Old Test Questions for Anatomy

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c. Auriculotemporal

* * Which of the following nerves should be anesthetized to determine if a patient's facial pain is coming from the temporomandibular joint? a. Great auricular b. Inferior alveolar c. Auriculotemporal d. Greater palatine E. Nerve to lateral pterygoid

a. Superior oblique and inferior rectus

1) ****The extrinsic ocular muscles which are involved in rotating the eyeball directly inferior (looking downward) are the: a. Superior oblique and inferior rectus b. Medial rectus and superior rectus c. Inferior oblique and superior rectus d. Lateral rectus and superior oblique

d. Vagina bulbi (Tenon's capsule)

1) ****The structure into which a glass eye prosthesis can be inserted in such a way that the muscles can move the glass eye to match the real eye is: a. Periorbita b. Lateral check ligament c. Suspensory ligament d. Vagina bulbi (Tenon's capsule)

c. The eye muscles would all be paralyzed

1) ***If a fracture severs the contents of the superior orbital fissure: a. Blindness would result b. Sensation to the lower lid would be loss c. The eye muscles would all be paralyzed

a. Inferior head of lateral pterygoid m.

1) ***Pterygoid fovea serves as an insertion point for: a. Inferior head of lateral pterygoid m. b. Superior head of lateral pterygoid m. c. Masseter muscle d. Deep head of medial pterygoid m. e. Buccinator m.

a. Otic ganglion

1) **Only one of the following structures can be found in the infratemporal fossa. Which one? a. Otic ganglion b. Parotid gland c. Facial never d. Submandibular ganglion

b. The above statement is at least partially false

1) **The central artery enters the optic nerve, travels into the eyeball and supplies the retina; small collateral arteries also supply the retina. a. The above statement is true b. The above statement is at least partially false

e. All of the above

1) **Which of the following venous channel(s) communicate(s) with the pterygoid venous plexus? a. Cavernous sinus b. Facial vein c. Maxillary vein d. Inferior ophthalmic vein e. All of the above

d. Rectus muscles

1) **Which of the structures below prevent the eyeball from protruding out of the boney socket? a. Fat pad b. Superior oblique c. Inferior oblique d. Rectus muscles

c. Inferiorly: lateral to medial

1) *In relation to the submandibular duct, the lingual nerve crosses it: a. Superiorly: lateral to medial b. Superiorly: medial to lateral c. Inferiorly: lateral to medial d. Inferiorly: medial to lateral

d. A and B

1) *Mandible can be moved from side to side/lateral movements by the acton of ______ muscle(s) a. Lateral pterygoid m. b. Medial pterygoid m. c. Buccinator m. d. A and B e. B and C

b. Lacrimal sack

1) *Tears pass from the lacrimal canaliculi most directly into the: a. Lacrimal punctum b. Lacrimal sack c. Lacriamal duct d. Medial canthus

e. Posterior superior alveolar a

1) *The arterial supply to the maxillary teeth derives from: a. Inferior alveolar a. b. Mandibular a. c. Facial a. d. Buccal a. e. Posterior superior alveolar a.

c. Ophthalmic division of V

1) *The cranial nerve or division that is sensory to MOST structures of the orbit is: a. III b. IV c. Ophthalmic division of V d. Maxillary division of V e. VI

c. Superiorly and laterally

1) *The inferior oblique muscle makes the eye look: a. Superiorly and medially b. Inferiorly and laterally c. Superiorly and laterally d. Inferiorly and medially

c. Arises from the maxillary artery and passes through the foramen spinosum

1) *The middle meningeal artery: a. Arises from the facial artery and passes through the foramen ovale b. Arises from the facial artery and passes through the foramen spinosum c. Arises from the maxillary artery and passes through the foramen spinosum d. Arises from the maxillary artery and passes through the foramen ovale e. None of the above

d. Tarsus

1) *The structure that reinforces or stiffens the eyelid is the: a. Taurus b. Torus c. Tarus d. Tarsus

c. Both of the above

1) *The suprahyoid muscles contract to: a. Open the mouth fully b. Swallow c. Both of the above

d. Ophthalmic artery

1) *Which of the following does NOT pass through the superior orbital fissure? a. Superior ophthalmic vein b. Ophthalmic division of V c. Oculomotor nerve d. Ophthalmic artery

a. II

1) *Which of the following structures does NOT pass through the cavernous sinus? a. II b. III c. IV d. Internal carotid e. VI

b. Otic ganglion

1) *Which one of the following ganglion is inside the infratemporal fossa? a. Trigeminal ganglion b. Otic ganglion c. Ciliary ganglion d. Submandibular ganglion e. Infratemporal ganglion

b. Temporalis

1) A muscle that inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible is: a. Masseter b. Temporalis c. Anterior belly of the digastric d. Mylohyoid

b. III

1) A patient is unable to "open his eye". Which cranial nerve is involved? a. II b. III c. IV d. VI e. VII

b. III

1) A patient is unable to raise the upper eyelid. Which cranial nerve is involved? a. II b. III c. IV d. VI

d. A and B

1) Before leaving the parotid gland and ascending just anterior to the ear, the auriculotemporal nerve contains which of the following components? a. General sensory fibers b. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers c. Motor fibers to ear muscles d. A and B

d. Postganglionic sympathetic axons

1) By the time the lingual nerve travels to the oral cavity, it will contain all of the following components except: a. General sensory fibers b. Special sensory fibers (tast) c. Pregranglionic parasympathetic axons d. Postganglionic sympathetic axons

b. Partly or totally false

1) Cranial nerve III is responsible for opening the eye, but the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve is responsible for closing the eye. a. True b. Partly or totally false

e. None of the above

1) Damage to the auriculotemporal nerve would result in loss of: a. Pain sensation on the anterior 2/3 of tongue b. Taste sensation on the anterior 2/3 of tongue c. Pain sensation on the posterior 2/3 of tongue d. Taste sensation on the posteior 2/3 of tongue e. None of the above

d. Laterally

1) Dysfunction of cranial nerve VI would prevent the eye from looking: a. Superiorly b. Inferiorly c. Medially d. Laterally

a. Is the oculomotor but not the trochlear

1) If a patient can look inferiorly but not medially with one eye, the damaged nerve(s): a. Is the oculomotor but not the trochlear b. Are the oculomotor and the trochlear c. Is the abducens but not the trochlear d. Is the abducens and the oculomotor

b. Oculomotor

1) If the eye is cocked so that it views laterally, the paralyzed nerve is most probably: a. Abducens b. Oculomotor c. Trochlear d. None of the above

c. Inferior alveolar

1) If the maxillary artery travels deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle, which of the following arteries can usually be found just deep to the mandible when the infratemporal fossa is first exposed? a. Buccal b. Anterior deep temporal c. Inferior alveolar d. Superficial temporal e. None of the above

b. Oculomotor

1) In a patient, the eyeball bulges from the socket, the eyelid droops over the eyeball, and the gaze is directed laterally. It is reasonable to suspect paralysis of which nerve? a. Optic b. Oculomotor c. Trochlear d. Abducens

c. Superficial temporal a.

1) In the infratemporal fossa when the maxillary artery travels deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle. Which of the following artery(ies) branch off and lie superficial to the pterygoid muscles? a. Posterior deep temporal a. b. Anterior deep temporal a. c. Superficial temporal a. d. Inferior alveolar a. e. A and D

e. A and B

1) In the infratemporal fossa, when maxillary artery travels deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle, which of the following artery(ies) can be found just lateral to the lateral pterygoid muscle? a. Posterior deep temporal artery b. Inferior alveolar artery c. Anterior deep temporal artery d. Superficial temporal artery e. A and B

c. The medial and lateral corners of the eye

1) In the orbit, the fornix is NOT: a. Where the bulbar and palpebral conjuctiva meet b. Where the lacrimal duct empties c. The medial and lateral corners of the eye d. Any of the above

a. Inferior oblique, superior rectus

1) Inability of the patient's eye to look directly superiorly would indicate problems possibly involving: a. Inferior oblique, superior rectus b. Superior oblique, superior rectus c. Medial rectus, superior oblique d. Lateral rectus e. That the abducens nerve is injured

a. Inferior oblique, superior rectus, and III

1) Inability of the patient's eye to look superiorly would indicate problems possibly involving the: a. Inferior oblique, superior rectus, and III b. Superior oblique, superior rectus, III, and IV c. Medial rectus, superior oblique, III, and IV d. Lateral rectus and VI

d. That the abducens nerve is injured

1) Inability to look laterally would most likely suggest: a. That a blow-out fracture has trapped the inferior rectus muscle b. That the oculomotor nerve is injured c. That the superior oblique muscle is injured d. That the abducens nerve is injured

c. V3

1) Innervation of the 4 muscles of mastication involves nerves from which component of the trigeminal nerve? a. V1 b. V2 c. V3 d. V4

a. Inferior alveolar nerve

1) Mylohyoid nerve is usually a branch of: a. Inferior alveolar nerve b. Deep temporal nerve c. Chorda tympani nerve d. Auriculotemporal nerve e. Long buccal nerve

a. Sensory fibers from mandibular nerve

1) On the wall of the middle meningeal artery within the cranium, which of the following fibers can be found? a. Sensory fibers from mandibular nerve b. Sensory fibers from ophthalmic nerve c. Motor fibers from mandibular nerve d. Motor fibers from ophthalmic nerve

a. Superior head of lateral pterygoid muscle

1) One of the muscles of mastication has an attachment to the temporomandibular joint directly, which one? a. Superior head of lateral pterygoid muscle b. Inferior head of lateral pterygoid muscle c. Temporalis muscle d. Deep head of masseter muscle e. None of the above

c. One is true, two is false

1) One: preganglionic fibers come to the submandibular ganglion from CN VII. Two: postganglionic fibers supply and sense taste to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. a. One and two are true b. One and two are false c. One is true, two is false d. One is false, two is true

d. One is false, two is true

1) One: the six muscles that move the eye maintain its normal position in the orbit by pulling it posteriorly. Two: the orbital fat acts to prevent the eye from moving too far posteriorly. a. One and two are true b. One and true are false c. One is true, two is false d. One is false, two is true

d. Cavernous sinus

1) Pterygoid venous plexus has communications with other venous channels. Thus, root canal infection can spread DIRECTLY into _____ resulting in serious consequences. a. Thoracic duct b. Superior sagittal sinus c. Internal jugular vein d. Cavernous sinus e. Vertebral vein

d. Lacrimal ducts

1) Tears are manufactured in the lacrimal gland and then pass MOST DIRECTLY to the: a. Lacrimal sack b. Lacrimal punctum c. Lacrimal canaliculi d. Lacrimal ducts e. Nasolacrimal ducts

a. The surface of the eyeball

1) Tears enter the lacrimal punctum most directly from: a. The surface of the eyeball b. Lacrimal ducts c. Lacrimal gland d. Lacrimal sack

c. Lacrimal punctum

1) Tears pass across the surface of the eye and most directly enter the: a. Lacrimal duct b. Lacrimal caruncle c. Lacrimal punctum d. Nasolacrimal duct

c. Buccal

1) The _____ nerve courses between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle, with a branch to the temporalis muscle, and then becomes sensory to the corner of the mouth and inside the cheek. a. Lingual b. Anterior deep temporal c. Buccal d. Inferior alveolar e. Masseteric

b. Buccal

1) The _____ nerve is the only branch of the anterior division of the mandibular nerve (V3) which is primarily general sensory. a. Lingual b. Buccal c. Posterior deep temporal d. All of the above e. None of the above - for the anterior division is totally motor

d. Arises from the maxillary artery and passes through the foramen ovale

1) The accessory meningeal artery: a. Arises from the facial artery and passes through the foramen ovale b. Arises from the facial artery and passes through the foramen spinosum c. Arises from the maxillary artery and passes through the foramen spinosum d. Arises from the maxillary artery and passes through the foramen ovale

b. Mylohyoid n.

1) The anterior division of mandibular nerve in the infratemporal fossa includes all of the following except one. Which one? a. Long buccal n. b. Mylohyoid n. c. Masseteric n. d. Posterior deep temporal n.

a. Inferior alveolar a.

1) The arterial supply to the mandibular teeth derives from: a. Inferior alveolar a. b. Mandibular a. c. Facial a. d. Buccal a.

c. Otic, submandibular

1) The autonomic ganglia associated with branches of the mandibular nerve are: a. Otic, trigeminal b. Submandibular, trigeminal c. Otic, submandibular d. Trigemincal, genicular e. None of the above

b. Auriculotemporal n.

1) The branches from the anterior division of mandibular nerve in the infratemporal fossa include all of the following except one. Which one? a. Long buccal n. b. Auriculotemporal n. c. Masseteric n. d. Posterior deep temporal n. e. None of the above

e. Nerve to medial pterygoid m.

1) The branches from the undivided trunk of mandibular nerve in the infratemporal fossa do NOT include the following except one. Which one? a. Long buccal n. b. Auriculotemporal n. c. Masseteric n. d. Posterior deep temporal n. e. Nerve to medial pterygoid m.

c. Superficial temporal a.

1) The branches of the mandibular portion of maxillary artery usually include all of the following except one. Which one? a. Deep auricular a. b. Anterior tympanic a. c. Superficial temporal a. d. Middle meningeal a. e. Inferior alveolar a.

e. All of the above

1) The branches of the mandibular portion of maxillary artery usually include: a. Deep auricular a. b. Anterior tympanic a. c. Middle meningeal a. d. Inferior alveolar a. e. All of the above

b. Hard palate

1) The greater wing of the sphenoid bone is NOT part of the: a. Middle cranial fossa b. Hard palate c. Infratemporal fossa Orbit

e. None of the above

1) The infratemporal fossa communicates laterally with: a. Anterior cranial fossa b. Middle cranial fossa c. Orbit d. Sella turcica e. None of the above

e. Pterygopalatine fossa

1) The infratemporal fossa communicates medially with: a. Anterior cranial fossa b. Middle cranial fossa c. Orbit d. Sella turcica e. Pterygopalatine fossa

b. Middle cranial fossa

1) The infratemporal fossa communicates superiorly with: a. Anterior cranial fossa b. Middle cranial fossa c. Posterior cranial fossa d. Sella turcica e. None of the above

b. Secretes oil that traps dirt

1) The lacrimal caruncle: a. Collects tears from the surface of the eye b. Secretes oil that traps dirt c. Leads directly to the nasolacrimal duct d. Is an infection of the lacrimal gland

c. Lacrimal canaliculi

1) The lacrimal sacks receive tears most directly from: a. Lacrimal glands b. Surface of eyeball c. Lacrimal canaliculi d. Lacrimal ducts

a. Forament spinosum

1) The middle meningeal artery enters the cranial cavity via: a. Forament spinosum b. Foramen ovale c. Anterior condyloid canal d. Foramen lacerum

e. Buccinator

1) The motor components of the mandibular nerve innervate all of the following muscles except: a. Temporalis b. Masseter c. Medial pterygoid d. Lateral pterygoid e. Buccinator

c. Facial nerve

1) The posterior auricular artery helps supply blood to skeletal muscles innervated by the: a. Ansa cervicalis b. Auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular division of CN V c. Facial nerve d. Buccal branches of CN VII e. Recurrent laryngeal nerve (CN X)

a. Lesser petrosal

1) The preganglionic axons supplying the parotid gland are conveyed by ____ nerve. a. Lesser petrosal b. Auriculotemporal c. Parotid d. Submandibular e. Facial

c. Maxillary

1) The principal muscles of mastication receive their blood supply from branches of what artery? a. External carotid b. Common carotid c. Maxillary d. Internal carotid

d. Posterior auricular vein

1) The pterygoid venous plexus can be drained directly into any of the following venous channels except: a. Cavernous sinus b. Maxillary vein c. Facial vein d. Posterior auricular vein

c. Lingula

1) The pterygomandibular raphe is NOT attached to: a. Buccinators b. Hamulus c. Lingula d. Superior pharyngeal constrictor e. Posterior mylohyoid line

d. Lacrimal caruncle

1) The structure which causes dirt to be trapped in the medial canthus of the eye is the: a. Lacrimal punctum b. Lacrimal duct c. Lacrimal gland d. Lacrimal caruncle

b. Foramen ovale

1) Through what foramen does the lesser superficial petrosal nerve usually exit the cranial cavity? a. Foramen rotundum b. Foramen ovale c. Foramen spinosum d. Stylomastoid foramen

a. Buccal branch of maxillary artery

1) Traveling with the long buccal nerve, there is usually a: a. Buccal branch of maxillary artery b. Mylohyoid brand of mandibular nerve c. Branch of facial nerve d. Special tast fiber

b. Masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid

1) What are the principle muscles of mastication? a. Masseter, digastric, buccinators, temporalis b. Masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid c. Masseter, digastric, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid d. Masseter, digrastric, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pteryogid

c. Lesser superficial petrosal n.

1) What branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the otic ganglion? a. Greater auricular n. b. Greater superficial petrosal n. c. Lesser superficial petrosal n. d. Auriculotemporal n.

b. Lateral pterygoid

1) What muscles act bilaterally as prime protractors of the mandible? a. Masseter b. Lateral pterygoid c. Temporalis d. None of the above

a. Middle meningeal artery

1) When the maxillary artery takes a deep course across the infratemporal fossa, a common trunk for the ____ and the inferior alveolar artery usually runs superficial on the lateral pterygoid muscle. a. Middle meningeal artery b. Anterior deep temporal artery c. Posterior deep temporal artery d. Buccal e. Lateral pterygoid

c. Lateral pterygoid

1) Which muscles does NOT act bilaterally as a prime elevator of the mandible? a. Master b. Temporalis c. Lateral pterygoid d. Medial pterygoid

a. Foramen rotundum

1) Which of the following bony passages is NOT associated with branches of the maxillary artery? a. Foramen rotundum b. Mandibular canal c. Foramen spinosum d. Pterygomaxillary fissure e. Posterior superior alveolar foramina

b. VII

1) Which of the following cranial nerves gives the taste supply to the anterior two thirds of the tongue? a. V b. VII c. XI d. XII

b. Sphenoid bone

1) Which of the following does NOT make a contribution to the nasal septum? a. Ethmoid bone b. Sphenoid bone c. Cartilage d. Vomer bone

c. Anterior cerebral artery

1) Which of the following does NOT pass through the cavernous sinus? a. IV b. Maxillary division of V c. Anterior cerebral artery d. VI

b. Optic nerve

1) Which of the following does NOT pass through the superior orbital fissure? a. Abducens nerve b. Optic nerve c. Oculomotor nerve d. Superior ophthalmic vein

c. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers

1) Which of the following fibers are a component of chorda tympani nerve? a. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers b. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers c. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers d. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers e. General sensory fibers (pain, temperature, etc.)

e. B and D

1) Which of the following fibers can be found as a component of the auriculotemporal nerve? a. Special sensory fibers (taste) b. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers c. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers d. General sensory fibers (pain, temperature, etc.) e. B and D

a. Stylomastoid

1) Which of the following foramina does NOT contain a branch of the trigeminal nerve? a. Stylomastoid b. Superior orbital fissure c. Foramen rotundum d. Foramen ovale

a. Petrotympanic fissure

1) Which of the following foramina is NOT formed by or is NOT part of the sphenoid bone? a. Petrotympanic fissure b. Optic foramen c. Superior orbital fissure d. Forament ovale

d. VII

1) Which of the following is NOT found in the cavernous sinus? a. VI b. III c. Internal carotid d. VII

e. B and C

1) Which of the following is usually a component of the chorda tympani nerve? a. General sensory nerve (pain and temperature) b. Special sensory nerve (taste) c. Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve d. A and B e. B and C

a. Masseter

1) Which of the following muscles of mastication is completely outside the infratemporal fossa? a. Masseter b. Temporalis c. Lateral pterygoid d. Medial pterygoid

a. Long buccal n.

1) Which of the following nerve(s) can be seen on anterior face, but comes from deep within the infratemporal fossa? a. Long buccal n. b. Auriculotemporal n. c. Supraorbital n. d. A and B

e. A and B

1) Which of the following nerves contain sensory fibers to the TMJ? a. Masseteric nerve b. Auriculotemporal nerve c. Long buccal nerve d. Lingual nerve e. A and B

e. VII

1) Which of the following nerves could NOT possibly pass through the cavernous sinus? a. III b. IV c. V d. VI e. VII

b. V2 (maxillary)

1) Which of the following nerves does NOT go through the superior orbital fissure? a. V1 (ophthalmic) b. V2 (maxillary) c. VI (abducens) d. III (occulomotor) e. IV (trochlear)

c. Chorda tympani nerve

1) Which of the following nerves is NOT a branch of the mandibular nerve? a. Long buccal nerve b. Anterior deep temporal nerve c. Chorda tympani nerve d. Masseteric nerve e. C and D

a. Mylohyoid nerve

1) Which of the following nerves is usually NOT a branch from the anterior division of the mandibular nerve? a. Mylohyoid nerve b. Long buccal nerve c. Masseteric nerve d. Deep temporal nerves e. None of the above

d. Posterior superior alveolar foramen

1) Which of the following structures can NOT be found on the medial aspect of the infratemporal fossa? a. Lateral pterygoid plate b. Spine of the sphenoid c. Pterygomaxillary fissure d. Posterior superior alveolar foramen

a. Auriculotemporal nerve

1) Which of the following structures can be found between the sphenomandibular ligament and mandibular condyle? a. Auriculotemporal nerve b. Long buccal nerve c. Buccal branch of maxillary artery d. Anterior deep temporal artery e. Superficial head of medial pterygoid muscle

b. Common facial

1) Which of the following veins would be least likely to carry an infection or a clot from the facial vein to eventually reach the cranial cavity? a. Deep facial b. Common facial c. Infraorbital d. Superior ophthalmic

e. Superior sagittal sinus

1) Which of the following venous channel(s) does NOT communicate(s) indirectly with the pterygoid venous plexus? a. Cavernous sinus b. Facial vein c. Maxillary vein d. Ophthalmic vein e. Superior sagittal sinus

e. A and B

1) Which of the structures below help prevent the eyeball from sinking into the boney socket? a. Fat pad b. Superior oblique c. Rectus muscles d. A and C e. A and B

d. Rectus muscles

1) Which of the structures below prevent the eyeball from protruding out of the boney socket? a. Fat pad b. Superior oblique c. Inferior oblique d. Rectus muscles

E. None of the above

137. Superiorly, the pterygopalatine fossa communicates with _________. A. Infratemporal fossa B. Cavernous sinus C. Pharyngeal canal D. Nasal cavity E. None of the above

d. help prevent the mandible from moving too far anteriorly

138. * * The temporomandibular ligament does NOT a. form the lateral part of the joint capsule b. help prevent the mandible from moving too far posteriorly c. help prevent the condyle from sliding too far laterally d. help prevent the mandible from moving too far anteriorly

d. All of the above can be true

138. * ** If the jaw locks in the wide open position, a. It is because muscles are in spasm b. It is because the condyle is anterior to the apex of the articular eminence c. It can be corrected by pressing the mandible inferoposteriorly d. All of the above can be true

a. Limit rotation

138. * Adhesions in the inferior chamber of the TMJ would a. Limit rotation b. Have little effect c. Limit translation d. Prevent movement in the TMJ

b. Anterior, middle, posterior superior alveolar, infra-orbital, naso-palatine, greater palatine only

138. * For dentists, the important branches of the maxillary nerve are: a. Anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar infra-orbital only b. Anterior, middle, posterior superior alveolar, infra-orbital, naso-palatine, greater palatine only c. Posterior, middle superior alveolar, infra-orbital, naso-palatin only d. Infra-orbital long buccal, anterior, middle, posterior superior alveolar only

a. At the point nearest the oval window

138. * High tone deafness is a result of damage to the organ of Corti: a. At the point nearest the oval window b. At the point farthest from the oval window c. At the point about halfway between the two ends of the cochlea d. Along the entire length of the cochlea.

a. one and two are true

138. * One: the deep head of the masseter can retrude the mandible. Two: the superior attachment of the superficial head of the masseter is only the temporal process of the zygomatic bone a. one and two are true b. one and two are false c. one is true, two is false d. one is false, two is true

c. Pterygopalatine

138. * The lacrimal gland of the orbit receives postganglionic supply from the _______ ganglion a. Ciliary b. Submandibular c. Pterygopalatine d. Otic e. Geniculate

b. Retrodiskal pad

138. * The most sensitive, elastic, and vascular part of the TMJ is the a. Articular disk b. Retrodiskal pad c. Joint capsule d. Articular tissue lining the mandibular fossa

b. Posterior superior alveolar

138. * The only artery exiting from the pterygopalatine fossa laterally to the infratemporal fossa is the _________ artery? a. Sphenopalatine b. Posterior superior alveolar c. Descending palatine d. Middle meningeal

b. elevate the mandilble

138. * The principal action of the sphenomandibularis and zygomandibularis muscles is to a. protrude the mandible b. elevate the mandilble c. retrude the mandible depress the mandible

a. Posterior superior alveolar nerve

138. * Which of the following branches of the maxillary nerve can be found in the infratemporal fossa a. Posterior superior alveolar nerve b. Middle superior alveolar nerve c. Long buccal nerve d. Zygomaticofacial nerve e. None of the above

c. Foramen lacerum

138. * Which of the following does NOT open directly into the pterygopalatine fossa a. Foramen rotundum b. Pterygoid (Vidian) canal c. Foramen lacerum d. Inferior orbital fissure e. Sphenopalatime foramen

a. Frontal nerve of V-1

138. * Which of the following nerves are NOT involved in the autonomic nerve innervation of the gland? a. Frontal nerve of V-1 b. Lacrimal nerve of V-1 c. Zygomatic nerve of V-2 d. Facial nerve e. Greater petrosal nerve

b. Sphenoid process

138. * Which of the following structures reinforces the medial wall of the mandibular fossa a. Styloid process b. Sphenoid process c. Occiptal condyle d. Postglenoid tubercle

e. Anterior deep temporal artery

138. ** Maxillary artery has the following branches in the pterygopalatine fossa except one. Which one? a. Descending palatine artery b. Infraorbital artery c. Artery of the pterygoid canal d. Lateral nasal branches e. Anterior deep temporal artery

d. articular disk and capsule TMJ

138. ** The superior head of the lateral pterygoid is primarily attached to a. pterygoid fovea b. medial side of lateral pterygoid plate c. auditory tube d. articular disk and capsule TMJ

a. sphenomandibular ligament

138. ** Which of the following is most likely to be a barrier to anesthetizing the inferior alveolar nerve? a. sphenomandibular ligament b. stylomandibular ligament c. temporomandibular ligament d. lateral pterygoid muscle

c. Stapedius

138. A middle ear muscle that is innervated by a branch of the facial nerve is a. Tensor palatine b. Tensor tympani c. Stapedius d. Salpingopharyngeous

c. External auditory canal/meatus

138. A pathogen would be LEAST LIKELY to travel from the pharynx to the a. Auditory tube b. Middle Ear c. External auditory canal/meatus d. Mastoid air cells

c. Pharyngeal canal

138. Anteriorly, the pterygopalatine fossa communicates with a. Infratemporal fossa b. Cavernous sinus c. Pharyngeal canal d. Nasal cavity e. None of the above

b. Collateral ligaments tightly bind the disc to the condyle

138. During normal function of the temporomandibular joint, the articular disc moves with head of the condyle because the a. Superior head of the lateral pterygoid pulls the disc away from the condyle b. Collateral ligaments tightly bind the disc to the condyle c. Temporomandibular ligament tightly binds the articular disc to the articular eminence d. Retrodiskal tissue tightly binds the articular disc to the condyle and the fossa

c. Rotation in the lower chamber

138. During the first part of opening the mouth, the movement of the mandibular condyle is a. Rotation in the upper chamber of the TMJ b. Sliding in the upper chamber c. Rotation in the lower chamber d. Sliding in the lower chamber

b. Crosses the inferior part of the tympanic membrane

138. If any, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the chorda tympani a. Passes through the middle ear b. Crosses the inferior part of the tympanic membrane c. Lies between the malleus and incus d. Carries sensory fibers

a. lingual nerve under submandibular duct

138. If any, which of the following structures passes from LATERAL TO MEDIAL DIRECTLY under the other structure: (read this question carefully) a. lingual nerve under submandibular duct b. hypoglossal nerve under submandibular duct c. submandibular duct under lingual nerve d. none of the above

a. Rotation is limited

138. If arthritis develops in the inferior chamber of the TMJ a. Rotation is limited b. Translation is limited c. Both of the above None of the above

d. External auditory canal

138. In the living person the auditory tube does NOT connect directly or indirectly with the a. Middle ear b. Pharynx c. Mastoid air cells d. External auditory canal

a. Infratemporal fossa

138. Laterally, the pterygopalatine fossa communicates with a. Infratemporal fossa b. Cavernous sinus c. Pharyngeal canal d. Nasal cavity e. None of the above

b. At the point farthest from the oval window

138. Low tone deafness is a result of damage to the organ of Corti: a. At the point nearest the oval window b. At the point farthest from the oval window c. At the point about halfway between the two ends of the cochlea d. Along the entire length of the cochlea.

a. One and Two are true

138. ONE: In the initial two-thirds of opening the mouth, the mandibular condyle rotates against the articular disk. TWO: In the final two-thirds of the opening of the mouth, the articular disk slides against the articular eminence a. One and Two are true b. One and Two are false c. One is true, Two is false d. One is false, Two is true

d. One is false, two is true

138. ONE: The saccule and utricle have ampullas and detect rotational movement TWO: The saccule and utricle have calcium carbonate stones and detect the force of gravity a. Both are true b. Both are false c. One is true, two is false d. One is false, two is true

b. Facial

138. One cranial nerve that passes through the middle ear is a. Abducens b. Facial c. Optic d. Olfactory

c. One is true, Two is false

138. One: As a result of a "sound" impacting the ear, movement of incus causes movement of the stapes. Two: When the stapes moves, it presses directly on a membrane directly over the round window. a. Both of the above statements are true. b. Both of the above statements are false. c. One is true, Two is false One is false, Two is true

c. Retrodiskal pad

138. Pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is most likely due to distortion of the: a. Lateral ligament b. Articular disk c. Retrodiskal pad d. Joint capsule

b. Cricoid cartilage

138. The boundary between the pharynx and the esophagus is the: a. Thyroid cartilage b. Cricoid cartilage c. Soft palate d. Epiglottis

c. Lie between the incus and stapes

138. The chorda tympani DOES NOT a. Pass through the middle ear b. Lie partly on the tympanic membrane c. Lie between the incus and stapes d. Carry parasympathetic fibers to the floor of the mouth

a. Insert on the most inferior portion of the lateral remu

138. The deep head of the masseter does not a. Insert on the most inferior portion of the lateral remus b. Lie partly posterior to the superficial head c. Originate on the entire zygomatic arch d. Retrude the mandible from a protruded position

e. None of the above

138. The external acoustic meatus/canal is supported by a. Cartilage only b. Cartilage medially and bone laterally c. Bone only d. Tissue consisting neither of bone or cartilage e. None of the above

c. The outer rim of the auricle

138. The helix is a. The boney support for the ducts of the cochlea b. The bump anterior to the external auditory meatus c. The outer rim of the auricle d. The name given to the snail shell like shape of the cochlea

e. Third, maxillary

138. The infraorbital artery is a branch of the ______ part of the ______ artery a. First, facial b. Second, facial c. First, maxillary d. Second, maxillary e. Third, maxillary

a. Mandibular division V3

138. The lateral pterygoid muscle receives motor innervation from a. Mandibular division V3 b. Auriculotemporal c. Chorda Tympani Nerve

b. Tongue

138. The maxillary artery DOES NOT send branches to a. Orbit b. Tongue c. Palate d. Nasal Cavity

b. Foramen rotundum

138. The maxillary nerve reaches the pterygopalatine fossa by way of the __________ foramen a. Sphenopalatine b. Foramen rotundum c. Greater palatine d. Lesser palatine e. None of the above

d. Temporalis

138. The muscles that does the most to insure proper alignment of the teeth during mastication is the a. Medial pterygoid b. Lateral pterygoid c. Masseter d. Temporalis

a. true

138. The saccule and utricle have otoliths and detect gravity and linear acceleration a. True b. False

a. The force of gravity

138. The saccule is most sensitive to a. The force of gravity b. Rotational movement c. Sound d. None of the above

b. Fenestra vestibule, incus

138. The stapes articulates with the _______ and the ________ a. Fenestra cochleae, malleus b. Fenestra vestibule, incus c. Tympanic membrane, mastoid antrum d. Aditus, antrum

b. Greater wing of the sphenoid

138. The superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle has an origin from which of the following? a. The articular disc b. Greater wing of the sphenoid c. Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate d. Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate

d. A and B

138. The tendon of the temporalis muscle inserts on the a. Anterior crest b. Temporal crest c. Mylohyoid crest d. A and B e. B and C

a. Malleus

138. The tensor tympani muscle is attached to a. Malleus b. Incus c. Stapes d. Tympanic membrane

e. Injection of the anesthetic solution into the capsule of the parotid gland, and the consequent block of the facial nerve.

138. Three minutes after giving an inferior alveolar nerve block for removal of a premolar, the patient develops a paralysis of the muscles of the foreahd, eyelids, and upper and lower lips on the same side of his face. This is probably related to: a. Anesthesia to the optic ganglion b. Anesthesia to the motor branches of the mandibular nerve supplying the masticatory muscles c. Diffusion of the anesthetic solution involving the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal d. Diffusion of the anesthetic solution through the inferior orbital fissure to anesthetize the oculomotor nerve e. Injection of the anesthetic solution into the capsule of the parotid gland, and the consequent block of the facial nerve.

d. Medial pterygoid

138. Two muscles that make a powerful sling for raising the mandible are the masseter and the a. Digastric b. Lateral pterygoid c. Temporalis d. Medial pterygoid

c. Temporomandibular ligament

138. When the lateral wall of the TMJ capsule is thickened and strengthened it is known as a. Lateral collateral ligament b. Stylomandibular ligament c. Temporomandibular ligament d. Sphenomandibular ligament

a. Posterior superior alveolar nerve

138. Which of the following branches of the maxillary nerve travels laterally passing through the pterygomaxillary fissaure? a. Posterior superior alveolar nerve b. Middle superior alveolar nerve c. Long buccal nerve d. Zygomaticofacial nerve e. Masseteric nerve

e. B & C above

138. Which of the following component can be found in the zygomatic branch of maxillary nerve? a. General sensory fibers b. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers c. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers d. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers e. B & C above

c. Trigeminal

138. Which of the following ganglion is not an autonomic ganglion? a. Ciliary b. Otic c. Trigeminal d. Pterygopalatine e. Submandibular

a. Crista colli

138. Which of the following is NOT an insertion of the temporalis muscle? a. Crista colli b. Coronoid process c. Anterior crest d. Temporal crest

c. Articular eminence

138. Which of the following is directly anterior to the mandibular fossa? a. Post glenoid tubercle b. Sphenoid spine c. Articular eminence d. Condyle

d. Retrodiskal tissue

138. Which of the following is normally found posterior to the articular disc and the head of the condyle? a. Superior joint space b. Inferior join space c. Articular tubercle d. Retrodiskal tissue

d. Derived from the facial nerve

138. Which of the following is true about the chorda tympani? a. Pre-ganglionic fibers to the otic ganglion b. Pre-ganglionic fibers to the pterygopalatin ganglion c. Derived from the vestibulocochlear nerve d. Derived from the facial nerve

a. Pre-ganglionic fibers to the otic ganglion

138. Which of the following is true about the tympanic plexus? a. Pre-ganglionic fibers to the otic ganglion b. Pre ganglionic fibers to the pterygopalatine ganglion c. Derived from the vestibulocochlear nerve d. Derived from the facial nerve

d. Petrotympanic fissure

138. Which of the following most directly connects the middle ear cavity to the TMJ area and infratemporal fossa? a. Aditus b. Auditory tube c. Facial canal d. Petrotympanic fissure

b. Stapes

138. Which of the following ossicles is in contact with the oval window of the cochlea a. Incus b. Stapes c. Malleus

b. II, IV, V

138. Which of the following pertain to the interaction of the mandibular condyle and the articular disk? I translation II rotation III superior chamber IV inferior chamber V first third of opening VI final third of opening a. I, III, VI b. II, IV, V c. I, III, VI d. II, III, VI

d. petrotympanic fissure

138. Which of the following structures can be said to divide the mandibular fossa into halves? a. sphenoid spine b. styloid process c. mandibular condyle d. petrotympanic fissure

b. Tympanic membrane - middle ear

138. Which of the following structures is listed with the WRONG part of the ear? a. Antitragus - external ear b. Tympanic membrane - middle ear c. Incus - middle ear d. Saccule and utricule - inner ear e. Semicircular canal - inner ear

e. A&B above

138. Which of the following structures travels medially from the pterygopalatine fossa a. Sphenopalatine artery b. Posterior lateral nasal nerves c. Posterior superior alveolar nerve d. Inferior alveolar nerve e. A&B above

b. Internal carotid

138. Which of the following vessels is anterior to the middle ear? a. Internal jugular b. Internal carotid c. External carotid d. Superior cerebellar

F. Articular tubercle

42. The lateral pterygoid muscle does NOT attach to the D. Joint capsule E. Neck of the condyle F. Articular tubercle G. Articular disk

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