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What are the final arrangements made for Desdemona?

Desdemona will go to Cyrus with Othello at 9 in the morning. She wants to go to war because she fell in love with him and his adventure. They would be taking away what she loves about him the most. "At nine i'the morning, here we'll meet again./ Othello, leave some officer behind/ And he shall our commission bring to you". (I.iii.76-78)


Desdemona's cousin, messenger from Venice to Cyprus


Desdemona's father, and a Venetian senator

What favor does Cassio ask of Bianca?

He asks Bianca to embroider him handkerchief with the same design as the one he found. Although he doesn't know who the handkerchief belongs to, he is drawn to it and wants one of his own. He finds the embriodery enchanting.

What question does Othello ask the waking Desdemona? What is the significance of this question?

He asks if she has prayed because he still wants her to ask for forgiveness for her sins so she can go to heaven. He wants to make sure she is safe in heaven. He is wavering. He continues to kiss her and just says just one more. Her crime is so bad that he must render justice

Discuss the significance of "Othello's occupation's gone" (358).

He doesn't know who he is anymore. What he knows best is war and he isn't even a general anymore. He has lost faith of his wife.

Even after he hears the reason for the duke's emergency session of the senate, does Brabantio change his concern? Why?

He doesn't since all of his concerns are focused on his daughter's elopement. "In this time of the night? Bring him away/ Mine's not an idle cause. The Duke himself/ Or any of my brothers of the state" (I.ii.117-120).

Describe Othello after he realizes he has murdered an innocent Desdemona.

He doesn't want to live anymore. He's damned himself to Hell. He killed an innocent woman who he killed. He doesn't know who he is anymore. He is so far removed from who he used to be. He is no longer Othello. He stabs at Iago but doesn't kill him. He lets him live because he feels that it is a happier place once you die.

What will Othello not do in killing Desdemona? Why is this significant?

He doesn't want to maur or destroy her beauty He doesn't seem like a man that would kill. He sees himself as a man who needs to do this. The significance is that the audience sees the duality of Othello. He is conflicted.

How does Cassio fall into disgrace? Whose fault is it?

He gets into a fight and starts a riot, since he's drunk. He fell into Iago's trap and now Cassio will have to deal with the repercussions. "A knave teach me my duty!/ I'll beat the knave into a twiggen bottle" (II.iii.284-285)

What does Othello announce about the impending war with the Turks?

The Turks drowned due to the storm "Come, let us to the castle. News, friends; our wars are done; the Turks are drown'd" (II.ii.194-196).

Whose help does Cassio seek in order to speak with Emilia?

The clown, who provides comedic relief after Iago's soliloquy, is sent to get Emilia to talk with Cassio "...tell her there's one Cassio entreats her a little favour of speech. WIlt thou do this?" (III.i.25-26)

Sum up the reports that the duke and the senators hear about impending war in Cyprus.

The duke and senators tell everyone that they received movements on impending war of the Turkish fleets. Brabantio demands evidence "A Turkish fleet, and bearing up to Cyprus" (I.iii.8).

what disturbs Brabantio most about the marriage?

The fact that Desdemona would run off with Othello. He can't believe that she would betray him after what he believes his daughter to be. "A maiden never bold/ Of spirit so still and quiet that her motion/ Blush'd at herself; and she, in spite of nature/ Of years, of country, credit, everything/ To fall in love with what she fear'd to look on" (I.iii.94-98) He once respected him because he was a general and invited him over to listen to his stories. Since he is black, he is unsuitable for his daughter.


The governor of Cyprus before Othello.

What are Iago's true thoughts about Cassio and Roderigo's lives as voiced in his aside?

They are ponds in his plan and he doesn't care who dies. Either way it will help his plan if someone dies

Describe the reunion between Desdemona and Othello.

They embrace each other and share a kiss after seeing each other for the first time from the storm. "The heavens forbid/ But that our loves and comforts should increase,/ Even as our days do grow!" (II.i.985-987).

How do the duke and the senators show that they are trying to conduct a fair hearing of this case?

They let Othello speak "But, Othello, speak..." (I.iii.110). Othello asks for Desdemona to speak and the Duke grants that wish "Send for the lady to the Sagittary/ And let her speak of me before her father" (I.iii.115-116).

Notice that, with one exception, the scene is written in blank verse. Identify the section. Why did Shakespeare write this section in prose?

This section is I.i.109-114 where Iago discusses the sexual intimacy of Desdemona and Othello. We know this because the margins are the same. His words are vulgar, dirty, and racist by calling him a horse. The prose makes his words sound more cruel and threatening. His words are gruesome and he doesn't want to write these comments in his beautiful writing. "Zounds, sir, you're robbed. For shame, put on your/ gown! Your heart is burst. You have lost half your soul/ Even now, now, very now, an old black ram/ Is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise!/ Awake the snorting citizens with the bell,/ Or else the devil will make a grandsire of you./ Arise, I say!"(I.i.94-109).

the duke

has great respect for Othello as a public and military servant, sides with him

Examine Othello's lines 260-279. What does Othello say he will do if he does find Desdemona to be unfaithful? What does he feel could account for his loss of Desdemona and what does Othello say about marriage and women?

ocular evidence


A jealous suitor of Desdemona. Young, rich, and foolish

Describe Othello's treatment of Desdemona when she attempts to defend herself.

After Desdemona tries to defend herself by telling Othello that she is pure, Othello treats her like dirt, and calls her a liar. He says he imagines a life where she had never been born, and calls her a common ***** and a strumpet to her face. Every time Desdemona tries to convince Othello that she is a loyal wife, he completely ignores her and continues to believe his own suspicions.

What does Othello repeatedly say about how he feels about Desdemona regarding her request on Cassio's behalf? Cite his lines.

"I will deny thee nothing" (III.iii.76) Othello says. He will always grant what she wants because he loves her.

What effect does Iago's story about Cassio's dream have upon Othello? Cite and discuss specific textual evidence. How would you describe Othello now?

"In sleep I heard him say, 'Sweet Desdemona,/ Let us be wary, let us hide our loves'./ And then, sir, he would gripe and wring my hand, Cry, 'O sweet creature!' and then kiss me hard,/ As if he pluck'd up my kisses by the roots..." (III.iii.420-424). Othello is angered. "O monstrous, monstrous!" (III.iii.428). Othello now says that he will tear his wife to pieces if Desdemona were to have given Cassio the handkerchief that he gave to Desdemona. He now sounds like Iago the more that Iago feeds Othello's doubts.

"She did deceive her father, marrying you; / And when she seemed to shake and fear your looks / She lov'd them most." Why are these lines spoken to Othello by Iago significant?

"She did deceive her father, marrying you/ And when she seem'd to shake and fear your looks/ She lov'd them most" (III.iii.208-210) Iago is telling Cassio to watch him well since Desdemona could disobey him like she did to her father

Ironically, Othello himself describes some of the very tactics Iago uses to ensnare him with false jealousy. Cite an example of this from the text and discuss the significance of Othello's words.

"Therefore these stops of thine fright me the more; For such things in a flase disloyal knave" (III.iii.121-122). "And didst contract and purse thy brow together, Some horrible conceit..." (III.iii.114-115) Iago does this intentionally to worry Othello It frightens Iago more since Othello believes Iago to be honest and have Othello's heart in mind

When Othello demands that he will be "satisfied" with concrete proof of Desdemona's betrayal, how does Iago's imagery, diction, and evidence change? Cite lines.

"Would you, the supervisor, grossly gape on? Behold her topp'd" (III.iii.396-397). Iago asks Othello if he would like to see his wife in bed with another man, Cassio Iago knows that Othello is doubtful and uses his diction to futher inflict doubts into Othello

Who does Iago blame for Cassio's attack?

Bianca is to blame because she is a prostitute and she is less likely to be believed because of her status. People would believe "honest Iago"


Brabantio's brother

Explain Brabantio's first response to the duke.

Brabantio's first response to the Duke was about his concern that someone has stolen his daughter with magic. He doesn't explicitly name Othello yet. "She is abus'd, stol'n from me, and corrupted/ By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks" (I.iii.60-61).

Who succeeds Othello in Cyprus? What is Iago's fate at the end of the tragedy?

Cassio Iago is at the mercy of Cassio and Cassio will decide his faith

What weakness does Cassio admit?

Cassio admits that his weakness is that he cannot hold his liquor well. "I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking. I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment" (II.iii.29-31).

What does Othello think has happened when he hears Cassio yell "help" and "murder" (31-32)? What does Othello mean when he says, "Thou teachest me" (33)?

Cassio gets wounded by Iago Othello thinks that Iago has killed Cassio and he likes that he followed through with his plan He taught him how to kill and now he thinks he has to kill Desdemona himself

How does Cassio fit into Iago's emerging plan?

Cassio is going to be "too close to Desdemona" Roderigo is going to make Cassio so mad that Cassio hits him and he loses his position. Iago wants Cassio to suffer and wants his position of lieutenant Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona doesn't love Othello anymore, she loves Cassio "The lieutenant tonight watches on the court of guard:—first, I must tell thee this—Desdemona is directly in love with him." (II.i. 1014-1017)

How does Cassio plan to try to regain his position?

Cassio plans to get his position back by talking to Desdemona who will talk highly of him to Othello. "...I will beseech the virtuous Desdemona to undertake for me..." (II.iii.308-310).

Who kills Roderigo and under what circumstances?

Cassio said someone hurt him and blames Roderigo.

What innocent error does Desdemona make when she speaks to Othello after Cassio's departure? What additional information does the audience learn about Othello and Cassio's past from Desdemona?

Cassio was helping Othello and Desdemona's relationship take off. Cassio always spoke on Othello's behalf to Desdemona. "No, not tonight" (III.iii.59) "Tomorrow dinner then" (III.iii.60). She continues to hastle Othello over Cassio's job and he just wants a break.

What news does Emilia share with Cassio and how does she respond to Cassio's parting request?

Cassio will get his position back eventually since Othello still cares for him and respects him. He cannot give Cassio his job back yet because it wouldn't look right. He asks to talk with Desdemona and she agrees that she will talk to her.

What does Desdemona ask Emilia to do for her? Speculate why.

Desdemona asks Emilia to lay her white wedding sheets on the bed that her and Othello sleep in. I believe Desdemona did this so that when Othello comes to sleep, he will be reminded of their happy memories and all the reasons they married in the first place. Additionally, the bed sheets represent purity and love, and Desdemona thinks that Othello will be pleased if he sees this.

When Othello and Iago see Desdemona and Cassio talking, how does Iago begin to plant the seeds of jealousy to ensnare Othello?

Desdemona continues to babble on about Cassio and with Iago's talking about Desdemona loving Cassio to Othello, it causes strains on their relationship Iago hints that he doesn't like that Cassio and Desdemona were together and provokes Othello to ask a question. Iago is trying to give Othello a reason to suspect there is something that Cassio is hiding. Creates doubt in Othello and makes him think that something is happening between Cassio and Desdemona. At this point he isn't jealous or worried.

What does Desdemona think might be the cause of Othello's harsh nature this time?

Desdemona does not know exactly what caused Othello's harsh nature, but she believes that if Emilia is right, and some villain poisoned Othello's mind in order to get a job, heaven must forgive Othello for it.

What new insights does the reader gain about Desdemona's personality through her dialogue with Iago?

Desdemona is strong-willed, brave, not timid. She is challenging a man who is in the military, a man of rank "O most lame and impotent conclusion! Do not learn of him, Emilia, though he be thy husband." (II.i.949-950)" Emilia doesn't have the courage to stand up for herself to Iago. She takes his gruesome comments and doesn't do anything about it. "You shall not write my praise" (II.i.903)

Describe the circumstances under which Desdemona's handkerchief is lost. Who takes it and why?

Desdemona tries to press on the pain on Othello's forehead to 'remove the horns' that would be growing from his head. Othello says that her handkerchief is too little. He pushes it away from him and she drops it. Emilia takes the handkerchief because her husband asked her to steal it. It was the first gift that Othello ever gave Desdemona.

Describe the battle of wits involving Desdemona, Emilia, and Iago.

Drowned at sea Desdemona's challenge to Iago is to compliment a woman. She challenges him to say a compliment to her. He was unable to even provide a competent attempt Iago criticizes Emilia Desdemona challenging him to voice some words of praise for Desdemona herself Iago resents Desdemona's defense of Emilia and her criticism is of his flat and pointless attempt as praise. "Come, how wouldst thou praise me?" (II.i.913)


General --> Governor of Cyprus, North African prince

Summarize Emilia's response to Desdemona's question about women's behavior. What does this say about Emilia?

Emilia is very logical about it; she thinks about what the consequences are for cheating compared to what the rewards for it could be. Obviously, she is reasonable in that she wouldn't commit it for something small and not super valuable. However, she would cheat if it meant that the benefits, such as making her husband a monarch, is greater value than the action. She also says that she would "venture purgatory for't." It being the monarch position for her husband. This shows that Emilia, yet honorable, is not as pure and dedicated as Desdemona. She is reasonable about it, and less scared of the consequences.

What does Emilia think is the cause of Othello's ill-tempered mood? Cite lines.

Emilia says hopefully it is only about work Realistically, he could just be jealous to be jealous, there may not be a probable cause "Is not this man jealous" (III.iiii.93)

How does Emilia answer Othello's accusations about Desdemona? How does Othello discount her response?

Emilia tries to convince Othello that all she saw was an innocent conversation between Cassio and Desdemona. She answers all his accusations with honesty and finality, and tells Othello to let go of whatever suspicions someone else may have planted in his head. Othello responds by dismissing Emilia, and calling Desdemona a ***** who is good at keeping secrets.

Why is Brabantio angry at the end of the scene?

He is angry and shocked. His daughter ran away and eloped with Othello. "How got she out? O treason of the blood!/ Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters' minds/ By what you see them act." (I.i.91-93).

What seems to be Brabantio's attitude toward Roderigo?

He is angry and shocked. His daughter ran away and eloped with Othello. He also hates Roderigo and doesn't want him near him. "What is the reason of this terrible summons?" (I.i.89). "I have charged thee not to haunt about my doors/ In honest plainness thou hast heard me say/ My daughter is not for thee." (I.i.107-109).

What are your impressions about Iago's character and attitude after his soliloquy once Cassio exits? (lines 314-340)

He is highly manipulative and devious. He is watching the demise of his enemies and sees his plan unfolding. "And what's he then that says I play the villain/ When this advice is free I give..." (II.iii.314-315).

Summarize Othello's final words before he commits suicide and comment on their significance. Where is he when he dies?

He is on the bed where he killed her. They die alongside each other. He loved Desdemona so much that it all consumed himself, however he was foolish to believe Iago over his own wife. *side note: Brabantio died of heartbreak because of the marriage of Othello and Desdemona. All proceeds of Desdemona go to Grantiano.

Describe Othello's state after he kills Desdemona, before Emilia discovers her dead body.

He is stressed and feeling panicked that he killed his wife. He doesn't know what he should do. He contradicts himself over and over again. A man that used to be calm and secure has become lost and panicked.

How does Othello's response to Iago reveal his own positive self-image?

He is very calm and reveals his undying love for Desdemona. He lives his life with the utmost honor and in his language he speaks very respectfully to Iago. "But that I Love the gentle Desdemona/ I would not have my unhoused free condition..." (I.ii.25-26).

What does Iago do with the handkerchief and why?

He puts it in a place for Cassio to find it. Iago believes that this could be tangible/ocular evidence that Desdemona cheated on Othello if he were to believe that she gave it to Cassio.

Why are the duke's words cold comfort to Brabantio?

He realizes that his stories wooed his daughter like they wooed him and witchcraft may not have been involved. "But words are words; I never yet did hear/ That the bruis'd heart was pierced through the ear," (I.iii.216-217)

How does Iago manage to calm and use the irate Roderigo to further his plan?

He says Roderigo needs to keep Othello around in order for Desdemona to stay. He must kill Cassio and if he does, within two nights, he will be with Desdemona.

How does Iago in his next lines try to intimidate Othello?

He says that Brabantio does not give him his blessing to marry Desdemona and he will do everything in his power to break them up. "He will divorce you/ Or put upon you what restraint and grievance" (I.ii.14-15).

What does Iago say in his soliloquy at the end of act I? What does he believe and what is his plan?

He tells Roderigo to get more money in order to get Desdemona. Then he tells him that if they work together and get Othello to believe that Desdemona is cheating on him. Iago believes that Othello will believe Iago because he believes he's an honest man. "After some time, to abuse Othello's ear/ That he is too familiar with hus wife" (I.iii.86-87). He would say that Cassio is getting too close to Desdemona.

Describe Iago's attitude toward and use of Roderigo

He thinks he's weak and easy to manipulate. First he provoked Othello into believing that Cassio willingly chose to fight Montano and cause chaos. Now he is deceiving Roderigo and using him once again to get what he wants. "His soul is so enfetter'd to her love..." (II.iii.323).

Why is Iago so anxious that Roderigo not take his own life?

He thinks of Roderigo as a money fund. He does not care about his life, but his money. He needs to keep him alive and making money so Iago can manipulate him into giving it to him. "It cannot be that Desdemona should long continue her love to the Moor- put money in thy purse - nor he his to her" (I.iii.37-39)

Feeling he has been played a fool, what does Roderigo threaten Iago that he will do?

He threatens to quit his pursuit for Desdemona because all his pining after her is not working. He won't continue to pay Iago if he has no shot with Desdemona.

Explain why Iago plots his own war against Othello, Cassio, and Desdemona. (No quote needed.)

He thrives on chaos and wants to see his threats destroyed. Othello appointed Cassio as lieutenant and Iago wanted that position. Now he is upset at Othello and Cassio and wishes suffering upon both of them He uses the characters to fight each other by feeding each of the characters false information about each other

How does Desdemona respond to her father's questions?

He treats him with respect, but kind "How to respect you You are lord of all my duty... But here's my husband..." (I.iii.182-183).

Why does Iago resent Othello?

He was promoted over Iago and Othello picked a scholar, Cassio, not one who is knowledgeable in soldiership like Iago. "Off-capped to him; and, by the faith of man/ I know my price, I am worth no worse a place" (I.i.11-12).

What does the duke promise Brabantio?

He will give whoever did this the death Penalty and Justice will be served. "The bloody book of law/ You shall yourself read in the bitter letter / After your own sense" (I.iii.68-69)

Why does Othello tell Iago "Thou hast set me on the rack" (336)?

He wish he had never heard of the thoughts of Desdemona's betrayal. The thought is killing him

When Othello asks Iago why he ensnared him in his evil plot, what is Iago's response?

He's not boastful anymore. He said he won't say another word. He lost his reputation and he can no longer manipulate people. He doesn't want to incriminate himself anymore. The people want to know why he did what he did, but by shutting up the people will never know. He won't give the people what they want.

Discuss the significance of Othello's lines after Desdemona and Emilia exit the scene. Cite the lines.

His world will be full of chaos and pain the day that Othello doesn't love Desdemona. "...When I love thee not,/ Chaos is come again" (III.iii.91-92).

What promise does Desdemona make to Cassio? Cite the lines. Why is Cassio in such a hurry to be reconciled with Othello?

I'll intermingle every thing he does/ With Cassio's suit" (III.iii.25-26). "Thy solicitor shall rather die/ Than give thy cause away" (III.iii.27-28). Foreshadowing Desdemona's fate. She won't stop talking about him until she dies. She would want to die trying. She promises to continue to talk baout him and giving his job back to Othello The general will forget Cassio's love and service if he waits too long to get his job back

Discuss the significance of Iago and Othello kneeling together at the end of act III.iii.

Iago 100% wins over Othello. It is like they are worshipping the devil, Iago Both of them kneeling symbolizes them uniting to complete some heinous revenge

What has Iago won by the end of act III.iii?

Iago is in complete and utter control of Othello Iago's #1 enemy, Cassio will die at the hands of Iago himself Iago gets the lieutenant position

Reread Iago's lines at the very end of act II.iii. What are the next moves Iago plans?

Iago plans on having Othello believe that Cassio and Desdemona have something going on. He is taking his time and being methodological in his schemes. Iago uses his nickname "honest Iago" to deceive Othello and have him believe him. "Dull not device by coldness and delay" (II.iii.365).

What does Iago say in his soliloquy at the end of the scene? What does he believe about Cassio and Desdemona, Othello and Desdemona, his own feelings for Desdemona, and his suspicions of the Moor? How does he plan to discredit Cassio?

Iago plans to take advantage of Desdemona's kindness and use Othello's trustingness to his advantage. He will put Cassio into a position that will get him in trouble with Othello and Iago can swoop in and steal his position. "Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor/ At least into a jealousy so strong" (II.i.1101-1102). "I'll have our Michael Cassio on the hip,/ Abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb—/ For I fear Cassio with my night-cap too—" (II.i.1106-1108)

What surprising news does Emilia learn from Othello after he confesses his murder of Desdemona? How does she respond to this news?

Iago told Othello a lie (that Desdemona was cheating) She doesn't believe Iago right away and protects him

What does Iago first try to manipulate Cassio into admitting?

Iago tries to manipulate Cassio into degrading Desdemona and sexualizing her. However, Cassio continues to be respectful. "And I'll warrant her full of game. Indeed she is a most fresh and delicate creature" (II.iii.18-19).

Why does Iago not tell Cassio that Othello is married to Desdemona?

Iago wants to set up Cassio and take his job. "Faith, he tonight hath boarded a land carrack/ If it prove lawful prize, he's made forever." (I.ii.60-61).

Othello tells Iago he would not live a life filled with jealousy. Why does he say he should not doubt Desdemona's faithfulness? What does he say he would do if he were to have doubts about her? Cite the lines.

Iago warns Othello of his jealously "It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/ The meat it feeds on. That cuckold lives in bliss/ Who certain of his fate loves not his wronger..." (III.iii.168-170). "'Tis not to make me jealous/ To say my wife is fair, feeds well, love company/ Is free of speech, sing, plays, and dances well" (III.iii.185-187). "No, Iago/ I'll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove; And on the proof there is no more but this: Away at once with love or jealousy" (III.iii.191-194) I won't doubt her until I have proof. Othello would never be jealous of Desdemona until he have tangible proof.

How does Iago finally convince Roderigo to believe in him?

Iago will help Roderigo stir up drama that will break up Othello and Desdemona and so Roderigo can be with her. Desdemona will eventually loose interest in her husband and that will leave a door open for Roderigo. Iago says that there is till hope for Roderigo. "When she is saded with his body" Othello will eventually loose interest in her "...Let us be conjuctive in our revenge against him. If thou canst cuckold him, thou dost tuself a pleasure, me a sport" (I.iii.360-361).


Iago's wife and Desdemona's attendant

So far we have met three characters. In a few words, describe the personality of each.

Iago: He is manipulative and harsh with his words. He understands his power and uses it to his advantage. He enjoys stirring up chaos. He is racist and cunning. His manner of speaking is not refined, it is crude. "I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter/ and the Moor are now making the beast with/ two backs." (I.i.129-131). Brabantio: He is an overprotective father and seems to have a racial bias. Due to his power as a Venetian politician, his riches enable Desdemona to financially be successful. His worries cause her to be sheltered, resulting in her running away and eloping with Othello. Othello must have used magic to lure her away He expects his daughter to be obedient. Roderigo: He is foolish and gullible. He wastes his money by trusting Iago's empty promises. He desperately wants to be with Desdemona and it clouds his judgment. Then he works with Iago even after he found out that he screwed him over. He is wealthy and racist too.

How is Othello's jealousy revealed during his conversation with Desdemona? How does Othello "test" Desdemona? Cite lines.

Insults Desdemona by commenting on her "moist hand" → sexual reference Othello asks Desdemona about the whereabouts of the Handkerchief that Othello gave her. "Lend me thy handkerchief" (III.iiii.48)

Why do you think Shakespeare included this brief scene? What purpose does it serve?

It displays Othello assertiveness and that he is in control. It shows the last moments when Othello is in charge before people stop listening to him. "Well, my good lord, I'll do't" (III.ii.4) Iago obeys him one last time and then things start to take a turn.

Where are Roderigo and Iago at the opening of act V.i? What is Iago's plan and how does Roderigo feel about it?

It is night and they are at Bianca's house waiting to kill Cassio Roderigo takes Iago's demand to kill Cassio and he is okay with it as long as he gets Desdemona

How do we know what time it is during this scene?

It is night time because Iago yells up to Brabantio's window to wake him up and tell him the news about Othello and Desdemona. Brabantio cannot see Iago. "Arise, arise/Awake the snorting citizens with the bell..." (I.i.90-91).

What role does the war with the Turks play in the action of Othello? (no quote needed.)

It takes away from the attention from Brabantio's family issues. It changes the setting of the story and raises new issues that they couldn't foresee in Venice, like the drowning of the Turks.

Iago says, "I lack iniquity / Sometimes to do me service." Why is this ironic?

It's ironic because his manner is crude and spiteful. He has no intention of hiding his cruel demeanor. Overall he doesn't have a problem with hurting others

Why does Iago swear by Janus?

Janus is the Roman god of transitions. Janus looks forward and backward on time, reflecting her two faced personality. So by using Janus's name, he says that one side of him is saying no. "By Janus, I think no" (I.ii.33).

What does Brabantio accuse Othello of using to seduce Desdemona? How does this belief reveal his attitude towards Desdemona and towards Othello?

Magic It makes it seem that it wasn't Desdemona's choice to run away and she was forced by magic. He still wants to believe that his daughter is obedient and will listen to him. He wants to keep his image of her as innocent as possible. This makes Othello seem like some sorcerer that casted a spell on Desdemona to do something that she didn't want to do. He seems evil to do something like that to Desdemona. "For I'll refer me to all things of sense/ If she in chains of magic were not bound/ Whether a maid so tender, fair, and happy/ So opposite to marriage that she shunned" (I.ii.83-86).

There is an air of truth in the statements Iago makes to Othello to trap him. Essentially, at times, he tells Othello exactly what he is doing - even telling him that sometimes he sees evils when they are not present. Yet, his words further entrap Othello. Find an example of Iago using the truth to reel Othello into a jealous state and discuss the truth within the lines.

Othello begs Iago to know the truth of Cassio and Desdemona Iago tells Othello that his thoughts are dark, scary, and perhaps untrue so why would you want to her them. Iago tells Othello that it would be better not to tell him because he is often wrong

What has Othello commanded Desdemona to do? Who seems concerned about these orders?

Othello commands Desdemona to get ready for bed and wait for him alone. Emilia is very concerned, as usually the maid stays with the lady until the husband comes back. She is even more concerned because of Othello's actions and behavior lately. "Desdemona: It was his budding; therefore, good Emilia,/Give me my nightly wearing, and adieu./We must not now displease him. Emilia: I would you had never seen him." (IV.iii 15-18)

How does Emilia explain the cause of Othello's ill temper to Iago? Comment on the significance of her explanation.

Othello is upset that Brabantio is calling him back to Venice. She has given up so many people to be with Othello and so she should not be called a *****. The significance of Emilia's explanation is that she stands with Desdemona and is angered that Othello would call her a ***** after she has given up many people for him. It shows her innocence.

What is ironic in Othello's comments about Iago?

Othello shows complete trust in "honest Iago" when Iago is deceiving him and plotting behind his back. "But I'll set down the pegs that make this music,/ As honest as I am." (II.i.994-996)

Examine the opening lines of act II.iii, up to the point that Othello and Desdemona exit. What do you notice about Othello's comments about the celebration and Iago, as well as his words to his wife?

Othello tells Cassio to make sure to not go overboard with the drinking, and also attests that Iago is honest and reliable. He then tells Desdemona that while the party is going on, he and Desdemona will finally consummate their marriage. "The purchase made, the fruits are to ensure;/ that profit's yet to come 'tween me and you'" (II.iii.18-19).

how has Othello decided to deal with Desdemona and Cassio's perceived betrayal? Cite lines.

Othello tells Iago to kill Cassio in 3 days "Within these three days let me hear thee say/ That Cassio's not alive" (III.iii.473-474). Othello himself will kill Desdemona with poison --> then later he chooses to suffocate her

How is the Othello in act III.iii different from the Othello present in act I? Be specific and cite textual evidence.

Othello was secure with himself. He was dignified, calm, cool, collected, and in charge. Now he has crude diction towards his wife like Iago. He doubts himseld and doubt his wife's loyalty. He feels lost and his world is upside down. "I think my wife to be honest, and think she is not..." (III.iii.385).


Othello's ensign (a job also known as an ancient or standard-bearer), 28 years old


Othello's lieutenant (promoted over Iago even though he was just a scholar)

Why is the handkerchief so important to Othello? Cite lines.

Othello's mother received it It is a charmer and the mother was told that her and her husband's love would last forever. If she lost it, then their love would be lost too. "I give it her. I did so, and take heed on't/ Make it a darling, like your precious eye" (III.iiii.61-62).

What are your impressions about Roderigo, especially after his last lines in act II.iii?

Roderigo doesn't have much of a backbone. He follows others around and obeys them like a dog. He is angry that all of his money's gone and he doesn't have anything to show for it. "I do follow here in the chase, not like a hound that hunts, but one that fills up the cry..." (II.iii.341-342).

Before she sees Desdemona, what upsetting news does Emilia share with Othello?

Roderigo is dead and Cassio is still alive Othello believes he has killed his wife already when he realizes that Iago did not fulfill his side of the deal.

Why is Roderigo angry and frustrated?

Roderigo loves Desdemona and Iago said that he could help him get her to fall in love with him, in return for money. "Tht thou, Iago, who hast had my purse/As if the strings were thine shouldst know this." (I.i.2-3) Roderigo was angry that Iago knew that Desdemona had run away and eloped with Othello. Iago had been taking his money even after he knew that Desdemona would not love Roderigo.

How does Shakespeare get the audience's immediate attention?

Roderigo was angry and began with "Tush, never tell me!" (I.i.1). This means don't try to make me believe that.

On what does Desdemona blame Othello's ill-tempered behavior? Cite lines.

She believes that it is his work issues and the state of Venice. "Something sure of state,/ Either from Venice, or some unhatch'd practice..." (III.iiii.134-135) She cannot find fault in her husband. She doesn't see why he would be jealous if she did nothing to make him jealous.

Whose counsel does Desdemona seek in the matter of Othello's accusations? What is the explanation she receives for Othello's ill-tempered mood?

She calls in Iago since Othello confides him him On page 109, Iago says that Othello's matters with the state of Venice is the cause for his ill-temper.

What is Desdemona doing right before Othello smothers her? What is the effect on the audience?

She calls out lord lord lord She says to call her now in an attempt to plead for her life She tells him that she has done nothing wrong and he continues to persist. The audience sees Desdemona as an innocent women begging her husband to not kill her

What can Desdemona not believe about women? Why?

She can't believe that a woman would cheat on her husband or even consider it. She couldn't even consider doing it if it would make her husband 'a monarch'. What's ironic is that she cannot even fathom committing the one 'sin' that she is being accused of committing. She is extremely loyal but also naive. Emilia is more practical and thinks rationally.

How does Desdemona respond to Othello's accusations?

She denies it and she asks for Othello to get Cassio. Cassio would deny any accusations because it isn't true.

What finally happens to Emilia? Why?

She dies by Iago's sword in the back She makes everyone know that Othello killed an innocent woman and Iago lied. She protects her friend

ow does Desdemona feel about her lost handkerchief? Cite lines.

She feels distraught "...I had rather lose my purse/ Full of crusados..." (III.iiii.21-22) She would rather lose a purse full of gold than lose her handkerchief

At what point does Emilia truly comprehend her husband's part in Desdemona's murder?

She knows for a fact when Iago reveals that it is true himself.

Discuss the origin and significance of Desdemona's willow song.

She knows it from her mother's maid who died. Desdemona knows that something bad is coming and the song that she is singing was the same song another maid was singing when she died due to a sour love. This is also foreshadowing, as Desdemona is singing a 'death song' and it is obvious that Othello will try to kill her that night. "And she died singing it. That song tonight/Will not go from my mind." (IV.iii 30-31)

Discuss the significance of Desdemona's dying words.

She loves Othello so much that she protects her husband to Emilia as she is dying. Even in death she stays loyal and faithful.

What lie does Desdemona tell Othello? Why?

She tells Othello that she doesn't have it on her. She lies to him because she doesn't know where it is. She doesn't want to upset him further. He had told her if she lost it then their love would be lost forever.

Bianca is upset with Cassio for two reasons. What are they?

She thinks he found a new woman. She hasn't seen him in a week, so she thinks that he is ignoring her. Cassio doesn't want to be seen with her because of what she does for work and doesn't want Othello to think ill of him. Bianca is Cassio's "lady friend"

Why does Desdemona not want to stay at her father's house? What is her request to the duke?

She thinks it will make him upset. Her request is to go off to war with Othello since he is her husband and love. "To put my father in impatient thoughts/ By being in his eye" (I.iii.240-241). "And I wouldn't want to stay at my father's house, either, as my presence would irritate him."

Othello accepts his orders to go to Cyprus with only one condition. What is it?

That Desdemona goes with him so he can protect her and watch over her. "I crave disposition of my wife/ Due reference of place and exhibition/ With such accommodation and besort/ As levels with her breeding" (I.iii.134-137)

What accusation against Othello does Brabantio repeat to the duke?

That Othello used witchcraft on Desdemona. "Sans witchcraft could not" (I.iii.64).

Sum up the news that Cassio brings.

The Duke has arrived to meet Othello and he requires Othello to go to him as soon as he possibly can. Cassio suspects that the matter has to do something with Cyprus and it is urgent business, Cyprus is about to be invaded by a Turkish invasion. "Something from Cyprus, as I may divine/ It is business of some heat" (I.ii.39-40).

What announcement is made by the Herald?

The Herald announces that there will be a party from 5:00 to 11:00 where people can dance and have fun, to celebrate the drowning of the Turks as well as his marriage to Desdemona "Some to dance, some to make bonfires, each man to what sport and reveals his addiction leads him" (II.iii.1-6)

What worries the characters at the beginning of scene 1?

The high tides from the storm Everyone is worried about where the Turkish fleet is and about where the Venetians are. They are also wondering where Othello went. "But this same Cassio, though he speak of comfort/ Touching the Turkish loss, yet he looks sadly,/ And prays the Moor be safe; for they were parted/ With foul and violent tempest" (II.i.797-800).

Discuss the significance of the exchange between Emilia and Desdemona regarding the wedding sheets.

The sheets foreshadow a death, likely Desdemona's. She tells Emilia that if she dies, to wrap her in those very sheets. A normal person in a normal situation would never say this, and Desdemona may be preparing herself if Othello comes to murder her. "If I do die before thee, prithee shroud me/In one of those same sheets." (IV.iii 24-25)

How are Lodovico and Cassio able to understand more fully Iago's plot against Othello?

They are able to put the pieces together and figure out what's going on.

We have not met two of the play's most important characters, Othello and Desdemona. What have we learned about them?

We have learned that Desdemona is well off because of her father's money. She has the strength and gut to run away from her father. "But that I love the gentle Desdemona/ I would not my unhousèd free condition/ Put into circumscription and confine" (I.ii.128-131). Othello is not liked by Brabantio.

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