Old Testament Final Exam- Champagne

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What two phrases sum up the meaning of life for the author of Ecclesiastes?

"All is vanity" "Fear God and keep commandments"

What refrains does the author of Ecclesiastes repeat to stress the conclusion that life is futile?

"Under the sun" "This too is vanity" "Vanity and striving after wind"

What are the basic characteristics of the "Proverbs of Solomon"?

375 short proverbs with little continuity from one to the next; considered to be the oldest proverbs in the book; based on life experiences and observations

In how many books are the psalms arranged?

5 books

What type of genre best describes the book of Daniel?


What is the purpose of genealogical section in Chronicles and what two tribes of Israel are highlighted?

Call attention to the unity of "all of Israel"; tribes of Judah and Levi

What chapter is the turning point of Job and what is the theme?

Chapter 28, wisdom found in God not the world

Who are the two central figures in Chronicles?

David and Solomon

What is the book Chronicle's climax?

David's preparation for building the temple

Where is the book of Daniel found in the Hebrew vs. English canons?

English (among the prophets after Ezekiel); Hebrew (among the writings after Esther)

What are the other ways to describe a fool in proverbs?

Ewilim- big heads; peti- air heads; latsim- hot heads kesilim- brick heads; habal- hard heads

Who are the traditional authors of Ezra/Nehemiah?

Ezra and Nehemiah

What are the traditional dates for Ezra's and Nehemiah's return to Jerusalem and completion of the new temple?

Ezra's (458BC); Nehemiah's (445BC); Temple Completion (515BC)

What are the two major sources used by the real author of Ezra/Nehemiah?

Ezra's and Nehemiah's

Post Exilic Material Books

Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and Daniel

What are the different types of welfare laws associated with the book Ruth and how did Boaz go beyond the expectations of the laws?

General legal protection for the poor; gleaning laws (Boaz was exemplary and went beyond the requirements of the law); Levirate marriage laws (provide for a widow by keeping her in her deceased Husbands' family); Kinsmen redeemer law (provided for those who had sold themselves by allowing a family member to buy them back)

What are the other names for the book Song of Songs?

Greek (Song of Solomon); Latin (Canticles)

How many psalms are found in the Hebrew OT vs Greek OT?

Hebrew (150) and Greek (151)

Emeth ("Truth") Books

Job, Psalms, and Proverbs

What are the two main views regarding date and authorship of Daniel?

Late (168-164BC) Early (6th Century BC); argue that the author was living before the event took place

Does God ever tell Job why he is suffering?

No, God never answers Job's question

Different classifications of Psalms

Praise psalms- focused on adoration from God Thanksgiving psalms- focused on blessings from God Lament psalms- focused on plea for deliverance by God

How is the book of Ruth similar to the book of Judges?

Ruth and Boaz, as one means of legitimatizing his kingship. It exemplifies the need for a faithful king

How was the word "hesed" carried out by the main characters of the story of Ruth?

Ruth went beyond expectations by returning with and taking care of her mother in law, Naomi (Ruth's mother in law) went beyond expectations by preserving, returning home, and seeking a home for Ruth; Boaz went beyond expectations of the law with regarding to generosity and care for relatives

Megilloth ("Scrolls") Books

Ruth, Esther, Esclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Lamentations

What are the two primary sources used by the author in 1 & 2 Chronicles and how does the author tell the story differently from these two primary sources?

Samuel and Kings material; more of a history of spiritual lessons, highly interpretive (not so much concerned about the "facts" as he is the "meaning" of the facts)

What is the book Song of Songs really about when considering the best option for literary structure?

Satire (a poem about love that ridicules Solomon and his exploitation of women)

Who are the main characters in the book Song of Songs?

Shulammite maiden, Shepherd lover, King Solomon, daughters of Jerusalem

What is the purpose of the book Daniel?

To encourage those in exilic and early post-exilic communities to remain faithful to God by reminding them that He is sovereign over kingdoms, empires, and nations

What is the purpose of Proverbs?

To teach successful ways of living in terms of Yahweh

Is there wisdom outside the OT canon?

Yes, there is much Jewish wisdom literature not in Bible

What is a lamentation?

a complaint or expression of grief over an irreversible catastrophe

Who was Nehemiah?

a skilled administrator known for rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem

Who was Ezra?

a skilled priest and scribe known for reading the law of Moses

What is a dirge?

a song expressing grief and sorrow over death of a loved one

Why did Jews and Christians have issues concerning the canonization of Esther?

absence of name of God and Jewish ritual; not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls; not quoted in the New Testament

What is the purpose of the book Ruth?

an apologetic for Davidic Kingship to illustrate covenant faithfulness in David's ancestors

What is a lament?

an appeal to God for merciful intervention in a desperate situation

What is the basic plot of the book Song of Songs?

an exemplary Shulammite maiden rejects the wooling king of Solomon out of her faithfulness to her shepherd lover

What is the major focus and feature of OT poetry?

arousing an emotional response to God by means of graphic image and figures of speech; parallelism is a major feature

What Jewish feast is associated with the book of Esther?

associated with the feast of Purim

Who is the author and what is the purpose of Job?

author is anonymous; to explore the limits and proper use of human wisdom in the case of a righteous man, suffering, in order to respond wisely to God and people who suffer

Where does the book Daniel divide and why?

between chapters 6 and 7; transitions from 3rd person to 1st person

Where was wisdom literature founded and in what setting was it developed?

developed in Egypt and Mesopotamia long before entrance into Israel; developed in royal court setting as sons of nobility trained in ways of governing

What is disinterested piety?

devotion to God without expecting something in return

What is the word of caution regarding the interpretation of the book of Esther?

do not over exemplify Esther (she represents secular Jews; she is part of Xermes' harem)

How did the older people respond to the rebuilding of the temple?

elders wept because new temple was small in comparison to Solomon's temple

What are the two main divisions of the book Daniel?

first half about historical figure Daniel, and second half about Greek period during Antiochus IV

Are individual proverbs intended to be unconditional promises or general principles?

general principles

How does Job respond when he gets his day in court with Yahweh?

he is unable to speak and is humbled before the majesty of God

What is the significance of banquet scenes for providing framework for the story of Esther?

important turns in the plot occur during the banquet scenes

What is an imprecatory psalm and a acrostic psalm?

imprecatory psalm- characterized by emotion of hate and longing for God's judgement on enemies acrostic psalm- use of successive letters of Hebrew alphabet as mnemonic device

What are the three basic characteristics of OT wisdom literature?

internationally applicable, highly individualistic, and Yahweh focused

What is the significance about Job's oath to innocence?

is the most advanced code of ethics in OT. The oath is in the form of a negative confession

What is significant about the proverb of the virtuous women with regard to the overall purpose of the book proverbs?

it highlights the fulfilled purpose of the book: a life lived in obedience to God

How is the book of Lamentations structured?

it is poetic and acrostic

What type of theology does Job's friends express regarding his suffering?

limited theology (hyper-deuteronomic formula)

What is the best option when trying to classify the literary structure of the book Song of Songs?

love poem (a single poem or collection of poems about human love)

What is the number of books possibly based on in Psalms?

may be based on the five books of the Torah

Where is meaning in life ultimately found according to the author of Ecclesiastes?

meaning is found in the Lord

What does the term "hesed" mean?

means to go beyond the call of duty

When were the superscriptions added, and what type of information did they include?

most likely added after psalms was collected and arranged; historical/cultic setting, what tune of choir to sign with the psalms, and tradition not preserved in elsewhere in OT

In what time period does Job take place?

patriarchal period (2,000-1,700BC)

What is the relationship of Ezra and Nehemiah to Chronicles?

possibly the same author as Chronicles who is designated by scholars as the "Chronicler"

What is the relationship of Chronicles to Ezra/Nehemiah and Samuel/Kings material?

possibly the same author as Ezra/Nehemiah; material is used from Samuel/Kings

What are the two primary types of OT wisdom?

proverbial (generally optimistic) and speculative (often pessimistic)

What is possible of Nehemiah?

returned before Ezra

Parallelism: Antithetic

second part of line contrasts thoughts of first

Parallelism: Synonymous

second part of line repeats thoughts of first

Parallelism: Synthetic

second part of line supplements thoughts of first

What purpose did the Psalms serve in Israel and Judaism?

served as the prayer book and hymn book of Israel

What does "Qoneleth" mean in the book of Ecclesiastes?

teacher or preacher

Where is the message found in apocalyptic imagery?

the big picture

What do the Chronicles book stress?

the importance of the temple

What are the two main truths that the book Daniel expresses?

the most high rules, his saints will one day inherit a kingdom that shall never be destroyed

Who/What is Lady Wisdom?

the personification of wisdom

What were the books 1 & 2 Chronicles originally?

they were a single volume

What were the books of Ezra and Nehemiah originally?

they were a single volume

What is the purpose of the book Lamentations?

to call the people of God to repentance in response to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586BC

What is the purpose of the book Song of Songs?

to instruct wisdom students on the power of love

What is the purpose of the book Ecclesiastes?

to show wisdom of living faithfully and fearfully before a sovereign God

Who is the book 1 & 2 Chronicles traditionally associated with?

traditionally associated with Ezra the scribe

Who is the book of Lamentations traditionally associated with?

traditionally associated with Jeremiah

Who are the Psalms traditionally associated with?

traditionally associated with King David

Who are the Proverbs traditionally associated with?

traditionally associated with Solomon

Who is the book of Ecclesiastes traditionally associated with?

traditionally associated with Solomon

Who is the book Song of Songs traditionally associated with?

traditionally associated with Solomon also

What historical event in the book Lamentations is used to commemorate?

used to commemorate the mourning associated with the destruction of Solomon's temple

How was Elihu different than Job's other three friends?

youngest; represents the prophetic wisdom tradition; not mentioned in prologue or epilogue

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