved it significantly changed Earth's environment. -Early organisms evolved into more-complex organisms over geologic time.

Which of the following organisms are responsible for the creation of siliceous ooze? Choose all that apply.

-Radiolarians -Diatoms

Of the following statements about the muscle tissue of cruising and lunging fish, which is/are true? Choose all that apply

-Red muscle tissue supports high metabolic rates and is good for endurance. -Cruisers have a mix of red and white muscle tissue.

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are associated with erosional shores?

-Rocky coasts -A coastline with lots of rugged headlands -Tectonic activity -Wave-cut benches and marine terraces

Which of the following statements about fish schooling behavior are true? Choose all that apply.

-Schools can move and appear as one large and dangerous fish, thus preventing a predator from attacking. -More than half of all fish species are known to join schools during at least a portion of their lives. -Schooling reduces the percentage of ocean volume in which a cruising predator might find one of their kind

Of the following statements about seawater salinity, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Seawater salinity averages 3.5%. -The two most common dissolved components in seawater are sodium and chloride -Seawater salinity averages 35 ppt.

Which of the following techniques are the best options for cleaning up after an oil spill?

-Skim floating oil off the surface immediately after the spill. -Introduce microbes to begin the process of bioremediation.

The West Wind Drift is a part of which of the following subtropical gyres? Choose all that apply.

-South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre -South Pacific Subtropical Gyre -Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre

Of the following currents, which ones are parts of the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre? Choose all that apply.

-South Equatorial Current -Brazil Current -Benguela Current -West Wind Drift

Which of the following statements about the characteristics of the deep-ocean floor are true? Choose all that apply.

-Species diversity in the deep ocean can rival that of tropical rain forests. -Deep-ocean communities exist in the bathyal, abyssal, and hadal zones. -Even in tropical latitudes, water temperatures in the deep ocean are near freezing. -Only about 1% to 3% of the food produced in the euphotic zone reaches the deep-ocean floor.

Which of the following statements about tides in a simple tidal bulge model is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Spring tides result from constructive interference between the solar and lunar tidal bulges -Neap tides result from destructive interference between the solar and lunar tidal bulges. -A lunar or solar eclipse can occur only when the Moon is in syzygy. -Tides are greatest when the Moon is at perigee and Earth is at perihelion.

Of the following statements about feeding strategies, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Suspension feeding involves filtering plankton from seawater. -Deposit feeders include worms that ingest sediment that is coated with organic matter. -Carnivorous feeding involves either passive or active predation. -Carnivorous feeding involves organisms directly capturing and eating other animals.

Of the following statements about the Coriolis effect in the Northern Hemisphere, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The Coriolis effect causes air to move clockwise around high pressure. -The Coriolis effect causes air to move counterclockwise around low pressure.

Of the following statements about the contribution of the Sun and the Moon to Earth's tides, which is/are true? Choose all that apply

-The Sun's contribution to the tides is less than that of the Moon. -The lunar tidal bulges are about twice the size of the solar tidal bulges. -The Moon exerts over twice the gravitational pull of the Sun on Earth's tides because of its proximity to Earth.

Of the following physical properties of the atmosphere, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The air temperature is warmer near Earth's surface than in the upper part of the troposphere. -Low pressure at the surface is associated with rising air (movement away from the surface). -Air always moves from high-pressure regions toward low-pressure regions. -Warm air holds more water vapor than cool air.

Of the following statements about coastal regions and landforms, which is/are true?

-The area of a beach above the shoreline is often called the recreational beach. -Most of the beach face is exposed during the lowest tides and covered during the highest tides. -The berm is located in the backshore area. -The beach face is the wet, sloping surface in the foreshore area. -The berm is affected by storm waves but is typically dry and relatively flat.

Of the following statements about the asthenosphere, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The asthenosphere is a highly viscous layer located beneath the lithosphere. -The asthenosphere is very hot and contains areas of partially molten rock.

Of the following statements about the force of gravity between two bodies, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The force of gravity between two bodies decreases as distance increases. -The force of gravity between two bodies increases with an increase in mass. -The force of gravity between two bodies is most affected by a change in

Of the following statements about Earth's hypsographic curve, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The hypsographic curve shows the percentage of Earth's surface area that is covered by ocean waters. -The hypsographic curve shows that a majority of the exposed land is below 1 kilometer in elevation. -The hypsographic curve shows that the average depth of the ocean is about four times the average height of the continents. -The hypsographic curve shows that a majority of the ocean floor is more than 4 kilometers deep.

Which of the following statements is/are true about middle latitude storms (between 30 and 60 degrees latitude) in the United States? Choose all that apply.

-The jet stream can steer polar air masses far to the south and tropical air masses far to the north. -Maritime polar air masses travel from west to east, causing winter storms. -The polar front generates strong storms because different air masses converge there.

Materials that make up Earth will move vertically based on their density relative to surrounding material.

-The layer of Earth with the greatest density is located at the deepest depth beneath Earth's surface. -Rocky material of the mantle is less dense than the liquid outer core. -Molten material will rise if it is less dense than the surrounding material.

Of the following statements about Earth's magnetic field, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The lines of the magnetic force are perpendicular relative to Earth's surface at the magnetic north pole. -The lines of the magnetic force are perpendicular relative to Earth's surface at the magnetic south pole. -The lines of the magnetic force are parallel with Earth's surface at the equator.

Of the following statements about organisms in rocky intertidal zones, which is/are true? Choose all that apply

-The low tide zone is home to the greatest number of soft-bodied organisms and marine algae. -Mussel beds are a common feature of the middle tide zone. -The spray zone is where organisms with shells are mostly found.

Of the following statements about bioluminescence in deep-water nekton, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The majority of deep-water nekton can bioluminesce. -A flash of bioluminescent light can temporarily blind a predator, allowing the prey to escape. -Bioluminescent light can be used to stake out territory. -Bioluminescent light can attract and lure prey to a predator. -Bioluminescence can be used to attract a mate.

Of the following statements about the internal structure of Earth, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The mesosphere and the asthenosphere have the same chemical composition. -The magnesium-silicate rocks of Earth's mantle exist in both solid and molten form.

Consider how rocks form on a mid-ocean ridge and the characteristics of Earth's magnetic field.

-The ocean floor is spreading apart and new sea floor is forming. -The polarity of Earth's magnetic field experiences reversals. -The igneous rock of the ocean floor preserves Earth's existing magnetic field as the rock cools

Of the following statements about the pH of seawater, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The pH of seawater is higher than that of pure water. -The carbonate buffering system stabilizes the pH of seawater. -Dissolving carbon dioxide in seawater decreases the pH of seawater.

Of the following statements about subtropical gyres, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The rotation of each subtropical gyre causes a "hill" of water to pile up within it. -Globally, there are five subtropical gyres. -The western boundary current of all subtropical gyres is intensified (it is fast, narrow, and deep). -There are four main surface currents in each subtropical gyre. -The centers of all subtropical gyres are associated with high atmospheric pressure.

Which of the following correctly describes the impacts of known biological pollutants?

-The seaweed Caulerpa has smothered ecosystems where it was introduced. -The Atlantic comb jelly has damaged fisheries in the Black Sea. -Zebra mussels have outcompeted native mussels in the Great Lakes region.

Of the following statements about the trade winds, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The trade winds are found between about 5 and 30 degrees north or south latitude. -The trade winds generally blow from the east to the west. -The trade winds are strong and steady winds.

Of the following statements about benthic organisms, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-The vast majority of benthic species live on the continental shelf. -Many benthic organisms spend the first part of their lives in the pelagic environment. -High abundances of benthic organisms are found beneath surface waters with high primary productivity

Of the following statements about seawater properties in high and low latitudes, which is/are true?

-There is a halocline in low latitudes. -There is a halocline in high latitudes. -There is a pycnocline in low latitudes.

Which of the following statements correctly describes adaptations of warm-water species?

-They grow rapidly compared to cold-water species. -Warm-water species constitute a much smaller biomass than cold-water species. -They comprise a greater number of species than do cold-water species.

Which of the following characteristics about sirenians are true? Choose all that apply.

-They live in shallow water and move slowly, which can often increase their risk of being run over by boats. -They have a paddle-like tail and rounded front flippers. -They are the only vegetarian marine mammals. -Sirenians such as manatees have nails on their front flippers.

Of the following statements about the doldrums, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-This is also known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). -There is usually little wind but a lot of rain associated with the doldrums. -The doldrums are the boundary between the northeast trade winds and the southeast trade winds -The doldrums are an area of low atmospheric pressure.

Of the following statements about forces and tidal bulges, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Tidal bulges are produced on both sides of Earth from the Moon and the Sun. -On the side of Earth facing away from the Sun, a tidal bulge will form due to an excess of centripetal force. -On the side of Earth closest to the Moon, a tidal bulge will form as a result of an excess of gravitational force.

Of the following statements about tsunami, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Tsunami have a very long wavelength, so they travel at very high speeds (equivalent to the speed of a jet airplane). -Tsunami are undetectable by ships in the open ocean. -The tsunami warning system uses seismic waves and deep-ocean pressure sensors to detect tsunami. -At the coast, a tsunami looks like a suddenly occurring high or low tide, which is why they are misnamed "tidal waves."

Of the following statements about turbidity currents, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Turbidity currents are episodic events (they don't occur all the time, but only every so often, like a flash flood). -Turbidity currents move sediment down the continental shelf and the continental slope to be deposited on the continental rise. -The material carried by turbidity currents is what builds deep-sea fans. -Turbidity currents are highly erosive and carve submarine canyons.

Of the following types of lithogenous sediment, which one(s) would you expect to find very far from the location of origin? Choose all that apply

-Volcanic ash -Quartz silt

Of the following properties of water, which is/are caused by the unusual geometry of water molecules? Choose all that apply

-Water molecules have polarity. -Water has the ability to dissolve just about anything. -Water molecules form hydrogen bonds. -Water has cohesion and surface tension.

Of the following statements about the density of freshwater and the formation of ice, which is/are true?

-Water's maximum density is at 4°C. -As the temperature of water decreases from 4°C to 0°C, its density decreases. -Water at 2°C is less dense than it is at 4°C. -Ice is less dense than liquid water, which is why ice floats.

Of the following physical changes that occur to waves as they move into shallow water, which is/are true? Choose all that apply.

-Wave steepness increases. -Wavelength decreases. -Wave height increases. -The waves touch bottom.

Of the following statements about ocean waves, which one(s) describe wave steepness? Choose all that apply

-Wave steepness is determined by dividing the wave height by the wavelength. -Wave steepness cannot exceed a 1:7 ratio, or the wave will break.

Of the following statements about global sea level, which is/are true?

-When seawater warms, it thermally expands and occupies more volume, so global sea level rises -When seawater cools, it contracts and occupies less volume, so global sea level is lowered. -Sea level has risen about 120 meters (400 feet) in the past 18,000 years. -Sea level is affected by the amount of ice in polar ice caps on land.

Of the following locations, where would upwelling be expected to occur? Choose all that apply.

-Where there is a sharp bend in a coastline -Where seamounts or table mounts are present -In areas of diverging surface currents

Of the following bathymetric conditions, which one(s) would likely produce spilling breakers? Choose all that apply.

-a gently sloping, sandy bottom -a gently sloping, rocky bottom

Of the following events, which is/are capable of generating waves? Choose all that apply.

-a rock falling into a still pond -an underwater landslide -human activities, such as a ship traveling across the ocean -uplift or downdropping of the ocean floor -a storm moving over the ocean surface

In which of the following environments would you expect lithogenous sediment to be the dominant sediment type? Choose all that apply

-a sandy beach -the abyssal plains at -the base of the continental slope

Evidence shows that periodic reversals of Earth's magnetic field have resulted in __________.

-a symmetrical pattern of normal and reverse magnetization in ocean crustal rocks

Of the following waves, which one has the deepest wave base? Select only one answer.

-a wave with a 2-meter wave height and a wavelength of 1000 meters

Of the following items, which is/are associated with a passive continental margin? Choose all that apply.

-a wide continental shelf -a continental rise

Global engineering (geoengineering) proposals to reduce Earth's greenhouse effect include which of the following? Choose all that apply

-adding nutrients to the ocean to accelerate the biological pump -reflecting solar radiation back into space using man-made devices.

The percentage of solar radiation reflected from the surface of Earth back into space is known as the __________.


Which of the following environments supports chemosynthesis? Choose all that apply.

-areas where high-salinity waters percolate from the sea floor -hydrocarbon seeps that emit methane -mid-ocean ridges associated with black smokers -subduction zones where methane from the decomposition of organic material in folded sedimentary rocks trickles from the sea floor

Which of the following are examples of consumers that exist in marine ecosystems? Choose all that apply.

-bacteriovores -carnivores -herbivores -omnivores

Which of the following locations has/have the potential to reliably harness wind power as a renewable energy source? Choose all that apply

-between 5 and 30 degrees latitude -between 30 and 60 degrees latitude

Of the following characteristics, which apply to a planktonic organism that photosynthesizes?

-classified as phytoplankton -a type of autotrophic organism -living within the euphotic zone

Which of the following locations are exceptions to the general rule that productivity is steady and low in tropical regions? Choose all that apply

-coastal upwelling -coral reefs -equatorial upwelling

Which of the following ocean changes are predicted to result from increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Choose all that apply.

-development of a stronger thermocline -migration of marine organisms into deeper waters and toward the poles -an increase in sea surface temperature

Of the following types of organisms, which are examples of microscopic algae? Choose all that apply.

-dinoflagellates -diatoms -coccolithophores

Which of the following lines of evidence did Alfred Wegener use to support the concept of drifting continents? Choose all that apply

-evidence of glaciers in areas that are now tropical -the pattern of similar mountain belts on different continents -the way the shapes of the continents fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle -the distribution of species of fossils

Which of the following are components of Earth's climate system? Choose all that apply.

-geosphere -hydrosphere -atmosphere -biosphere -cryosphere

Which of the following are considered baleen whales? Choose all that apply.

-gray whales -blue whales -humpback whales -right whales

Which of the following are examples of positive climate feedback loops? Choose all that apply.

-heat uptake by the oceans -the addition of water vapor into the atmosphere

Which of the following organisms are common in the middle tide zone along rocky shores? Choose all that apply

-hermit crabs -goose-necked barnacles -sea anemones

Which of the following adaptations are used by pelagic organisms to keep them from sinking? Choose all that apply

-intricate ornamental body projections -soft, gelatinous bodies -low-density fatty organs -swim bladders filled with gas

Based on the concept of isostatic adjustment, which of the following would result in the uplift of Earth's surface? Choose all that apply

-lithosphere that was thickened by mountain building -lithosphere that was made to be less dense -lithosphere that was heated by hot asthenosphere

What processes influence the shape and features of continental shelves? Choose all that apply.

-major climate changes, such as ice ages -trench formation at convergent boundaries -large fluctuations in sea level over geologic time -tectonic activity produced by offshore faults

Of the following sediments, which one(s) is/are considered hydrogenous? Choose all that apply.

-manganese nodules -coatings of metal sulfides near black smokers

Marine sediments provide valuable clues about which of the following Earth history events? Choose all that apply

-movement of the ocean floor -the ancient geographical locations of ocean basins -the climate on Earth millions of years ago -previous ocean circulation patterns -past catastrophes, such as major extinction events

Which of the following marine pollutants are biodegradable?

-petroleum -crude oil -the seaweed Caulerpa

Which of the following groups of organisms are considered zooplankton? Choose all that apply.

-radiolarians -jellyfish -krill -copepods

Of the following techniques, which one(s) can be used to map the sea floor? Choose all that apply. Hint 1. There are many ways to measure the sea floor, but the turbidity of the water is not one

-recording many depths using a long cable -direct visitation of the sea floor - using satellites to measure the sea surface -sending sound through water (sonar)

Which of the following nutrients can limit primary productivity by phytoplankton? Choose all that apply.

-silica -phosphates -iron -nitrates

Based on the World Health Organization's definition of marine pollution, which of the following is/are considered to be a form of marine pollution?

-sound from cargo ships traversing the ocean -biodegradable food items dumped overboard from a cruise ship -raw sewage released onto the floor of the deep ocean -warmer-than-normal water created by outflow from a coastal power plant

Which of the following organisms are classified as benthos? Choose all that apply.

-sponges growing on a substrate -clams living in burrows -sea anemones in the rocky intertidal zone -crabs that crawl across the sea floor -sand dollars just beneath the sand

Of the following sediments, which one(s) is/are considered biogenous? Choose all that apply.

-tests of foraminifers -radiolarian ooze

Of the following surface currents, which one(s) transport large volumes of warm water to higher latitudes? Choose all that apply

-the Gulf Stream -Brazil Current -Kuroshio Current

The majority of ocean trenches are associated with ___________. Choose all that apply.

-the Pacific Ring of Fire - volcanic arcs and active continental margins -subduction zones and associated faults -narrow or no continental shelves -very deep ocean water depths

The warming of Earth's surface and atmosphere is a natural process controlled by the greenhouse effect. This process is being altered by human emissions, a phenomenon that is often referred to as ___________ . Choose all that apply.

-the anthropogenic greenhouse load -the enhanced greenhouse effect

Which of the following are valid names of boundaries between global wind belts or at the poles? Choose all that apply.

-the polar high -the horse latitudes -the polar front -the Intertropical Convergence Zone

Which of the following adaptations would increase an organism's ability to stay suspended in the water?

-the presence of spines -producing and storing fats and/or oil droplets -a high surface area to volume ratio -a low surface area to volume ratio -the development of elaborate appendages

Of the following statements about ocean waves, which one(s) describe wave period? Choose all that apply

-the time it takes for one full wavelength to pass a given point -the inverse of wave frequency

Of the following factors, which is/are used to classify marine organisms as plankton, nekton, or benthos?

-their mobility (how they move) -where they live (their habitat)

What are the main factors that contribute to the documented global rise in sea level? Choose all that apply.

-thermal expansion of ocean water as it warms -an increase in the amount of water in the ocean from the melting of ice on land

Which of the following adaptations allow(s) a marine organism to blend into the environment and avoid visual detection? Choose all that apply.

-transparent body tissue -countershading -camouflage -disruptive coloration

Which of the following are useful as proxy data for understanding past climate changes? Choose all that apply.

-tree-growth rings -historical documents -sea floor sediments -annual layers of snow packed in glacial ice -fossil pollen

Of the following natural factors, which have caused past climate changes on Earth? Choose all that apply.

-variations in Earth's orbit -changes in solar energy -volcanic eruptions

Which one of the following variables is necessary to determine the speed of shallow-water waves? Select only one answer

-water depth

Waters of the continental shelf are generally _______. Choose all that apply.

-within the epipelagic zone -highly productive waters -within the neritic province

The maximum steepness a water wave can sustain is a height to wavelength ratio of


You live on an island in the Pacific. An earthquake of magnitude 8.5 off the coast of Japan, 8000 km away, generates a tsunami with a wavelength of 200 km. The average water depth between your island and Japan is 4900 m. If a tsunami warning is issued for your island, how many hours will you have before the waves arrive?

10.14 hours

It is Wednesday, and you are planning a fishing trip for this coming Saturday. You have heard that fishing is best at your chosen spot when the ebb current begins to flow, so you wish to start fishing at high tide. You do not have a tide table, but you have noted that today's high tide was at 1:10 p.m. At what time on Saturday should you plan to arrive and start fishing?

3:40 p.m.

The greatest proportion of Earth's surface lies in this elevation/depth interval. Hint: The hypsographic curve applies

4,000-5,000 m below sea level

How old is Planet Earth?

4.5 Billion years old

A tail fin that is good for slow turns and quick acceleration is number


Ch. 15 The zone where shells are most important for keeping moisture in is zone


Neap tides would occur at


The ozone layer

A Absorbs ultraviolet light

The youngest rocks under the ocean are found

A Close to the Mid Ocean Ridge

The increase in Earth's atmospheric oxygen did not contribute to which of the following?

A peak in today's oxygen levels, which are the highest ever

Chapter 2 An example of a convergent boundary is

A subduction trench

If the rate and direction of plate movement remain the same for the next 50 million years, an accurate prediction would then be:

Accretion of the California Terrane onto Alaska

An ocean trench would be found at a continental margin that is


Of the following statements about the tilt of Earth's axis, which one is true? Select only one answer.

An increase in Earth's tilt would cause colder winters and warmer summers.

Perigee occurs at


The Earth's radiation curve is located at



B. Later, when the mag field recorded in a volcano's rock layers is measured, differences in mag field between the layers can be attributed to changes in the position of the NP relative to the land. how the pole has moved how the volcano has moved.

As waves enter shallower water, the speed changes. At depth = ½ L, the speed begins transitioning from 1.25 x √L, to 3.13 √d at depth 1/20 x L (deep water wave to shallow water wave), then slower as the depth shallows. Friction with the bottom slows the bottom down more than the top, and also forces the wave upward, making it steeper and tipping it over. When the steepness H/L exceeds 1/7, the wave begins to break, resulting in surf.

Bigger wavelength = faster speed Deeper water = faster speed

A full moon would occur at


A transform boundary is where plates

C slide past each other

Acids: Release protons (H+ ions) into the water Examples: HCl, H2SO4, H2CO3 pH below 7 May release more H+ if lots of extra electrons or OH- are present Decrease pH (Add H+; become more acidic) May take H+ back if lots of H+ are present Increase pH (remove H+; become more basic) Bases: Release electrons (often as OH- ions) into the water Examples: NaOH (lye), NaHCO3 (baking soda), NH3 (ammonia) pH above 7 May release more electrons or OH- if lots of H+ are present Increase pH (become more basic) May take electrons or OH- back if lots of OH- are present Decrease pH (becomes more acidic)

Carbonic acid (from atmospheric CO2) is a weak acid.

Fish features that make them good swimmers Lateral line = sensors for pressure and vibration Myomeres = muscles attached to backbone and squeezed/relaxed alternately for propulsion. Dorsal fin = along backbone - vertical stabilizer Ventral fin = along belly

Caudal fin = tail = assists in high speed swimming

Deep dives put very high pressures on whales (1 atm every 10 m; dives to 2800 m). Bone crushing -- flexible ribs Expansion and contraction of air bladders, including lungs Relatively small lungs, but extract 90% of O2 instead of 4-20% for terrestrials. More capillaries at alveoli means more O2 and CO2 extracted across membrane. Collapse of rib cage squeezes out the last of the air from the lungs. Conserve O2 to allow for long time of dives (up to 2 hrs)

Cetaceans take only 1-3 breaths per minute, compared to 15 for humans. More time for exchange of gases. Whales store oxygen in their hemoglobin for judicious use; they have a large blood volume and 2x as many red blood cells. High tolerance of CO2 in the blood. Possible slowed heart rate.

Which is the most abundant ion in seawater?


Which two single-use items are the most common types of marine debris found during beach cleanups?

Cigarette filters and plastic bags

Positive feedback: destabilizes Negative feedback: stabilizes/recovers Suppose you have a warm/cool year. Will that change be temporary, then the system goes back to its previous temperature, or is it the start of a new trend?

Cloud effects are positive and negative. Which is larger? Studies show the cooling effect is greater. However, there are many other feedback systems also involved in climate.

Which of the following is an example of a nematath?

Hawaiian Islands-Emperor Seamount Chain

Trenches are typically associated with ________.

Convergent continental margins

The configuration consistently associated with January is


Toothed whales -(porpoises, dolphins, and sperm whales)- teeth hold and position fish and squid for swallowing Social One blowhole Good singers Dolphins -- bigger than porpoises, longer snout, smaller dorsal (dolphin's is sickle shaped (falcate)), pointier teeth.

D and P have good vision, sonar for echolocation (multiple signals that bounce back, producing a sonogram) produced by forcing air through a muscle by the blowhole and concentrated in the melon's acoustical lens (see next). D use low-f clicks for long distance and high-f clicks for nearby fish finding. In large whales, the museau de singe makes a clicking sound that echoes in the skull and is amplified. They all hear by conveying sounds to their ears via fats and vibrations to the jawbone.

A ship's fathometer (an echo sounder) transmits a sound pulse and records the return of an echo 7.4 seconds later. If the speed of sound in water is 1,500 m/second, what is the water depth in meters? Hint 1. D = V x T/2

D=VxT/2 ... 5,550 1,500x7.4/2

The pollutant responsible for major declines in the populations of pelicans, ospreys, and other marine birds was __________.


Deep water waves Is the water depth deeper than the wave base? If yes, it is a deep water wave, and the circular orbitals get smaller with depth. At least some depth is below the orbitals. The water is deeper than the wave base. These (small) waves don't "feel" the bottom. The longer the wavelength, the faster the wave.

Depth = d, L = wavelength, T = period If d > ½ L: Speed = 1.25 x √L and/or Speed = 1.56 x T Both in m/s

Earth's magnetic field, which is caused by a moving charged particles, comes about from activity in the

Earth's liquid outer metallic core

The Coriolis effect is a result of

Earth's spin

Western Boundary Currents (narrow, warm, intense)

Eastern Boundary Currents (wide, cool, diffuse)

The roundness (or lack of it) of the shape of the the Earth's orbit around the Sun is referred to as


Milankovitch cycles

Eccentricity of orbit 100,000 year cycle of aphelion/ perihelion difference of 6.7 % Obliquity of axis 41,000 year cycle, 22.1 to 24.5 tilt 3. Precession of axis 26,000 year wobble Taken together, these three cycles seem to account for ice ages (last 2 my = ice age with ~ 20 glaciations lasting 100,000 years) Past patterns suggest we should soon be slowly entering a cooling cycle.

1. North Pacific Gyre 2. South Pacific Gyre 3. North Atlantic Gyre (Gulf Stream) 4. South Atlantic Gyre 5. Indian Ocean Gyre

Equatorial currents (N, S, Counter) Antarctic Circumpolar Current W Wind Drift E Wind Drift Subpolar Gyres

Where the river meets the sea: the Estuary A partially enclosed, coastal body of water, with a free connection to the open sea, that is measurably diluted by freshwater from runoff.

Ex. River mouths, bays, sounds, fjords. Classified by geologic origination or by physical characteristics (salinity and size). Net flow is always oceanward, but often a counterflow of incoming seawater occurs near the bottom. In very wide estuaries, both the near-bottom inflow and near-surface out flow curve to the right (NH).

Evidence for the theory of Plate Tectonics does NOT include

Fossil bones that straddle the Mid Ocean Ridge

V Symptoms Current climate change symptoms: Global wierding Melting ice Shorter winters Species shifts Rise in air and ocean temps .6 C in 30 years. -Rate of warming in last 50 years is 2x rate of past 100 years Warmth records set yearly More heat waves

Future symptoms: Earlier summers (longer growing season) Hotter summers More extreme precipitation Ocean acidification Rising sea levels Retreating ice (better navigation) Water related pathogens (malaria, dengue fever) Stresses and extinctions Changes to ocean circulation

In the sketch of a barrier island below, a peat bed is at location


Syzgy would occur at


Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation Objects with mass attract other objects with mass, with an equal and opposite force, proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them squared: Forcegravity = G (mass1 x mass2) distance2

G = 6.67 x 10-11 m3/kg s2 distance = distance between the centers of the masses

continuous spectrum

Hotter objects emit more intense light at all wavelengths. (Hotter = brighter) Hotter objects emit photons with a higher average energy color (shorter wavelength; bluer).

WHO definition of marine pollution: The introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy (heat) into the marine environment, including estuaries, which results in or is likely to result in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources and marine life, hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities, including fishing and other legitimate uses of the sea, impairment of quality for use of sea water, and reduction of amenities. Is this a good definition?

In the US, the Clean Water Act (1972, revised from 1948) was to make all US waters fishable and swimmable by 1983 to have zero water pollution discharge by 1985 to prohibit discharge of toxic amounts of toxic pollutants Much better than it was: 1970's rivers caught on fire...

The metal solid metal layer of earth is?

Inner Core

The explorer who advanced oceanography by introducing systematic soundings, or depth measurements,

James Cook

Ooze-type sediment would be more prevalent at ______ than at _____.


Consider the geologic fate of the following seamounts and islands in the Hawaiian Island-Emperor Seamount chain. Assuming conditions remain favorable for coral growth, which would most likely be the next to form an atoll?


tmospheric windows The atmosphere filters out a lot of sunlight. Visible and radio go all the way through (transparent). Other sizes get absorbed. Exosphere -- hardly any air. First contact with solar and cosmic gamma and x-rays. High energy blasts exo particles -- free radicals, hot at the top. > 200 km Thermosphere Rest of x-rays absorbed, hot at the top. Auroras. 90 - 200 km Stratosphere Ozone layer, UV absorbed. Jets. PCC balloon~30 km 12 - 90 km Troposphere 80% of air, weather, convection from adiabatic cooling, from 0 - 12 km. Some IR absorbed by H2O, CO2 (gg).

Lapse rate = 3 deg F for each 1000' up

il pollution Crude oil is made up of hydrocarbons, CnH2n+2 is made of ancient plankton and organic material that have metamorphosed under heat and pressure burns with oxygen into CO2 and water. (Human respiration also uses hydrocarbon fuel (sugar) to combust into CO2 and water).

Long term, oil spills are recoverable, but their immediate effects are to Release toxic volatile compounds including aromatics causing possible multigenerational effects. Coat organisms with oil, suffocating some and interfering with respiration and homeostasis in others. Kill/damage fish eggs. Exxon Valdez ecosystem returned to prespill productivity after 11.6 m gallon spill in 1989 by 1999, but some tars remain in the sediments.

The tide experienced at (c) in the northern hemisphere is called the

Lower high

The shape of the ocean surface is a result of which forces acting on the Earth:

Moon's gravity and centripetal force

Ice cores have air bubbles trapped inside, bubbles of the atmosphere of the time. By measuring anomalies in the ratios of oxygen isotopes in the air in those bubbles, as well as in the ice itself, climate factors can be proxied. Bubbles can also be analyzed for CO2 content and other gases. Both O-18 and O-16 are present all over the world in everything that contains some oxygen, and they have the same behavior except where weight plays a role. When compared to the long-term average, O-18 enrichment and depletion patterns trace evaporation and condensation patterns globally through air bubbles, ice cores, sediment cores, and fossils. Isotope measurements tell a story depending on the proxy studied: water, ice, or fossils. The deepest/ oldest ice cores are 800,000 years old from Antarctica. Sediment cores (with fossils) go back hundreds of millions of years.

More enrichment with O-16 in the ice of an ice core means cooler climate when ice formed. More O-18 in ocean fossil shells means a cooler climate at the time of shell formation. More O-16 in ocean fossil shells means more rain and melting ice, or warmer climate. More O-18 in an ice core means a warmer climate.


Most meteorites are tiny spherules. Tiny % but widespread. Transformed by trip through Earth's atmosphere. 1. rich in metals (iron, nickel, iridium) from cores, melt/crust during incineration in atmosphere, reform as droplets 2. silicon-based, like Earth rocks - but with glassy texture from melting/impacting with Earth. Iron is detectable by magnets. At right is a 150-μ image of an iron-rich spherule.

A group of animals that "violates" the trophic pyramid by feeding on organisms two or three levels below it is the _________.

Mysticeti or baleen whales

The intensity of tropical cyclones is measured by meteorologists using the __________ scale.


Long term current/weather variations- ENSO

Normal, El Niño, and La Niña The El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle has become better understood in recent years. Normal: Prevailing trade winds (green) drag warm water westward from Peru, causing upwelling and productivity at Peru (HP, clear weather) and push the warm water to a pool of warmth on the west side (deep thermocline).

Nuclear Fusion- Smashing nuclei together. Daughter is: closer/tighter = more BE closer/ tighter = less mass releases mass energy

Nuclear Fission- Splitting nuclei apart. Daughters are: closer/tighter = more BE closer/ tighter = less mass releases mass energy For elements lighter than iron, energy is released by fusion. For elements heavier than iron, energy is released by fission

Earth's seasons are caused by its


The tilt of the axis of the Earth relative to the Sun is referred to as


El Nino is

One part of the Southern Oscillation cycle

The Ekman Spiral

Results in Ekman transport

Lithosphere is where?

Right under ocean

Nitrogenous sediments are derived from


Indian Ocean currents that are generated by seasonal changes in weather patterns are the __________ and __________ Currents

Somali/Southwest Monsoon

Ch. 7 Which of these will always flow in the counterclockwise direction?

Southern Hemisphere major subtropical gyers

Barrier Island features: Ocean side to back bay side: Ocean Beach Dune Barrier flat Salt marshes Peat bed (under marshes) Lagoon Mainland

Summer: beach accretes from mild wave action. Beach profile is steep and beach widens. Winter: stronger wave action removes sand, narrowing and shallowing the beach. Winds blow sand to accumulate in a dune, stabilized by dune grass which can tolerate dryness and salt. Sand that blows through dune gaps accumulates on the barrier flat, and may give way to other species if overwash is rare. Low marsh = wet (up to high-neap); high marsh = drier. Marshes gradually fill as sediment overwashes during storms from the

Which of the following statements is supported by the nebular hypothesis regarding the formation of our solar system?

The Sun became a star when its temperature and density became so great that nuclear fusion began

Effects from the continents: Reflections, shallow water (everywhere). Depth changes (hence speed changes). Decreasing depth amplifies height.

The graphs show how tides vary from place to place. (Including 37 local effects) Diurnal (1x per day) - shallow inland seas ex Gulf of Mexico Semi-diurnal (2x per day) - US east coast, Africa Mixed: Diurnal inequality (2 unequal per day). - South America, US west coast

Wave frequency refers to

The number of waves in a time unit

Of the following statements about the age of the ocean crust, which one is true? Select only one answer.

The oldest ocean crust is about 200 million years old and is located near an ocean trench.

Of the following statements about sea floor magnetic anomalies, which is true? Select only one answer.

They are oriented parallel to the mid-ocean ridge.

Volcanoes affect climate for all of the following reasons except:

They put out heat that warms the planet.

Of the following, which requires the greatest amount of heat energy?

Vaporizing one gram of water

In which type of estuary would you find minimal salinity difference from top to bottom?

Vertically mixed

Estuary classification by physical characteristic:

Vertically well-mixed - low flow river (shallow) or wide estuary. Lots of mixing. Horizontal salt gradient. Partially mixed - medium river flow (deeper river) or medium estuary causes water to be slightly saltier at the bottom and less salty at the top. Horizontal and vertical salinity differences. Fresher, net out at the top. Saltier, net in at bottom. Fjord - Upper layer is horizontally and vertically stratified; fresh on top, net flow out. Sill may block bottom flow. Deep bottom is uniformly salty, net flow in. Fjords. Salt wedge - high river flow, narrow estuary. Vertically stratified. Net in at the bottom, net out at the top. Horizontal gradient at depth. Amazon, Mississippi.

Venus -- 96% CO2 3% N2 more reflective than Earth hot interior -- volcanoes still replenish atmosphere acid rain aloft not enough spin to generate magnetic field hot -- 850 deg F.

Volcanoes (Earth, Venus, Mars) added: H20 CO2 N2 SO2 H2S Where are they now?Venus: Not cool enough for oceans. H2O and CO2 all in atmosphere -- probably hotter in the past; cooled to 850o F. Rocks nearly melted. H2O split by UV, rusted, escaped, never to return. Atmospheric stripping by solar wind is replenished by volcanoes. Runaway greenhouse.

There have been no supervolcano eruptions in the past few hundred years to explain the changes in temperature. There have been small volcanoes with effects that lasted 1 year or less. In addition to ash, volcanoes also put out CO2, but humans and human activities have put out 130x more CO2 than volcanoes over the last 200 years. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that retains earth heat.

Volcanoes also emit SO2, forming an acidic haze that slightly cools the planet.

Warm core rings and cold core rings are associated with __________.

Warm core rings and cold core rings are associated with __________.

Hydrogenous sediments are derived from

Water Chemistry

Light is electric waves and magnetic waves running together

Wavelength = one complete cycle of both elec and mag. Some light we cannot see. Energy increases as waves get shorter. 100 nm = 1/1000 hair width

In science, which one of the following would be considered an observation? Select only one answer.

Waves are seen to approach the beach at an angle.

The Doppler Effect- Sound Waves

Waves are squashed on the toward side. Waves are stretched on the away side. We hear wavelength as pitch. We see wavelength as color (reds are longer, blues are shorter)

The largest of the great ocean surface currents is the __________.

West Wind Drift

The coastal wetlands of Louisiana are being lost primarily because of __________.

a combination of subsidence and rising sea level

The biggest surface area to volume ratio for a single large potato would be in the form of

a dozen potato chips

A bloom of excess algae causes

a drop in oxygen levels in the water when the algae die

Of the following types of estuaries, which one has a relatively shallow mouth but is often narrow, long, and extremely deep? Select only one answer

a drowned glacial valley called a fjord

On a coral reef, the reef flat may be topped by

a lagoon

Ocean salinity refers to the quantity of

a mixture of salts and ions in the ocean

A grunion "run" would be expected within a few nights after __________.

a new or full moon

The ozone layer

absorbs ultraviolet

An oceanographic vessel is mapping a section of the ocean floor stretching for tens of miles in all directions. The seafloor is extremely flat, with a slope of less than one degree, and the water depth is about 4,500 meters. The area being mapped is most likely a(n) __________. Hint: These are the largest features of the ocean. Hint: These are the largest features of the ocean.

abyssal plain

Sediments deposited by the process of suspension settling produce the majority of sediment found on ___________. Select only one answer

abyssal plains

Atmospheric pressure is low when

air is warmer

CH.6 Atmospheric pressure is low when

air is warmer

Ocean gyres form as a result of "hills" of water forming the in the centers of the oceans

all of these are correct

A tsunami watch is issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center when _______________________

an earthquake with a magnitude greater than Mw = 6.5 occurs beneath the ocean

Resonance does not occur when

an echo reflects off of a cliff

A boat is most likely to be carried out to sea from a harbor by a(n) __________.

ebb current

The Indian Ocean summer monsoon

is associated with winds from the southwest

Fracture zone characteristics include

both sides of the fracture zone moving in the same direction

The summer monsoon

is associated with winds from the southwest

The difference in rotational speeds responsible for the Coriolis effect

is greater near the poles than at the equator

The primary reason phytoplankton are "concerned" about buoyancy is that they _________.

cannot photosynthesize below the photic zone

Which of the following is not an example of wave interference?

capillary waves

The Doppler Effect is the

change in wavelength as a result of a moving wave source or observer

Adding energy to a substance

changes either it's temperature or its phase but not both at the same time

Adding energy to a substance always

changes either its phase or temperature

You take a sediment sample from the ocean floor at a depth of 5500 m. The area has low biological productivity and the CCD is at 4500 m depth. Your sample will probably consist of __________


From smallest to largest, which list of sediment particle sizes is in the correct order?

clay, silt, sand, pebbles

The fourth IPCC Report of 2007 concluded that _________.

climate change models can mimic present-day conditions only if human emissions are taken into account

Schooling behavior benefits the individual fish by

confusing predators

Hydrothermal vents can emit liquid water that is over 600 degrees F because

contact with cold seawater causes a spike in temperature to 600 degrees

You add sand, silt, and clay to a jar of water, shake the jar vigorously, and allow the sediment to settle. The resulting sediment will most closely resemble that of a(n) __________.

continental rise

Heat transfer by ________ requires the presence of a fluid


Downwelling can result from __________.

converging surface currents

A zone of high atmospheric pressure results when there is relatively __________ air aloft.

cool, dry

The direction of flow in a cold-core ring will be


Nektonic organisms in the photic zone often protect themselves from being seen from either above or below through _________.


The lithosphere consists of Earth's __________.

crust and uppermost mantle

Features of a depositional coast may include spits, barrier islands, tombolos, and __________.


Shallow Water Waves Is the depth of the water shallower than 1/20 of the wave base? If yes, it is a shallow water wave, and the circular orbitals get flatter with depth. The orbitals touch the bottom. The water is shallower than the wave base. These (big) waves "feel" the bottom. The deeper the shallow water, the faster the wave.

d < 1/20 x L Or d < 1/10 base Speed = 3.13 x √d in m/s

Southern California beaches would have more sand if __________.

dams were removed from streams flowing to the coast

During Northern Hemisphere summer, the global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide

decreases, because there is more land area, bearing more plants, withdrawing more carbon dioxide, in the Northern Hemisphere

As a wave approaches shore, its characteristics change by _____________________.

decreasing speed, increasing steepness

In temperate latitudes, the thermocline

deepens in summer

The speed of a shallow water wave is greater for

deeper water

Paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by a neurotoxin produced by _________.


Iceland is located on what type of plate boundary?


The potential for energy release in an earthquake is proportional to the area of rock in contact at the walls of the fault.

divergent plate boundaries

"Eukarya" is a _________.


The fin that runs along the back of a fish parallel to its backbone is a ___ fin.


Erosion occurs on which side of an individual groin or jetty?


Warm water is

easier to swim through

Wave size and intensity do not depend on


Earth's Moon formed ______.

from a ring of debris splashed up by an asteroid strike

After an oil spill at D, is a

frothy mousse

For about 15 minutes shortly after the Big Bang, the entire universe

fused hydrogen into helium

The first (capitalized) word of an organism's two-part scientific name denotes the _________.


You own a beachfront lot that has been experiencing erosion due to beach starvation. Your neighbor to the north (up-current) has the same problem, so he gets permission to build a groin just north of your property line. Your response would probably be to __________.

get permission to build a groin of your own near the southern boundary of your property

Color emitted depends on temperature of source. Solar radiation is mostly visible because of the Sun's 5800 K surface temperature.

gg's trap IR

The forces that caused the solar nebula to form a disc shape were

gravity and centripetal forces

Oxygen-18 is ______ than Oxygen-16.


Southern California beaches in winter typically are narrow and rocky. That is because __________.

heavy winter wave activity moves the sand out to the longshore bar and uncovers the rocks underneath the sand

Humans who espouse a vegan diet are


Humans who expose a vegan diet are


Particles diffuse from areas of

high concentration to areas of low concentration

Particles diffuse from areas of _____________

high concentration to areas of low concentration

Ch. 4 Calcareous sediments are unlikely to dissolve in water that is

high temperature

Climate models and observations to date indicate that the oceans will warm the most in _________.

high-latitude areas

Fossil evidence indicates that modern whales have evolved from ancestors similar to the _________.


Yellowstone in Wyoming is known for

hot water features

Salt beds of the U.S. Gulf Coast are __________.

hydrogenous sediments

Disadvantages of tidal power plants relative to conventional thermal plants include higher initial plant costs, periodicity of tidal currents, and __________.

impacts on the marine environment

An isothermal temperature profile from surface to seafloor may exist in coastal ocean waters __________.

in either low-latitude waters or high-latitude waters

The most dramatic increases in ocean temperatures since 1980 have occurred _____.

in the Arctic.

The Mid Ocean Ridge is located at

in the middle where magma comes out

The greenhouse effect occurs when gas molecules absorb _________ radiation.


In a greenhouse, visible light enters through the glass, but is absorbed by the dirt and converted to

infrared warmth

The group comprising the largest number of species on Earth is the _________.


Which of the following is not a hazard of the rocky intertidal zone?

insufficient sunlight

A particle containing an unequal number of protons and electrons is called a(n) __________.


The biggest concern with biological pollutants is that they often ____________.

lack predators and other natural controls

Graded bedding provides evidence that __________. Hint: Graded bedding exhibits "fininf-upward" sequences

large, heavy particles settle out first as current velocity decreases

On a sediment-covered shoreline, the steeper the slope of the shore, the ____ grains are.


The transfer of energy from ocean to atmosphere during hurricane formation comes from

latent heat

The radiation at B is ____ than the radiation at A.

less energetic

An airmass with a high water vapor content will tend to cause _____ air pressure, a warm airmass will tend to cause ______ air pressure

less, less

Earthquakes result from the brittle fracture or sudden movement of rock faces in contact with each other when stress exceeds their breaking strength.


At the depositional coastline below, a tombolo is featured at

location D

With the depletion of fish stocks in coastal waters, more fishing is being conducted in deeper waters. Deep-water species are becoming endangered at a rapid rate, primarily because _________.

most deep-water organisms have lower metabolic rates; therefore, they grow, mature, and reproduce at a slower rate

The water in Earth's oceans came __________.

mostly from volcanic outgassing and partly from comets

Cosmogenous sediments are

mostly microscopic ((green liquid than that falling into water)

Magnetic fields form as a result of __

moving charged particles

Organic matter decomposes most slowly in _________.

mud flats

A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit is called _________.


The symbiotic relationship between the coral animals and the zooxanthellae is an example of _________.


The oxygen-storing compound in the red muscle tissue of fishes is called _________.


A feature of Western Boundary Currents is that they are


The longshore bar marks the demarcation between the

nearshore and offshore

A stinging cell is a


The stinging cells used by cnidarians to capture prey are called _________.


The Redfield ratio of 106:16:1 is a nutrient ratio that show the living things require 16 times more _____ than ______.

nitrogen than phosphorous

The Redfield ratio of 106:16:1 is a nutrient ratio that shows that living things require 16 times more _____ than ____ .

nitrogen than phosphorus

Wave frequency refers to

number of waves in a time unit

Earth's seasons are caused by its


In the Southern Hemisphere, high pressure forms over

oceans in January

We might expect to encounter brackish ocean surface water __________.

off the coast of Washington and Oregon

Invasive species are a problem because they

often have no predators in a new habitat

Oil spillage

often remediated both naturally and with human intervention

Oil spillage is

often remediated both naturally and with human intervention

All types of pollution are harmful, but ________ is among the least damaging forms.


According to the World Health Organization definition of marine pollutants, __________ is NOT a pollutant.

oil from offshore seeps

El Nino is

one part of the Southern Oscillation cycle

Marine sediment with more than 30% biogenous material is called __________.


Ocean waves in motion are classified as ______waves.


Stanley Miller's famous experiment demonstrated that __________.

organic molecules could be produced from the mixture of gases comprising Earth's early atmosphere

Which of the following descriptions of orthogonal lines would indicate an area where wave energy is converging? Select only one answer.

orthogonals that become more closely spaced as the waves approach shore

Using proxy data, scientists have compiled a detailed record of Earth's climate over the recent geologic past. This science is called _________.


The fins used by fishes primarily for maneuvering are _________.

pectoral and pelvic

The greatest amount of oil pollution in the ocean from human sources is from __________.

petroleum consumption

Of the following types of organisms, which one occupies the LOWEST trophic level in a marine food web?

photosynthetic bacteria

The majority of our planet's biomass is represented by _________.


Earth's current atmosphere supports animal life because __________.

plant photosynthesis provides oxygen that is critical for aerobic respiration

An example of non-point source pollution is ___________.

plastic debris washed down storm drains

Most large ocean floor features owe their origins to _________.

plate tectonic processes

Protons are

positively charged

Protons are ______

positively charged

The international Law of the Sea treaty __________.

provides for arbitration of disputes

The most abundant mineral in lithogenous sediments is __________.


An indirect method of measuring ocean currents is the use of __________.

radar altimeters

Geologic evidence suggests that eustatic (global) sea level rises have been caused by __________.

rapid seafloor spreading at divergent plate boundaries

Earth's atmosphere is heated primarily by __________.

re-radiation of solar energy from Earth's surface back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation

Among the colors in the visible spectrum, water absorbs _______ best.


The color of light most readily absorbed by water is _________.


Destructive wave interference results in ___________.

reduced wave height

Studies indicate that acidification of the ocean by the absorption of carbon dioxide is harmful to virtually all marine life and ecosystems. The group most vulnerable to both warming and acidification would be the _________.

reef corals and other calcareous organisms


refers to water flowing upward


refers to water that is flowing upward

Resonance can occur when

reflected waves occur at the same rate as the originals

The pH of something

relates to the number of H+ ions in it

An Ekman spiral

results in Ekman transport

Thermohaline circulation describes the ocean currents that

return to the surface via localized upwelling

The Earth's magnetic poles

reverse flipping north and south at irregular intervals

The global pattern for Earth tends to see _______ at the equator and ______ at the poles.

rising air and clouds, sinking air and clear skies

Lithogenous sediments come from


Sediment samples from deep beneath the ocean floor are recovered by __________.

rotary drilling

Which phenomenon is not associated with high reflection?

rough surface

In the sketch of a barrier island below, the feature B is a

salt marsh

Which of the following describes an estuary located at the mouth of a high-volume river where freshwater flows to the ocean over a layer of dense saline water? Select only one answer

salt wedge estuary

A predatory echinoderm that lives and feeds below the sediment surface is the _________.

sand star

Neritic sediments are most likely to be composed of __________.

sand, silt, and gravel

The tail fin on a tuna if lunate, which is good for


You have just arrived for a vacation on the Oregon coast, and you wish to explore some tide pools while you are there. You hear the local weatherman say that there will be a minus tide at 7 a.m. tomorrow. You should __________.

set your alarm to wake you early; this may be your best chance for tidepooling

Calcareous ooze sediments are associated with

shallow water depths

Tsunami are

shallow water waves

Compared to red wavelengths of light, blue wavelengths are


All of the following are symptoms of global climate changes except

shorter growing seasons

Higher amounts of energy are associated with

shorter wavelengths of light

The pH of the ocean

shows the ocean is slightly basic

Deserts are associated with

sinking air

The pH of surface seawater usually has a value of around 8.0. That means the water is _______

slightly basic (or alkaline)

Records indicate that the ocean is warming faster in the Arctic polar regions than elsewhere. If that continues, a possible consequence could be __________.

slowing of deep ocean circulation, resulting in lower oxygen levels in deep water

The ozone layer is located in the


Protons attract each other and hold the nucleus together through the

strong force

A trench and a chain of volcanoes known generally as a volcanic arc are always present where there is


Ch. 3 Abyssal fans are deposits of sediments that flow out of

submarine canyons that cut parallel to the coastline

Chemosynthesis at hydrothermal vents uses _____ as an energy source instead of sunlight.


Phytoplankton blooms occur when there is/are sufficient

sunlight and nutrients

The water carried onto a beach by a wave is called


The effects of the Moon tide and the Sun tide add up at


The effects of the Moon tide and the Sun tide add up at


Compared to the rest of the planet, an unusually high concentration of hot spots and rifting is located on the continent of Africa. A likely explanation for this is that __________.

the African Plate is essentially stationary with respect to Earth's interior and the thick continental crust acts as a "heat blanket"

A proxigean tide occurs when __________.

the Moon is at perigee at a time of syzygy

The largest geographic feature on the surface of Planet Earth is __________.

the Pacific Ocean

Oozes are uncommon on continental margins because __________.

the biogenous component tends to be overwhelmed by the amount of lithogenous material derived from the nearby continent

The wavelength of a wave is

the distance from one crest to the next crest

Marine fishes usually do not survive in freshwater because of _________.

the effects of osmotic pressure

Earth spins faster at _____ than at ________.

the equator, the poles

The smaller the sediment size, as in silts and muds.

the fewer bacteria are present

The smaller the sediment size, as in silts and muds, ...

the fewer bacteria are present.

The primary difficulty that must be overcome in the use of desalination plants to provide fresh water is __________.

the high cost of energy involved

The thickness of sea ice is limited primarily by __________.

the insulating nature of the ice itself

Individual fishes within schools maintain their spacing through visual contact and _________.

the lateral line system

Sea level rise is not a result of

the melting of floating sea ice

Most of the mass of an atom is in

the nucleus

Most of Earth's water is located in

the ocean

Hurricanes frequently make landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but rarely, if ever, occur on the Pacific coast. The primary reason for the rarity of west coast hurricanes is that __________.

the ocean water does not get warm enough to supply the needed heat energy for hurricanes

The classifications holoplankton and meroplankton are based on _________.

the portion of the life cycle spent as plankton

By measuring only chlorinity (concentration of the chloride ion, Cl - ) in seawater, we can then calculate the total salinity. This is an application of _________.

the principle of constant proportions

(Intro) The amount of life on the ocean floor depends primarily on _________.

the productivity of the surface layer above it

The Coriolis effect is caused by __________.

the rotation of Earth

The flat top of a guyot or tablemount in deep water is evidence that __________.

the seamount was once at the surface of the ocean, but is now submerged due to plate movement and erosion when it was near sea level

Tidal forces result in two tidal bulges because __________.

the supplied gravitational forces at various points within the planet differ from the centripetal force

A deep water wave occurs when

the water depth is below the wave base

In the case of a deep water wave,

the water is deeper than the wave

With a deep water wave

the water is deeper than the wave

Finding a higher percentage of oxygen-18 in fossilized oceanic shells means _____.

there was a cooler climate at the time the shell formed.

Deep ocean current movement is also known as __________.

thermohaline flow

The strength of the gravity force is largest between two objects when

they are close together

The strength of the gravity is largest between two objects when

they are close together

Compared to continental crust, oceanic crust is generally __________.

thinner, denser, darker in color, and at lower elevations

The tides are considered an example of shallow-water waves because the tidal bulges have a wavelength that is on the order of __________.

thousands of kilometers

Most fish use their tails swishing horizontally in _____ motion to propel themselves.


Which of the following would best describe the principal goal of science? Select only one answer.

to explain the causes and effects of observable natural phenomena

You are vacationing on a beautiful tropical island and want to see a coral reef. Your boat travels down a river estuary and then travels a considerable distance along the coast before any coral is seen. The reason you had to travel so far to see coral is probably that _________.

too much freshwater is flowing in from the river closer to shore

Where a mid-ocean ridge is offset, the linear feature connecting and between the crests of the ridge segments is called a __________. Hint: In some cases, these have propagated into lithospheric plate boundaries.

transform fault

Most of Earth's air (80%) is in the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere, the ____


"Mark Twain" means

two fathoms deep

Recent studies indicate that the deep biosphere, an environment that exists within the seafloor itself, may account for up to _________ of Earth's total bacterial biomass


The polar properties of water are the result of

uneven sharing of the electrons by the O and H atoms

In which type of estuary would you find minimal salinity difference from top to bottom?

vertically mixed

"Whitecaps" form when _____________________.

wave steepness reaches a ratio of 1:7

Waves usually arrive nearly parallel to the shore because ____________________________.

waves are refracted toward shallow water

Sediments with all grains of about the same size are classified as __________.

well sorted

The major gyre circulation of the oceans is driven by

wind and Coriolis

Ch. 16 Climate refers to whether conditions averaged over at least one _____.


The gravitational force exerted on Earth by the Moon is greatest at the _________________.


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