Organelles-A small structure within a cell that performs a specific job.

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Nuclear Membrane

Controls what enters and exits the nucleus


Isolate and transport materials within a cell

Cell Membrane

It surrounds the outside of the cell and controls what materials enter and exit the cell.


Makes proteins


digests old organelles and breaks down large food particles. Sometimes called the "Garbage Collector"

Golgi Body

sorts, packs, and ships proteins. known as the post office of the cell.


aids in mitosis

Endoplasmic reticulum

produces, processes and distributes proteins

Cell Wall

rigid or inflexible boundary found in plant cells. made of cellulose an provides support and structure to the cell.


Breaks down food for energy. It is called the "Powerhouse" of the cell.


Store food, water, or waste


The brain of the cell and controls all cell functions


Uses the sun's energy to make food for the plant cells. This is also the site of photosynthesis


jellylike liquid that fills the cell.

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