Organizational Behavior Test #1

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Consequences of Job Satisfaction

Employee Withdrawal -Turnover, absenteeism, on the job absenteeism, less interaction/communication -Correlation is low/modest Decrease in Job Performance -Correlation is low/modest Decrease in organizational citizenship behaviors -Helping others, going above and beyond, tolerating hardships, not complaining -Correlation is relatively strong

The two explanations for someone's behavior are:

External & internal causes

Value Theory

Focuses on the gap between what people want from a job and what they actually receive from the job -Participating in terms of outcomes that they value highly (pay, learning opportunities) -The bigger the gap, the less satisfied -Individually based (different expectations & needs)


Generalizations of a group of people

Fit & Belonging Commitment

-One of the most fundamental needs that people have is to belong. -We want to feel like we fit where we work -Person stays with a company because it gives them acceptance -Through shared values, interests, expectations and sense of team

Assets of Gen Nexters

-Optimistic -Tenacity -Heroic spirit -Multidisciplinary -Creative -Tech savvy

Characteristics of the Target

-Physical appearance -Verbal communication -Nonverbal cues -Intentions

Living by Judging

-Preference for living a planned and organized life -Control -Run one's life -Set goals -Closing off -Organized -Inner directed

Living by Perceiving

-Preference for living a spontaneous and flexible life -Adapt -Let life happen -Seek options -Opening up -Flexible -Outer directed


-Relatively permanent change in behavior occurring as a result of an experience -Individuals grow and develop - If we as managers can increase the performance of our individuals, we can increase the performance of our organization.

Generation Xers

-Self reliant -They want balance -They like informality -Discouraged -"lost" -Resourceful -Attracted to the edge -Skeptical -Approach to authority is casual -Tech savvy -Don't want to do what everyone else does

Perceiving by Sensing

-Take in information from 5 senses -What is actual -Present -Perfecting established skills -Step-by-step -What works

Perceiving by Intuition

-Take in information from a "sixth sense" -What might be -Future -Learning new skills -Insight-by-insight -What is new -Gut feeling

Baby Boomers

-Team players -Workaholic -Driven -Optimistic -Soul searchers -Cool -Love fads & trends -TV

Gen Nexters

-The "found" generation -Violence -9/11, Katrina -Diverse parents -Busy, non-stop activity -Easy attitudes towards diversity -Confident -Achievement oriented -Think our parents are cool -I am special, do your best, include everyone -Internet -Agree with Veterans -Chooses family over work -Team oriented -Discuss adult issues -High needs for praise/approval -Casual dress -Job hopper -High, unrealistic expectations of yourself/employer -External locus of control -High maintenance -Ethical scandals

Theory Y

-The assumption that people DO like to work. -Accepting towards people -Promotes the development of people -Wants to achieve and be responsible -Work when appropriately trained and recognized

Theory X

-The assumption that people don't like to work -Distrusting towards people -Basically lazy -Disinterested in work -Will work hard when pushed to do so

Why can our judgments of people be inaccurate?

-There are many possible causes of behavior. -People conceal some traits, especially those that may be viewed as negative.

Trust & Reciprocity Commitment

-Trust involves a relationship; theres an assumption of risk and a possibility of betrayal, one person holds the belief that another will behave as expected -An employee stays with a company because it fills the need for security -Trust needs to be built, could be taken -They've done something for me, i'll do this for them

Emotional Reward Commitment

-We need a good job and the work-life balance to enjoy it -Stay because it gives growth- it's rewarding, satisfying -Job satisfaction leads to emotional reward

Economic Interdependence

-What I get beats the alternatives; employees leave when the benefits to stay no longer outweigh other choices -A person stays with a company because it gives sustenance such as financial rewards or barriers to leaving are too great

Status & Identity Commitment

-Who we are gets bound to the relationship we have -A person stays with a company because it gives them esteem and social ranking -We identify with our employer -However, some things shake that identity

Why does OB matter?

1.) Helps managers know how to motivate employees, keep people satisfied with their jobs, and work together more effectively. 2.) Helps organizations lower costs, increase productivity, retain workers, increase teamwork, improve leadership, and better initiate and implement change.

Guidelines for social perception

1.) Social perception is useful to size up a person quickly, but keep in mind, you are using probability instead of accuracy. 2.) Look for both internal and external causes of a person's behavior 3.) Recognize that a person's behavior may not accurately reflect who they are as a person 4.) Identify and confront your stereotypes 5.) Avoid making quick judgments- spend time getting to know people

Dispositional Model

Argues that job satisfaction is a relatively stable characteristic that stays with people over various situations

Social Information Processing Model

Asserts that people's attitudes toward their jobs are influenced by information they receive from others

Fundamental Attribution Error

Assumes behavior is due to the way they are, their traits. (Internal causes)

Job Satisfaction

Attitudes employees have toward their job -Do I like it? -Do I learn a lot? -Is it engaging?

Organizational Commitment

Attitudes employees have toward their organization and their likelihood to remain there -Do I respect management? -Do I like our mission?

Internal causes

Based on actions for which the individual is responsible.

External causes

Based on situations over which the individual has no control.


We have a tendency to form assumptions about others and notice behaviors that reinforce our assumptions

First impressions

Make decisions about people quickly- 4 minutes typically


One's belief in his or her own capacity to perform a task -Managers want employees with this -Self-fulfilling prophecy

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Our expectations affect the way we interact with people, which tends to the response we expected

Self Monitoring

The extent to which one adapts their behavior to a particular situation -When to be professional/ casual, loud/ calm -To make a good first impression

Achievement Motivation

The strength of an individual's desire to excel, to succeed at difficult tasks and do them better than anyone else


The unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior shown by individuals

Organizational Behavior

the multidisciplinary field that seeks knowledge of behavior in organizational settings by systematically studying individual, group, and organizational processes.

Characteristics of the Perceiver

-Familiarity -Attitudes/beliefs -Mood -Self-concept -Experience -Cognitive structure

Biases In social Perception

-Fundamental Attribution Error -Stereotypes -Assumptions -First impressions -Self-fulfilling prophecy

Learning Curve

-Goes up gradually -Learn a lot through failures in the beginning -Need to keep up on latest technology/ideas to keep learning


-Hardworking -Conformers -Past oriented -Disciplined -Gender roles -Conservative -Radio

Liabilities of Gen Xers

-Impatient -Poor people skills -Cynical -Personal composition

Correspondent inferences

-Judgements about people based on what we've observed of their actions

Energizing by Introversion

-Draw energy from inner world of ideas -Depth -Keep thoughts in -Reflection -Think-do-Think

Energizing by Extroversion

-Draw energy from outer world of people and things -Breadth -Interaction -Action -Do-think-do


-Easily distracted -Difficulty with criticism -Need for supervision and structure -Cant handle difficult people issues

Assets of Gen Xers

-Adaptable -Responsive to change -Creative -Not intimidated by authority -Independent

The Need for Commitment

-Commitment is a two-way street -Commitment is crucial to, but not the end-all to organizational performance -Commitment is the sustaining power of relationships -Commitment fulfills certain needs -Commitment promotes persistence, org citizenship, org performance

Characteristics of the Situation

-Context -Strength of cues

Deciding by Thinking

-Decisions are made in a logical, objective way -Head -Objective -Principles -Reason -Firm, but fair -Justice

Deciding by Feeling

-Decisions are made in a personal, values-oriented way -Heart -Harmony -Empathy -Compassionate -Mercy

3 Learning Styles

-Doer -Analyzer -Watcher

Intrinsic Motivation

Meaningfulness -Doing something worthwhile Choice -Being able to do something the way you think it should be done Competence -Performing some activity particularly well Progress -Making a significant advance toward accomplishing your purpose

The multi-disciplinary roots of organizational behavior are:

Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Management service, political science, and economics.

Social Perception

The process of interpreting information about others to help understand them. -We use a lot of data to help us understand others.


The process we use to try to determine the causes of another person's behavior.

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