Organizational Behavior Chapter 1

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Rule of one-eight

-half of the organizations don't belive there is a connection between people and profits -half of those who see the connection thry to make a single change, rather thatn attempting to make comprehensive changes. -halfo of the firms that make comprehensice changes persist long enought for those changes to make a difference.

goal of a company

-to create a sustainable competitive advantage -Long term profits

Organizational commintment (Attitude)

Employees would like to be valued and stay at an organization, managers want good emplotees to stay.

What is Organizational Behavior about?

OB research analyzes and answers the question of why peope act differently at work.

Valuable Rare Inmitable Non-substitutable Exploitable

VRINE framework


a collection of assertions both verbal and symbolic- that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should (and should not) be related.


a collective pool of experience, wisdon, and knowledge that benetis the organization

numerous small decisions

captures the idea that people make many small decicions day in and day out, week in and week out.

socially complex resources

culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation.

job performance (behavior)

employees would like to do well on their job and managers want employees to do welll

organizational behavior

is the field of study devoted to understanding, explaning, and ultimetaly impriving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations.

method of science

people accept some belief bacause studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples, settings, and methods.

method of intuition

people hold firmly to some belief bacause it "just stands to reason"- it seems obvios and self evident.

method of experience

people hold firmly to some belief because it is concistent with their own experience and observations.

method of authority

people hold firmly to some bellief bacause some respected offcial, agency, or source has said so.


resources, people

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