OTSMAN Study Guide

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State how cadets proceed to seating in the DFAC and where they sit

24 TRS sit on the right. 23 TRS/DET 12 sit on the left Cadets fill the farthest row of tables from the serving line first and start with the last table in the row. Will fill seats at position 1

State the responsibilities of the flight leader, how the commands are revoked, and how they will be executed

Flight leader is designated to lead the flight and ensures safety. Assumes all responsibility for their flight. Command "as you were," to revoke a preparatory command.

Are cadets allowed to have food delivered to OTS?


May cadets march more than one unit across the street without allowing traffic to proceed between them (piggybacking) when crossing streets?

No cadets will not piggyback units

May you talk in the DFAC? State procedure for entering DFAC

No talking is allowed in the DFAC unless making on-the-spot corrections, making required commands, being addressed by OTS, to alert and intent to pass Cadets form two lines at corner edge and stand at attention. Cadet closet to the wall will look to check if area is clear. When clean, cadet near wall will turn head away from wall and call "post and the first two cadets will proceed to serving area. Flights will use same side serving line as the bay.

May cadets store food in their dorms?

No, they will not consume or store food

State the military phonetic alphabet - O


Review the rules governing cadet leave

OTS allows cadets to take short periods of time away from training for emergencies. Flt/CC may approve a cadet's leave.

Sing the first verse of the Air Force Song

Off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun; here they come zooming to meet our thunder, at'em boys, giver the gun! Down we dive spouting our flam from under; off with one hell-uv-a-roar! We live in fame or go down in flame; nothing'll stop the US Air Force!

State the military phonetic alphabet - T


How should rank be worn? At what events must the metal rank be removed?

TRS 24/DET 12-centered on the left and right color, one-inch from the edge of the metal and parallel from the bottom edge 23 TRS-cadet will wear authorized ABU Metal rank is removed during field events

state the responsibilities of a guide and where they march in formation

The guide carries the flight guidon-the piece of equipment made of the ferrule, staff, ornament and the flight pennant The guide marches in front of the tightest numbered element leader (front right corner)

Which cadet close the opened door?

The last cadet entering will close the door if it is propped open

Who must serve as a road guard and what safety equipment must they have

The last individual in the rear of each element. Required equipment: fluorescent/reflective vest and a flashlight

Where will you find the the uniform of the day (UOD)?

The training schedule dictates the appropriate UOD. It is MANDATORY for all cadets during SMT

State the military phonetic alphabet - U


State the military phonetic alphabet - V


State the military phonetic alphabet - W


State the proper procedures for departing as a detail

When departing, cadets will exit in an orderly manner and form up on the sidewalk.

Review the definition of cruelty and maltreatment

When military personnel are cruel toward, oppress, or maltreat persons subject to their orders

State the reporting procedures when ordered to report

When ordered to report, assume position of attention. Salute (if outdoors). State "sir/ma'am, Cadet Lastname reports as ordered". Cadets assume position of attention and salute as appropriate and give greeting of the day

What is the correct way to place insignias on blue short and long sleeve shirts?

Will wear should mark insignia on the epaulets

State the military phonetic alphabet - X


State the military phonetic alphabet - Y


May a cadet make a comment on the document with the cadet stamp?

Yes, they may write on the back, sign and date.

State the military phonetic alphabet - Z


How do you address a trainee in 23 TRS?

according to their rank

What is hazing?

any conduct where a military member causes another member to suffer, be exposed to any activity which is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning or harmful

How do you address a trainee in 24 TRS/Det 12?


Where must all cadets be during call to quarters?

call to quarters is 2145 and all cadets must be signed back into the dorms

State reporting procedures when not ordered by OTS member

will assume position of attention. Salute as appropriate. State "sir/ma'am Cadet Haynes, reports. After convo ends, salute and give greeting of the day.

State the military phonetic alphabet - C


Define a cadence and state when one should be initiated

Cadence is the measure or beat of movement. Is given in sets of two as follows: "hut toop, threep, fourp;" do not initiate cadence if a complete set of two cannot be achieved

Review the definition of cadet abuse

Cadet abuse is any unauthorized physical or verbal act or omission by a faculty/staff member against a trainee, cadet or student ended to cause unlawful physical, emotional, psychological or financial harm

When are cadets allowed to wear ribbons, medals, and badges? Rules governing civilian clothes

Cadet must meet eligibility requirement to wear ribbons, medals and badges. Must be removed after photos are taken. Authorized to wear on the final graduation day Civilian clothes are not authorized

State state Oath of Office for Officers

"I, (Full Name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Sate of (your State) against all enemies, foreign and domestic; That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; That I will obey the orders of the President of the Unites States and of the Governor of the State of (your State); That I make this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; And that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (Rank) in the Air National Guard of the State of (your Sate)."

State the Oath of Enlistment

, (Full Name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; And that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God (optional)."

State Federal Oath of Office for Officers

, (Full Name), having been appointed a (Rank) in the United States Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; And that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God (optional).

State procedure once a cadet arrives at a table in the DFAC

-Cadets stand at attention behind chair until all positions are filled or 20 seconds have passed. -Last cadet to arrives instructs table to "be seated" -ABU/PT gear, coats and jackets are placed on back of chair (still wear hydration system) -Blues/Service, hydration system is placed on back of chair. -Place all other gear underneath the chair -Bring chair in as far as possible to avoid congestion. -Place napkin on lap. -Will sit on entire seat surface, eyes forward, back off the back of chair, heels together at a 45-degree angle. -Lean forward slightly at the waist, but no elbows on the table

State procedure once cadets are formed in their respective staging area

-Cadets will form in line formation in designated area and wait for remaining flight members. -First two cadets in a flight to exit will retrieve the guidon: highest ranking cadet will carry the guidon on the right. If of the same rank, the tallest person will carry the guidon. -FL will form and size the flight to march to next event.

State procedure for leaving the table once the meal is finished

-Place napkin on the tray to indicate finish. -Cadets in positions 2 and 3 pass tray items to positions 1 and 4, respectively. If there are 3 cadets, the cadet will carry their own tray. If a cadet is unable to carry their tray, the other cadets will make adjustments. -Once trays are stacked: cadets will stand, don their gear, ground their chairs to the right, assume attention behind the chair and prepare to depart. -Cadets will exit the same row as seated and transit using outer most row

State the rules for PT formation and when may a cadet leave or not attend pT?

-Prior to start of PT session, cadets will ground and standardize all gear. -Will form up by squadrons. -Cadets in the Indoctrination Stage will form up as directed. -Cadet spacing: double arm's length on each side to the front and rear Will not leave PT early for details. If unable to attend, but obtain permission

Proper exercise procedure for PT

-Wing/Group Fitness officer will be begin each exercise by stating "the next exercise will be (#reps, name of exercise), position of exercise, move!" -When the class is in position, wing fitness will command "ready", the class will respond with "team", officer commands "exercise" and terminates each exercise by "relax" -After all exercises have been completed, the officer stands at attention and commands "recover," the class responds with "OTS"

State the rules for right of way while in formation

A formation will NOT pass another formation that is on march. Formations may pass other stationary formations. Leader of the stationary formation must yield right of way.

State the purpose of the AETC form 341 and how many must a cadet carry at all times?

AETC Form 341 may be used to document positive or negative cadet performance Cadet must carry at minimum 2 AETC 341s. If pulled, the cadet must replace it NLT lights the same day

State the military phonetic alphabet - A


State when a flight may/may not march without OTS staff supervision and the exceptions

After the flight pennant is awarded, the flight may march without OTS supervision Prior to this, OTS will escort flights. Exceptions: Directed by OTS staff for safety reasons.

What is sexual assault?

Any offense of a sexual nature committed without the lawful consent of the victim

State the six articles of US Code of Conduct

Article I - I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. Article II - I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist. Article III - If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. Article IV - If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information, nor take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. Article V - When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give my name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. Article VI - I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

Review the rules for authorized travel area for cadets

Authorized travel is within the local area limits. If they plan to leave Montgomery, must have a written itinerary signed by Flt/CC. Must only travel no further than 120-mile radius

State the military phonetic alphabet - B


Where will cadets wear assigned rank on their flight cap? How will cadets position reflective belt in service blues or dress uniform?

Based on training stage status. will wear "Prop and Wings" insignia on the left side of the flight cap, between the braid and the bottom, with the front edge of wings 1.5 inch from the front of the flight cap. Cadets will position reflective belts around hydration source

State what a cadet must do before entering another cadet's room

Before entering a cadet's room other than their own, cadets will knock, identify themselves and wait for permission to enter.

Review the time allotment for religious services and what cadets must do to attend them

Cadets are allotted up to four hours to attend worship services Must sign out and in of the CQ logbook, inform their Flt/CC of off-base worship, proceed directly to and from all religious services, may visit while attending church, and return directly to the OTS complex after its completed

State rules for marching under inclement weather

Cadets are expected to exercise sound judgment and risk management practices

Are cadets required to march when escorting guests?

Cadets are not required to march, but will maintain a professional military image

Review rules for inviting guest, hosting guests and final departure authorization

Cadets are responsible for inviting their own guests and Distinguished Visitors (DVs). -Consolidate and submit by flight a list of all guests to the Staff advisor *four weeks prior to graduation* -Are allowed on OTS for Spouse's orientation, open house, etc. -Must remain in Gilbert Hall until Open Hall briefing ends. -May not arrive prior to 30 minutes before start time and should be escorted off the complex -Parking is across the street from OTS or behind the dorms Cadets are not authorized to depart OTS until Flt/CC has conducted a final dormitory walk through. OTS grads will coordinate with their respective squadrons for further accommodations

State the procedure for those who choose not to eat and etiquette in the DFAC

Cadets are still required to process through the DFAC with the flight. Look at menu before entering the serving line and process quickly. Make an attempt to consume everything and food will not be taken out.

When and where are cadets allowed to double time?

Cadets may double time after one hour from last meal. May double time on paved surfaces to and from physical conditioning activities. Cadets will not double time during darkness, unless approved formation runs with flashlights

When may cadets use the physical conditioning center and what must they wear?

Cadets may use the OTS PCC any time after SMT. Cadets will wear PTG

State reporting procedures for an office or cubicle

Cadets will center on the threshold of door and knock once. Will enter when ordered (march in direct route to staff, perform facing movement, center two paces away, salute, and give reporting statement). If seated, will sit at attention. After the convo, cadets will stand at attention, salute, and give give greeting

State when a cadet must call the foyers, day areas, CQ office and hallways to attention and what salutation must be rendered?

Cadets will not call foyers, day areas, CQ office or hallways to attention If seated, cadets will stand and render proper greeting. If an O-6 or higher enters, the cadets will stand at attention and render the greeting

State the rules on standardization at OTS

Cadets will present a standardized professional image with equipment/gear, uniform wear, and flight rooms

How will cadets proceed down the serving line When cadets square corners and consume food or drink

Cadets will side step through the entire serving line and stand with heels together when halted. When reaching the register, cadets will provide the cashier with required information. Cadets will not square corners while carrying trays. Will only consume food or drink after they have been seated.

State when cadets can access their privately owned vehicles (POVs) and where they may park their POV

Cadets will use or access POVs with prior OTS staff authorization and park in designated parking lots and sign in the dormitories. May park in non-reserved parking spaces on Sycamore St.

State what must be on the service coat and how its worn

Cadets will wear metallic rank insignia and authorized ribbons and badges. Rank is centered 5/8 inches from the end of the epaulet and parallel to the shoulder seam

State the rules for governing the use of mobile devices while at OTS

Cell phones, social media use is prohibited. Will not carry cell phones and will be powered off and locked in security drawers. Smart watches with functions to receive calls, texts and emails are to be turned off. Cadets will use mobile devices to not be visible in the uniform. Devices will remain silent. Phone calls are made in the break room.

Review the following terms related to military drill: column formation, line formation, inverted column formation, and inverted line formation

Column formation-the arrangement of units side by side with guide and element leaders to the head Line formation-the arrangement of units one behind the other with the guide and element leader to the extreme right flank Inverted column-the arrangement of units side by side with guide and element leaders to the rear Inverted line-the arrangement of units one behind the other with the guide and element leaders to the extreme left flank

State the military phonetic alphabet - D


What are dining priorities (DP)?

DPs are scheduled times when flight are required to arrive. Cadets with assigned details during the scheduled DPs are not required to meet their flight's DP

State which documents govern cadet dress/personal appearance and the rank insignia

Documents: IAW AFI 36-2903 for dress and personal appearance 23 TRS will wear authorized rank DET 12 and 24 TRS will wear designated rank Will not wear mustaches, make-up, or jewelry while in training

State when the dorm room must be opened? Closed?

Doors will be fully open (90 degrees) if room is occupied or if there are cadets not assigned to the room Doors are closed while showering, changing uniforms, on quarters, and during lights out. Closed and locked while sleeping

Review the following terms related to military drill: dress, cover, interval, and distance

Dress-the alignment of elements side by side or in line Cover-individuals aligning themselves directly behind the person to their immediate front Interval-Space between individuals placed side to side. Normal-arm's length, close-approx. 4 inches Distance-the space between front to rear. Measured approx. 40 inches from chests to backs

Define a drill command and state the different types of commands

Drill command-an oral order to direct a formation. Consists of two commands: the preparatory command (explain what the movement will be) and the command of execution (when the movement will be carried out). Informational command are supplementary

State the military phonetic alphabet - E


State the responsibilities of a Road Guard

Road guard is a cadet designated to stop traffic when cadets cross a road or parking lot.

Where must FL march their flightt when arrive to the DFAC? What if both bays are occupied? Must a flight use only one bay, transit route, and hold line??

FL will march flight into either unoccuied bay, halting at the hold line. If both bays are occupied, FL will halt at hold line. Flights will use an available transit route, bay and hold line

State the military phonetic alphabet - F


State the rules for marching under actual or simulated Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs)

FPCON NORMAL, ALPHA, BRAVO: march in any size formation FPCON CHARLIE: outside activities are canceled; movement around OTS complex is authorized. March AT EASE FPCON DELTA: outside activities are canceled. Movement between buildings is restricted. No type of formation

Define a flight, state customs and courtesies for flight and state marching protocol

Flight is a formation of 5+ cadets and march with two elements. Everyone must move together on command

State how command of the flight is transferred

Flight leader and acting flight leader will exchange salutes and will command to "fall in" or "size yourself in" The FL will instruct "Flight _ at my command" and the acting FL will return to their position

State the responsibility of the flight leader and flight when departing a building

Flight leader is first member to depart and will designate the position. Will command "Fall in" and the flight will form up on the guide. Verbiage for sizing: "With the exception of the guidon bearer and element leader, if you are taller than the airman in front of you, tap them on the shoulder and move forward"

State the procedure for flight marching by a roadway

Flight leader is the road guard for flights with 10- cadets. March with as few elements as practical in designated running lane. If not running lane, march against flow of traffic.

State who render the customs and how they do so when an officer approaches the flight on foot or a staff vehicle passes

Flight leader will render all courtesies If a staff vehicle approaches while crossing an intersection, the road guard will not salute. The person in charge will march the flight, halt the flight, call in road guards and render courtesies.

When will flights arrive to their scheduled DP and do cadets bring academic material?

Flights will arrive no more than 3 minutes before or after their scheduled DP. Will use their hold lines as their arrival time. No academic materials to the DFAC

State how to execute a column of files

Form a single file, command: "Column of files from the right, forward, march" on the preparatory command, the element leader turns their head 45 to the right and command "forward march" The same time, the remaining element leaders turn their heads 45 degrees to the right (left) and command "STAND FAST." Their heads are kept to the right (left) until they step off. On the command "MARCH", the extreme right (left) element steps off. The element leader of each remaining element commands "FORWARD, MARCH" as the last cadet in each element passes, ensuring the leaders element is in step with the preceding element. All elements then incline to the right (left), following the leading elements in successive order.

State the general duties and responsibilities of a formation leader

Formation leader's first responsibility is the safety of the formation. The formation leader will give commands at the position of attention

Define a "detail" and state the proper protocol for details with three to four cadets, two cadets, and guidon retrieval

Formation of 2-4 cadets: (4 cadets)-cadet in right rear position will lead the formation. (2 cadets)-senior ranking cadet marches on the right. To retrieve a guidon, the person on the right will carry it

State where formation sizing requirements may be found, where cadets may march/"mark time" and how cadets transit between Gilbert Hall/annex/ and dorms

Formation sizing: AFM 36-2203 May march: only authorized routes "Mark time" only in DFAC hold lines Cadets may transit between the Hall and Annex under the overhang in a single file formation

State the military phonetic alphabet - G


Rules about gifts to OTS

Gifts are strictly voluntary: value of max $10 or value to exceed $300. Sq/CC must approve any gift. If a class decides to present the school with a gift, must be submitted to graduation week staff advisor NLT 3 weeks prior. -Gift reflects the class, OTS philosophy, enhance mission accomplishment and benefit future cadets.

State how the guidon must be stored and rules for repair and modification

Guides are responsible for storing the guidon. Not placed with the tip of the ornament on the group. During drill class, the guidon is placed by first set of bleachers If entering a building, the cadets will place them in a corner. Cadets will take care of the guidon. Take it to the MTIs for repair

State the responsibilities of the guidon bearer, initial element leader, and flight leader for building entrance procedures

Guidon bearer-will place the guidon in the guidon stand Initial element leader-hold the door for the flight Flight leader-holds the door for the initial element leader.

State the military phonetic alphabet - H


State the duties of the Mess Checker

Has the authority to clear flights into the DFAC early or late if no other flights are waiting and will not inhibit other flight's on-time entry. Reporting to the mess checker: The FL will take the most direct rout within two paces in front of MC, initiate a salute, state "Sir/Ma'am, flight report with a DP of _. We arrived at _." -If the flight arrives on time, MC says "you have arrived on time, your flight may enter. -If flight arrives (early/late), MC says "you have arrived early(late) your flight may enter. FL will salute, give greeting of the day, return to flight and wait to enter DFAC. Mess Checker always drops salute first

Where will flights depart the DFAC from during heavy rain? Lighting or other severe weather?

Heavy rain: flights will form under the overhang on the same side in which they entered. Up to 2 flights may form, others form up in the hallways. Lightning/Severe weather: Will follow procedures as outlined in Attachment 2.

Rules for hydration system

Hydration systems are worn at all times except in the flight room, auditorium and assigned dorm room. In the flight room and auditorium, hydration systems are on the back of the cadet's chair. They are hand carried in dress blues or service dress

Recite the Airman's Creed

I am American Airman. I am a warrior. I have answered my nation's call. I am American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight and win I am faithful to a proud heritage A tradition of honor, And a legacy of valor I am American Airman Guardian of freedom and justice My nation's sword and shield Its sentry and avenger I defend my country with my life I am American Airman Wingman, leader, warrior. I will never leave an airman behind. I will never falter And I will not fail

State the Air Force Honor Code

I will not lie, steal or cheat nor tolerate among us anyone who does

State the military phonetic alphabet - I


When is talking allowed at a table? When must prayer at a table be done? State the procedure for when a cadet is addressed. State how long a cadet has to finish their meal

If do not have tight meals, talking is only allowed at individual tables and loud enough to be heard at the table. Prayer is done at the beginning of the meal. If addressed, will finish chewing and swallow their food, stand to attention and respond. Cadets have up to 10 minutes to finish.

Where do you receive basic medical care in OTS? What must a cadet do if they need emergency medical treatment?

Independent Duty Medical Technicians (IDMTs) provide basic medical care. Need to coordinate with them first before medical treatment/appointment with base MTF If cadet needs emergency treatment: Call 911 (land-line) or 314-953-9911, seek medical care at ER. -Cadet notify Flt/CC -Cadets seen off base will report to IDMT the next duty day during morning sick call

State the Air Force Core Values

Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do

Duties of the chow shark

Is responsible for ensuring all cadets allow proper procedures of the DFAC. Ensure cadets place trays from the bottom of the tray rack to the top and move the rack when full. Ensure all chairs are pushed in, trash picked up and tables are cleaned off

State the military phonetic alphabet - J


State the military phonetic alphabet - K


State the military phonetic alphabet - L


State the military phonetic alphabet - N


State procedure for exiting the DFAC on the left and right side and inclement weather

Left side (OTSAC side: Det 12, 23 TRS): -cadets will form up in details to march to their staging area. -March single file to the first hold line, form a detail, and march to the second hold line Right side (PCC side: 24 TRS) -March single file to the staging area across the sidewalk If FPCON Charlie or Delta, exit through the front door on the side they entered and follow the directions by staff.

When is lights out and light on?

Lights out = 2200 and all lights will be off and cadets will be asleep Lights on-no earlier than 0430

State the military phonetic alphabet - M


State protocol for using DFAC latrine State procedure for marching to serving area

Make sure to use bathroom before entering DFAC. If used, return to position prior to using the bathroom Cadets will fall in line behind one another. Cadet who called "post" is marching in front. After being aligned with a tray and silverware, the cadet will halt. When the cadet in the back calls "post," both cadets will do a facing movement towards the tray and silverware.

Review the definition of maltraining

Maltraining is any training practice that is not designed to meet a training objective

When must cadets march at attention? At ease?

March at attention: sidewalks, parking lots, troop walks, and improved surfaces. March at ease: None improved surfaces, use grass, dirt, etc.

State which areas cadets may use and traverse while at OTS and which they may not

May utilize: the DFAC, Gilbert Hall, PCC, OTS track, drill pad, volleyball court, basketball court, paperclip, fairchild court, OTS express, and OTS military clothing sales, and dorms. Will not visit Ritchey Center or any other off-limit areas

State duties of a cadet regarding medical appointments. State cadet's responsibilities when placed on quarters

Medical appointments: -IDMT coordinate MTF appointments -Cadets will notify their Flt/CC of scheduled appointments Quarters: -Will notify the IDMTs and Flt/CC prior to going to door room. -Cadet will keep door closed at all times -Flight will coordinate food requirements

State the importance of medical profile documentation and to whom it is presented State when a cadet must fill out an injury report

Medical profile documentation: If treated at MTF, cadets will present AF Form 422: notification of AF member's qualification status to IDMTs and their Flt/CC. Cadets will carry AF form 422 with them at all times Injury report: Notify Flt/CC immediately and no later than 24 hours after the injury occurred. Fill out AF Form 978, Supervisor's Mishap Report and submit the form to the Flt/CC w/in 48 hours

State the rules for meeting and walking the hallways

Meetings will not take place in the hallways. Cadets will use the right side of the hallways

When must mess checkers and chow sharks report to the DFAC and when must they place their DP roster in the CQ binder?

Mess Checkers and chow sharks will arrive five minutes prior to the first scheduled DP and work until the last flight has met their DP. After the last scheduled meal of the day. Mess Checker will place the DP rosters in the respective binders. Will not leave an academic/training session early

State the actions that you report for misconduct and who to report to

Misconduct actions: failure to perform assigned duties, disrespect, violations of always, failure to obey direct order, failure to go, and unlawful discrimination Will report to chain of command

When must members carry a flashlight?

Must carry flashlights during hours of darkness.

State the procedure for signing-in and signing out at the CQ

Must sign out whenever departing the dorms other than SMT. Will complete all information prior to departure with time out, location of travel and realistic time or return. List a specific destination with phone number/address and notify the CQ of all changes. Upon return, will sign in

Sing the first verse of the US National Anthem

Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight. O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave. O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Identify, state the consequences of and the proper acknowledgement of an Official Memorandum

Ons-Means of documenting positive or negative cadet performance. Excessive negative OMs can affect ability to successfully complete OTS Cadets will acknowledge receipt of OMs by correctly completing their Cadet Stamp

How should the reflective belt be worn outside and inside on ABU? How are eye glasses worn at OTS?

Outside: will wear reflective belt around waist on outside of the ABU. Inside: reflective belts will be removed or covered by ABU blouse Straps are worn during all field leadership and PT

State the military phonetic alphabet - P


What are the three types of cruelty and maltreatment?

Physical maltreatment, verbal maltreatment and sexual harassment

State actions that are considered violations of academic integrity and define each

Plagiarism-act of taking written or verbal work from another, parts or passages of their writings or the ideas or language of another Cheating-act of giving and/or receiving improper assistance Misrepresentation-act of making an assertion to intentionally deceive or mislead

State duties of each position for cleaning and clearing a table

Position 1: proceed to tray cabinet Position 3: lifts napkin holder Position 2: wipes down table Position 4: waits to collect any waste from cleaning the table -> proceed to tray cabinet

Which materials may not be possessed, viewed or downloaded at OTS?

Possessing, viewing or downloading any pornographic media. Any materials that could be considered offensive or degrading

State the chain of command starting with president

President > Secretary of Defense > Secretary of Air Force > Chief of Staff of Air Force > Major Command Commander > Number Air Force Commander > Wing Commander > Group Commander > Squadron Commander > Flight Commander

State how privileges are now awarded to cadets at OTS

Privileges are awarded as cadets progress through the training program. The Sq/CC will assign privileges as necessary.

State the military phonetic alphabet - Q


State the military phonetic alphabet - R


State the military phonetic alphabet - S


State the procedures for any member needing to join the flight after its formed

Salute, state "Sir/ma'am, Cadet/Rank Name requests permission to join the flight." Flight leader will return a salute and instruct cadet to "fall in" or size yourself in"

Define Scheduled Military Training

Scheduled military training (SMT)-the period beginning with lights on and ending with the last schedule training event each day

State what constitutes a security violation

Security violations occur when: Cadets leave their dorm room security drawer unlocked. Cadet leaves their government issued laptop unattended Privacy act information, money stamps/checks/credit cards, completed SOBs or graded information, or personal valuables are left out

Where will rank be on the mess dress? Will cadets wear a reflective belt while in PT gear?

Should board rank for assigned rank 23 TRS or cadet position DET 12/24 TRS Will wear reflective belt in PTG, but not inside the dorm

State how cadets report for sick call How will cadets transit to military treatment facility (MTF)?

Sick call: M-F: 0515-0645 & 1130-1230. Make every effort to report to morning sick call and not participate in PT. Transition to MTF during duty hours will be by base taxi service, if taxi is unavailable, ask Flt/CC for authorization to use POV. Cadets will travel with a cadet that is familiar with the route and carry a cell phone and remain together at all times.

State the procedures for deploying road guards and crossing hazard areas

The Flight Leader will move forward, post in front of the flight at the sidewalk/hazard edge. The Flight Leader will wave traffic past OR motion for the traffic to stop by extending either arm and displaying the palm of the hand with the fingers pointed upward. The Flight Leader will then march into the intersection and post in the middle of the road, perform an about face (so they are facing the flight), ensure traffic is stopped and command, "ROAD GUARDS OUT." On the command, "ROAD GUARDS OUT," each road guard will go to the lane as directed by the flight leader. They will face oncoming traffic at modified parade rest with the right arm up and palm flat with the fingers pointed upward. If carrying a flashlight, road guards will hold the flashlight in the extended arm with the beam pointed down. The Flight Leader will command the flight to march across the intersection and perform the necessary facing movements so they can observe the flight at all times. Once the flight is through the intersection, the flight leader will halt the flight and command, "ROAD GUARDS IN." The Flight Leader will remain in the intersection and continue to halt existing traffic while the road guards return to the rear of the flight. The Flight Leader does not give further commands (e.g., "FORWARD MARCH") until rejoining the flight. Road guards or formation leaders will report vehicles that fail to observe safety precautions or follow road guard directions. Cadets will report the time, place, type of vehicle, license number (if known), and description of the violation to their Flt/CC.

What OTS manual must dorms always be in compliance with?

The OTS Dormitory manual

What is worn in the Dining Facility (DFAC) and the dorms? What is worn to religious services

The UOD is worn in the DFAC and only authorized uniforms are worn in the dorms Cadets will wear dress blues to religious services

State the Air force Vision

The United States Air Force will be a trusted and reliable joint partner with our sister Services known for integrity in all of our activities, including supporting the Joint mission first and foremost. We will provide compelling air, space, and cyber capabilities for use by the combatant commanders. We will excel as stewards of all Air Force resources in service to the American people, while providing precise and reliable Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power for the nation.

State reporting procedures during PT

The Wing/Group Fitness Officer will ensure the class is at Parade Rest and prepared for the PT session. Upon arrival of the individual in charge of the PT formation, normally an Expeditionary training Instructor (ETI), the Wing/Group Fitness Officer will: Command, "WING/GROUP." The Squadron Fitness Officers or Ops 1s will then command "SQUADRON," Followed by the Wing/Group Fitness Officer commanding "ATTENTION." Starting with the Falcons or Squadron 1, each Squadron Fitness Leader will salute the Wing/Group Fitness Officer and say "SIR/MA'AM, "FALCON SQUADRON" (23 TRS) or "SQUADRON ONE" (24 TRS/DET 12) IS ACCOUNTED FOR AND READY FOR INSTRUCTION." After each squadron has reported, the Wing/Group Fitness Officer will then direct cadets who are on medical profiles to fall-out. Then the Group Fitness Officer will execute an about face, salute the PCI and state, "SIR/MA'AM, CLASS # IS ACCOUNTED FOR AND READY FOR INSTRUCTION." If directed by OTS staff, the Wing/Group Fitness Officer will then lead the class in the singing of the Air Force song and reciting of the Airman's Creed. The PCI will then inform the Wing/Group Fitness Officer of the appropriate exercises to be performed. The Wing/Group Fitness Officer will then execute an about face and lead the class in exercise.

What is significance of initialing the cadet stamp

To acknowledge they were counseled and documentation exists

State the procedure for leaving and returning to the table

To leave: cadets will push in chair, come to position of attention, proceed to the serving line using same row as seated. Returning: cadets will place food/drink on their tray, come to attention, and sit down.

State the commands given by the cadet in charge of a detail

While marching, cadet will command "Detail, Halt," followed by "dismissed" if entering a building or leaving the area "Fall out" is given if remaining in the general area.

State when a cadet must call dormitory rooms to attention?

Will call to attention when an OTS staff member enters/leaves a dormitory. If alone, will not call a room to attention

State when and where each flight must carry their guidon and what to do if no guidon holder State the rules for the guidon bear

Will carry from start to end of academic day and carried to all events, but not field events or PT. If there is no holder, the bearer will ensure the guidon is stored/displayed properly Will carry the guidon with the right hand, with the ferrule of the staff 6 inches from the ground when marching and rested on right foot when flight is halted. When entering a building, will announce "guidon"

State how much water a cadet must drink/day

Will drink a minimum of one full hydration system by first scheduled lunch DP and a full hydration system prior to lights out

State the procedure for arriving at the DFAC during inclement weather

Will enter the DFAC by the most direct means. If both bays are occupied, flight will march under the overhand

May cadets allow non-OTS personnel into their dormitories?

Will not permit unescorted, non-OTS personnel without prior approval. Must notify the Charge of Quarters or Staff Duty Officer immediately

State the rules for utilization of improved surfaces

Will only march/walk on improved surfaces. Do not walk in grass unless directed by OTS staff. Will not traverse across Welch Field

May cadets return to their dorms during scheduled military time?

no they will not return to the dorms during that time

To whom must a cadet execute reporting procedures?

reporting procedures are for both commissioned and enlisted staff members

State the rules governing the recitation of warrior knowledge at OTS

some knowledge items are not appropriate for cadets to call in random circumstances

What is an element leader?

the leader of the smallest drill unit comprised of at least 3

State the Air Force Mission

to fly, fight, and win...in air, space, and cyberspace

State enlisted rank insignia

• E1-Airman Basic (AB), no stripes • E2-Airman (Amn), 1 stripe • E3-Airman First Class (A1C), 2 stripe • E4-Senior Airman (SrA), 3 stripes • E5-Staff Sergeant (SSgt), 4 stripes • E6-Technical sergeant (TSgt), 5 stripes • E7-Master Sergeant (MSgt), 6 stripes; First Sergeant (FS), 6 stripes w/dot • E8-Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt), 7 stripes, First Sergeant (FS), 7 stipes w/dot • E9-Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt), 8 stripes, FS, 8 stripes w/dot; Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM), 8 stripes w/star • SEA-Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, 8 stripes w/seal • E1-Airman Basic (AB), no stripes • E2-Airman (Amn), 1 stripe • E3-Airman First Class (A1C), 2 stripe • E4-Senior Airman (SrA), 3 stripes • E5-Staff Sergeant (SSgt), 4 stripes • E6-Technical sergeant (TSgt), 5 stripes • E7-Master Sergeant (MSgt), 6 stripes; First Sergeant (FS), 6 stripes w/dot • E8-Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt), 7 stripes, First Sergeant (FS), 7 stipes w/dot • E9-Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt), 8 stripes, FS, 8 stripes w/dot; Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM), 8 stripes w/star • SEA-Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, 8 stripes w/seal

State officer rank insignia

• O1-Second Lieutenant (2d Lt)-one gold bar • O2-first lieutenant (1st Lt)-one silver bar • O3-Captain (Capt)-two silver bars • O4-Major (Maj.)-gold flower • O5-Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Col)-silver flower • O6-Colonel (Col)-bird • 07-Brigadier General (Brig Gen)-one star • 08-Major General (Maj Gen)-2 stars • 09-Lieutenant General (Lt. Gen)-3 stars • 010-General (Gen)-4 stars Special-General of the Air Force (GAF)-5 stars

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