Old Testament Exam 2 Study Guide

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What happened in Joshua 7?

numerous surprise attacks

It is very likely that the Spirit of the Lord was understood by the Israelites, not as a separate entity, but as an extension of YAHWEH's ________ and __________

power and authority

"God's ________________ is jeopardized as the covenant is repeatedly violated and the role of the ark and tabernacle are obscured."


God's _________ with David as he battled Goliath is expended into his presence with David and his line as appointed kings


What are the key ideas of Joshua

"The Faithfulness of God in fulfilling covenant promises" "The conquest and apportionment of the land" "The importance of obedience"

Judah fell

(that is Jerusalem was taken over) in 587/86 B.C

Under the Davidic Covenant What did the Lord promise David

a. "...make David's name great (2 Sam. 7:9) b. ...a place in which HE would plant Israel (2 Sam. 7:10) c. ...make the land a place of security (2 Sam. 7:10-11)"

What are the major themes of 1-2 Samuel?

a. Ark of the Covenant b. Kingship c. Davidic Covenant d. Assessment of Saul e. Assessment of David"

What are the major themes of 1-2 Kings?

a. Assessment of King Solomon b. Preclassical and Classical Prophecy c. Dynastic Succession and Charismatic Leadership d. The Golden Calf Cult

Identify two key prophets in the books of Kings

a. Elijah b. Elisha

4. The books of Chronicles teach that GOD's presence is more important than a king's _________, and ______ to GOD is more important than political power and national status."

presence; obedience

"the message is that God keeps his ______________, no matter how impossible they may seem


What are the key ideas of Ruth?

a. God's faithfulness and loyalty stimulated by people's faithfulness and loyalty to one another b. David's faith shown to be a legacy of his ancestors c. The light of loyalty dispersed during the apostasy of the Judges period d. The concept of kinsman-redeemer introduced"

The purpose of Ruth is to show that when people are __faithful__, God is __faithful__

a. It provides a contrast to the book of Judges showing that faithfulness survived in Israel among some of the common folk. b. God preserved such families of faithfulness, and that is the very background from which Davidcame."

What are the key ideas in 1-2 Kings?

a. Kingship—good and evil b. The prophetic voice as the royal conscience c. Worship—YAHWEH vs. baalism d. Covenant Blessings (repentance and restoration) and curses (judgment and exile)"

What happened in Joshua 8?

their recommitment to the relationship is indicated in the covenant ceremony in Joshua 8

What are the major themes of Ruth?

a. Kinsman Redeemer [be able to define: Deuteronomy 25:5-10, "Under the law, if a man died without having a son, his brother was obligated to bear a son by his widow. That son would thereafter be considered the heir to the dead brother's household. In this way families could not easily die out." (Ibid., 252)] b. Hesed [be able to define]" (Ibid.) = "...envelops the far-reaching implications of YAHWEH's loyalty to his covenant. ... 'mercy.' ... 'lovingkindness.' i. ...Ruth's stirring expression of commitment to Naomi 1:16 -17. ...Boaz is...praised for the hesed he shows Naomi (2:20)...." (Ibid., 253)

What are the key ideas of 1-2 Samuel?

a. The institution of kingship b. The process toward establishing a covenant with David's line c. The importance of divine kingship"

What are the key ideas of 1-2 Chronicles?

a. The retelling of the past to inspire hope in the present b. The reigns of David and Solomon idealized c. The centrality of temple worship* d. The validation of the priests and Levites as community leaders"

What are the major themes of 1-2 chronicles?

a. Worship in the Old Testament b. The Chronicler's Vocabulary c. Typology

The book of Kings continue the story of kingship begun in Samuel, and their primary purpose is to record the "_________" of the Hebrew united and divided monarchies

covenant failure

What statement in Judges deals with the "tribal depravity"

everyone did as he saw fit

Where is Scripture do we have God's presence manifest in the temple

1 Kings 8:10-11

Israel fell in

722 B.C

Who is Naomi?

A jewish lady from Bethlahem who was Ruth's mother-in-law

a. The sermon like narrative is a theology of_______ for the post-exilic Hebrew community, affirming that GOD is faithful and he will restore the Davidic kingship and fulfill his promise to raise up a shepherd-king like David to rule over Israel."


Soloman's temple as a ____________

house of prayer

What are the two locations where the events happened in Ruth?

Bethlehem and Plains of Moab

What are the major themes of Joshua

Covenant of the Land, the Ban, divine warrior, sovereign involvement, corporate solidarity

The purpose of the books of Samuel is to tell the story of the establishment of the kingship covenant with _________


2 Samuel 5: 11- 9:13 focus on

David's Successes

2 Samuel 10-24 focus on

David's failures

The books of Chronicles retell the story of the GOD of history, more specifically the biography of the GOD of Israel's history—especially _________.

Davidic kingship

Timeline... (1-2 Kings)

Divided Kingdoms and Israel and Judah

What is God's presence of Joshua?

GOD's presence with the Israelites is confirmed by His deliverance of the land to them and their recommitment to the relationship is indicated in the covenant ceremony in Joshua 8

a. The biblical narrative implicitly balances the notion of _____________ and the _____________ and declares that GOD was justified in exiling his people for the failure of the kings of Israel and Judah to uphold the ideals of the Davidic covenant."

GOD's sovereignty reality of human freedom

2 Samuel 21-24 covered what

God Acting Against Him

Why did Joshua's title change from the beginning of the book to the end of the book?

He became a warrior, a leader of Isrealities, a wanderer in the desert for 40 years, and a monument in Israel

a. His presence is restored to a central position as the ark is brought into ___________."


What is the "Purpose Statement of Joshua?"

Joshua 21: 43-45 So the Lord gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their ancestors, and they took possession of it and settled there. 44 The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their ancestors. Not one of their enemies withstood them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hands. 45 Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

What books cover "Deuteronomic History?"

Joshua-2 Kings

Who was the second king of Israel?

King David

Who was the first king of Israel?

King Saul

Who built the temple?

King Solomon

Who is Samuel?

Last judge of Israel, First Prophet, Anointer of Kings (Saul & David)

2 Samuel 10-20 covered what

Mean acting against HIm

Who is Ruth?

Naomi's daughter in law

List the Judean Kings after Saul all the way to the fall of Judah

Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah and Joash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoakim, Jeoiachin, Zedekiah."

What statement in Judges deals with the "Cycles"

The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord.

What are the major themes of Judges

The Nature of Charismatic Leadership Spirit of the Lord Israel's Apostasy

What are the key ideas of judges?

The cycles of the Judges period God's justice and grace God's sovereign provision of delievers Covenant failure by the people, priests, and tribal leadership the role of the holy spirit

What is the purpose statement of Judges

The purpose of Judges is to show the __failure_ of the Israelites to keep their part of the covenant The __cycles__ show how God demonstrated His power and mercy by delivering them time after time after His justice had demanded that He bring punishment The book shows hat neither the leadership of the Judges nor the tribal leadership succeeded in helping the people remain faithful ....the leaders were as bad as the people

Identify the tribes within the Map

Transjordan- Reuben, Gad, 1/2 Manasseh Cisjordan- Simeon Judah, Dan, Benjamin, Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, Zebulum, Asher, Naphtali

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