OWare- Earth And Space Science 8. Earth's Water

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In cold, snowy areas, water is added to the atmosphere through _____.


1. lithostratigraphic unit 2. facies 3. transgression 4. regression 5. eustatic (sea level) change 6. albedo 7. stratigraphy

1. a body of sedimentary, extrusive igneous, metasedimentary, or metavolcanic strata which is distinguished on the basis of lithologic characteristics and stratigraphic position (position in the rock sequence). 2. all of the characteristics of a particular rock unit. 3. when sea level rises causing the coastline to migrate inward. 4. when sea level falls causing the coastline to migrate outward (oceanward). 5. when the sea level changes due to an alteration in the volume of water in the oceans 6. the ability of a surface to reflect sunlight 7. a branch of geology which studies rock layers (strata) and layering (stratification).

1. evaporation 2. infiltration 3. precipitation 4. sublimation 5. transpiration

1. process by which liquid water changes into a gas 2. process by which precipitation soaks into the ground 3. the release of water from the atmosphere 4. process by which solid water (ice, snow) changes directly into a gas 5. release of water vapor into the air by plants

1. desalination 2. salinity 3. thermocline

1. process by which salt is removed from saltwater 2. measure of dissolved minerals and salts in water 3. transitional layer between the mixed surface layer and the deep water layer in the ocean

1. aquifer 2. impermeable 3. permeable 4. porosity 5. water table

1. underground layer of permeable rock from which groundwater can be removed 2. not allowing a fluid to pass through 3. allowing a fluid to pass through 4. amount of air space between soil or rock particles 5. top of the saturated zone in groundwater

1. adhesion 2. cohesion 3. compound 4. polarity 5. surface tension 6. solvent

1. water's attraction to other substances 2. water's attraction to other water molecules 3. molecular condition in which one end has a slightly positive charge and the other a slightly negative charge 4. two or more elements joined together to create a new substance 5. cohesion of water molecules at the surface of a body of water 6. substance in which another substance is dissolved

How much of Earth's surface freshwater is found in lakes?


How much of the Earth's ice is located in Antarctica?


Which of the following locations will most likely have the highest average annual precipitation?

Amazon Rainforest

Which of the following statements is true?

Glaciers add to Earth's groundwater and surface water sources.

Which of the following statements is true?

Groundwater adds water to lakes, rivers, and oceans.

Which of the following is part of the smallest percentage of freshwater?

Lake Powell

Which of the following statements is true?

More of Earth's freshwater is found underground than in lakes.

Which of the following locations will most likely have the highest rate of evaporation?

Pacific Ocean

Which of the following locations most-likely experiences physical water scarcity?

Sahara Desert

Which of the following is the average height of the ocean's surface between high and low tides?

Sea level

Wave A has a long fetch. Wave B has a short fetch. Which of the following statements is true?

Wave A is more powerful than Wave B.

A watershed is _____.

an area where all water drains into the same river system

Cohesion describes water's _____.

attraction to itself

What is the smallest lithostratigraphic rock unit?


The Coriolis effect causes surface ocean currents to _____.

bend and curve around the planet

Most ocean-water usage is for _____.


The trade winds are found near the _____.


The Dead Sea contains saltwater. Most of its water leaves through _____.


Rivers ____.

flow downhill because of gravity

The Gulf Stream _____.

flows in a generally northeastern direction

Most freshwater-use is _____.

for industry and electrical power

Evaporation _____.

happens more quickly in warm areas than cool ones

The water in Lake Fair has a salinity of 12 ppt. The water _____.

has 12 grams of salt per 1000 grams of water

Cold water ___ than warm water.

has higher salinity

Which of the following statements is true?

holds less dissolved oxygen than cold water

Macy is looking for groundwater. She will most likely find it _____.

in an area with limestone deposits

Most saltwater-use is _____.

in the power generating industry

The salinity of ocean water _____.

increases with depth

Ice floats in water because it _____.

is less dense than water

Groundwater _____.

is the largest available source of freshwater

The "hardness" of water describes _____.

its level of dissolved minerals

The temperature of ocean surface water depends on _____.

latitude and season

A _________ unit is a body of sedimentary, extrusive igneous, metasedimentary, or metavolcanic strata which is distinguished on the basis of lithlogic (physical) characteristics and stratigraphic position.


Most lakes were formed from _____.

melting glaciers

In the "global conveyor belt," cold water from the North Pole _____.

passes the equator and flows toward Antarctica

Condensation _____.

requires dust or other tiny particles

The water table _____.

rises and falls with precipitation

Which of the following soil samples is the most porous? Click on the picture until it shows the correct answer.

rocks really big and too close for comfort

The oxygen side of a water molecule is _____.

slightly negative

The beginning of a river is called the _____.


Which of the following areas will most likely have the greatest amount of surface runoff?

steep mountainside

Most of Earth's freshwater is _____.

stored in glaciers and ice caps

Thermohaline circulation is driven by differences in _____.

temperature salinity density

Water leaves a lake through _____.

the ground

Earth's tides are primarily caused by _____.

the moon

Phineas has a tomato plant. The plant adds water to the atmosphere through _____.


Which of the following materials is the least porous?

unsorted sand and rock

Most of Earth's water is _____.

unsuitable for drinking

Density is ______ throughout the world's oceans.


Surface water is ___ deep-ocean water.

warmer than

The amount of time it takes for a two consecutive wave crests to pass a given point is the _____.

wave period

Surface currents are driven by _____.


1. downwelling 2. gyre 3. thermohaline circulation 4. upwelling

1. downward movement of surface ocean water caused by wind 2. large, rotating current loops caused by the Coriolis effect 3. movement of deep ocean water driven by differences in temperature, salinity, and density 4. upward movement of deeper, colder ocean water to the surface caused by wind

1. crest 2. fetch 3. tide 4. trough

1. highest part of a wave 2. distance over which wind blows without interruption or change of direction 3. alternate rising and falling of the ocean caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the Sun 4. lowest part of a wave

In Beachville, the last high tide occurred at 1:00 p.m. The next high tide will happen around _____.

1:25 a.m.

How many gallons of water per day does the average American family of 4 use?

320 gallons

Jenna dives 20 meters into the ocean. How much pressure does she feel?

44.1 psi

Which of the following statements is true?

Dissolved minerals from rocks are deposited in the ocean.

Spring tides happen when _____.

The Sun, moon, and Earth are aligned.

(Select all that apply) Which of the following are parts of a lithostratigraphic (rock) unit?

bed formation group

Water _____.

boils at 100°C

Letter C represents a wave's _____.


As ocean depth increases, _____.

density increases

Capillary waves travel ___ long waves.

faster than

A confined aquifer is _____.

found between two impermeable layers

Which of the following is the most permeable?


Upwelling _____.

happens when water rises to replace moving surface water

Charmane throws a rock into a lake. She has created _____.

impact waves

Hot water _____.

is beneficial to living organisms in aquatic ecosystems (wrong)

Surface tension _____.

is caused by cohesion between water molecules on the surface

Groundwater _____.

is recharged by precipitation

Most of the water vapor in Earth's atmosphere comes from _____.

oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers

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