Online exam

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learning styles

Auditory learners learn best by using their ears. They like to listen to lectures, often like to study with music in the background, and when they read, they often move their lips along with what they read, as if they are reading out lout. Visual learners learn best by using their eyes. They like to read, love diagrams and pictures, and often need to see directions in writing. Kinesthetic/tactile learners learn best by doing. You can tell them things or show them things till you get blue in the face, and it is hard for it to sink in, but the moment you let them try it themselves and just do it, the learning goes a lot faster.

personal attributes

Personal attributes is all about your personal factors and how they may relate to success in online courses. The main difference between these and the Life Factors is that the Personal Attributes looks at your internal processes and not what external forces pull on you.

communication standards

Use short paragraphs about 4-5 sentences in length. Use white space to make your posting more readable Compose online posts and responses in a word processing program such as Microsoft Word. Then copy and paste them into the online environment. Use the spell-check and grammar features of your word processing program to help catch careless errors. After composing a response, wait a few minutes. Then read your posting again before you submit it. Fix any awkward or unclear thoughts before you post the final version. Where appropriate, use emoticons to communicate humor or irony. Don't assume that your joking or sarcastic tone will come through when others read your responses

boolean searches

are used to connect and define the relationship between your search terms. When searching electronic databases, you can use Boolean operators to either narrow or broaden your record sets. The three Boolean operators are AND, OR and NOT.

The online Disinhibition effect

describes the loosening of social restrictions and inhibitions that are normally present in face-to-face interactions that takes place in interactions on the Internet

Technical aspects of online learning

do all the work manage your time well don't procrastinate

asynchronous communication

exchange of messages, such as among the hosts on a network or devices in a computer, by reading and responding as schedules permit rather than according to some clock that is synchronized for both the sender and receiver or in real time. It is usually used to describe communications in which data can be transmitted intermittently rather than in a steady stream.

life factors

external forces that really impacts your ability to focus on school work, and one of them, time, is such a big factor that we will be spending more time on that separately next week. However, there are other factors that play a part here as well, such as what your support network is like and what your study environment is like.

The SmarterMeasure assessment

is a web-based assessment which measures a learner's readiness for succeeding in an online and/or technology rich learning program based on non-cognitive indicators of success. SmarterMeasure indicates the degree to which an individual student possesses attributes, skills and knowledge that contribute to success in learning. 1) Individual Attributes - motivation, procrastination, willingness to ask for help, etc. 2) Life Factors - Availability of time, support from family and employers, finances, etc. 3) Learning styles - Based on the multiple intelligences model 4) Technical Competency - Skills with using technology 5) Technical Knowledge - Knowledge of technology terms 6) On-screen Reading Rate and Recall 7) Typing Speed and Accuracy

synchronous communication

real- time communication between two people. Examples include face-to-face or phone communication.

locus of control

what you believe you have control over

Sources and source evaluation

who created the source who is the author speaking to has the source been peer reviewed how recent is the source' what is the purpose of source what is the domain SCARAB- substance, currency, authority, relevance, accuracy, bias

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