Old Testament Test 3

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jonah's prayer in the fish's stomach was... a. a psalm of the thanksgiving b. a lament of psalm c. a complaint psalm d. a petition for deliverance

a. a psalm of the thanksgiving

hosea is one of the earliest prophets along with... a. amos, micah and isaiah b. elijah, elisha and isaiah c. daniel, jeremiah and ezekiel d. isaiah, jeremiah and ezekiel

a. amos, micah and isaiah

according to longman, the following explain the present form of the psalter except a. as a hymnbook, psalms are to be read and sung sequentially b. patterned after the pentateuch, it was brought together as 5 books c. it contains smaller collections whose integrity is maintained d. each of the 5 books concludes with a similar doxology

a. as a hymnbook, psalms are to be read and sung sequentially

according to hosea, the israelites misunderstood by thinking... a. baal is the one who gives them daily sustenance, such as, wine, oil, etc b. god does not care about them c. syncretism is alright with god d. god is not almighty

a. baal is the one who gives them daily sustenance, such as, wine, oil, etc

how did the seamen show they were more spiritually sensitive than jonah? a. before they threw him overboard, they prayed to god b. they were less judgmental of others who were different from them c. they asked him questions about his god d. they talked about their faith more foten

a. before they threw him overboard, they prayed to god

the hebrew bible concludes with a. chronicles b. kings c. malachi d. nehemiah

a. chronicles

a difficult book to classify is a. daniel b. psalms c. job d. ruth

a. daniel

malachi repeatedly employs a. disputations b. woe oracles c. war oracles d. salvation oracles

a. disputations

in malachi god's expressed his love for the israelites by saying i have loved you. but they doubted by saying how have you loved us? how did god respond to their doubt a. esau i have hated and i have turned his mountains into a wasteland b. my servants declare yahweh provides everything c. you shall not doubt your god d. i have always loved you, what more do you want

a. esau i have hated and i have turned his mountains into a wasteland

this book does not even mention god explicitly a. esther b. chronicles c. ruth d. job

a. esther

START HERE!!!!!how did the seamen show they were more humane than Jonah? a. even after they found out jonah was the culprit for the storm, they did their best to row to shore b. they were accepting others more readily c. they prayed to their god on behalf of jonah d. they prayed to jonah's god on behalf of jonah

a. even after they found out jonah was the culprit for the storm, they did their best to row to shore

the phrase "then they will know that I am the lord" appears repeatedly in ezekiel, and it is reminiscent of... a. exodus b. genesis c. revelation d. psalms

a. exodus

the following statements concerning the book of ezekiel are true EXCEPT... a. ezekiel ends with clear messianic prophecies b. ezekiel begins with a series of oracles oriented largely to judgment during the historical moment in which the prophet himself lived c. the macrostructure of ezekiel is similar to that of isaiah and zephaniah d. ezekiel includes an extended section of oracles against the foreign nations

a. ezekiel ends with clear messianic prophecies

which of the following sayings appears frequently in amos a. for three sins of... and even for four, I will not turn back my wrath b. the righteous branch will come from the tribe of judah c. my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge of god d. justice never prevails

a. for three sins of... and even for four, I will not turn back my wrath

according to longman, the following are true EXCEPT... a. gomer was a cultic prostitute b. lo-ammi means "not my people" c. lo-ruhamah means "not loved" d. god told hosea to take an adulterous wife

a. gomer was a cultic prostitute

the following statements concerning haggai are correct except a. haggai, like jeremiah, performed some symbolic actions b. the framework refers to haggai in the third person c. responding to haggai's prophecy, the returnees rebuilt the temple in 515 bc d. haggai, like ezekiel, gives precise dates for his oracles

a. haggai, like jeremiah, performed some symbolic actions

after his deliverance from the fish's stomach, jonah finally went to nineveh. how do we know, according to longman, jonah went to nineveh reluctantly? a. his message doesn't include the possibility of avoiding the judgment by repentance b. he kept pouting c. he tried to go to tarshish d. he intentionally slowed down his travel to nineveh

a. his message doesn't include the possibility of avoiding the judgment by repentance

according to longman, how does the book of jonah anticipate the gospel? a. in its depiction of god's concern for gentiles b. in its depiction of the seamen's religiosity c. in its depiction of a prophet who was reluctant to obey but was wildly successful when obeyed d. in its depiction of all god's creation's ability to fast, even animals

a. in its depiction of god's concern for gentiles

according to longman, the list of charges climaxes with a. israel b. babylon c. assyria d. judah

a. israel

who is (are) portrayed in the book of jonah as least spiritually sensitive? a. jonah b. seamen c. the ninevites d. king of nineveh

a. jonah

which of the following does NOT occur in the book of jonah? a. jonah said he was angry enought to die when a great fish swallowed him b. the seamen tried to save jonah even after they found out he was the reason for the storm c. jonah prophesied, "forty more days and nineveh will be overturned." d. assyrians and their animals fasted and repented after jonah's prophecy

a. jonah said he was angry enought to die when a great fish swallowed him

which of the following is not included in the writings? a. kings b. chronicles c. job d. ezra

a. kings

hosea prophesies that "the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying." This environmental disaster was tied to... a. lack of knowledge of god b. israel's failure to acknowledge nature gods c. lack of budget and experienced personnel d. lack of EPA

a. lack of knowledge of god

which of the following books deals with suffering on a national level a. lamentations b. esther c. job d. proverbs

a. lamentations

the following are correct except a. like the book of jonah, zephaniah consists of extensive prophetic oracles against nineveh b. oracles against foreign nations function to emphasize god's sovereignty over the nations c. zephaniah's historical background is similar to that of habakkuk and nahum d. zephaniah's focus is on the day of the lord and his message is primarily directed to judah

a. like the book of jonah, zephaniah consists of extensive prophetic oracles against nineveh

jonah was angry and depressed over God's compassion toward the ninevites. which of the following is NOT what longman says about it? a. perhaps jonah worried his countrymen would consider him a traitor b. jonah's reasons may be multiple but are unstated c. perhaps jonah did not want to cruel ninevites to have a second chance d. perhaps jonah worried about being throught of as a false prophet whose prediction of nineveh's fall did not materialize

a. perhaps jonah worried his countrymen would consider him a traitor

a unique characteristic to lament psalms is commonly found in their a. positive ending b. negative ending c. doubt about god in the end d. cursing enemies at the end

a. positive ending

The diversity of the writings function as a. the OT canon's self corrective feature b. necessary step to the NT faith that replaces the OT c. a collective messianic prophecy d. a warning against heresies

a. the OT canon's self corrective feature

according to longman, the following are correct except a. the first book of the psalms consists of none of the davidic psalms b. the final 5 psalms appear to be intentionally placed at the end in order to serve as a conclusion to the book as a whole c. the psalms are carefully arranged sometime in the postexilic period d. a superscript or title gives helpful info about the psalm that follows it

a. the first book of the psalms consists of none of the davidic psalms

which of the following explains the writings correctly? a. the psalter begins the collection b. daniel, a prophetic book, is accidentally misplaced in the collection c. proverbs, psalm, and job are the oldest in the collections that set the theological standard for the rest of the collection d. ezra-nehemiah which deals with the latest postexilic time period in israel's history concludes the collection

a. the psalter begins the collection

when the lord sent a great wind on the sea, and a violent storm arose, the following happened EXCEPT... a. the sailors sacrificed to their gods b. all the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god c. jonah was asleep in the lower deck d. the sailors threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship

a. the sailors sacrificed to their gods

according to longman, when the royal psalms received their final structure and order a. they took on eschatological significance b. they became apocalyptic c. they became the songbook of the third temple period d. they became a book to be read during worship service

a. they took on eschatological significance

which of the following reflects longman's view best? a. while the historicity of much of the Old Testament (the exodus, for example) is crucial to its theological significance, jonah is not such a book b. just as the historicity of any of the old testament is crucial to its theological significance, the historicity of events in jonah is crucial c. it is possible to be dogmatic on the issue of the historicity of the events in jonah d. all the events in the book of jonah were historical except jonah being swallowed by a great fish, which is symbolic

a. while the historicity of much of the Old Testament (the exodus, for example) is crucial to its theological significance, jonah is not such a book

STOP HERE!!!!!!! which of the following expresses psalm 73 best a. sacrificial worship vs a contrite heart b. a crisis of faith because what the theological ideal teaches does not match with the historical reality c. the eternal battle between good and evil d. god's blessing of the righteous

b. a crisis of faith because what the theological ideal teaches does not match with the historical reality

the following are images of god hosea uses EXCEPT... a. a protecting lion b. a hot oven c. a forgiving husband d. a healing physician

b. a hot oven

in hosea 1-3 god is pictured as... a. a destructive moth b. a jealous husband c. a ferocious lion d. a frustrated shepherd

b. a jealous husband

in hosea 4-14 god is pictured as the following EXCEPT... a. a destructive moth b. a jealous husband c. a ferocious lion d. a frustrated shepherd

b. a jealous husband

according to longman, the following are true except a. assyrian power was building while israel experienced military successes and material affluence during amos's time b. amos did not have any positive word for israel but judgment speeches only c. amos prophesied in north israel d. amos was from south judah

b. amos did not have any positive word for israel but judgment speeches only

which of the following is not one of the visions amos received a. plumb line b. angels of death c. fruit basket d. drought

b. angels of death

God's providence is highlighted in a. job b. esther c. song of songs d. psalms

b. esther

what does zechariah emphasize a. let justice roll on like a river b. god is with the remnant community of people who have returned from exile c. be holy just as i am holy d. the righteous will live by his faithfulness

b. god is with the remnant community of people who have returned from exile

the main theme of psalm 2 is a. justification by faith b. god's reign c. torah piety d. meditating on god's teaching

b. god's reign

the following statements about the book of Jonah are correct except a. its unique in that it is a narrative depicting god's love for gentiles b. it portrays the gentile characters in a very negative light c. its primarily a story about God, and a story of jonah secondarily only d. jonah was so angry bc god's mercy seems to show unfairness

b. it portrays the gentile characters in a very negative light

the most common thread in psalms 3-5 is a. covenant b. lament c. god's blessing d. praise

b. lament

the following statements are true EXCEPT... a. the book of ezekiel is the only prophetic book written entirely in the first person b. like isaiah ezekiel receies a magnificent vision of god in the temple c. ezekiel was taken to babylon with jehoiahchin in 597 BC d. ezekiel was 30 years old when he was called as a prophet in babylon

b. like isaiah ezekiel receies a magnificent vision of god in the temple

nahum repeatedly describes nineveh as a a. god's scourge b. lion c. eagle d. beast

b. lion

zephaniah's description of judah's idolatry includes the following except a. molech b. marduk c. starry guests d. baal

b. marduk

the eschatological hopes of malachi find their fulfillment in a. the restoration of the exiles b. the pages of the gospels c. the rebuilding of the jerusalem wall d. the rebuilding of the jerusalem temple

b. the pages of the gospels

in zechariah which visions symbolically refer to sin remaining within the restoration community that needs to be eradicated a. the 2nd b. 1st and 4th c. 6th and 7th d. 3rd

c. 6th and 7th

according to longman, the following are correct except a. the movement of the psalms from lament to hymn reflects how god can turn wailing into dancing b. psalms 1 and 2 have no superscription and function as a twofold introduction to the book c. book 1 primarily is filled with praises d. hymns appear more frequently in the latter half of the psalms

c. book 1 primarily is filled with praises

how did the israelites profane the covenant of their fathers a. by becoming legalistic b. by not bringing sacrifices to god c. by breaking their marriage covenant d. by continuing to be idolatrous

c. by breaking their marriage covenant

longman classifies the psalms according to their a. form b. content c. content and form d. date, author, and theological teaching

c. content and form

nahum concludes with a a. salvation oracle b. restoration of israel c. dirge d. praise

c. dirge

the following explains the writings correctly except a. it is the third division of the hebrew bible b. it is diverse in its theology and date c. it is homogeneous in the genre of the books included in it d. in the septuagint it is rendered as "holy writings"

c. it is homogeneous in the genre of the books included in it

according to the article, what is the most important rationale for emphasizing the writings? a. it reflects the diversity of individual books in the collection in their theology that characterizes judaism, which the NT fulfills and supersedes b. it is theologically correct c. it reflects the diversity of individual books in the collection in their theology that characterizes judaism, which is continued in the NT d. it is chronologically correct

c. it reflects the diversity of individual books in the collection in their theology that characterizes judaism, which is continued in the NT

malachi means a. salvation belongs to god b. prophet c. my messenger d. the lord provides

c. my messenger

which of the following descriptions is correct? a. ruth celebrates the mighty acts of god b. esther highlights limits of human wisdom c. proverbs celebrates minute acts of god d. job deals with practical wisdom

c. proverbs celebrates minute acts of god

according to longman, the following are correct except a. the psalms may be read as prayers of jesus b. the psalms sometimes stands for the entire third section of the hebrew bible, that is, the writings c. the psalms are inspired by god and other cultures do not have psalms like the ones in the bible d. besides isaiah, the book of psalms is the most often quoted old testament book in the NT

c. the psalms are inspired by god and other cultures do not have psalms like the ones in the bible

the following are true except a. the word used for governor in malachi is a technical term from the persian period b. malachi's time was a difficult time for god's people c. the restoration of the jerusalem wall was not complete at the time of malachi d. malachi may be dated to the postexilic period

c. the restoration of the jerusalem wall was not complete at the time of malachi

which of the following explains the writings correctly a. the masoratic threefold division is more sacrosanct than that of the septuagint b. the writings separate the former and latter prophets c. the septuagint broke up the writings and rearranged them according to their genre d. the fourfold division of the septuagint corrects the writings

c. the septuagint broke up the writings and rearranged them according to their genre

which of the following books shows a very distinct perspective from the rest a. ruth b. esther c. chronicles d. ezra

d. ezra

what does haggai prophesy about zerubbabel a. god declared for three sins and even for four, i will destroy your household b. god declared i will restore your fortune for you have been faithful c. god declared i will send you away for you have forsaken me d. god declared i will make you like my signet ring for i have chosen you

d. god declared i will make you like my signet ring for i have chosen you

the most common thread in psalms 146-150 is a. lament b. eschatology c. theodicy d. hallelujah

d. hallelujah

the best analysis of parallelism asks a. who is the best commentator? b. what kind of parallelism is this? c. what does it parallel to? d. how does the second or even third colon intensify, sharpen, or further the thought of the first colon?

d. how does the second or even third colon intensify, sharpen, or further the thought of the first colon?

according to longman, the following are correct except a. hymns are characterized by their tone of celebration b. hymns begin with a call to praise god c. hymns often provide a reason for praise d. hymns are uniquely israelite

d. hymns are uniquely israelite

which of the following shows the content of zechariah best? a. god is a god of second chances b. the lord dwells in his temple, let the whole earth be silent c. i am holy, declares the lord almighty, and be holy d. i will return to jerusalem with mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt

d. i will return to jerusalem with mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt

which of the following books strongly questions the traditional retributive theology? a. ruth b. proverbs c. daniel d. job

d. job

the following are true except a. nahum prophesied while assyria was at the height of her powers b. nahum's prophecy is directed against a foreign nation c. assyria was well known among the ancients as a superpower that oppressed many other nations including judah d. nahum reflects a narrow-minded nationalistic attitude

d. nahum reflects a narrow-minded nationalistic attitude

what does amos begin with a. god's faithfulness and love for israel b. oracles against north israel c. oracles against judah d. oracles against foreign nations

d. oracles against foreign nations

in zechariah four horns are symbols of a. evil b. power that liberated god's people like persia did c. heavenly angels d. power that scattered god's people like babylon

d. power that scattered god's people like babylon

what book clearly exhibits openness and inclusivity to foreigners? a. psalms b. daniel c. nehemiah d. ruth

d. ruth

why does longman think malachi's time was a difficult time for god's people a. they didn't have a king b. they were subservient to babylon c. they didn't have the temple rebuilt d. they may have expected a more robust restoration than they experienced at the time

d. they may have expected a more robust restoration than they experienced at the time

according to malachi, how did the priests show contempt for god's name a. they used god's name in profane ways b. they swore in god's name c. they used it interchangeably with baal, which literally means lord d. they placed defiled food on god's altar

d. they placed defiled food on god's altar

the psalter is divided into 5 books to assert that a. its diversity is divinely approved b. it came from the mosaic period c. it represents the 5 divine periods d. though the psalms are originally human words but also have the same divine authority as the torah

d. though the psalms are originally human words but also have the same divine authority as the torah

how have people according to malachi "wearied the lord with their words" a. "who should we worship" b. why does god punish us c. baal is the lord d. where is the god of justice

d. where is the god of justice

psalm 1 is a a. eschatological psalm b. preexilic psalm c. lament psalm d. wisdom psalm

d. wisdom psalm

according to longman, the following are correct except a. the book of psalm is a collection of 150 psalms of diversity b. the psalms date from time earlier than the monarchy to a time after the exile c. the book of psalms in its present form served as the hymnbook for postexilic judaism d. the book of psalms in its present arrangement reflects preexilic theological orthodoxy

not b

one of the key terms that are strategically repeated in the book of jonah to show its rhetoric is... a. rise up b. go c. mercy d. judgment

not b. probably a.

the main theme of psalm 1 is a. justification by faith b. god's sovereignty c. torah piety d. god's anointed, that is, messiah

probably c

nahum taunts ninevah whose inhabitants thought it a. was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world b. invulnerable c. wicked d. was a sacred haven

b. invulnerable

which of the following NT books use ezekiel extensively? a. acts b. revelation c. matthew d. james

b. revelation

according to hosea what was israel's main problem? a. the israelites were weak in both their faith in god and military strength b. the israelites deserted the lord to give themselves to prostitution c. the israelites were divided into factions, northern israel and southern judah d. the israelites relied on military alliance with babylon against assyria

b. the israelites deserted the lord to give themselves to prostitution

amos says the following in chapter 5 except a. but let justice roll on like a river b. the lord is in his temple, let the whole earth be silent before him c. woe to you who long for the day of the lord d. i hate, i despise your religious feasts

b. the lord is in his temple, let the whole earth be silent before him

zephaniah shares similarities with what book in its oracles against the foreign nations a. habakkuk b. hosea c. amos d. ezekiel

c. amos

hosea describes israel as following EXCEPT... a. hot ovens b. a wild donkey c. an ignorant ox d. a silly dove

c. an ignorant ox

woe oracles like nahum 3 are the type of speech that is spoken at a a. war b. law court c. funeral d. public square

c. funeral

in ezekiel 6 ezekiel spoke abot god's judgment? which of the following phrases appears repeatedly in this chapter as well as in the entire book? a. I sought justice but found injustice, and righeousness but wickedness b. in those days there was no king in israel who does what is right in god's eyes c. then they will know I am the lord d. for three sins or for four I will utterly punish Israel

c. then they will know I am the lord

ezekiel 2-3 describes ezekiel's call as a prophet, and he is compared to a.... a. messiah b. son of man c. watchman d. priest

c. watchman

according to longman, the following are correct except a. amos's accusations against the gentiles are likely based on either international law or natural law b. israel has sinned, particularly by taking advantage of the vulnerable of society c. amos prophesied during the reign of jeroboam II in the 8th century BC d. amos warned babylon would come to punish israel's sins

d. amos warned babylon would come to punish israel's sins

what did amos mean by saying that he is not a prophet a. he did not want to be a prophet b. he wanted to avoid persecution c. he was not qualified to be one since he is not ordained d. he did not make living by prophesying

d. he did not make living by prophesying

in amos 5 he says about the israelites worship service that they should a. stop bringing sacrifices b. keep on doing whatever they were doing c. multiply their sacrifices d. let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never-failing stream

d. let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never-failing stream

in zechariah the following appear except a. even with the return from the exile, a fuller redemption still lies ahead in the distant future, that is, the end of times b. the high priest is called the branch, which shows the blending of the offices of the priest and the king c. a flying scroll on which are written curses against a thief and a blasphemer, summarizing the 10 commandments as offenses against humans d. the destruction of babylon

d. the destruction of babylon

which of the following describes the book of habakkuk best? a. this book teaches we do not know what god is doing in this world b. this book teaches that we need to rejoice in the lord no matter what c. habakkuk begins with complaints to god but ends with praise to god which shows his complaints are not acts of unfaith d. this book teaches what not to do, that is complaining to god

c. habakkuk begins with complaints to god but ends with praise to god which shows his complaints are not acts of unfaith

what is gods response to habakkuks first complaint? a. i am raising up the babylonians, that ruthless and impetuous people b. i am yahweh, the god of universe c. the steadfast love of god endures forever d. i will restore the fortunes of israel and make a new covenant with my people

a. i am raising up the babylonians, that ruthless and impetuous people

which of the following summarizes the content of haggai best a. it is time to rebuild the jerusalem temple b. repent, do away with idolatry c. trust in the lord, not in chariots or foreign powers d. salvation comes from god

a. it is time to rebuild the jerusalem temple

many find the book of nahum irrelevant and even repulsive because a. it rejoices in the destruction of nineveh b. its teaching contradicts much of the NT especially jesus's teaching to pray even for one's enemies c. it shows favoritism and a narrow-minded nationalism that is typical in the OT d. it is entirely about ninevah a foreign city

a. it rejoices in the destruction of nineveh

Typical of many prophets, Zephaniah looks beyond the horizon of judgement to see a. universal worship b. the coming of Jesus the messiah c. universal judgment d. israel's restoration

a. universal worship

zechariah's visions teach the following except a. god will protect jerusalem with a ball of fire b. no longer the presence of god is confined to the holy of holies but the entire city has become the dwelling place of god c. the angel of the lord informs zechariah the lack of the walls shows weakness d. there is an anticipation of rebuilding the temple

c. the angel of the lord informs zechariah the lack of the walls shows weakness

according to longman, the following statements are true EXCEPT... a. there were at least two deportations to babylon, i.e., in 597 and in 586 BC b. unlike other prophetic books Ezekiel includes a number of chronological notes in the book c. when nebuchadnezzar destroyed jerusalem, he killed zedekiah, whom he made king of judah about a decade earlier but rebelled against him later d. ezekiel's prophecy spans the period 593 to 573 BC

c. when nebuchadnezzar destroyed jerusalem, he killed zedekiah, whom he made king of judah about a decade earlier but rebelled against him later

In ezekiel 43.. a. Yahweh is carried away to babylon b. jerusalem temple is rebuilt c. the glory of the lord returns to jerusalem d. jerusalem/israel came back to life

c. the glory of the lord returns to jerusalem

Zephaniah calls who to seek the lord? a. pharisees b. hasidims c. the humble of the land d. the remnants

c. the humble of the land

what is habakkuk's first complaint? a. life is not fair b. righteousness is ambiguous c. the law is paralyzed and justice never prevails d. god doesn't care for israel anymore

c. the law is paralyzed and justice never prevails

haggai's prophecy is dated to the second year of a. the judean king zerubbabel b. the persian king cyrus c. the persian king darius d. the babylonian king nebuchadnezzar

c. the persian king darius

habakkuk prophesied the following except... a. the wicked will not always prosper b. the idolater will be silenced c. the righteous who meditates on the torah will prosper d. the plunderer will be plundered

c. the righteous who meditates on the torah will prosper

the day of jerusalem is coming for jerusalem in which who are singled out in particular? a. the idolatrous people b. the false prophets c. the wealthy d. the idolatrous priests

c. the wealthy

according to lecture/longman, habakkuk.. a. prophesied when assyria was on the rise and babylon was in decline b. was a prophet from north israel c. was a contemporary of jeremiah and ezekiel d. prophesied during the persian hegemony

c. was a contemporary of jeremiah and ezekiel

the following statements concerning zechariah are correct except a. zechariah 9-14 look into the far distinct future through the use of eschatological imagery b. zechariah's prophetic message was first given in 520 bc c. zechariah was pre-exilic prophet d. zechariah 1-8 concerns matters in the prophet's immediate horizon

c. zechariah was pre-exilic prophet

which of the following is NOT described in Ezekiel 8? a. women mourned for tammuz at the north entrance to the temple b. ezekiel saw the idol of jealousy c. 70 elders of israel burned incense to idols, and they say god has forsaken the land d. 120 gentiles marched into the inner court of the temple to massacre jews e. 25 men were bowing down to the sun in the inner court of the temple

d. 120 gentiles marched into the inner court of the temple to massacre jews

Which of the following describes the Assyrian's attitude best? a. Thank you Lord for blessing us b. We will be awesome to them and destroy their land c. Ashur is great and he is merciful, we are his handiwork and his people d. I am, and there is none besides me

d. I am, and there is none besides me

according to longman, the following are correct except a. jeroboam II was king of northern israel when amos prophesied b. amos is one of the 8th century BC prophets c. amos's time was characterized by prosperity in northern israel d. amos was a rich shepherd who did not have to get paid for prophesying

d. amos was a rich shepherd who did not have to get paid for prophesying

what does amos 2 say about israel's sins a. they bring blemished sacrifices b. they do not have knowledge of god c. they were ignorant of their sins d. they sell the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals

d. they sell the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals

amos charges the foreign nations with a. unethical behaviors b. oppressing the poor and needy c. idolatry d. war crimes

d. war crimes

what is habakkuk's response to god's first response? a. praise the lord b. thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven c. how long, o lord, must i wait? d. why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?

d. why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?

which of the following statements describes habakkuk best? a. he deals with the topic of theodicy b. he indicts the failure of the deteronomistic constitutionalism c. he deals with the fall of the davidic dynasty d. he deals with the enigmatic truth of unfairness of life

a. he deals with the topic of theodicy

the following comes from hosea EXCEPT... a. the holy god is in his temple. Let the whole earth be silent before him b. for I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowlegement of god, rather than burnt offerings c. they set up kings without my consent d. for they have gone to assyria like a wild donkey wandering alone e. do not rejoice, O israel; do not be jubilant like other nations

a. the holy god is in his temple. Let the whole earth be silent before him

at the time of judgment, according to zephaniah, god will search jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are complacent who think a. the lord will do nothing, either good or bad b. the end is not coming c. when will the sabbath be over that i may sell grain d. the day of the lord is a national vindication day

a. the lord will do nothing, either good or bad

the following are habakkuks speeches to god except a. the righteous will live by his faith b. i will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts c. i will look to see what he (god) will say to me d. your eyes are too pure to look on evil, you cannot tolerate wrong

a. the righteous will live by his faith

what is god's response to habakkuk's second complaint? a. the righteous will live by his faith b. he who is the glory of israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not a man, that he should change his mind c. i will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts d. behold his love endures forever

a. the righteous will live by his faith

according to hosea 2 the ancient israelites worshiped foreign gods because... a. they thought those gods provide necessities of life b. they were exotic c. they got tired of worshiping the unknown god d. those gods were more beneficial than yahweh

a. they thought those gods provide necessities of life

as the earliest of the writing prophets amos repeatedly used the common messenger speech formula of his time... a. this is what the lord says b. the almighty says c. the lord of the heaven and earth says d. the holy one of israel says

a. this is what the lord says

in zechariah one vision shows a woman in a basket a. which will be sent back to babylon where it belongs b. which symbolizes the adulterous babylon c. which symbolizes god's people in the babylonian captivity d. which symbolizes sins of babylon

a. which will be sent back to babylon where it belongs

...ezekiel's prophecy explains why jerusalem was destroyed: "I will execute judgment on you at the borders of Israel. And you will know I am the lord..." a. "let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream." b. "for you have not followed my decrees or kept my laws but have conformed to the standards of the nations around you." c. "I look for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress." d. "for you only have I known from all the families in the world"

b. "for you have not followed my decrees or kept my laws but have conformed to the standards of the nations around you."

Nahum prophesied concerning a. Babylon b. Nineveh c. Israel d. Judah

b. Nineveh

the phrase that appears repeatedly in ezekiel 6 is reminiscent of... a. revelation b. exodus c. genesis d. psalms

b. exodus

which of the following is INCORRECT? a. ezekiel presented his message to the exiles in babylon b. ezekiel prophesized the lord would break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of babylon c. ezekiel was taken to babylon amoung the first wave of captives from judah in 597 BC d. ezekiel was a younger contemporary of jeremiah

b. ezekiel prophesized the lord would break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of babylon

according to amos which of the following is not what the israelites were doing a. oppress the righteous and take bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts b. go to bethel and gilgal, their national sanctuaries, but do not bring their tithes c. the cows of bashan, in particular, say to their husbands "bring us some drinks!" d. long for the day of the lord

b. go to bethel and gilgal, their national sanctuaries, but do not bring their tithes

the main theme of hosea 1-3 is... a. israel's trust in foreign powers rather than god b. god's steadfast love for unfaithful israel c. god's punishment for unbelieving nations d. god's punishment for unfaithful judah

b. god's steadfast love for unfaithful israel

the following are correct except a. the book of habakkuk contains a dialogue between god and habakkuk, who cannot be satisfied with gods response to his questions b. habakkuk complained to god because he was being persecuted by the evil people c. habakkuk complained to god that god does not listen to his call for help d. habakkuk prophesied sometime after 626 bc

b. habakkuk complained to god because he was being persecuted by the evil people

what does zephaniah say about assyria's attitude? a. we are the greatest people on earth, and our supreme god ashur is mighty b. i am and there is none besides me c. the lord dwells in zion, but our god ashur is mightier than the lord! d. repent! the lord is merciful and forgiving

b. i am and there is none besides me

which of the following explains ezekiel's vision in ezekiel 1 best? a. it describes of those what looked like four living creatures with deadly diseases b. it describes of those what looked like four living creatures with wheels i.e. mobility c. it describes god's punishment of israel d. it describes god's destruction of babylon

b. it describes of those what looked like four living creatures with wheels i.e. mobility

according to hosea 4:1-14, 5:1-7, and 6:1-3, the major theme of the book is... a. covenant of god b. knowledge of god c. faithful remnants d. the decalogue

b. knowledge of god

in the second taunt nahum calls nineveh a a. idolater b. sorceress and harlot c. adulteress d. dragon

b. sorceress and harlot

which of the following explains haggai and zechariah's ministry correctly a. judgment b. surprisingly well received by their audience c. they were pre-exilic prophets d. they were exilic prophets

b. surprisingly well received by their audience

Nahum describes nineveh as a. sin city b. the city of blood c. the great city d. the great city of asshur

b. the city of blood

hosea talks about the following EXCEPT.... a. the israelites sacrifice on the mountaintops and burn offerings on the hills b. the cows of bashan get drunk because they participate in cultic rituals c. the israelites give themselves to prostitution, to old wine and new, which take away their understanding d. the israelites' daughters and daughter-in-laws turn to prostitution

b. the cows of bashan get drunk because they participate in cultic rituals

what happens in ezekiel 10 and 11? a. pharaoh with his army comes to help judah to fight against babylon b. the glory of god leaves jerusalem c. god's wrath against israel in the form of pestilence is revealed in jerusalem d. babylonians invaded jerusalem laying a siege against jerusalem

b. the glory of god leaves jerusalem

amos indicted the israelites for the following except a. father and son use the same girl and so profane god's holy name b. they did not bring enough sacrifices to god and offered blemished sacrifices only c. they trample on the heads of the poor as upon the dust of the ground d. the notable men lie on beds adorned with ivory, lounge on their couches, and dine on choice lambs and fattened calves

b. they did not bring enough sacrifices to god and offered blemished sacrifices only

According to longman, those scholars who think Zephaniah ministered after Josiah's reform (621 BC) base their position on the fact that a. idolatry was no longer a problem in judah b. those who worship Baal are referred to as a "remnant" c. zephaniah is silent about Josiah's return d. those who worship baal are referred to as a "syncretist"

b. those who worship Baal are referred to as a "remnant"

what was amos's response to amaziah a. the lion has roared- who will not fear? b. go to bethel and sin; go to gilgal and sin yet more c. i was neither a prophet nor a prophet's son d. the sovereign lord has spoken- who can but prophesy?

c. i was neither a prophet nor a prophet's son

according to longman, what is unique about nahum's prophecy? a. it is concerned with a foreign nation in its entirety b. it was delivered in a foreign land, assyria c. it was written down from the start d. it was spoken first, then written down

c. it was written down from the start

According to Longman, Zephaniah was a a. vocational prophet b. cultic prophet c. member of the extended royal family d. priest

c. member of the extended royal family

which of the following is NOT one of the symbolic acts ezekiel performed in ezekiel 4-5? a. divide his hair into 3 parts to byrn 1/3 chop 1/3 to bits and toss 1/3 into the wind b. write on a clay tablet "jerusalem" and then lay siege to it c. cook bread making small rations and using cow dung for fuel d. destroy idols in the jerusalem temple grind them and spread them onto the river jordan e. stand on his side for 390 days to bear iniquities of israel and 40 days for judah's

d. destroy idols in the jerusalem temple grind them and spread them onto the river jordan

what does nahum end his prophecy with and why does everyone react that way? a. everyone who hears the news of assyria's fall feels sad because of its terrible loss b. everyone rejoices with the lord because he would restore the fortunes of israel c. everyone repented because god is merciful and forgiving d. everyone who hears the news about assyria claps his hands

d. everyone who hears the news about assyria claps his hands

according to longman, which of the following is incorrect? a. the oracles against the foreign nations condemn their gloating over the destruction of jerusalem and for their giving aid to their enemies b. the singular reason for judah's destruction was idolatry c. when ezekiel was called to his 30th year and to the 5th year of exile d. ezekiel's words and ideas frequently appear in paul's letters

d. ezekiel's words and ideas frequently appear in paul's letters

what did amaziah say to amos a. woe to you who long for the day of the lord b. i hate, i despise your religious feasts c. this will not happen d. get out, you seer. go back to the land of judah. earn your bread there. dont prophecy anymore in bethel.

d. get out, you seer. go back to the land of judah. earn your bread there. dont prophecy anymore in bethel.

which of the following statements concerning habakkuk is correct? a. habakkuk began with complaints to god but repented of his lack of trust when god responded b. habakkuk began and ended with complaints to god c. habakkuk described the assyrian's destruction of babylon d. habakkuk began with complaints to god but ended with praising god

d. habakkuk began with complaints to god but ended with praising god

the following are correct except... a. the first 2 chapters of habakkuk are a dialogue between god and habakkuk b. the most unusual feature of habakkuk is the absence of an oracle directed to israel c. in many ways, reading habakkuk is like reading lament psalms in the book of psalms d. habakkuk begins his book with a complaint against god and ends with it

d. habakkuk begins his book with a complaint against god and ends with it

which of the following desccribes what ezekiel did in ezekiel 3? a. he prophesied to israelites to repent b. he flew on the flying carpet that transported him to babylon c. he got on one of the creatures were mobility d. he ate the scroll god gave him, and it tasted as sweet as honey in his mouth

d. he ate the scroll god gave him, and it tasted as sweet as honey in his mouth

in amos 3, he writes "you only have i chosen of all the families of the earth: therefore..." a. i will bless you and keep you b. be holy just as I am holy c. lead your life worth of calling d. i will punish you for all your sins

d. i will punish you for all your sins

which of the following is spoken by a different reader? a. write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it b. they laugh at all the fortified cities by building earthen ramps they capture them c. the righteous will live by his faithfulness d. i will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts

d. i will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts

longman thinks many of the prophetic descriptions of the restored people of God are highly enigmatic because a. the restored people were not any different from the preexilic people b. they are cryptic c. they are supersessionistic d. in the actual return from the exile a temple is rebuilt but it did not fit ezekiel glorious description

d. in the actual return from the exile a temple is rebuilt but it did not fit ezekiel glorious description

what was wrong with israel's policies in Hosea 8:1-14? a. israel/ephraim relied on their military strength instead of god b. israel/ephraim stood against egypt, god's instrument of judgment c. complete separation between church and state d. israel/ephraim sold herself to lovers, i.e. political alliance

d. israel/ephraim sold herself to lovers, i.e. political alliance

which of the following describes best the characteristics of habakkuk's prophecy? a. messianic prophecy b. complaints for the sake of complaints c. oracles against the foreign nations d. righteous indignation

d. righteous indignation

haggai's oracle teaches a. working on the temple would make people holy b. holiness is contagious c. the temple could not be defiled by uncleanness of the worshippers d. ritual uncleanness or defilement is contagious

d. ritual uncleanness or defilement is contagious

what does amos 4 say about the israelites sacrifices a. they were unclean b. they brought them bc they were thankful for gods abundant blessings c. they were blemished d. that is what they love to do

d. that is what they love to do

What are 2 historical references Longman used to date Nahum? a. The rise of cyrus the great and the rise of alexander the great b. the fall of judah and the fall of nineveh c. the fall of nineveh and the rise of alexander the great d. the fall of thebes and the fall of nineveh

d. the fall of thebes and the fall of nineveh

which of the following is from habakkuk? a. although i sent them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries, yet for a while i have been a sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone b. let us acknowledge the lord, let us press on to acknowledge him c. but let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream d. the lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth be silent before him

d. the lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth be silent before him

Zephaniah prophesies... a. the lord is in his temple. let the whole world be silent b. yahweh will judge between the nations, and they will beat their sword into pruning hooks c. come, let us go up to the mountains of the lord. he will teach us his ways d. the nations on every shore will worship him, every one in its own land

d. the nations on every shore will worship him, every one in its own land

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