Oxford idioms

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a halfway house hand in glove put your heads together hitch horses together meet someone halfway a meeting of minds oil and water the old school tie the old boy network on the same page close ranks you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours shoulder to shoulder sing from the same hymn sheet it takes two to tango go with the tide two-way street Courage beard the lion in his den bell the cat bite the bullet have a lot of bottle take the bull by the horns bury your head in the sand pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire cold feet face the music as game as Ned Kelly gird your loins grasp the nettle heart of oak stick your neck out have nerves of steel a stout heart whistle in the dark show the white feather Crime and punishment the long arm of the law six of the best do bird bring someone to book throw the book at the boys in blue feel someone's collar crack a crib a hanging offence take the law into your own hands at Her Majesty's pleasure public enemy number one beat the rap up the river a rod in pickle rough justice short sharp shock a slap on the wrist tar and feather twelve good men and true Crisis when the balloon goes up when the band begins to play burn your boats (or bridges) when the chips are down at the crossroads when it comes to the crunch at the eleventh hour the fat is in the fire on a knife-edge make or break moment of truth neck or nothing the parting of the ways head someone or something off at the pass point of no return when push comes to shove cross the Rubicon the last [or final) straw turn the corner Critics and criticism an armchair critic a back-seat driver if the cap fits, wear it be on someone's case bust someone's chops a sacred cow damned if you do and damned if you don't dip your pen in gall under fire have a go at do a hatchet job on pick holes jump down someone's throat not mince words Monday morning quarterback give someone a mouthful get it in the neck


a new lease of life miss the boat not miss a trick in pole position room at the top seize the day not a shot in your locker there's more than one way to skin a cat let something slip through your fingers steal a march on strike while the iron is hot have a second string to your bow time and tide wait for no man a toe in the door window of vulnerability the world is your oyster Poverty on your beam ends not have a bean keep body and soul together from clogs to clogs in three generations down and out from hand to mouth not have a penny to bless yourself with not have two pennies to rub together poor as a church mouse in Queer Street from rags to riches in reduced circumstances live on the smell of an oil rag on your uppers keep the wolf from the door Power top banana get someone over a barrel at someone's beck and call beggar on horseback a big cheese know where the bodies are buried in the box seat call the shots (or tune) hold all the cards play cat and mouse with in the catbird seat big white chief cock of the walk dance to someone's tune in the driver's seat have someone eating out of your hand in the hollow of your hand men in grey suits (at man) a mover and shaker have someone in the palm of your hand in someone's pocket pull the strings hold the purse strings rule the roost in the saddle under someone's thumb have someone on toast wear the trousers twist someone round your little finger Pregnancy have a bun in the oven in the (pudding) club up the duff in the family way a gleam {or twinkle) in someone's eye the patter of tiny feet up the spout Preparation and readiness armed at all points asleep at the wheel keep your eye on the ball batten down the hatches loaded for bear off the cuff dot the i's and cross the t's get all your ducks in a row at your fingertips firing on all (four) cylinders gird your loins grease the wheels at half cock on the hoof jump the gun catch someone with their pants down keep your powder dry prime the pump shoot from the hip on spec on the spur of the moment set the stage for on the stocks all systems go on your toes


all Lombard Street to a China orange put your money on no two ways about it lay odds open-and-shut put your shirt on as sure as eggs is eggs Change the boot is on the other foot a breath of fresh air a new broom ring the changes chop and change cross the floor future shock don't change horses in midstream Jekyll and Hyde turn over a new leaf a leopard can't change his spots the law of the Medes and the Persians break the mould poacher turned gamekeeper rise from the ashes rite of passage turn the scales shuffle the cards sing a different tune (or song) be carved (or set) in stone turn the tables trim your sails variety is the spice of life new wine in old bottles Chaos and disorder alarms and excursions upset the apple cart raise Cain put the cat among the pigeons raise the devil the dust settles every which way flutter the dovecotes play havoc with make hay of all hell broke loose play merry hell with play hob make a Horlicks of a hornet's nest out of joint out of kilter all over the lot raise a dust rock the boat come apart at the seams shipshape and Bristol fashion all over the shop be lost in the shuffle at sixes and sevens Class tug your forelock keep up with the Joneses downwardly {or upwardly) mobile as common as muck one nation noblesse oblige born to the purple sit below the salt be born with a silver spoon in your mouth a tall poppy the wrong side of the tracks the great unwashed the upper crust Clothes your best bib and tucker dressed to kill dressed up like a dog's dinner fine feathers in your glad rags fit like a glove in full fig mutton dressed as lamb off the peg in full rig shoot your cuffs Cooperation be art and part of play ball if you can't beat them, join them in cahoots make common cause with cheek by jowl circle the wagons play footsie with someone give and take


beat the living daylights out of duke it out the gloves are off go the knuckle punch someone's lights out tear someone limb from limb get physical take a pop at a Procrustean bed he who lives by the sword dies by the sword beat the tar out of have been in the wars Warfare a call to arms blood and iron the dogs of war the pen is mightier than the sword a pitched battle rattle sabres a roll of honour throw away the scabbard take the King's (or Queen's) shilling beat swords into ploughshares the late unpleasantness the war to end all wars Weakness an Achilles heel besetting sin big girl's blouse built on sand a chink in someone's armour a faint heart have feet of clay (see foot) hit where you live a house of cards a house divided man of straw milk and water a paper tiger a broken reed fall apart at the seams knock the stuffing out of Weather blow great guns brass monkey chuck it down the eye of the storm the heavens opened Indian summer a London particular rain cats and dogs lovely weather for ducks Work and employment get the boot hang up your boots someone's bread and butter on the broo burn the midnight oil a busman's holiday get your cards get the gate a golden handshake put someone out to grass hit the bricks jobs for the boys live over the shop put someone out to pasture walk the plank the oldest profession punch the time clock give someone the push hang out your shingle talk shop put up the shutters the smell of the lamp old Spanish customs by the sweat of your brow Buggins' turn walk of life on the wallaby track Youth angry young man the awkward age babes in the wood bright young thing a broth of a boy at your mother's (or father's) knee knee-high to a grasshopper poor little rich girl (or boy) your salad days ugly ducking take years off someone


get a fair shake one good turn deserves another Language, speech, and conversation have kissed the blarney stone talk a blue streak chew the fat have swallowed a dictionary the gift of the gab start a hare say a mouthful in a nutshell the pen is mightier than the sword have a plum in your mouth prunes and prisms a purple patch run off at the mouth shoot the breeze have a silver tongue call a spade a spade speak in tongues pick up stompies in words of one syllable talk the hind leg off a donkey talk nineteen to the dozen the gift of tongues Laziness a bone in your leg eat the bread of idleness couch potato cut corners dodge the column rest on your oars come the old soldier swing the lead twiddle your thumbs Love bill and coo set your cap at eternal triangle an old flame wear your heart on your sleeve hell hath no fury like a woman scorned the light of your life love's young dream the boy (or girl) next door sweet nothings not the only pebble on the beach make sheep's eyes at someone carry a torch for wear the green willow Madness have bats in the belfry round the bend (or twist) off your chump away with the fairies have kangaroos in the top paddock mad as a hatter lose your marbles men in white suits (see man) out of your mind nutty as a fruit cake out to lunch off your nana go postal off your rocker have a screw loose take leave of your senses straws in your hair out of your tree off your trolley Marriage your better half bottom drawer her indoors make an honest woman of hope chest tie the knot plight your troth pop the question on the shelf Misfortune and adversity with your back against the wall a bad quarter of an hour bed of nails catch a Tartar a chapter of accidents be caught in a cleft stick be up the creek without a paddle have your cross to bear between the devil and the deep blue sea the dirty end of the stick sow dragon's teeth behind the eight ball out of the frying pan into the fire


give someone the (glad) eye the facts of life a fate worse than death how's your father play the field have the hots for know someone in the biblical sense lead in your pencil do a line with someone put the make on nudge nudge (wink wink) get your oats get physical on a promise put it about breed like rabbits red-light district a roll in the hay a bit of rough turn a trick wham-bam thank you ma'am make whoopee Strength show the flag flex your muscles true grit put hairs on your chest hitch your wagon to a star an iron hand (in a velvet glove) a labour of Hercules the law of the jungle by main force with might and main hold your own pack a punch pump iron show your teeth be made of sterner stuff a tower of strength a tiger in your tank tough it out Success bring home the bacon go with a bang go down a bomb the brass ring work like a charm close but no cigar cook on the front burner on the crest of a wave curl the mo cut the mustard carry the day your finest hour a flash in the pan be in like Flynn get a guernsey happy hunting ground hit the mark hit the jackpot bring your pigs to market place in the sun go places sitting pretty ride high on a roll come up roses go down a storm the top of the tree come {or turn) up trumps win your spurs carry the world before you Surprise bolt from the blue take someone's breath away out of a clear blue sky out ofcountenance that beats the Dutch you could have knocked me down with a feather catch someone flat-footed set someone back on their heels throw someone a loop have eyes like saucers knock someone's socks off sting in the tail a turn-up for the book Thoroughness from A to Z boots and all go for broke from go to whoa go the whole hog a lick and a promise go the extra mile in for a penny, in for a pound


keep a weather eye on in the wings Reputation and fame a black sheep not as black as you are painted blot your copybook a blot on the escutcheon Caesar's wife claim to fame under a cloud give a dog a bad name look to your laurels a legend in their own lifetime the mark of Cain someone's name is mud have your name in lights no smoke without fire a nine days' wonder Revenge and retribution settle accounts with someone bay for blood the biter bit pay someone back in their own coin have it coming to you day of reckoning get your just deserts get even with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth don't get mad, get even a dose (or taste) of your own medicine get your own back poetic justice revenge is a dish best served cold settle a score tit for tat Secrecy an ace up your sleeve between you and me and the bedpost keep your cards close to your chest sweep something under the carpet let the cat out of the bag behind closed doors a closed book cover your tracks a dark horse a fly on the wall blow the gaff give the game away keep something under your hat under the hatches a hidden agenda keep the lid on someone's lips are sealed mum's the word on the q.t. shout something from the rooftops in a smoke-filled room under the rose behind the scenes show your hand a skeleton in the cupboard spill the beans tip your hand blow the whistle on something nasty in the woodshed Self-interest have an axe to grind bite the hand that feeds you bow down in the house of Rimmon know which side your bread is buttered fight your corner curry favour dog in the manger be your own worst enemy every man for himself have an eye for the main chance feather your nest take the fifth foul your own nest I'm all right, Jack the law of the jungle contemplate your navel put your head in a noose cut off your nose to spite your face not in my back yard take care of number one paint yourself into a corner hoist with your own petard make a rod for your own back sell your soul to the devil cut your own throat Sex the birds and the bees a bit on the side pop someone's cherry of easy virtue


one nation ask no odds the pot calls the kettle black redress the balance be no respecter of persons share and share alike six of one and half a dozen of the other on terms Excess and extravagance break a butterfly on a wheel burn the candle at both ends coals to Newcastle too many cooks spoil the broth have something coming out of your ears enough is as good as a feast feast or famine gild the lily the golden mean jump the shark lay something on with a trowel the Matthew principle sow one's wild oats go overboard over-egg the pudding pile Pelion on Ossa prodigal son take a sledgehammer to crack a nut in spades over the top waste not, want not Expense cost an arm and a leg bang for your buck break the bank not worth the candle cheap at the price what's the damage? go Dutch cost the earth on the house a king's ransom pay through the nose over the odds pay the piper a pretty penny for a song time is money top dollar top (or full) whack a white elephant Experience babes in the wood know something like the back of your hand cut your teeth be thrown in at the deep end see the elephant find your feet get your feet wet (at foot) teach your grandmother to suck eggs grist to the mill live and learn once bitten, twice shy the school of hard knocks spread your wings been there, done that the university of life wet behind the ears a man (or woman) of the world Family the angel in the house tied to someone's apron strings born on the wrong side of the blanket blood is thicker than water blood will tell charity begins at home a chip off the old block a cuckoo in the nest empty nester like father, like son your own flesh and blood hatches, matches, and despatches hearth and home her indoors kith and kin your nearest and dearest tug of love you and yours Fate and chance accidents will happen the long arm of coincidence that's the way the cookie crumbles in the lap of the gods lightning never strikes twice have someone's (name and) number on it


pick nits have a pop at the pot calling the kettle black rap someone over the knuckles cast the first stone straight from the shoulder tear someone off a strip Danger put your head on the block a warning shot across the bows chance your arm close shave dice with death go through fire too hot to hold you (skating) on thin ice a lion in the way the lion's den the lion's mouth live to tell the tale a loose cannon play with fire ride for a fall sail close to the wind saved by the bell Scylla and Charybdis siren song the sword of Damocles hang by a thread have a tiger by the tail have a wolf by the ears a wolf in sheep's clothing out of the woods Death in Abraham's bosom bite the big one bite the dust go bung cash in your chips shuffle off this mortal coil pushing up the daisies go to Davy Jones's locker hand in your dinner pail buy the farm go the way of all flesh give up the ghost have one foot in the grave the Grim Reaper off the hooks hop the twig join the great majority kick the bucket king of terrors meet your maker pass in your ally pop your clogs go to your reward six feet under turn up your toes beyond the veil go west not be long for this world food for worms Debt on the cuff flexible friend in hock in the hole your pound of flesh in Queer Street in the red rob Peter to pay Paul on the slate get square with on tick Deception and lying sell someone a bill of goods be caught with chaff sail under false colours sell someone a dummy with forked tongue lead someone up the garden path beware the Greeks bearing gifts hook, line, and sinker hand someone a lemon all done with mirrors nail a lie accept a wooden nickel do a number on a wooden nutmeg sell someone a pup work the rabbit's foot on come the raw prawn take someone for a ride the scales fall from someone's eyes take someone for a sleigh ride sleight of hand smell a rat


pour oil on troubled waters part brass rags with hold the ring a running battle shoot it out sparks fly be at each others' throats fight tooth and nail trail your coat try a fall with a war of nerves on the warpath wigs on the green Beauty the body beautiful belle of the ball easy on the eye plain Jane no oil painting peaches and cream be (or look) a picture plain as a pikestaff not just a pretty face pretty as a picture a sight for sore eyes an ugly duckling Boastfulness and conceit above yourself talk big too big for your boots little tin god be all hat and no cattle turn someone's head hide your light under a bushel blow your own horn draw the longbow be all mouth and no trousers drop names pride goes before a fall shoot a line shoot your mouth off have a swollen head have tickets on yourself blow your own trumpet Bribery, corruption, and extortion put the bite on bleed someone dry take someone to the cleaners cook the books with your hand in the cookie jar dirty work at the crossroads grease someone's palm feather your own nest on the fiddle line your pockets every man has his price put in the nips rob someone blind salt the books stick to someone's fingers sticky fingers keep someone sweet on the take have your fingers in the till Caution belt and braces better safe than sorry a bird in the hand see which way the cat jumps throw caution to the winds dip your toe in something discretion is the better part of valour don't put all your eggs in one basket lower your guard look before you leap steer a middle course play it safe to be on the safe side let sleeping dogs lie a stitch in time one swallow doesn't make a summer think twice walk on eggs (or eggshells) Certainty an article of faith you can bet your boots a safe bet a bird in the hand in your bones I should cocoa count your chickens be dollars to doughnuts that I'm a Dutchman gospel truth


root and branch from soda to hock from soup to nuts stay the course leave no stone unturned pull out all the stops Time arrow of time once in a blue moon turn back the clock till the cows come home in a dog's age donkey's years the year dot a movable feast a fly in amber till hell freezes over till kingdom come many moons ago a month of Sundays a New York minute before the Rinderpest round the clock time immemorial the watches of the night the witching hour Traitors and treachery point the bone at turn cat in pan do the dirty on someone fifth column a fair-weather friend beware the Greeks bearing gifts a Judas kiss night of the long knives sell the pass a poisoned chalice play someone false put someone's pot on sell someone down the river a snake in the grass a stab in the back a Trojan horse a viper in your bosom Travel and transport a bird of passage ride bodkin seven-league boots a magic carpet as the crow flies on the gad hit the road go round the houses get itchy feet knight of the road live out of a suitcase waltz Matilda Mexican overdrive ride the rails ride shotgun round Robin Hood's barn a rolling stone put down roots a sabbath day's journey on Shanks's pony pull up stakes up sticks on the stump go walkabout Unhappiness and disappointment your heart sinks into your boots beat your breast a dog's life down in the mouth down in the dumps dust and ashes eat your heart out end in tears a ghost at the feast a kick in the teeth a lump in your throat sick as a parrot a slap in the face vale of tears wear the green willow wormwood and gall wring your hands Violence blood and guts blood and thunder have blood on your hands give someone Bondi bunch of fives tap someone's claret


shut the stable door after the horse has bolted chase your tail tilt at windmills spin your wheels whistle in the wind a wild goose chase Gossip and rumour dish the dirt someone's ears are burning hear something on the grapevine no smoke without fire tell tales out of school bush telegraph get wind of the word on the street Happiness, pleasure, and enjoyment walk on air have a ball beer and skittles push the boat out be a box of birds bread and circuses cakes and ale a bowl of cherries the cherry on the cake on cloud nine warm the cockles of someone's heart like a dog with two tails forbidden fruit the gaiety of nations everything in the garden is lovely merry as a grig in seventh heaven kick up your heels full of the joys of spring over the moon music to your ears paint the town red the party's over the primrose path ray of sunshine a red letter day roses, roses, all the way with your tail up be tickled pink on the tiles on top of the world walk on air whoop it up wine, women, and song Haste and speed like a bat out of hell in the blink of an eye like the clappers rattle your dags like a dose of salts at the double at the drop of a hat put foot hell for leather hold your horses hustle your butt before you can say Jack Robinson put a jerk in it in jig time on the jump before you can say knife at a rate of knots get the lead out at a lick like greased lightning at full pelt quick and dirty burn rubber rush your fences like a scalded cat in two shakes (of a lamb's tail) in short order get your skates on in a trice in a twinkling get a wiggle on in the wink of an eye Health and illness the big C catch your death like death warmed up in fine fettle fit as a fiddle fit as a flea green about the gills give someone gyp in the pink right as rain


sick as a dog up to snuff sick to your stomach right as a trivet under the weather Honesty a straight arrow above board put your cards on the table make a clean breast of something Mr Clean cross my heart straight as a die fair and square on the level play fair the salt of the earth Scout's honour on the square on the up and up Hope and optimism brave new world look on the bright side count your chickens cross your fingers hope springs eternal light at the end of the tunnel a silver lining come up smiling have stars in your eyes clutch at straws third time lucky it's an ill wind the wish is father to the thought the best of both (or all possible) worlds Hypocrisy shed crocodile tears holier than thou Lady Bountiful pay lip service to something make nice physician, heal thyself the unco guid a whited sepulchre Indecision and prevarication beat about the bush blow hot and cold see which way the cat jumps sit on the fence put something on the long finger fish or cut bait run with the hare and hunt with the hounds hedge your bets hum and haw the jury is still out be in two minds play both ends against the middle all at sea Intelligence and knowledge know how many beans make five blind someone with science the chattering classes too clever by half culture vulture feast of reason there are no flies on (at fly) a man (or woman) of letters know your onions not just a pretty face be quick on the uptake not rocket science have your head screwed on sharp as a needle not suffer fools gladly hand on the torch Jealousy and envy eat your heart out the grass is always greener the green-eyed monster keep up with the Joneses nice work if you can get it how the other half lives sour grapes Justice day of reckoning get your just deserts give the devil his due what goes around comes around murder will out you reap what you sow a Roland for an Oliver what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander


smoke and mirrors swing the lead pull the wool over someone's eyes Doubt and uncertainty all bets are off don't bet on it a doubting Thomas it'll be a frosty Friday in July a likely story tell that to the marines in a pig's eye pigs might fly pull the other one take something with a pinch of salt strain at a gnat Drinking bend your elbow hit the bottle in your cups drink like a fish drown your sorrows drunk as a lord (or skunk) Dutch courage one over the eight full as a goog out of your gourd hair of the dog put hairs on your chest under the influence lift your elbow sign the pledge prop up the bar one for the road drown the shamrock two (or three) sheets to the wind sober as ajudge spit and sawdust the sun is over the yardarm tie one on tight as a tick tired and emotional make a Virginia fence walk the chalk wet the baby's head wet your whistle Drugs chase the dragon go cold turkey kick the gong around slip someone a Mickey Finn have a monkey on your back Duty and responsibility pass the baton the buck stops here pass the buck carry the can footloose and fancy-free let George do it be on someone's (own) head hold the fort be left holding the baby on the hook for be someone's pigeon on your plate hold the sack wash your hands of Embarrassment, shame, and humiliation spare someone's blushes cut someone down to size eat crow eat dirt with egg on your face lose face fall flat on your face go hot and cold eat humble pie laugh on the other side of your face lick your wounds take someone down a peg or two red as a beetroot sackcloth and ashes shoot someone down in flames a skeleton in the cupboard take the starch out of someone with your tail between your legs Equality a cat may look at a king all cats are grey in the dark diamond cuts diamond first among equals even Stephens (or Stevens) a fair field and no favour meet your match


someone's number is up the wheel of Fortune Food break bread with man cannot live by bread alone eat someone out of house and home have eyes bigger than your stomach kill the fatted calf eat like a horse ladies who lunch (at lady) Lenten fare melt in the mouth off your oats get outside of make a pig of yourself stick to your ribs an army marches on its stomach wine and dine Fools and foolishness there's one born every minute a brick short of a load bright spark dead from the neck up not playing with a full deck empty vessels make most noise fools rush in where angels fear to tread play the giddy goat need your head examined act the maggot wear motley no more than ninepence in the shilling not the full quid a right one a sandwich short of a picnic not the full shilling thick as two (short) planks silly as a wheel a wise man of Gotham Foresight and the future cross someone's palm with silver lay something up in lavender a pricking in your thumbs the shape of things to come a straw in the wind time will tell the writing is on the wall Forgiveness and reconciliation bury the hatchet let bygones be bygones turn the other cheek to err is human, to forgive divine kiss and make up mend your fences hold out an olive branch prodigal son water under the bridge wipe the slate clean Friends and acquaintances Damon and Pythias hai l-fellow-well-met man's best friend part brass rags with rub shoulders with scrape acquaintance with ships that pass in the night give someone skin thick as thieves three musketeers Futility a blind alley like getting blood out of a stone waste your breath make bricks without straw Buckley's chance not a cat in hell's chance go round in circles whistle Dixie fight a losing battle flog a dead horse bang your head against a brick wall cry over spilt milk milk the bull bark at the moon a needle in a haystack painting the Forth Bridge cast pearls before swine plough the sand a Pyrrhic victory get a quart into a pint pot chase rainbows reinvent the wheel a rope of sand spitting in the wind


up a gum tree under the harrow come hell or high water in hot water the iron entered someone's soul a pretty (or fine) kettle offish go through the mill a millstone round your neck a nail in the coffin go pear-shaped the rough end of the pineapple any port in a storm buy the rabbit on the rack it never rains but it pours be on the receiving end between a rock and a hard place roll with the punches a hard row to hoe the short end of the stick slings and arrows a slippery slope a spanner in the works draw the short straw up a stump a thorn in someone's side Mistakes throw the baby out with the bathwater back the wrong horse bark up the wrong tree off base off beam up the booay put the cart before the horse chickens come home to roost get your wires crossed drop a clanger to err is human, to forgive divine put your foot in it score an own goal kill the goose that lays the golden egg shoot yourself in the foot slip of the pen (or tongue) slip on a banana skin get hold of the wrong end of the stick Money, wealth, and prosperity an Aladdin's cave a bed of roses have one's bread buttered on both sides in clover corn in Egypt feel the draught have it easy live off the fat of the land board the gravy train live high on the hog in the lap of luxury the Mammon of unrighteousness the Midas touch milk and honey where there's muck there's brass pennies from heaven a piece of the action on the pig's back make your pile have deep pockets be quids in at rack and manger the life of Riley a roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over be rolling in it be born with a silver spoon in your mouth Tom Tiddler's ground Nakedness in the altogether in your birthday suit in the buff go commando in a state of nature in the nip in your pelt in the raw Opportunity an arrow in the quiver the ball is in someone's court play your cards right a bite at the cherry a fair crack of the whip every dog has his day as one door closes, another opens take time by the forelock not let the grass grow under your feet half a chance make hay while the sun shines a kick at the can (or cat) kill two birds with one stone


Action start the ball rolling get the bit between your teeth at the coalface get cracking go for the doctor get (or pull) your finger out keep your nose to the grindstone hammer and tongs hit the ground running hot to trot have many irons in the fire rest on your laurels lead from the front put your money where your mouth is rest on your oars put your hand to the plough take the plunge press the button roll up your sleeves set the wheels in motion shake a leg put your shoulder to the wheel get the show on the road watch someone's smoke stir your stumps strike while the iron is hot get weaving no peace for the wicked Age out of the ark have seen better days the bloom is off the rose you can't teach an old dog new tricks there's no fool like an old fool have one foot in the grave full of years ancient (or old) as the hills over the hill have had a good innings on your last legs long in the tooth pass your sell-by date past it second childhood stricken in years threescore years and ten there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle the vale of years put years on someone Ambition think big bite off more than you can chew fire in the belly fly high punch above your weight room at the top try to run before you can walk set your heart on raise your sights set your sights on reach for the stars punch your ticket Anger and annoyance bent out of shape get off your bike make your blood boil blow your top


have a cob on count to ten have a cow go crook get your dander up give someone the hairy eyeball breathe fire fit to be tied flip your lid fly off the handle froth (or foam) at the mouth blow a gasket make someone's hackles rise hot under the collar have your monkey up do your nana go non-linear put someone's nose out of joint do your nut get on someone's quince give someone the pip lose your rag rattle someone's cage a red rag to a bull see red go through the roof rub someone up the wrong way keep your shirt on go spare spit blood vent your spleen have steam coming out of your ears get on someone's wick Anxiety and worry screaming abdabs bag [or bundle) of nerves with bated breath hot and bothered have butterflies in your stomach have a cadenza like a cat on a hot tin roof have your heart in your mouth like a hen with one chick having kittens like a monkey on a stick live on your nerves on pins and needles sweat blood sweat bullets on tenterhooks on thorns meet trouble halfway twist in the wind be a weight off your mind Appearance the acceptable face of someone's bark is worse than their bite bells and whistles borrowed plumes look as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth all cats are grey in the dark like something the cat brought in the cut of someone's jib dressed like a dog's dinner a false dawn fool's gold be all fur coat and no knickers take the gilt off the gingerbread all that glitters is not gold handsome is as handsome does mutton dressed as lamb a paper tiger pass in a crowd like peas in a pod a Potemkin village under the skin be the spit of still waters run deep Argument and conflict agree to differ apple of discord battle of the giants a bone of contention have a bone to pick with someone fight like cat and dog chop logic at cross purposes cross swords take up the cudgels cut and thrust at daggers drawn play devil's advocate divide and rule add fuel to the fire lock horns at loggerheads go to the mat passage of arms


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