OSHA chapter 15 book notes

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Step and fall

Person foot encounters unexpected step down like hole in floor or floorboard gives away, cna happen when employee thinks they reach bottom of stairs and have one more step

OSHA recommended training

-why eye protection devices are important -limitaitons of the devices -how devices protect eyes How devices are properly worn How straps are adjusted for both effectiveness and comfort How employee can identity signs fo wear How devices are cleaned and disinfected how often to do so

Coefficent of friction causing slips

.60 or greater have high traction and between .40-59 is moderate traction and .39 or less will cause slip

How much money is lost for eye injuries

1000 eye injuries in US workplaces 300 million a year in lost production time work comp medical expenses

Lifting hazards costs

12 billion in owners comp costs annually Lower back injuries account for 20-25 percent of all workers comp claims 33,40 percent of all work comp costs are related to lower back injuries Each tear 46,000 back injuries happen in work place 80 percent of population will experience lower back pain at some point in thier lives

Falls cause waht percent of disabling work related injuries

16 percent

Head injuries cost companies

2.5 billion a year in work comp medical expenses and accdient investigation

Hand protection costs and requirements by OSHA

500,000 hand injuries a year standard require employers to base the selection of hand protection on comprehensive assessment of tasks performed at given job with hazards present Must be documented in writing Gloves sizes should vary so all employees fit the glove

Foot rails

Added to work stations help relieve hazards of prolonged standing foot rails allow employees to elevate one foot at a time four to five inches the elevated foot rounds out lower back and relieves some pressure on spinal column

Slip and fall in construction

Additional OSHA requirements and safety measures are put in place due to high impact fall possiblity like falling form scaffolding while working on side building Training requirements for ladders harness application tool use all covered

Rules for traveling with laod

Always give pedestrians right of way Never allow passengers on forklift Keep forks low while moving Keep the laod tilted back slightly while moving Drive slowly forklift is not a car Never lift or lower laod when traveling Keep to the right just as you do driving a car Cross railroad tracks at a skewed angle never at a right angle Wate for edges on loading docks or other changes in elevation Maintain at least four seconds of spacing between your forklift and one in front of you

First aid for eye injuries

Be gentle with employee Do not attempt to remove objects embedded in eye Rinse eyes with copious amount of water for 15-30 mins to remove chemicals Never press injured eye or put pressure on it when coverin them Do not allow employee to rub his or her eyes

Foriegn object

Any object that is out of place or in a position to trip someone or to cause a slip there

OSHA training requirements for forklifts

Before using a industrial truck also be a forklift, employees must complete intial training on topics of Operating instrauctions warnings and precautions for types fo trucks the operator is authorized to operate Different between the truck and automobile Truck contorls and instrumentation-where they are located, what they do, and how they work Engine or motor operation Steering and manuevering Engine and motor operation Visbaility including restrictions due to loading Fork and attachment adaptation operation and use limitations Vehicle capacity Vehicle stalbity Any vehicle inspeciton and maintianace the operator will be required to perform Ruefuligna dn charging or recharging batteries Operation limitations

Stump and fall

Workers foot suddenly meets sticky surface or defect in walking surface, expecting to continue at established pace worker falls

Strategies for preventing slips

Choose right material in design of floor Materials with high coefficent of friction are best Retrofit an existing surface- put friction enhancement devices on slippery surface materials llike runners skid straps carpet grooves abrasive coating grills textured covering Practice good housekeeping- clean floor of debree spilled water grease oil solvents Require nonskid footwear Inspect surfaces frequently

Surface tension

Compare relative traction of given surface by using coefficent of friction, this is the comparison of resistance of one surface like shoe or boot against surface (floor)

Proper footwear

Critical when employees stand for long periods well fitting comfortable that grip work surface adn allow free movement of the toes is best

Primary causes of falls

Foreign object on the walking surface Design flaw in walking surface Slippery surface Individuals impaired physical condition

Big contributor to falls

Distractions of workforce attention

Assessing workplace for eye hazards

Do employees perform tasks with airborne dust or flying particles Do employees work near other swho perform tasks that may produce airborne dust or flying particles Do employees handle hazardous liquid chemicals or blood Do employee work in conditions in which thier lenses may become fogged Work in situations where eyes are exposed to irritatints

OSHA requirements for footwear

Employers are not required to provide footwear for employees but are required to provide training on foot protection and must cover -conditions when protective footwear should be worn Types of footwear needed in given situation Limitations of protective footwear Proper use of protective footwear

Reasons why fall injuries continue to increase

Even tho more protection equipment is being used, Poor pertaining deterioration of equipment over time Selection of wrong equipment for job, failure due to lack of monitoring Look for weird splatter webbing cuts and abrasions borken stitching frayed or burned webbing chemical damages to determine damaged PPE for fall jobs

Rules for forklift operation

Fall into 4 general categories General Lifting Traveling Placing

Types of foot injuries

Falls or impact forms harp heavy objects Compression when rolled over by or pressed between heavy objects Pictures thorugh the sole of foot Conducvitivity of electricity or heat Electrocution form contact with energized conducting metal Slips on unstable walking surfaces Hot liquid or metal on boots Temperature extremes

Critical factors in choosing gloves

Fit, protection capability comfort tactile sensitives of the gloves More comfort or tactile sensistivty means less protection

When using ladder check

For slipperiness on shoes and ladder rungs Set ladder base on firm level surface Apply the four to one ratio, base one foot away and four feet between base and level surface Don't lean too far to either side while working Don't rig makeshift ladder use real ting Don't allow more than one person on ladder at time

Differences from forklift to car or truck operation

Forklifts ar typically steered by rear wheels Employ forklift can be more difficult to steer than one with a load Forklifts often require driving in reverse Forklifts have three point suspension so that center of gravity can move form the rear of vehicle closer to front when loaded

OSHA mandates for slip fall related accdient preventions

Guard every floor hole which worker may accidentally fall into using guardrail or toe board cover Provide guardrail and the board around all open sided platforms floors or runways that are least 4 feet above ground Provide guardrails regardless of height to prevent workers from falling onto machines equipment vats conveyor belts ext Provide other means of fall protection as required by certain jobs Provide work environment free of known dangers Keep floors in work area clean and sanitary Select and provide appropraite PPE at no cost to employees Train workers about job hazrds in langauge they understand

OSHA recommendations for effective fall protection

Have a plan that is part of bigger safety and Elkhart plan that has statement of commitment of companys nd management and employees to craft and use rules and regulations relating to fall protection and explanation of training program and training requirements Establish proper fall protection requirement Provide proper fall protection equipment and procedures and require thier mandatory use Ensure fall protection device replacement and maintenance Ensure proper use and type of equipment Provide training on fall prevention hazards equipment regulations and adherence importance for employees

Reverser donning

Helmets rated for reverse donning pass all applicable tests whether worn frontward or backward important as these helmets are more common

Sit stand chairs

Higher than normal chairs that allow employers standing to take quick mini breaks and return to work without hazards associated with getting out of lower chairs they ahve advantages of giving employees feet legs and back occasional rest without introducing hazards associated with lower chairs

Matching protective measure to job hazard

Identify types of hazards present , identity right footwear and require it tp be worn ANSI standards are applicable and ratings for shoes by ANSI is given STeel toe cap must withstand 75 foot pounds of impact and 2500 pounds of compression

Causes of back injuries

Improper lifting Reaching Sittinga dn bending Lifting hazards such as poor posture ergonomic factors personal lifestyles also contribute to back problems

Refresher training program contenct

Includes evaluation fo effectiveness of training must be conducted to ensure operators of industrial trucks have up to date knowledge and skill to operate the machines safely Refresher training is required when ER Operator has been observed operating a vehicle in unsafe manner Operator has been involved in an accident or near hit accident The operator has recieved an evaluation that indicates he or she is not operating the powered truck safely Operator is assigned to drive different type of truck Or any condition the workplace changes in such manner that it could affect safe operation of the truck

Work hardening

Its objectives are to in specially designed work centers stations , use exercise equipment, and aggressive protocols s for work reconditioning Objectives to achieve for employee would be Return to maximum physical ability as as soon as possible Improvement of general body fitness Reducing the likelihood fo reinjury Work simulation taht duplicates real work conditions

General rules forklists

Keep arms hands legs in vehicle all times Face in direction fo travel at all times If laod blocks view, drive backward Allow plenty of room for braking at least three vehicle lengths Make sure their is sufficient overhead clearnece before moving load

Common glove materials

Leather- offers comfort abrasion resistance adn minimum cut resistance Cotton- offers comfort minimums abrasion resilient and minimum cut resistance Aramids- comfort good bargains resitsitoan excellent cut resistance and excellent heat resistance Polyethylene-comfort excellent abrasion resistance, minimal cut reistnsace and mater form matureal cannot handle high temp Stainless tell cord wrappe din synthetic fiber- comfort good bargains ersistance ad cut restisance Chain link or metal mesh- offers little comfort maximum abraisiaon and cut resistance Battle rubber- no comfort excellent resistance to heat ozone tearing and certain chemicals including alcohols aldehydes ketones esters nitrils gases amides acids and nitro compounds Nitrile based matieral- greater comfort and protection increased use fo this type fo matieral for the substrate coating of glasses Viton rubber- little comfort but perfomrs well with chemcial taht butyl rubber cannot protect against including aliphatics halogenated and aromatics, also perform well with alcohols gases and acids

Building lobbies

Lobbies tend to have high polished floor prone for slipping, you can fix this by using welcome Matt's that dry up feet coming in from wet weather to minimize moisture on slick floor, provide umbrella holders so dripping umbrellas dont cross lobe monitor floor surface constantly

Strategies to make workers comfortable with PPE

Make maximum use fo enegeering and administrative controls- minimize potential hazards on administartive level so employees less reluctant to do thier part and use PPE Ensure the optima choice of PPE by using risk assessment Involve employees in all aspects of PPE program Provide comprehensive education and training requirements Reinforce the proper use fo PPE and challenge its improper use Be clear on who pays fo rPPE- OSHA requires employer to pay for PPE in most occasions and they only ahve to pay for basic or minimal PPE but the should pay for better PPE for employees Be sensitive to fit comfort and style issues Work to make PPE a normal part of uniform

Rules for picking up load

Make sure load is within capacity of forklift Make sure forks are positioned properly Make sure load is properly balanced Make sure load is secure Raise the load to proper height Run the forks all the ay into the pallet and tilt the mast back to stabilize the load before moving Back out and stop completely before lowering load


Monitor restrooms continually to deal up spills use wet floor signs Block off any wet area until dry

NIOSH guidelines formula for manual material handling

Multitask analysis strategy- gives safety professionals a method for considering variety of related lifting arialbes and how much they interact Factors for the formula are given to mathematicians or computer programs to handle They need Load constant- always use 51 pounds Horizontal line measured from midpoint between teh ankles forward to midpoint between hands at both origin and destination of lift Vertices distance between origin and destination of list Turning or twisting angle of asymmetry Average frequency rate of lifting measured in lifts per minute Couple value- does time be lifted have good fair or poor graphing mechanism

Contact lenses

Must be evaluated aginst chemicals you work with to determine if they can be used safely as some chemicals can really damage lenses if exposed

Lower temperature for helmets

Must pass all applicable t ests at low temp like -30 degrees to be good PPE

What to do after fall

Never work alone- always have a team of two or more people when dealing with heights Keep legs moving- keep blood from pooling that can lead to shock if it is possible suspend worker should try to move into upright position Raise worker to seated position- this prevents pooled blood from straining heart and causing death allowing blood to be released slower in this position

Why so many eye injuries

Not enough people were eye protection 3/5 workers get eye injuries were not wearing eye protection Second they were not wearing right protection

Slip and fall

Occur when workers center of gravity is suddenly thrown out of balance like oily spot causes foot to slip out from under them, most common type of fall

Trip and fall

Occur when workers encounter unforseen foriegn object in their path

Proper lifting technique

Plan ahead- determine if you can lift load is it oo heavy or too awkward? Decide for need of assistance and check route for obstructions or slippery surfaces Lift with legs not back- bend knees keep your back straight position feet close to object center ody over the load list straight up and smoothly Push dont pull- pushing puts less strain on back use rollers ud er object whenever possible

Company safety and health slip and fall prevention program should containe

Policy statement of commitment Review and evaluate walkways - determine if the walkways are acceptable and are not safety hazard Reconditioning and retrofitting Maintanence standards and procedures Inspections audits tests and records Employee footwear program Defense methods for legal claims Measurement of thier results

Hardhats are made of

Polyethilene Typically made from molding plastics

Design flaws

Poorly designed floor covering, ladder taht does not seat properly, cat walk that gives away, slippery floors

Standing hazards

Prolonged standing walking can cause lower back pain sore feet varicose veins and variety of other related problems

Antifatigue mats

Provide cushioning between feet and ahrd working surfaces like concrete and this cushioning effect can reduce muscle fatigue and lower back pain

Back safety lifting safety and health program should include

Recommended 6 steps to this program 1. Display poster illustrations -show how to lift right reach sit and bending techniques to use throughout workplace 2. Preemployment screening- identity those who have back problems already and who ned more help 3. Regular safety inspection- periodic inspections to identity potential problem areas and corrective action to be done immediately 4. Education and terminating 5. Use external services- variety of external healt care agencies can help companies extent heir programs, identity local health care providing agencies and organizations what services they cna provide and contact person in each it increases Eric's avaliable to employees 6. Map outthe prevention program- fist five steps should be written own and incorporated into the company overall safety and Elkhart program

Practical prevention measures

Reduce tracked in hazards like wet shoes on floor with mats and such Choose antifatigue mats carefully so empress wo stand on them for long periods dont ruin them, and they can solve one problem can cause another if they rinkle and slide a well, Locate absorbent strategically for fast spill cleaning and keeping these absorbing materials near slick substances like oils lubricants solvents Choose safety footwear carefully

OSHA mandates related to footwear

Requires hazard assessment of workplace Lists general requirements for foot protection whe working in areas where danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects or objects piercing the sole of employees feet or exposed to electrical hazrds Mandates training for employees and fitting of footwear

Effective strategies for preventing slip and alls include

Review and analyze accdient statistics to see if slip falls are happening and why and take corrective right measures to fix it Monitor condition for lalking surfaces continually Make sure ramps and sloped floors have high friction surfaces Use safety amts nonslip flooring slip resistant shoes Make sure stairs have handrails

Eye protection

Safety glasses Safety googles or face shields ANSI standard for face and eye protective devices have tow impact tests High mass low speed test and low mass high speed test for durablity

Inspecting ladders

See if ladder has instruction label on it Determine where there the ladder is strong enough for job Read spcificfatons on weight capacity Look for crack side rails loose rungs rails or braces or damaged connections Check wooden ladders for moisture that may cause them to conduct electricity Check metal ladders for bursa dn sharp edges

Requirements for choosing vision protection devices

Select devices protected against specific hazards identified by assessment Use one that are comfortable and easy to wear Select devices that do not restrict vision in any way Devices taht ahve fogging prevention capabilities built in Devices taht are Durable easy to clean and easy to disinfect Devices taht do not interfere with functioning PPE

Shoe inserts

Shoe inserts are worn inside the shoe and provide cushioning when mats arent feasible, help reduce lower back foot and leg pain

Type of matieral for type of protection

Steel toe for impact protection Rubber or vinyl for chemical protection Puncture resistant soles for protectiona gsint slippery surfaces Electricity resistant material for ptoection agaisnt shock

Rules for placing a load

Stop the forklift complete before raising or lowering the load Move slowly and cautiously with load raised Never walk or stand under a raised load or allow anyone else to do so Be certain the forks have cleared the pallet before turning and before changing height Stack laod square and straight Check behin and on both sides before backing up


Use nonslip floor surface Require kitchen employees use wear slip resistant footwear Frequently dry clean the floors after hours using method other than wet mopping

Processing areas

Use nonslip flooring Minotir floor surfaces continually Require processing employees use slip resistant footwear Inspect clean floor surfaces on regular basis

Forklift operations hazard

Usually come rom fall or impact and acceleration hazards Only employees trained properly to drive forklift should

Things that decrease traction of floor

Water oil soap coolant cleaning solvents left on floor

Workplace design

Well designed works tasty on help relieve hazards of prolonged standing And allow employers to move wheeling they work and can adjust high fo workstation to match physical needs

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