Orientation 9
Of those hospitalized as a result of contact with high-voltage, up to ? % lose at least one limb and fewer than ? % return to work.
From this list, select the items of awareness which contribute to your personal level of safety. Be prepared to discuss this topic in class. I. Where you are II. What you are doing III. What is going on around you IV. Potentially dangerous situations V. "Pinch-Points" VI. Escape routes VII. Reckless/rambunctious co-workers VIII. Your responsibility for your safety
All of the above
When is the right time to think about safety on the job?
All the time; one should never stop thinking about it.
? and ? are critically important to jobsite safety.
Awareness / common sense
? often goes a long way toward eliminating injury or loss.
Common sense
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and state safety agencies can ensure an accident free jobsite.
What are the three most important things to remember with regards to work safety? I. Work aware. II. Work effectively. III. Work productively. IV. Work safe. V. Work smart.
I., IV., and V.
Safety should ? be disregarded in the interest of saving time.
To work safely as an electrician, one must learn to ? electricity at all times.
In a matter of ? a serious accident can develop on a construction site.
Who bears the most responsibility for the worker's safety on the job?
The worker
Complete the following statement: A jobsite can only be as safe as ? make(s) it.
By developing dangerous work habits as an apprentice, one will become a(n) ? .
accident "time-bomb''
Electricity represents a(n) ? that is waiting to be ? or ? .
energy potential / released / set free
Complete the following statement: An accident can only be prevented by ? :
those who are working on-the-job