ORGS 4837 Final Exam

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Four areas of innovation have occurred in ODC. Which relates to understanding that resistance is not an objective truth outside the change agent-organizational member relationship?

A new understanding of resistance

Four areas of innovation have occurred in ODC. Which focuses less on training programs and more on stages of development in learning from challenging assignments?

A new way of developing leaders

Most OD practitioners should be familiar with all the following statistical tools except ______.


Lewin referred to ______ as a model to capture the idea that the research projects at their core always had both pragmatic and theoretical components, and that rigorous scientific methods could be used to gather data about groups and to intervene in their processes.

Action research

Which practice, used by a change agent to institutionalize change, relates to giving organizational members the opportunity to influence the change as it takes shape?

Active participation

Which of the following is NOT related to valuing the «whole person » ?

Admitting that individuals may need to give up when things are too challenging

Of the four acculturation scenarios introduced, which one occurs when the acquired company relinquishes its cultural practices and adopts those of the acquiring company?


Four areas of innovation have occured in ODC. Which relates to loosely coupled systems?

Change is continuous, emergent, improvisational, and small scale

Of the four idealized culture types, which discusses people strongly identifying with the group, as in a family, placing a strong emphasis on the team and teamwork?


Which coaching role, as identified by Witherspoon and White, is to improve the job functions of the client more broadly?

Coaching for performance

______ can occur when a consultant and client agree to "exclude outside parties for personal gain or protection."


A question such as, « Are there differences in organizational culture that might be more important than national culture? » should be asked based on which piece of helpful advice to those choosing to proceed with global OD?

Consider stability

The degree of fit relates to which piece of helpful advice to those choosing to proceed with global OD?

Consider the match between culture and intervention

Which of the following considerations in selecting the right intervention strategy considers the surface-level versus deep-level issues within groups?

Considering depth of intervention

Which of the following OD prinicples stresses that interventions not only solve the immediate problem but also provides organizational members the opportunity to examine how the problem-solving process occurs to carry it out in the future?

Creating opportunities for learning

Which feature of a future search conference involves participants taking responsibility for managing their own content and group process?

Data gathering and interpretation

Using the ______ process for analyzing data, the analyst applies general principles or a theory to a particular circumstance or (set of) observations.


Two criteria, addressing questions of larger significance and making the results known to other researchers and practitioners, formed the core of the action research process. One initial project that met this criteria was at ______.

Detroit edison

Practitioners agree that the purpose of ______ is to "help an organization understand its behavior and its present situation—what's going on, how it's going on—so that something can be done about it."


Which of the following is NOT a strength of OD practice today?

Different definitions

Which weakness of how OD is practiced today relates to inconsistent typologies between OD and other fields such as organizational behavior and psychology?

Different definitions

Which reason as to why the applicability of OD and practicing OD in a global environment is actually the same as assessing it in a single culture?

Evaluation is difficult

Of the four major activities in scenario planning, which involves a team being formed to determine the time horizon and the focal point of interest?

Getting started

Which recommended practice that can encourage regular maintenance and renewal of change relates to performance reviews evaluating departments and/or individuals against specific measurable objectives?

Goal-directed performance review

Supporting teamwork and leadership development relates to which of the following OD strengths?

Humanistic values that underlie OD practice

Client resistance can be expressed in a variety of ways; which of the following ways is detailed as the client expressing their concern that the solutions are not feasible?


Which positive outcome of 360-degree feedback systems is related to the potential to break down walls in organizations that prevent colleagues from honestly sharing feedback with one another?

Increase in periodic informal 360-degree performance reviews

Redefining work can be seen in many ways; which of the following relates to individuals serving as contract workers, for example?

Increased self-employment

Which of the following major challenges that organizations face today relates to the majority of large-scale change initiatives failing to achieve their results?

Increasing complexity of change

Changes can occur at the ______ level when people learn new skills or develop new ways of working through mentoring or education and training.


Onboarding and two-way communication sessions are appropriate interventions for which of the following levels?


Which level often sees problems with employees spending too much time in finding information to get set up and employee lack of motivation and engagement in the postcombination phase of the merger and acquisition interventions?


Using the ______ process for analyzing data, the analyst reasons from the observations or the data to elicit general principles or a theory.


______ refers to a tendency to allow relatively free gratification of basic and natural human desires related to enjoying life and having fun versus a conviction that such gratification needs to be curbed and regulated by strict social norms.


Which level of social construction conversation deals with the cognitive frames and schema?


Which step in the Workout process involves participants learning about the purpose, goals, and structure of the Workout?


Which "type" has a preference for hunches and speculative imagination?


Which problem regarding virtual teams notes that leading a virtual team can require a significant investment of time?

Lack of effective team leadership

______ defines emotional gender roles.


Feedback ______ action when it is inconsistent with what is already believed so that it produces a level of discomfort and the recipient is prompted to take different actions to reach different results.


Of the four major activities in scenario planning, which involves group members gathering quantitative data about facts and trends as well as qualitative data about views of the future from organizational members?

Moving from scenarios to a decision

Chris Argyris is noted as being a major contributor to the field of ______.

Organizational learning

______ has now become both an evaluation mechanism of OD effectiveness and an intervention in itself.

Organizational learning

Which level often sees problems of gridlock, or failure to make change over time during the postcombination phase of the merger and acquisition interventions?


Systems thinking is about analyzing the organization on certain levels. Which of the following levels is described as the multiple and repetitive archetypes that allow events to happen in the same way time after time?


Which level of social construction conversation deals with one's own language choices?


______ plans should be discussed at the ending meeting so it is clear whether and how the change agent may be further involved with the client's organization.

Postconsultation transition

______ is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.

Power distance

Which step of the evaluation process is when the practitioner determines if data will be a series of interviews with specific individuals or an organizationwide survey, for example?

Practitioner determines form of evaluation

As firms realized that the ______ of a product strongly impacted the profitability and competitiveness of the organization, they began to pay attention to management styles that would increase workers' ability and motivation.


Which test of whether an organization is well designed relates to what extent layers of management are necessary to provide focus, direction, or coordination for the units in their scope?

Redundant hierarchy test

Which benefit of resistance is described as an opportunity for recipients to share their feedback, whether positive or negative, to be taken into account to create a better solution?

Resistance can enhance the quality of the change and its implementation

Which practice, used by a change agent to institutionalize change, could include employee meetings, leadership conferences, retirement parties, and recognition events?

Rites and ceremonies

Which of the following terms is related to the social construction perspective and is defined as «the placement of items into frameworks, comprehending, redressing surprise, constructing meaning, interacting in pursuit of mutual understanding, and patterning?»


Which preference category within the Myers-Briggs refers to how people collect information?

Sensing or Intuition

______ describes the degree to which a culture emphasizes the future or the past and present.


Learning how paths intertwine and interrelate and how they each have arrived at a particular interpreation of the present based on a foundation is related to which feature of future search conferences?


In which type of environment would clients be more drawn to systems theory approaches? a. rapidly changing


What is considered as one of the earliest fads in the field of management occurred as a result of ______ .


Successful application of which intervention is noted by the annual Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award?


Which preference category within the Myers-Briggs reflects how individual make decisions?

Thinking or Feeling

Which of the following purposes of contracting is described as an opportunity for a practitioner to validate that a project is able to be accepted, and often the practitioner should do more listening than talking?

To allow the client to get to know the consultant, the consultant to get to know the client and the organization, and for both parties to validate that the project is one that the consultant has the knowledge and skills to accept

Which of the following purposes of contracting outlines the appropriate time to elucidate what the client expects to see when the engagement is finished, as well as how the engagement will be evaluated?

To clarify the client's goals and objectives for the request

Which of the following purposes of contracting discusses the need for the client and consultant both to explore checkpoints and deadlines for the project and various stages along the way?

To clarify time pressures and expectations

Which purpose of contracting discusses the understanding of what the both consultant and client should to next?

To plan next steps

Which of the following purposes of contracting is described as an oppportunity for practitioners to ask questions about the problem and the client's suggested approach, which then means the consultant can validate the likelihood of being able to carry out an intervention?

To understand the organization's commitment to change

. The sociotechnical systems perspective in OD began in the ______, so frequently OD has a tendency to focus on task with an attention on behavior as a means to achieve the task.


In which type of environment would a practitioner find it enlightening to examine a team's language during meetings to better understand how the team is arriving at decisions?


______ is defined as the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations.

Uncertainty avoidance

______ are described as the root cause or core, fundamental issues that are producing symptoms within the organization.

Underlying problems

Which characteristic of successful teams relates to team members being willing to dedicate effort an energy to the team?

Unified commitment.

A goal such as "improved conflict management" is an example of which barrier to evaluation?

Unsure what to evaluate

Which of the following reasons identifies that values are important to OD practitioners as consultants learn to work with the client to develop programs that meet the client's needs and maintain the objectives and underlying values ?

Values can help prompt dialogue and clarify positions.

Which of the following reasons identifies that values are important to OD practitioners due to the humaninstic nature of OD ensuring growth, development, and learning?

Values distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change.

Which of the following reasons identifies that values are important to OD practitioners due to values giving direction and specifying guiding principles rather than exact behavior?

Values guide choices about how to proceed.

For example, values can be a point for personal reflection and self-evaluation as a consultant. Which of the following reasons of why values are important to OD practitioners relates to this?

Values help evaluate how well something went.

Redefining work can be seen in many ways; which of the following relates to working at a distance?

Virtual/global work

Which systems theory model of organizational behavior and change discusses six common problem areas: purposes, structure, rewards, relationships, helpful mechanisms, and leadership?

Weisbord Six-Box Model

The question that is the objective of the diagnostic and feedback phases of the OD process is:

What is going on here?

Which of the following is NOT a key principles of Open Space Technology?

Whatever happens is not the only thing that could have happened

Weisbord is known for indicating that

a consultant is never finished with contracting.

What is the 5-year resume?

a hypothetical resume 5 years in the future

Which of the following criteria when selecting a data gathering method discusses prone to bias?


Of the four idealized culture types, which discusses innovation as being prized, with organizational members having a large amount of independence and automony?


As a team intervention, ______ is a problem-solving methodology used to identify and eliminate unnecessary work, work that might be taking up extensive time or resources but that is adding little value, work that is bureaucratic in nature, or work not meeting expectations because of process errors or other deficiencies.

appreciative inquiry

Which role of the change agent is defined as designing situations, events, and conversations so that awareness, learning, and change can occur?


Which demographic was born roughly between 1945 to 1964?

baby boomer

OD is ______ .

being attuned to the social and personal dynamics of an organization, demonstrating flexibility in problem solving

Creating change within the social construction perspective means

being inventive and creative with how change is achieved, negotiating among stakeholders to produce dialogues.

Which of the following ethical dilemmas relates to to a consultant being tempted to highlight or omit particular points of the data?

biased interpretation

In industries where creativity and innovation, along with rapid product development cycles and quick time to market, where necessary, this type of structure became popular:

boundary less and process

Which of the following is typically considered an individual intervention?


______ is a one-on-one intervention in which an individual works to improve a specific personal, interpersonal, or skills area, or to take actions to reach a desired future goal working with a facilitator on the process of personal change.


______ is a one-on-one intervention in which an individual works to improve a specific personal, interpersonal, or skills area, or to take actions to reach a desired future goal, working with a facilitator on the process of personal change.


If a change agent agrees to implement an intervention even in the absence of data to support it, this is an example of which ethical issue?

collusion with the client

If an intervention is structured to exclude certain organizational members, this is an example of which ethical issue?

collusion with the client

If participants are not well informed of an intervention's purpose or if they are not given genuine choice to participate, this could be an example of which ethical issue?

collusion with the client

If "single-instance" items are noted during the inductive coding process, ______.

combine some categories together

Information is ______ if no one other than the consultant will know what was said in the interview.


Which practical tool was created to analyze and interpret the four kinds of change conversations?

conversational profile

Which of the following is NOT an individual intervention?

culture assessment and change

Secure locations, using pseudonyms, and destroying audio/video after transcription are examples of items to consider under which ethical issue?

data protection

Reading published OD case studies allows one to ______ .

develop a deeper understanding of OD and learn from successes and struggles

Which of the following is NOT viewed as a traditional humanistic value?

developing a competitive advantage

One's skills, beliefs, and attitudes are likely to be ______ as time (5-10 years) has passed.


Almost half of all American scan be described as ______ in their work, not willing to put in discretionary effort to go above and beyond to perform at a high level.


Which of the following terms refers to « the individual's involvement and satisfaction with as well as enthusiasm for work »?

employee engagement

Interorganization networks are led by what is referred to as "network choreographers"; which of their identified roles requires them to hold the vision and be comfortable with the ambiguity inherent in creating and growing something new?


Which theme related to Gen Xers relates to working to define problems, developing solutions at one's own pace, and produce results?


Which of the following is NOT a phase in which setting up the intervention for success occurs?


Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of the MBTI?

explanation and point of discussion are provided

Well-designed tasks include ______, which ensures the team gets adequate and truthful information about its performance.


What most seem to agree is that the success of an OD intervention in any cultural environment requires a degree of cultural « ______ »between the intervention and the country's values.


For example, a survey cannot be altered in design once it has been administered, which relates to which criteria when selecting data gathering methods?


Which test of whether an organization is well designed relates to assessing how the organization will react when a new product is to be designed?

flexibility test

______ are usually a small number of organizational members who are facilitated by a consultant who poses questions and then allows for group discussion.

focus groups

The ______ contract consists of topics that one develop as part of an official professional agreement.


Architecture, break room area, and uniforms are all examples of which of the following unobtrusive measures?

formal physical environment

Which stage of team development is characterized by team members exploring initial interactions with one another as they begin to build relationships?


Interdependent teams, such as marketing, human resources, finance, and so forth, are organized by their respective ______.


The ______ structure is arguably the most common and well-known hierarchical structure; divisions are organized by the type of work they do.


Which well-known organization presently conducts an employee engagement survey called the Q12?


Which generation has grown up in a hyperconnected world?

gen 2020

In the workplace ______ has been characterized as lazy and disloyal, but others have emphasized this is inaccurate stereotypes that arise from conflicts they experience with poor management.

gen x

Because of elimination of mandatory retirement and economic uncertainty, the workforce is ______.

getting older

Of the four idealized culture types, which one discusses tradition and formality as dominant values?


Which of the following is NOT a common problem within teams?

high standards with a need to achieve

In ______, team-building activities that begin with task work is appropriate; confrontation meetings and other interventions that encourage public statements of negativity would not be accepted.

hong kong

The Northern California Community sought to utilize OD interventions to solve their ______ .

housing problem

Which of the following is NOT an identified characteristic that makes the application of traditional OD interventions challenging in transorganizational systems?


When scheduling interviews regarding interpersonally sensitive topics, contact is best done via ______.

in person or phone.

Which theme related to Millennials relates to being brought up to voice opinions and believe that opinions are valued?

include me

Which of the following is NOT viewed as a business effectiveness outcome? a. increasing productivity

increased collaboration

Interorganization networks are led by what is referred to as "network choreographers"; which of their identified roles requires them to bridge silos that exist in traditional organizations and create links between organizations?

indefatigable communicators

OD practice has grown tremendously in ______, which is known for cultural values that are largely supportive of organizational renewal and change; the culture is one of high context where work relationships are personalized rather than contractual.


Which country is known to place more value on restraint?


Which type of client is not known to the consultant but is conscious that they are stakeholders in the outcome?

indirect client

Individuals also form ______ groups that are comprised of colleagues, friends, and associates from various departments.


Which assumption or generalization about how OD interventions are practiced in global environments sees OD values as universal and unchanging?

inherent value

Which type of lateral capability includes formal positions with the responsibility to share information across the structure?

integrative roles

Which type of client is identified as those that are included in meetings or from whom data are gathered during the course of the engagement?

intermediate clients

Which of the following are developed by OD practitioners so that change can be developed and integrated into the organization's functioning?


Data gathering through ______ relies heavily on cooperation form organizational members who will only open up to discuss serious issues if they trust the individual asking questions.


The potential expense, time and data intensive, only provides one perspective, and time-consuming analysis are all disadvantages of which of the following data gathering methods?


It has been argued that personality types correspond with vocational interests and satisfaction. Which dimension of vocational preference is for exploring and understanding natural and social phenomena?


Which country is known to place more value on masculinity?


Herzberg's research suspected that ______ was not the opposite of ______.

job satisfaction; job dissatisfaction

Which "type" has a preference for planning ahead to get work done well in advance of deadlines?


The power distance and bureaucratic designs of most organizations in ______ would challenge the ability of an OD consultant to form the necessary partnership relationship needed to be successful with both clients and organizational members.

latin america

Which common type of coaching practice is to focus on "high potential or succession plan candidates?"

leadership development coaching

Having an optimistic view of people and groups implies that engagements and interventions should be constructed as opportunities for learning so that the organization can learn not only to solve the problem but also ______.

learn how problems or situations such as this one can be addressed next time without the reliance on a consultant

Which theme related to Gen Xers relates to access to information?


During a contracting meeting, consultants should ensure they ______ because it is important to allow the clients to have the opportunity to express themselves.


Change carried out through OD is intended to be ______ and ______ .

long-term; permanent

OD can be distinguished from ______ in specific functional areas such as finance, marketing, corporate strategy, IT, or supply chain management.

management consulting

In Example 1 regarding employee participation in the public sector, what contributed to increased collaboration and interaction among the groups?

management-employee working teams

Of the four idealized culture types, which one asserts organizational members are competitive, hardworking, and demanding?


Organization development is less compatible in high ______ environments because of less collaboration, less acceptance of Theory Y, and less gender equity.


Typically, ______ involves an expert-protege relationship with a skilled and knowledgeable teacher who can provide guidance and is less often a relationship with a "hired" change agent or external consultant.


Which of the following is typically considered an organizationwide intervention?

merger/acquisition interventions

Which country is known to have a very high power distance index?


Which demographic was born roughly between 1980 and the late 1990s/2000?


______ tends to value teamwork and fairness and is likely to be more positive on a range of workplace issues, including work-life balance, performance reviews, and availability of supervisors.


Which of the following is NOT a way in which leaders demonstrate trust?

misleading to gain status

A consultant leading a client to believe they have extensive experience with related problems or overstating certifications is an example of which ethical dilemma?

misrepresentation and collusion

A change agent proposing to carry out an intervention that is familiar rather than one that is appropriately matched to the data is an example of which ethical issue?

misrepresentation of the consultant's skill level

A change agent being challenged to limit the cost of an intervention to what a client can afford is an example of which ethical issue?

misrepresentation of the intervention

Overpromising that a certain intervention will provide specific outcomes is an example of which of the following ethical issues?

misrepresentation of the intervention

When a practitioner discloses who made a particular comment during an interview even after pledging to the respondent that comments would remain anonymous is an example of which ethical issue?

misuse of data

Which of the following is not identified as an ethical dilemma for consultants in the entry and contracting stages?

misuse of data

Which role of the change agent is defined as advocating for a particular approach or perspective


Which of the following is NOT identified as a major workforce trend affecting organizations today?

more manufacturing knowledge

OD is

multiple methods, perspectives, approaches, and values that influence how it is practiced.

Ideally, engagements are ended by ______.

mutual agreement

Which of the following is one way a practitioner can help to not overwhelm a client with various questions?

narrow an exhaustive list of questions to ones that a client can address immediately

The ______ structure reduces the organization's functions down to its central competencies, and partners provide services that the organization does not consider central.


If neither the old nor the new ways are working properly, this stage of transition is present:

neutral zone

Starting and stopping may occur as people transition, perhaps experiencing personal setbacks, frustration, or failure as they attempt to change and face difficulty. This is all part of which stage of transition?

new beginnings

Which of the following characteristics does NOT distinguish a team from a group?

no reliance on others in the accomplishment of tasks

The ______ approach is based on the notion that change will occur when people change their attitudes, values, skills, and relationships.


Which stage of team development is characterized by the group attempting to manage some of its conflicts by coming to agreement and beginning to focus on task achievement with less dependency on the leader?


Giving up too quickly or expecting too much too soon are both examples of which reason why interventions fail?

not enough time devoted

Potential for little preparation and the opportunity to be "in the moment" are advantages to which data gathering method?


Job descriptions, personnel fiels, or meeting minutes are examples of which of the following unobtrusive measures?

official documents

Social media sites, wikis, and review sites are examples of which of the following unobtrusive measures?

online environment

Most surveys use a combination of fixed-response and ______ questions.

open ended

Academic audiences prefer ______ over the use of ______ in terminology.

organization development; organizational development

OD has moved more toward ______ because practitioners are more frequently asked to consult on organizationwide changes

organization effectiveness

______ is a necessary and distinguishing characteristic of successful organizations.

organizational change

Which of the following strands of OD is presently utilized, specifically in mergers and acquisitions?

organizational culture

Many OD practitioners are now exchanging the term organizational development instead with ______.

organizational effectiveness

Many definitions of OD propose a consistent theme that an outcome of OD activities is ______.

organizational effectiveness

Which of the following strands of OD influenced appreciative inquiry?

organizational learning

Targeting ______ during M&A, leaders may ask themselves "What untapped potential remains?", allowing future benefits of participative, large-group interventions that can engage employees from both the acquiring and acquired organizations.

organizationwide integration

What did survey results at ABA indicate was a common area of improvement across the management team?

personal leadership and communication skills

Senge indicated organizations needed to build capacity in several areas, one of which relates to the choice to engage in and commit to a personal vision, goals, and development:

personal mastery

Employee bulletin boards and desk decorations are examples of which of the following unobtrusive measures?

personal physical environment

Architecture, signage, and design of work areas are examples of which of the following unobtrusive measures?

physical environment

Which of the following is not considered a benefit of empowered teams at Vodaphone?

political blame

Perhaps the individuals who had the most knowledge or responsibility for making the change occur were not included; this is in relation to which of the reasons why interventions fail?

poorly designed intervention

Which field of study suggests new approaches to organization development by examining positive phenomena and their outcomes?

positive organizational scholarship

Cultures low in ______ are more compatible with organization development, with more decentralized, flatter, and collaborative organizations.

power distance

Organization development is less compatible with cultures high in ______ because of more centralized, more hierarchical, and control-oriented organizations.

power distance

The ______ approach is based on policy, law, economic incentives or punishment, guilt, and embarrassment.


Which type of client is defined as having responsibility for the problem the consultant is working to address and is generally the one paying for the consultant's services?

primary client

Analysis of OD case studies allow one to develop which of the following skills, which are central to the value that a practitioners brings to the client?

problem-solving and critical-thinking

Which of the following is an example of a technical problem within an organization?

process delays cause quality problems

Which theme related to Millennials relates to everyone is equal and that everyone should be encouraged to embrace the difference in others?

recognize me

The complex adaptive systems perspective ______ the notion of the organization as a machinelike set of interconnected and systematized parts that form a predictable whole.


Too much ______ is dangerous to adaptation.


Which theme related to Gen Xers relates to monitoring the success rate of performance, status, and ROI?


OD values have transitioned over time and have, for example, moved away from «seeing individuals as fixed » toward a view of ______.

seeing them as being in process

Of the four acculturation scenarios introduced, which one is when the acquired company retains most of its original cultural attributes, frequently remaining as a division or stand-alone part of the acquiring company?


In order to use intervention instruments effectively, all the following are recommended parts of the process EXCEPT

share individual results with all others

Which intervention was made known by success at Motorola?

six sigma

While the amount of change has been a challenge in the environment, it is also the ______ of change that makes things so complex.


Based on the definition of an intervention, which of the following is NOT a key component?

standard approaches

Which of the following is NOT related to qualitative data analysis?

statistical review of surveys

Which stage of team development is characterized by team members beginning to express diagreements with one another and with the leader because members feel more comfortable and safe with the team?


______ involves making decisions about the organization's purpose, products, vision, direction, and action plans.

strategic planning

Which step in the integrated strategic change process involves the organization's vision and strategic choices about the amount of change that will be proposed in the new strategy?

strategy making

Difficulty in following up in depth on a single issue and the potential for a low response rate are two disadvantages to which data gathering method?


Typically takes a short amount of time and allows a broad range of topics to be addressed are two advantages of which of the following data gathering methods?


Which of the following is a not a way in which OD differs from training and development?

systemic organizational change efforts

Team start-up meetings and management development are appropriate interventions for which of the following levels?


Which level often sees problems with employees not accepting or understanding new roles, long decision-making cycles as well as unproductive meetings and communication patterns, and acquired employees lack understanding of team goals, purpose, and process in the postcombination phase of the merger and acquisition interventions?


One benefit of the program at Vodaphone included which of the following?

teams were more confident in their decisions as managers empowered them

If a consultant does not appropriately follow the OD consulting process, this is an example of which of the following ethical dilemmas?

technical ineptness

Observations are likely to alter the circumstances and potentially change the behavior of those being observed, often referred to as ______.

the Hawthorne Effect

The author defines organization development (OD) as ______.

the process of increasing organizational effectiveness and facilitating personal and organizational change through the use of interventions driven by social and behavioral science knowledge.

There was common objective of each T-group, regardless of the process the groups followed

to create interpersonal change by allowing individuals to learn about their own and others' behavior so that the education could be translated into more effective behavior when the participants returned home.

At ABA, what was the purpose of external consultants coaching managers after employee survey results were collected?

to guide self-exploration and personal development

What is the benefit of utilizing case studies to study OD?

to help one learn the role and thought process of an OD consultant or change agent through realistic examples

Given the nature of a global environment, which of the following is necessary when development surveys/questionnaires?

translate or localize questions

For example, cutting customer complaints in half is a description of which reason why interventions fail?

unclear or overambitious goals

Which assumption or generalization about how OD interventions are practiced in global environments assumes that all OD interventions are practiced in the same way?

unity of practice

Which assumption or generalization about how OD interventions are practiced in global environments assumes that underlying values of different OD interventions all reflect equivalent core values?

unity of values

Which of the following is NOT related to quantitative data analysis?

unobtrusive measures

Which of the following is NOT a way in which practitioners can avoid the problem of slipping from facts to inferences?

using past experiences

According to Argyris, ______ information is necessary for the client to learn and for the interventionist to help.


Which intervention answers the following question: « How can work be structured so that it is performed effectively and, at the same time, jobholders find the work personally rewarding and satisfying?

work redesign

______ is an intervention that makes use of the principle that in everday organizations, we self-organize as we bring new colleagues into conversations, debating ideas, sharing knowledge, challenging thinking, asking questions, and persuading others.

world cafe

The primary activity which was selected did not have the most relevance for the circumstances is a description of which reason why interventions fail?

wrong intervention

Which reason why interventions fail is often as a result of a poor (or nonexistent) data gathering and diagnostic process?

wrong problem

Which characteristic of successful teams relates to having trust in one another?

A collaborative climate.

Client resistance can be expressed in a variety of ways; which of the following ways is detailed as the client clearly expressing anger, frustration, and irritation?


Which theme related to Gen Xers relates to the notion of making a contribution to a team?


Which tool can help organizational members understand what factors would support a given change effort and what resistance might prevent the change from being adopted?

Force Field Analysis

Juran argued that quality had two main characteristics: fitness for use and ______.

Freedom from defects

Which stage in Schein's career life cycle is known for individuals developing self-assurance and trust in decisions and job skills?

Full membership, midcareer

Which of the following is NOT commonly seen as an activity within the diagnostic phase?

Gather additional data if something appears missing.

Which demographic was born roughly after 1997?

Gen 2020

Which MBTI "type" has a preference for flexibility of emergent ideas?

Perceiving (P).

Which of the following is typically considered a team intervention?

appreciative inquiry

Many organizations utilize ______ internally to retain and motivate employees, to promote from within, and to provide opportunities for upward mobility.

career development

Contracting is a ______ process.


When parties agree on a contract, the next phase begins

data gathering

______ is an intervention in itself, because it completes the picture of the organization and expands the knowledge for both the client and practitioner.

data gathering

In the ______ approach, change is accomplished by persuading people that a change is necessary, providing data to support the argument, and justifying the need for change.


The word ______ can bring up negative connotation because of it being rooted in poor experiences of getting feedback.


Which test of whether an organization is well designed relates to assessing if the design will require a major cultural shift?

feasibility test

A few members dominating the discussion is a critical disadvantage of which data gathering method?

focus groups

Which of the following is NOT a stage of transition from Bridges work?


Which of the following is NOT a drawback to using models as a means to deductive analysis?

highlighting attention to certain areas

Which type of unobtrusive measure could include articles in local newspapers, employee newsletters, or other forms of artifacts?

historical data

Which country is known to have a very low uncertain avoidance index?


Which type of client consists of the larger system or organization?

ultimate client

Over what time period did OD interventions occur at ABA to assist with the strategic change initiative?

4 years

Which of the following major challenges that organizations face today relates to the 40-hour work week, with a 30-year career in one job for a single organization and a gold watch as a gift on retirement, is no longer the norm?

Changing nature of work

Which of the following major challenges that organizations face today relates to population growth, older workers, and diversity?

Changing workforce demographics

Which component within the Burke-Litwin model is defined as the collective current impressions, expectations, and feelings of the members of local work units?


Which of the following is not a key motivator that contributes to job enrichment?

Company policies and administrative practices

Using coding, which of the following themes does NOT relate to the others?


Which intervention was originally outlined as a half-day to daylong session of any type of team (typically intact teams) and somewhat of a team diagnostic meeting?

Confrontation meetings

Which stage of the consulting process describes when the consultant and client come to an agreement on what work will be accomplished?


It has been argued that personality types correspond with vocational interests and satisfaction. Which dimension of vocational preference is for routinized tasks and orderly activities? a. Realistic


"The way we do things around here" is one example of ______.

organizational culture

Which reason for a relapse after a change has occurred relates to the fact that without the patience to push through the natural and awkward phases of trial and error and the inevitable initial mistakes, many organizational members claim that the change has failed?

organizational members may be unskilled initially

Which type of role problem occurs when a role is not fully developed with enough significant work or responsibilities?

role underload

The benefit to ______ is you can collect data from a large group of participants at one time.


The entry stage should be seen as:

the first opportunity to discuss contractual obligations.

When speaking of organization development, what is being referred to?

the management of certain kinds of changes, especially how people implement and are affected by them

Which role of the change agent is defined as helping a client attain its desired outcomes by clarifying alternatives, processes, and decisions?


Cultures low in ______ are more compatible as indicated by more collaboration, rejection of Theory X, and greater gender equity.

uncertainty avoidance

At which level is the goal of M&A interventions to support employees?


Which criteria of energizing the client toward action relates to ensuring the consultant presents issues that the client can change?

Influenceable or manageable

Which of the following is not a hygiene factor, which can cause job dissatisfaction?

Recognition for achievement

Which positive outcome of 360-degree feedback systems is related to providing an avenue to open topics up for discussion that may not have ordinarily been addressed openly?

Reduction of "undiscussables"

Which of the following barriers to evaluation includes the time demand?

Takes resources

Changes can occur at the ______ level as new ways of working with one another and ways of addressing conflict are learned.


Which of the following current values in organization development centers around the concept of working within a function or level, for example?

The importance of groups and teams

Which process of learning occurs in which we question or modify policies, objectives, or practices to prevent errors the next time?

double-loop learning

The practitioner's charge, with respect to change, is to ______.

help the organization develop and manage the change that it seeks to create, giving the opportunity for participation and thereby transitioning ownership to organization members

______ can be used to gather detailed information regarding an intervention and assess how progress has been made.


Which of the following criteria when selecting a data gathering method relates to potential cost in terms of money and time?

investment required

The Managerial Grid mapped scores related to concern for production and concern for people; the scores ranged from ______ to______.

1; 9

Which of the following is NOT an organizationwide intervention?

360-degree feedback

Which step in the Workout process involves teams being formed to expand on the ideas, identifying actions that should be taken and changes that should be made?

Action planning

Which positive outcome of 360-degree feedback systems is described as making explicit the unexplored or tacit assumptions?

An increased awareness of appraisers' expectations

Which type of leadership demands consistency in words and actions as followers look to leaders' behavior to assess whether their talk is forthright and can be trusted?

Authentic leadership

Which systems theory model of organizational behavior and change takes into account both first-order and second-order change?

Burke-Litwin model

Which systems theory model was developed as a causal model that could be empirically tested, that would specify the variables that would be affected by a given change, and that would take into account transactional and transformational change?

Burke-Litwin model

Which of the following is NOT identified as a « silent killer » of strategy development?

Clear strategy and priorities

Providing a final written report would be included in which step of the evaluation process?

Client and change agent meet to plan next steps

Which step of the evaluation process is when the purpose of evaluation is discussed?

Client and change agent meet to review original objectives

Kegan and Lahey wrote about a language shift, for example, from the language of complaint to the language of ______.


If an intervention consists of a number of activities, which consideration in selecting the right intervention strategy would be critical?

Considering sequence of activities

Relying on data to make decisions rather than making decisions on a hunch is central to which activity of TQM?

Continuously improve

Which of the following considerations in selecting the right intervention strategy begins with asking systematic questions to come up with improved judgements and choices?

Deciding where to intervene first

Which activity within TQM relates to flowchart techniques being utilized?

Define processes

______ are when changes are piloted in one area of the organization and then implemented in another.

Diffusion practices

Feedback ______ attention to the right set of actions that will produce better results.


Which step of appreciative inquiry consists of engaging the team and relevant stakeholders in a dialogue about strengths, best practices, accomplishments, and rewarding experiences?


Worrying that the situation has actually deteriorated is an example of which of the following barriers to evaluation?

Fear of the results

Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to a practitioner finding it easier to describe approaches to solving a problem rather than to engage in a philosophical statement about values to a potential client?

Financial and economic tensions

______ change consists of incremental modifications that make sense within an established framework or method of operating.

First order

Which of the following is NOT a reason a practitioner may have regarding which model to emphasize?

If the model is right

. Redefining work can be seen in many ways; which of the following relates to individuals working from home, or telecommute?

Increased self-employment

______ societies are defined as those in which the ties between individuals are loose; everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family.


One benefit of using the ______ approach is that the label for the categories can more closely align with the language of organizational members.


Once data is sorted into categories, the following step occurs:


If organizational members cannot focus or are unable to engage in the emotional aspects of change, this reason for why interventions fail is likely the cause:

Lack of readiness for change

If you refer to organizational members as "associates" or "cast members", for example, these are instances of which element of organizational culture?

Language, metaphor, and jargon

What is referred to now as a commonly used form of scale for measurement?

Likert scale

Which of these models does NOT use data generated from a whole organization?

Likert's four systems

Which practice, used by a change agent to institutionalize change, could include survey data, benchmarking metrics, and other sources of data?

Management of internal/external information

Which of the following considerations in selecting the right intervention strategy relates to the "principle of congruence"?

Matching the intervention to the data and diagnosis

Of the four major activities in scenario planning, which involves the scenario planning group and the leadership team discussing implications of each scenario, including opportunities and threats to the organization for each alternative?

Moving from scenarios to a decision

Inviting employees to solve complex problems may not be effective if they do not have the skill set is an example of which of the following complex factors?

Organizational members may not be prepared or trained to participate.

At which level is the goal of M&A interventions to remove gridlock and promote future potential?


Which of the following components within the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model includes performance, job satisfaction, and stress?


Which phase of a confrontation meeting is when the session begins with the leader setting expectations to encourage an open and honest discussion?

Phase 1-Climate setting

Which phase of a confrontation meeting is when subgroups share their priorities with the larger group?

Phase 5-Organization action planning

Which of the boxes within Weisbord's model includes formal goal clarity and informal goal agreement?


Which of the following strands of OD influenced programs such as Six Sigma?

Quality and employee involvement

TQM and Six Sigma are examples of which of the following?

Quality and productivity interventions

Which reason to evaluate describes uncovering barriers to change and the results pointing to future possibilities for improvement?

Results provide feedback for change

Which practice, used by a change agent to institutionalize change, could include revised structure, policies, or practices?

Rites and ceremonies

Which type of role problem occurs when one team member holds two mutually incompatible roles?

Role conflict (one team member)

Which of the following team interventions is best for new teams versus existing teams?

Role negotiation and role analysis

______ can be benefical to learn another's role in an effort to see how others view them.

Role play or dramatic exercises

Most OD interviews are ______, with an interview guide containing a general list of open-ended questions addressing the major topics of the interview.


Which step in the integrated strategic change process requires leaders to communicate the vision and strategy, including the rationale for the change and how the leadership team arrived at major strategic decisions?

Strategic change plan implementation

Few to no presentations, training, or speeches by top executives is related to which feature of future search conferences?


Which criteria of energizing the client toward action is a tradeoff to selectivity?

Sufficient and specific

Changes can occur at the ______ level when multiple organizations are involved, such as with mergers and acquisitions.


Which of the following of Likert's four systems of management relates to managers using rewards occasionally, but also punishment, information flow is mostly downward, and most decisions are made at the highest levels?

System 3

Which of the following of Likert's four systems of management relates to managers involving groups in setting and measuring goals, information flows in all directions, and decisions making is done throughout the organization?

System 4

Which component within the Burke-Litwin model is defined as standardized policies and mechanisms that are designed to facilitate work?


Which of the following theories is a more optimistic view of people and work?

Theory Z

Which of the following purposes of contracting discusses the notion of handling sensitive information and the necessity to understand and clarify these concerns?

To clarify confidentiality needs

Which of the following purposes of contracting discusses the practicalities of meeting schedules and expectations for an equal relationship in which authenticity and honesty are necessities.

To clarify how the client and consultant will interact

Using coding, which of the following themes does NOT relate to the others?


A ______ is defined as "an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence."


For example, many OD practitioners hold values of environmental and social responsibility and justice, and these results can be seen as enduring effects of their work. Which of the following reasons of why values are important to OD practitioners relates to this?

Values provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention

Corporate picnic, annual sales meeting, or holiday parties are examples of which element of organizational culture?

Values, ethics, and moral codes

Which current value in OD relates to recognizing individual's feelings and acknowledging workforce diversity?

Valuing the Whole Person

Which reason as to why the applicability of OD and practicing OD in a global environment is essentially associated with confusion or lack of consistency in terminology and application?

Variation in meaning

It is important for feedback to be viewed as ______, meaning that clients will be more likely to have faith in the feedback if they also believe that the data is valid and accurate and representative.


Which problem regarding virtual teams relates to the differences in the use of different technologies, the expression of emotion through technology, or the time it takes one member to respond to another's request?

Violated expectations

Which of the following should the consultant and client NOT do when going through the recontracting process?

allow obstacles to prevent engagement from progressing

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a negative implication of OD having a business results emphasis?

allows OD practitioners to help clients achieve the outcomes they seek

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of individual assessments?

allows comparison to others

Office size, posters or pictures on the wall, and even cell phone calling plans are examples of which element or organizational culture?


Senge indicated organizations needed to build capacity in several areas, one of which relates to the leadership ability and responsibility to rally organizational members around a single vision that motivates them:

building shared vision

Because of stress that healthcare workers endure, OD professionals have found that they need clear roles, social support, and professional autonomy to reduce which of the following?

burnout and turnover

______ societies are those in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout people's lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.


Whether a leader sends an e-mail to all persons within an organization or if face-to-face communication is preferred, these are examples of which element of organizational culture?


Which approach or new paradigm resonates with observers because it highlights how changes can adapt and spread throughout a system to illustrate how even small changes made to a single project team can have expansive effects across the organization?

complex adaptive systems perspective

The ______ process actually provides much data to the practitioner because information and observations have already been shared.


Which of the following is NOT a problem that can be attributed to ineffective contracting?

correcting misunderstandings or missteps

In ______ members are not usually part of the same department but represent varied departments, units, or geographies, and they are often brought together for a defined period to work on a specified project or problem.

cross-functional teams

Much research and simulation has demonstrated that ______ result in reasons why mergers do not live up to their expectations.

cultural factors

Enormous pressures on organizations sometimes provoke whole organization interventions, including all but which of the following?

establish work-life balance programs

______ are more likely to use strategies such as networking, direct mail, or websites to gain entry.

external consultants

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which are among the largest employers in the United States ?

federal, state, and local governments

The StrengthsFinder approach is well-known from which organization?


Which role of the change agent is defined as a boundary-spanner between groups or between a supervisor and team, negotiating between them and giving feedback?


What type of change prompted ABA to reorganize into a three-division structure?

global expansion

What was meant by having a « vertical slice » of citizen groups being represented in the Northern California Community?

groups represented a mirror image of the community

Avoiding ______ can be a challenge as part of focus groups because some participants may be reluctant to offer a different view, especially if members have a close relationship outside of the focus group.


Which of the following is NOT a methodological challenge to evaluating OD efforts?

having relevant data

When selecting participants for focus groups, there is an advantage to utilizing ______ groups; these employees may share a similar background because they have something in common.


According to the 2010 census, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that half of the nation's population growth since 1990 was due to ______.


Offering a single workshop on a specific topic is unlikely to provide a long-term change; this is an example of which reason why interventions fail?

implementing an event rather than a program

Which stage is arguably the most formal and structured opportunity for organizational change?


Which preference category within the Myers-Briggs indicates a preference for whether people like things closed, settled, and completed or prefer to keep options open and flexible?

judging or perceiving

In a ______ structure, a requirement is that the organization maintains dual perspectives, with employees reporting directly to the two bosses that manage these dual perspectives.


Many organizational practices have historically resulted in ignoring or silencing alternative voices, and this has been especially true for ______.

members whose identities were not identical to those of management

Which of the following is NOT a team intervention?


From research, nearly half (49 percent) of respondents reported their organization was in need of "______"—meaning there were issues that resulted from poorly conducted merger and acquisition efforts.

merger repair

Which reason for a relapse after a change has occurred relates to the fact that once observers leave, it is easy to slip back to the previous ways of doing things, which is more comfortable?

motivation to maintain change while change agent is present

Which reason for a relapse after a change has occurred relates to the fact that energy levels are difficult to maintain?

new state is often more difficult

After Cole Campbell was hired at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which of the following did NOT result?

newly formed teams thrived in the new structure

Which of the following methods of data gathering allows the consultant to collect data on actual behavior rather than reports of people's behavior?


Targeting ______ during M&A, leaders of groups can demonstrate their agreement on combined strategies, allowing opportunties for increased networking and contact.

organizationwide integration

When a change agent leaves and the organizational members return to their previous ways, this is a reason why interventions fail to occur:

ownership not transferred to client

Valuing humanistic concerns as well as business effectiveness is possible since OD must be concerned with both ______ and the process, as well as the ______.

people; outcome

Which "type" has a preference for flexibility of emergent ideas?


Which stage of team development is characerized by team members finding synergy and beginning to find repeated and successful ways of interacting and achieving group goals?


What type of environment is best for interviews?

private location free from distraction

. Rather than small incremental changes to existing process, ______ could save more time and money by rethinking and restructuring entire operations.


Given that the client can change depending on the target of the intervention, ______ can be seen as the client when interpersonal issues are involved.


A practitioner can be more confident that enough people have been chosen when interviews begin to gather ______.

repetitive information

Responsibility charting » is a type of exercise that works well with which team intervention?

role negotiation

______ are the familiar cognitive concepts and beliefs that govern how we approach our lives and work environments.


Most OD interviews are ______.


______ is known as a statistical measure and as a business process improvement initiative that uses statistical methods.

six sigma

In becoming an OD consultant, many observers note a background in ______ is a good starting point to expose beginners to introductory OD concepts.

social and behavioral sciences

Cultures perpetuate themselves through ______, particularly when new members to the culture are reprimanded for violating cultural norms or rewarded for assimilation.


Given that the client can change depending on the target of the intervention, ______ can be seen as the client when multiple systems are involved.

society at large

In data gathering, despite various warnings, unfortunately, ______ often trumps accurate data and careful diagnosis.


Which step in the integrated strategic change process involves an assessment of the organization's readiness for strategic change, an understanding of the organization's values and priorities in creating a strategic plan, and a diagnosis of the organizations SWOT?

strategic analysis

Which component within the star model of an organization's design is the organization's direction and long-term strategy?


Historically speaking, ______ has been one of the most commonly used methods of data gathering.


Well-designed tasks have ______, meaning the work matters to others internal and external to the team.

task significance

______ is the activity of attempting to improve a work group's effectiveness at doing its work, maintaining the relationships of its members and the team's contributions to the wider organizational system.

team building

Targeting ______ during M&A, specific interventions to clarify changes in membership, goals, purpose, roles, and expectations can help start them off quickly and can increased acquired employees' identification within their new roles.

team integration

What distinguishes academic research from OD practice?

the OD practitioner's judgment and experience have a great deal to add to the creative and intuitive process of analyzing data

All the following are signs that an engagement might need to come to an end EXCEPT

the client appears to have a higher emotional stake than the consultant

What was hindering Vodaphone's ability to remain a viable competitor, innovator, and leader in their market?

the culture of the organization

What is the role of a change agent, as implied by the social construction perspective?

to facilitate an appropriate environment for conversation

Which approach was utilized at ABA in order to kick off the organizational change effort?

top-down approach

In ______, processes are systematically measured using statistical techniques.

total quality management

Which of the following components within the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model includes task, individual, and formal and informal organizational arrangements?

transformation processes

Which process of learning occurs when organizational members understand how and when they learn and develop an environment in which learning can occur?

triple-loop learning

Research suggests that leadership ______ will increase threefold after an acquisition, complicating the continuity often needed in a turbulent circumstance.


Organization development is less compatible with cultures high in ______ because of more structured, more bureaucratic organizations, and more task oriented, less flexible managers.

uncertainty avoidance

. In a ______ structure, responsibilities are divided by the market, product, service, or geography that is served.


Which assumption or generalization about how OD interventions are practiced in global environments sees both OD and national culture as having shared values?

universal values

Data gathering through the use of ______ is when data are generally readily available because they are produced during the ordinary course of organizational activity.

unobtrusive measures

High validity and can provide triangulation are two advantages of which of the following data gathering methods?

unobtrusive measures

If a practitioner has never led a certain intervention before, this is a possibility of this reason for why interventions fail to occur:

unskilled change agent

Which type of client is often affected by the engagement or intervention but may not know of the activity or that it will concern them?

unwitting client

OD values have transitioned over time and have, for exaxmple, moved away from «use of status for maintaining power and personal prestige » toward a view of ______.

use of status for organizationally relevant purposes

OD practitioners would not do which of the following to make recommendations about how an organization carries out an activity for future change?

use one content area of expertise

Which component within the star model of an organization's design is related to performance reviews and training and development, for example?

People practices

Changes can occur at the ______ level through the development of new strategies and processes and visions for a new desired future.


Which recommended practice that can encourage regular maintenance and renewal of change is when top leaders hear directly from organizational members about how the change is working?

Organization sensing meetings

Client resistance can be expressed in a variety of ways; which of the following ways is detailed as the client wanting to blame others?


Which systems theory model of organizational behavior and change discusses the concepts of inputs, transformation processes, outputs, and feedback?

Nadler-Tushman congruence model

Which type of lateral capability helps facilitate information sharing across department boundaries by exposing members of one group to those in another?


Practitioners facilitating meetings, conducting Myers-Briggs sessions, and coaching individuals relates to which weakness of how OD is practiced today?

Not utilizing systemic change activities

Organization design and large group interventions are appropriate for which level?


As a result to the research with the Connecticut Interracial Commission, ______ were born.


Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to practitioners being tempted to quickly and arbitrarily use favorite tools or latest techniques in an attempt to be cutting edge?

The push to see OD as technology

Which of the following was not an objective of the research project at Detroit Edison?

To insinuate factors related to change

Which role of the change agent is defined as pointing out what has been said, heard, or learned to enhance group or individual awareness?


In ______ OD, interaction and conversation are the priority, and participants are given ownership and responsibility to bring up the issues and topics that matter most to them.


Which form of coaching offers unique challenges to the coach, because the coaching relationship, while generally an interpersonal relationship, exists within the larger landscape of the organization, including its goals, strategies, culture, and politics?

executive coaching

For ______, gaining entry is often as the result of marketing and selling one's expertise or success to a potential client.

external consultants

Many definitions of OD propose that an outcome of OD activities is ______ .

organizational effectiveness.

Which systems theory model of organizational behavior and change takes into account both first-order (transactional) and second-order (transformational) change?

Burke-Litwin model

Learning what other practitioners have done and if they found success is something to consider within which piece of helpful advice to those choosing to proceed with global OD?

Consider what interventions might work

Which of the following considerations in selecting the right intervention strategy allows a consultant to utilize influence strategies, such as persuasive communication?

Considering client readiness for change

Which criteria of energizing the client toward action relates to ensuring the data describes current facts?


Which of the following is NOT a criteria to look for in an effective work group?

Design role analysis to provide members with responsibility

Dysfunctional energy is a key indicator that which of the values needs to be espoused?

Dialogue and Collaboration

Which current value in OD relates to ensuring conflicts are brought to light in an effort to address them in a healthy manner with appropriate communication?

Dialogue and Collaboration

Which of the following current values in OD relates to the concept of creating healthy environments that promote collaboration rather than competition?

Dialogue and collaboration

The recognition and liberation of the past relates to which stage of transition?


Of the four major activities in scenario planning, which involves analyzing and comparing the predicability and influence on the organization?

Creating the scenarios

______ are a response to the increasing complexity of operations in many organizations and the demand for rapid pace, focus, and problem solving.

Cross-functional teams

At which level is the goal of M&A interventions to develop cooperative interactions between leaders and teams?


Which of the following was not reported by the employees in the experimental accounting departments at Detroit Edison?

How well supervisors linked pay for performance with employees

Which of the instruments was created in the 1920s based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung?


Which scholar(s) suggested "the theoretical assumptions management holds about controlling its human resources determine the whole character of the enterprise?"


Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to managers seeking rapid solutions to immediate problems while demonstrating a positive ROI?

Management culture and expectations

______ are those initial explanations of the situation that highlight symptoms of which the client is most painfully aware.

Presenting problems

Client resistance can be expressed in a variety of ways; which of the following ways is detailed as the client expressing frustration at any additional explanation about the problem, where it came from, who is involved, and so on?

Pressing for solutions

______ consist of how the intervention may have changed behavioral, people, and task items.

Process variables

If it is continually stressed that all members are part of the same organization, this is an example of which method to reduce intergroup conflict?


Which recommended practice that can encourage regular maintenance and renewal of change relates to promotions, compensation, or even simple compliments?


Which of the following ethical dilemmas relates to a client desiring to know which quote came from which interviewee?


Which preference category within the Myers-Briggs reflects how people gain energy?

Extraversion or Introversion

______ involves many different practices, such as benchmarking, microprocess control, cross-function networking, and lean production.

Total quality management

Which of the following is a way in which leaders demonstrate trust?

including employees in dialogues and discussion

Which theme related to Millennials relates to working, thinking, and creating better in groups and bringing a collaborative approach to projects and situations?

work with me

Which of the following is NOT an overarching objective to OD interventions addressing intergroup conflict?

demonstrate dissatisfaction among teams affected

Which step of appreciative inquiry is when the team collaboratively constructs a vision for a new future and actions that move the team or organization to a desirable new point?


If categories appear "saturated" during the inductive coding process, ______.

determine if the category should be broken down further

______ is a method by which individual can receive feedback from a wide range of people with whom they work.

360-degree feedback

Which process of learning refers to correcting mistakes as they occur?

single-loop learning

Real-time strategic change events are generally constructed over a ______ period.


Which career-related intervention uses the Vocational Preference Inventory, as an example?

Choosing a Career Direction and Identifying Work Interests

Which reason to evaluate describes a mutual learning experience?

Client and change agent growth

Questions such as « How is organization development perceived in the host nation? How am I to be percevied, by the client, as an OD consultant? » are questions to be asked based on which piece of helpful advice to those choosing to proceed with global OD?

Conduct a « cultural diagnosis »

The National Training Laboratory (NTL) in Group Development was founded by Kenneth Benne, Leland Bradford, and Ronald Lippitt, who were inspired by which scholar?

Kurt Lewin

Which component within the Burke-Litwin model is defined as executive behavior that provides direction and encourages others to take needed action?


Which systems theory model explains that to embrace something new, something else must be left behind?

Lewin's three-phase model

Which systems theory model of organizational behavior and change discusses the concepts of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing?

Lewin's three-phase model

A popular adaptation of which systems theory model refers to an organization's current state, a transition state, and a desired state?

Lewin's three-phrase model

Which test of whether an organization is well designed relates to the structure matching how the organization intends to serve its various segments?

Market advantage test

Which stage in Schein's career life cycle is when individuals begin to reassess their career and career choices?

Midcareer crisis

______ usually concern organizational-level items, such as quality or revenue.

Outcome variables

Juran popularized the ______, the idea that explains 80 percent of quality defects by 20 percent of the causes.

Pareto principle

______ is perhaps the most foundational of OD's democratic values.


Which stage of team development is characterized by team members finding synergy and beginning to find repeated and successful ways of interacting and achieving group goals?


Which recommended practice that can encourage regular maintenance and renewal of change is when routine instances of a group of individuals coming together to share results, perspectives, and opinions about how the change is operating?

Periodic team meetings

Which recommended practice that can encourage regular maintenance and renewal of change occurs when a change agent visits the organization to review progress?

Periodic visits from outside consultants

When organizational members are consious and intentional about the changes to be made, this is considered _____ change.


Which of the following OD principles outlines that change agents be forthright what the intervention activities are designed to accomplish?

Providing clear and explicit outcomes

Kegan and Lahey wrote about a language shift, for example, from the language of rules and policies to the language of ______.

Public agreement

Which weakness of how OD is practiced today relates to jumping on bandwagons and risking its identity?

Rapid adoption of latest techniques or technologies

Which of the boxes within Weisbord's model includes the degree to which people can work interdependently and manage conflict successfully?


Which criteria of energizing the client toward action relates to ensuring issues presenting to the client are among influential causes of the problem?


Which recommended practice that can encourage regular maintenance and renewal of change is when a meeting is often held offsite where organizational leaders or members meet to evaluate and discuss the change?

Renewal conferences

Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to academia viewing OD as a set of techniques that resulted in certain outcomes rather than if techniques appropriately applied to core values of the field ?


Which benefit of resistance is described as prompting leaders to more clearly articulate the rationale for the change?

Resistance can clarify purpose

______ are when stakeholders meet over a short period of time to develop agreements and action plans to move the organization to a desired future.

Search conferences

Rethinking how the entire organization uses a computer system, redefining roles, processes, values, and implicit meanings would be considered a _____ change.

Second order

It has been argued that personality types correspond with vocational interests and satisfaction. Which dimension of vocational preference is for helping, teaching, and counseling?


In STS, which two systems are focused heavily on?

Social and technological

Four areas of innovation have occurred in ODC. Which states the emphasis needs to be on key behaviors, not so much on the values and desired culture per se?

The development of new techniques and tools to change organizational culture

Which of the following purposes of contracting is rationale for a practitioner to conduct an initial set of diagnostic activities as a starting point?

To further explore the problem

It is critical a consultant take time to organize and ______ to ensure information is learned about the situation and the potential for a successful engagement.

ask questions

Of the four acculturation scenarios introduced, which one discusses the acquired company and acquiring company both retaining and relinquishing aspects of their cultural identities, perhaps sharing cultural elements between them?


Self-report data are always a reflection of past events, whereas ______collects data on what is happening in the present.


As a result of increased participation in the public sector, ______ .

there appeared to be an enhanced acceptance of the change process

What was the purpose of Vodaphone's leadership coaching program?

to encourage a new, collaborative management style

Which demographic was born roughly before 1946?


Which feature of a future search conference involves getting a broad cross-section of stakeholders to participate?


OD values have transitioned over time and have, for example, moved away from the idea of « game-playing" to a view of ______.

Authentic behaviour

______ programs can help employees proactively choose to take action in anticipation of a transition in the future.

Career development

Which weakness of how OD is practiced today relates to items such as efficiency, profitability, and productivity taking priority over humanism, participation, and democracy?

Challenge of business-oriented values

Strategic planning and goal setting to develop superordinate goals and leadership development are appropriate interventions for which level?


Which level often sees problems of confusion regarding which team performs which tasks during the postcombination phase of the merger and acquisition interventions?


Which reason as to why the applicability of OD and practicing OD in a global environment discusses broad conclusions about culture at the general level not necessarily aligning with the individual level?

Cultural generalizations and the prediction of behavior

Which of the following terms can be defined as « the shared attitudes, values, beliefs, and customs of members of a social unit or organization »?


Cultures changing over time and the presence of subcultures are relevant to which reason of applicability of OD and practicing OD in a global environment?

Culture variation and change

Which reason as to why the applicability of OD and practicing OD in a global environment relates to much research having an ethnocentric view, which is of little value to global organizations that require collaboration across cultures and boundaries?

Culture-bound theory and practice

Which reason to evaluate describes prompting the client and change agent to return to the original objectives of the engagement, to be specific about what outcomes were desired, and to document whether those objectives were achieved?

Evaluation provides focus

Which reason to evaluate describes clients having increased confidence and change agents having "success stories" in their professional portfolio?

Evaluation results may facilitate support

Systems thinking is about analyzing the organization on certain levels. Which of the following levels is described as single occurrences of an episode?


Which of the following is NOT one of the steps involved in implementing and sustaining a Six Sigma program?

Gathering qualitative data from participants

Which demographic was born roughly between 1965 and 1979?

Gen X

Which of the following phrases did Lewin invent?

Group dynamics

What value, perhaps, differentiates OD from most other management and consulting work?

Growth, Development, and Learning

Which stage in Schein's career life cycle is known as then individuals search out, interview, and experience the first job?

Growth, fantasy, exploration

______ could include employee selection, performance appraisals, and training and development activities.

HRM practices

Which of the following components within the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model includes environment, resources, market demands, human resources, and prior patterns?


Client resistance can be expressed in a variety of ways; which of the following ways is detailed as the client philosophizing about the organization and its theoretical patterns?


Which researcher's work was an effort to understand and create personal and social change, with the objective of building and growing democracy in society?

Kurt Lewin

Not having a single certification path relates to which weakness of how OD is practiced today?

Lack of consistency in set of skills and competencies

Which trend in the field of coaching discusses how OD organizations are now including coaching sessions as part of their annual conferences?

Number and influence of professional organizations changing

Redefining work can be seen in many ways; which of the following relates to individuals designing a career that meets their own needs?

Obsolete fixed job descriptions

Which level of social construction conversation deals with offical discourses and statements of mission and values?


Strategy, change theory, and group development would most likely align with which of the following OD consultant competencies?

Organizational behaviour

Which practice, used by a change agent to institutionalize change, relates to regular updates about the status of the change and motivation to continue it?

Persuasive communication

______ contribute to ______.

Process variables; outcome variables

Which benefit of resistance is described as offering the opportunity to keep information flowing?

Resistance can keep the change active in the organization's conversations.

Which benefit of resistance is described as an opportunity to hear resistance messages from history which can reveal a great deal more about the general state of the employee population?

Resistance can provide additional data about how employees feel about past change attempts and the organization itself.

Which benefit of resistance is described as serving an organizationally protective purpose?

Resistance can reflect, and potentially build, involvement in and commitment to the organization.

If participants are cynical to start, this reason for why interventions fail is likely to occur:

Resistance to change

Which content area within the Statement of Ethics discusses serving the long-term well-being of stakeholders?

Responsibility to Clients and Significant Others

Which of the following is a true statement regarding « toolkits » and OD?

Seeking tools without knowledge about the OD process is likely to prevent OD success.

Which criteria of energizing the client toward action relates to the practitioner not sharing all themes from the data, in order to not overwhelm the client?


Which special type of team resulted from the pushing down of decision making into lower levels of an organization?

Self-directed work teams

______ require significant leadership commitment, mutual trust between management and employees, acceptance of new and sometimes ambiguous roles, and willingness to invest in time and money for development.

Self-directed work teams

Which step in the integrated strategic change process outlines not only the major activities that will be implement or will change when the strategy is adopted but also the impact the strategy will have on stakeholders?

Strategic change plan design

Which of the following team interventions assist with quickly establishing agreements and norms so that the team can begin to function more quickly as well as providing team members with clear and well-defined roles?

Team start-up and transition meetings

According to Beckhard (1969), the basic building block of an organization is ______.


While the humanistic values are initially viewed as worthy, what is one negative aspect that has been noted?

They are too idealistic to implement in practice.

______ are situations in which multiple organizations join together in networks or collaborative relationships with a shared purpose.

Transorganizational systems

Which country is known to have a more individualistic value?


An organization that develops an affirmative bias, an emphasis on goodness, or the best of the human condition, and positive deviance, or extraordinarily success outcomes creates an « ______. »

abundance culture

Which test of whether an organization is well designed relates to streamlining control for a single unit, assessing whether authority is diffused among different units?

accountability test

Process modifications may be necessary, and this relates to which piece of helpful advice to those choosing to proceed with global OD?

adapt as necessary

Which of the following is not an example of how recontracting is an implicit evaluation and renegotiation that occurs at each stage?

additional data gathering is necessary

Which step in the data gathering process discusses the client or another representative explaining to organizational members what data are being gathered, by whom, using what methods, and for what purposes?

announce project

The use of ______ begins with the team's strengths and reveals what is working well and where the team has found success, thus releasing positive energy and the team begins to gain a better understanding of its own valuable contributions.

appreciative inquiry

If all ______ were to retire at traditional retirement age, there wouldn't be enough workers to meet the needs of businesses.

baby boomers

Being authentic means

being straightforward, genuine, honest, truthful.

Which theme related to Millennials relates to being multitaskers?

challenge me

Too much ______ can mean low productivity, frustration, and confusion.


Which of the following is considered the backdrop and purpose of organization development?


Values of harmony, face, conformity, and ordered relationships in ______ imply that large-scale change is risky.


Which of the following is NOT a process variable?

customer satisfaction

Which of the following is NOT an indication of a successful contracting meeting?

consultant and client have inconsistencies in expectations

Which type of client is identified as the intial point of communication in the client organization?

contact client

What was the « command and control » issue at Vodaphone?

culture of blame

Which of the following is NOT an outcome variable?

decision making

Of the four acculturation scenarios introduced, which is when the acquired company gives up its cultural attributes but is unwilling to adopt those of the acquiring company, usually leading to a dissolution of the old organization?


Coaching, mentoring, and 360-degree feedback are all examples of ______.

individual interventions

Which of the following is an example of a personal problem within an organization?

employees lack motivation

At Vodaphone, the company wanted to encourage a culture of ______ who make their own decisions and shared learning and development, speed, and accountability.

empowered teams

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of individual assessments?

encourages labelling

Targeting ______ during M&A, collective socialization tactics have been shown to increase embeddedness and reduce turnover among newcomers.

individual integration

Which of the following was noted by leaders as a result of the change at ABA?

more trusting relationships

Which source of intergroup conflict relates to a perception of one group being mistreated by another?

past injustice

In the African culture, ______ are an integral part; they are guidelines for individual, family, village, and community behavior, build on repeated real life experiences and observations over long periods of time.


In the contracting process, the practitioner and client explore both the formal and______ contractual elements of their relationship.


The ______ contract is an explicit agreement about the consulting relationship.


It has been argued that personality types correspond with vocational interests and satisfaction. Which dimension of vocational preference is for manipulating machines, tools, and things?


______ encourages organizations to consider several likely possible future states, to consider which of those is most likely, and then to develop plans and actions that could account for a number of possible future situations.

scenario planning

Which country is known to place more value on long-term orientation?

south korea

Which reason for a relapse after a change has occurred relates to the fact that other organizational members, structures, and processes may provide intractable barriers to change?

systemic organizational forces may be too powerful to overcome

At which level is the goal of M&A interventions to form productive teams?


If a client seeks to use the consultant in a spy role, this is an example of which ethical dilemma?

value and goal conflict

A distinguishing feature among ______ is the use of electronic tools to communicate and share information.

virtual teams

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