Organization & Management Exam 1

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Reward systems that provide incentives for compliance

Researchers have identified several different triggers that increase the likelihood that employees will not comply with rules in the workplace. Which of the following is NOT a common trigger for noncompliance? p.155-156


Individuals who score high on this factor of the Five-Factor model of personality are described as often anxious, insecure, emotional, and tend to worry a lot. p.50


Kouzes and Posner (1995) asked thousands of people on many continents what the most important thing was they wanted and needed from a leader. What was the most frequent FIRST choice? p.174

Managers who understand the fundamental concepts upon which these programs are based are able to be more efficient and effective at project management.

Many different computer software programs are available to help with project management. As a result...

Trying to control employees too tightly can increase the likelihood that employees will look for ways to avoid compliance

One of the key paradoxes of control in organizations is that ... p.157-160

a and c but not b; a) The consequences of conflict depend upon the type of conflict c) Conflict is inevitable, so it should be managed, rather than avoided.

Which of the following is true about conflict? p. 92-93

Information necessarily includes data, but data may not provide information.

Which of the following is true about data and information? P.110

Rational Goal

Which of the four management models would advocate that clear direction leads to productive outcomes? p.4


Which quadrant of the Johari Window represents the aspects of yourself that you know but do not reveal to others? p.42-43

Rational goal and open systems

Which two models in the competing values framework focus more attention on the external environment? p.13

Human relations and open systems

Which two models in the competing values framework focus on flexibility? p.13

4) All of the above are reasons project teams have become popular - 1) They are task focused; 2) They enable companies to use cross-functional teams; 3) They are flexible and able to react quickly to change.

Why are project teams becoming more popular? p.129

It better reflects the multiple concerns that managers must take into account when making decisions

Why is the competing values framework more useful for managers than earlier models of management?

3) Prepare and distribute an agenda at the meeting DO NOT CHOOSE 1) Set objectives for the meeting 2) Select appropriate participants for the meeting 4) Select an appropriate time and place to meet 5) Ensure whether special equipment if necessary for the meeting

A manager should do all of the following EXCEPT which one to prepare for an effective meeting? p. 80-81

4) All of the above - 1) Positively influence employees and inspire them to engage in extra work; 2) Define the direction for the organization by using powerful imagery; 3) Provide a sense of mission or purpose that supports the status quo

According to research on visionary leaders, they p.177

2) Employees are often able to identify potential obstacles to implementing a decision as well as ways to avoid them. DO NOT CHOOSE: 1) If employees do not have the proper expertise, participative decision making will likely result in a low-quality decision; 3) If meetings are not well structured, ndividuals with appropriate expertise may fail to contribute to the discussion. 4) When group members are overly cohesive, they may also become overly concerned with gaining consensus and suffer from groupthink. 5) If meetings are not well structured, ndividuals with little or insufficient knowledge can over-contribute and dominate the discussion.

All of the following are disadvantages of involving employees in the decision making process EXCEPT? P.66-67

2)Similar goals - DO NOT CHOOSE 1) Competition for scarce resources; 3) Differing worldviews held by different cultural groups 4) Communication errors 5) Differences in values

All of the following are reasons conflict occurs in organizations EXCEPT? p.92

4) All of the above are examples of mixed messages - 1) A rule exists but there are no consequences for failing to comply with that rule; 2) A rule exists and there are negative consequences for noncompliance, but there are policies in place that make it difficult for employees to follow the rule; 3) A rule exists and noncompliance sometimes results in negative consequences

An organization sends mixed messages about compliance when...

Remunerative - similar to tempting employees with carrots

An organization that gives employees a chance to win a gift certificate for a popular restaurant every time they submit their expense report within a week of returning from a trip is using which type of compliance strategy? p.158

Creating specialized jobs and work units that are then organized hierarchically

Consistent with the principles of Adam Smith and Henri Fayol, differentiation has traditionally been accomplished by p.121

Cross functional teams are most beneficial when external communication increases as a result of having members with diverse backgrounds, areas of expertise, and different external networks of information.

Cross-functional teams were first encouraged as a way to help U.S. companies be more successful in the global economy more than 20 years ago. Since that time, which of the following best describes what researchers have learned about cross-functional teams? p.120-121

Being highly creative

The concept of "lift" as proposed by Quinn and Quinn (2009) includes four key thoughts and feelings that cause people to be uplifted and to lift up people around them. Which of the following is NOT one of the four key elements of lift? p.125

The situation in question makes not complying with organizational rules the most ethically appropriate action

The concept of positive deviance is used to refer to situations where... p.158

Focuses on organizational structure and culture

The designing and organizing competency p.172-173

The human relations model

The management model that appears diagonally opposite the rational goal model quadrant of the competing values framework is: p.13

Touching the hearts and personal values of followers

The most critical and challenging aspect of communicating a vision is p.176

The difference between the budged cost of work performed and the budget cost of work scheduled for a specific time period (BCWP-BCWS)

What is a schedule variance? p.140

The ability to draw on and use competencies and behaviors from different models.

What is behavioral complexity? p.16

It occurs when an individual perceives information regarding his or her job to be inconsistent or contradictory.

What is role conflict? p.78

People should value challenges over unquestioning acceptance of a group decision

What is the key message of the Abilene Paradox? P.91

Put them into an action box or folder

What should you do with papers that require your personal action according to the TRAF system? P.112

4) All of the above - 1) Deeply held assumptions, beliefs, and values; 2) Organizational rhetoric; 3) Performance evaluation and reward systems

When organizations want to make significant changes in employee behavior, it is often necessary to alter... p.160


Which barrier to effective interpersonal communication occurs when the receiver is already angry with the person sending the message and thus interprets any new message in a negative way? p.51


Which barrier to effective interpersonal communication occurs when the sender crafts a message so as to impress and not offend a person in a position of authority? p.51


Which conflict management approach is most appropriate when opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals? P.95


Which dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory describes us in terms of what we pay attention to when we gather data? p.40

Human Relations

Which management model in the competing values framework focuses on creating and sustaining commitment and cohesion? p. 7, 13

Open Systems

Which management model in the competing values framework focuses on promoting change and encouraging adaptability? p.9

Open Systems

Which management model was most strongly influenced by ever-more rapid technological advances? p.9

Internal Process

Which model uses stability and continuity as its criteria of effectiveness? p.5

All of the above activities should be included in a performance review meeting 1) Making sure the employee is in the right frame of mind to receive feedback; 2) Focusing first on positive behaviors; 3) Asking the employee about for ideas about key areas for improvement; 4) Asking the employee for a self-evaluation

Which of the following activities should be part of a performance review meeting? p.63

Conducting a meeting with the employee to discuss performance expectations for the next 12 months

Which of the following activities should be part of performance planning process?

Do not ask questions about the feedback because it may make the person giving the feedback feel defensive.

Which of the following is NOT one of the guidelines for asking for feedback? p.63


Which of the following is NOT part of a shortcut to remembering the critical elements of articulating and communicating a vision? p.175-176

Recognize the employee's accomplishments and show appreciation.

Which of the following is a key to effective delegating? p.66-67

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