Operating Systems & Networking: Operating Systems
Multi-User Operating Systems
*Allow multiple users to simultaneously use the programs on a single computer *Should only allow users who have the necessary knowledge to use the system *Are complex systems requiring a lot of upkeep and maintenance *Include Unix and Linux operating systems
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
*Allows uses to operate computers without knowing the language used to communicate with an operating system *Makes computers much more efficient *Eases the complications of operating a computer
*Are machines able to store, retrieve and process information *Can be classified by size and power
Operating Systems
*Are programs acting as translators between a computer user and the computer itself *control and manage all other programs a computer contains *Are the master program making everything else run *can be considered the core software and the computer user
Single-User, Multi-Tasking Operating Systems
*Are the most common type of system found on PCs *Allow the user to run several computer applications at the same time *Include Windows (Microsoft) and Macintosh (Apple) platforms
Real-Time Operating Systems
*Do not allow the user to have much control over the system *Are used for real-time applications such as: thermostats, mobile phones, spacecrafts, etc.
*Is a multi-user, multitasking operating system *Designed to be a small, flexible system for use by computer programmers *Not very user-friendly for the average, everyday user *GUIs have recently been created to help make it easier to use for average users
*Is a variation of the Unix operating system *Originally created by a student at the University of Helsinki named Linus Torvalds *Is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system *Allows source code to be free to the public so it can be re-created by other with necessary modifications
*Is an operating system created by Apple *Is a single-user, multi-tasking operating system *Also uses GUI to help ease the difficulty level for users *Allows users to run old Macintosh applications through the system
*Was created by the Microsoft Corporation for use on PCs *Is a single-user, multi-tasking operating system *Previously needed to be downloaded after a computer was purchased *Pre-installed on almost all new personal computers *Is estimated to run on around 90 percent of all PCs *Utilizes a graphical user interface so users do not have to learn difficult demands
File Management requires the operating system to:
-create and delete files -create and delete directories -support primitives for manipulating files and directories -map files onto secondary storage -backup files on stable storage media
Security Management requires the operating system to:
-distinguish between authorized and unauthorized users -only allow authorized users to access the files and resources -provide a means of enforcement -specify the controls to be imposed
Memory management requires the operating system to:
-keep track of which parts of memory are currently being used and who is using them - determine which processes to load when memory space becomes available -allocate and de-allocate memory space when necessary
Real-Time Operating Systems are used to control the following:
-machinery -scientific tools -industrial instruments
Computers break down into the five main following types:
-minicomputer -mainframe -supercomputer
Hardware Management requires the operating system to:
-monitor the status of each device -enforce policies to determine which process will get device time and how long for -allocate and de-allocate hardware
Computers break down into the five main following types:
-personal computer -work station
Graphical User Interface utilizes the following tools:
-pointer -pointing device -icons -desktop -windows -menus
Process Management requires the operating system to complete the following tasks:
-process creation and deletion -process suspension and resumption -process synchronization and communication
Operating Systems performs basics tasks to make sure the computer works correctly, most importantly include:
-process management -memory management -file management -hardware management -security management
Operating Systems include the following four general types:
-real-time operating systems -single-user, single task operating systems -single-user multi-tasking operating systems -multi-user operating systems
Computers include the following characteristics:
-respond to specific instructions in a precise manner -can perform a prerecorded set of instructions -able to store and retrieve large amounts of information -use operating systems to function effectively
Single-User, single Task Operating Systems
Allow users to do only one thing at any given time
Personal computer
Small, single-user computer; used in hoes and businesses; based on a microprocessor
a computer program performing a specific task
a multi-user computer designed to handle hundreds of users at the same time
Computer Programmer:
a person who designs, writes and installs computer programs and applications
a powerful, multi-user computer; can support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously
a symbol (usually an arrow) on a computer screen used to select objects
allow users to select commands from a list of choices
an area on a display screen where icons are displayed
an extremely fast computer; can perform hundreds of millions of instructions every second
Pointing devices:
an object such as a mouse used for pointing
divide the screen into different areas so several programs can run at the same time
work station
powerful, single-user computer; more powerful microprocessor than PCs
programs directing the operation of computers; instructions for a computer
small pictures on a computer screen representing programs and applications
Single-User, single Task Operating Systems include Personal Digital Assistants or PDAs
small, handheld computers only allow users to operate one application at a time
the master control circuit of a computer
the physical and mechanical components of a computer such as: monitor, mouse, chips, keyboard, etc.
Source Code:
the tags and instructions developed by the creator explaining how the system was created