OT Exam 6

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What is the impact of all the specific prophecies in Daniel? What does it tell us about God?

The impact of the prophecies is that God controls it all. God knows the future because he controls it.

How have liberal critics attacked the unity and authorship of Isaiah?

liberal critics have argued in the last 150 years that Isaiah 40-66 was written by "deutro-Isaiah," an anonymous author in the 500s who added his 27 chapters to Isaiah's writings from the 600s.

What textual problem with Jeremiah did the professor identify?

A major question circles around the differences between existing (extant) Hebrew copies of the book of Jeremiah, and extant Greek translations of Jeremiah in the Septuagint (LXX)

What two approaches does Babylon use to try to assimilate Daniel and the Hebrew youth into Chaldean culture?

Babylon attempts to assimilate Daniel subtly to adopt the values of Babylon, even though those values go against God's law. Then Babylon directly attacks the Hebrew men's faith: worship Nebuchadnezzar or die

What is the climactic message of doom offered in Jeremiah 25? What will happen to Judah? For how long?

Because Judah has not listened, they are going off to exile. Judah's response? They reject Jeremiah and his message.

Why do we call the major prophets the major prophets?

Major prophets are labeled because of the size of their books.

How is Judah pictured in Jeremiah 3, in light of her sister Israel?

Judah is seen as a treacherous oar, just like the Northern Kingdom was earlier.

What are the approximate dates/times for each of the major prophets, and what historical circumstances do they fact?

-Isaiah address Judah (primarily) during the time when Israel is in the process of being judged by God in the 700s. -Jeremiah writes to Judah as the Southern Kingdom nears and finally goes, into exile to Babylon in the late 600s and early 500s. -Ezekiel writes the first part of his book to Judah from Babylon before Jerusalem is destroyed in 586. . - Daniel writes from Babylon where he lives most of his life in exile in the 500s.

When does Jeremiah prophesy? Be able to think your way through the major events of the region from 722 through 586, including Assyria, Egypt, and Babylon

-Jeremiah begins prophesying in the 13th year of Josiah (Jeremiah 1:2), until the exile of the remaining people in Jerusalem (1:3), from 627 to 586. -It was a time of great stress and, finally, collapse of Judah. Israel had gone into captivity about a century earlier (722) and Assyria remained the major world power. Assyria repeatedly attacked Judah and extorted money from the Judean kings. However, the Assyrians were losing their power quickly to the new world power—Babylon (Chaldeans). Internally, Judah also declines during the years of Jeremiah. Judah has suffered under the idolatry of Manasseh for 55 years, the worst king of Judah who provoked God to send Judah into exile (cf. 2 Kings 21:1-15). Josiah follows as king and leads great reforms and revivals until his death in battle with Egypt. The next several kings waver and wander into idolatry. Babylon conquers the nation in 586.

What three points does Jeremiah make from the Temple steps in chapters 7-10, according to Walt Kaiser?

-attendance at the temple is no substitute for repentance (Jeremiah 7:4-15) -Observance of religious acts is no substitute for obedience (Jeremiah 7:16-27) -Possession of God's word is no substitute for responding to what God's word says (Jeremiah 8:8-9)

Be able to recognize the flow of the section, Isaiah 1-39.

1-39.The flow of the section: • Judah is guilty (God is enumerating that) - Isaiah 1-6 • A deliverer will demonstrate God's coming restoration • God's wrath is proclaimed • Historical summary of the times of King Hezekiah

What is unusual about the language of Daniel?

Daniel is unusual because it is written in two languages - Hebrew and Aramaic.

In what way are Lamentations and Deuteronomy 28 the "theological bookends" of the OT history of Israel?

Deuteronomy 28 predicts the nation will not stand if they do not keep the covenant made at Sinai, and obey the Mosaic Law.

Who are the exile prophets? What do we know about both of them?

Ezekiel and Daniel are the two exile prophets. They are proclaiming hope to the exiled nation. Ezekiel prophesied for at least 22 years while Daniel prophesied for at least 69 years.

What two prophets focus the most on the establishment of God's kingdom at the end of time? Why do they focus on this topic so much?

Ezekiel and Daniel. They are proclaiming hope to the exiled nation. God's plan is not ended or defeated. Its glory is still on the way.

How is the literary style of Ezekiel distinctive? Why did he use these literary "gimmicks?"

Ezekiel uses the most creative literary of any of the OT prophets, and they all are colorful: provers, visions, parables, symbolic acts, and allegories. These literary gimmicks are probably included as attention-getting devises to a nation which has the habit of ignoring the prophets.

What does Ezekiel see in the Temple in chapter 8? What is God's response?

Ezekiel witnesses the sins of the people, idols carved into the temple walls, women praying with tears to their idols, and men ignoring God as they worship the sun. The result of it all is that God will show no mercy.

How does Daniel 9:24-27 describe coming events for Israel?

Gabriel comes to Daniel to answer his prayer. Seventy weeks (sevens) are decreed to finish prophecy for Israel. From the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, 69 weeks/sevens of years will pass before the Messiah comes (9:24). Then the Messiah will be cut off.

How is God portrayed in Isaiah 40-48? How is He distinguished from idols?

God is also repeatedly distinguished from all other gods, in light of His ability to predict the future.

What is Ezekiel's role for the nation, according to Ezekiel 3:16-21?

God makes it clear to Ezekiel what his role is: a watchman for Judah.

What features of the New Covenant did we study in Jeremiah 31-33?

God promises forgiven sin and changed hearts and the Messiah governs the new covenant age

What title is given to the deliverer described in Isaiah 49-57? In what two ways is this title used in the section?

God's servant is seen as the deliverer of the nation. The servant in this section, and in all of Isaiah, is seen in two ways: an individual serving the nation all of Israel serving the nation

What two features of the Jews' covenant relationship with God does the book of Isaiah remind of us of (including the central passage for each feature)?

Isaiah is a constant reminder to Judah of their special covenant relationship with God. They are chosen instruments of God and they are also accountable to God. Therefore, sin must be judged before blessing can commence.

What do we know about Isaiah as a prophet?

Isaiah prophesied for at least 58 years from the death of King Uzziah (739) to the death of Sennacherib (681).

What does Isaiah's vision of God in chapter 6, show him about God? What is Isaiah's response to what he sees?

Isaiah sees God's glory and hears God's holiness proclaimed. His response? He is convicted of his own sin.

In Isaiah 49-57, how does the Messiah's role compare to Israel's role as agents of God's blessing to the nations?

Israel was supposed to be that agent of blessing. Because of their failure, the Messiah will serve as that agent for the nations and also for Israel.

What do we know about the prophet Jeremiah.

Jeremiah lived in Anathoth, just outside Jerusalem. Jeremiah was active as a prophet for at least 41 years (627-586).

What are the circumstances around the writing of Lamentations?

Jeremiah mourns over the loss in the book of Lamentations

How does Ezekiel describe God's restoration of the nation in chapters 40-46?

Jerusalem is rebuilt with a new temple, God's gory returns to fill the temple, and the people now serve God with changed hearts.

What is the basis of hope for restoration in Lamentations?

Since God is faithful to pour out His wrath as He promised, they can hope for deliverance, even while mourning, because God has promised restoration too.

What two attitudes characterize the Jews when Jeremiah is active as a prophet?

The Jews hold superficially to the forms of religious ritual and yet they continue to practice things that are hateful to God, including idolatry.

What two audiences is Ezekiel writing to in chapters 1-24?

The Jews with him in exile, explaining why they are in exile. Also, the Jews who remain in Judah who refuse to repent, even as the consequences of their sins are happening to them

What is the literary structure of Jeremiah? Does the book have an overall unity and flow? Explain

The book is not arranged chronologically and appears to be arranged thematically

What is the climactic vision of Ezekiel in chapter 25? How do we understand the symbolism of what happened as it relates to the destruction of Jerusalem?

The climatic vision is that Ezekiel's wife. Ezekiel is commanded not to mourn publicly. God will use her death as a symbol of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, when all inhabitants are affected.

In what sense does the entire book of Ezekiel revolve around what happens in chapter 1?

The entire book of Ezekiel revolves around the vision of God that Ezekiel sees in chapter 1

What does Messiah do in Isaiah 58-66? How is the age described?

The messiah will establish His rule over all of the earth the mesaiah now describes the culmination of the age - a new age. • A time of sincere repentance • The new Jerusalem is established • The new heavens and new earth • The Spirit-filled Messiah ministers

According to Walter Kaiser, what mistake have the Jews made in the times of Isaiah?

The people falsely assumed that God would never visit Zion with destruction - He would only devastate His promise of an everlasting plan.

What is a "limping meter?" What is the emotional result of this kind of meter in Lamentations?

The poetic meter is called a limping meter (Qinah), where the second line of a verse has one less beat than the first line

how do the priests and prophets respond to Jeremiah's warnings?

The priests and prophets seek to kill Jeremiah for prophesying against Jerusalem, when Jehoiachim is king.

What is the purpose of Isaiah 40-66?

The purpose is to comfort Judah in their distress by describing the greatness of God's coming deliverance

What is the purpose of Jeremiah?

The purpose of Jeremiah is to proclaim God's judgment against His faithless people and the nations, yet with the hope of a lasting future restoration

What are the two major sections of Isaiah?

The two major sections of Isaiah are judgment coming to Judah and restoration after judgment.

In Jeremiah 29, how do those already exiled to Babylon respond to Jeremiah's letter to them?

They still resist it and want to do harm to the messenger.

What is the purpose of Daniel? What sub-purpose did we also identify?

To declare God's control of all nations, leaders, and events, as He establishes His kingdom. A sub-purpose of Daniel is: • Daniel is an example of devotion to God under intense pressure to conform • He has internal convictions that he will not violate.

What is the purpose of Lamentations?

To grieve over the wages of sin and to call on God to deliver His people from their suffering.

What is the purpose of Ezekiel?

To proclaim God's glory to the disobedient nation, explaining God's judgment in the coming kingdom

What is the purpose of the book? What are the two phases or parts of that purpose?

to encourage the nation to return to God and to trust Him in the midst of coming calamity. (1) the nation will be judged for its sin (Deuteronomy 28) and (2) God will restore them to their land and establish His rule over the earth.

What is the purpose for Isaiah 1-39?

to proclaim the coming judgment of Judah for its failure to obey the Mosaic Covenant.

Who is the "prince who is to come" in Daniel 9:24-27? What does he do? What two characters in human history fit him?

• Antiochs Epiphanes - greek ruler who defiled the Temple in 175 B.C., forbidding circumcision, and destroying OT books • Roman General Titus - destroyed and the Temple in 70 A.D. and the Jews were scattered. • Anti-Christ

Why are the Gentile nations judged, according to Jeremiah 46-51? Is the judgment justified? Explain.

• God will bring justice to all of the nations, especially those who have abused His people. • God's actions against the nations are shown to be deserved, never unjustified.

What two responses does Jeremiah give to Gentiles who may be tempted to look on at Judah's discipline with amusement?

• God's terrible wrath is coming to the Gentile nations especially those who have persecuted Judah (Jeremiah 46-51). If God is this severe with Judah, His chosen people think of the wrath awaiting the Gentiles. • A new covenant (Jeremiah 30-33) will restore the nation and give them a new heart to obey God.

How is this character's role described in Isaiah 52:14 to 53:12?

• His suffering astonishes many • His glorious triumph will astonish the kings of the earth • His death for sin will be lead to his greatness being established

What two attitudes are needed by the Jews at the time when Ezekiel writes?

• Humility to repent • Hope to trust God

How does the purpose of Isaiah 1-5 mesh with Isaiah 6:9-12?

• Isaiah 1-5 proves the nation's sin • Isaiah 6:9-13 shows that the nation faces God's discipline

What three truths have been established by the end of Isaiah?

• Israel and Judah face God's discipline due to their sin and God's holiness • Judah can be assured of great glory when God rules over the earth led by the Messiah • An ultimate atonement for sin is made by the Messiah

What is the purpose of Jeremiah 52?

• It confirms from another source that all that Jeremiah predicted came true • The chapter serves to vindicate the prophet (proven to be true/right/blameless)

How does God reassure Jeremiah in chapter 1, in light of his difficult task to be a prophet of doom to Judah (two ways)?

• Jeremiah was set apart from birth as God's chosen prophet (1:5) • God also protects him as long as he faithfully says what God wants him to say (Jeremiah 1:5-8, 17-19)

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