patho chapter 44 prepu

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Which physiologic changes result in menopause?

Cessation of ovarian function and decreased estrogen levels

The nurse providing teaching about the female reproductive system includes which principle?

Ovaries are responsible for ovulation and hormone production.

Select the structure primarily responsible for the secretions of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin.

Anterior pituitary gland

The environment of the vagina is moist with a pH 4.0 to 4.5. The major purpose of the acidic environment is:


A female client with a strong family history of cardiovascular disease asks the nurse if she should take estrogen replacement while in menopause. What is the nurse's best response?

"Estrogen has additional cardioprotective actions and you and your physician should determine if this would benefit you."

The nurse is discussing the physical changes related to menopause with a 48-year-old woman. The client asks, "How long will it take before I am through these changes and finally reach menopause?" Which statement is an appropriate response by the nurse?

"Most women experience symptoms for about 4 years."

A female client informs the nurse that she is having hot flashes on occasion, has trouble sleeping, and thinks that she is having some symptoms of menopause. The client asks the nurse how long these symptoms will last prior to experiencing menopause. What is the best response?

"Perimenopause can precede menopause by approximately 4 years."

A pregnant client asks the nurse what is causing her lower leg edema, nausea, and constipation that she is experiencing. What is the nurse's best response?

"The increase in progesterone during pregnancy is most likely the cause of these discomforts."

The nurse is teaching a female client who has been prescribed hormone therapy. The client asks, "What does this medication do?" Which statement is an appropriate response by the nurse?

"This medication will help relieve hot flashes and other adverse symptoms of menopause."

The nurse is caring for a 48-year-old female client who asks, "How do you know when you have reached menopause?" Which statement is an appropriate response by the nurse?

"You are considered to be menopausal when you have not menstruated for a full year and the hormone that fluctuates with menstruation no longer fluctuates."

What should the nurse do when a woman who stopped breast-feeding her infant 3 months ago complains of occasional milk leakage from her breasts?

Advise the woman that this is a normal occurrence after stopping breast-feeding

A female client with anorexia nervosa tells the nurse that she has been experiencing amenorrhea. The nurse is aware that this is a result of:

Alteration of critical body fat-to-muscle ratio needed for menses to occur

The endocrine system is highly involved in the female reproductive system. Which hormones are used to stimulate the primordial follicles?

FSH and LH

A female client's assessment identifies symptoms of dyspareunia and burning. The nurse is aware that the client may have developed:

Atrophic vaginitis

A woman of child-bearing age asks the nurse about a natural method to avoid pregnancy. What is an appropriate response?

Avoid sex when cervical mucus is most stretchy.

A female client informs the nurse at the clinic that she is having terrible cramping when having her menstrual cycle. She states that she has had this since beginning her cycles at age 13. What is the physiologic cause of this cramping?

Contractions of the fibers of the myometrium to expel menstrual flow

What are the fibrous tissue ligaments that extend outward from the outer boundaries of the breast to the nipple area in a radial manner called?

Cooper ligaments

Long, stretchy cervical mucus that exhibits ferning on a microscope slide is characteristic of:

Crystallization of inorganic salts

A nurse educator is explaining the process of sexual intercourse, fertilization, and fetal development to a high school biology class. What process should the nurse describe?

Fertilization in the outer portion of the fallopian tube

A client has just become pregnant and there is a consequent increase in secretions from the columnar epithelium of her endocervix. What effect will this have?

Formation of a mucoid plug to protect her uterus

A woman with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle wishes to become pregnant. At which point in the menstrual cycle is the optimal time for intercourse to end in fertilization of the ovum?

Fourteenth day after menses begins

The hormone progesterone is metabolized in which organ?


The nurse is reviewing laboratory values of a 70-year-old female client and observes the client's low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level is elevated. The nurse understands a possible reason for this is:

Long-term estrogen deprivation

What are the small bumps or projections on the areolar surface called?

Montgomery tubercles or glands

A newly pregnant woman reports to the nurse that her breasts are excessively tender and that her areolae and nipples are becoming darker and more prominent. The nurse should describe which cause of these changes?

Normal changes of pregnancy due to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone

A client is complaining to the health care provider about several vague signs/symptoms. Which sign/symptom raises a "red flag" indicating the client may have developed endometrial cancer?

Painless abnormal bleeding

Which hormone is responsible for breast development and the increase in body temperature that occurs with ovulation?


The lactating mother of a 3-month-old infant reports to the nurse that she experiences milk leakage if she hears the child cry when it has been more than 2 hours since the last feeding. How should the nurse respond?

Reassure her that this is a normal physiologic response.

A female client experiencing hot flashes during perimenopause asks the nurse about hormone therapy (HT). What is the appropriate response by the nurse?

Short term HT can be used to reduce symptoms.

The nurse is assessing a female client who is being seen at the clinic for a yearly pelvic and Pap smear. Upon assessment, which sign is consistent with the facilitation of movement of intravascular fluid into the extracelluar space related to estrogen levels before menstruation?

Slight edema of the feet and ankles

The nurse is discussing the menstrual cycle with a female client. The client asks, "Why does my side hurt halfway through my monthly cycle almost every month? The nurse suspects the cause of the pain may be:

The client has a leakage of blood onto the peritoneal surface after ovulation has occurred.

The nurse is assessing the genitalia of a 42-year-old female client diagnosed with a genitourinary disorder. The nurse recognizes that which finding does not describe the normal anatomy of the female genitalia.

The clitoris is located posterior to the urethra.

The nurse is discussing ovulation with a female client and notes an indication of ovulation is spinnbarkeit. What is an accurate description of spinnbarkeit?

The stretchy consistency of cervical mucus during ovulation

The nurse is reviewing the history of an older adult female client who was recently diagnosed with coronary heart disease. What factors are known to contribute to this condition? Select all that apply.

Used hormone therapy for 5 years Smoked 1 pack/day for 20 years Has hypertension for 15 years

The connecting tube between the cervix and the vestibule is referred to as:


The nurse planning care for a menopausal woman should include interventions to decrease risk for:


The nurse is caring for a female client who asks, "Will taking estrogen increase my chances of developing breast cancer?" Which statement is an appropriate response by the nurse?

"Currently, there is insufficient evidence to support estrogen as the cause of breast cancer."

The female external genitalia are made up of several components. What is in the vestibule of the female external genitalia?

Bartholin glands

The ovarian follicle becomes luteinized once ovulation has taken place. As the corpus luteum, the now empty follicle produces what?

Estrogen and progesterone

The nurse is reviewing findings from the maturation index with an understanding that the test indicates:

Estrogen levels

During menopause, the nurse should anticipate which hormones will be elevated? Select all that apply.

FSH LH Androstenedione

The nurse is conducting a community education program on menopause. Which condition will require medical follow-up?


In the normal menstrual function which of the following is primarily responsible for controlling the cyclic changes and length of the menstrual cycle?


A newly married female client reports to the nurse at a clinic that her first experience with intercourse was painful. What suggestion will help relieve the discomfort?

Stretch the hymen using lubricating gel on the fingers.

The nurse is explaining the process of conception to a group of middle-school students and points out that fertilization occurs:

in the middle to outer portion of the fallopian tube.

The nurse is teaching a class to adolescent girls about puberty. Which health information is accurate for inclusion in the class? Select all that apply.

-Ovaries produce hormones that cause growth of reproductive organs. -Estrogen stimulates bone growth and closure of growth plates. -Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the monthly cycle.

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