Old Testament Quiz Reviews

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The introductory formula ___________ appears in every chapter of Numbers, as it did in Leviticus.

"and the Lord said to Moses"

Poetry comprises ______ of the Old Testament.


Patriarchal Period

2000 BC to 1600 BC. Was ruled by Amorites, the 6th ruler was Hammurabi, and is known for enacting 282 laws. Abraham entered into Canaan during the Middle Bronze Age which also took place during this time

How many times does Ezekiel's chariot vision appear in the text?


How many kingdoms are featured in visions the Daniel chapters 2 and 7?


The book of Psalms is divided into ___________ "books."


The city of Jerusalem fell in....

587/586 BC

The first section of Zechariah contains ___________ "night visions"


The prophet Isaiah lived in the _________ century BC.


Deuteronomy 28 contains the ___ as a description of the results of covenant faithfulness or unfaithfulness.


The book of Daniel is written in Hebrew and has a large section written in ________.


The Qoheleth does not appeal to divine revelation to make his point; instead his approach was philosophical and based on ____________ and wisdom.


____________ are collections of materials that are valuable to the archeological study of history.


Joshua was all of the following except...

A priest


Aaron was the Levite brother of Moses, who was "hired" by God to assist Moses in speaking to the Israelites on their exodus from Egypt. Unfortunately, the Israelites became impatient while waiting for Moses to come back from receiving the law from God, and Aaron allowed the people to build idols to worship in their boredom.

The genealogies of 1 Chronicles trace the heritage of David all the way back to __________.


The region of Syro-Palestine, or the Levant, was a land bridge between _________

Africa and Asia

Which two Kings of Judah feature prominently in the book of Isaiah?

Aha and Hezekiah

The Steele of Shalmanseer III includes reference to which northern kings of Israel?

Ahab and Jehu

Which of the following was viewed as potential source for omens in the ancient Near East?

All of the above (Motion of heavenly bodies, animal entrails, the flight of birds)

All of the following were contributors to the book of Proverbs except...


The "Teachings of __________" from Egypt, bear a striking resemblance to portions of Proverbs 22:17-24:23


The earliest of the Classical Prophets who were active within Israel (the Northern Kingdom) were

Amos and Hosea

What natural phenomena/event is referenced in Amos 1:1?

An earthquake

Ezra is one of two Old Testament books which contain substantial sections of text written in the ______________ language and not in Hebrew.


Ezra and Nehemiah came to Jerusalem during the reign of King ________________.

Artaxerxes I

The book of Jonah concerns the judgment of the city of Nineveh, the capitol of ____________.


All of the following are elements present in Hebrew poetry except...


God's controversy with Israel was rooted in the conflicting religious ideologies of Canaanite __________ and Hebrew Yahwism.


Daniel was trained in diplomatic service and served in the ____________ government.


The actual history addressed in Chronicles spans the Hebrew united monarchy from the close of Saul's reign to the _________ captivity of Judah.


Who was the pagan prophet who was sent to curse Israel but ended up blessing them instead?



Balaam was a prophet sent by the king of Moab, Balak, to curse the Israelites because they were growing to be too powerful. On his way to deliver the curse, Balaam's donkey encountered an angel of the Lord on the road, and the Lord opened the donkey's mouth to open Balaam's eyes to the presence of the angel. The angel directed Balaam to not sin against the Lord by cursing the Israelites, but to bless them instead. He blessed the Israelites four times.

Jeremiah's scribe was _____________.


The man who functions as a kinsman redeemer in the case of Ruth is _________



Caleb was one of the spies sent into Canaan to survey the land and find out what the Israelites were up against. While the rest of the spies did not believe the Israelites would be able to occupy the land, Caleb and one other spy, Joshua, believed that the Lord would deliver the Canaanites into their hands and because of that belief, they were the only ones allowed to dwell in the Promised Land.

______________ was the sign given to Abraham to signify his covenant with God.


___________ was the King of the Medo-Persian Empire who conquered the Babylonian Empire.


_____________ can be characterized as apocalyptic literature.

Daniel and Zechariah

Along with the prophet of question #1, which other three books comprise the corpus of Old Testament prophetic literature dating to the Persian period of Hebrew history (ca. 550-330 BC)?

Daniel, Joel, and Malachi

The reign of ___________ , King of Persia is the background for Zechariah's prophecies.

Darius I

Excavations from Tel Dan have yielded inscriptions referring to the "house" of which king of Israel?


King _______ of Israel was responsible for regaining much of the land that was lost when the Sea Peoples invaded Palestine


What is the most dominant environmental feature of the Arabian Peninsula?


Efforts are often made to demonstrate the effects of the theology of which Old Testament book the books of Joshua-Kings?


The "place names" in the book of Job suggest that he may have been an ______________.


The book of Genesis ends with Joseph in ________________.


King Josiah of Judah died fighting against ___________, while trying to stop their attempt to lend assistance to _____________.

Egypt, Assyria

The golden calf idol worshipped in the shrines erected by Jeroboam was likely "borrowed" from the ______.


One of the major themes in the book of Malachi was the promise of an ________ -like figure as a messenger of the covenant.


Which two prophets functioned in the Northern Kingdom during the divided monarchy?

Elijah and Elisha

All of the following are key ideas from the book of Ecclesiastes except...

Enjoyment in life comes through our arranging for it

Which genre of literature is not featured in the first five books of the Old Testament?

Epistolary Letter

What is the "fixed point" from which the chronology of the Old Testament can be determined?

Eponym lists of Assyria


Eve was the first woman created. God created her when He decided that it was not good for Adam to be alone. God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and he formed Eve from one of his ribs.

Reforms instituted by Ezra and Nehemiah addressed all of the following except...

Failure to circumcise

After Job is vindicated God explains to Job that he had to suffer to bring God glory.


Amos opens his prophecy with 10 oracles against the nations.


Amos was the only writing prophet who lived and ministered in the northern kingdom.


Because of its taboo nature Proverbs avoids the issue of sexuality.


By Jeremiah's time all of the false prophets had been expelled from Judah


Chronicles shows no concern for the temple or worship.


Cult sites were centers of ancient commerce and often yield abundant numbers of ancient "receipts."


Every 10 years Israel was to have a Sabbatical year, where fields were left unplowed.


Habakkuk, like Job, receives no answers to his questions about God's justice.


Hosea's message was delivered prior to Babylon's destruction of the northern Kingdom in 722 BC.


In 1 Chronicles, Ezra the Scribe identifies himself as the author of 1 and 2 Chronicles.


In 1 and 2 Samuel one can observe both successes and failures by David.


In a covenant agreement the two parties enter into the agreement as equals.


In the New Testament interpretation of the Old Testament Law, Jesus entirely dismissed the teachings of the five books of the Law as "legalism"


Job's friends give him sound advice and Job follows their suggestions.


Jonah claims to be the author of the book of Jonah.


Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament both in terms of position in the canon and chronology.


No other culture in the ancient Near East besides Israel practiced ritual purification.


Of the 150 individual Psalms about 1/4 are attributed to David.


One of Haggai's concerns was the reinstitution of the liturgical calendar.


One principle of biblical interpretation is that we must speak for the bible


Palestine was distant from all major trade routes


Ruth was the grandmother of King Saul


Saul was generally viewed as a positive king


The Mesha Inscription, though rich in information about ancient Hittite culture, is of little value to biblical studies because makes no mention of Israel.


The Qoheleth is traditionally identified with Hezekiah


The Qoheleth promotes an "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die" view of the world.


The application of a given Old Testament text should come from and aggregate of impressions gained from reading the text


The author of the book is identified as Samuel


The authorship of the book of Daniel is virtually undisputed in scholarly study.


The background of Isaiah is the invasion of Israel by the Neo-Babylonian Empire.


The book of Ecclesiastes is wholly pessimistic.


The book of Joshua is primarily about Joshua as a courageous godly leader and about military conquest


The book of Numbers records events of Israel wanderings for over 50 years.


The first five books of the Old Testament also contain some of the earliest examples of Hebrew wisdom literature.


The first five books of the Old Testament narrate a time span from creation to enslavement in Egypt.


The history of Israel only highlighted the success of its kings and never the failures.


The message of the Proverbs hinges on the belief that wisdom cannot be taught but must intuited naturally.


The message of the book of Jonah is directed toward Israel, encouraging her to move beyond her borders to evangelize other nations and to love and forgive her enemies.


The only Hebrew word for prophet, nabi, appears to indicate "one who is called."


The only nation which does not receive an oracle of condemnation is Judah.


The primary purpose of the books of 1 and 2 Kings was to record Israel's continued covenant faithfulness


The purpose of the book of Ezekiel was to promote the rebuilding of the temple.


Though Daniel and his friends reside in a pagan nation the surrounding culture appears to be amiable toward Israelite religion.


Though Haggai gives the name of the king reigning in Judah during the time of his prophecies, we cannot pinpoint the exact time of his prophetic activity.


Though Jeremiah is called to deliver a difficult message he seems to have been able to carry out his duty as a prophet without any substantial personal struggles.


Though the Davidic Covenant is significant in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, it plays a fairly unimportant role in the rest of the Old Testament.


Under the leadership of Ahsurbanipal Assyria became the first "world-class" empire


We know the exact route taken by Israel during the exodus.


the land of Palestine bears no theological significance


The chronicler uses very simple language and syntax leading many scholars to believe he is from humble origins and likely uneducated.

False (??)

In Proverbs _________ is equated with knowledge of God, and thus the covenant relationship.

Fear of the Lord

The ________ is the world of the Old Testament which includes the Nile River Valley and delta, the coastal plains of Syro-Palestine, and the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys

Fertile Crescent

The Canaanite god Baal was a god of ______________ .


King Solomon was known for all of the following except...

Fighting the Philistines and recovering land that was lost

Which of the follow was not a plague experienced by Egypt?


In the Hebrew arrangement of the books of the Old Testament, Joshua, Judges, and the books of Samuel and Kings form a section known as the ______________.

Former Prophets

The message of Ecclesiastes is that the course of life to be pursued is a __________ centered life.


In the literature of which culture does the earliest known flood story occur?


All of the following are types of oracles present with prophetic literature except...

Grief Oracle

All of the following are major themes in the book of Isaiah except...


________ is a major theme in the book of Ruth


Sennacherib's Prism records receiving tribute from which king of Judah?


The scribes of King _________ are credited with compiling at least one of the wisdom collections in Proverbs


________________ is portrayed by the chronicler as a "good" king


Asia minro was the home of what powerful empire in the second millennium BC?


Ezekiel highlighted the ______________ of each generation to live according to God's commands, and in doing so refuted the unwarranted displacing of blame for God's punishment solely on the sinful behavior of previous generations.

Individual Responsibility

The book of Habakkuk is organized around several __________ by the prophet.


Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son________________.


_______ was the son of Isaac through whom the promise continued


Hosea the prophet operated during the northern kingdom's "golden age" under king __________.

Jeroboam II

Jethro (aka Reuel)

Jethro was Moses' father-in-law and the priest of Midian. He allowed Moses to return to Egypt to be God's vessel to deliver the Israelites, and greatly rejoiced when God safely brought His people out of Egypt. He worshipped God by making a praise sacrifice and rejoiced for all the good that the Lord had done for Israel

Evidence of David's nonaggression toward Saul can be seen in David's friendship and covenant with ________, Saul's son.


The book of Kings ends with the __________.

Judah's Exile

The _____________, a concept introduced in chapter 2 as that which will never be destroyed, is one of the major themes of the book of Daniel.

Kingdom of God

Which of the following is not a major theme of Genesis?


Book 1 contains mostly ___________.


Many of the reforms instituted under Ezra and Nehemiah are seen as the seeds of ______________ which were in full effect during the time of Jesus.


Who was the first century Gnostic heretic who rejected the Old Testament and its "inferior God"?


One of the major themes identified in Malachi is _________________.

Marriage and Divorce

Zechariah has more to say about the ___________ than any other Old Testament book except Isaiah.


Who is traditionally thought to be the author of the book of Exodus?


______________ is traditionally attributed authorship of Genesis.



Moses was the child of a Hebrew woman who was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter. When he grew older, he killed an Egyptian out of anger, then fled out of fear to the land of Midian. God commanded him to return to Egypt to deliver the Israelites out of their slavery and into the promised land. He had many complications and made many mistakes, but God used him to lead His people to the Promised Land.

All of the following people are an author of one or more Psalms except...


The Babylonian King ___________ who conquered Jerusalem, was one of the most successful kings known to history


In the ______________________of Jeremiah 31 God's law will be written on the heart, not etched on stone tablets.

New Covenant

The book of Leviticus contains instructions for all of the following except..

Parceling out of tribal land

Habakkuk 2:4b "But the righteous will live by faith" is quoted by __________ in the New Testament.


The use of the name ________________ for the first five books of the Old Testament was popularized by Hellenized Jews.


Some scholars attribute the writing of the book of Daniel to an author in the 2nd century BC due to very precise predictions in chapter 11 relating to what world empire?


The time period in which Ezra-Nehemiah was written is generally classified as ________________.

Persian/Post exilic

The hebrew word Hesed can be translated by all of the following words except.......


Which of the following is not a major theme of the book of Proverbs?

Possessing the land

One major theme in Daniel is the ____________ of kings that leads to the eventual downfall.

Pride and Rebellion

Ezekiel was a ______________.


In the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, Samuel functions as a...

Prophet, Priest, and Judge

Most simply stated the retribution principle is that: If a person is righteous, he will ________ and if a person is wicked, he will _________.

Prosper, suffer

The second part of the retribution principle can be summed up as: Those who ______ are righteous, while those who ______are wicked.

Prosper, suffer

God commanded Hosea to marry a ______________ named Gomer.


The Jewish community credited with producing the Dead Sea Scrolls is known as _________.

Qumran ??

Nehemiah undertook an initiative to do what in Jerusalem?

Rebuild the walls around Jerusalem


Sacrifice was a common ritual among Ancient Near East cultures, but the Hebrew sacrificial system was unique in that it represented a goal of personal and communal holiness. Sacrifices were an act of worship for the Hebrews, and there were five basic types. These types were: cereal or grain offering, fellowship or peace offering, whole burnt offering, sin offering, and guilt or trespass offering.

Which of these men was not one of Israel's kings?


Prior to becoming a prophet Amos was a _______________.


at what mountain did God make a covenant with Israel?


A major theme in the of the book of Amos is ________________.

Social Justice

The Lord addresses Ezekiel by the title _____________ some ninety times in the book.

Son of Man

Literarily Ecclesiastes makes use of all of the following except for ______________.


Who were the "architects" for Mesopotamian culture?


Ezra and Nehemiah came from the Persian city of ______________.


The wisdom of Ecclesiastes comes from the "Qoheleth" which means ____________.


The major theme of the book of Haggai is the rebuilding of the ____________.


In the book of Habakkuk main instrument of God's judgment will be ______________.

The Babylonians

__________ is a title used for God almost exclusively by Isaiah in the Old Testament

The Holy One

All of the following are major themes in the book of Jeremiah except...

The New Temple


The Sabbath was a holy day set aside for Israel to celebrate their covenant relationship with God. This day signified that Israel's holiness was not rooted in the law that God gave them, but was rooted in a relationship with Himself. The ordinance of the Sabbath reminded Israel that God was the Creator, and brought a sense of timelessness and holiness to a human's sense of time. God set aside this day of holiness for refreshment so that the other days of the week might be more fully enjoyed.

Which was not a major geographical area in the land of Palestine?

The Southern Highlands (the ones that were: The Coastal Plain, The Central Hill Country, The Transjordan Plateau, The Jordan Rift)

Which of these it not a major theme in of the book of Judges?

The blessings of the covenant

Which of the following is not a major theme in Chronicles?

The conquering of the land

Jeremiah functioned as a prophet during which crisis in Israel's history?

The fall of Jerusalem

Which concept distinguished Hebrew wisdom from its ancient Near East counterparts?

The fear of the Lord


The first man that God created, on the sixth day of creation. God made Adam in His image, to live and work in the Garden of Eden. God created him out of the dust of the earth and breathed life into his nostrils. God gave the man dominion over all living things on earth, and called the creation of man "very good" while everything else he had created was "good."

Land, theological significance

The land was involved with the Hebrew's covenant relationship with God. The land of Canaan, or Palestine, was a large component in God's first covenant promise to Abraham. The Canaanites lived a sinful lifestyle, and when the Hebrews cleanses the land of Canaan presence, it was symbolic in the cleansing of themselves. The land was also rich, beautiful, and fertile and many Old Testament writers wrote about it with symbols of God's blessing.

The canonical value of Ezekiel was called into question because of _________________.

The prophet's understanding of temple ritual

The ministry of biblical prophets tended to be clustered around ______________.

Times of crisis

The Hebrew word for Law is __________


A prophet is someone who speaks on behalf of someone else.


Amos is the oldest of the writing prophets.


Amos says mistreatment of the poor is a symptom of spiritual sickness.


Each category of psalm has typical characteristics and a fairly consistent format by which it can be identified.


Ezekiel is known for using bold and provocative language.


Habakkuk was concerned with the justice of God at a time when a wicked nation was prospering.


Historical documents from the ancient Near East were often propaganda clothed in historical attire.


Hosea's prophecy is focused solely on the northern kingdom.


In early Greek manuscripts 1 & 2 Kings were combined in one volume with 1 and 2 Samuel to form a book called "Kingdoms," evidencing perceived unity of content and purpose.


In interpreting the book, Jonah should be equated with the city of Nineveh.


Jeremiah deals with the issue of God's judgment of nations due to generations of compounded sin.


Legal terminology abounds in Hosea as God brings a "lawsuit" against Israel.


Malachi speaks out against idolatry, social injustice, and easy divorce.


Most of the literature in the first five books of the Old Testament is prose narrative.


Old Testament poetry is musical in nature and was usually intended to be sung.


One of the dominant theological themes in Ezra-Nehemiah is covenant renewal in the postexilic community.


One of the main purposes of Deuteronomy is to summarize and renew the Law.


One of the major themes of Leviticus is the holiness of God.


One of the major themes of the book of Exodus is the presence of God.


One of the purposes of the book of Hosea was to highlight the spiritual harlotry of Israel.


Parallelism was one of the most important features in Hebrew poetry


Possessing land was central to Israel's covenant with God.


Proverbs asserts that there is great power in human speech, both for good or evil.


Several elements of apocalyptic literature reside in the writings of Ezekiel.


Several psalms focus on God's relationship to nature.


The Cyrus Cylinder is an example of an ancient inscription.


The Nile River was considered a god by the Egyptians


The Northern Kingdom fell to Assyria in 722 BC


The Persians were the last of the great Mesopotamian empires before Alexander the Great and the Greeks conquered all the "known world"


The Philistines were one of the Sea Peoples who immigrated to Palestine from the Aegean region


The book of Ezekiel is autobiographical in style, often utilizing the personal and possessive pronouns "I," "me," and "my."


The book of Habakkuk appears to have been written during a period of time when Assyrian power was on the decline.


The book of Jeremiah occupies more space in the Bible than any other book.


The book of Jonah is unique among the prophets in that it relates episodes from the life of Jonah instead of being a collection of oracles.


The book of Proverbs encourages its hearers to embrace integrity, justice, righteousness, and life


The books of 1 and 2 Samuel originally constituted a single book


The creation account is a highly structured literary composition.


The fourth address by Haggai promised to establish Zerubbabel as "a signet ring" in Zion, thus rekindling the messianic expectation among the Israelites.


The identity of Darius the Mede causes questions for scholars.


The material of the book is arranged to highlight the trustworthiness of the covenant God


The message of Malachi reflects conditions associated with pre-Ezra decline.


The ninth and final plague which God sent on Egypt was the death of the first born.


The phrase "in those days Israel had no king" is repeated often in the book of Judges.


The physical world of the Old Testament was the ancient Near East, commonly known today as the Middle East


The purpose of biblical archeology is to recover the material culture of the peoples of antiquity and, so doing, attempt to reconstruct their history and lifestyles.


The purpose of the book of Genesis is to tell how and why God came to choose Abraham's family to make a covenant with them.


The purpose of the book of Judges was to explore what happened theologically during the years between Joshua and David.


The repetition of the phrase "the LORD said to Moses," which occurs 25 times, is one of the major reasons authorship of Leviticus is attributed to Moses.


The sovereignty of God is one of the core messages of Daniel.


The stipulations of the covenant between God and Israel in Deuteronomy are completely unique in the ancient Near East.


The title Redeemer is used for God more than a dozen times in Isaiah.


The unifying theological theme of the first five books of the Old Testament is God's covenant promise to Abram.


There were other works within the world of the ancient Near East which discussed the suffering of the righteous.


Zechariah summoned the community to repentance and spiritual renewal.


Zechariah's message was laced with concern for social justice in the present.


covenant is one of the core concepts of the Old Testament


if God is not understood to be the source of the Old Testament, it cannot serve as self-revelation


without realizing it, we bring cultural and historical framework of our own world to the text of the Old Testament


Some of the commands given to Moses about how Israel was to live defied cultural norms in the ancient Near East.

True (??)

The ministry of Ezekiel took place in Jerusalem after the return from exile.

True (??)

The Qoheleth repeatedly uses the phrase ___________ to speak of life and experience in the world.

Under the sun

One of the biggest controversies surrounding the book of Isaiah is in relation to its __________.


Proverbs 31:10-31 is an acrostic poem extolling the virtues of the ideal____________.


Zechariah means ___________________.

Yah(weh) has remembered

The personal name of God, __________ was revealed to Moses when he was appointed as the deliverer of Israel.



Yahweh commanded His people to be holy, for he was and is holy. Leviticus lays out a system for how to approach God in holy worship, and to translate the idea of Yahweh's holiness to daily living. Leviticus provided instruction for how to live holy lives so that God's people might be able to enjoy a relationship with Him that was abundantly filled with His blessing.

Haggai was a contemporary of the other postexilic prophet ___________________.


Which natural phenomena mentioned in official records helps historians pinpoint a "primary anchor" point in history to determine the absolute chronology of the ancient Near East?

a solar eclipse

All of the following were offerings instituted for Israel in Leviticus except...

abundance offering

The issue of the ____ is one of the most controversial ethical issues in the book of Joshua, and the whole Bible.

ban (??)

The idea of the retribution principle is rooted in the ____________ of the Mosaic covenant from Deuteronomy 28.

blessings and curses

If a man died without having a son, his ________ was obligated to bear a son for his widow, thus functioning as a kinsman redeemer.


Which of the following was not typically offered as a sacrifice in the ancient world?


God's presence was confirmed to Israel by a ______ that covered the tabernacle and led them through the wilderness.

cloud (??)

The message of the book concerns God's sovereign right to bestow ______________ on whomever he will, even to the point of relenting from threatened destruction.


Classical prophecy had its basis in the ___________


The Ten Commandments are also known as the _______.


The task of a judge was to be a _________


The name "Exodus" is derived from the Greek Old Testament name for the book, which means ___________.


The book of Numbers covers events that took place in the ________

desert wandering (??)

Though Zechariah does not use the phrases "the day of the Lord" or "the kingdom of God" the book contributes greatly to our knowledge of the Hebrew understanding of ___________.


The main question of the book of Habakkuk is, ____________________?

how can those who are wicked go unpunished

The Ten Commandments emphasize all of the following except...

human superiority

The Hebrew title of the book of Numbers means...

in the wilderness


included statutes, ordinances, and commandments. There are more than 600 laws recorded in the Old Testament. The purpose was to maintain the convenient relationship between God and his people. It was a representation of his love for them.

In the study of the book of Psalms it is more appropriate to speak of the ___________ background than the historical background.


Ruth was a member of the nation of _______


Failure to adhere to _________ was one of the biggest contributing factors to Israel's apostasy during the judges period.

monotheism (??)

which of these is not a major theme in the book of Joshua?

need for a king

In the ancient Near East _________ were believed to be the key understanding to patterns of historical recurrence.


Which of the following is not a major theme in the book of Deuteronomy?

priestly functions

The Bible speaks of two "paths" in life, the way of the ____________ or the way of the wicked


The name "Deuteronomy," from the Greek title for the book, means _________________.

second law

Which of the following is not a major theme in the book of Numbers?

social justice

The purpose of the book of Job is to explore God's policies concerning justice, especially in relation to the __________ of the righteous.


Which feature of the book of Ruth suggests it is a product of the monarchy period at the earliest?

the closing genealogy

In the book of Joshua God's presence is confirmed by his deliverance of _______ to Israel.

the land

The name Mesopotamia means ________

the land between the rivers

In commemoration of the final plague and freedom from bondage in Egypt, Israel celebrated a festival known as the _______.

the passover

The first five books of the Old Testament were also called the _______________ by the Hebrew speaking Jewish Community


The tower of Babel is likely an example of a _________ a multi-tiered Mesopotamian temple.


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