OSHA Quiz 1-6

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What is the most important property of a surface cover?

It must be impervious to water.

How can you tell if a disinfectant has been registered with the EPA?

Its label displays a registration number

Describe the OSHA-required exposure determination.

Listing all tasks and procedures used in the facility in which occupational exposure may occur.

Hepatitis B is a bloodborne pathogen that causes a harmful infection of the


Which of the following is one of the purposes of OSHA?

Maintain a reporting and record keeping system to monitor injuries and illnesses

What should be done to equipment that is brought to chairside (e.g., a curing light) during patient treatment

Make sure the equipment has been cleaned and disinfected or protected with a fresh surface cover before use.

Sterilization of contaminated dental instruments before they are used on a subsequent patient interferes with which link in the chain of infection?

Mode of spread

OSHA-approved State job safety and health plans cover what types of employees?

Most private sector employees and state and local government employees

A dental assistant removed used surface barriers from the dental light handles and placed them in a red bag for disposal as regulated waste. Was this an appropriate way to manage this waste?

No, the barriers should have been placed in the regular trash.

exposing radiographs

Non sterile exam gloves

removing patient bib

Non sterile exam gloves

Which of the following would erode patients' trust regarding infection control procedures in the office?

Not wearing gloves

Who issued the hazard communication standard that dental offices must follow?


During an OSHA on-site inspection which of the following is likely to occur?

Other areas that could be hazardous to employees in addition to the hazard listed in the complaint may be investigated

writing progress notes while still caring for the patient

Over gloves

Type of bodily contact with a needle, contaminated instrument and/or scalpel

Parenteral contact,

What pathway of cross-contamination is the main pathway prevented when protective eyeglasses are worn by member of the dental team?

Patient to dental team

Which of the following is the best way to dispose of a contaminated needle?

Place the needle in a sharps container as soon as possible after use.

Gloves need not be worn during which of the following activities?

Placing new surface covers between patients.

What is a good way to account for all employees following an evacuation?

Predesignate an assembly area outside the facility and take a headcount after the evacuation

According to the CDC how should noncritical instruments be prepared for use?

Processed with intermediate-level or low-level disinfection.

What type of disinfectants is not tuberculocidal?

Quaternary ammonium compounds

How does one determine the hazard potential of a new bonding agent just before it's used in the office?

Read the label and the Safety Data Sheet

Which of the following techniques is a safe way to handle sharps?

Recap an anesthetic needle before it is removed from the syringe.

Includes identification of the chemical, common names, hazardous ingredients, characteristics, reactivity data, handling/storage precautions, emergency first aid, name and address of the manufacturer.


Policies which include the mandatory work practice specific for each dental practice.


Which of the following terms indicate the strongest microbial killing power?

Sporicidal agent

invasive surgical procedure

Sterile gloves

What is a part of the CDC infection control recommendations for dental facilities rather than OSHA's bloodborne pathogens standard?

Sterilizing all instruments before they are reused

What is the first step to be taken after a sterilization failure is detected through spore testing?

Take the sterilizer out of service

How does OSHA decide the order in which the complaints received are investigated?

The alleged violations that are potentially the most serious are investigated first

What is sterility assurance?

The correct performance of the proper instrument processing steps and monitoring of the sterilization step.

What is meant when an OSHA citation indicated there has been a willful violation?

The employer knew that a hazardous condition (which violated a standard) existed but made no reasonable effort to eliminate it

OSHA form 300 & 300A

The form used to keep track of reported work-related injuries and illnesses

Who prepares the original Safety Data Sheets?

The manufacturer of the chemical

According to OSHA's bloodborne pathogens standard, if a dental office staff person who is susceptible to hepatitis B refuses the offer to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, what must happen?

The staff person must sign a vaccine declination form.

The greatest occupational risks for exposure to hepatitis B virus are: (1) blood and saliva contamination of cuts and cracks on the skin or ungloved hands or hands with torn gloves; (2) spraying of blood and saliva onto open lesions on the skin or onto mucous membranes; and (3):

Through sharp injuries

Which of the following is one of the purposes of OSHA?

To encourage employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards and implement safety programs

Why is it important to let instruments packaged in paper/plastic pouches, paper bags or sterilization wrap dry inside the steam sterilizer?

To minimize tearing of packaging materials when handling the sterilized items and to avoid wicking

Why should healthcare workers get tested for hepatitis B antibodies after receiving the three shots of hepatitis B vaccine?

To see if they have become immune to hepatitis B.

Secondary labeling is required when:

Transferred to a second container for later use

TF A person infected with HIV can have the virus present in saliva.


TF After an employee exposure incident, the employer must request that the soruce individual be tested.


TF Developing written step-by-step procedures on safety and infection control promotes performance of and compliance with the procedures and helps with training of new team members.


TF Employers shall ensure that all employees with exposure to blood participate in a training and education program.


TF Exposure control plan updates that do not reflect changes in technology that eliminate or reduce exposure to bloodborne pathogens are the most frequent type of violation issued to dental practices.


TF OSHA's Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act requires that a dental office conduct an annual consideration and implementation of appropriate commercially available and effective safer medical devices designed to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure.


TF The main directive of the Hazard Communication Program is the protection of the employees.


Tf Chemical products are identified by the of antimicrobial agents present in the product.


What is the safest approach to cleaning and managing contaminated hand instruments?

Ultrasonic cleaning them in instrument cassettes.

What is the PRIMARY disadvantage of unit dosage products relative to dental disposable materials?

Unit dosing can be expensive and wasteful.

You have been assigned to evaluate the office's infection control program. What strategy will provide the best approach to this assignment?

Use the CDC's infection prevention checklists coupled with direct observation of performance

________________gloves are suggested to be used for disinfection of surfaces between patient care.


disinfection of counter tops, jars, and environmental surfaces

Utility gloves

placing contaminated instruments into the ultrasonic

Utility gloves

Which of the following protective barriers are to be worn when disinfecting a surface?

Utility gloves, mask, protective clothing, protective eyewear

Disinfection is best defined as:

a process designed to kill all diseases-producing microns but not necessarily high level of bacterial spores.

A successful infection control evaluation program includes developing standard operating procedures, assessing performance of infection control procedures, monitoring health care-associated diseases in patients and documenting:

adverse outcomes and work-related illnesses.

The mode of microbe transmission that involves small droplet nuclei such as those generated from dental aerosols is called:

airborne infection

Which of the following must be managed according to the Hazard Communication Standard?


Which of the following is used to kill microbes on the skin just before an injection?


The prodormal stages of a disease is defined as the:

appearance of early symptoms

An OSHA standard requires employers to:

be familiar with and comply with standards applicable to their establishments.

The main rule of laboratory asepsis is that prostheses and appliances must be:

cleaned and disinfected before being handled in the laboratory.

Most of the regulated medical waste in dental office consists of:

contaminated sharps and extracted teeth

That period of an infectious disease when the symptoms are declining is called the:

convalescent stage

Which of the following can be thrown away in the regular trash even if it is contaminated with a little saliva?

cotton rolls

Although some x-ray film packets can be disinfected after removal from the patient's mouth, it is best to:

cover them with a plastic pouch before they are placed in the patient's mouth.

requires a minimum of 320° for 60-120 minutes

dry heat

Members of the normal body microbiota that can cause disease are called:

endogenous pathogens

An OSHA standard requires employers to:

ensure that employees have and use personal protective equipment when required for safety and health.

According to CDC how often is one to perform mechanical monitoring of a sterilizer?

every load

The reason for holding (presoaking) instruments prior to cleaning is to:

facilitate cleaning

Sharps containers should be:

filled only 3/4 full before disposing.

After seating the patient, what personal protective barrier should be put on last?


The best way for you to avoid contracting a bloodborne disease in the office is to:

handle sharps carefully

That period of an infectious disease between the initial infection and the time when the first symptoms occurs is called the:

incubation stage

The mode of microbe transmission that involves a needlestick is called:

indirect contact

The difference between an infection and an infectious disease is that an:

infectious disease is an infection that causes damage to the body.

OSHA Form 301

injury and illness incident report form

The best way to manage films in a daylight loader is to:

insert only disinfected or uncontaminated film packets into the loader using fresh uncontaminated powder-free gloves, and proceed with developing.

OSHA is a part of the United States Department of:


OSHA requires sharps containers to be:

leak proof

An OSHA standard requires employers to:

maintain conditions or adopt practices reasonably necessary and appropriate to protect workers on the job.

What is the most likely route of hepatitis B transmission from an infected patient to an unvaccinated dental assistant wearing, exam gloves, protective eyewear and a long-sleeved gown but no face mask?


According to CDC how often is one to perform biological monitoring of a sterilizer?

once a week

Wearing gloves when treating a patient prevents which of the following modes of entry of the patient's microbes into your body?


The correct name for the dental infection control guidelines issued by the CDC is:


What is used as the container for non-sharp regulated medical waste?

red bag

Use of high-volume evacuation, preprocedure mouthrinsing, and _______________ are designed to reduce the spread of patient's microbes in dental aerosols and spatter.

rubber dam

OSHA standards do not apply to:

self-employed persons

disinfectant that contains hazardous chemicals is purchased in a concentrated form and is then diluted for use and placed in a spray bottle, what must be done to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard?

spray bottle must be labeled with the name of the hazardous chemicals, name and address of the manufacturer and the appropriate hazard warnings.

Impressions that are sensitive to immersion should be rinsed, shaken to remove excess water and then:

sprayed with a disinfectant and wrapped in a paper towel.

Which of the following sterilization methods lead to corrosion (e.g., rusting) of carbon steel instruments?


Spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus are used in biological indicators to monitor:

steam and unsaturated chemical vapor sterilizers.

20-30 minute cycles at temperature of 250°

steam autoclave

Under Federal, State and local regulations, the manner of disposal of medical waste is determined by:

the color of the waste container

The OSHA-required written Hazard Communication Program for each dental office must contain:

the name of the person responsible for implementing the program.

How many shots are required for with the hepatitis B vaccine?


What should be done with the left over polishing agents such as rouge after an appliance is polished?

throw it away

OSHA's mission is based upon three strategies. One of these is:

to provide strong, fair, and effective enforcements of its standards.

Microbes that cause disease by producing a toxin are called:

toxigenic pathogens.

Each workplace must have at least _________ means of escape.


Mercury is a toxic material, as such there are hygiene guidelines that must be followed for the use of mercury.

work in well-ventilated areas. Use pre-capsulated alloys Dispose of properly in sealed bags

As of 2015 how many documented cases of occupationally related HIV transmissions have been reported in dental personnel?


A surface sprayed with tuberculocidal killing chemicals must remain moist for a minimum of ____ minutes in order for the product to be effective.


written Emergency Action Plan (EAP) needs to be present in the workplace. However, the EAP may be communicated orally if the worksite has fewer than _____ employees.


Training records must be maintained for ______

3 years

The medical record of each employee must be kept ________ years beyond the date of separation from employment.


OSHA requires that dental practices post exits with the signage at least______ high


What is an engineering control?

A device that removes the potential hazard.

What should be received (besides the bill) from the medical waste hauler a few weeks after the medical waste is picked up?

A manifest stating how the waste was treated and where it was disposed.

Which of the following fire extinguisher would be best suited in a dental practice


Environmental surface covers on clinical touch surfaces should be replaced:

After every patient

Items in the emergency medical kit should be removed upon expiration checked periodically for freshness be unit dosage type items


What is a work practice control

An action that alters the manner in which a task is performed.

When an OSHA inspector enters the office, what will usually occur first?

An opening conference for the inspector to explain what the inspection will involve

Training of employees is an essential component of a successful HazCom Standard program. Training for all continuing employees is required at the time of hiring, when a new hazard is introduced, and


The immunity that develops from receiving the hepatitis B vaccination series is called:

Artificial immunity

The CDC recommends that sharps containers should be located:

As close as possible to the work area

What is tuberculosis?

Bacterial infection of the lungs

Why should handpieces be heat sterilized rather than wiped off with a disinfectant between patients?

Because wiping off the outside will not kill the microbes that were retracted up inside the handpiece.

How does the CDC recommend that a dental office's infection control program be managed?

By assigning an infection-control coordinator

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is a division of what governmental agency?


20 minute cycle time with a minimum temperature of 270°

Chemical vapor

If you properly use surface covers on clinical contact surfaces at chairside for each patient, which of the following is not necessary?

Clean and disinfect those surfaces between patients.

How should one manage the infection control of most digital radiographic sensors?

Cover them to prevent contamination when placed in the mouth.

Protective eyewear and a mask are the most important personal protective equipment (PPE) when using a:

Dental lathe

How would you best document that used anesthetic needles are being recapped safely by a newly hired dental assistant?

Directly observe the assistant recapping needles

Deals with issues of concern to the environment and public safety


The agency that regulates waste once it leaves the dental office.


Which Federal agency regulates the final treatment of regulated medical waste?


Which US government agency helps assure the safety and effectiveness of surface disinfectants?


A "Culture of Safety" is best defined as:

Efforts made by the employer and employees to provide a safe work environment.

From whom will OSHA take complaints against a dental office?

Employees and patients

OSHA form 3165

Employers requirements & employees rights

Which of the following is one of the purposes of OSHA?

Establish separate but dependent responsibilities and rights for employees and employers to help achieve better working conditions.

Any type of bodily contact with a bloodborne pathogen, hazardous chemical or occupational injury is recorded on this document.

Exposure incident form

The manufacturing of medical devices like sterilizers is regulated by what US agency?


TF After persons have received the hepatitis B vaccination series, they must be given a booster shot every 5 years to maintain their immunity.


TF Instrument sterilization is mandated by OSHA under the BBP standard.


TF OSHA determined that offices and clinics of dentists are of a low hazard and do not have to keep an OSHA injury and illness record unless the government ask for it.


TF Research has shown that an alcohol-based disinfectant is a better cleaner of biologic materials, such as blood, than a water-based disinfectant product.


TF The employee must request the HBV series within 15 days of employment or the employer is not obligated to provide the vaccine at no cost.


TF Training is only required for full-time employees in the dental practice.


TF Under the OSHA's BBP standard the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act states that there must be at least 12 employees in a dental office in order for the act to be enforced.


TF Under the secondary labeling regulation, OSHA states that a copy of the original container is not acceptable to mee the mandated labeling requirement.


TF With the advent of new products, it has been determined that there is now a disinfectant wthat will rapidly kill ALL types of diseaes-producing microorganisms.


Tf The office cannot be held accountable for acts of God, patients in the practice at the time of such occurance understand that


TF For dental infection control, any water-based surface disinfectant is appropriate.

False (must be EPA approved)

The main publication for all OSHA information is the:

Federal Register

A new spray disinfectant has been ordered for the office. What should be done to comply with the Hazard Communication Standard when it arrives?

File the Safety Data Sheet and revise the list of chemicals

Why should ultrasonic cleaners or automatic instrument washers be used instead of routine hand-scrubbing to clean contaminated dental instruments?

Hand-scrubbing increases the chances of sharps injuries.

Most OSHA inspections of dental offices involve complaints about the bloodborne pathogens standard and:

Hazard Communication

The employee has a "right to know" of potential dangers associated with hazardous chemicals in the work place.

Hazard communication program

What is the correct sequence of the instrument processing steps?

Holding, precleaning, corrosion control, packaging, sterilization, monitoring, handling

What is regulated medical waste?

Infectious medical waste that requires special handling, neutralization, and disposal

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