Org Behavior Q2

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Behavioral approach to leadership


How can we encourage creativity/innovation in business?


Teamwork Competencies


The Ohio State Study


What CWBs increase/decrease in group scenarios?


What are creativity and innovation?


What are the two types of conflict and what are examples of each?


What is decision making?



A person who is out infront, influencing and inspiring people to follow

Employee Benefits of Teams

Costs of Teams

Understanding Benefits and Costs of Teams

Enhanced Performance Reduced Costs Other Organizational Benefits

5 Basic Group Performance Factors

Group Composition Group Size Group Norms Group Cohesiveness Informal Leadership

Know the difference between a group and a team

Group: Team:

Why is it important to study about groups and teams in organizations?

In order to know if they are worth the extra time and money put into them

The Michigan Studies

Job-Centered: emphasizes the technical/task aspects of the job, focusing on accomplishing the groups tasks Employee-Centered: emphasizes interpersonal relationships by taking personal interest in the needs of employees.

Behavioral Forces in Decision Making

Political forces Intuition Escalation of Commitment Risk Propensity and Decision making Ethics and Decision making Prospect Theory and Decision making

Persuasive power

Power due to the ability to use logic and facts to persuade

Creative Process

Preparation Incubation Insight Verification


Symptoms of Groupthink Decision-making defects and Decision Quality Prevention of Groupthink

What is synergy and how can it help a group?

Synergy: Performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate

coercive power

The ability of a manager to punish others

Condition of uncertainty

The decision maker who lacks enough information to estimate the probability of outcomes

Promoting Effective Team Performance

Top-Management Support Understanding Time Frames Changing Organizational Rewards

nonprogrammed decisions

Unique and nonrecurring decisions that require a custom-made solution

Informational Power

a form of personal or collective power that is based on controlling information needed by others in order to reach an important goal.


an individual who makes plans organized and controls people production and sources


an interdependent collection of at least two individuals who share a common goal and share accountability for the team's as well as their own outcomes.

Formal Group/Team

are established by an organization

Affinity Group

are relatively permanent collections of employees from the same level in the organization who meet on a regular basis to share information, capture emerging opportunities, and solve problems.

Influence Tactics

conscious efforts to affect and change a specific behavior in others


formal groups established by the organization to do its work. Workgroups include command (or functional) groups and affinity groups (as well as teams).


is the ability of an individual to generate new ideas or to conceive of new perspectives on existing ideas.

Leadership Traits Theory

leaders posses special traits that set them apart from others

referent power

power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect, admiration, and loyalty

Programmed Decisions

recurs often enough for decision rules to be developed.

Command Group

relatively permanent and is characterized by functional reporting relationships such as having both a group manager and those who report to the manager. Are usually included in the organization chart.

How subunits obtain power

resource scarcity, centrality, substitutability, uncertainty

reward power

the ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards

legitimate power

the authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in an organization's hierarchy

Condition of Risk

the decision maker cannot know with certainty what the outcome of a given action will be but has enough information to estimate the probabilities of various outcomes.

Condition of Certainty

the manager knows the outcomes of each alternative.

Transformational Leadership

the set of abilities that allows a leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute the change effectively


two or more persons who interact with one another such that each person influences and is influenced by each other person. Coworkers may work side by side on related tasks—but if they do not interact, they are not a group.

Acquiring Power

your power is greater if the things you control are important, rare, without substitute

Gender and Leadership

-Stereotyping of styles is no longer valid -Women tend to be more democratic decision makers; men more autocratic -Women may have stronger interpersonal skills -Women may confront more opposition and therefore involve others in decision making to reduce conflict

What are the two types of decisions?


What can managers/leaders do to increase group/team effectiveness?


What is 1-3-6ing? How does it encourage creativity?


What things should you consider when forming/composing a group/team?


When is it appropriate to use teams?


What is social loafing and what impact can it have in groups/teams?o How can you reduce social loafing?

Social Loafing:

Informal Group/Team

are formed by their members and consist of friendship groups, which are relatively permanent, and interest groups, which may be shorter-lived.

expert power

power that is based on the special knowledge, skills, and expertise that a leader possesses

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