Organizational Behavior Chapters 6-8

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Which of the following statements is an example of non defensive communication?

"I received the report from Dan yesterday and have briefly reviewed it. It looks good but I need to talk to him about one recommendation before I approve it."

What percent of the meaning in a message can be conveyed by nonverbal communication?

65 to 90

Polyphasic activity is known as:

Doing more than one thing at time

Which of the following is NOT a major function served by goal setting?

It can result in a restriction of focus that leads to a lack of creativity, spontaneity, and flexibility.

As an outcome for exceptional performance, Jeffery was provided the opportunity to make a highly visible presentation to the board of directors. However, Jeffery was extremely nervous and upset about the presentation. This consequence was viewed by Jeffery as:


Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning reflective listening?

Reflective listening emphasizes more strongly the role of the communicator.

Which of the following statements about communication technologies is not true?

Significant disparities in participation levels of persons within the group.

All of the following are characteristics of 360-degree feedback except:

When combined with self-evaluations, there is a high level of agreement with supervisory evaluations.

An individual who is relatively good at transformational coping is/has:

a hardy personality

Positive, healthy communication is achieved when:

all of these

Secondary prevention is intended to:

alter or modify the individual's or the organization's response to a demand

Minimal effort, lack of commitment, lack of motivation, and personal problems:

are internal attributions for poor performance

Which of the following is NOT considered a result or outcome of defensive communication?

assertive but accurate message sending

The Yerkes-Dodson law suggests the relationship between stress level and performance arousal is:


Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic rules Catherine Crier (news anchor for a major television network) uses to prevent defensive communication?

bring the focus back to the person

A supervisor who wants to reduce the stress associated with work within the goal-setting guidelines would:

clarify task-role expectations

An important aspect of a mentoring relationship is:

coaching and counseling

Performance feedback is more likely to lead to increased job performance when it is:

constructive and specific

As a supervisor in an emergency situation, you should be:

directive and assertive

A communication medium that is moderate in both information richness and data capacity is:

electronic mail

A non-response approach that weakens a behavior is known as:


An important intermediate step between goal acceptance and goal accomplishment is:

goal commitment

The process of establishing desired results that guide and direct behavior is known as:

goal setting

The fight-or-flight stress response is most closely associated with which approach to stress?


The Yerkes-Dodson law suggests that:

in the midrange of the stress-performance curve, performance tends to be greatest

Traditional organizational reward systems in the United States place value on:

individual performance

Management by objectives involves:

interaction between a superior and an employee for setting employees' goals and later evaluating performance and progress toward goal accomplishment

Self-reliance is a healthy, secure, _____ pattern of behavior.


Americans generally do not like to communicate with one another within their:

intimate distance

Learned optimism is:

is non-negative thinking

Operant conditioning is based on the notion that behavior is a function of:

its consequences

A manager comments to her secretary, "How come Nancy (a word processor) is always hard to find when there is a deadline? She is a loafer." This is an example of:


The biggest benefits of physical exercise come as a result of:

low intensity exercise

Which of the following has not been shown to moderate the relationship between goal difficulty and task performance?

low self monitor

Utilizing the cognitive appraisal approach to stress, problem-focused coping emphasizes:

managing the stressor

Individuals possessing a Type A personality:

may become aggressive, even somewhat hostile when faced with conflict and other work-related difficulties

All of the following are approaches, services, or work arrangements intended to minimize the impact of non-work demands on work except:


As a supervisor you decide to use positive reinforcement to increase the probability that desired job performance will be repeated. All of the following are appropriate as positive reinforcement except:

no response or feedback when employee fails to complete task on time

Many of the communications technologies significantly limit or eliminate _____ forms of communication.


As much as 65 to 90 percent of the substance or content of a message sent in person can be through:

nonverbal communication

Which of the following is a form of operant conditioning?

organizational behavior modification

Benefits of eustress include all of the following except:


Costs associated with absenteeism, tardiness, strikes, work stoppages, and turnover are known as:

participation problems

The study of an individual's perception and use of space, including territorial space, is called:


The three forms of individual distress include:

psychological, medical, and behavioral problems

All of the following would be considered a source of stress due to interpersonal demands except:

role ambiguity

Organizational costs of distress may take the form of all of the following except:


To facilitate direct and open communication, which of the following seating arrangements would be most appropriate?

seat the other party across a corner of your desk from you or in a place where you will be a right angles

An effective performance appraisal system will contain or display all of the following except:

self-correcting behavior

An individual's beliefs and expectations about his or her ability to accomplish a specific task successfully is known as:


Providing the time to identify and isolate the listener's personal responses and exclude them from the dialogue is one of the purposes of:


The person-environment fit approach to studying and understanding stress emphasizes:

social and organizational role stress

A barrier to effective communication is:

status difference

Defensive communication can lead to:

strained working relationships

The successful consequences of tri-mentoring, a formalized peer mentoring system, is based upon the recognition and importance of:

tacit knowledge

A secondary prevention method of organizational stress is:

team building

The job strain model presented in your text suggests:

that the combination of high job demand and restricted job decision latitude leads to a high-strain job

A key criticism of self-evaluations is:

they have a low level of agreement with supervisory evaluations

Which of the following is the best example of a positive (challenge) stressor?

time pressure

A main method to overcome physical separation as a barrier to communication is:

to increase the use of face-to-face communication

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