Pageant Chapter Quizzes 12th Edition Chapter 1

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3. What was the name of the narrow eastern coastal plain that sloped gently upward to the timeworn ridges of the Appalachians?

"Tidewater region"

45. How did America gain its name?

Americus Vespucius

42. What two ways did the Spaniards conquer the Aztecs?

Through militarily and disease (small pox)

28. What fraction of the current worlds crops which are cultivated, originated in the Americas?


18. How many Native Americans occupied North America in 1492? What is the current number of American Indian/Alaska Natives in the United States?

4-7 million/5.2 million

2. How long ago were the Appalachian Mountains created? What part of North America are they located in?

480 - 350 million years ago. They run from Canada down to Georgia and Alabama along the East Coast.

23. Who were the first flesh (slave) merchants in the Continent of Africa?

Arabs and Africans themselves

7. Which Indian tribe called Mexico home when the Spanish came to the New World?


24. Which Portuguese explorer rounded the southernmost tip of the "Dark Continent" in 1488?

Bartholomeu Dias

27. Why did Columbus call the Natives of North America Indians?

Because Columbus thought he had arrived in the Indies

33. Where in the New World did the "sugar revolution" take place?

Caribbean because of the climate for sugar cane

36. What was the name given to the Spanish explores of the New World?


38. Which Spanish explorer sought the "Cities of Gold" in North America, wandering into AZ, NM and going east as far as Kansas?


16. Which Native American tribes prospered because of the "three sister" farming technique?

Creek, Choctaw, and Cherokee

43. Mexicans celebrate Columbus Day as the Dia de la Raza. What does Dia de la Raza mean?

Day of the new race

35. When the Spanish arrive in the New World what were their motives?

Establishment of missions (conversion), search for God, gold and glory.

37. Who is known as the person to 1st circumnavigate the globe (didn't quite make it)?

Ferdinand Magellan

30. Name some of the Columbian exchanges from the New World to the Old.

Gold, silver, corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, vanilla, chocolate, syphilis.

13. What was the name of the sixteenth century leader of the Iroquois Confederacy?


9. How did the Aztecs routinely seek favor with their many gods? Why did Aztecs perform this ritual daily?

Human sacrifice (5000). They thought the sun would be extinguished if they didn't.

5. Which Indian tribe called Peru home when the Spanish came to the New World?


29. According to the authors of our textbook what tradeoff for the losses inflicted by the slave trade helped to make Africa more prosperous?

Introduction of maize, manioc, and sweet potatoes

12. Which North American Indian tribe created a Confederacy, which could have rivaled the great nation-states of Mexico and Peru?


19. Which Viking was probably the first to set foot upon the North American soil?

Leif Erickson

8. Which crop did most of the tribes cultivate as their primary harvest?


15. The "three-sister" farming technique produced which crops in the southeastern Atlantic seaboard region?

Maize, beans, squash

21. Which Italian adventurer returned to Europe in 1295 to tell tails of his nearly 20-year trip in China?

Marco Polo

46. Place the following in correct chronological order: Columbus lands in the Bahamas, Magellan's vessel completes circumnavigation of the world, Marco Polo returns to Europe, Treaty of Tordesillas signed between Spain and Portugal, Spanish build fortress in St. Augustine, Florida.

Marco Polo, Columbus, Treaty, Magellan, St. Augustine.

6. Which Indian tribe called Central America home when the Spanish came to the New World?


40. What "new race" was formed between the Europeans and Indian women of the New World?


11. Name three Indian tribes located in Arizona when the Spanish arrived in the New World? Texas?

Mohave, Yuma, Pima, Papago, Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Maricopa. Apache, Jumano and Eastern Pueblos, Kiowa, Comanche, Wichita, Tawakoni, Kitsai, Daddo, Bidai, Karankawa, Tonkawa, Coahuilteco, Carrizo

1. What was the name of the single super continent some 225 million years ago where the entire world's dry land was contained?


44. After establishing many missions in New Mexico what revolt took place by the natives in 1680 destroying every Catholic Church and killing scores of priests along with hundreds of Spanish settlers?

Pope's Revolt or the Pueblo Revolt

22. Which country had developed the caravel, a ship that could sail more closely into the wind, and they also discovered that they could return to Europe by sailing northwesterly from the African coast toward the Azores, where the prevailing westward breezes would carry them home?


10. Which Indian tribe, known as "village" in Spanish, constructed intricate irrigation systems to water their cornfields in the Rio Grande valley?


26. Which country sponsored Columbus's trip to the New World?


32. Which country is most responsible for the introduction of the horse to N. America?


39. What is the oldest continually inhabited European settlement established in what would become the United States?

St. Augustine, 1565 (in Florida)

41. What was the capital of the Aztec Empire? What was the name of the Aztec god that they thought had arrived in the form of Cortez?

Tenochtitlan/ Quetzalcoatl

20. How did the crusades help to drive the need to "discover" North America? How did the fall of the Mongolian Empire lead to the Age of Exploration?

The drive for goods and exotic delights of Asia created a need for a quicker route to Asia. It became more dangerous to travel along the land route to Asia and drove people to the water.

4. How did many of the Native Americans travel to North America from Asia?

The land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska

17. What probably is the greatest legacy of the North American Indian tribes to the Americans (Hjort question)?

Their Names

14. Why were the Native Americans easily conquered by the Spanish and later by the English?

They had inferior weapons, were not organized, spoke many different languages, European diseases

34. What treaty will be signed in 1494 dividing the New World among the Portuguese and Spanish?

Treaty of Tordesillas

25. In 1498, which Portuguese explorer reached India and returned with jewels and spices?

Vasco da Gama

31. Name some of the Columbian exchanges from the Old World and Africa to the New World.

Wheat, sugar, rice, coffee, horses, cows, pigs, smallpox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, diphtheria, scarlet fever, slave labor.

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