Organizational Behavior Chapter 13 Quiz, Chapter 4 Quiz Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior Chapter 8 Quiz, Organizational Behavior Chapter 14 Quiz, Organizational Behavior Chapter 16 Quiz

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What is the difference between formal and informal groups?

A formal group is assigned by an organization or its managers to accomplish specific goals.

Which one of the following is not a difference between affirmative action and diversity management?

Affirmative action only refers to mandatory programs.

Helen uses a wheelchair to get around. Her company, Cue Furniture, makes sure her desk is wheelchair accessible. The ___________ requires the company to provide this.

Americans with Disabilities Act

________ are the phases of organizational socialization.

Anticipatory, encounter, and change and acquisition

Brandon is Mark's manager. When the leader of Mark's team leaves, Mark is given additional responsibilities as acting team leader. Brandon wants him to take the team in a new direction. However, the company does not give Mark a raise or promise of a bonus. What mistake has Brandon, the change agent, made?

Brandon failed to legitimize change.

While perception is a part of the organizing framework for understanding and applying OB, it is a relatively unimportant process.


_________ is(are) an example of social and political pressures for change.

Impact of climate change

__________ is the use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles.


Which of the following statements about organizational culture is true?

Organizations tend to have one dominant type of culture.

Which of the following statements about organizational socialization is false?

Research shows that realistic job previews do not help reduce turnover.

As part of developing its next strategic plan, Mortimer, Inc., assesses what it does well and what it does poorly, as well as reviews the environmental threats and opportunities. It is conducting a(n)

SWOT Analysis

Which of the following statements is true about Tuckman's five-stage model of group development?

The five stages are not necessarily of the same duration or intensity.

_________ is the last step of the ABCDE method of cognitive restructuring.

To describe how energized and empowered you feel at the moment

Which of the following is not an implication of transformational leadership?

Transformational leadership cannot work virtually.

Which of the following statements is not true about group development?

Tuckman's theory of group development stages has been strongly supported by empirical testing.

Mr. Henshaw, CEO of MBA Bank, decides that the organization needs to provide more convenient service to customers. He decides to increase the bank's service hours from 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, to 12 hours a day, plus 8 hours a day each weekend day. He has his assistant compile a report that gives data on how the number of open hours of many banks is correlated with their customers' satisfaction, and presents the data to his executive committee. What stage of Lewin's change process is Mr. Henshaw operating in?


An artifact is

a physical manifestation of an organization's culture.

The __________ approach attempts to identify the unique ways of acting displayed by effective leaders.

behavior styles

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a servant-leader?


A(n) _______ helps guide behavior as well as avoid and overcome conflict.


A(n) _______ culture encourages collaboration, trust, and mutual support among employees.


The team is generating a lot of ideas on how to approach the management case study problem. Everyone seems to have a plan. Joe stands up and says, "I will make a list on the board of all of our ideas." Joe is acting as


The millennial generation is described as

entitled, civic-minded, closely involved with parents.

______ values are the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization.


Michael wants to be president of his division. Everything he does is geared to that objective. He pushes his employees to to meet higher quotas, criticizes anyone who doesn't put in 10 to 12 hour days, and demands results before the due date. He is arrogant and dominant. Michael is

exhibiting narcissism

Surface-level characteristics include _____, age, and race.


Sean is questioning his team's effectiveness. He asks himself "Is the group performing less than, equal to, or greater than the sum of its parts?" Once he thinks this through, he recognizes that two people are not contributing at all. Which of the following will not work to combat social loafing?

increase group size

Alana says to her subordinates, in essence, "Let me provide tangible support to help you reach your goals." Alana is engaging in

individualized consideration

Fiedler's model uses the _________ scale to measure a person's leadership style.

least preferred coworker

The ______ keeps the group headed toward its stated goals.


__________ are perceptions of whether a stressor is irrelevant, positive, or negative.

primary appraisals

__________ leadership focuses on increased benefit to others rather than to oneself.


A(n) ______ is an individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics of a group.


Which of the following is not a driver or cause of organizational culture?

work attitudes and behaviors

Managers cannot be trained to reduce implicit cognition; the best that they can do is to merely recognize its importance.


Stereotypes exist about gender, race, and age, but not about occupation.


Jennifer is described by her friends as independent, distrusting authority, and technologically savvy. One of her strongest memories is the day of the Oklahoma City bombings. She is most likely to be a member of the _____ generation.

Gen Xers

Jim is the daytime supervisor for an automobile assembly line. He supervises 45 workers who perform routine jobs that require minimal training. Which of the following statements would indicate that Jim is following the transactional model of leadership?

Jim sets goals, monitors progress toward goal achievement, and rewards and punishes people for their level of goal accomplishment.

_____ is the process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental relationships between a variety of developers and a junior person.


Harriet is an active member of the large Freshman Orientation board. There are five separate teams on this board, and they all want Harriet as a member because she is good at keeping the team on track. Which of the following behaviors does Harriet exhibit?

She helps plan and organize work; monitors progress; and provides constructive feedback.

Wayne has been studying ABC Corp. even before he interviewed for a position there. This is the __________ stage of organizational socialization.


We build stereotypes through a four-step process. Which of the following is not part of the process?


Which of these would you not see from an inspiring transformational leader?

authoritarian leadership

Daniel has been promoted three times. As he moves up in the organization, he will increasingly need

both business and strategic skills

By doing attitude surveys of all staff, Cue Manufacturing shows management that moral is quite low and, as a result, the risk to safety is quite high. Management knows they have to take action. They decide to modify employee shift hours and breaks. Once employees and managers begin to see how these actions are benefiting them, the company and those around them, they will begin to participate more fully in the transition. This occurs during the ________ stage of the Lewin model.


A(n) ______ is someone who is a catalyst in helping organizations to deal with old problems in new ways.

change agent

In the _________ phase of organizational socialization, employees master important tasks and roles and adjust to their work group's values and norms.

change and acquisition

What cultural types represent competing values?

clan and market

To derive effective solutions in short time spans with limited information, leaders primarily need

cognitive abilities

On her first day of work for ABC Company, Justine attended a full-day session with other new employees to learn about company policies and procedures. Each person in that session was introduced to a specific person whom they would all meet with once a week over the next two months to answer their questions about the company. This experience would be described as

collective and serial

Northwest Bank wants to maintain a positive presence and a vision for the future—to stay around for the long term and to do good for communities. First, the bank works with employees, the people who deliver the promise day in and day out. Then, employees expand the process to include customers. Customers applying for a loan should write a statement about how they plan to stay around for the long term and do good for their communities. This is an example of

collective commitment

Jamie is in the process of writing her doctoral thesis. She gets frequent guidance and advice from her thesis advisor whom she considers a close friend as well as a mentor. Jamie frequently seeks the help and advice of another professor at the same time, who also closely oversees her work. In what stage of the mentoring process is Jamie working?


Maria, a local high school student, has an interest in marine life. She applies for a mentee position and is matched up with a mentor who treats her interest in marine life as important. The scientist also helps Maria understand the relationship between statistics, an area where she is struggling in school, and her interest in marine life. Jenny begins to understand the statistics used by the scientist while conducting marine research. Which stage of the mentoring process is Maria experiencing?


Marge is managing several new strategies. Her team knows that she is under pressure to bring all these projects in on schedule and within budget. Marge wants to empower Jason, her assistant project manager, to lead for self-determination or choice. She should

delegate important tasks to Jason.

The stages of OD are, in order,

diagnosis, intervention, evaluation, and feedback.

Harold's boss has just told him that he will be moved to a new office in order to allow space for a new copier for the office. Harold is very unhappy with the prospect of having to pack up all his things and then reorganize them in his new area. He also is having trouble understanding why the new copier has to be in his space, instead of someone else's. How would you describe the most likely cause of Harold's resistance?

dispositional resistance

Carlos, a manager, is looking at records of Mary's work performance. He notes that she performed very well on task A, but poorly on task B. He is observing


________ is not a function of organizational culture.

diversity management

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an in-group exchange?

economic exchange

Adhocracy cultures

empower employees to take risks.

In the _________ phase of organizational socialization, employees' values, skills, and attitudes start to shift as the new recruit discovers what the organization is truly like.


Pereot Fragrances states that they are a "moving, flexible, innovative, customer-oriented global company that delivers real value to our shareholders by our unrelenting focus on performance and the unswerving dedication of our world-class, dedicated employees." In a time of growth and record profits, the company decides to increase wages and profit-sharing. What level of organizational culture does this represent?

espoused values

Which of the following is an approach used because it is speedy and can overcome any kind of resistance?

explicit and implicit coercion

If people are resisting because of adjustment problems, management should adopt a negotiation and agreement approach to managing resistance to change.


In Fiedler's model, both high-control and low-control situations call for relationship-motivated leadership.


It is clear from research that personal friendship helps organizational productivity.


Men were seen as displaying both more task and social leadership than women.


One advantage of Kotter's eight-step process of implementing change is that it is relatively easy and simple to implement.


Programs that help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics are called realistic job previews.


Research has clearly indicated that self-managed teams perform better than traditional work groups.


Servant leadership is the same thing as laissez-faire leadership.


The two general functions of mentoring are coaching and delegation.


Vision statements represent the reason that organizations exist.


Molly works as a dishwasher at a restaurant. She comes across as a fun-loving, party-going person. One day her dog falls sick and Molly has to take him to the vet. She calls her boss and tells him that she won't be coming in to work. Her boss thinks that Molly is missing work intentionally, so that she can go out and party. Which of the following best describes the boss's perception of the situation?

fundamental attribution bias

A person in the ______ role will encourage all group members to participate.


Fiona is the daytime supervisor for an online sales company. She supervises 57 people who perform relatively routine jobs that require minimal training. The shop is unionized, so Fiona has little latitude when it comes to dismissing poor performers. However, she does have the authority to transfer employees and has been known to reassign poor performers to less desirable jobs on in the company. Fiona has a reputation for only transferring employees with just cause, and generally is viewed as a fair supervisor by her employees. Although she would like greater autonomy to determine salaries, Fiona generally divides bonuses and raises equally among her employees. To do otherwise would likely create conflict with union members and representatives. According to Fiedler's model, how would Fiona's leader-member relations be described?


The type of follower who is most compliant with leadership is the


General Widgets, Inc., manufactures high-quality widgets. The widget industry is mature and few innovations occur. The widgets have to be built exactly according to particular specifications provided by customers. This requires the use of controlled processes and precise measurements. The company also needs to maintain high efficiency in its production process in order to meet the market demand. For this company, stability is more important than flexibility. Which of the organizational cultures is best suited for General Widgets?

hierarchy culture

Jim is the daytime supervisor for an automobile assembly line. He supervises 45 people who perform relatively routine jobs that require minimal training. The shop is unionized, so Jim has little latitude when it comes to dismissing poor performers. However, he does have the authority to transfer employees and has been known to reassign poor performers to less desirable jobs on the assembly line. Jim has a reputation for only transferring employees with just cause, and generally is viewed as a fair supervisor by his employees. Although he would like greater autonomy to determine salaries, Jim generally divides bonuses and raises equally among his employees. To do otherwise would likely create conflict with union members and representatives. According to Fiedler's model, what would the task structure of Jim's employees be considered?


Recent research shows that in the forming and storming stages of team development, teams perform better when members exhibit which of the following personality traits?

high tolerance for uncertainty

Veronica just accepted a job at QuizBiz. She left a large company that offered big bonuses for salespersons who exceeded their quotas. At QuizBiz, the individual bonuses are smaller, but there are team rewards as well. This is known as a _____ reward system.


When a leader is trying to instill pride, respect, and trust within employees, he or she is engaging in

idealized influence

Carrie goes out to lunch and orders a diet soda. If we consider _________, she is likely to prefer a salad for lunch.

implicit cognition

Pat is applying for a new job. Which of the following will help her online "image"?

include information on her volunteer activities

Jimmy starts work at an accounting firm. On the first day of work, his boss takes him aside and tells him about the specifics of his job at the firm. Over the next few months, when they both have time, Jimmy's boss gives him further advice, instructions, and personal training on unique tasks. Which of the following describes Jimmy's socialization process at the accounting firm?


______ is the leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output.

initiating structure

Janice has transferred to the contract management group at the HMO that employs her. She has been through two months of training and is now working closely with Nancy to better understand the values and expectations of the group. Janice is in the ____ phase of mentoring.


Kelly is a member of the community service group of her sorority. Traditionally, they pick a charity and run one fundraiser. Kelly suggests a new approach. In addition to the charity work, she wants to establish a new goal—that the members mentor inner city children. Kelly is acting as


"Let me share a vision that transcends us to a greater good" is a statement that reflects

inspirational motivation

When a leader is resolving disputes and facilitating communication among subordinates, he or she is engaging in ________ behaviors.


Which of the following is not considered a contingency factor in House's path-goal theory?

leader acceptance

In Fiedler's model, ________ refers to the extent that a leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group.

leader-member relations

In which of the following situations would a leader's situational control be considered high?

leader-member relations good; task structure high; position power weak

In which of the following situations would a leader's situational control be considered low?

leader-member relations poor; task structure low; position power weak

The dimensions of situational control in Fiedler's model are

leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.

In the _______ culture, employees are encouraged to set difficult goals and strive to achieve them. Employee performance is closely monitored and often directly rewarded or punished.


Which of the following is not one of the key leader behaviors that are part of transformational leadership?

matching the behavior to the situation

Leaders increase psychological empowerment by engaging in behaviors that enhance perceptions of

meaningfulness, self-determination, competence, and impact.

In empowering employees, to lead for progress, managers should

monitor and reward employees.

The first step of the ABCDE method of cognitive restructuring is

name the event or problem

Which of the following interpersonal traits has research shown to have a negative relationship with leadership effectiveness?


In which stage of the group development process do group members resolve their power struggles so that something can be accomplished?


Carl's team is evaluating his effectiveness as a leader. Which of the following behaviors does not reflect an effective leader?

not letting other group members make any decisions

The levels of organizational culture are

observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions.

A(n) ________ helps new recruits integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics and by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities.

onboarding program

Nola graduated from her MBA program last year and took on a high-paying position as a consultant-in-training at McCrabree Consulting. She often works 60-80 hours per week, and mostly her assignments are in cities across the country; she rarely stays home for more than two days at a time. This is all part of the way consulting operates, as she was told by the people who ran the firm's orientation session. In fact, at that session, the facilitator brought in consultants who had worked at the firm for several years who stressed that the firm believes in pushing employees to the limit. Nola is definitely feeling the stress! What would you characterize as the level of her stressors?


Which of the following mechanisms for changing organizational culture addresses only the level of basic underlying assumptions of culture?

organizational activities, processes, or outcomes

___________ is the process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors that permit her or him to participate as a member of the organization.

organizational socialization

Which of the following is not an underlying assumption of many models of change?

people never change

Alana looks at the clouds and sees flowers. Her brother, Sammy, looks at the same clouds and sees jellyfish. Alana and Sammy have different


The recommended way to look at resistance to change is to view it as caused by

recipient characteristics, change agent characteristics, and the relationship between the change agent and the recipient.

Sarah and Bill were recently hired at the local manufacturing plant. Before being hired, they were interviewed by the team members with whom they were going to work. The team contained members from various areas of the manufacturing process. As part of the training process, Sarah and Bill met the other team members a number of times, and learned how to perform several administrative tasks, including scheduling work assignments for the team. Sarah and Bill's new team is an example of a(n) ______ team.


Bill receives a compliment on a recent campaign; he attributes the success to his creativity. Mark's campaign didn't do well; he blames his team for not pulling together. These are examples of

self-serving bias

Able, Baker, and Charlie, Ltd., is an accounting partnership. The Internal Revenue Service has implemented new procedures for filing taxes beginning next year. What kind of change does this represent?

social and political pressures

A commentator will record and comment on group processes/dynamics, while a(n) _____ will evaluate the quality of group processes.

standard setter

Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she has been assigned in her management class are all athletes on the college's football and basketball teams. She immediately considers dropping the class because she thinks her experience with that team will be negative. Joyce is likely to be reacting to a


Sharon observes her older co-worker, Robert, being rude to a new trainee. She has seen this behavior in Robert whenever the company brings in new trainees. Sharon believes that Robert resents the younger management trainees, who he refers to as "know-it-alls." She talks to him about _______ to help him understand.


The general strategy for the practical application of situational theories includes all of the following except

stick to one leadership style.

As a manager, Laurel has established a new work group to tackle a particular project. She has introduced all the members to each other and the group has elected a leader. However, lately Laurel has noticed that some group members are procrastinating on their duties. Two cliques have formed within the group and they are frequently arguing with and challenging the group leader's opinions. Which of the following stages of group development process is Laurel observing?


Sam is a manager for a large dry cleaning establishment. He supervises 23 people who perform relatively routine jobs that require minimal training. The shop is unionized, so Sam has little latitude when it comes to dismissing poor performers. However, he does have the authority to transfer employees and has been known to reassign poor performers to less desirable jobs on the line. Sam has a reputation for only transferring employees with just cause, and generally is viewed as a fair supervisor by his employees. Although he would like greater autonomy to determine salaries, Sam generally divides bonuses and raises equally among his employees. To do otherwise would likely create conflict with union members and representatives. According to Fiedler's model, how would Sam's position power be described?


According to Fiedler's theory, a high-control situation favors a __________ leader.


Fiedler's contingency model identifies which leadership styles?

task-motivated or relationship-motivated

A ________ is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


Why do recruiters use virtual interviews?

to reduce problems associated with implicit cognition

Which of the following is not a general category of leader behaviors?


"Let me give you tangible support to help you reach your goals" is individualized consideration.


According to House's path-goal theory, employees with an internal locus of control are likely to prefer participative or achievement-oriented leadership.


An organization can have the best vision and strategy in the world, but it won't be able to execute them unless its culture is aligned with its strategy.


Creative Critters uses a six-foot-tall stuffed lion named Softy as a catalyst to make sure employees do not ignore important but difficult topics. Softy is an artifact.


Different types of organizational cultures represent opposing core values.


External changes either can present new opportunities for an organization or can cause its ultimate failure.


Groups share norms and have goals.


Idealized influence by a leader entails behaviors associated with instilling pride, respect, and trust within employees.


Leader behavior is more important than leader traits when it comes to effectiveness.


Leaders need cognitive abilities to derive effective solutions in short time spans with limited information.


Organizations tend to have one type of culture that is more dominant than the others.


Research indicates that leadership prototypes have recently been changing to emphasize more feminine traits and styles that emphasize empowerment, fairness, compassion, and supportiveness.


________ behaviors are when a leader is planning, scheduling, organizing, and coordinating work.


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