Old Testament History and Literature

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- Moses's & Miriam's brother - fashions golden calf after Jews ask for it


- Nazirite (person consecrated by God & never shaves/touches strong drink) - Judge that is wild & strong

List the four different relationships that Genesis 1 and 2 envisage humankind.

- The Lord [God] - Self - Fellow Humans (Others) - The [Rest of the] World

List facts about creation stories in Ancient Near East.

- Truth about the world expressed in stories - Egypt and Canaan worshiped many gods - Often associated with the earth and fertility - Temptation is for Israel to call out to these "gods" rather than the Lord God (meaning Redeemer Creator)

de Vaux, Roland

- believed the dead sea scrolls were written in Qumran and that Asians wrote the scrolls ( which were destroyed in 68 AD)


- major writing prophet - books divided into First Isaiah (ch 1-39) Second Isaiah (40-54), and Third Isaiah (55-65) - each book is written by different authors

Genesis 2 Creation story

- no day by day account - God blows the breath of life into the human's nose - takes rib of Adam to make Eve

How did the authorship process work?

- not dictated, but written by humans - inspired by God's love & has truths necessary for our salvation


- older daughter of Laban - sister to Rachel - Jacob's first wife

What were the 4 times Samson received the Spirit?

-As a boy -Against a lion -Against 30 men -Against 1,000 men

Name the three scribes (Baruch) who transmitted the Old Testament.

-Masoretes -Sopherim -Nakadanim

Who is Eli?

-Priest and had two horrible sons named Hophni and Phinehas

What did "exile" normally involve?

1. Destruction of significant buildings 2. Pillaging of valuable items/materials 3. Carrying off of important and influential people to the conquering country 4. Siege, battle, death, and sorrow

What did God tell Ezekiel to eat when he commissioned him?

A scroll


A story giving an explanation of the origin of a name, a place or a custom.

Nahum is a sequel to _______.


David was Condemned by



Academy established by Johanan bem Zakkai that closed the Hebrew Canon to adding books.

What was the key point of the Persian decree?

All Jews were to be killed

Who was Isaiah's father?


Atrahasis Epic

An "epic"published in 1922 coming from Babylon, where the gods decided to destroy mankind with a large flood because the humans were "numerous and noisy"

Who was the Seleucid ruler who sacrificed the pig in the temple?


This book was bilungual: partially written in Aramaic


Time period of the 40+ kings of Israel and Judah (like Ahab, Hezekiah, Josiah)

Divided Kingdom

David's men encouraged him to kill Saul in which cave?


The Edomites were descendants of:



Esther's cousin. Hated bu Malachi.

symbolic acts

Ezekiel acting out messages to convince Babylon refugees that God was punishing them for their willful sins, that they deserved their situation and that it was not going to get better soon

What are examples of formal equivalency translations?



Kenite; hid the leader of the Canaanite army in her tent; killed him for running away from battle


Historical Books


Historical Books

Ruth was a...

Moabite Widow

Failure of Isrealites (2)

Moral Corruption

David's return -

Mount of Olives

Hoshea was...

Isreal's last king.

What is canonical criticism?

It "gives the Bible back" -look for more info

Why was the Promise Land so important in the OT?

It represents Israel's covenant relationship with God.

The nation of Israel gets its name from this man

Jacob (also known as Israel)

What person's experience taught the lesson that God would bring all His people home from exile?


Which king tried to kill Jeremiah?


New Covenant

Jer. 30-33. little book of comfort

Who was the king of Israel when Hosea began his ministry?

Jeroboam II

According to 2 Kings 14:25, Jonah prophesied during the days of ________.

Jeroboam II (793-753 B.C.)

Who translated the Bible using Hebrew verity?


For what was Deborah known?


Southern Kingdom's capitol :


allegory of Jerusalem's history

Jerusalem as unfaithful wife of YHWH. Daughter of Amorite father and Hittite mother, abandoned and adopted by YHWH, who raised and made her beautiful. beauty seduced foreigners who then are used to punish her. No divorce but restoration

The most likely interpretation of the suffering servant of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is the servant represents:

Jesus Christ

3 Themes of Daniel

1. The sovereignty of God 2. The pride of humankind 3. The ultimate victory of the saints

Discuss the division of the book of Numbers.

-Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea (1-12) -Kadesh-Barnea to Moab (13-21) -Miscellaneous matters in Moab (22-36)

List the four regions in Palestine.

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1. Costal Plains, 2. Central Hill Country (Jerusalem), 3. Jordan Riff, 4. Transjordan Plateau

Meaning of Hosea's name



'Purple People' / Lebanon to Carthage, Sea Traders, Alphabet

Jephthah vs. Ammonites


Ehud vs. Eglon


Which of the following a key aspect of covenant is as presented in the OT?

*Covenant is always initiated by YHWH,*YHWH promises divine aid and protection,*Humans are required to be loyal servants

How did people travel to get to the OT world?

1. Fertile crescent 2. Israel became valuable land/natural land ridge

Key Events in Daniel

1. Furnace of Fire 2. Handwriting on the wall for Belshazzar 3. Den of lions

4 Promises to Abraham's call in Genesis 12:1-3?

1. Land 2. Offspring 3. Blessing to him and curse to those against him 4. Blessings for all nations


Saul's son & David's good friend

For whom did Jeremiah tell the people to mourn?

Shallum (Jehoahzaz), King Josiah's son

Imperfection - Jephthah

Son of Harlot


THEME: The justice of God poured out on everyone STRUCTURE: Superscription (1:1) Oracles of Judgment (1:2-6:14) Visions of Judgment (7:1-9:15)

Merarites were responsible for...

Tabernacle constructs

Theme of Zephaniah

The Day of the Lord

What did Isaiah 24 predict about the earth?

The Earth's destruction


The core or essential message of the Gospel that Jesus Christ is Lord.

444 BC

rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem under Nehemiah

What was the first task Nehemiah undertook when he went to Jerusalem?

rebuilding the walls

Antithetic parallelism:

Type of poetic parallelism where the second line of a poetic couplet is the opposite of the first line.


righteous king of Judah who is repeatedly in alliance with wicked king Ahab


righteous king of Judah; example of what it means to take your problems to the Lord, and his pattern of bargaining with God uses his righteousness


righteous. sacrificed ram. slain by Cain. typifies Christ

Which is not one of the main themes of the Book of Isaiah?


Saul's flaw

Weak character and vain

31 conquered kings on the...

West Bank


a common Semitic word for God used in the Bible

reversal of fortunes

a common theme in Genesis where fortunes are reversed; the first born typically does not receive his rightful blessings


servant of Sarah. mother to Ishmael.


boxes above door frames holding Torah texts


daughter of Phoenician king ethbaal. marries ahab. gets him to worship baal.

What did Jehoiakin do to the scroll which contained the words of God?

destroyed it

What is the key theme of II Samuel?

The kingship of David

Levirite Marriage

The marriage of the brother of the deceased to the deceased man's wife. Kept the blood line alive.

What key aspect of ANE sacrifice is completely missing in Leviticus?

The reading of entrails(extispicy)

What position do those who believe in the millennium take when interpreting Ezekiel 40-48?

The words of Ezekiel are literal and will be fulfilled by Christ

What was in Amos's vision that showed the high standard that God had for Israel?

plumb line

Malachi closed his book with a command and a



prophet; major writing prophet; prophesied God on his throne; warned people of the consequences of idolatry

What did the author of the Book of Lamentations ask God for Judah's enemies?

To receive the penalty for their sins too


texts that are sacred and authoritative

Habakkuk is a book of _______


In Zechariah 6:9-15 the Lord through Joshua prophesies that the temple would be built by

"the Branch"

List the three kinds of books in the New Testament. Also, list how many of each kind there are.

- 5 Historical Books - 13 Pauline Epistles - 9 General Epistles

The story of which conflict forms the "narrative center" of 1 & 2 Kings?

1.YHWH & Ba'al 2. Elijah & Ahab

number of tribes in the Northern Kingdom

10 tribes

Saul, David, Solomon

1st; 2nd; 3rd king

How many books are in the canon of the NT?

27 books


2nd book in Old Testament; Moses leading the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt

Babylonian exile

587-539 bc. greatest crisis in OT history. loss of temple, independence, king, land. Ezekiel

I Samuel's Picture of Christ

Anointed One

Gomer was the wife of:


The primary focus of Ezekiel's ministry was to the Jews in:


Who were the primary focus of Ezekiel's ministry: the Jews in __________?



Belief in one God


Bought the land of a relative to keep it in the family. Occurred when a death happened in the family.


Characters of Genesis, ancestors, literally "first fathers"

At what place did Ezekiel have his first vision?

Chebar River

When do scholars believe the Pentateuch reached its final form?

During the late exilic--post exilic period

Which of the following is not a "major" judge in the book of Judges?


What is the "fixed point" from which the chronology of the Old Testament can be determine?

Eponym lists of Assyria

Who led a group of Jews from Babylon in 458 B.C.?


Theme of Habakkuk

God's justice in tolerating evil, and in using the Chaldeans to punish Judah


Greek word that means teaching.


Historical Books

Unlike _________, Micah was from _________, but both prophesied to _________.

Isaiah the country Judah (Southern Kingdom)


Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel


THEME: Victory comes through obedient trust in the Lord STRUCTURE: Pre-conquest activities (1-5) Conquest activities (6-12) Post- conquest activities (13-24)

What is anagogical sense?

Teaches where you are going; building up the virtue of hope while leading us to Heaven.

What is the Bible?

The Bible is the inspired Word of God.

What did Ezekiel say the name of the city would be?

The Lord is there


The commemoration of the flight from Egypt and escape into freedom.


The first King of Israel after the split. Used to be part of the king's court.

Aaron (Short Def.)

The first high priest. Brother of Moses.


The forgiveness of sin through sacrifices. Forgiveness from God.

Divine Council

The heavenly assembly of Gods, a concept common throughout the ancient near east., the assembly of gods, over which the high god presides.

What is Keller's main theme in his book, The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, and his video, "The Bible is Not About You"?

The main point of the video is to prove how the Bible is primarily about Jesus, not us. In The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, Keller also tried to show us that our lives should not be all about us. They should be all about God. Only His opinion matters. Both in our daily lives and in reading Scripture, we should be self-forgetful. We should think about ourselves less and think about the Lord more.

Mount Sinai

The mountain where Moses received the ten commandments.


The priest in the book Ezra. Returned from exile to Jerusalem.

New Testament

The second half of the Bible which focuses on Jesus' life on earth and our future.


The wife of Kind Ahab. Worshiped false gods and was thrown from a window.


The wives of the principal ancestors of the Israelite nation. They are Sarah Rebekah, and Rachel

What convinced the nation of Judah that God would never judge them?

Their stubborn hearts


Theme: Israel's Spiritual Apostasy and the Lord's Compassion Structure: Judgment Healing 1) 1:2-9 1:10-2:1 2) 2:2-13 2:14-3:5 3) 4:1-5:15 6:1-3 4) 6:4-11:7 11:8-11

What was a "judge" in Old Testament times?

a mix between a military and political leader who rescued the Israelites from foreign oppression (not one who made legal decisions)


grove. wife of baal.

Why is the Book of Esther relevant for us today?

It shows God is at work to save us


Orders male Israelite infants to be put to death.


Originally it means reed used for measuring. In literature it means a body of writing that is held sacred because it "God's" message to the faithful.Simply a collection of authoritative writings.


Prophets: Minor


"prophets" Joshua, judges, Samuel, kings


(Hebrew for "blessing") In Judaism, an offering of thankfulness that praises God for a benefit conferred or a great even experienced.

Define a patron covenant.

(S<I) Superior binds himself and obligation which benefit the inferior

Define a purity covenant.

(S=I) Both parties are bound by an oath with equal obligations to maintain peace

What are the major bodies of land in the OT world?

(a) Canaan, Palestine, Israel, Northern/Southern Kingdoms (b) Egypt (c) Syria (d) Assyria (e) Persia, Media, Babylonia


(adj. chiastic) A literary device in which, for emphasis, the second part of a text is parallel to the first, but in reverse, for example, ABBA or ABCBA.


(also spelled brit; Hebrew for "covenant") Used in Judaism especially for the special relationship believed to exist between God and the Jewish people.


(ancient near east) The large region of Southwest Asia that includes Mesopotamia and territories bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

Suffering Servant

- mentioned in Second Book of Isaiah - Christians believe that this is Jesus Christ

List four points describing the characters of the Biblical story.

- not given a visual image ~ If you notice this, it's good to ask "Why?" - given status, profession, and tribal designation - often appear in contrast or parallel with other characters - we usually learn about them by their words and actions, not by the narrator describing them

10 Plagues

- purpose = convince Pharaoh to release Jews to Canaan & to make him believe that God is the 1 and only - 10th plague = death of the 1st born - Jews smear lamb's blood on door & Angel of Death passes over their houses and doesn't kill the 1st born


- stuck tent peg through Sisera's skull - associated with Deborah

How does the Epilogue of 2 Samuel help prepare for Solomon?

1. David removes Saul's sons 2. Giant Philistines are removed 3. Loyal Bodyguard, passes to Solomon 4. The site of the temple is chosen.

To whom does the servant in Isaiah 49:3 refer?

the Remnant


the authorative writings of lists of these writings, that a religious community deems authorative or sacred



Jeremiah's call narrative

he was called pre-mortally to uproot and to breakdown, promise of God's protection and deliverance. God touches Jeremiah's mouth.seer sees an almond tree, boiling pot

<Complete this sentence> To be _____ means to embrace some basic _____ through which we _____ our world and _____ our course through it.

human; story; understand; chart


A prostitute. Hid the spies of Israel.

Documentary Hypothesis

A scholarly hypothesis that suggests that the Torah/Pentateuch was not the work of one author, such as Moses, but is a composition based on four documents: J (YHWH) , E (Elohim), D (Deuteronomy), and P (Priest).


A serious promise or agreement

The genealogical lists of Chronicles begin with


Imperfection - Samson



story of Israel exiting Egypt


successor after Jehoiakim. reigned 3 months until babylonian exile. held hostage for 37 years.

How long was the prophet Haggai's ministry?

4 months

David's Principles of Victory (4)

4. Separate from the unfaithful.

The new temple was finished in _____ B.C.


When did Cyrus issue his edict allowing the exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem?

539 BC

Chapters in Micah


What was the intended purpose of Augustine's work?

to address the correct interpretation of scripture

To what are the most chapters of Joshua devoted?

Allotting the land

Three sections of the History Books

1) Deuteronomic History 2)Chronicler's History 3. Apocrypha / Deuterocanon [Greek only]

Parts of O.T.

1- Pentateuch (Torah-Law) = Genesis, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Exodus, Numbers 2- Wisdom 3- Historical 4- Prophetic

Name the 26 dynasties that ruled Egypt.

1-12 Egyptians (3,000-1773 B.C.) 13-17 Hyksos (1773-1550 B.C.) 18-26 Egyptians (1550-525 B.C.)

What are the most common divisions critical scholars make of the Book of Isaiah?

1-39; 40-66

Which chapters in the Book of Daniel are in the form of a chiasm?

1-6 combined with 7

things lost when the temple was rebuilt

1. Ark of the Covenant 2. The wealth and splendor of the first 3. There is a question of how much God's glory rests on the second temple

What are the Purposes of the Primeval History

1. As a Backdrop to the patriarchal narratives 2. As a presentation of God's grace to all humanity. 3. As a picture of "creation (1-2), decreation (3-7), and recreation (8-11)"

4 Problems of interpretation in Daniel

1. Bilingual 2. The identity of the 4 Kingdoms 3. Vision of the 70 Weeks 4. Historical Questions a. Nebuchadnezzar's Madness b. "King" Belshazzar c. Darius the Mede

How many chapters are devoted to actual stories of Israel's "wilderness wanderings" in Numbers?


Where is God's covenant with David's family recorded?

2 Samuel 7


A "social class" from which the Hebrews came. They were outlaws, hired soldiers, slaves, and seminomadic wanderers.

Atrahasis epic

A Babylonian story that recounts the creation of humankind.

Code of Hammurabi

A Mesopotamiam law code associated with the eighteenth century B.C.E. Old Babylonian monarch Hammurabi; it has similarities to the biblical Book of the Covenant.


10 commandments from 10 words at Deut. 4:13

What is the common perspective of the Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther?

interest in God's continued blessing on the covenant community


king of Judah worshipped YHWH and ruled well. during isaiah. turned to god of israel for help.


king of Moab. Terrified by the approach of the israelites

What term describes a fragrance or something attached to a memory or suggest something else?



reference to God in both creation story.


A general Canaanite name for '"lord," "owner," "husband," as well as for "god." Also the name of a specific Canaanite god (of the storm).

Time period for Jericho

Conquest of Canaan

Time period for Joshua

Conquest of Canaan

Time period for Samson

Conquest of Canaan

Time period for the Judges

Conquest of Canaan

Rainbow (Noah + God)

Covenant between Noah and God that meant that God would not send another flood to destroy mankind again

What form of prophetic speech is found in Amos 3?

Covenant lawsuit

What is a prophet's primary responsibility as "forthteller"?

God revealed to them the future - they spoke judgment and restoration, of bad news and good news. They did so to motivate God's people to faithful living in the present.

What is shalom

God's standard for the world (peace)

Major theme of Jonah

God's universal love for all nations

Jesus's Isaiah

Great are the word's of Isaiah. For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my people with are of the house of Israel; therefore it must needs be that he must speak also to the gentiles. And all things he spake have been and shall be, even according to the words which he spake. Therefore, ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently.

"The just shall live by faith."

Habakkuk 2:4 (quoted in Romans 1:7, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38)


Had dream telling of the 7 years of good harvest followed by 7 years of famine. Makes Joseph 2nd in command after he interprets his dream. Has Israel and family come live in Egypt.

Zechariah worked with _________ to encourage _________.

Haggai the rebuilding of the temple





Song of Song



Poetry/Wisdom in Greek Bible; part of the Apcrypha/Deuterocanon

Wisdom of Solomon

Poetry/Wisdom in Greek Bible; part of the Apcrypha/Deuterocanon

Who was so angry at Jeremiah for his words of judgment that after he had him beaten he locked him in public stocks for the next day?

Pashhur the priest

Powerful miracles by Elijah:

Fed by Ravens - Raised Widow's son - Calls down fire of God

Primeval Narrative

First part of Genesis that contains non-narritive literature (description of man and the rebellion); 1:11-1:26


First person to be called by God. Father of many Nations.

Book of Matt. has the...

Five controversial women in line of Christ

Which comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Flood or Exodus?


Deborah and Barak vs. Jabin and Sisera


Samson vs. Philistines

(Sea Peoples)

Describe the narrator of the Biblical story.

- Has the role of telling the story and giving the point of view - Omniscient: He is everywhere; He knows everything about the story

List reasons that prove how the Bible is human.

- Human words in history - Historically particular - Language has a time and culture in which it was written - Oral history before it was written down


- swept up in chariots of fire - challenged Canaanites to a competition (whoever's God could set the altar on fire) - Elisha = successor - he's in a cave & finds that God is in soft wind/silent whisper - not a writing prophet

What types of materials were used to transmit the text of the Old Testament?

-Clay -Stone -Wood -Parchment -Papyrus

When Jesus is born, who is the ruling power?


Which of the following is not a biblically-significant archaeological find?

Rosetta Stone


Son of Gera, a left-handed Benjaminite, who by a feat of valor delivered Israel from Eglon, king of Moab, after an oppression of 18 years


Son of King David. Took revenge on the rape of his sister Tamar.


Southern kingdom of the house of israel. Jeremiah


Stories from the Bible not based on actual truth, but told to make a point. They were made the answer "why" questions.

What are 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the Documentary Hypothesis?

Strengths 1. It forced people to focus on the issue of sources 2. It helped people identify literary genres within the Pentateuch. Weaknesses 1. It was founded upon flawed 19th century "science" and reasoning 2. A poor understanding of writing styles of ANE


Sturdy of how literary texts are interpreted. Theory/science/principles of interpretation.


THEME: Salvation is of the Lord STRUCTURE: (very general) Prophecies of condemnation (1-35) Historical and prophetic interlude-Hezekiah (36-39) Prophecies of consolation (40-66)


THEME: The Day of the Lord, Repentance, The Lord is in their midst, the promise of the future outpouring of the Spirit STRUCTURE: The Judgment against Judah and the day of the Lord (1-2:17) The Mercy of the Lord and judgment against the Nations (2:18-3:21)


THEME: The Holiness of God and the need for God's people to be holy STRUCTURE: Holiness related to formal purity (1-17) Holiness related to personal purity (18-27)


THEME: The Lord turns tragedy into triumph STRUCTURE: Life in Moab (1) Ruth Meets Boaz (2) Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing floor (3) Boaz redeems Ruth (4)


THEME: The Lord's protection of his people and the need for their faithfulness in keeping the Law. AUTHOR: Nehemiah STRUCTURE: The rebuilding of the walls under the leadership of Nehemiah (1-6) The renewal of the Covenant under the leadership of Ezra (7-12) The reforms under the leadership of Nehemiah (13)


THEME: The judgment of the Lord and the certainty of Jerusalem's destruction AUTHOR: Jeremiah STRUCTURE: The commissioning of the Prophet (1) Prophecies during the reign of Josiah (2-20) Prophecies during the reign of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah (21-29) Prophecies after the fall of Jerusalem (40-45) Prophecies against foreign nations (46-51) The fall of Jerusalem (52)


THEME: The preparation of Israel for service in the Promised Land as God's holy people STRUCTURE: Tribes at Mount Sinai (1-10) Tribes in the wilderness (11-20) Tribes at the entrances to the Promise Land (21-36)


another name for Hebrew bible (T= Torah=Law, N= Nevi'im=Prophets, K= Kentuvim=Writings)

What are the three criteria that a book must meet in order to be classified as canon?

apostolic, catholic, orthodox

<Complete the sentence.> Narratives are precarious to us because they so vividly _____ God's _____ in the world and _____ his principles and calling. Thus they teach us a lot - but what they directly teach us does not systematically include _____ ethics.

demonstrate; involvement; illustrate; personal

Jeremiah 36 tells how the first edition of the book was _________.

destroyed by King Jehoiakim

What is the Apocrypha?

the series of books written by Jews in the roughly 500-year period between the Old and New Testaments. It is not recognized as Scripture by Protestants.

2 kings 11-25

downfall of the kingdoms of israel. Concludes the deuteronomic history. carry on the main point that god of israel had covenanted with his people to be their god and they had covenanted to be his people. the writer of kings selectively tells and interprets stories that illustrate that Israel was fractured and then conquered because of the idolatry/adultery of its people.




during Babylonian captivity (Daniel Ezekiel Jeremiah)


during reign of Josiah, Jehoiakim, Zedekiah. simultaneous to Lehi. benjamminite.


eldest son of Adam and Eve; offered fruit to God; was jealous of his younger brother and killed him; lied to God and was destined to be a wanderer of the earth; was marked so that nobody could kill him


eldest son of Jacob; born from Leah; had an affair with Bilhah who was a concubine of his father; convinced his brothers not to kill Joseph but rather to throw him in the wilderness

Define sin offering.

-Fat burned, rest for food -Atonement for specific unwitting sin

What were the characteristics/important information about Joseph (not to be mistakened for Jesus' earthly father)?

-Favored over his brothers -Dream Interpreter -Sold into slavery -Lived in Potiphar's house -Interprets the dreams of a baker/butler -Interprets Pharaoh's dreams

What are the three types of Levites?

-Gershonites -Merarites -Kohathites


eldest son of Saul; was great friends with David at a young age; stayed friends with him even when his father asked him for help in killing him; was killed in war with his father


his son Mulek escaped and went to the Americas

Which of these was not a category of Old Testament writings mentioned by Jesus?



huge enemy of the Israelites; oppressed the Israelites; invaded their land; worshiped gods; killed Israelites such as Samson

What is the belief that human reason is the measure of all things, and that through science and technology alone, and utterly apart from God, humankind could build a perfect world?



israel will be restored. the lord will dwell in the midst of his people

vision of restored temple

israelites worship again in new temple in jerusalem in presence of God

When the author of Song of Song describes the other person in the following manner "Your teeth are like a flock of sheep."

it is a Near Eastern metaphor for beauty

Jeroboam was the...

jerk who fled Egypt, revolted at Shechem, and split the kingdom.

nephite prophetic view

jesus is th messiah. rejected as the holy one of israel. gospel given to the gentiles. israel and gentiles will be redeemed and christ trumps evil

What did the author of the Book of Lamentations ask God for Judah's enemies?


message of a prophet

judgment and repentance

An oracle is a:

judgment speech


moabite. wife of son of Elimelech and Naomi. Chooses to return to Bethlehem with Naomi. marries Boaz. Becomes ancestress of King David


most conservative jews. withdrew to wilderness. Studied Torah and anticipated Messiah


most enduring group. emphasized oral Torah. most popular.

Name the qualifications of "Teachings concerning Grace."

-God's judgements are tempered by grace -God's grace is unexprected/undeserved

Habakkuk 3 is written as a _________, while the rest of the book is _________.

psalm or hymn (it has liturgical notations [e.g. Selah] like the Psalms) prose

David was King of Judah at Jerusalem for...

33 years.

How many times is the phrase "thus says the Lord" repeated in the prophets?

350 times in the prophetic books.

How many books are in the canon of the OT?

39 books

As a unit, the book of the twelve is the ____ of the latter Prophets.

3rd longest

Chapters in Malachi


How long did the Israelites wander in the desert?

40 years

How many years passed between the Old Testament and the New Testament?


Isaiah chapters ____ prophesied the coming of _________ who would conquer _________ in ____ B.C.

44 and 45 the Persian King Cyrus Babylon 539

How long did it take for Nehemiah to complete his project of building walls?

52 days

Third Isaiah

56-66. Isaiah of the restoration. Thought to be prophecies by Isaiah's disciples to Judeans in Jerusalem shortly after the exiles returned or were "restored" Not quoted in BofM. But doesn't mean it wasn't on plates of brass.

new covenant

spiritual rebirth return to mosaic covenant. They will be my people and I will be their god

Oral Tradition

stories are orally passed down from one generation to the next

Dating of Ezekiel


Southern Kingdom fell in...

586 BC

When did the Southern Kingdom fall?

586 BC

What is the most likely date for the Book of Lamentations?

587 B.C

Daniel and his friends were taken captive in ____ B.C. and became servants and officials of _______.

605 King Nebuchadnezzar

Chapters in Isaiah


How many books are in the whole Bible?

66 books

<Complete this sentence> Which _____ a person lives out of makes a huge _____ in how one _____ events in _____.

story; difference; interprets; life

How many books are in the Bible? in the Old Testament? In the New Testament?

66; 39; 27

Isaiah's prophecies about the sign of Immanuel are in Isaiah, chapter:


Symbols in Bible

7 or 12 days= complete 40 days= long time 40 years= generation

How many elders did Ezekiel find practicing idolatry on the temple grounds?

70 elders

Dating of Isaiah


It is most likely that Micah ministered at about:

720 B.C.

What is the most likely date for the Book of Hosea?

722 B.C.

Dating of Micah


Which psalm forms the "center" of the book of Psalms?


Which date is least likely to be a time when the Book of Amos was written?

740 B.C.

Dating of Amos

760 or 753 (need to know both dates)

Dating of Jonah


What time period are the prophetic books of the Old Testament written about?

800 - 450 BC

Dating of Obadiah


Chapters in Amos


Way of Jereboam

> Designated 2 new places for worship > Put golden calves in the worship places > Non-Levites could be priests > Changed dates of festivals


> God's most powerful prophet > ministry in 1 Kings > ministry in Northern Kingdom

Amos' 2 occupations

> Shepherd > Gardener

Which natural phenomena mentioned in official records helps historians pinpoint a "primary anchor" point in history to determine the absolute chronology of the ancient Near East?

A solar eclipse

Documentary Hypothesis

Denies Moses as the author. Asks who wrote the Pentateuch. Compiled by four sources. One source criticism theory.


Derived from Hebrew "mountain of Megiddo," it is the site of the final battle between God and the forces of evil in apocalyptic thought.

Biblical Criticism

Discerning appreciation of the Bible

For what was the Qumran community known?

Discovery, Essenes, and Dead Sea Scrolls

Time period for the majority of the Prophets (like Isaiah, Hosea, Amos)

Divided Kingdom

Time period for the split of the nation of Israel

Divided Kingdom

Ezekiel's symbolic acts in chapters. 4-5 should be thought of as _______.

Enactments of the prophetic word.

Explain the funeral of Eleazar.

End of a central priest leading the people

Explain the funeral of Joshua.

End of a centralized leader

Explain the funeral of Joseph.

End of a journey of faith

Isaiah's Israel

theme is Salvation is of yahweh. called to proclaim theme. remind people of covenant-keeping Lord. will bring judgment upon people. hope if they return to covenant way of life.

Zechariah predicts the _________ in 9:9-10.

triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem ("humble and riding on a donkey....")

How many gates did Jerusalem have?


The key protest that the exiles made was that the exile was:


Zephaniah proclaimed the doctrine of God's _________.

universal judgment

hebrew poetry

uses imagery and parallelism

typological reading

using spirit of prophecy

What is the careful study to find out the original intent of the words of the Bible (a historical task)?


Time period for Daniel


Book of the Covenant

Exodus 20:22-23:19. Earliest biblical collection of covenant laws preserved by E. Begins with a narrative of Moses declaring a theophany. divine name changes from Elohim to YHWH. Case law-if/then terms and conditions characterizes the bc

Time period for Exodus

Exodus from Egypt

Time period for Moses

Exodus from Egypt

Time period for Wandering in the Desert

Exodus from Egypt

Who seized Jeremiah's yoke from his shoulders and broke it?


What was the symbolic act that God gave Jeremiah to indicate that Judah had exposed their lives to pagan influences and had become spiritually worthless?

He instructed Jeremiah to purchase a linen waistband and hide it in some rocks by the river. When the prophet was instructed to retrieve the waistband, he found the waistband was ruined from the exposure to nature's elements. This was like the people who the Lord stayed close to, but they strayed and followed other gods and this made them spiritually worthless.

What symbolic act did Ezekiel perform to illustrate that the people of Judah were also heading for exile?

He packed his bags and began to dig by the city wall

What object lesson did Jeremiah use to symbolize the final and irreversible destruction of Jerusalem?

He smashed the jar, thus symbolizing Jerusalem's seemingly irreversible destruction


He was a Gileadite. Also a mighty warrior.

What is form criticism?

Involves studying small units of biblical texts to attempt to determine how each book took shape during oral tradition before being written down.

Who comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Isaiah or Daniel?


Who predicted that Babylon would be conquered by Persia?


first Isaiah

Isaiah 1-39. Attributed mainly to Isaiah of Jerusalem. 1-11= autobiography and prophetic judgements. 12= hymn of praise to LORD. 13-23= prophecies against foreign nations

Second Isaiah

Isaiah 40-55. Scholars believe that these chapters were written by someone during the Babylonian exile because they so precisely prophesy of the events that led to, comprised, and ended the exile. But, most of second Isaiah is paraphrased in BofM meaning it was written before exile.

What are the prophetic books?

Isaiah, Jeremiah

Major Prophets

Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; Daniel (In Hebrew, Daniel is not a prophet)

Much of the wickedness in Nineveh centered around the worship of:



Israelite; soldier; husband of Bathsheba; refused to sleep with his wife while others were at war; got sent into a battlefield where he was doomed to die


Israelite; took over leading the Israelites to the Promised Land after Moses died; led the Israelites to attack Jericho and take over Canaan


Israelite; wife of Uriah; had an affair with King David; mother of Solomon

Exodus 32-34 and jst

Israelites ancient and modern make and break and re-make and sometimes keep sacred covenants. This section and related passages in D&C and JST reveal this phenomenon among the Israelites who were camped at the base of Mount Sinai and show how Moses counseled with the LORD on their behalf.


King of Judah. Made huge religious reformation. Restored the temple, destroyed idols.

Ruth's Picture of Christ

Kinsman Redeemer

Jeremiah also wrote _________, a poetic book describing _________.

Lamentations the horrors of Jerusalem's destruction 587 B.C.


Moabite; daughter-in-law of Naomi; married a man from Bethlehem of Judah; stayed in Moab after her husband died as per request of her mother-in-law


Ancient Near Eastern empire, located in southern Mesopotamia, which dominated Judah in the later seventh and sixth centuries.

Hoshea allied with Egypt vs.


Instead of trusting in God as Isaiah had told him to do, Ahaz put his trust in:



Belief in many/multiple gods

Saul came from the tribe of...



Books or parts of books not found in the Hebrew Bible but included in the Christian Old Testament.

Nehemiah's Picture of Christ

Builder of Jerusalem

For what sin was the first generation of Israelites condemned to die in the desert?

Choosing to side with the ten unfaithful spies, therefore saying they did not trust God could take care of them

Imperfection - Gideon

Coward, "Super Chicken"

This book was Apocalyptic Literature


Who was most significant in bringing the tribes of Israel together as a unified whole?


Who was not a patriarch?


What was Haman's proposed punishment for Mordecai?

Death by hanging

Ahab was confronted by...



Greek culture


Greek translation of Hebrew scriptures


Greek work meaning anointed (messiah)


Hebrew bible. Three parts: Torah (pentateuch), Navim, ketuvim


Hebrew name for God

What are the Languages of the OT?

Hebrew, Aramaic

What is source criticism?

Helps to discover where the biblical authors got their material

Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah are viewed by modern scholars to be the work of

Ezra, Nehemiah, and historical editors

Ezra's Picture of Christ

Faithful Priest

<True/False> God reigns over his creation like a monarchy - distant and indifferent about it.

False; He reigns over Creation in a deeply personal way.

<True/False?> We learn immediately that the "creature"/serpent that tempted Eve is also known as Satan.

False; We only learn this later in the Bible (Revelations).


Fathers of Israel; , Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob


Favorite son of Israel (Jacob) Sold to Egypt by brothers. Ends up saving them.

Which Jewish holiday is explained in the Book of Esther?

Feast of Purim


First born to Adam and Eve. He killed his younger brother, Abel, so is the first murderer in the Bible.


First five books of the Bible

Time period for Abraham


5 Book Canon





People known as "Westerners", a seminomadic tribe from Arabia. Appeared in the Fertile Crescent in the 200 years prior to 2000B.C.E.

What world power takes over the Babylonian Empire and who was this new empire most significant king, as far as the Jews are concerned?

Persia; King Cyrus


Perversion of interpretation

The authors of the textbook suggest that Zechariah's vision of the chariots and the bronze mountain means that God will judge all nations except



Philistine hero; very strong; "invincible"; was killed by David


Philistine killed by David with a stone & then David cuts of Goliath's head with Goliath's sword

What is Shiloh?

Place of Worship

5 Book Canon (7 in Greek)







Inhabitants of the district of Samaria

Whom did Israel specify in his judgment speeches?

Judah's leaders and women

Who rededicated the Jewish Temple?

Judas Maccabaeus

Zephaniah must have been written before _________ in ____ B.C. and _________ in ____ B.C.

King Josiah's reforms, 621 the fall of Nineveh, 612


Law/Teaching (another name for Pentateuch)

For what was Ehud known?

Left-handed warrier, Eglon

The major theme of the Book of Ecclesiastes:

Life without God at the center is meaningless

The name Joel means the

Lord is God

Isaiah 61:1-3 is fulfilled by Jesus and recorded in:

Luke 4:21-30

this book/prophet is a contemporary of Nehemiah


Place where the Law was received

Mt. Horeb/Sinai


Name for the region and inhabitants of the land of Palestine, prior to its becoming "Israel".

Birth of Obed (Grandfather of David)

Naomi's Blessing

Literary Genres in the Old Testament

Narratives, Law, Genealogy, Poetry, Wisdom, Psalms (songs), Prophecy, Apocalypse


Nazarite. married a Phillistine named Delilah. Defeats the Phillistines. Eventually tells wife how to become weak and is killed.

Who was the overseer of the destruction of Jerusalem?

Nebuzaradan, Captain of the guard

Capitol of Assyria


Does the Old Testament end with God abandoning His people in the punishment of exile?

No; there is still the Restoration period. Rarely, is punishment the end with God.

Who comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Moses or Noah?


Is the --- is --- --- again

Northern Kingdom; never restored

Nazarite Vow

Not touch or eat UNCLEAN, Not drink WINE, Not cut HAIR

The book of Deuteronomy teaches____.

Obedience to YHWH is the path of blessing.

"Double Portion"

Of Elijah's spirit


Oldest daughter of Laban. Laban marries Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel.


One wife

Explain Morality.

The plagues were meeting a moral need to demonstrate that true power belongs to God, not man


The portable sanctuary used in the wilderness

What happened because of Solomon's 700+ foreign wives?

They led Solomon into idolatry because they still wanted to worship their native gods

<True/False?> The Bible is both human and divine.



Practice of interpretation

What are the main themes of the Book of Isaiah?

Remnant, The sovereignty of God, Servant, Holy One of Israel, Messiah


Sea People

What city did Jeremiah use as an illustration to warn that Jerusalem would be destroyed?



Shuffle using the icon in the top left hand corner of this card

What promise did God give to David?

You will always have a descendent on the throne in Jerusalem


Younger son of Adam and Eve. Killed by his older brother?

The first wave of exiles returned to Jerusalem with what leader and what did they rebuild first?

Zerubbabel; the Temple


T-anak; the books of law; first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy)

Water Gate Revival brings back the feast of...



a title for God that means "Lord"


a trait of God which refers to God's intimate union with and total presence to his creation (when God gets 'down and dirty' to make things happen)


about the events that lead up to and compromise the end of time/ final culmination of God's work on earth. format for apocalypses

Malachi condemned the priests because they

accepted sick animals for sacrifice


account of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor

Psalm 119 is an example of:



age, period


an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return; there is usually a ritual and/or sign included in the terms of the covenant


an ancient Sumerian/Babylonian city on the Euphrates River in southern Mesopotamia; the home of Abraham before he left for Canaan


a person for which a place of tribe is or is thought to be named; most of Jacob's sons are this


complete, whole, unblemished


complied in 100 C.E.

New Covenant

covenant with Jesus


daughter of Saul; first wife of David

writing style of Malachi

debate style

When Hezekiah was about to die, he prayed for mercy and God granted him:

fifteen more years


foreign rulers of Egypt. Semitic like Israelites.

What is moral sense?

Teaches what you should do regarding how to live your life.

Documentary Hypothesis

The theory advanced by modern source critics that the Torah came into existence through the combination of several originally separated "documents."

What is the key theme of I Samuel?

The transition to the Monarchy

Daniel differed from other prophets in that he preached against:

future aggressive empires

historical reading

geograph, culture, language

Song of Songs promotes:

heterosexual monogamy

What is the dominant story that conflicts with the biblical story in Western culture? Explain.

humanism; Humanism in our Western culture holds to the idea that we are a random product of time and chance. However, the Bible states that we were not randomly produced. Rather, we were created in the very image of God.


commanded by God to destroy father's altar to Baal. Delivered Israel from Midianites. Name changed to Jerubaal

What did the wife of Hosea do?

committed adultery


daughter of David; Amnon was in love with her but she was a virgin and didn't want to do anything; was raped by him


burden is to prophesy until cities lay waste because covenant people won't hear.

lessons learned from Jonah

can't run from God national sin = national repentance


captured samaria. kingdom of israel ceased to exist. assimilated their foes by deporting leaders and elite to other conquered areas. result of samaritans. overthrown by babylonians.


centrally located in Israel & capital of Israel

prophecies of woe

ch. 1-24. indict judah for sin and warns of consequences

What is emphasized the most in the wisdom of the Book of Proverbs?


What was the sign of God's covenant with Abraham?


Mosaic Law

entire collection from laws from Exodus to Deuteronomy - includes entire Torah & Decalogue


The site of a settlement along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

first restoration

led by Zerubbabel 50,000 Jews home purpose was to rebuild the temple

Dogs --- the --- of Ahab

lick; blood

the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation

literal sense (of the biblical text)


literature that interprets scripture in order to extract its full meaning. the discovery of meanings other than literal in the bible.

The conclusion reached by Qohelet in Ecclesiastes is that man's only good in life should be to:

live in relationship with God

What purpose does 2 Chronicles 7:14 serve?

model for restoration


modern day Iraq; had laws, religious texts, and irrigation

sons of God

old poems later appended.


scapegoat in Leviticus 16:8-10, fallen angel, personification of evil and impurity

What relationship did Baruch have to Jeremiah?



scribe that wrote Jeremiah's call to repentance and warning of Babylonian invasion

What did God tell Ezekiel to eat when he commissioned him?



the first patriarch in the Bible; was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac, and was rewarded for being prepared to do so; is considered by many Jewish people as the father of the Israelites through his son Isaac, and by Muslims as the father of Arab peoples through his son Ishmael; name means father of a multitude


the inability of a woman to bear children; very common theme in Genesis

Zerubbabel built...

the second temple

what does Amos do

thunders judgment against Israel

typological reading of Isaiah

timeless and not specific to place


usurper, supplanter. Hebrew for plain= complete, perfect, simple. (Israel). younger brother of Esau. Eventually becomes Israel. Gets birthright and blessing from father.

The Queen of Sheba

visited Solomon bearing money and gifts to see how wise he was

<Complete the sentence.> Hence, we need to focus as much on the _____ in which the story is told as upon the _____ themselves and weigh whether or not these _____ are meant to be read as a modern historian or scientist would read them.

way; details; details


wife of the sun god Baal

Meaning of Daniel's name

"God is (my) judge"

Meaning of Ezekiel's name

"God strengthens"

Explain Intensity.

"Had never been seen before"

List the six main acts in the biblical drama.

- ACT 1: God Establishes His Kingdom (Creation) - ACT 2: Rebellion in the Kingdom (Fall) - ACT 3: The King Chooses Israel (Redemption Initiated) - ACT 4: The Coming of the King (Redemption Accomplished) - ACT 5: Spreading the News of the King (The Mission of the Church) - ACT 6: The Return of the King (Redemption Accomplished)

task of a prophet

forthtelling and foretelling

Jonah warned Nineveh that the city would be overturned in:

forty days


foundational earliest material to be canonized/were already written but complied in 400 BC


four Hebrew letters usually transliterated as YHWH (pronounced Yahweh) signifying the Hebrew name for God


from land of Magog is evil personified. all of Israel/God's enemies combined, coming out of the earth. loses to battle against god


fruitful. second son of Joseph

Jeremiah said that the new covenant would be written on:



in the beginning

How must Genesis 1 be understood?

in the original cultural context


installed by nebuchadnezzar as king. reigned when solomon's temple was destroyed.

What was the main reason that Israel and Judah began to practice idolatry?



king of Israel who betrayed the belief in one god; his hand withered as he tried to stop a prophet of God who said that his altar would explode but repented and hand healed


king of Israel. marries jezebel. worships canaanite gods.


king; first king of Israel; disobeyed God's orders and is told by Samuel that he will have a broken kingdom; tried to have David killed because he was jealous; lead the Israelites into a losing battle with the Philistines and fell on his own sword and died


king; son of David; full of wisdom; resolved a conflict between two prostitutes who were fighting over custody of a child; king under whose reign a temple to God was built; also began taxing


looking forward to the atonement of Christ


lost tribes of israel. They were scattered and took on the culture. Eventually lost identity as an Israelite.


major theme in Genesis; the Patriarchal story revolves around God's promise of land descendants, blessing, yet there is always some trial that is USUALLY human=made; god ultimately reassures the patriarch that His promise will come to pass


man who Joseph serves. Throws Joseph into prison after his wife tempts Joseph


mankind. created in God's image

<Complete this sentence> A text cannot _____ what it never _____!

mean; meant


messianic prophet

What are comprehensive stories that give us the meaning of universal history?




Joel compared the severe plague to a:

mighty army


militant group determined to rid themselves of Roman occupation. Sought independence and Davidic king

Zerubbabel became the...

new governor.

How tall was Nebuchadnezzar's golden idol?


Did the American Bible contain the Apocrypha?


Did the 1599 Geneva Bible contain the Apocrypha?

no (note: this comes after the Council of Trent)

Which of the following is a common feature of Hebrew poetry?

none of the above

prophet's call

not hereditary

What do the myth or legend genres deal with?

origins of the world

Burning bush

possible that God and the Lord are both present and speak. Similar to where God calls to Abraham twice and Abraham answers here am I. Commanded to work wonders commanded to go to Egypt

Where did God send Jeremiah to preach in Jeremiah 18:7-19:15?

potter's house


presence of YHWH

What do the proverbs identify as the enemy of wisdom?



priest of Midian; father of Zipporah; father-in-law of Moses; rejoiced and gave sacrifice to God after learning of the Israelites' exodus

Zechariah predicts a future _________ in 6:12-13.



priest; took care of the prophet Samuel because his mother gave him into the service of The Lord; told Samuel what to do when God first talked to him; was told by Samuel that his house would be condemned but didn't get upset because it was "pleasing in the Lord's sight"; dies after hearing of his sons' deaths and the stealing of the Ark

How did Lutheran describe the Apocrypha?

profitable and good to read


reigned during Exodus. Great builder. Won't let Israelites go until his son dies.

How many elders did Ezekiel find practicing idolatry on the temple grounds?


What is the Judges Cycle?

sin, servitude, supplication, salvation

The influence on the community at Qumran supports a date of composition for Daniel in the:

sixth century B.C.

valley of dry bones

skeletons form flesh and spirit/wind enlivens them. imagery of exiled israel being restored to life by following prophets and being filled with power of God.


son of Abraham and Hagar.


son of David; tried to be king


son of Hagar and Abraham; first son of Abraham; was sent into the desert with his mother by Abraham; had twelve sons

What is dynamic equivalency translations?

stick close to original wording, but make it readable


taking pieces of other things to put them together to make a new thing


tana-K; books of writing; part 3 of Hebrew Canon

throne chariot

the LORD on wheels. throne comes to Babylon

The problem in Daniel is resolved through...

the faithfulness of God's servants

The episode of _______ in Daniel 3 and _______ in Daniel 6 are examples of God's faithfulness.

the fiery furnace the lion's den

What is Genesis 1 concerned about? What is it not concerned about?

the original intention for creation; how God made the world


the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits

divine providence

the rule of God over events in the lives of individuals throughout history, where God operates "indirectly" in the lives of individuals, not through speech or appearance (contrast with theophany)

What do the narrator and the hearers/readers share?

the same presappositions

Isaiah 7:14 predicts _________.

the virgin birth of Jesus

Gog and Magog were:

ultimate enemies of God's people

nephite prophetic view

understands Nephi's role in history through Isaiah's paradigm

Did the Septuagint contain the Apocrypha?



youngest son of Adam and Eve; offered the firstlings of his flock to God; was killed by his older brother


youngest son of Jacob; born from Rachel; was falsely accused of stealing a silver goblet from Joseph

Time period for Esther


Time period for the Assyrian Exile


16 Book Canon

Prophets: Major=5 Minor=12


Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor

How many visions are recorded in the book of Amos?



Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor

Esther's Picture of Christ

Protector of the Jews

What is the central miracle?

The Red Sea Crossing

Jeremiah compared Israel's idols to:

broken cisterns

Enuma Elish

Babylonian creation story about how the gods created the earth.

Time period for the Roman Empire & Julius Caesar


What biblical book claims to be an "apocalypse?


Hosea compared Israel to a:




Gideon vs. Midianites


In which chapter of the Book of Jeremiah does Jeremiah rebuke the prophets and their audiences?


Zerubbabel was descended from



David's father


David's oldest son who tries to usurp the throne. supported by joan and abiathar. executed by benaiah

Chapters in Hosea


Chapters in Haggai


The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the _________________.


Dating of Malachi



Careful mapping of a tell


Concerning wisdom

The ban

Decree by God. All people and things of certain places were devoted by God. Wiped out.

Source Criticism

Determining the sources (authors, dates, styles) that gospel writers used.

Kinsman Redeemer a.k.a.


933 BC

Kingdom divided

Israel (Other names)

Promised Land; Canaan; Land of Milk and Honey

The last time period mentioned in the Protestant Old Testament


Time period for Cyrus


Time period for Nehemiah



a set of religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe






house of God

Zephaniah was a descendant of _______.

the good King Hezekiah

What did Ezekiel see in his first vision?


The following statement is best summarized in which of the following poetic books. Principles for Living.


Who built the original Temple in Jerusalem?


4th Commandment :)

honor your parents

Habakkuk is mentioned in _______, the legendary Greek addition to _______.

"Bel and the Dragon" Daniel

What does the Church teach about the Bible?

1. God is the author of the Bible. 2. The Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the sacred books. 3. The Sacred Scriptures teach the Truth.

What are 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of the Documentary Hypothesis?

1. It forced people to focus on the issue of sources 2. It caused people to slow down and do close literary analysis 3. It forced more conservative people to "take their heads out of the sand" 4. It helped people identify literary genres within the Pentateuch 5. It caused people to approach the text with a critical eye Weaknesses: 1. It was founded upon flawed 19th century "science" and reasoning 2. A poor understanding of literacy rates in the ANE 3. A poor understanding of writing styles of ANE 4. Too influenced by "evolutionary" theory 5. Did not understand the ubiquitous nature of detailed law codes from earliest times

What determined Canoicity of a Book?

1. It had to be written in Hebrew- the language of God 2. It had to be from antiquity 3. The Authorship had to be connected to a great leader, prophet, etc. 4. It had to be accepted across a wide segment of society; not sectarian as at Qumran 5. The theology espoused in the book had to be acceptable and orthodox (authorship, tradition, language, age)

7 miracles of Elisha

1. Parting of the Jordan 2. Prophecy that the Shunammite woman will have a son 3. Resurrection of the Shunammite son 4. Healing Naaman 5. Prophecy of the seven year famine 6. Prophecy of the destruction of the house of Ahab 7. Resurrection of the man touched by his bones

What are the Three Divisions of the Hebrew Canon?

1. Torah 2. Writings 3. Prophets


A Semitic language closely related to Hebrew, evident from the ninth century B.C. onward.

The office of the "judge" in pre-monarchical Israel is best understood as____.

A charismatic military leader

What was the sign that Isaiah gave to Ahaz?

A child would be born

The Stele of Shalmanseer III includes reference to which northern kings of Israel?

Ahab and Jehu

Who was the prophet who prophesied that God would tear the kingdom from Solomon?



Alexandrian Canon


Alexandrian Canon


Alexandrian Canon

What did Isaiah predict about the earth?

All would be destroyed

What was Reimarus's famous work?


Which of the following isn't a key stage in the formation of the OT canon?

Approval from the Council of Jamnia


Art of discerning future events or God's intentions.

How does Hosea picture YHWH's judgment?

As a return to the wilderness

Which nations were included in Zephaniah's list of nations to be judged for their evil?

Assyria, Philistia, Cush

Daughter of Ahab

Athaliah; becomes queen of Judah


Autumn harvest festival when huts of branches are erected in memory of the time in the wilderness

Micah 5:2 foretells _________.

Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah

Which makes Numbers such an "ugly" book?

Bewildering variety of genres,*Difficult structure, *Serves as "completion" for Leviticus and "introduction" for Deuteronomy

Tower of Babel

Bible story of how God confuses the languages of men building a tower to reach the heavens. Babel literally means "confusion"

Major Prophets

Books are longer; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel


Daughter of David. Was raped by her half brother. OR Married the son of Judah. Pretended to be a prostitute.

Who was the outstanding figure of the restoration community?


Scientific Truth

Factual information about the scientific explanation

Historical Truth

Factual information from historical perspective

What did Ezekiel see in his first vision?

Four creatures and four wheels

Major Prophets

Four of the latter prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial, and Daniel.

In Zechariah's vision of four horns and four craftsmen, the craftsmen represent

God's forces against the nations

The major reason for the disagreement about the references to Darius the Mede in Daniel 5:31 is:


Ark of the Covenant

In the Holy of Holyes. Israel tried using it in war.

In the book of Ezekiel, the oracles against the foreign nations appear ______ the book.

In the middle of


In the original Hebrew text it has a plural meaning. It was the main name for God around 750 BCE and is the "E" in the Documentary Hypothesis.


It was a Hebrew word that refereed to God in a more personal way. Transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YAVH

Ahab allied with...


Who served as prophet during the Babylonian domination?


Which section of Jeremiah contains the bulk of his prophetic words?

Jeremiah 1-25


Key character in the OT. Wrestled with God and later was called Israel.


Jewess becomes queen of Medo-Persian empire husband Xerxes saves Jews from total genocide


Listing of books; 46 Books

To say the book of Daniel is "apocalyptic" is a _____ designation.


What is spiritual sense?

Looks to the deeper meaning of various scriptural passages Part of God's overall plan of Salvation


Moses' right hand man. "Prophet" of Moses


Most famous was Aron ben Moses ben Asher; they were a family of scribes

What is Hebrew?

Most of the Old Testament written in this


Mothers of Israel; , Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel

Where did Elijah confront the prophets of Baal?

Mount Carmel

Where did Moses get the 10 Commandments?

Mt. Sinai

Who was most significant in making Israel the richest and most powerful nation in their known world at the time?



Some scholars believe it began at time of Babylonian exile.

Formation of the Hebrew Bible

Something happened, Oral Transmission, Written Transmission in order to preserve in a more deserving fashion (priests were the only ones that knew how to write at the time)

the Bible consists of...

New Testament & Old Testament

Gilgamesh Epic

ParallelAssyrian story of the flood

Elisha's Miracles:

Parted the Jordan - Purified waters at Jericho - Bears killed teenage rebels at Bethel - Raised boy at Shechem


Prophesied in Judah before, during, and after the Babylonian captivity. He prophesied that because of Judah's idolatry and adultery, Babylon would triumph over Jerusalem and that her people would be subjected for a lifetime before being delivered by the LORD according to his word. But the LORD would redeem Jerusalem and bring the exiles back with the covenant renewed and written in their hears.

Who had to become God's earthly representatives in this world when those God had chosen to do this gave into their own selfishness?


Post-Exilic Prophets

Prophets that spoke/wrote after the Babylonia Exile

Pre-Exilic Prophets

Prophets that spoke/wrote before the Babylonia Exile

Exilic Prophets

Prophets that spoke/wrote during the Babylonian Exile

Which psalm did David write after Nathan confronted him about his sin with Bathsheba?

Psalm 51

What are the biblical versions for Catholics?

New American Bible

Former Prophets

Non-Writing Prophets

How long did King Jehoahaz reign?

Only three months

Which of the following is a unique feature of the book of Amos?

Opens with oracles against foreign nations.

How is the text of the OT transmitted?

Oral Tradition, writing, and scribes


Prophets: Major


Prophets: Major

Poetry/Wisdom Books

Psalms; Song of Songs; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes; Job

Which kingdom is not generally seen to be one of the four great empires?


What is the cycle of events?

SORD: Sin, Opression, Repentance, Deliverance

Water Gate revival brings back...

Sabbath observance.

What is the key theme of Deuteronomy?

The Second Law, Treaty


The Semitic language of Mesopotamia; Assyrian and Babylonian are dialects.


The Ten Commandments

What is the name given to the most popular laws given to Israel?

The Ten Commandments

What is the key theme of Numbers?

The Wilderness Wandering

Free Will

The ability to choose

Which one of Ezekiel's analogies of God's people included fire?

The analogy of the vine charred by fire

Explain Selectivity.

The last plagues didn't affect the territory of Goshen

When Adam and Eve's relationship with God is broken, what do they do?

They immediately hide from him in fear and shame.

What is the most common nonevangelical position on the composition of the four kingdoms of Daniel 2-7?

They typically assumed Daniel contained many historical errors and denied the possibility of predictive prophecy. It identified the four earthly kingdoms as Babylonia, Media, Persia, and Greece - the Jewish state set up during the Maccabees.

Time period for David

United Kingdom

Anthropomorphic Language

Used to describe God in human terms (such as in the garden of Eden)

David defeats the Philistines in the...

Valley of Elah.

Esther became queen after...


Personal Sin

When we act on tendency of ourselves

Levirate Marriage

Widowed wife married husband's next eldest single brother/relative


Wife of Isaac. Mother of Esau and Jacob (Israel). Favors Jacob. Helps him to get blessing from Isaac.


adultery and idolatry.


advised by isaiah. during assyrian crisis. crown prince to carry on davidic line.


advisor to Xerxes who worries that the woman of the empire will follow Vashti's example and refuse their husbands


authority and obligation to preside and provide. Right of the firstborn to inherit family estate. Joint heirs with Christ. God gives all exalted heirs all he has, infinity of fullness, not a pizza. Firstborn by right, but several instances in the scriptures of the one who was the firstborn losing his birthright because of unrighteousness, and his office being given to another; such is the case with Esau.

When was the Apocrypha written?

between 430 BC and AD 40

What did Nebuchadnezzar do to Zedekiah?

blinded him


original queen who refuses to display her beauty at Xerxes' feast


son of David; in love with Tamar; acted sick to get alone with her; raped her; was ordered to be killed by Absalom; was killed by his servants

What does Yahweh Elohim mean?

the Lord God

Time period for Adam & Eve

Creation & Fall

Which story is excluded from Chronicles?

David's sin with Bathsheba

Discovered in 1947 in caves near the Dead Sea, these manuscripts belonged to the Jewish Essene sect, which lived in a monastery in Qumran. The scrolls contain Essene religion documents, commentaries on certain Hebrew Scriptures, and ancient Old Testament manuscripts. They have proved very valuable to the Old Testament and for learning about some Jewish practices at the time of Jesus

Dead Sea Scrolls

New Testament

Deals with birth of Jesus through establishment of early church

<Complete the sentence.> _____ means the distortion of _____ in general, and particularly the end of that one vital relationship with _____.

Death; relationships; God

During the "Exile" time period, who exiled whom and in what order?

First, the Assyrians exiled the people of Israel. Second, the Babylonians exiled the people of Judah.


Generally used to designate Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Bible; the Septuagint is, in a sense, Greek Targums.

Joseph Cycle

Genesis 40-45

Who was king of Judah during Zephaniah's ministry?




Ezekiel ends (chapters 40-48) with _________, a symbol of _________.

a lengthy description of the "Restoration Temple" the future glory of God's people

tower of babel

apostate temple. cycle of creation, apostasy, destruction

What does Genesis 1 teach? Genesis 2?

humankind's relationship to the World; humankind's relationship to each other and to God


official cup bearer to the king- made sure that food was safe for king terribly burdened when he hears of the terrible condition of Jerusalem


prophet from Israel to the Assyrian city of Nineveh


prophet; minor writing prophet; prophesied to Northern Israel about idolatry, told God he couldn't be in a relationship with Israel anymore, called rich people's wives cows

Josiah's reform

rid the kingdom of idolatry. realized that they had gone astray and forsaken the covenant with YHWH. tore down shrines and groves. celebrated passover. centralized temple worship in jerusalem


ripped Jeroboam's garments into twelve pieces giving him 10 pieces back prophesying that the kingdom would be divided. prophesies to his wife that evil would come over the house of Jeroboam


son of Sarah and Abraham; second son of Abraham; married to Rebekah; had two sons; was tricked by his youngest son into giving him the final blessing meant for his eldest

Ishbaal (Ish-bosheth)

son of Saul; reigned over Israel for two years; wanted to rule Judah as well but David was reigning; went to battle; lost

Nile River

source of water for Egypt

One of the themes of the Book of Daniel is the:

sovereignty of God

suffering servant poem

speak of an enigmatic figure called the servant of yahweh. bring justice. light to nations. abused in performing mission. suffering for us.

Covenant between Moses & God

terms: - God: promises to be their God & the Israelites will be His people - Moses: must follow Torah (Law) sign: Law

Covenant between Noah & God

terms: - God: never destroy the Earth with flood again - Noah: reproduce sign: rainbow

Covenant between Abraham & God

terms: -God: numerous descendants & land of Canaan (Israel) -Abraham: every Jewish male must be circumcised sign: circumcision

What do Isaiah's oracles against the other nations of the ancient Near East most clearly demonstrate?

that God is Lord of all nations and peoples


to be sorry, have compasion

What did Jehoiakim do to the scroll which contained the words of God?

Cutting the scroll into pieces and casting then into the fire

To whom did Babylon fall in 539 B.C.?


Who comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Alexander the Great or Cyrus?


Decree of Cyrus is on the...

Cyrus Cylinder

Where is God portrayed as the "Ancient of Days"?

Daniel 7

What is the theme of Daniel 1-6?

Daniel and his three friends successfully bear witness to their faith before a hostile world

The prophecy of Joel 2:28-32 is fulfilled on ___________.

Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) "In the latter days I will pour out my Spirit..."

Daniel's _______ in chapter 9 offers a chronological countdown (some ____ years) down to the time of _______.

"70 Weeks" prophecy 490 the Messiah

What phrase does Nahum use to describe Nineveh?

"City of bloodshed"

Haggai advised the Jews to:

"Consider your ways!" (1:5, 7)

Meaning of Jonah's name


What is the meaning of the name "Ezekiel"?

"God has strengthened"

Micah 6:8

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Which phrase is used twenty-five times by Isaiah?

"Holy One of Israel"


"I am who am" or "I am" (God's name)

Meaning of Zephaniah's name

"Jehovah has hidden"

What is the epitaph of Isaac? (Include his age)

"Old and full of Days," 180 years old

What does Isaac's name mean?

"One who follows at the head takes advantage of"



Deut. 23:2 states...

"Ten generations will pass, then someone will sit on the throne."

How is God portrayed in Daniel 7?

"The Ancient of Days" "The son of Man"

What did Ezekiel say the name of the city would be (48:35)?

"The Lord is there"


- After killing Goliath, with a slingshot, he joined the entourage of King Saul, Israel's first king. - united all the tribes and became King of all Israelites. He moved the capitol to Jerusalem, and brought the sacred Ark of the Covenant there - committed adultery with Bathsheba and sent her husband Uriah to his death


- Isaac's wife - Esau & Jacob's mother - Laban's sister


- older son of Isaac & Rebekah - Jacob's brother & hairy hunter


- older son of Jacob & Rachel - covenant goes through him - brothers dislike him because he's Jacob's fave - has ability to interpret dreams & given a coat by Jacob - gets sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers - becomes governor & uses ability to interpret dreams to predict a famine (stores grains so Egypt wouldn't suffer from famine) - his brothers come to Egypt to buy grains (they don't recognize Joseph) - he keeps Bejamin & requests to see his father


- preaches to the dry bones - mag writing prophet - says that God takes away stony hearts & gives us natural hearts


- priests tribe - one of Jacob's 12 sons


- promised land - modern day Israel

What is a strata/stratum?

-A layer in a tell

What is a tell?

-Cone-shaped mound containing successive layers of past civilization

Define peace offering.

-Fat burned, rest for food -To render thanks to Yahweh

What are the three divisions in Exodus?

-God provides deliverance for His oppressed people (1-18) -God provides a covenant for His people (19-24) -God provides a visible symbol of His presence (25-40)

For what was Isaac's son Jacob known?

-He obtains his brother Esau's birthright by tricking Isaac when he is an old man

Explain Heart Terminology.

-No secondary causes -Literary device -Predestination -God's confirmation

Who were Samson's wives?

-Wife at Timnah -Harlot at Gaza -Delilah

What was the length of one side of the temple area?

1,500 yards on one side (500 Reeds)

Key people in Daniel

1. Nebuchadnezzar 2. Shadrach 3. Meshach 4. Abednego 5. Daniel 6. Belshazzar 7. Darius

Key Symbolism in Daniel

1. Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue 2. Daniel's dream of four beasts

What were the laws of the Nazarite?

1. No strong drink (b/c Canaanites used it) 2. No haircuts (hair = symbol of life and strength) 3. No touching dead body (represents devitalized person)

Details of the locust plague

1. Not sure if literal or symbolic 2. Noted not for economic impact, but rather spiritual significance 3. Locusts described as war horses

What two factors led to the division of the nation of Israel?

1. Political pressure from high taxes and unreasonable leadership 2. Spiritual punishment because of Solomon's idolatry

4 settings of Malachi

1. Post-exilic period Judah, under a governor 2. Edom is gone 3. Judah is in the land, temple is in existance 4. Conditions: careless priest, discouraged peoples, foreign marriages

What are the parts of a Suzerain vassal treaty?

1. Preamble and Historical Prologue 2. The Stipulations and Laws 3. Document Clause and Public Reading 4. Witnesses and god(s) list 5. Blessings and Cursings

What are 2 reasons for the allure of Canaanite life?

1. The wealth of Canaan's city-states 2. The Canaanite gods had supplied all this wealth right? 3. The fertility rites appeal to the hedonism of men

What are two reasons for the allure of Canaanite life

1. The wealth of Canaan's city-states 2. The fertility rites appeal to the hedonism of men

What are the 4 ways we see Numbers presenting Order from Chaos?

1. They have a clear direction 2. They have their own God 3. They have an established Law 4. The have a mobile "church" or the tabernacle (temple)

What three things happen to Israel between Genesis and Exodus?

1. They stay in Egypt 2. They become slaves instead of favored people 3. They balloon from 100 people to a few million

David's Principles of Victory (1)

1. Total Surrender to PURPOSE of God.

How do we read the Bible?

1. We must pay attention to what the human authors have to say. 2. To what God wanted to reveal through their words

List and describe the three steps to interpreting Scripture.

1.) Read - There are different types of literature. We need to appreciate the differences and read each type appropriately. 2.) Understand - We must find the original meaning of the text, determine how it fits in the "here and now", and ask the right questions. 3.) Obey - Apply it to our lives.

When did Samuel begin his prophetic-priestly ministry in Israel?

1100 BC

In what century did the Council of Trent meet?

16th century

When were the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered?


number of tribes in the Southern Kingdom

2 tribes

David's Principles of Victory (2)

2. Future expectations upon past experiences.

One chapter Solomon wrote in the Book of Proverbs:


Chapters in Habakkuk


Chapters in Jonah


How many books in the O.T?

46 books

Time to construct Temple

7 years

David was King of Judah at Hebron for...

7 years.

Assyria took Isreal in...

722 BC

When did the Northern Kingdom fall?

722 BC

Dating of Hosea


When did Solomon complete his Temple?

966 BC

What type of curse was David cursed with?

A four fold curse was placed on David in which his sons, the unnamed son of Bathsheba, Adonijah, Amnon, and Absalom.

Fertile Crescent

A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates. The center of which was Palestine.


A group that migrated to the southern coast of Palestine in the twelfth century B.C. and became on of the principal rivals of Israelites.

What natural disaster prompted the prophecy of Joel?

A locust plague

Prophetic Books

A section that speack for God, containing the heart of the prophet's preaching.

Wisdom Books

A section that states those who live a good life will be rewarded.

Historical Books

A section that tells how God remained faithful to the Israelites but how they struggled to live in God's terms.

Who used prophecy to aid Josiah in his religious reforms

A women named Huldah

Which act in the biblical drama do we find ourselves in?

ACT 5: Spreading the News of the King (The Mission of the Church)


Abraham and family from here called from polytheistic society


Abraham's son by Hagar, the founder of the Arab tribes


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

What is one important fact about Levites?

All priests were Levites, but not all Levites were priests.


An expression of divine revelation, usually enigmatic and given through a prophet or diviner.

Where did Jeremiah live?


Where did Jeremiah live?

Anathoth, three miles northeast of Jerusalem

What language are portions of the Book of Daniel written in (Not Hebrew)?


When was the Bible written?

Babylonian Exile (6th Century BC)

Who were the compilers of the omen texts?


What were YHWH's key instructions to Joshua?

Be obedient and courageous

Genesis (What it means)



Believed in many gods. Primary enemy of Israel.

When did the Canon close?

Canon closed in 135 AD

Jonah's experience in the belly of the great fish was a "type" of _____________.

Christ's death, burial, and resurrection (Matt. 12:39-41)

A traditional title given to theologians of the first eight centuries whose teachings made a lasting mark on the Church

Church Father

Plenary Verbal Inspiration

Common belief that God dictated the words of the Bible.

Who is St. Jerome?

Completed the Latin translation of the Old and New Testaments - 1st original translation from the original language


Concerning the history or theology of the Book of Deuteronomy.

Define a Casuistic law.

Conditional, characterized by the "if...then" construction

1 Kings

Continues the history of Israel's monarchy, tracing its division into two kingdoms, Israel in the north and judah in the south. Tells the story of David's successors, the ropiest with whom they dealt, and especially highlights the way Solomon's supposed wisdom led to the building of a temple but the devastation of his family and kingdoms.

What is the key contrast developed in Numbers?

Contrast between the Old and New generations


Dating based on changes in writing; study of inscriptions

What does the author of Chronicles choose not to omit?

David's plans for the temple


David's was born here

Yom Kippur

Day of Atonement (holy for Jews)

What is the most well-known passage in Deuteronomy?

Deuteronomy 6:4-5 or also known as the Shema

Into how many parts was the nation of Israel divided, what were the names of these kingdoms, how many tribes went with each division, and what was true of every king in each kingdom

Divided into two kingdoms, a northern kingdom called Israel and a southern kingdom called Judah. Israel was composed of ten of the original tribes and every king was wicked. Judah was composed of two of the original tribes and every king was a descendent of David.


Dividing the Hebrew canon into 3 sections; T-Law, N-Prophet, K-Writing

Jeremiah prophesied the following judgment against which nation? "Complete destruction."


On which nation did Obadiah focus his message?


In Obadiah, God pronounces judgment upon _____ because of of her ____________.

Edom hatred toward God's people

Which nation did Jeremiah compare to Sodom and Gomorrah?

Edom (Babylon)

In Ezekiel's analogy of the eagle, who did the eagle represent?


Where was most of the ancient Near Eastern wisdom literature written?


Whom did Isaiah identify as a quality leader?


Which prophet is considered a nonliterary prophet?


Whom did Isaiah denounce for their pride and arrogance?



Ephrathite; moved to Moab from Bethlehem of Judah with her husband and two sons; moved back to Judah with her one daughter-in-law despite her request for her to stay after her husband and two sons died; moved because God had blessed the land again


Ephrathite; relative of Naomi; married the widow, Ruth, of his relative, Elimelech, despite not being the closest kinsman; great-grandfather of David


Esau, "Red"

Which book is not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls?


Which historical book has an individual as its focus?



Ex. 5-11 result of Pharaoh hardening his heart.


Exalted view of God

Jacob Cycle

Gen. 25:19-35:29

What is the meaning of the name "Ezekiel"?

God has strengthened

Regardless of which scholarly interpretation a person has about Ezekiel 40-48 the ultimate theme of these chapters is:

God is planning an exciting future

<Complete this sentence> The Old Testament is the story of _____ and the _____ people, their poets, and prophets.

God; Hebrew

Hosea's wife _____ was a _________, symbolizing ____________.

Gomer "woman of harlotry" Israel's unfaithfulness to God

What translation did Peter and Paul use?

Greek (Septuagint)


Greek Canon created in Alexandria, Egypt by 72 Greek scholars


Greek term for a religio-political federation with its common focus a sanctuary dedicated to a god.

Ezra serves as good background info for this book


This book is the second shortest in the OT


This prophet was a prophet of a solitary mission


Which prophet provided spiritual leadership for Israel following Cyrus's decree?


Why is Isaac considered passive?

He entrusted Eliazar to find him a wife (Rebekah)

How did God help Hezekiah to defeat Sennacherib?

He sent an angel to decimate the Assyrian army

What significant role did Aaron play?

He was the first high priest

Sennacherib was unsuccessful in his military campaign against King:


10 Book Canon (14 in Greek)

Historical Books

Image of God

Idea that man was created to reflect God in physical, creative, and emotional aspects as well as having the power to rule (for man it was "dominion over all animals")

What was the most prevalent sin in the Old Testament?

Idolatry (often depicted by the prophets as spiritual adultery)

The correct meaning of Ezekiel's symbolic act of laying on his left side for 390 days:

Illustration of the depth of sin of God's people


Incredibly strong. Was set apart at birth, was a Nazarene.

Behiston Rock

Inscription on the side of a mountain in N. Iran in cuneiform

Time period for the Apocrypha


Time period for the Greek Empire & Alexander the Great



Intertestamental apocryphal writings purporting to be by somebody who is not the author

messianic prophecy

Isaiah chapter 7. prophesies of coming messiah. Immanuel = el is with us


Israel becomes a kingdom. Saul, David and Solomon are first kings. They all go bad. Israel breaks into two kingdoms. N=Israel. S=Judah


Israelite; brother of Moses; spoke for his brother due to his speaking problem

Which section of Jeremiah contains the bulk of his prophecies of restoration?

Jeremiah 26-45

Which of Jeremiah's sermons is repeated twice in the book?

Jeremiah's "Temple Sermon"

What is the name of the city Joshua is most famous for conquering, even though he never had to raise a sword to bring defeat?


<Complete this sentence> The New Testament is the story of _____, the _____ He founded, and its growth under the leadership of His _____ after His death.

Jesus of Nazareth; Church; apostles

Ahab married...


Ahab's wife


Hosea's children's names and their meanings

Jezreel ("God scatters/sows") Lo-Ruhamah ("no mercy") Lo-Ammi ("not my people")

Which of the following prophets is mentioned in the Historical Books?


Who was the son of Amittai?


This man owned a coat of many-colors


This man possessed the supernatural ability to interpret dreams and this ended up blessing many people


After Moses died, who led the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land?


Whom did Isaiah condemn for making foreign alliances?


name of the Southern Kingdom


Whom did Isaiah condemn for making foreign alliances?

Judah (for the attempt at these alliances)

Yoke prophecy

Judah will carry babylon's yoke for 70 years

What was the first thing that God told Jeremiah that Judah must experience?

Judah would now pay for its sins. Death, sword, famine, or captivity


Judge of Israel. made a rash vow. Offered own daughter in sacrifice. Delivered Israel from Ammon.

The two main cycles of the book of Hosea move from _____.

Judgment to hope

Apocrypha / Deuterocanon

Judith; Tobit; Batuch; 1 &2 Maccacbees (Only in Greek Bible - Catholic Bible)

What are the biblical versions for Protestants?

King James Version New International Bible

Which king tried to kill Jeremiah after hearing Jeremiah's prophecies read to him?

King Jehoiakim

What is the key theme of Ruth?

Kinsmen redeemer: YHWH includes any who are faithful to him

Valley of Jezreel

Kishon River

What was the abbreviation for the Septuagint?


What is the three-part movement of the book of Joel?


Which book of poetry is not included in the Poetic Books of the English canon?


Formal Correspondence

Literal method of word for word translation

Hosea named his children symbolic names. What name meant "Not my people?"


this book talks about the return of Elijah/John the baptist



Means "teaching" or "law". Hebrew for the first five books of the Old Testament.

What is the best definition of the word "canon"?

Measure of our faith

Ancient Near East

Mesopotamia, Fertile Cresent, Babylon, Ur, Assyria, Egypt, Jerusalem, Euphrates/Tigris River, Jordan River, Mediterranean Sea, Israel, Dead Sea

Which prophet can best be described as a zealot for true covenant living?


catalyst for Haman's thirst for genocide

Mordecai's refusal to bow to him


More personal view of God

It is thought that Psalm 90 was written by:


Who was most significant person in laying the foundation for classical prophecy?


Who is considered a "transitional figure" in Israelite history?

Moses and Samuel


Moses' brother. The very first high priest.

Mount Sinai

Mount where Moses received the Torah and the ten commandments

David was Confronted by the prophet...


Define an Apodictic law.

Non-conditional law-- they express a necessary truth and absolute certainty ("you shall not..."); this type of law is reflected in the 10 commandments

Hosea prophesied to the _______ Kingdom.

Northern (Israel)

722 BC

Northern Kingdom destroyed/captured by Assyrians

Time period for Isaac


Time period for Jacob


Time period for Joseph


4 Sections

Pentateuch; Historical Books; Poetry/Wisdom; Prophets


People who "spoke" for God

By the fifth century Judah was a small province and was part of



Philistine; married Samson but betrayed him by telling soldiers how he gets his strength

Who were the "Sea Peoples"?


Abrahamic covenant

Priesthood, posterity, promised land.


Prophets: Minor

Imperfection - Barak



Repaying in kind; a principle that applies in various biblical writing both to human and diving justice.

Explain Manasseh.

Requested additional territory due to their large population of people

First king of the Southern Kingdom


Discuss the Pairs of the 10 Plagues.

River Plagues: --Nile/Water & Frogs on land Insect Plagues: --Gnats/Mosquitoes & Flies Disease Plagues: --Cattle Disease & Boils on Man Crop Plagues: --Hail/Fire & Locusts Mystery Plagues: --Darkness & Death of 1sst born

What is Heilsgeschiete?

Salvation history

Northern Kingdom's capitol :



Seen by Kind David while bathing. Her husband was killed after she found out she was pregnant with David's baby.

What was the Greek translation of the Old Testament?


Who read the prophet's words to Babylon?

Seriah, a Judean official

What is the most likely date for the Book of Lamentations?

Shortly after 586 BC

What are the reasons why there are two falls in Genesis 3 and 4?

Sin is sytemic There are male and female falls across two generations

Which comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Zerubbabel's Temple or Solomon's Temple?

Solomon's Temple

What was God symbolizing when He confirmed Jeremiah's call by touching his mouth?

Symbolically placing the divine word there

The following quote of Hebrew poetry is an example of what common characteristic. "Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Synonymous parallelism

Ahab defeated the...


Kohathites were responsible for...

Tabernacle contents

What is literal interpretation?

Takes into account what the author intended to convey

Who was the Mesopotamian god of agriculture


Covenant between God and Noah

That god wouldn't destroy Earth by flood again; Symbol: Rainbow

What does Nehemiah's "dedication" of the rebuilt walls of Jerusalem indicate?

That the city itself is now considered holy.

What position do those who believe in the millennium take when interpreting Ezekiel 40-48?

That we should take his words literally as possible, but understand them to describe God's future kingdom - His words describe the future kingdom

God's future judgment described in Joel will occur in what location?

The "Valley of Jehoshaphat"

What is the Apocrypha?

The 7 to 15 extra books Catholic Bibles have that come from the Intertestamental time period

What is the key theme of Joshua?

The Conquest of the Land

_____forms the literary "center" of the book of Leviticus?

The Day of Atonement Ceremony

What is the central event to the history of Israel?

The Exodus

What does it mean to say YHWH "remembered" His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Ex 2:24)?

The Exodus should be understood as God acting in accordance with His covenant promises.


The Feast of Weeks seven weeks after Passover, originally for the what harvest but later for the giving of the law on Sinai.

The books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings are known as ______ in the Hebrew Bible?

The Former Prophets

Explain election.

The Israelites were to be his people, elected for a purpose of making God known to all people.

Genesis 24-50

The Jacob cycle is characterized by the theme of God blessing Jacob according to the promises. This theme is presented with literary symmetry that emphasizes Jacob's revelation at Bethel (the house of God) in Genesis 28 and his later revelation at Penuel (the face of God).


The King of Israel. Married Jezebel and was evil.


The King of Persia. Conquered the Babylonians.

Who did Jeremiah use as an object lesson to emphasize that the people needed to obey their heavenly father?

The Rechabites

What world power takes over Palestine and ruled over the Jews after the Greeks?

The Roman Empire (led by rulers like Julius Caesar)

Who said, "If I perish, I perish"?



Esther's cousin raised her prompted her to keep her ethnic background a secret


The angle of the Lord who passed over Israel in Egypt. Also a religious ceremony.

Nahum 1:5

The beautiful feet of the messenger of "good news"

To describe Deuteronomy as a "Janus-structure" means ______.

The book simultaneously summarizes the Pentateuch and foreshadows the Former Prophets

Whom did Nebuchadnezzar order to worship the golden idol?

The entire Babylonian Empire

Theme of Nahum

The fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C.


The first five books of the Bible


The prophet after Elijah. He did many miracles.


The son of Solomon. The king of Judah.

Salvation History

The story of God's actions and the people's responses over many centuries; God acting in a saving way in people's lives


The study of the past based on what people left behind. "The purpose of archaeology is to find the historical truth about culture."

Climactic parallelism

The type of poetic parallelism where the second line of a poetic couplet echoes part of the line and adds a phrase to it thereby extending and completing its sense.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The writings discovered in caves along the north-west shore of the Dead Sea, beginning in 1947, near a site called Qumran.

Nahum mentions the fall of _______, so it must have been written after ____ B.C.

Thebes in Egypt 663


Theme: The restoring and transformation of the nation of Israel through the redeeming work of the coming Messiah Structure: The 8 symbolic visions (1-6) The 4 explanatory messages (7-8) Two revelatory oracles (9-14) -anointed king rejected (9-11) -rejected king enthroned (12-14) -the redemption of Israel (12-13) -the return of the king (14)

What is the span of both Numbers and 2 Samuel?

They were 40 years each


This section of the canon is authoritative for Catholic and Orthodox traditions; Greek for hidden books

What is the Documentary Hypothesis

This theory states that there are four main sources that form the Pentateuch J= Jahweh (German) 950 BC E= Elohim 850 BC D= Deuteronomy 621 BC P= Priestly 500 BC JEDP 450 BC (perhaps written by Ezra?) These sources had numerous editing phases

What are the correct two Phoenician cities?

Tyre and Sidon

Hebrew poetry is most similar to poetry written in:


What is Aramaic?

Was common language of Israelites and became what was used by the Jewish people

What was the biggest spiritual question the exiles of Israel and Judah had to answer for themselves while in exile?

Will we stay true to God when it is unpopular, dangerous, and illogical?


Worshiped Cehmosh, Human Sacrifice


Worshiped Molech, Child Sacrifice

King who marries Esther


Who is the "Ahasuerus" of the Book of Esther?


Who is "on trial" in the book of Job?


What is the key theme of Exodus?

YHWH delivers and the Sinai covenant.

this prophet does not rebuke, condemn, or berate, but presents hope


this prophet has the 8 night visions


this prophet was both a priest and a prophet


Haggai teamed with _________ to challenge _________ to _________.

Zechariah the Jews finish rebuilding the temple

What is missing the target called in archery? Relate this to God in our lives.

a sin; If we let him aim our bow, we will hit the target dead-center and get a bullseye. However, if we choose to distract ourselves from focusing on his target for us, we will most miss and sin.


a trait of God that refers to God's total otherness and being infinitely beyond and independent of creation (when God speaks and stuff happens)

Jeremiah was called to the prophetic ministry when he was _________.

a young man


after Babylonian captivity (Haggai Zachariah)

indictment of israel

ah sinful nation. sins are idolatry, sexual immorality, social injustice


best king of judah. extended judah's borders and rid the kingdom of idolatrous practices. ordered temple worship restored to YHWH

Haggai promised that God would _______ if they trusted and obeyed Him by _________ (2:11-19).

bless Israel materially rebuilding the temple


blood brother to Tamar kills Amnon when he finds about that Amnon raped Tamar David's son & David is angry when he hears that Amnon is killed

Divine Inspiration

breathed by God, means that God influences people during different times, location, etc & inspired them to write


broke Jeremiah's yoke. Prophesied that in 2 years Lord would break babylonian's yoke. false prophet

What object did Jeremiah use to symbolize the irreversible destruction of Jerusalem?

broke an earthenware jar


brutal, conquered nothern part of Canaan

What is autonomy?

choosing oneself as the source for determining what is right and wrong, rather than relying on God's word for discretion.

What was the Maccabean Revolt

circa 150 BC; a group of Jews revolted against the Greeks guerrilla-style and regained Jewish independence for a time; this is the last time the Jews would have independence until AD 1948


city lying between tyre and Sidon, where elijah dwelt with a widow.


city to which Abraham moved to from Ur and the city where Abraham heard God's call at 75 years old


giving worship to someone or something other than God.

David's retreat -

into Judean Desert

Holiness Code

laws of sacrificing, standards of people, standards of priests, offerings, festivals, lamp oil, bread, blasphemy, sabbatical year, year of jubilee, obedience, etc.

A life of folly can be avoided if the young person will:

listen to his parents' instruction

Reed sea red sea

parting of the sea is vital event in Israel's history.

God --- --- against Ahab and Jezebel

prophesies judgment

Rehoboam was the...

real son of Solomon.


servant of Elisha. takes money from naaman for being healed. gets Naaman's leprosy

What was significantly/historically different in Lutheran's German Bible?

the Apocrypha was included but moved to a separate section

What is the closed list of books that Christians view as uniquely authoritative and inspired, and therefore the only books that belong in the Bible?

the Canon

The threefold Jewish canon consisted of what three parts?

the Law [of Moses], the Prophets, the Psalms (the Writings)

Amos was a prophet from ______ who prophesied to _______.

the South (Judah) the North (Israel)

What are the first five books of the Bible called?

the Torah OR the Law of Moses

What did the Council of Trent appeal to?

the Vulgate, the Council of Florence, and the Council of Rome

What are the characters of the Biblical story?

the central element

516 BC

the completion of Zerubbabel's temple

Paul applied the names of Hosea's children to _________________.

the conversion of the Gentiles (Romans 9:25-26)

Between whom is there a personal relationship in Genesis?

the divine King (God) and his human subjects (us)

Whom did Nebuchadnezzar order to worship the golden idol?

the entire Babylonian Empire

Waters of chaos

the flood that covered the earth. Elements of creation story where God split primeval waters, and Divine Warrior motif in which God slays monster chaos, represented by water.

What major point did Isaiah make against false gods?

the idols had stood speechless and powerless before God. and that Israel shouldn't fear for they are God's chosen servant

The author of Chronicles was least interested in

the life of Saul

Where is the mysterious origin of veil in God's world rooted?

the mutiny of the first human couple, Adam and Eve


the principal ancestors of the Israelites-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob- whose wives Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel, bore sons through whom the nation continued

What other dimensions of Adam and Eve's lives had been distorted?

the social and work dimensions

What was Spinoza's famous work?

the theological-political treatise

Ezekiel saw a vision of _________ in chapter 37, symbolizing _________.

the valley of "dry bones" Israel's defeat and later restoration

Torah (the book)

the whole body of the Jewish sacred writings and tradition including the oral tradition

Amos compared the well-fed cows of Bashan with:

the women of Samaria

The Judeans were angry because of their exile and they blamed:

their parents

How long did King Jehoahaz reign?

three months


to gathering of stories mainly to preserve works and to establish a standard for that community


to hear, important prayer in later judaism

Haggai's task

to initiate the reconstruction of the temple

Jesus is famous for using story to do what?

to involve his listeners in recognizing and dealing with God in their lives.

Adam and Eve's freedom to do 'what' meant that they may also choose not to do 'what', hence experiencing temptation? What other actions did they have a choice on?

to love and not to love; to obey or defy God


to sanctify, make holy

To what or who did Ezekiel compare Israel's leaders in Ezekiel 34?

to shepherds who tended their flock (the people)


transgression isn't very serious because she's like a little child.

What is functional equivalency translation?

translate phrase or sentence, getting the gist of it

What does Isaiah use to represent the relationship of God and Israel in Isaiah 62?


Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon

were most powerful kingdom (all polytheistic)

little book of comfort

where Jeremiah focuses on gathering up. Israel will be redeemed. Jeremiah 30-33. emphasizes building and planting.


where Jeremiah is a priest. North of Jerusalem


where an altar was built to remember covenant. where Joshua addressed the people.


youngest son of Rebekah and Isaac; was favoured by his mother and was a simple man who cooked rather than hunted; gave his older brother a bowl of stew in exchange for his right as firstborn; tricked his father into giving him the final blessing meant for his older brother; moved in with his uncle and fell in love with his cousin; worked for seven years to marry her but was tricked into marrying her older sister; worked for seven more years and then married her as well

Nahum the _______


Define Karath.

"To cut"

Meaning of Habakkuk's name


Meaning of Haggai's name



"law" or teachingsPentateuch: Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy

Othniel vs. Cushan



- An island in the River Nile, located just downstream of the First Cataract at the southern border of Ancient Egypt. - Known to the Ancient Egyptians as Abu or Yebu, the island of Elephantine stood at the border between Egypt and Nubia. It was an excellent defensive site for a city and its location made it a natural cargo transfer point for river trade.

List and define the three criteria books must in order to be recognized as canonical.

- Apostolic: written by or tied closely to an apostle (an authorized of Jesus). - Catholic: widely, if not universally, recognized by churches. - Orthodox: not in contradiction to any recognized Old Testament or apostolic book or doctrine.


- Asa called him to aid him in attacking northern Israel while Baasha was restricting access to Jerusalem through border fortifications - king of Aram Damascus between 885 BCE and 865 BCE


- Bathsheba's husband - killed by David because he doesn't want to get caught for his affair with Bathsheba

What sort of outside resources can we seek for learning to understand historical context (of the author and his readers)?

- Bible dictionaries - Commentaries - Several translations - Bible apps

List at least three teachings about God in Genesis 1.

- Eternal - One - Distinct from creation - Sovereign King over creation - Powerful - Personal

List reasons that prove how the Bible is divine.

- God's Word - Eternally relevant - Speaks to ALL humankind in every culture across time

Dtr 1

- In the 1940's a great German scholar named Martin Noth noticed that much of the material in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings was compiled by someone sharing the same theological perspective and vocabulary as those responsible for the book of Deuteronomy. Therefore, Martin Noth called this person "the Deuteronomistic historian.


- Sarah's servant that is told by Sarah to have a child with Abraham so the covenant can be fulfilled - Ishmael's mother & Abraham's concubine

List the four reasons why Protestants do not view the Apocrypha as Scripture.

- The Jews who authored the books never accepted them into their canon. - The Apocrypha contains clear factual errors and, from the standpoint of Protestants, theological errors. - The Roman Catholic Church did not officially recognize the Apocryphal books as canonical until the Council of Trent in 1564. - New Testament authors nowhere cite the Apocrypha as Scripture. Almost every Old Testament book is cited by the New Testament as Scripture.

List/Explain the three factors that caused the early church nearly 400 years to recognize the canon.

- The New Testament documents were considered authoritative and were circulating among the churches by AD 90 or 100. - An implicit canon existed in the earliest post-New Testament Christian writings. The second century apostolic fathers frequently cite the twenty-seven books as authoritative. - The nature of long-distance communication during AD 1-2. It took a long time for the writings of particular authors to make their way around.

List and describe the three levels of narrative in the Biblical story.

- Top Level: "metanarrative" - the whole universal plan of God - Middle Level: God's redeeming a people for His name - First Level: The hundreds of individual narratives that make up the other two levels

Ark of the Covenant

- box where 10 Commandments are stored


- brother to Aaron & Miriam - raised as an Egyptian but is technically Jewish - first human being that God revealed his name to (YAWEH = I am who am) - God gives him the 10 Commandments at Mt. Sinai - parts the Red Sea & leads Israelites out of Egypt

What three things does Satan do in Genesis to tempt Eve?

- casts doubt on God's Word for decision -casts doubt on God's own inherent goodness - lies

List the three basic parts of a narrative.

- characters - plot - resolution


- confidant and secretary of the prophet Jeremiah

List at least three teachings about humankind in Genesis 1.

- creature - relationship with God - image ~ similar to God - creation mandate ~ different from God - in partnership ~ male and female - in relationship with others


- cutting of foreskin of penis - sign of Abraham/God's covenant


- daughter of Saul & David's 1st wife - gets angry at David when he "dances with abandon" in front of the Ark of the Covenant & he exposes himself


- day of rest (Jews = Saturday & Christians = Sunday) - separated the Jews in Exile from everyone else & helped them maintain their identity as God's people - 7th day of creation = God rests - period of time blessed by God

Adam & Eve

- first humans created by God - Cain & Abel's parents (Cain kills Abel)

List at least four Scriptural translation issues.

- gender - weights / measures / money / time equivalents - word for word (functional meaning) - wordplay - vocabulary - euphemisms - grammar and other parts of language ~ change the intent of the author ~ original language ~ receptor language ~ historical language

What were the 2 prayers of Samson?

-Water -Revenge

Which of the following is a common feature of "apocalyptic" literature?

1.Use of symbolic visions, 2.Presence of an angelic guide, 3.An eschatological interpretation of history. 4.All of the above

Which of the following is a key debate in interpreting the book of Hosea?

1.Whether God commanded Hosea to marry a prostitute 2.Whether the woman Hosea married in chapter & 3 was Gomer.

Chapters in Daniel


David's Principles of Victory (3)

3. Go with what is in your hand.

Which is least likely to be the age of Jeremiah when he received his call from God?


Ezekiel was called when he was ___ years old. He saw a vision of _________.

30 God's awesome throne-chariot

How many segments of Judah's population did Isaiah pronounce woe oracles against?

6 woe oracles against various segments of Judah's population

When was Daniel most likely deported to Babylon?

603 BC

When did Nebuchadnezzar become king of Babylon?

605 BC

Dating of Habakkuk


Dating of Nahum


Dating of Zephaniah



A false prophet. Used by God to bless Israel.

What are the 6 main dramatic acts of the Bible story? Which act do we find ourselves in?

ACT 1: Creation ACT 2: The Fall ACT 3: Redemption Initiated ACT 4: Redemption Accomplished **ACT 5: The Mission of the Church** ACT 6: Redemption Accomplished


AUTHOR: Solomon THEME AND PURPOSE: The necessity of fearing God in a fallen world. It is concerned with imparting wisdom and knowledge to the people of God. STRUCTURE: The emptiness of Life (1-6:12) The advantage of Wisdom (7-12)


An arrangement in which stipulated letters (for example, the first) of the words in question (often of a poem or a psalm themselves form a word or regular pattern.


Ancient Near Eastern city that was destroyed and came back twice. Mostly known for the thousands of tablets that have names resembling those of the Bible. They told about the culture of a neighboring country.

In Ezekiel's vision of an idol of jealousy, the idol probably represented:


examples of this debate style

Assertion - Objection - Rebuttal 1. I have loved you 2. You have despised my name 3. Judah has been faithless 4. You have wearied the Lord with your words 5. From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes 6. You have robbed me 7. Your words have been stout against me

Nahum's prophecy was directed at:


Which comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Apocrypha or Assyrian Invasion?

Assyrian invasion

Which comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Assyrian invasion or Babylonian invasion?

Assyrian invasion

Amos often refers to the threat of _______ as a judgment by God, but he never _________.

Assyrian invasion mentions Assyria by name

Northern Kingdom destroyed by ---


What is Greek?

Became the spoken language in the Roman Empire - 7 Old Testament books and the entire New Testament are written in Greek

What seems to be the main reason the Israelites wanted a king?

Because all of the neighboring countries had one

Why do the people want Saul to be their king?

Because he looked impressive like a Canaanite king

Why is God not mentioned in the book of Esther?

Because the book is focused on the importance of Esther's courageous choice

Time period for Gideon

Conquest of Canaan

Primeval Story

Creation, fall, redemption. Adam and Eve's family history. Genesis 1-11

What did the wife of Hosea do?

Gomer was unfaithful and committed adultery against him

Retribution Theory

Good deeds are rewarded, but bad deeds are punished. In relations to the law.

Which prophet struggled with God?


this prophet's work is complemented by Zechariah


this book is a collection of four oracles, all dated

Haggai 1. A word of rebuke and a call to action 2. A call to courage and encouragement in the hour of disappointment 3. an appeal to conscience and a call to patience 4. A message of hope to Zerubbabel


Haman's wife prompted Haman to build the gallows to hang Mordecai on

Minor Prophets

Hosea; Habakkuk; Obadiah; Micah; Nahum; Amos; Haggai; Malachi; Joel; Zephaniah; Jonah; Zechariah

What one word describes the book of Jonah?


Who put a comment in the preface of the Geneva Bible saying all Christians should read the Apocrypha but not regard it as canonical?

John Calvin

What is the major reason for the disagreement about the references to Darius the Mede in Daniel 5:31?

Many scholars believe Darius the Mede is strictly unhistorical

What does Isaiah use to represent the relationship of God and Israel in Isaiah 62?

Marriage - between the Lord God and Zion, his bride


Oppressed the Israelites.

Via Maris

Originally Latin for "way of the sea". Most important road of the Philistines.

Documentary Hypothesis

Ot composed of 4 underlying sources: Yahwist narrative, Elohist, deuteronomy, priestly document.

Who are the major judges?

Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephtath, and Samson

1 Kings and 2 Kings (Why)

PURPOSE: records the historical record of the kings of both Israel and Judah. Emphasis is on the lives and actions of the kings as well as the selected prophets who sought to turn God's people back to the worship and obedience of YHWY THEME: YHWY is the one true God who demands his earthly kings to govern the people in a way where he is worshipped exclusively or they will suffer the consequences for worshipping other gods. STRUCTURE: The United Kingdom (1-11:43) The Divided Kingdom (1 Kings- 2 Kings 17:41) The Surviving Kingdom (2 Kings 18-25) Answers why they are in exile

Compare/Contrast the Pagan creation stories and God in Genesis.

Pagan creation stories state that humankind is to serve as the gods' servants and make them happy. God in Genesis prepared a marvelous home for his crowning touch of Creation: men and women.

Politically, the Exile happened because of the desires foreign kings had to expand their kingdoms. Spiritually, why did the Exile happen?

Punishment/discipline for mass sinfulness and unfaithfulness in Israel and Judah

Who did Jeremiah use in an object lesson to emphasize that man needed to obey the heavenly father?


What is a unique feature of the regal formula used for Judean kings in 1&2 Kings?

Reference to the queen mother

Which name means "a remnant shall return"?


Book of the Twelve

Sometimes called the Minor Prophets, a collections of twelve short prophetic books in the Latter Prophets; also called the Twelve Prophets.


Son of Abraham. Fathered Joseph.


Son of Adam and Eve. Killed his brother Able.


Son of Amram and Jochebed of Levite tribe. put in a basket to be saved from death. Raised by Pharoah's daughter. Delivers Israel from Egypt.


Son of Isaac who was sold into Egypt. Became second to Pharaoh.


Standard Latin translation of the Bible


Story of Israel's covenant with God to inherit the promised land of Canaan. It emphasizes how Joshua carried on Moses' role as revelator and reminded Israel of its covenant obligations to love and serve God wholeheartedly and how God kept his covenant faithfully.

1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles (How)

THEME: The significance of the Davidic covenant as the enduring basis of Israel's life and hope. ANSWERS: how they can make amends to the promises of God


THEME: The vindication of God's justice and the need for his people to live righteously by faith. STRUCTURE: Habakkuk's questions and YHWH answers (1-2) Habakkuk's hymn of praise to YHWH (3)


The capital city of the Northern Kingdom from the early ninth century B.C.


crisis with Assyria. Crown prince to carry on Davidic line.

Temple sermon

delivered a sermon in courtyard of Solomon's temple. Mere presence of temple did not protect Judah. Outward ordinances meaningless unless accompanied by inner righteousness.


forgetting. Oldest son of Joseph

Historical reading of Isaiah

reading specific to time and place

What is the Apocrypha?

referral to additional biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of Scripture.


second canon

597 BC

second invasion of Judah by the Babylonians


second wife of Jacob; Jacob wanted to marry her first but was tricked into marrying her sister; was the daughter of Laban whom Jacob fell him love with; bore two sons to Jacob whom he favoured the most

What type of Biblical genre are annals?

semi-historical narratives

What does Exodus mean?

"The Way Out"

What does Haggai predict about the new temple in 2:9?

"The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former"

What phrase encapulates the theme of Ezekiel?

"Then you will know that I am YHWH"

Define Berith.

"To establish a relationship not naturally existing"

Meaning of Malachi's name

"my messenger"

Jeremiah is known as the _________ because...

"the weeping prophet" he was so heartbroken over the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem.

Ezekiel was a _________ who _________.

"watchman" warned the people of the dangers of rebellion

What are the major bodies of water in the OT world?

(1) Mediterranean Sea (2) Red/Reed Sea (3) Dead/Salt Sea (4) Sea of Chinnereth (AKA Galilee)

Am ha'aretz

(Hebrew for "people of the land") A term used in the Hebrew Bible for citizens, or some particular class of citizens; in rabbinic literature, for persons or groups that dissented from or were uninstructed in rabbinic halaka and rigorous purity and tithing norms.


- Abraham & Hagar's son - leader of Muslim nation


- Bathsheba & Michal's husband - Solomon, Amnon, Absalom, Tamar, etc father & Jesse's son - kills Uriah because he didn't want to get caught for his affair with Bathsheba - dances with abandon in front of the Ark of the Covenant - is told a parable by Nathan & he realizes that he is sinning - despite his sins, he always remains faithful to God - kills Goliath (Philistine) with a stone & then cuts of his head with Goliath's sword - model of faithfulness to God because he loved God, made him the center of his life, and never worshiped false gods

*Cross, F. M

- Cross, "one of the giants" covers: The Hebrew bible, the origins of Israel, the dead sea scrolls, the history of the alphabet, ancient Hebrew seals, and ancient Hebrew inscriptions. - Cross was one of only two American scholars on the scroll-publication team, and he has since been recognized as a founder of Qumran studies. - His general introduction to the topic is The Ancient Library of Qumran, the third edition of which was published in 1995.


- David's 1st son & heir to the throne - rapes Tamar, but David doesn't do anything about it - killed by half brother (Absalom) & David is angry


- Israel is his other name (given to him by Mysterious Stranger/God) - younger son of Issac & Rebekah - brother to Esau - covenant goes through him (not Esau) & he takes Esau's birth right & blessing - husband to Leah (older sis) & Rachel (younger sis) - father to Joseph & Benjamin (Rachel's children) -


- Israelites flee from Egypt - written about 450 years after the death of Joseph - Moses starts the Jews on their journey to the Promise Land, but Joshua actually leads them into the Canaan

Who is Israel?

- Jacob - means "one who wrestled with both God & humans and survived to tell it"


- King of Egypt who believes he is a god - 10 Plagues are created by God so that he can believe


- Leah (older) & Rachel's (younger) father - tricks Jacob into marrying Leah & he has to work 14 years for him - Rebekah's brother

Describe three examples of good exegesis.

- Learning to read the text carefully - Make your own observations first - Learn to ask the right questions of the text ~ Historical Context ~ Literary Context ~ Content


- judge/prophet that anointed Saul - warns Israelites about dangers of having a king (God tells him to let them have a king anyway)


- successor of Belshazzar to the throne of Babylon. - He was the one who made Daniel a governor (Dan. 6:1-2). - It was also Darius the Mede who had Daniel thrown into the lions den, but later decreed that everybody in his kingdom "must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel" (Dan. 6:26-27).

Describe the parts of the threefold Jewish canon Jesus endorsed.

- the Law [of Moses] - the Prophets - the Writings (the Psalms) * Luke 24:44

What two things does Genesis 3 illustrate?

- the nature of sin (autonomy) - the consequences of sin (broken relationships)

The Genesis story is given so that we might have a true understanding of what three things?

- the world in which we live - its divine author - our own place in it

What is the role of a prophet?

- to warn that Israelites that they had strayed from true worship - told Jews to stop worshiping false gods (idolatry) & to stop oppressing poor (widows/children)


- wife = Sarah - children = Ishmael (Hagar's son) & Isaac (Sarah's son) - God makes covenant with him: * terms = God promises to make his descendants numerous & give him the land of Canaan * sign = circumcision - father of all nations/people


- worshiping 1 God

How many sections of the English Protestant OT canon have the same order as the Hebrew Bible?


Chronicler's History

1 & 2 Chronicles; Ezra; Nehemiah; Ruth; Esther; Lamentations [Greek Bible: Paralipomenon]

What is Inspiration?

1. God is the author of the Bible. 2. He used the human authors as his instrument to convey Divine Revelation to the end product: THE INERRANT WORD OF GOD.

3 Features of Zechariah

1. Has more to say about the Messianic shepard-king than any other NT book 2. contributes most of all the prophets about the angelology of the OT 3. Abounds in symbols

What are literary forms?

1. Identifying the correct literary genre is vitally important in scriptural interpretation 2. This helps to determine the literal sense of the biblical text.

What are some reasons why Christians should study archaeology?

1. It allows us to get a "hands on" opportunity to experience the Bible for ourselves 2. It helps us understand the ancient world of the Bible 3. It helps prove the historical veracity of the Bible] 4. It gives us a better grasp of the time periods which make up the history of the Bible 5. It makes us better apologists for the faith

What are three cities destroyed by fire in conquest?

1. Jericho 2. Ai 3. Hazor

Compare Judges and Ruth

1. Judges ends with Benjamin looking for wives, Ruth begins with the women looking for husbands. 2. Judges ends with Judah "coming to the rescue" in leadership and the book of Ruth focuses on Boaz, a man of Judah, "coming to the rescue" 3. Nowhere in Judges do we see Israelites acknowledging YHWH as their God like we do by Ruth, who is a foreigner 4. Judges shows people breaking Mosaic laws whereas Ruth and Boaz keep the Mosaic Law

How many gates did Jerusalem have?

12 gates - one for each tribe

shophet shophetim

12 judges. 6 major, 6 minor

Tribes of Israel?

12 tribes total - Levites = priests - Benjamin = smallest

Chapters in Zechariah


When was the time of the Judes?

14th-11th century BC

How many books are in the New Testament?

27 books

Dating of Jeremiah



A formal, sacred treaty or agreement between two parties with each assuming obligation. Refers especially to the relationship established by God with the nation Israel.


A literary form that makes point by point correspondences between two different situations.


A literary term used to designate recurrent situations, characters, images, symbols or plots. Often they function in opposites.


A moabite and daughter-in-law to Naomi. Married Boaz after moving to Israel.


A name for God that God himself revealed to moses and the Chosen People on Mount Sinai. The word means "I Am Who Am" and led to Israel's understanding that God is the one, living, and true God.


A people who inhabited southern Mesopotamia and developed the first ancient Near Eastern civilization

What is the outline of Genesis?

A. Creation (1:1-2:25) B. Sin (3:1-24) C. Stories of Adam's Family (4:1-26) D. Genealogy of Adam to Noah (5:1-32) E. The Flood (6:1-8:22) F. A New Start (9:1-11:32) G. Abraham & The Promise (12:1-8)

Old Testament was written...

About 3,500 years ago

This man was the "Father of the Jews" because the nation of Israel comes from him and his family


Where does the Bible move from general humanity to specific individuals?


List the Patriarchs in order

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph

What decision did Cyrus make that made him very popular with the Jews?

He allowed them to return home to Jerusalem from exile to rebuild their city and Temple, and he even financed it

Jeshua became the...

High Priest.


Historical Books

4 main sections of Bible

Historical Books; Wisdom Books; Prophetic/Prophet Books; Pentateuch/Torah


Historical narrative in the Deuteronomic tradition about eleven men and one woman, Deborah, who led Israel or at least some of the Israelites in the period between Joshua (whose death is narrated in chapter 2) and Samuel. It explains that during the period of the judges the Israelites experienced the same cycle of apostasy, humiliation, and repentance that the Book of Mormon describes among the Nephites, and that the Lord allowed Canaanites to remain in the land to test whether the Israelites would keep the covenants of their ancestors.

What type of Treaty is Deuteronomy?

Hittite suzerain vassal treaty

Jeremiah's testimony of Christ

Holy One of Israel= Son of God= Messiah= Jesus born of Mary. purged from the Old testament or read christologically by neophytes

Which book introduces us to the theme of "covenant" in the Book of the Twelve?


What term is used to describe teaching which is clearly present in the story but not stated in so many words?



Israelite; judge; was called by God to save the Israelites from the Midianites; destroyed an alter to the Canaanite god Baal; was given the nickname Jerubbaal; kept asking God for signs because he didn't believe he could save the Israelites; gathered an army but had to cut it down twice because God thought it was too big for them to truly realise that God was with them; attacked the Midianites at night with torches to trick them into thinking their army was large

What is redaction criticism?

It is a type of criticism that studies the editing process

What important role does the book of Ruth play in the Historical Books?

It legitimizes the reign of David.

What is the basic contribution of the Book of Proverbs?

It provides advice on how to live

What happens in Numbers 22-24?

It tells the account of Balaam. Balak king of the Moabites feared Israel encamped to his north. He and the lords of the Midianites call Balaam to curse Israel. Importance: Balaam prophesies about the coming Messiah

What was the Gezer Calendar?

It was a small piece of stone found in 1908 by R.A. McAlister; it displayed a divided monarchy, but seemed to be used as a school exercise tablet made of limeston. It also listed the agricultural cycle for a year

River Crossed Miraculously?

Jordan River

The existence of _______, mentioned in Daniel 5, has been verified by archaeology as the crown prince of _______, the son of _______, who ruled during _______.

King Balshazzar Babylon Nabonidus his father's absence from Babylon

2 Sam 1-12, Psalm 51

King David took what did not belong to him, including Uriah's wife and then Uriah's life. So God took back what he had covenanted to give to David, all except the unconditional promise of the Davidic covenant-that Jeovah would establish David's throne forever. In other words, Jehovah would ensure that there would be a king of Israel forever in the davidic line, but it would not be the covenant-breaking David, whose actions followed him as his family and kingdom fell apart in incest, fratricide, and finally civil war.

"Ten Words"

Known as the ten commandments. Given to Moses by God.

In the ANE, the ____ is a common symbol for the forces of chaos.



THEME: Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire, would be destroyed STRUCTURE: Introduction (1:1) A psalm descriptively praising the Lord (1:2-8) The Lord's coming judgment on Nineveh and deliverance of Judah (1:9-15) Focus on Nineveh: The Lord's coming judgment (2:1-13) Focus on Nineveh: More concerning the Lord's coming judgment (3:1-19)


The portion left over after a part has been removed; the portion of the covenant community that would remain after defection and chastisement.

Exodus 1-15

The story of the exodus of Israelites from Egypt. It begins by remembering how Jacob (Israel) and his descendants came to live in Egypt when the Pharaoh was friendly but shows how they were later enslaved and required the God of Israel to deliver them according to the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And it shows how God raised Moses to lead his people to the promised land.

What do all three events in the "Creation & Fall" time period have in common?

They all involve and impact the entire world, and none of the other time periods are this big in scope

Sometimes the evidence supporting the dates are the...

They are the SAME. It is a matter of interpretation (literal vs. symbolic or analysis of the archaeological evidence)

Why did Malachi accuse the people of stealing from God?

They were not paying the tithe


They were rulers of Egypt for a while; created chariots, cavalry units, and built glacis (steep slope) protective wall.

Day of Atonement

Tishri.10th day of 7th month. Only national fast day in Mosaic law.


Title of the Great Commandment, the fundamental, monotheistic statement of Judaism

List three points that answer the question "What does it mean to be human?".

To be humans means to.... - have huge freedom and responsibility - respond to God - be held accountable for that response

Latter Prophets

Writing Prophets

Dead Sea Scrolls

Writings of a group of ancient Jews known as the Essemes; they were discovered in 1947 in Qunram

What is the key theme of Judges?

YHWH's faithfulness despite Israel's unfaithfulness

Israel is described as ________, fluttering back and forth between _____ and ______, but never to God.

a "silly dove" Egypt and Assyria

What did Isaiah use in 11:1-26 to describe the messianic era?

a branch


a group of nomadic invaders from Asia Minor who ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 B.C.E. It is during this time that it was believed that Joseph rose to second in command in Egypt

Critics of Isaiah argue for _________.

a later author of chapters 40-66 (known as "Deutero-Isaiah" or "Second Isaiah")

The major differences between the words of the Hebrew prophets and other ancient Near Eastern "prophetlike" literature was the prophet's emphasis on:

a moral base

What are the scenes of the Biblical story like?

a movie


an appearance or manifestation of God to humans

Fertile Cresent

area in ANE that was most fertile (food water etc.) so people had shelter and food; this was a very popular route

What is the theme of Daniel 1-6?

bearing witness in a hostile world


becomes king of Northern kingdom. fled to Egypt to escape solomon. hands dried up when trying to seize un-named prophet. mighty man of valor. made ruler over house of joseph by solomon.

Daniel prophesied of God's _______. He saw a vision of what four great empires?

control over world events Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (Dan. 2, 7)


eldest son of Rebekah and Isaac; was favoured by his father for being strong and a skilled hunter; gave up his right as firstborn for a bowl of stew; was deprived of the final blessing meant for him by his younger brother; was given a blessing that said he would serve his brother

Josiah was the last...

godly king


people in the Southern Kingdom that were allowed to return

Ch. 8 of Ezra describes the...

revival of the citizens.


son of Abraham and Sarah; not Abraham's first child, but only child born of Sarah; he is the heir of God's promises to Abraham

What could removing someone's clothes signify in the Old Testament? How does this relate to what God did for Adam and Eve after the Fall?

their disinheritance; He did not disinherit/give up on his purpose for them

586 BC

third invasion by the Babylonians and Solomon's temple destroyed

vision of corrupt temple

transported back to temple in jerusalem. people worshipping babylonian gods. presence of the lord gone,

Meaning of Jeremiah's name

"Jehovah throws"

Which famous saying of Jesus is actually a quotation from Leviticus?

"Love your neighbor as yourself"

Amos 4:12

"Prepare to meet your God, O Israel."

Meaning of Obadiah's name

"Servant of Jehovah"

Major theme of Malachi

"Will a man rob God?" (3:8)

Meaning of Amos' name

"burden bearer"

Meaning of Nahum's name


Amos is criticized as a ________, but also extends the offer of ________ and points to the future hope through ________.

"dark book" repentance Israel's Messiah (Amos 9:11-12, cf. Acts 15:16-17)

The account of Daniel in the den of lions is found in chapter:


In which chapter of the Book of Proverbs do we find the pinnacle of the Bible's view of wisdom?


The prophetic books of the Old Testament are about prophets during the period:

800-450 B.C.

Dating of Joel


Salvation History

God entering into human history in order to save it

Anthropomorphic language

God has human-like characteristics

What happened with David's sin?

It affected those around him, specifically (Ahithopel, Eliam, Bathsheba, and Uriah)

What does Deutero-Isaiah mean?

It is a second Isaiah

What is source criticism?

It is a type of criticism that looks at what sources were used for the text

The most reasonable statement about the Song of Songs:

It is about sexual love in marriage

How is the Apocrypha helpful?

It is helpful for understanding the historical and cultural changes that lead up to the New Testament.

What does Joshua 24 record?

It records the renewed covenant

Fall of Mankind

The First sin of Mankind


place of balak.

third isaiah

isaiah of restoration. 56-66


list of books in Bible as determined by the Church

Nephi's and Abinadi's Isaiah

read with the right hermeneutics enables to make sense of meanings. typological and historical.


redeemer, kinsman


ruled judah under babylon. refused to pay tribute to nebuchadnezzer. assassinated.

When asked what wish he wanted granted, what did Solomon ask for?

wisdom (and then he became known as the wisest man in their known world)

"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good" (Ps 14:1) is an example of a:

wisdom psalm

davidic covenant

won't leave david in hell. establish david's throne forever.

What is formal equivalency translation?

word by word, not worried about readability


word for man

Isaiah's call is recorded in chapter __. His response was, _________.

6 "Here am I, send me!"


A German scholar who wrote A History of Israel which is the classic formulation of the Documentary Hypothesis.


A collection of books dealing with God's relationship with people; a time capsule from God

Ark of the Covenant

A container or chest, principally used to carry the two tablets of the Mosaic Law.

Explain what the rainbow meant after the Flood.

A king would hang his bow when he was done making war. The hanging of a bow was a sign of peace. God hung his bow in the clouds after he was done punishing mankind with the flood.


A list or body of writing that is scriptural or authoritative.


A literary convention in which an author assumes the name of another person, perhaps a famous person, to lend authority to the work.

Size of the Temple

Double than the Tabernacle

Progressive Revelation

God has not changed, but man's idea about God has changed


Israelite who married the king. Saved her people.


Israelite; judge; prophet; told the leader of the Israelite army, Barak, to attack the Canaanite army; went along with the army and received credit for the victory

Who said the Apocrypha is church books and worthy to be read?


The promise of _________ in Jeremiah 31 is described in Hebrews 8 as being fulfilled _________.

a "new covenant" by the NT church


covenant son of Abraham and Sarah.

How did opposition to Nehemiah's work try to stop building of the walls?

criticizing the plans

A forthteller is primarily one who:

declared God's truth to his generation

David was anointed "King" by...


What was elevated to a new level in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah?


Jonah ran from God because he

didn't want to do God's will

What symbolizes the ultimate end of Babylon?

Throwing the scroll into the Euphrates saying it would sink and not rise again


correct behavior


cousin of Saul; resented David as king and wanted Saul's son to be king instead which caused a war to break out; lead the men of Israel; was murdered by Joab

Ecclesiastes contains all literary types except:


What symbolic act did Ezekiel perform to illustrate that he was preparing for exile?

dug by the city walls

Divine council

governing assembly of angelic beings. Plural Gods

What title for God occurs more than 25 times in Isaiah?

the "Holy One of Israel"


wife of Joseph. Daughter of a priest of On

Who was given the name Israel?


Lord God


Religious & Historical Truths

- historic: literally - religious: read in context to find a deeper meaning - example of religious: Noah/Ark- God saves those who love/follow him


- mountain where 10 Commandments are given to Moses

What happened during Jacob's encounter with God?

-In Bethel (House of God) Jacob was on his way to Laban's territory and has a ladder vision. -Jacob wrestled with the man of God at the Jabbok at a site called Peniel (Face of God)

For what was Deborah known?

Barak, Sisera, Jael

mt. Carmel

where elijah dukes it out with ahab and jezebel to see whose god will make it rain.

Sarai Sarah

wife of Abraham. mother to Isaac


wife of David; wife of rich farmer; her husband was rude to David; she offered David gifts and apologized for her husband; married David


wife of Isaac; Hebrew woman; was chosen by a servant sent by Abraham; willingly left her land and family to marry Isaac because the Lord said; had two sons; favoured her youngest son and helped him trick his father into giving him the final blessing

Jehu was the...

wild chariot driver.

kingdom of God

will never be conquered. compared to a rolling stone...

Name the qualifications of "Teachings concerning Sin."

-It is disobedience to the expressed will of God -It is divisive -It is deadly

Define guilt offering.

-Same as sin offering -Atonement for known sin

What was the Moabite Stone?

It was founded in 1868 by a missionary, but found broken into pieces. It was dedicated to Chemosh, thanking him for victory over the Israelites.

What Jerusalem before it was the Israelite capital?

It was the ancient city of Jebus

First king of the Northern Kingdom



Jewish word meaning "peace"

Premilennialism refers to the reign of Christ:

on earth after he returns

parable of ewe lamb.

parable from Nathan. David is mad and demand's the rich man pay fourfold. it is about david.


the "generations" used in Genesis as a way of marking different times of early biblical history.

What happened on the 13th day of Adar?

Jews were successful in their defense


Jews that aren't in Israel


el is with us.

Nathan's parable

ewe lamb


one who is consecrated to the service of God and vows to abstain from alcohol and cutting of the hair

Wisdom of Solomon



Raised by Pharaoh's daughter. Led God's people out of Egypt.

Malachi 2:16

"'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord."

Elijah told Ahab that...

"Dogs will lick your blood, and that dogs will eat Jezebel."

What is the epitaph of Jacob? (Include his age)

"Few and Evil," 147 years old


"Hear" Almost the creed of Jewish belief. Symbol of monotheism.

Meaning of Joel's name

"Jehovah is God"

Meaning of Zechariah's name

"Jehovah remembers"

Meaning of Isaiah's name

"Jehovah saves"

Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."

What is the epitaph of Abraham? (Include his age)

"Old and full of Days," 175 years old

List the three kinds of books in the Old Testament. Also, list how many of each kind there are.

- 17 Historical Books - 5 Poetical Books - 17 Prophetical Books

Dating of Zechariah


Ezekiel taken captive to..



Born of Bathsheba and David. Built the Temple.


Historical Books

When was Ezekiel taken into exile?

597 BC as part of Jehoiachin's deportation

This book has the vision of the locust plague




Gershonites were responsible for...

The tabernacle coverings

Time period for Saul

United Kingdom


- man consecrated to God from birth - doesn't cut hair & doesn't touch strong drinks - ex. Samson

What empire took control of Jerusalem in 63 BC?

the Romans


to overcome, defeat.

Who served as Jeremiah's scribe?


Chapters in Ezekiel


The oldest tradition maintains that the author of Chronicles was


What was Spinoza's religion?



Multiple wives



When God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, Jonah set out for:


Imperfection - Deborah



Canaanite city that the Israelites burn down. Where Rahab lives


Canaanite deity. god of fertility who rode the bull. symbol of virility.


Canaanite god; served by Israelites because they lost their faith; fertility god; had his altar destroyed by Gideon according to God's Will


Canaanite; leader of the Canaanite army; ran away from battle when he realised he was loosing; was killed by the woman who gave him shelter


Canaanite; prostitute who hid two Israelite slaves in her home in exchange for safety from the Israelites; was saved along with her family when the Israelites attacked Jericho

King Jabin

Canaanite; ruler of the Canaanites; wanted to reign over the Israelites

For what was Jephthah known?

Cast out by brothers, made a foolish vow

What are the two types of laws?

Casuistic and Apodictic

Which canon has the most books in it?

Catholic Bible

Which part of the Book of Job is written in prose?

Chapter 2

Sign of the Covenant


Failure of Isrealites (3)

Civil Catastrophe


"name" great high priest. possibly given the name Melchizedek. legitimate priesthood, temple

Malachi foretells what two future messengers?

"my messenger" (Elijah/John the Baptist) "the Messenger of the Covenant" (Jesus)


- Abraham's wife - Isaac's mother

What are the characteristics of Isaac?

-Passive -Dedicated to a life of prayer -Patience

What did Ezekiel compare Pharaoh to?

a raging sea monster in the bonds of captivity

Enuma Elish

Babylonian creation story


An archaeological term for pyramid-like towers.


king of Judah who oppressed people and abandoned God; Solomon's son


Daughter of Laban who Jacob wishes to marry. Jacob works for 14 years to marry Rachel.

Which came first: God saving Israel or God asking Israel to obey his laws?

God saving Israel at the Sea during the Exodus


Teaching, lecturing, explaining.


correct beliefs

Dogs --- Jezebel



prophets; complied in 200 B.C.E.

457 BC

restoration of the walls of Jerusalem under Ezra


- Persian king who allows Jews in Exile to leave Babylon (most don't leave because Babylon is all they've ever known ) - God's "anointed one" or "messiah"


High God in Canaan. called a bull

Who formulated the Documentary Hypothesis?

Julius Wellhausen

Parallelism, semantic

Symmetry of meaning, repetition of denotation.

Why we study the Bible

To learn about God


being redeemed of our sins


persian named as deliverer

Micah 1:10-16 contains a series of _________ which describe _________.

puns the advance of the Assyrian army


son of Boaz and Ruth; father of Jesse; grandfather of David

List at least three points about the Dominion Mandate.

- we are to be stewards - loving rule, not tyrannical exploitation - responsibility and accountability - development and care - a.k.a. "cultural or creation mandate"


word for woman

Holiness Code

worship is expressed in a person's every day life in compassionate relationships


worshiping false Gods


- worshiping multiple gods

Define a promissory covenant.

(S+I) No new relationship is established, simply guarantees future obligations

Chapters in Obadiah

1 (21 verses)

What are the types of criticisms?

1. Historical 2. Source 3. Form 4. Redaction

What are the three types of spiritual sense?

Allegorical Sense Moral Sense Anagogical Sense

Explain Dan.

Allotted a territory along the Mediterranean Sea, but lost control of the territory to the people of the land, possibly the Philistines

Book of the Covenant

Also called the Covenant Code, Exodus 20:22- 23:33; a collection of Israelite laws.

Which country was not a major player in the Syro-Ephraimite War?


Which prophet's work involved tending flocks and taking care of sycamore trees before God called him to a prophetic ministry?


Which prophet preached at the same time as Hosea?

Amos & Jonah


An overlord to whom vassals owe fealty

What were Gog and Magog?

An ultimate foe of God's people (Israel)

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Prov. 14:34) is an example of _____.

Antithetic parallelism


Aramaic translations of individual books from Hebrew

At what age in Jeremiah's day did priests begin their service?

At age thirty

Old Testament

Deals with creation up until (not including) birth of Jesus; first written in Hebrew


Didn't believe the God of the OT was the same God of the NT. Was an early Christian. Wanted to chuck the entire OT.

Zedikiah rebelled against


14 periods of Biblical History

Beginnings, Ancestors, Bondage, Exodus & Covenant Making, Wandering in the Wilderness, Conquest & Settlement of Canaan, Tribal League, United Monarchy, Divided Monarchy, Exile in Babylon, Persian Period, Greek Period, Maccabean Period, Roman Period

Which Persian king issued an edict to the Israelites allowing them to return to their former land?


Which book is not included in the Latter Day Prophets?


Which line of kings is the author of First and Second Chronicles interested in?


Time period for Aaron

Exodus from Egypt

Abrahamic Covenant

God promised the land, many descendants, and many blessings to Abraham; sign of this covenant was circumcision

The correct meaning of Ezekiel's symbolic act of writing the name Jerusalem on a brick?

God would use Nebuchadnezzar's armies to destroy Israel

Major theme of Hosea

God's love for "backsliders"

Who was Gomer's husband?


Explain how the analogies of the "elephant" and the "cathedral" help illuminate the idea that the Bible is, despite the variety of its parts, still a single story.

In the analogy of the elephant, each blind man had a different way of describing the the elephant based on which part of it they touched. The elephant was described as a wall, a snake, a spear, a fan, a rope, and a tree. However, it was still the same elephant. Likewise, the cathedral has many ways of entering it, but ultimately, each entrance will show you the same building. The Bible can be looked upon or entered into in many different ways, but it still tells the same story.

Time period for the Maccabean Revolt


Northern Kingdom known as ---

Israel; Ephraim

Exodus 25-31, 35-40

Just as God's covenants with Adam and Eve provided them priesthood protection and access to him as they sojourned in the lone an dreary world, the God of Israel revealed a traveling temple (and priesthood servants to minister in it) as His way of traveling with the Israelites on their journey to a promised land that was both geographical and typological.

Who was basically responsible for filling Judah with idolatry?

King Manasseh (Hezekiah's son)


Land between 2 rivers; had technical advantages; polytheistic


Land of the Phoenicians; the name given to the coastal area to the north of Israel during the fist millennium B.C. It was known for its extensive trade.

What is Latin?

Language eventually took over from Greek within the Roman Empire


Led the people out of Egypt with the help of God

Imperfection - Ehud



built an ark according to God's Will; survived with his family and two of each animal after the flood; was given a covenant represented by a rainbow from God promising to never flood the earth again

What are the different ways of reading the Bible?

Literal Interpretation Literist Interpretation


Literally means "in between rivers"


Literally means "mound". Settlement mounds of layer upon layer of collapsed mud-brick. Decayed houses were simply levelled and new ones were erected in their place.

What are the ways to understand the Bible?

Literary Sense Spiritual Sense

The prayer of the Church; it is also known as the Divine Office. It utilizes the Scriptures, particularly the Psalms, for specific times of the day from early morning to later evening

Liturgy of the Hours

Which prophet forms the "center" of the book of the twelve?


Which prophet refers to Bethlehem as the birthplace of God's ultimate king?



Moabite; refused to leave her mother-in-law after the death of her husband; moved to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law; married a relative of her mother-in-law after gathering gleanings from his fields for a while; great-grandmother of David


Preaching the core or essential messages of the Gospels.

What was used by Ezekiel as a confirmation of God's spiritual reawakening of Israel?

dry bones receiving flesh, dry bones coming to life, binding two sticks together

What are examples of dynamic equivalency translations?


What are examples of functional equivalency translations?

NLT, the Message

Who became king of Babylon about the same time that Jeremiah was called by God?

Nabopolassar 626 B.C.

Ahab killed...


Which is most likely the oldest prophetic book in the Minor Prophets?



Official public worship of the Church.


Oldest son of Isaac and Rebekah. Loses birthright and blessing. Married two Hittite women.

Moabite Stone has who's name inscribed?



THEME: The rebuilding and future glory of the temple STRUCTURE: 1st message: A judgmental call to rebuild the temple (1) 2nd message : A prophetic promise of the future glory of the temple (2:1-9) 3rd message: A priestly decision to illustrate the present blessing of obedience (2:10-19) 4th message: A messianic prophecy concerning Zerubbabel (2:20-23)

Which book is not considered by modern scholars to be wisdom literature in its entirety?


What are two conquest theories and the basic arguments?

Rapid Conquest- Joshua account Slow Conquest- Judges 1. Infiltration Theory (nomads) Albrecht Alt- Israel was a bunch of nomads 2. Peasant Revolt: (1962 G. Mendenhall)- Peasants revolted, European thinking 3. Marxist Theory- Norman Gottwald or the "agrarian social revolution"- European thinking

How was Daniel different from other prophets?

Rather than preaching sermons against Israel's immediate neighbors, Daniel sees visions of future empires that oppose God and oppress his people everywhere and he portrayed God as God over the whole world and not just Jerusalem and Israel

What three steps do we need to take in order to interpret Scripture?

Read, Understand, Obey

What characterizes Saul's reign over Israel?

Rebellion and cowardice


Talks about creation and beginning of everything; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Failure of Isrealites (1)

Religious Compromise

Time period for the rebuilding the Temple


What chapter in Revelation closely parallels Ezekiel 47:1-12?

Revelation 22

Which major power least affected the history of Israel and Judah?



Systematic comparison and classification of each item according to type (color, texture, shape, size)

For what was Kathleen Kenyan known?

Systematic dating of pottery

For what was Sir Flinders Petrie known?

Systematic removal of a strata layer

For what is Tanak and abbreviation?

T- Torah (Law, Pentateuch, Law of Moses) N- Nebuim or Prophets K- Ketubim or Writings

Hebrew Canon

TANAK; Comprised of the Torah (law), Nebi'im (prophets), and the Kethubim (writing)


THEME: A call to total dedication to YHWH, through the restatement of the Law STRUCTURE: 1st address of Moses to Israel (1-4) Historical 2nd address of Moses to Israel (5-28) Legislative 3rd address of Moses to Israel (29-30) Prophetic 4th address of Moses to Israel (31-34) Historical


THEME: God is in control and cares for His people, God's sovereign authority given to those who are obedient, Prophecies and revelation of future things to come. STRUCTURE: Daniels victories (1-6) Daniels visions (7-12)


THEME: God uses faithful fallen humanity for His glory STRUCTURE Beginnings of the history of Humanity (1-11) The beginnings of the history of Israel (12-50) Abraham(12:1-25:18) Isaac (25:19-26) Jacob (27-36) Joseph (37-50)


THEME: God's compassion for the lost compared to Israel's lack of compassion for the lost. STRUCTURE: 1st commissioning and Jonah's disobedience (1-2) 2nd commissioning and Jonah's "obedience" (3-4)


THEME: God's glory revealed through the redemption and establishment of Israel as a nation and people of God STRUCTURE: Bondage and redemption (1-18) The Law and its guidance (19-24) The Tabernacle and worship (25-40)

Deuteronomistic history

The narrative that spans from the Book of Joshua through the Books of Kings.

Divine kingship

The concept, common to many ancient non-Israelite societies, that the monarch so mediates between the people and ultimate reality that he should be considered a god.


The covenant of peace. Promise that no more floods would happen.


The descendants of Levi. They were to serve as the priests.


The dispersion or existence outside Israel that characterized many Jews as exiled.

What worldwide effect did the events in the Tower of Babel story bring?

The introduction of many different languages and the dispersing of people across the globe


The king of Moab. Hired Balaam to curse Israel

During the time of kingship, who was supposed to be God's earthly representative in this world?

The kings of Israel and Judah

How many books of the Old Testament are considered to be minor prophets?

The last 12 books of the OT

How has it been possible to identify the divisions in the Book of Psalms?

The last verse of each section is written in a distinctive style


The law-prophets-writings that constitute the Hebrew Bible

Deuteronomic Code

The legal section of the Book of Deuteronomy.


The literary source that some scholars see in Genesis through Numbers that is most interested in law and ritual.


The modern name assigned to the ruins of the ancient Egyptian city of Akhentaten, capital in the fourteenth century bc.

From Criticism

The study of the smaller unites that make up the larger text

Covenant Code

The teaching that lays out the behavioral implications of the covenant.

Second Temple

The temple rebuilt upon returning from Exile in 520 to 515 B.C.

Sons of God

These "sons" are referred to in Genesis as things who came and slept with human women, the resulting offspring were giant people

Exodus 16-24

These chapters of Exodus make it clear that Moses mediated a covenant-making process between God and the Israelites. They are unclear about the precise nature and terms of that covenant, but D&C 84:19-26 clarify it very much.

To what did Jeremiah 3:6-4:4 compare Israel and Judah?

They were like two sisters

Genesis 1-11

Though the Old Testament is primarily the story of God's covenant with Israel, Old Testament history is long, complicated, involves enormous change over time, and geopolitics.

Dynamic Equivalence

Thought for thought (idea for idea) translation

Where did God send Jeremiah to preach in Jeremiah 18:7-19:15?

To the potter's house

Time period for Solomon

United Kingdom

St. Jerome's fifth-century Latin translation of the Bible into the common language of the people of his day


What genre is common to all ANE religious literature, including Israelite?

Wisdom Literature

What is the most likely role that Nehemiah played in the Persian Empire?

personal adviser

The Temple performed all the following functions:

provided a symbol of God's presence, formed a bridge between the postexilic community to the ancestors of their faith, linked the pre-exilic and post exilic Jewish communities.


the understanding of the nature of the universe


window gen 6:16, noon or midday. gave light to the ark


wipe out wickedness on earth. happened because we have a merciful god. waited til they were wicked to the core. reversal of creation

1 & 2 Kings

Historical Books

1 & 2 Maccabees

Historical Books


Historical Books


Historical Books

Time period for Zerubbabel


David's Principles of Victory (5)

5. Stand alone.

Possessing The Land - Joshua - Theme of Christ?

Commander of Land

This book is difficult to date



babylonian king that exiled jews.

Ezekiel compared Israel's leaders to:


Zechariah characterized the bad leaders of God's people as worthless



site of Moses's earlier revelation in 3:1 to which God commanded him to bring Israel to worship


small cases of torah texts tied to left arms and foreheads


son of David; hated Amnon for what he did to his sister; waited two years and then invited him over and had his servants kill him; ran away; claimed himself up as a judge and told the people what he'd do as king; took over ruling of Jerusalem when his father fled; hair is caught in tree branches, hangs himself


son of Jonathan to whom David gave housing and servants and luxury, turned his back on David and tried to claim himself as king

Nahum prophesied the sure destruction of



A prophetess of Israel. She wasn't a military leader, but helped Barak.



Sin of Achan?

Stole from Jericho

536 BC

first restoration of Judah by the Babylonians

What was the name of the land Israel really wanted to return to after the Exodus?

Canaan (The Promised Land)


Canaanite city God commanded Joshua to conquer


"one who prevails with God". Name given to Jacob. also applies to his descendants. Brother of Esau. Gets the birthright, dream and vow, long stay at house of laban, reconciling with Esau.

What does Deutero-Isaiah mean?

"second Isaiah"

Ezekiel is frequently addressed by God as _________.

"son of man"

Uriah the hittite

"testimony" husband of bathsheba. murdered by david.faithful. supporter of David before he became king.

Meaning of Micah's name

"who is like Jehovah?"

Define a suzerainty covenant.

(S>I) Superior binds himself to an inferior to obligation which benefit the superior.


- "Weeping Prophet" - doesn't want to be a prophet because he thinks that people won't listen - major writing prophet

Original Sin

- Adam & Eve eat forbidden fruit from tree - want to become like God - all humans are born with this sin & it affects everyone - human beings brought sin into the world, not God

List ways how some cults are clearly of track when it comes to interpreting the Bible. Also, give an example of a cult.

- Add to the text. - Have authority in something additional to the Bible. - Bend the truth in text selections. ~ Mormons ~ Jehovah Witness

List at least three of the ten principles for interpreting narratives.

- An Old Testament narrative usually does not directly teach a doctrine. - And Old Testament narrative usually illustrates a doctrine or doctrines taught propositionally elsewhere. - Narratives record what happened - not necessarily what should have happened or what ought to happen every time. Therefore, not every narrative has an individual identifiable moral application. - What people do in narratives is not necessarily a good example for us. Frequently, it is just the opposite. - Most of the characters in the Old Testament narratives are far from perfect - as are their actions as well. - We are not always told at the end of the narrative whether what happened was good or bad. We are expected to be able to judge this on the basis of what God has taught us directly and categorically elsewhere in Scripture. - All narratives are selective and incomplete. Not all the revelant details are always given (cf. John 21:25). What does appear in the narrative is everything that the inspired author thought important for us to know. - Narratives are not written to answer all our theological questions. They have particular, specific, limited purposes and deal with certain issues, leaving others to be dealt with elsewhere in other ways. - Narratives may teach either explicitly (by clearing stating something) or implicitly (by clearly implying something without actually stating it). - In the final analysis, God is the hero of all biblical narratives.


- Angel of Death passes over houses with the lambs blood on the door & doesn't kill the 1st born - Jews remember it with Seder (meal)


- Cyrus was a King of Persia, founder of the Achaemenian dynasty and the Persian Empire, he reigned 559-529 BC. He seized Media in 550, went on to conquer Lydia, and his crowning success was the capture of Babylon. He was finally killed in battle against one of the tribes north of his Kingdom.


- David & Bathsheba's son - builds 1st temple in Jerusalem - very sinful: has thousands of wives & worships false gods because his wives do so - known for being wise at a very young age - tells 2 women to cut baby in half settle a dispute

Davidic Covenant

- David's royal line that will endure forever - Christians believe that Jesus came from the line of David

Duhm, Bernhard

- Die Theologie der Propheten als Grundlage für die innere Entwicklungsgeschichte der israelitischen Religion (The Theology of the Prophets as the basis for Internal Development of Israelite Religion), 1875 - remembered for his exegetical work on the prophets of the Old Testament, particularly studies dealing with the complexities of the Books of Jeremiah and Isaiah


- Found frequently as a personal name in the Vulgate and various English translations of the Bible, is commonly used as a synonym of Satan, or the personification of evil.

What sort of historical context (of the author and his readers) should we seek to know?

- Geography - Time - Culture - Topography - Political factors - Occasion of writing the book

Genesis 1 Creation story

- God creates in 6 days - on the 6th day, he creates humans & 7th = rest - when God says something, it appears - religious truth: humans are created in God's likeness (ability to make decision) & image (free will)

What are the four points of the broad outline of the Genesis story?

- God is the divine source of all that is. - He stands apart from all other things in the special relationship of Creator to creation. - The fashioning humankind by God was intended to be the high point of all his work of making and forming. - God had in mind a very special relationship between himself and this last-formed of all his creatures.


- Naomi's daughter-in-law that follows her to Israel - marries Boaz but isn't a Jew - known for her promise to Naomi that she will stay with her & her God will be her own


- One of Jobs's three friends and so-called comforter. - was more sympathetic in his counseling than Job's other two friends, Bildad and Zophar. - But he too wanted Job to admit that his punishment by the Lord was just, for the sins he committed.

List the 9 symbols of Jesus ("Jesus is the true....").

- Passover Lamb - Temple - Prophet - Priest - King - Sacrifice - Lamb - Light - Bread

List the three character types of a story, their traditional role in a story, and who they are in the Biblical story.

- Protagonist: the main character - God - Antagonist: the person or force that brings the conflict - Satan, evil people/forces - Agonists: other characters that get involved in the conflict - God's people

Which religious groups do recognize the Apocrypha as part of Scripture? Which religious groups do not?

- Roman Catholics - Orthodox Christians (Eastern, Russian, Ethiopian) ~ Protestants


- Sarah & Abraham's son - Esau & Jacob's father (wants covenant to go through Esau because he's older) - Rebekah's husband


- Uriah's wife & Solomon's mother - David has an affair with her & kills Uriah

When studying literary context, list some facts we must know and some questions we must ask.

- Words belong in sentences - Sentences get meaning from surrounding sentences ~ What's the genre? ~ What's the point? - Trace the author's train of thought ~ What were they intending to say?

With Exegesis, we can/must/know what four things?

- can develop the skills - must use good sources when consulting experts - must apply to all Scripture, not just randomly - know it's not the only task, just the first task


- central sacred prayer of Judaism (essence of Judaism) - similar to the "Our Father" prayer for Christians


- daily bread from God/heaven that the Jews depended on when they were in the wilderness

List the four special features of the Bible.

- designed for hearers and readers - repetitions of key words and patterns - presence of God in the narrative - God is the ultimate character and supreme hero of the story

List at least three teachings about the world in Genesis 1.

- good (bounty, diversity, harmony) - order in the diversity - historical - exists within time and develops through time - kingdom over which He reigns

God does what twp things after the Fall?

- graciously takes the initiative to seek Adam and Eve out - clothes them with the skins of animals

Christian view of Old Testament

- has always included Old Testament

the Ban

- kill everything living, take what is of value and offer it up to God, burn everything

10 Commandments

- law of God & DECALOGUE - given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai - Moses writes down 10 C on tablets


- leads Israel into Jericho (town in Canaan) & takes over for Moses -serves as a model for the rest of Israel


- major writing prophet that tells about the 3 men in the burning furnace - is thrown into a lion's den, but isn't harmed due to the intervention of God - his stories show that God is more powerful than death


- means "anointed one" in Hebrew - Christos = Greek word for messiah - Jews believe messiah has yet to come, but will come from David's line - Christians believe that Jesus was the messiah


- solemn promise made by 2 people/ 1 person & God - has terms & sign - ex. Noah/God: sign = rainbow - ex. Abraham/God: sign = circumcision

David's 2 greatest feats

- uniting 2 nations (Israel-north & Judah-south) into one (Israel) - makes Jerusalem its capital... this is good because.. 1. centrally located 2. no favoritism because none of Israel's 12 tribes claimed it


- younger daughter of Laban - sister to Leah - Jacob's 2nd wife - mother to Joseph & Benjamin

Outline the Book of Joshua.

-1:1-9: The commissioning of Joshua -1:10-5:13: Entrance into the Land -5:13-12: Conquest of the Land -13-22: Division of the Land -23-24: Joshua's Farewell


-1st king anointed by Samuel - at first likes David, but then gets jealous because of his military success - is not a good ruler because he doesn't trust God & is very anxious - Michal & Johnathan's father - farmer

Explain Joshua's Farewell address.

-Commends the law to the people as God had done to him -Deuteronomic formula stated -Invitation to faithfulness -The Shechem covenant is made

Define burnt offering.

-Completely consumed -Atonement for unwitting sin in general


-Elijah, a Tishbite from the region of Gilead, was a prophet in Israel during the reigns of Ahab, Ahaziah and Jehoram. All his life Elijah was active in the defense of God. - His teachings brought him into constant conflict with the Kings of Israel, and on one occasion had to flee for his life. He fought against the cult of Baal, and clashed frequently with Ahab's wife Jezebel, who had introduced the pagan cult in Israel.

What types of writings were used in the OT?

-Gezer Calendar -Moabite stone -Siloam Inscription

Name the qualifications of "Teachings concerning Judgment."

-God's judgment of human sin is inevitable -God's judgment is varied

Discuss Elkannah.

-Had 2 wives: Peninnah and Hannah

What are some important points to remember about Jacob (Isaac's son)?

-He encounters Laban (Leah, Rachel) -His encounters with God (Bethel/Peniel)

Name the qualifications for "Teachings concerning Creation."

-Only God has the ability to create -Emphasis upon the source of creation (2 names for god in 1-2, Elohim and Yahweh) -Twofold orderliness in creative process

What is the background of the first five books of the OT?

-Pentateuch, Torah, Books of Law/Law of Moses -Complete collection with no divisions -The Hebrew titles are taken from the opening phrase of each book

What is the day of atonement?

-Priest must be washed (purity) and wear special garments -Priest must make atonement for self and family (get right with God in order to be a fit intermediary) -Two goats ---One Killed--represents death of sinner, blood covers altar, mercy seat, tabernacle (cleansing) ---One released in the wilderness-- represents removal of sins

What are the types of covenants?

-Purity -Patron -Promissory -Suzerainty

What are the miracles in the book of Exodus?

-Selectivity -Morality -Intensity -Timing -Election

What were some of the ancient versions of the OT?

-Septuagint -Vulgate by Jerome

Discuss Joshua's Conquest (5-12)

-Shittim-- spies, Rahab, Jordan River -Central-- Gilgal, Jericho, Ai, Gibeon -Southern-- Amorite Coalition-- Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon -Northern-- Hazor coalition

Name the types of archeological structures used in the OT.

-Tell -Strata/Stratum -Balk -Walls -Ostraca/Potsherd -Weaponry -Gates -Homes -Pottery/Grain/Architecture

Discuss the characteristics of the Laws of the Nazarite.

-The Nazarite vow could be for life or for a specific period of time -Distinction from the ordinary is the central emphasis -Provides an outlet for religious service for non-levitical people

Discuss the Shema Teachings.

-The oneness of God (the Lord our God is one Lord) -God is to be preferred in our heart, soul, and strength -Internal relationship not external ritual (heart tablets, not stone tablets) -Principles or relating to God are to be passed on to subsequent generations -Principles are to be assimilated into our daily routine sleeping, walking, resting, rising -Principles are to be part of our daily expression, we are to be identified with God's law and vice versa

What are the two divisions of Leviticus?

-The way of approach to a holy God -The maintaining of fellowship with a holy God

Define cereal offering.

-Token burned, rest for priest -To secure of retain good will

Unleavened Bread

-bread that doesn't have yeast - Jews eat @ Passover & Christians eat it at Communion


-meal that Jews eat to celebrate/remember the Passover (it celebrates Jew's freedom from slavery in Egypt)


-prophet that tells David that he was sinning by telling a parable about a poor/rich man & lambs - tells David not to build the first temple in Jerusalem (Solomon has to do it)

The Twelve Minor Prophets are divided into how many books in the Hebrew Bible?


What are 2 reasons Moses could have written the Torah?

1. Entry into the land is not yet accomplished 2. Written with a strong understanding of the ANE 3. Shows diplomatic negotiation parallels with the ANE 4. Has an understanding of the history of Egypt and the change of power 5. The author knows the geography and the rulers of key areas of the Levant 6. A king has not been appointed

Two sub-divisions of Prophets

1. Major Prophets 2. Minor Prophets

What is the value of the Old Testament to Western Culture?

1. Modern Laws have parallels 2. Our worship 3. Learn about the Middle East (modern laws, worship)

What are 2 reasons why the Old Testament is Unique in Light of Other ANE Documents

1. Monotheistic in perspective 2. Loving God vs. capriciousness 3. Positive towards women 4. It is inspired 5. It has endured through time (monotheistic, inspired)

Problems with Zechariah

1. Murder of Zechariah mentioned by Jesus 2. The Unity of the book

List in order the three kings of the United Kingdom

1. Saul 2. David 3. Solomon

What is the importance of the Bible for Catholics?

1. Scripture readings are integral to every Mass and all the sacraments. 2. Scripture is also at the heart of the Liturgy of the Hours - the public prayer of the Church

4 predictions about the Messiah in Zechariah

1. come in a low and humble station in life 2. restore Israel by the blood of his covenant 3. serve as shepard to the a people scattered and wandering 4. be pierced and struck down

Nehemiah's leadership lessons

1. don't share your vision until you understand the task/project 2. pray before speaking or making a decision 3. assign people to the place of their passion 4. have everyone work together regardless of their position 5. don't stop working to talk to your detractors 6. discern truth from fear factors/fearful statements 7. keep the word of God central 8. keep the requirements of God's law

5 miracles of Elijah

1. predicts drought 2. God feeds Elijah by the ravens 3. multiplying meal and oil 4. widow's son is raised from the dead 5. Mt. Carmel triumph

The "fool" in the book of proverbs is _____.

1.A young man who doesn't know any better. 2.An old man who rejects the ways of YHWH and leads young men astray. 3.A middle-aged man who gives in to his fleshly desires.

Why is Ahab condemned as one of the wicked kings of Israel?

1.Because of his continued alliance with Tyre & Sidon & 2.Because of his worship of Ba'al

What "legal loophole" did levirate law create for Ruth and Boaz's son Obed?

1.He could legally be considered the son of Naomi, though he was half Moabite 2.He had rights to the inheritance of Boaz and Elimelech

According to some biblical historians, what would have made Ahab such a powerful king of Israel?

1.His father's alliance with Tyre & Sidon 2.The size of his army 3.His control of the Jezreel Valley

What form of intermarriage was problematic during the reign of Ezra & Nehemiah?

1.Jews & foreigners 2.Civil & religious authorities

What are key components of a Hittite suzerainty treaty format?

1.Preamble 2.Stipulations for covenant loyalty 3.Pronouncement of curses and blessings

Why is it likely that Joel is a post-exilic book?

1.Refers to the Babylonian exile as a past event 2.Only priests and elders called to repentance 3.No tirades against idolatrous worship 4.All of the above

What is one of the themes of the Book of Daniel?

1.The Sovereignty of God 2. the self-destructive pride of humankind 3. the ultimate victory of God's kingdom.

Chapters in Joel


Chapters in Nahum


Chapters in Zephaniah


How many divisions are there in the Hebrew Bible?


Judah's return from Babylonian exile occurred in ____ waves.


The Israelite conquest of Canaan consisted of _____ military campaigns.


How many books are in the Old Testament?

39 books

How many "books" comprise the book of Psalms?


The phrase "the day of the Lord" appears ___ times in Joel.


Chapters in Jeremiah


Dating of Haggai


Dating of Daniel


The Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther trace the history of the Jews beginning at

538 B.C.

When did Babylon's world domination end?

539 B.C.

When did Babylon's world domination end?

539 BC

When was Ezekiel most likely deported to Babylon?

597 BC

2 promises God makes to prophets

> they will be aware of His presence > they will be aware of His power


A major ancient near eastern empire, located in Mesopotamia, which dominated Israel and the entire region from the ninth through the seventh centuries B.C.

What might Judges 17-21 be?

A polemic for Davidic kingship.


A promise between God and his people. Sometimes made between people.

What is one of four major differences between the words of the Hebrew prophets and other ancient Near Eastern "prophet-like" literature?

A proper relationship with God should result in just and ethical treatment of other people.


A prophet of Gos. Never died, but was taken to heaven in a chariot.


A revelation about the end of the world or God's coming to render justice; the sort of literature that purports to derive from heavenly visions and offers a view of the future consoling to those who suffer from the faith.


A sermon or exhortation; Deuteronomy has a paraenetic style.

What are the major contributions of the Primeval Prologue?

A. Teachings concerning Creation (Generation) B. Teachings concerning Sin (Degeneration) C. Teachings concerning Judgment D. Teachings concerning Grace (Regeneration)

Discuss Moses' Call Experience.

A. Who am I?-- "I'll be with you" B. Who are you?-- "I am who I am" C. Won't believe me-- Rod, Hand, Water D. Speaking Issues-- Give you words E. Find Someone Else-- Aaron


AUTHOR: Solomon THEME: (1:1-7) To describe and install wisdom in God's people, a wisdom that is founded in the fear of the Lord.

Song of Solomon

AUTHOR: Solomon THEME: An allegory for God's love for Israel, or church, or King Solomon and his relationship with Shulamite shepherdess, or just a shepherd and a shepherdess. There are several interpretations of this book. STRUCTURE: The joys and struggles of courtship (1-3:5) The marriage and consummation (3:6-5:1) The maturing of the relationship (5:2-8)

Who comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Aaron or Zerubbabel?


What are the two possible dates when dating the book of Exodus?

Early date: 1446 B.C. Late date: 1290 B.C.

Which major power least affected the history of Israel and Judah?


The most common nonevangelical position on the composition of the four kingdoms of Daniel 2-7 is:

Babylonia, Media, Persia, Greece

Habakkuk foretells Judah's punishment by the _______, as well as the subsequent punishment of _______ itself.

Babylonians (Chaldeans) Babylon

southern kingdom captured by the ---- on ----- separate invasions

Babylonians; three

When the Old Testament comes to an end, where are the Jews, in what condition, and what do they have again?

Back in their land, in their city, with their Temple, with their God again, recommitted to the Law

What relationship did Baruch have to Jeremiah?

Baruch was Jeremiah's Scribe

Who served as Jeremiah's scribe?

Baruch, son of Neriah

Form of battle used in David v. Goliath is...

Battle by Championship

What did Nebuchadnezzar do to Zedekiah?

Blinded him and took him in chains to Babylon, the last thing he saw was the death of his sons

Minor Prophets

Books are shorter; Joel, Micah, Baruch, Daniel


Books included in the Septuagint but not in the Hebrew Bible.

Textual Criticism

Concerning the Bible itself, (aka lower criticism)

Time period for Noah & the Flood

Creation & Fall

Time period for Tower of Babel

Creation & Fall

Proper order of time periods from earliest to latest

Creation & Fall, Patriarchs, Exodus from Egypt, Conquest of Canaan, United Kingdom, Divided Kingdom, Exile, Restoration, Intertestamental

Excavations from Tel Dan have yielded inscriptions referring to the "house" of which king of Israel?


Who is discussed the most in Chronicles?


Who is the author of the largest number of the psalms?


Absalom's rebellion -

David flees

Southern Campaign: Two things

Deceit of Gibeonites, Defeat of Ammorites

What is one argument for a late date and 1 for an early date of the Exodus/Conquest?

Early Date (1446-1440 BC) The Merneptah Stele states that pharaoh Merneptah defeated "Israel" in Canaan around 1210 BC. Therefore Israel had to be in the land before the mid 13th century in order to be established as a nation large enough to withstand pharaoh Merneptah. Late Date (1290-1224 BC) It is suggested that Edom and many of the Transjordan people groups were not large countries until after 1300 BC so why would Israel be afraid of them if they encountered them in the mid 15th century


Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Canon; later became the standard Latin version of the Bible for many years.

The following statement is best summarized in which of the following poetic books. What is the meaning of life?



Editing; reworking

Zedekiah allied with


King Josiah of Judah died fighting against ___________, while trying to stop their attempt to lend assistance to _____________.

Egypt, Assyria

What three nations did Isaiah predict would be a blessing to the world?

Egypt, Assyria, Israel

What three nations did Isaiah predict would be a united blessing to the world?

Egypt, Assyria, Israel

The wisdom literature of the Book of Proverbs is most parallel to the wisdom literature of ancient



Egyptian servant of Abraham; bore him his first son; was sent away by Sarah but brought back by an angel; was eventually sent into the desert with her son by Abraham


El is with us. prophecy in context of advising king ahaz in midst of Assyrian/Israel alliance against Judah

Whose speech set the stage for God to speak?


Ahab and Jezebel created great opposition for the prophet:


1 kings 17-2kings 10

Elijah and Elisha Cycles. form a succession narrative to explain how solomon came to replace his father david as israel's king. Next is a succession narrative to explain how the prophet elisha came to replace elijah in the northern kingdom. and the names and stories told of both prophets teach us that the continued the prophetic tradition and authority of Moses as they served the God of Israel amidst his idolatrous people.

Who began the first cycle of speeches in Job 4?


To which prophetic theme does the emphasis on God's judgment on unbelievers, the cleansing and purging of God's people, and the salvation of God's people speak?

Eschatalogical theme


Evaluating evidence to arrive at a reasoned judgement concerning the matter under investigation.

Compare/Contrast Exegesis and Hermeneutics.

Exegesis is studying to discover the original intended meaning of Scripture. Hermeneutics is seeking the contemporary relevance of ancient texts.

Time period for the Babylonian Exile


Time period for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem


Time period for Nebuchadnezzar

Exile (he was the king of the Babylonians)

The tone of Ezekiel changes in chapter 25-48 to:

Ezekiel describes how God will judge those who oppose his people, whether those people live among them or in the nations surrounding them.

Time period for the Ten Plagues

Exodus from Egypt

Time period in which the Law was received

Exodus from Egypt

What books of the Bible cover legal codes or the law?

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Whom did say Isaiah 56:1-8 would join God's family?

Foreigners and Eunuchs - believers of all nations and types would become one family in Jesus Christ.


Fourth century scholar that prepped the Vulgate from Hebrew.


From the Hebrew shabbot, seventh. The weekly seventh day of rest mandated for Israelites by God in the Ten Commandments.


Garden where Adam and Eve dwelled with God.

Fall of Jerusalem - Subsequent Events

Gedeliah appointed governor - Jeremiah the prophet taken to Egypt - End of theocratic kingdom and begining of "Times of the Gentiles"

An Old Testament proverb is best understood as containing a ____.

General principle of life

Genesis 1-3

Genesis and restored scriptures contain several complimentary creation accounts that tell the story of Gods, plural, creating women and men in their image so they can be happy. Such creation did not begin when Adam and Eve were embodied (they existed before) or end when they died. Rather, creation in the image of God is ongoing and culminates in eternal exaltation

Genesis 4-ll, Moses 5-7

Genesis is about generations and beginning again and again. It's a history of God's family that tells how some of his children came to hate him and others to love him. Read in the light of restored scripture, especially Moses 5-7, the primeval story told in Genesis 4-11 deepens our understanding of God's unrelenting desire to redeem us from the effects of the fall by giving us laws and covenants, and of the pain we cause God when we resist or reject his offer of redemption. The primeval story is our story.

5 main sections of Old Testament

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Pentateuch (Torah)

Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy

Fall of Jerusalem - Sequence of Events

Glory Departed - Walls breached - City Destroyed by Nebuzaradan

The struggles that were most difficult for Jeremiah were the struggles with:


What Jewish holiday commemorates the Maccabean Revolt?


Martin Noth

He came up with the theory of Deuteronomistic History. He says it was written in 550 BC to explain why the Israelites found themselves in exile

How did God help Hezekiah to defeat Sennacherib?

He sent an angel to destroy the army

Ezra (Short Def.)

He was a scribe. Cleansed mixed marriages and helped return the Jews.

What are the languages of the Bible?

Hebrew Aramaic Latin Greek

What is the name for the first five books of the OT in Hebrew and Greek?

Hebrew- Torah Greek- Pentateuch

Nehemiah (Short Def.)

Helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. High official under Artaxerxes.


Helped to rebuild the walls. Helped purify the Jewish community.

What is the study that seeks to understand the contemporary relevance of ancient texts (here and now)?


Sennacherib's Prism records receiving tribute from which king of Judah?


1 & 2 Samuel

Historical Books

1 &2 Chronicles

Historical Books


Historical Books


Historical Books


Historical Books

What did Hosea compare Israel to?

Hosea declared that in a spiritual sense, God and Israel were husband and wife. Israel had forsaken her marriage bond with the Lord, joining herself to Baal and other lovers - The unfaithful wife of God

Inspiration/Biblical Inspiration

How the Holy Spirit guided the human authors to teach without error the truths/word of God

What is redaction criticism?

How the various editors put together their sources and arranged them the way they did

What is the key theme of Leviticus

How to approach a holy God.

Redaction Criticism

How various sources are combined into larger unites

What is literalist interpretation?

Ignores the various literary forms and the cultural and the historical factors of the period in which the biblical authors wrote


Israel's historical and typological experience in the wilderness, where they seek to be holy so they can be led by God to their geographical and typological promised land. Neither false prophets or powerful enemies can stop them, but lack of faith, pride, idolatry, and adultery do.


Israelite; judge; was called by God to save the Israelites from the Philistines; was born even though his mother was barren; was not allowed to cut his hair or drink and eat anything unclean; had incredible strength; married a Philistine but she was killed; married another Philistine woman named Delilah who tricked him into telling her the secret to his strength; was betrayed by her; had his eyes cut out and was chained to pillars in front of Philistines; begged God for his strength once more and made the pillars collapse so that the building would fall on all inside


Israelite; king; second king of Israel; considered the greatest king of Israel; united the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel; killed the Philistine hero Goliath with only a slingshot and rocks at a young age after invoking God's help; had an affair with a soldier's wife and had him killed


Israelite; prophet; non-writing prophet; was kept under the care of the priest Eli because his mother gave him into the service of The Lord; later became a judge for the Israelites; last judge of Israel; prophet to whom the people complained about wanting a king; resented the people for wanting a king other than God; got them a king with God despite of this


Israelite; put in a basket in the river to avoid being killed by the Pharaoh; was found by the Pharaoh's daughter and was raised as royalty; was told of his true roots and killed an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite; ran away to Midian; saw and talked to God in the form of a burning bush; released ten plagues onto Egypt through God; lead the Israelites out of slavery; parted the Red Sea; was given the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai from God; talked to God in the Tent of Meeting; died before entering the Promised Land


Israelite; sister of Moses

Canonical Criticism

It assumes that a that a given segment in its final form was designed to speak to the problems of that time

Zephaniah is said to have prophesied in the days of _______ (1:1), and helped to _________.

Josiah scare the people into repentance

Was it right for Israel to ask for a king?

It had been prophesied about but, Israel's intentions were wrong. Genesis 49- Jacob prophesied about it Numbers 24- Balaam foretold of the coming king Deuteronomy 17- Moses foretold of it 1 Samuel 2- Hannah speaks of a future king

What was the Siloam Inscription?

It was found by a group of young boys playing in 1880. It was a tunnel dug during the reign of Hezekiah to withstand the siege of Sehnacherib in 701 B.C.

Whom did God use as an example of his effort to teach the Israelites from their own history?


What person's experience teaches the lesson that God will bring all people home?


Who served as prophet during the Babylonian domination?

Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah

Jewish views of messiah

Jews are still waiting for messiah to come

At what place did Jeremiah give the warning of final judgment for Judah?

Kidron Valley

The following statement is best summarized in which of the following poetic books. Why bad things happen to good people:


What book of the Bible falls in the wisdom literature genre?


This book contains Four-Part Answer from God

Joel 1. Land would experience restoration 2. People would experience spiritual awakening 3. God would judge unrepentant nations 4. Judah would enjoy special blessings and promises

Who was the first general and leader of the Israelites when they came into Canaan?


Deuteronomic History

Joshua, Judges, 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st & 2nd Kings - tell about history of Israel from when Jews enter the promised land to the era of the Kings

Deuteronomic History

Joshua; Judges; 1 & 2 Samuel; 1 & 2 Kings [Greek Bible: 1&2 Kings; 3 & 4 Kings]

What is the most likely date for the Book of Hosea?

Late in Jeroboams reign, most date it just before 721 BC


Lost her husband and sons. She was saved by Ruth.

King's Highway

Major North-South road; also the road Israel followed coming out of the desert into Palestine.

The teacher's philosophy in Ecclesiastes:

Man should eat, drink, and be satisfied with his work

What do the first 4 commandments express?

Man's relationship to God

What do the last 6 commandments express?

Man's relationship to man

According to Chronicles, which wicked king surprisingly repented at the end of his life?


Who was basically responsible for filling Judah with idolatry?


Who was one of Judah's most wicked kings?


What two tribes have allotments of land during the OT?

Manasseh and Dan


Manual for the Aaronic Priesthood holders who officiated in the Israelite tabernacle or tent of the congregation. It sets forth the ordinances by which Israel could sanctify itself and become holy so they could meet God. "Ye shall be holy; for I am holy" is the Lord's message to Israel in Leviticus.

How do you spell the name of the city against which Jonah prophesied?


Beginning with _____, the LXX, and the MT have the twelve Minor Prophets in the same canonical order.


Which prophet did not minister during the period of Persian domination?

Nehemiah and Ezra

The second wave of exiles returned to Jerusalem with what leader and what did they rebuild next?

Nehemiah; the city walls

To which tribe did Isaiah prophesy that spiritual light would come first?

Northern Tribal Territories of Zebulun and Naphtali


Personifying; treating something nonhuman as though it were human.

What does the word "Leviticus" actually mean?

Pertaining to the Levites

Who comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: Pharaoh or Samson?


In Exodus, the key contest is between ___ and ___.

Pharaoh, YHWH


Primary source of Jewish law and rabbinic learning

What is the key theme of Genesis?

Primeval and patriarchal histories.

In the Hebrew Bible, "prophecy" is primarily concerned with ____.

Promoting covenant obedience


Prophets: Major


Prophets: Major


Prophets: Minor


Prophets: Minor

What movement put precritical reading of the Bible under threat?

Protestant Liberalism


Providing a template, a normative pattern.

Micah predicted the doom of _________ and _________.

Samaria (1:6) Jerusalem (3:12)

Who were the "architects" for Mesopotamian culture?


Which book was read on the day of Pentecost?


1 Samuel

Samuel was consecrated by his mother Hannah to serve the God of Israel, which he did as a transitional leader-judge and seer- whose ministry spanned the end of the judges and the first two of Israel's kings, both of whom were anointed by him. The books of 1 and 2 Samuel were originally a single book in the Hebrew Bible. Their main message is that kings take. Samuel tried to warn the Israelites of that when they demanded a king so they could be like the neighboring nations. "Nevertheless, the people refused to obey the voice of Saumel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us"

Those who opposed Nehemiah's rebuilding:

Sanballat (Samaria) - Tobiah (Ammon) - Geshem (Kedar=Arabia)


Sarah's Egyptian slave-girl; given th Abraham to act as a surrogate for Sarah and Abraham's promised child; God made a promise that her son Ishmael would also have many descendants; proclaimed that she had seen God

Who was Israel's first king?


Jephthah's Vow Theories

She was killed and sacrificed OR Dedicated as a virgin


THEME: The faithful love of the Lord to unfaithful Israel STRUCTURE: Intro: The burden of Malachi (1:1) 1st Oracle: respond to God's love (1:2-5) 2nd Oracle: honor God (1:6-2:9) 3rd Oracle: be faithful as God's covenant people (2:10-16) 4th Oracle: hope in God (2:17-3:6) 5th Oracle: Obey God (3:7-12) 6th Oracle: Fear God (3:13-4:3) Conclusion: Be prepared for God's Coming (4:4-6)


Synthesis of variegated religious beliefs derived from more than one religion


THEME: God's judgment upon Israel's apostasy (abandonment) during the period of the judges STRUCTURE: The causes of apostasy (1:1-3:6) The cycles of apostasy (3:7-16:31) The consequences of apostasy (17-21) 12 judges that are mentioned


THEME: Judgment and restoration of the day of the Lord. STRUCTURE: The day of the Lord- Judgment (1-3:8) The day of the Lord- restoration (3:9-20)


THEME: Micah indicts Samaria and Jerusalem for their sins with both Assyria and Babylon. Judgment and forgiveness. STRUCTURE: Superscription (1:1) The announcement of judgment on Israel and Judah (1:2-2:13) The present injustice and future prospect of just rule in Jerusalem (3:1-5:15) The Lord's indictment and restoration of His people (6-7)


THEME: The Judgment and Restoration of God's People by the Lord STRUCTURE: The Commissioning of Ezekiel (1:1-3:27) The Condemnation of Judah (4:1-24:27) The Condemnation of the Nations (25:1-32:32) The Restoration of Jerusalem (33:1-48:35)


THEME: The destruction of Jerusalem AUTHOR: Believed to be Jeremiah STRUCTURE: 1st dirge: Jerusalem's desolation because of her sin (1) 2nd dirge: God's punishment of Jerusalem's sin (2) 3rd dirge: Jeremiah's response 4th dirge: The Lord's anger 5th dirge: The remnant's response

2 Samuel

THEME: The establishment of David as a king whose line would rule forever STRUCTURE: The triumphs of David (1-10) The Troubles of David (11-24)

1 Samuel

THEME: The establishment of Israel as a theocratic monarchy STRUCTURE: The call and ministry of Samuel (1-8) The call and monarchy of Saul (9-15) The call and ministry of David (16-30) The death of Saul (31)

What did Ezekiel identify as silent witnesses to what happened to Israel?

The mountains


THEME: The faithfulness and sovereignty of God revealed through the preservation of His people. PURPOSE: To encourage God's people by reminding them of God's faithfulness to preserve of the Jewish people and to describe the origin of the feast of Purim. STRUCTURE: Esther attains royalty (1-2) The surviving of the Jews (3-9:19) The feast of Purim (9:20-32) The Greatness of Mordecai (10)


THEME: The final doom of Edom and a bright future for God's people STRUCTURE: Destruction of the house of Edom (1:1-16) Deliverance of the house of Jacob (1:17-21)


THEME: The return of the exiles to rebuild the temple and to reestablish their worship with God. AUTHOR: Believed to be Ezra

Carbon 14

Taken up by living things while they are alive, it is used to date fossils younger than 60,000 years.

Historical Books

Talks about the conquering and settling of the Promise Land; Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings

Wisdom Books

Teach us how to live a good an holy life; Wisdom, Job, Psalms, Song of Songs, Proverbs

What is allegorical sense?

Teaches what you should believe ; what the words mean in the larger context of Salvation History.

In Kings, what is presented as the ultimate act of obedience?

Tearing down the "high places"

Amos worked in the town of:


Atonement, Day of

Ten days after the Fall New Year, a day set aside to confront and remove the sins of the past year.

On what did Jeremiah say the new covenant would be written?

That the new covenant, God would place his law in his people's hearts to a level he had not done in earlier times

Minor Prophets

The 12 prophets of the Old Testament whose recorded sayings are much briefer than those of the major prophets

Genesis 12-25

The Abraham cycle is about covenant parenting: Genesis closes with the posterity of Shem. Genesis 12 opens with the story of a childless couple, Abraham and Sarai, and the authors often call "blessing" and LDS ones think of as the priesthood ordinances that sealed their family together. Remember the 3 P's of the Abrahamic covenant: posterity, promised land, priesthood ordinances

Explain how the Bible is both human and divine.

The Bible is written in human words, in a certain time, place, and culture with a human audience in mind. Nonetheless, it is God's Word, and it was inspired by Him. The Bible is eternally relevant and speaks to all cultures across time and space.

Problems in Esther

The name of God doesn't appear in the book - mixed marriages sanctioned?

How does the Christian OT canon differ from the Hebrew Scriptures of Jesus' day?

The Hebrew Scriptures were ordered (labeled and numbered) differently, thus resulting in 24 or 22 books. It is still, nonetheless, the same material.


The God of Israel had traveled with his people throughout the wilderness, delivering them from bondage with shade by day and fire by night. But then they became planted in the promised land and associated the LORD with the temple in Jerusalem. Kings like Josiah and Hezekah limited worship of the God of Israel to that one place. So the destruction of the temple by the Babylonians was devastating to the people of Judah. Ezekiel, a prophet of the exile, envisioned the LORD on wheels- a throne-chariot- and gave the exiles a renewed, hopeful conception of a God who traveled with them through their trials and would redeem and even resurrect them and reestablish the temple in due time. As with the LORD's prophecies through Isaiah and Jeremiah, Ezekiel's blamed the people of Judah for their own plight because they had broken their covenant. But as with those other prophesies, Ezekiel's hopefully held out the promise of covenant renewal and redemption

What world power takes over Palestine and the rules over the Jews after the Persians?

The Greek Empire (led by rulers like Alexander the Great)


The Greek translation of the Bible. Called the LXX


The Greek translation of the Tanak from Hebrew begun in Alexandria, Egypt in the third century.

What is the Vulgate?

The name of the first original translation of the Bible

Kings & Chronicles' Picture of Christ

The Lord of the Temple

What was the most foolish thing Hezekiah did to the Babylonian delegates?

The fact that he showed the Babylonians everything. He gave the delegation a thorough tour and showed them all his splendor and treasures

What event mentioned in Nahum gives us a proximate date for the book?

The fall of Thebes


The first five books of the bible. The Greek version.

Old Testament

The first part of the Bible procaliming the Salvation History before the coming of Jesus.


The flight of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity; it gave them an awareness as a people. First most important event in the OT.


The glorious divine presence seen in the cloud that accompanied the marchers in the wilderness.

Cosmological Myth

The notion that the whole of reality is an ordered (usually living) unity composed finally of a single stuff.

Where should the righteous look to see their salvation?

The past, future, and present

Divided Kingdom

The period between 922 and 722 B.C. when the once united Israel became a Northern Kingdom and a Southern Kingdom. It ended with the Assyrian conquest of Israel.

Explain Timing.

The plagues happened at God's will and Moses' command.

Canaanite Religion

The polytheistic cult of Israel's most important neighbors. It was greatly concerned with fertility.


The portable house of God. Went with Israel during the time in the desert.

The story of Ruth is an example of_____.

The practice of "covenant love" in human community


The process of interpreting a myth in non-mythic language to express its meaning without clinging to its mythic form.

Which prophet is considered a nonliterary prophet?

The prophets of the OT that did not commit their words to writing - Elisha


The story of the woman who became is not primarily about Ruth. It is primarily about God's faithfulness to Naomi. It is a theodicy, meaning a reconciliation of the fact that bad things happen with the idea that God is loving and powerful. And it is one of few places in the Bible that we hear the voices of women, including a Moabite-avowed enemies of Israel-who chooses to be faithful to the God of Israel and becomes the ancestress of Israel's kings.


The role of remembering the past as a way of ensuring fidelity to covenants in the future. It is Moses reminding Israelites on the verge of entering their promised land that failure to actively remember covenants kept their ancestors out and that actively remembering covenants with the LORD will enable them to prosper in the future. The main message is that the choice to remember actively-that is, to "hear O Israel, the statutes and judgements which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them"-is the key to covenant keeping and therefore to eternal life.


The scientific study of the material remains of the human past.

What is the unifying focus of the servant passage in Isaiah?

The servant is God's instrument

What is the unifying focus of the servant passage in Isaiah 40-66?

The servant is God's instrument, fully yielded to his purpose.


The shadow underworld to which the departed spirits of the dead go.


The special inheritance rights of the first-born son giving him claim to the bulk of the ancestral property.


The state of being the first born or eldest child of the same parents; the right of the eldest child, especially the eldest son, to inherit the entire estate of one or both parents.

Original Sin

The tendency for people to turn away from God and do the wrong thing

What is the point of the story of the rape and death of the Levite's concubine in Judges 19-21?

To show that Israel without a king is no better than Sodom and Gomorrah.

What are the three parts of the Hebrew Canon?

Torah (law), Nebi'im (prophets), Kethubim (writings)

What is historical criticism?

Tries to determine the historical context of the biblical text

Rosetta Stone

Trilingual inscription that translated Egyptian hieroglyphics

Which king's death marks the beginning of Isaiah's prophetic call?


What does Vatican II say about Sacred Scripture?

Vatican II: Scripture "must be read in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written." Note the content and unity of the whole Scripture "Read the Scriptures within 'the living Tradition of the whole Church.'" Pay attention to the "analogy of faith"

Holy War

War fought to wipe out anything that will have a bad influence on Israel.

What special role has God assigned to humanity? What term is used to describe this "assignment"?

We should serve as his "underkings"/vice-regents/stewards. We are to rule over the creation so that God's reputation is enhanced within his cosmic kingdom; cultural/creation mandate

Religious Truth

What God wants us to know; looking at things from a faithful perspective

What is literary sense?

What the author intended by the words he wrote Teaches history; what the words say in a historical context

this book is dated by the reign of Darius


Fall of Jerusalem - Serious Reasons

Zedekiah refused Word of God through Jeremiah - People and Priests scoffed at warning of the prophets - Sabbatical years had been neglected - Open idolatry and spiritual apostasy


anointed by elijah. king during Elisha over Israel.

sibling rivalry

a common theme in Genesis where siblings are in conflict with one other; such as Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Cain, and Abel, Joseph and his brothers

The Song of Songs does not have:

a consistent narrative plot

The book of Habakkuk is written in the form of _______.

a dialogue between Habakkuk and God

Parallelism, static

a duplication, or mirroring with little movement of thought or imagery.

God told Judah that their sin would be ultimately judged by:

a foreign nation

Jonah was the only prophet who preached exclusively to ___________.

a foreign people (Gentiles)

What is a woe oracle?

a judgment speech that typically begins with the word "woe".

What are the types of literary forms?

a. Historical Books b. Prophecy c. Poetry d. Letters e. Genealogies f. Miracle Stories g. Parables

The background of Zephaniah was a time of _________, which might be a result of _________.This is the same tone expressed in _________.

alarm for Judah the Scythian invasion of Judah from the north (627 B.C.) Jeremiah 4


also known as Pesach. Jewish festival of freedom and deliverance. Instructed to be held in first month by the Lord

Jeremiah told the people that while they did not observe God's law the laws were observed by


Ahab was a

bad guy.


before Babylonian captivity (Isaiah Jonah)

Jonah is a _______________, and not a book of prophecies.

biographical narrative

"Yet 40 days, and Nineveh will be destroyed" (Jonah 3:4) was an example of a ___________.

conditional prophecy

Nazarite vow

consecrated man. Abstain from wine, cutting of the hair, and any contact with the dead.


contemporary of Jeremiah. priest from Jeru temple. taken to babylonia. to be a watchman on a tower observing coming disaster from afar and warning people to prepare.

Margaret Barker's thesis

controversial thesis about the nature of Josiah's reforms as drastic changes to israelite temple worship. Josiah probably destroyed places for angels. groups leaving as a result of reforms.


cousin of David; wanted David as king and was against Abner; lead the men of Judah; killed Abner


highest ranking nobleman in the Medo-Persian empire calls for total genocide of the Jews


excercsis illegitimate priesthood, apostate temple.

The process used by scholars to discover the meaning of the biblical text



explains the origins of something or why a person or place is named what they're named

Law of Retaliation

eye for an eye


face of god

Who are the most frequently found characters in Egyptian wisdom literature?

fathers and sons

606 BC

first invasion of the Babylonians


first man created by God; made from dust; ate from the forbidden tree and was expelled from the garden of Eden


first son of Rachel and Jacob; second youngest son of Jacob; favourite son of Jacob; was sold into slavery by his siblings out of their jealousy; was watched over by God and became ruler of his master Potiphar's house; rejected Potiphar's wife's advances; was sent to jail because Potiphar's wife claimed he was the one who tried to seduce her; was able to interpret dreams; interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh's butler and chef; interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh and became a ruler over Egypt


first wife of Jacob; Jacob married her thinking she was her younger sister but was fooled; bore six sons and one daughter to Jacob


first woman created by God; made from the rib of the first man; ate from the forbidden tree and gave the fruit to her husband; was expelled from the garden of Eden


fourth son of Jacob; born from Leah; convinced his brothers to sell Joseph into slavery because it would be more beneficial to them than killing him; married a Cnaanite woman named Tamar; begged Joseph not to punish Benjamin because he is the only remaining son of Rachel

Abram Abraham

grew up in Egypt. Father was apostate and tried to sacrifice him. covenant blessings of Noah. Almost sacrifices son, Isaac.


handmaid of Leah; was given to Leah after her marriage with Jacob from her father; bore two sons to Jacob


handmaid of Rachel; was given to Rachel after her marriage with Jacob from her father; bore two sons to Jacob


harlot that saves the two israelite spies. knows god of Israel is THE God. wants to protect her family. Converts to judaism.

When Israel turned to Egypt for help, God said Israel was guilty of :


Effects of sin

hurts/effects those around us; hurts multiple people

Levirate marriage

husband's brother marrying sister-in-law after brother dies

"O Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens" is a verse from a psalm that would be classified as:


What is the name for a psalm that calls for God's judgment on the enemy?


call narrative

in Isaiah 6. Autobiographical narrative of calling. Called into the divine council where God is enthroned. Prophets feel inadequate. Commissioned to deliver messages for Good.

The Akedah

in Jewish tradition the story of Abraham nearly offering his son, Isaac, as a human sacrifice. This word is Hebrew for binding, and is the word used for Abraham's binding of Isaac in Genesis

prophetess Halda

lady who gave the word of the Lord to Josiah "Judgment is coming but because of your righteousness it isn't coming in your lifetime"

Esther was the young ----- who was ---- above all other girls

lady; selected

second restoration

led by Ezra 6,000 Jews home when Ezra returnes the Jews see their sinfulness - intermarriage solution = divorce

A type of writing that has particular form, style, or content

literary genre

Apocalyptic Literature

literature that deals with stories about the end of the world

The central way the people profaned the temple was by

living unclean lives

Joel's symbol of a ________ is used to describe God's judgment.

locust plague

What kind of a plague did Joel describe as "the day of the Lord"?



meaning exit. Story of Israel leaving Egypt


mother of Samuel; prayed to God to have a child; talked to the priest Eli who had been watching her pray; presented her son to God once he was born; gave her child into the service of The Lord under Eli; was favored by The Lord and bore three more children


mother-in-law of Ruth and Orpah. Kin to Boaz


named as the deliverer for permitting Israel to return back to Jerusalem. Not mentioned in Book of Mormon


originally named Abram; married to wife Sarai; moved to Canaan according to God's Will; had a child with his Egyptian servant; had a child with his wife despite her old age; was given the covenant of circumcision from God; was the father of many nations; was willing to sacrifice his son for God


originally named Sarai; wife of Abraham; bore him a son in her old age; sent away Abraham's other son and servant out of jealousy

How long did the Bible take to write?

over 50 years

Jeremiah was written _________ and was completed by ____ B.C.

over a long period of time 560


overthrow assyria. destroys israel kingdom. pushed back egyptian/assyrian alliance at carchemish.


owns fields that Ruth gleans in. He meets Ruth, protects, provides, and then marries Ruth.

second isaiah

people thing it was written by someone else. 40-55


prophetess. women of fire. revelator. Revelation that the captain of Jabin's army would be delivered into their hands.

Malachi 2:4-9 says that Israel had _________.

perverted God's "covenant with Levi"

gihon spring

place where Nathan and Zadok anoints Solomon to be king

When God confirmed Jeremiah's call by touching his mouth, he symbolically:

placed the divine Word there

If the ____________ mentioned by Obadiah was at the the hands of the Babylonians, then the book would date from the ____ century.

plundering of Jerusalem 6th (500's B.C.)

Hebrew poetry

poetry in second Isaiah.

"The most _______ book of the Bible" (J. Barton Payne).


What part of the Book of Job creates a literary framework?


prophecies of hope

promise renewed covenant, hope, and redemption. Jeremiah 25-48


promised land

What was given the most attention by the chronicler?

proper worship of God

"I am not a _______, nor the son of a _______" (Amos 7:14).

prophet prophet


prophet during reign of king david. parable of the ewe lamb. supported Bethseba asking for solomon to be king. Gives David his wives and concubines. Wrote psalm 51


prophet of Baal. plural of baal.pagan prophet, seer, revelator; a diviner well known to balak.


prophet of love wife Gomer God loves us in spite of your sinfulness


prophet; minor writing prophet; had an adulterous wife but bought her back bc he couldn't forsake her; used his relationship as an analogy for the Israelites-they would be captured by the Assyrians and sold into slavery for forgetting God


prophet; minor writing prophet; predicted Jesus' birth and condemnation of the ungodly


prophet; non-writing prophet; prophet of the Northern Kingdom of Israel; was against "wicked priests" and worshipping false gods; challenged those who worshipped Baal to call on their god to see if he could set a sacrifice on fire; he would call on God and whichever god set it on fire is the real god; God won; lived in the wilderness because Zepelah, the king's wife, wanted him dead; was close with his following prophet, Elisha


prophet; non-writing prophet; prophet of the Northern Kingdom of Israel; was close with his preceding prophet, Elijah


prophet; non-writing prophet; said that treachery would fall on David's house because of what he did to Uriah


religious political party that went along with Hellenism. Aristocratic and Priestly families. Emphasized the written Torah. Some power in governing.

<Complete the quote.> Moses' concerns were exclusively _____. His intent was to proclaim _____ of the _____ _____ as he manifested himself in his creative works, to proclaim a right understanding of _____, _____, and _____ that knowledge of the true God entails - and to proclaim the truth concerning these matters in the face of the _____ _____ _____ dominant throughout the world of his day. _____ _____ (author)

religious; knowledge; true; God; humankind; the world; history; false; religious; notions; John; Stek

Perspectives on the plagues

religious= yhwh's power and judgement natural=biological and climactic phenomenon attested in Nile Valley source analysis=j as main source, p source of frogs and lice literary=plagues presented in 3 series of 3 with 10th as climax history of religions=competing Gods


reminder that we are God's covenant people

Mosaic covenant

renewal of Abrahamic covenant. also known as Sinai covenant. Exodus 19-24.


revelation by God himself. Israelites Reach mount Sinai. Sinai functions as temple. P. who track travel of Israel and bridges between Exodus from Egypt and covenant at Sinai. Moses alone on mountain of god for it.


rolling stone that will fill the earth. gospel/ kingdom of God. will never be conquered. Cut out of mountain without hands

The Book of Esther is written as a

romantic drama


ruled Israel's 12 tribes (before Kings) - ex. Samson & Deborah


ruler of Egypt; kept the Israelites in slavery; refused to release them until the final plague came and his son was killed

What does the term "Patriarch" mean?

ruling fathers, founding fathers, first fathers


sacrifices out of love for and obedience to Satan. embodied evil.

Which comes first/earliest in the Old Testament timeline: salvation at the Red Sea or law-giving at Sinai?

salvation at the Red Sea (obedience is a response to the saving actions of God, not vice versa)


saved from the flood gathers the animals and builds an ark.

Jewish tradition states that Isaiah was _________ by _________.

sawed in half the wicked King Manasseh

Jeremiah warned the Judeans that Nebuchadnezzar would put them in exile for a period of:

seventy years

five scrolls

sub-group in the ketuvim/ writings of the Hebrew bible. Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, and Ruth

golden calf

substitute for God. made by Aaron. religious objects in the ancient Middle East.Symbol of male fertility. signified YHWH's presence (ark of covenant)


successor of elijah. from the city. gentle and affectionate disposition. leading prophet of northern kingdom. trusted advisor of king of israel.


successor of solomon. reigns over judah to carry on davidic line


successor to Moses. also known as oshea. son of Nun. Descendant of Ephraim, one of 12 spies sent by Moses to scout Canaan early in wilderness sojourn. revelator


ta-N-ak; books of prophets; part 2 of Hebrew Canon

major issue of the divided kingdom



teaches the important duty of being true to the God of Israel at all cost and illustrates the blessings of the Lord upon the faithful. A major contribution of the book is the interpretation of the king's dream in which the kingdom of God in the last days is depicted as a little stone that is cut out of a mountain, and which will roll forth until it fills the whole earth.

What was one way Amos earned a living?

tended sycamore trees

What the the narrator assume of the hearers/readers?

that they will know the lesson simply by the way he tells the story

Isaiah 53 is the _________, a prediction of _________.

the "Suffering Servant" poem the crucifixion of Christ

Ezekiel has been called _________ because of his many _________.

the "audio-visual" man "action prophecies"

What is the canon?

the closed list of books that Christians view as uniquely authoritative and inspired.


the discovery of meanings other than literal in the Bible; derived from the root darash (inquirer), denotes the literature that interprets scripture in order to extract its full implications and meaning


the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit


wickedest king of Israel in constant conflict with the prophet Elijah

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