OWare- English lV 2. Humanism

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During which historical period did Montaigne live?


What conclusion can be drawn about a research article?

Research articles can be difficult to read.

Hamlet acts similarly to Claudius in the way he treats _____.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

What is the difference between sarcasm and verbal irony?

Sarcasm is verbal irony used in a mocking way.

An author who wrote a work that served as the source of Hamlet was _____. Select all that apply.

Saxo Grammaticus Thomas Kyd

Which option is one way of translating the Latin phrase carpe diem?

Seize the day and make use of it.

... something which looks like a virtue, if followed, would be his [a leader's] ruin; whilst something else, which looks like a vice, yet followed brings him peace and prosperity. Machiavelli's advice can best be paraphrased as _____.

Take the action, whether virtuous or evil, that leads to peace and prosperity.

What event or sequence of events revealed to Europeans what life was like for natives in the Americas?

The Age of Exploration

Which statement explains the ending of the sonnet?

The last line is even more violent than the beginning.

What is one example of the use of paradox in this poem?

The speaker asks God to be violent in order to be made new.

Which of the following best indicates the relationship between a thesis statement and research?

The thesis statement distracts from the research. (wrong)

Why does Claudius turn to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to learn what is wrong with Hamlet?

They are old friends.

What does Montaigne mean when he says that the savages are "wild in the same sense that fruits are"?

They live according to their nature.

How is a topic related to research?

To learn more about a topic, you perform research.

Based on your understanding of evaluating research articles, do you need to conduct more research after you read an article?

Yes, you need to conduct more research because you need to verify if information is accurate.

In Montaigne's opinion, barbarism simply refers to _____.

a culture whose customs are different from our own

Which elements are found in both of the two sources of Hamlet? Select all that apply.

a revenge killing murder of a king

Which best defines the following term: patronage system?

a system where wealthy private citizens funded the works of emerging artists

How stand I then, / That have a father kill'd, a mother stain'd, / Excitements of my reason and my blood, / And let all sleep? (Act IV, scene iv) Based on this context, the word Excitements most likely means


Humanism can best be described as _____.

an emphasis on life in the present

In Act I, scene ii, Claudius's mention of Fortinbras raises the issue of _____.

an external threat to Denmark

And I live on, but in grief and self-contempt,Left here without the light I loved so much,In a great tempest and with shrouds unkempt. No more love songs, then, I have done with such;My old skill now runs thin at each attempt,And tears are heard within the harp I touch. (lines 9-14) Which of the lines, taken from the sestet shown above, is the volta?

and i live on, but in grief and self-contempt

The spirit that I have seenMay be the devil: and the devil hath powerTo assume a pleasing shape. . . . (Act II, scene ii) These words of Hamlet's reflect the theme of

appearance and reality

When you evaluate an article, who should you consider? Select all that apply.

author publisher

KING CLAUDIUS: Where is Polonius? HAMLET: In heaven; send hither to see: if your messenger find him not there, seek him i' the other place yourself. (Act IV, scene iii) Why does Hamlet tell Claudius that he should be the one to seek Polonius in hell?

because Claudius is a murderer

What experience helped Machiavelli form his viewpoints on effective leadership?

being actively involved in the politics of his time

who would fardels bear, / To grunt and sweat under a weary life. Based on its context, the word fardels most likely refers to a(n)


In Petrach's Sonnet 292, the sestet opens with the line, "And I live on, but in grief and self-contempt." The word or phrase which best signifies the beginning of the volta is __________________.


What two actions taken by Hamlet and Claudius in Act III are similar?

committing a murder plotting against the other

From Act I, it is clear that Claudius is involved in the theme of _____. Select all that apply.

corruption appearance and reality

Therefore I lie with her and she with me, The word lie in the above line of "Sonnet 138" is an example of a _____.

double entendre

Which of the following is an example of the revival of Greek and Roman interests in Renaissance art?

emphasis on accurate portrayals o the human form

Which of the following identifies an interest shared between ancient Greek and Roman texts and the texts of Renaissance artists?

emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach

Which of the following developments in the Renaissance support the idea of humanism? Select all that apply.

exploring the natural world new ideas about the political organization of society interest in human anatomy artististic expression of life in the secular world

Therefore I forbid my tears: but yet / it is our trick; nature her custom holds, / Let shame say what it will: when these are gone, /The woman will be out. (Act IV, scene vii) When Laertes says these words after Ophelia's death, the word woman refers to

female weakness

Among the reasons given for Hamlet's madness are _____. Select all that apply.

frustrated love anger with Claudius and Gertrude

Put the events of the last act in the correct order.

gertrude dies laertes confesses claudius is killed hamlet dies fortinbras arrives

What factors explain why Ophelia's character is a subject of great debate? Select all that apply.

her central role in the play the little text involving her

What is the chronological order of pastoral poets?

hesiod virgil dante marlowe shakespeare

Thine evermore most dear lady, whilstthis machine is to him, Hamlet. (Act II, scene ii) When Hamlet speaks of "this machine" in his letter to Ophelia, he is referring to

his body

Which characteristic adds to the appeal of Hamlet the character?

his eloquence

Which events identify factors that contributed to the Renaissance? Select all that apply.

human-like portrayals of divine figures in art growing discontent with the corruption of the Catholic Church

What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! (act 2, scene 2) This quotation from Hamlet reflects the fact that Shakespeare lived in a time of _____ .


Why does Polonius's death bother Claudius so much?

it could have been him

Never believe it: / I am more an antique Roman than a Dane: / Here's yet some liquor left. (Act V, scene ii) Based on his reference to the behavior of ancient Romans, Horatio intends to

kill himself

And I live on, but in grief and self-contempt,Left here without the light I loved so much,In a great tempest and with shrouds unkempt. (lines 9-11) The metaphor light in the passage above refers to ___


The word sonnet comes from an Italian word that means _____.

little song

Raleigh describes ___ in "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" using personification.

love (wrong)

And in some perfumes is there more delight Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks The above lines are an example of a _____.


John Donne created which literary technique?

metaphysical conceit

Which techniques does Shakespeare use to speed the pace of Hamlet in Act IV? Select all that apply.

more settings more fighting

What are the Holy Sonnets?

nineteen poems about God and faith

The first eight lines of a Petrarchan sonnet are called the _____.


O, woe is me, / to have seen what I have seen, see what I see! These lines are spoken by ___ about ___

ophelia's hamlet's madness

A ___ is a work that idealizes the simple shepherd's life.


What incidents in Act IV show that Claudius is an intelligent strategist?

planning with Laertes

Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was the son of the king of Macedonia and inherited the throne as a young man after his father's death. He was very ambitious to conquer the known world, and became known as "the Great" because of the huge empire he ruled. From what you have read about Hamlet, what characteristics do Hamlet and Alexander the Great share? Select all that apply.

position as a prince ambition to conquer the world

The characteristics of an aside include that it _____. Select all that apply.

reflects a character's inner thoughts is brief

Why, then, 'tis none to you; for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so (act 2, scene 2) This quotation from Hamlet reflects the fact that Shakespeare lived in a time of _____.


Petrarch believed Christian scholars should _____.

study writers of pagan Rome

My liege, and madam, to expostulateWhat majesty should be, what duty is,Why day is day, night night, and time is time,Were nothing but to waste night, day and time. (Act II, scene ii) These words of Polonius reflect one aspect of his character, his


Which texts do scholars use as the basis of the text for Shakespeare's Hamlet? Select all that apply.

the 1604 or 1605 stand alone edition the First Folio of 1623

Which aspect of the plot is resolved in Act II?

the Fortinbras threat

Hamlet has the idea of having the actors put on a play in order to test whether _____. Select all that apply.

the Ghost spoke truth Claudius shows guilt

What is public morality?

the moral principles a leader claims to the public to live by

Who was Lorenzo de' Medici?

the ruler of Florence

What is iambic pentameter?

the ten-syllable rhythm of a Petrarchan sonnet

What function does the scene with the First Clown serve? Select all that apply.

thematic symbolism

I, like an usurp'd town, to another due,Labour to admit you, but O, to no end. (lines 5-6) What are some possible meanings for admit as it is used in the lines above? Select all that apply.

to allow to enter to show allegiance to someone

... He who neglects what is done for what ought to be done, sooner effects his ruin than his preservation; for a man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil. What is Machiavelli's advice to a leader who is confronted with doing the virtuous thing or the thing that best assures survival?

to choose the course that will ensure survival

According to Machiavelli, what was his purpose in writing The Prince?

to explain the real truth behind effective leadership

Why does Polonius want Reynaldo to spy on his son Laertes?

to learn if he is misbehaving

According to Cicero, what should great thinkers do?

use eloquence to spread knowledge for the common good

Dun is to gray-beige, as stanza is to _____.


Habit is to custom as transition is to _____.


During the medieval period, arts and education were funded by the Church, but during the Renaissance they were mostly funded by

wealthy merchants

Which is an example of iambic pentameter? Select all that apply.

"When my love swears that she is made of truth." "Now is the winter of our discontent."

Which quotation is a key part of Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" soliloquy?

"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"

What are two images from Marlowe's poem?

...thee beds of roses...

What are two images from Raleigh's poem?

...wayward Winter... A honey tongue...

Batter my heart, three-person'd God; for youAs yet but knock; breathe, shine, and seek to mend; (lines 1-2) What is the meter of lines 1-2?

/u u/ u/ u/ ///u u/ u/ u/ u/ wrong

1. topic 2. online catalog 3. research 4. thesis statement

1. a well-defined subject that is the focus of your research 2. collection of sources available from the library 3. information gained from searching a specific topic 4. a statement that identifies a topic and a specific argument

1. biographical information 2. abstract 3. bias 4. research article

1. significant details about an individual 2. a summary of the content 3. a prejudice in favor or against something 4. a report that discusses the results of original research

Perhaps he loves you now, . . .but you must fear,His greatness weigh'd, his will is not his own;For he himself is subject to his birth (Act I, scene iii) Why does Laertes warn Ophelia not to expect to marry Hamlet?

A prince cannot marry for love.

Which best shows the Shakespearean rhyme scheme?


Which of the following lines from "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" does NOT express the concept of transience?

All these in me no means can move

Batter my heart, three-person'd God; for youAs yet but knock; breathe, shine, and seek to mend; (lines 1-2) Which of the underlined words is an example of an aggressive verb?


___ is the emotional release felt by the audience of a tragedy.


Who dies as a result of poisoning in the final scene of Hamlet? Select all that apply.

Claudius Gertrude

Which factors contribute to Hamlet's decision in Act IV to resolve to seek revenge? Select all that apply.

Claudius's attempt to kill him the play within the play

What represents the restoration of order in Hamlet?

Fortinbras's likely kingship

Which of Shakespeare's "great tragedies" was the first one he wrote and is the most performed of his tragedies?


Identify two examples of dramatic irony in Act III of Hamlet.

Hamlet tells the Player how to say his lines. Claudius asks of the play, "Is there no offence in 't?"

Which speech reflects Shakespeare's own life?

Hamlet's advice to the Player

What two questions are not definitely settled at the beginning of Act III?

Hamlet's madness Horatio's friendship

I conceive there is more barbarity in eating a man alive, than when he is dead; in tearing a body limb from limb by racks and torments, that is yet in perfect sense; in roasting it by degrees; in causing it to be bitten and worried by dogs and swine (as we have not only read, but lately seen, not among inveterate and mortal enemies, but among neighbors and fellow-citizens, and, which is worse, under color of piety and religion), than to roast and eat him after he is dead. What is Montaigne's purpose in saying this?

He is criticizing the way his own government treats its enemies.

I, like an usurp'd town, to another due,Labour to admit you, but O, to no end. (lines 5-6) Why is the speaker unable to allow God into the town?

He is not strong enough to do it on his own.

My father's brother, but no more like my fatherThan I to Hercules (Act I, scene ii) What is Hamlet's point about King Claudius?

He is nowhere near as worthy as his dead father.

What are two claims that the shepherd makes in his argument to the young maiden?

He promises her singing birds. He promises to make her a gown of wool from pretty lambs.

What makes Montaigne a skeptic?

He questions whether truth is certain.

According to Montaigne, why is he writing his essays?

He wants to explore and record his ideas for his relatives and friends.

Which contrasts how a medieval text and a Renaissance text would address a divine figure?

In the Renaissance text, the divine is more likely to be absent.

Why is Hamlet considered by some to be a problem play? Select all that apply.

It contains sinful behavior in most of the scenes. It contains somber and humorous scenes.

Machiavelli's statement "... It appears to me more appropriate to follow up the real truth of the matter rather than the imagination of it ..." can best be paraphrased as, _____.

It is more appropriate to state things as they are rather than as we imagine them to be.

But, you must know, your father lost a father;That father lost, lost his (Act I, scene ii) What message is Claudius giving Hamlet with these words?

It is time to stop grieving.

What was Petrarch's vernacular?


What can you say about resources?

JSTOR is an online periodical library.

Which of the following lines from Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 most strongly indicates that it is written about the "dark lady?

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun (wrong)

Our utmost endeavors cannot arrive at so much as to imitate the nest of the least of birds, its contexture, beauty, and convenience: not so much as the web of a poor spider. All things, says Plato, are produced either by nature, by fortune, or by art; the greatest and most beautiful by the one or the other of the former, the least and the most imperfect by the last. Montiagne's statement can best be paraphrased as _____.

Nature creates more superior things than human ability can.

Hamlet's interaction with _____ provides some comic relief in Act V, scene ii.


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