Org Management Chapter 5&6

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A student who never considers breaking into an instructor's office to steal an accounting exam didn't think twice about asking a friend who took the same course from the same instructor last semester what questions were on the exam. What does this example illustrate? A) This example illustrates the concept of issue intensity. B) The student involved has an internal locus of control. C) The student involved has a strong ego strength. D) This example illustrates the concept of value-based management.


Despite reassurances from R&D's internal testing lab, Stephen believes the new material for climbing ropes should not be used in their manufacture until it has been certified by an independent lab. It would appear that Stephen has ________. A) high ego strength B) weak ego strength C) internal locus of control D) external locus of control


In his exit interview, James, a member of a minority group, mentioned that he had been passed over for promotions in favor of less qualified internal candidates. This situation relates to ________. A)organizational performance B)deep-level diversity C)organizational strategy D)financial management


In which of the stages of moral development do individuals stick to rules to avoid physical punishment and follow rules only when doing so is in their immediate interest? A) preconventional stage B) conventional stage C) principled stage D) post-conventional stage


Johnson Controls violated the ________ Act when it denied women the option to apply for positions in the lead battery room. A)Civil Rights, 1964 B)Equal Pay C)Civil Rights, 1991 D)Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay


Judging a person on the basis of one's perception of a group to which he or she belongs is known as ________. A)stereotyping B)assimilation C)prejudice D)integration


One big challenge for managers of diverse workforces is to ________. A)provide accommodations for disabilities and religious beliefs that other employees don't view as special treatment B)assure that employees do not discuss their religious beliefs with other workers C)provide accommodations for disabled workers that don't carry excessive costs D)treat all employees identically despite individual differences


One way to evaluate a company's green actions is to use the ________ list of the most sustainable corporations in the world. A) Global 100 B) Global 500 C) Global 400 D) Global 200


Raul is concerned that when his older workers retire, he will not be able to fill their positions because ________. A)too few students are receiving the solid math and science education required in high-growth industries B)only older workers understand the history of their organizations C)young workers lack even minimal communication skills D)younger workers are less likely to dedicate themselves to the job to the degree that older workers do.


The ________ Act offers some legal protection to whistle-blowers. It has a provision wherein any manager who retaliates against an employee for reporting violations faces a stiff penalty of a 10-year jail sentence. A) Sarbanes-Oxley B) Glass-Steagall C) Taft-Hartley D) Landrum-Griffin


The centerpiece of the ________ efforts is the Anti-Bribery Convention that was the first global instrument to combat corruption in cross-border business deals. A) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's B) Institute of Global Ethics' C) Ethics and Compliance Officer Association's D) United Nations'


The primary debate about ethics training programs is whether ________. A) ethics can be taught B) ethics training is sufficient C) the programs cause a regression in a person's moral development D) the programs decrease awareness of ethical issues in business


Which of the following ISO standards is related to quality management? A) ISO 9000 B) ISO 14000 C) ISO 8000 D) ISO 15000


Which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that businesses should address social problems before they become serious and costly to correct? A) superiority of prevention over cures B) possession of resources C) balance of responsibility and power D) better environment


Which of the following statements is true of gender diversity in workplaces? A)No consistent male-female differences exist in problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability. B)Today, men make up nearly two-thirds of the workforce, while women account for the remaining third. C)Affirmative action policies have resulted in women, generally, starting their careers at higher levels than men. D)Despite the disparity in representation in the workforce, women earn nearly as much as men do on a median basis.


Your university has tried to promote the establishment of shared values so that all members will understand its beliefs. The university has established ________ management. A) values-based B) stakeholder-based C) leadership-based D) market-based


________ is a term that describes a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology. A)Bias B)Prejudice C)Impartiality D)Reasoning


Bruce will be making a presentation to the senior management team to encourage them to support efforts to improve the company's diversity policies and practices. One of the more compelling arguments he can use is ________. A)companies with exclusive practices experienced higher profits B)companies with inclusive practices outperformed their competitors C)Federal law does not require companies to make accommodations for LBGT employees D)the company will likely lose market share if it does not improve its practices


Groups made up of employees connected by some common dimension of diversity are known as employee ________. A)work councils B)resource groups C)assistance teams D)care programs


People are going to be different. The focus of managers should be to ________. A)find ways to keep various groups within the workforce from creating conflict B)find ways to develop strong relationships with and engage the entire workforce C)make sure the practices within their departments comply with the letter of the laws governing discrimination in employment D)find commonalities among various groups displaying surface-level diversity


The ________ view of social responsibility holds that management's only social responsibility is to maximize profits. A) socioeconomic B) classical C) sociocultural D) neoclassical


What approach deals with an organization changing its interaction with the environment because of the preferences of its customers? A) stakeholder approach B) market approach C) legal approach D) activist approach


Which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that pursuing social goals hurts a business's economic productivity? A) long-run profits B) dilution of purpose C) stakeholder interests D) public image


Which of the following examples reflects a socially responsible action by an organization? A) Ford Motor Company became the first automaker to endorse a federal ban on sending text messages while driving. B) Apple has eliminated lead-lined glass monitors from its product line and pioneered reduced-sized packaging that leverages recyclable materials. C) Chick-fil-A has stopped selling products containing meat from poultry raised with antibiotics. D) UPS has a company-wide policy that urges employees to volunteer during natural disasters and other crises.


Which of the following organizations is best suited to promote ethical behavior in its employees? A) An organization that has a reward and punishment system that depends on specific goal outcomes. B) An organization that has formal rules and regulations in place. C) An organization that punishes employees who do not meet goals. D) An organization rewards success without asking how it was achieved.


Which of the following statements is true of the changing trends in U.S. workplaces? A)The surge in immigration, especially over the last two decades, has flooded the United States with low-wage foreign labor. B)Organizations must recognize that they can't expect employees to assimilate into the organization by adopting similar attitudes and values. C)In most U.S. metropolitan cities, more immigrants are employed in low-wage jobs like construction, cleaning, or manufacturing, than in white-collar occupations. D)People now entering the workforce are significantly older, less ethnically diverse and/or native-born.


Which of the following trends has been observed in the world population in terms of aging? A)As nations have advanced economically, birthrates have increased in proportion to the growing world population. B)People aged 65 and older will soon outnumber children under age 5 for the first time in history. C)The world's population is growing older, but at a slower rate than it did in comparison with the previous two centuries. D)The world's population aged 80 and over is projected to decrease 233% by 2040.


Which one of the following correctly reflects the characteristics of the current U.S. population? A)Nearly one in five Americans today is an immigrant. B)The median age of the U.S. population has risen significantly over the last decade. C)The Asian population in the United States is presently the largest ethnic group. D)The Hispanic community represents nearly one-third of the total U.S. population.


________ is defined as a business firm's intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. A) Social obligation B) Social responsibility C) Social screening D) Values-based management


________ refers to the social traits that are shared by a human population. A)Race B)Ethnicity C)Nationality D)Ancestry


Ang Li has found it rather hard to move up in her managerial career at her workplace especially when compared to how fellow graduate from Tri-Valley, Adam Watson, has managed to become the regional manager of sales in the company. This suggests the presence of ________ in Li's organization. A)goldbricking B)a self-serving bias C)a glass ceiling D)stereotyping


Ben is selecting members for a problem-solving team. Which of the following team compositions is most likely to result in better team performance? A)employees with at least ten years of seniority B)employees from the quality department C)employees from a variety of ethnic and gender backgrounds D)an all-male or all-female team


Employee A prefers to work flexible hours and to work from home as often as practical. According to research, Employee A is likely to be ________. A)a minority B)disabled C)female D)older


Following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, WalMart sent semis loaded with items such as bottled water, diapers, and other daily necessities to the New Orleans area. We can say that WalMart exercised ________. A) social obligation B) social responsiveness C) social responsibility D) social awareness


Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining are the Global Compact principles in the area of ________. A) anti-corruption B) human rights C) labor standards D) union representation


How does surface-level diversity differ from deep-level diversity? A)Surface-level diversity is reflected by differences in personality and values, while deep-level diversity is influenced by age and ethnic differences. B)Surface-level diversity can affect the way people view organizational rewards and their communication with others, while deep-level diversity does not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel. C)Surface-level diversity can affect the way people perceive others, especially in terms of assumptions or stereotyping, while deep-level diversity may affect general behavior of people at work. D)Surface-level diversity becomes more important as people get to know each other, while deep-level diversity becomes less relevant with increasing familiarity between people.


In the United States a company that meets but does not exceed federal pollution control standards and does not discriminate in hiring, promotion, and pay is generally meeting its ________. A) social screening requirements B) green management requirements C) social obligation D) social responsibility


John is offered an attractive incentive to steal sensitive information about his company's wealthy investment customers. Which of the following statements best reflects John's thoughts if he is at the preconventional level of moral development? A) If I do go through with the act, I will be letting down my manager and coworkers badly. B) My job is to protect the information that this company deals in and I should not violate my duties. C) I am liable to be criminally prosecuted for my involvement in stealing the information. D) Going through with this act would be highly unfair not just to the client, but also to my employers.


Older workers in an organization are subjected to ________ if they are laid off for being highly paid and having lucrative benefits. A)incivility B)intimidation C)discriminatory practices D)exclusion


Pharmacists who decline to dispense drugs that cause abortions are functioning at the ________ stage of moral development. A) preconventional B) conventional C) principled D) post-conventional


Soon after Jeff was hired as a company accountant, his company developed corporate programs to help improve the self-confidence and qualifications of diverse employees so they could "fit in." During which period of time did Jeff start working for his employers? A)new millennium B)1960s to 1970s C)early 1980s D)late 1980s to late 1990s


Under the classical view, aiding the few through philanthropy ________. A) benefits the whole by uplifting the downtrodden B) grows wealth for stockholders by increasing the stock trading price C) increases costs for consumers D) manipulates society through social engineering


Under what approach do organizations exhibit little environmental sensitivity, and simply obey laws, rules and regulations? A) stakeholder approach B) market approach C) legal approach D) activist approach


What positive perception do employers typically have of older employees? A)enthusiastic towards new technology B)open to change C)strong work ethic D)flexible and adaptable


When PETA supporters picketed Avon products because of its use of animals in the testing of its cosmetics, Avon changed its practices and stopped testing on animals. In this situation, Avon exercised ________. A) social obligation B) classical responsibility C) social responsiveness D) social engineering


Which of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be feminine? A)authoritative B)leading by example C)inclusive D)being directive


Which one of the following was a feature of the period from the late 1980s to the late 1990s in terms of workplace diversity? A)focusing on complying with laws and regulations, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act B)developing corporate programs to help improve self-confidence and qualifications of diverse individuals so they can "fit in" C)shifting from compliance and focusing only on women and minorities to including everyone D)seeing workplace diversity as a core business issue, important to achieve business success, profitability, and growth


A good mentor will ________. A)introduce the protégé to influential managers within the firm B)promote the protégé for assignments outside the protégé's regular duties C)groom the protégé for higher-level positions with the firm D)provide constructive criticism to the protégé


Baskins wants to build a nuclear plant because this will not add to his city's already serious pollution problem, while taking care of its electricity requirements. Baskins is following which of the social responsibility views? A) market view B) activist view C) classical view D) socioeconomic view


Differences arising from which one of the following factors becomes more important to people as they get to know each other? A)gender B)ethnicity C)sexual orientation D)personality


Discrimination refers to ________. A)a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment toward a person or a group of people B)a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology C)judging a person based on a perception of a group to which that person belongs D)someone acting out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice


In the ________ approach of going green, an organization works to meet the environmental demands of its employees, suppliers, or community. A) dark green B) light green C) market D) stakeholder


Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its ________. A) social and legal responsibilities B) economic and social responsibilities C) social and economic responsibilities D) economic and legal responsibilities


The majority of the population increase in the next 35 years will come from ________. A)higher birth rates among minority ethnic groups B)immigration of religious groups seeking political asylum C)advances in medical science that extend the life expectancy of the elderly D)immigrants and their descendants


The ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another is known as ________. A)business etiquette B)organizational democracy C)work culture D)workplace diversity


What can be said about a manager who believes that she can work hard and will meet the productivity goals of her organization despite unfavorable conditions? A) She has an external locus of control .B) She has a high ego strength. C) She has a weak ego strength. D) She has an internal locus of control.


Which of the following approaches of going green reflects the highest degree of environmental sensitivity and is also a good illustration of the social responsibility of the organization? A) legal approach B) market approach C) stakeholder approach D) activist approach


Which one of the following is an example of workplace discrimination in the form of exclusion? A)Older workers may be targeted for layoffs because they are highly paid and have lucrative benefits. B)African American employees at some companies have found racist graffiti in their work areas. C)Female lawyers note that male attorneys frequently cut them off or do not adequately address their comments. D)Many women in finance claim they are assigned to marginal job roles or are given light workloads that don't lead to promotion.


Which one of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees? A)Hiring people with disabilities leads to higher employment costs and lower profit margins. B)Workers with disabilities lack job skills and experience necessary to perform as well as their abled counterparts. C)Employees with disabilities are exempt from potential disciplinary action, and there are high costs associated with accommodating disabled employees. D)A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the same obligations and rights as far as job performance.


________ defined as the basic convictions about right and wrong decisions and behavior. A) Beliefs are B) Principles are C) Ethics is D) Values are


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