Old Testament Unit 6 Quiz 3

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The title, The Song of Songs identifies the choicest song among Solomon's_____ songs.


dramatic poetry

Book of Job

Most of the Old Testament poetry was written by _____ and _____.

David, Solomon

In Chapters 32 through 37 of the book of Job, the dialogue shifts to that between _____ and _____.

Elihu, Job

(True or False) Elihu agreed with Job that his integrity made God's treatment of Job unfair.


(True or False) If a proverb extends beyond seven or eight lines, it becomes a couplet.


(True or False) In Proverbs, Chapters 10-22, Verse 16, a common poetic form is the synthetic parallelism.


(True or False) Job's three friends are Bildad, Zophar and Elihu.


On the non-literal or typical level, Song of Solomon portrays the relationship between _______ _______ and ___ _______.

Jesus Christ, His church

Which of the statements below is not evidence that Job lived during the patriarchal period?

Job lived in the land of Edom which bordered Canaan.

The Hebrew title of Ecclesiastes is "The discourses (words) of_____."


In Ezekiel 14:14, the Lord identified Job with _____ and _____ as righteous men.

Noah, Daniel

historical introduction


The Hebrew title of Ecclesiastes.


The source of the title "Ecclesiastes" is the _____ translation of "Qoheleth."


The main author of Proverbs was _____.


Proverbs 25-29 includes principally single, short proverbs that were written by ____________ and selected by __________'s men.

Solomon, Hezekiah's

Hebrew for psalm; means praises or songs of praises.


Stated in your own words, the purpose of the book of Proverbs is:

The purpose of the book of Proverbs is to give advice and wisdom to others from the words of Solomon.

(True or False) Job defended himself on the basis of his personal integrity.


(True or False) Some proverbs extend the simple couplet to four, six, or even eight-lined verses.


Job lived in the land of __, which was probably located near ____.

Uz, Edom

Jeremiah referred to __ as the dwelling place of the _____.

Uz, Edomites

Verses 10-31 of Chapter 31 comprise an _____ poem.


The principal poetic form of Proverbs is the symmetrical _____ or parallelism.


dialectic discussion


Intended to teach; instructive.


historical conclusion


In the face of most severe losses, Job resolutely maintained his _____.


The purpose of the Song of Solomon is to honor the intimate love relationship between _____ and ____.

husband, wife

The purpose of the Song of Solomon is to honor the intimate love relationship between ________ and ____.

husband, wife

A word derived from a Latin verb meaning "to pray down (invoke) judgment or a curse upon another."


The first six verses of Chapter 1 forms a(n) _____.


Appropriate for song; suited to be sung to a Lyre; generally composed in stanzas.

lyric poetry

King Lemuel was exhorted by his to exercise during his reign.

mother, judgment

The proverbial sayings of Agur include five _____ sayings used as a poetic device.


A literary device in Hebrew poetry especially characterized by patterns of ideas or by correspondence of clauses.


The period in which Job lived was probably the _____ period.


More than one third of the Old Testament is _____.


A coin of money, definitely estimated and stamped, is called a _____.


God presents Job to Satan as a(n) _____ man whom Satan himself cannot defeat.


Each friend argued that Job's suffering was the direct result of _____.


The virtuous woman demonstrates her wisdom by her faithfulness to her husband, children, home, and _____.

the poor

The opening proverb (1:7) presents the _______ of the book: the ____ of the Lord.

theme, fear

In Chapters 3 through 31 are cycles of dialogue between Job and his three friends.


Following Job's inward penitence and submission, Jehovah restored everything he owned ___________ in quantity.


What "theme" word appears in statements more than twenty-five times in Ecclesiastes?


Two great truths are declared in the epilogue of Ecclesiastes (12:8-14): Everything is _______ and _____ God and keep ____ __________.

vanity, fear, his commandments

The purpose of Proverbs expressed in the opening verses is twofold (in order of occurrence): to know ________ and instruction; to perceive the words of __________.

wisdom, understanding

The final section of Proverbs describes a wise _____ who fears the Lord.


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