Pages 12-20 in study guide questions for Night

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Where were the deportees told they were going?

To the small ghetto to wait for the last transportation - To work in the Hungary brick factories

Why was someone knocking on the window?

To warn them of danger - Was a Hungarian police office what was a friend of Elie's dad -Nobody answered the window when the officer first knocked

What did the Jews think might be the reason for their deportation?

-They were being taken to hungary to work in the brick factories -They were to close to the front

List three ways the deportees were abused.

1.) Women and Children were beaten or hit 2.) Starved 3.) Verbally 4.) They had to stand in the sun 5.) Relieved themselves in the synagogue (used the bathroom) 6.) Repealed 7.) Joined forces 8.) On the train... a.) No bathrooms b.) Spent 3 days on the train c.) They were in cattle cars d.) There was 80 to 100 people e.) No ventilation f.) Couldn't breathe g.) Could barely move

Why did everyone prepare to leave Sighet?

They were being deported from their homes

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