Patho I - Final Questions simple

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A pathogen is defined as...

- A virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, or prion that causes an infectious disease.

Choose the correct disorder associated with the following condition. Symptoms of salt cravings, hyperpigmentation, and anorexia may present when the body does not produce enough cortisol and/or aldosterone....

- Addison's Disease

Which constituent has the greatest percentage in blood?

- Blood Plasma

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) relates to all of the following EXCEPT.. - Can be associated with a specific gene allele which expresses, due to an autosomal dominant trail from the father. - is a "combined" immunodeficiency because it affects both of these infection-fighting white blood cells. - More than 80 percent of SCID infants do not have a family history of condition. - a disease that is usually fatal within first year of life if untreated. - Clinical trial study published in 2016 by UCLA research team in Journal of Clinical Investigation, cured 9 kids of SCIDS.

- Can be associated with a specific gene allele which expresses, due to an autosomal dominant trail from the father

Which form of leukemia is formed from a chromosomal mutation and typically occurs in older adults?

- Chronic myeloid (or myelogenous) leukemia (CML)

Hodgkin Lymphoma has two classification, which classification demonstrates CLONAL PROLIFERATION of HRS cells....

- Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lymph nodes contain all the following and have the characteristics of all EXCEPT.. - Lymph fluid flows into and out of the node. - T and B cells are densely packed within the node. - Contains an active pumping mechanism, which associates with the arterial system, to eject red bloods cells and lymph fluid during infection. - Fluid that does not contain erythrocytes; but does contain salt, glucose, fats, water and leukocytes. - Macrophages and plasma cells are densely packed within the node.

- Contains an active pumping mechanism, which associates with the arterial system, to eject red bloods cells and lymph fluid during infection.

Choose the incorrect statement.. - Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease is an autosomal dominate disorder when it occurs from genetic origin. - Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease is the primary cause of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. - Variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease occurs only in humans and has been linked to eating beef that has been infected with Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. - Latrogenic CJD may develop after being exposed to infected human tissue during a medical procedure. - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is due to an abnormal folding of specific cellular proteins.

- Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease is the primary cause of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

These cells of the human body Lacking nucleus, mitochondria and are biconcave disks that measure 2.2 - 7.5 microns in size...

- Erythrocyte

In hemolytic anemia... (choose the correct answer)

- Erythrocytes undergo hemolysis faster than they can be made by the bone marrow.

The following statements pertain to chronic inflammation. (choose the INCORRECT answer) - Characterized by the presence of non-specific granulation tissue formed by infiltration of mononuclear cells - Characterized by the presence of distinct nodular lesions or granulomas formed with an aggregation of activated macrophages or its derived cell called epithelioid cells usually surrounded by lymphocytes. - Granuloma formed due to a foreign body or T-cell mediated immune response is termed as foreign body granuloma - Failure of eliminating agent causing an acute inflammation such as infectious organisms - Following the initial response, blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow into the area. Vasodilation may last from 15 minutes to several hours.

- Following the initial response, blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow into the area. Vasodilation may last from 15 minutes to several hours.

Choose the correct answer. - Prior to placenta development, red blood cells developed in the bone marrow. - Hematopoiesis is the programed destruction of the 1% of red blood cells each day. - Hematopoietic stem cells are the origin to all cellular blood components. - Hematopoietic red blood cells are responsible for the greatest percentage of plasma components - Adult white blood cells have short life span of 120 days.

- Hematopoietic stem cells are the origin to all cellular blood components

Anemia is a condition in which...

- Hemoglobin, which binds to oxygen and carries it in erythrocytes, may not function properly and not carry adequate oxygen to the body's tissue.

The following are responsible for hypercoagulability. (Choose the incorrect answer) - Hemophilia - Blood Doping - Plaque Formation on arteries - Surgical trauma - Estrogen Therapy and hormone replacement

- Hemophilia

HIV may be transmitted by all of the following methods EXCEPT.. - Deep kissing which causes breaks in the skin - Hypodermic needle used only for one individual's heroine injection - Anal intercourse - Vaginal intercourse - Breastfeeding

- Hypodermic needle used only for one individual's heroine injection

Which characteristic differentiates Hodgkin Lymphoma from non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

- Is that this type of lymphoma is derived from B Lymphocytes which have not undergone hypermutation to express their antibodies.

Choose the incorrect statement regarding Sickle Cell Anemia - It is an autosomal recessive blood disorder that results in a deficit in the beta chain of hemoglobin - It is a condition in which biconcave erythrocytes are able to squeeze through capillaries, but lack nuclei and mitochondria - There aren't enough healthy blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body - Commonly results in damage to the organ which fights infection, the spleen. - Highest risk ethnic group is African-American, with 1/12 persons as carriers of the autosomal recessive gene

- It is a condition in which biconcave erythrocytes are able to squeeze through capillaries, but lack nuclei and mitochondria

Choose the correct disorder associated with the following condition. Joint inflammation and stiffness for more than 6 weeks in a child, age 16 or younger, causing an autoimmune response....

- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Iron deficiency anemia... (choose the incorrect answer) - Is more prevalent in patients who are vegetarians and do not ensure their diet contains iron-rich foods. - Pregnant women - Diagnosis accounts for 8% as a result of hemorrhoids - May be definitive, with a high level of specificity, diagnosed by testing for RBC antigens, by applying the Coombs Test in the CBC lab work. - The deficiency of iron may result in smaller than normal size RBC.

- May be definitive, with a high level of specificity, diagnosed by testing for RBC antigens, by applying the Coombs Test in the CBC lab work.

Which cell type is responsible for providing long-lasting protection from the specific pathogenic exposure, such as measles. This is considered adaptive immunity....

- Monocytes

First leukocytes to respond when bacterial infection enters the body and makes up 40-60% of the leukocytes in the body....

- Neutrophils

Hemophilia A is a genetic disorder in which... (choose the incorrect answer) - Defective factor VIII clotting protein - Is passed down through an X-linked recessive pattern - Only expresses as a pathological condition in female offspring with both parents as a recessive carrier to the X chromosome - Results in an increase in clotting time - Results in expression of the condition only in male offspring, due to X-linked chromosome recessive pattern

- Only expresses as a pathological condition in female offspring with both parents as a recessive carrier to the X chromosome

An individual is infected with Chlamydia Trachomatis and begins to demonstrate symptoms of a painful urination. Choose the type of relationship this is....

- Parasitism in which one organism is harmed

During injury that results in bleeding, the body attempts to retain homeostasis by...

- Platelets for a plug of collagen fibers to reduce bleeding.

Jaundice is... (choose the incorrect answer) - Considered pathological in infants if it presents within the first 24 hours after birth. - Presents with a yellowing of the skin that results from in efficiency of the spleen to convert unconjugated bilirubin in the blood, to conjugated bilirubin for excretion via feces and urine. - Treated in infants by irradiating the skin with 460-490nm light at an intensity of 10-30µW/ cm²/nm - A condition which may result from insufficient breast feeding that results in reabsorption of bilirubin in the intestines. - A condition that occurs in a neonate when serum bilirubin level rises more than 5 mg/dL per day or is higher than 17 mg/dL

- Presents with a yellowing of the skin that results from in efficiency of the spleen to convert unconjugated bilirubin in the blood, to conjugated bilirubin for excretion via feces and urine.

Von Willebrand Disease will result in... (choose the correct answer)

- Prolonged bleeding from the mucosal surfaces (oropharyngeal, GI, uterine)

Human blood types are determined by the antigens present on the erythrocytes. Which blood transfusion is incompatible? - Recipient blood type: A- / Transfusion blood type: O- - Recipient blood type: B- / Transfusion blood type: B+ - Recipient blood type: AB+ / Transfusion blood type: B- - Recipient blood type: O+ / Transfusion blood type: O- - Recipient blood type: AB- / Transfusion blood type: A-

- Recipient blood type: B- / Transfusion blood type: B+

Thrombocytopenia has the following components excpet... - Involves a reduced number of platelets in the blood - Results in reduced clotting time of damaged blood vessels - May occur from impaired bone marrow function - May result from an autoimmune disorder called, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura - Results in an increase in prothrombin time (PT)

- Results in reduced clotting time of damaged blood vessels

The following are Anticoagulants except... - Reteplase - Warfarin - Rivaroxaban - Heparin - Coumadin

- Reteplase

HIV may be transmitted by all of the following tissue EXCEPT.. - Blood - Semen - Breast Milk - Saliva - Rectal Fluid

- Saliva

Erythroblastosis Fetalis is a condition which may result in the death of a fetus. Which scenario could this occur? -

- Second pregnancy: Father is Rh+; mother is Rh-; Fetus is Rh+

Choose the characteristic which associates with B lymphocytes....

- Secretes antibodies

When treating a patient with an ELISA test that is known to be positive, which of the following is true?

- Standard precautions of using gloves upon needle removal is necessary if contact with blood may occur.

During the Acute Phase of an HIV infection, the following may occur in an infected person...

- The level of HIV is very high in the blood and increases the risk of transmission.

Choose the correct disorder associated with the following condition. Islets of Langerhans-Beta cells have been destroyed and are unable to produce insulin....

- Type I Diabetes

Choose the correct Gell and Coombs classification for hypersensitivity for the following reaction.. "Bee sting resulting in shortness of breath"...

- Type I: Immediate

Choose the correct Gell and Coombs classification for hypersensitivity for the following reaction... "Systemic Lupus Erythematosus"...

- Type III: Immune complex

Choose the correct Gell and Coombs classification for hypersensitivity for the following reaction.. "Tuberculosis mantoux test"...

- Type IV: Cell-mediated

A single nucleic acid core surrounded by a protein coat is the description of which type of pathogen...

- Virus

Major Histocompatibility Complex is responsible for...

- antigen presentation where MHC molecules display peptide fragments for recognition by appropriate T-cells.

What is an antibody?

- blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen.

Immunoglobulin E...

- found in very low concentration in human serum, but it increases during allergic reactions and some parasitic infections.

X-linked Agammagloculinemia is considered which type of immune deficiency disorder....

- predominantly antibody deficiencies

AIDS is defined by a CD4 count that is below....

200 cells/mm3

Choose the method that is not an external mechanism responsible for cellular death.

A. Apoptosis is a process of eliminating cells that are worn out, produced in excess, or have developed abnormally and have genetic damage; by initiating their own death.

Certain cells within our blood are responsible for eradicating cancerous cells when they arise. Choose the cells that does not function to eradicating cancerous cells. A. Erythrocytes B. Eosinophil C. Macrophages D. Neutrophil E. Monocytes

A. Erythrocytes

Spinal Bifida is a result of...

A. Folic Acid (B9) def

Mark the incorrect statement: A. Gene is the portion of DNA molecule that contains information to make multiple types of proteins and enzymes B. Condon is a genetic code that is determined by a sequence of three consecutive bases C. Condon Uracil-Guanine-Adenine signals STOP, during protein synthesis D. Deoxyribonucleic acid is composed of a double stranded, helical structure of nucleotides.

A. Gene is the portion of DNA molecule that contains information to make multiple types of proteins and enzymes

The following are considered BENIGN NEOPLASMS except... A. Lyposarcoma B. Leiomyomas C. Hemangiomas D. Desmoid Tumor E. Uterine Fibroid

A. Lyposarcoma

correct description of a helminth type parasite.

All have well-developed organ systems and most are active feeders

In X-linked Disorders.. (choose the correct statement)

B. Carrier mother has a 25% chance of having an affected son

When the Cystic fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator protein becomes dysfunctional... (choose the incorrect statement) A. Susceptibility of an infection of the lungs increases, due to mucus clogging the lungs. B. It is a result of an autosomal dominant disorder, meaning that the child must inherit two defective copies of the gene from each parent C. May result in poor nutrition and liver disease, due to mucus clogging D. It is a result of an autosomal recessive disorder, meaning that the child must inherit two defective copies of the gene from each parent E. The disease is present at the time of birth

B. It is a result of an autosomal dominant disorder, meaning that the child must inherit two defective copies of the gene from each parent

Using the TNM System to grade cancer, choose the most severe condition. A. T2 B. M C. N0 D. T4 E. N1

B. M

Responds to IgE antibodies, but when locking into receptor sites, hypersensitivity may occur from repeated exposure....


Choose the correct answer. A. Men in their 50s should have a PSA level of 9.8 ng/mL B. 35 year old female should have a PSA of 2.5 ng/mL or below in most healthy cases C. 44 year old male should have a PSA of below 2.5 ng/mL in most healthy cases D. Men with a PSA of 4.0 ng/mL should be referred immediately to an oncologist for evaluation E. Women with a PSA of 4.0 ng/mLare considered to be in a normal range

C. 44 year old male should have a PSA of below 2.5 ng/mL in most healthy cases

Protein synthesis requires...

C. Anticodon of tRNA to align with an mRNA condon to properly sequence amino acids and chemically bond these amino acids

Hyperbaric Oxygen (choose the incorrect answer) A. HBO is applied at a pressure that is greater than 1atm B. HBO may be applied topically C. HBO may be applied at any level of atm without a concern for vasoconstriction, toxicity, and/ or tissue death D. HBO may be applied through the use of a large pressurized chamber to administer a systemic dosage. E. HBO is capable of inducing revascularization of damaged tissue.

C. HBO may be applied at any level of atm without a concern for vasoconstriction, toxicity, and/ or tissue death

Wound contracture is due to....

C. Myofibroblasts that contain actinomyosin and provide the ability to approximate the tissue edges to close the epithelial deficit.

The process in which a tumor cell may arise out of the mutation of a normal cell is called...

C. Oncogenesis

Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) has the following symptoms except... A. Decrease in muscle tone at birth B. Excess skin at the nape of the neck C. Underdeveloped gonadal structures D. Cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal defects E. Long term risk of leukemia and Alzheimer's

C. Underdeveloped gonadal structures

Which type of cell does the Human Immunodeficiency Virus target?


Human Immunodeficiency Virus was transmitted to humans in the 1930s when hunters in West Africa were exposed to the blood of.....?

Chimpanzees that were slaughtered and killed for bush meat

Mitosis is....

D. Cell division that creates two daughter cells

Cellular Metaplasia is...

D. Conversion of one adult cell to another type of cell.

Lead poisoning has the following symptoms except. A. Hearing loss B. Blue line alone the gums C. Decrease in libido D. Diarrhea E. Delirium

D. Diarrhea

Choose the correct statement A. Phenotype is the position of a gene on a chromosome B. Locus refers to the genetic information stored in the DNA C. Genotype incudes the paired gene at the same locus D. Dominant traits express in both a homozygous or heterozygous pairing E. PunnetSquare pertains to a square genotype who is a carrier for a recessive heterozygous trait

D. Dominant traits express in both a homozygous or heterozygous pairing

The anachronym ABCDE aids practitioners in assessment of skin growths and screens for the possibility of a Melanoma. Choose the characteristic that matches a melanoma.. mooth and even

D. Has a variety of colors that progress from tan to black when viewing from the center to the outer boarder

Involves tissue death and turns it dry, dark, and mummified, due to arterial occlusion....

D. Necrosis-Dry Gangrene

The following are characteristics of a MALIGNANT TUMOR except... A. Invades the surrounding tissue B. Fast-growing C. Poorly differentiated D. Remains localized to the original area of growth E. Has the ability to invade other parts of the body

D. Remains localized to the original area of growth

Elevation of tumor marker CA125 of greater than 46 U/mL would warrant further evaluation of the following organs, except.. A. Lung B. Pancreatic C. Ovaries D. Testicles E. Fallopian Tube

D. Testicles

David's Law states..

D. if that tension is unremitting, will elongate by the addition of new material.

Environmental influences that can cause embryonic malformation are associate with...

E. Autosomal dominance in which the embryo has 75% chance to inherit the disorder

Phases of wound healing consist of four main phases (choose the incorrect phase) A. INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE to prevent infection. B. REMODELING PHASE where tissue strength is restored C. INITIAL RESPONSE to maintain homeostasis. D. REMODELING PHASE where tissue function is restored E. INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE to maintain homeostasis.

E. INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE to maintain homeostasis.

Choose the correct statement... A. Amniocentesis is used in the first trimester, during the 9th week of gestation B. Amniocentesis is used a routine screening tool to assess genetic anomalies of a fetus C. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) level that are lower than normal, associate with and increase in risk of chromosomal abnormalities. D. Prenatal blood work during the second trimester can screen for Trisomy 21, Spina Bifida, and potential risk or genetic or birth defects. E. Prenatal blood work during the first trimester can screen for Trisomy 21, Spina Bifida, and potential risk or genetic or birth defects.

E. Prenatal blood work during the first trimester can screen for Trisomy 21, Spina Bifida, and potential risk or genetic or birth defects.

Basal metabolic Energy Expenditure (BEE) will vary according to the severity of injury to the body. (in order from lowest to highest BEE)

E. Total starvation, Elective surgery, Skeletal trauma, Major burns

Aplastic Anemia is a condition in which the spleen stops producing platelets, erythrocytes, & leukocytes. True or False?


Autologus graft verses host disease (GVHD is a common complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) in which the common hepatic bile duct of the LV becomes dilated, resulting in splenomeglia. True or False?


Clotting cascade of the body, to reestablish homeostasis during bleeding, involves quickest intrinsic pathway, who's factors are comprised of factor XII, XI, and IX. True or False?


During re-epithelialization of the wound surface, it is crucial to allow the wound to dry and establish the presence of a scab, which will improve the speed of healing by assisting in cellular migration. True or False?


If an individual has an HIV viral count that is undetectable & proceeds to participate in unprotected intercourse without informing their partner, they cannot be criminally prosecuted in any state, due to the low viral count. True or False?


Leukemia is cancer of the bone marrow, which increases the number of erythrocytes to reverse the usual ratio of red to white blood cells. True or False?


Natural Killer Cells unable to bind to certain tumor cells and virus-infected cells without stimulation of antigens, and kill them by insertion of granules containing perforin. True or False?


There is only one distinct strain of HIV that could be contracted by humans, and cause AIDS. True or False?


Tumor markers are exact predictors for the diagnosis of the presence of cancer cell in a pt's body, bc they only measure the level of chemicals produced by tumor cells. True or False?


Endotoxins are proteins released by the pathogen that modify cellular structures or lead to cell death in the host. True or False?


Choose the incorrect statement regarding the five stages of disease progression. - Prodromal Period: Signs and symptoms are usually mild and non-specific (pathogen numbers building). - Resolution-Recovery Period: Regains normal health - no signs or symptoms of disease are evident. - Incubation Period: Latent stage in which no signs or symptoms are apparent (pathogen numbers low). - Invasive-Clinical Period: Disease reaches its lowest intensity and complications begin to resolve. - Convalescence Period: Rehabilitation stage when patient progresses towards recovery after termination of the disease.

Invasive-Clinical Period: Disease reaches its lowest intensity and complications begin to resolve.

Early symptoms of HIV infections include all of the following EXCEPT.. - Malar rash - Bumpy rash - Swollen lymph nodes - Joint pain - Fever

Malar rash

During an acupuncture needling, removal of the needle presents the greatest possible potential of disease transmission through which port of entry?


Antibodies derive from which type of cell?

Plasma cell

Phage DNA replication occurs in which stage?...


Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a retrovirus that uses its RNA strands to enter which type of cell to replicate viral DNA?

T Lymphocytes CD4 cells

Beta Thalassemia is an autosomal recessive disorder, which affects the alpha or betaglobin chain, resulting in a mutation of the Beta chain of hemoglobin. This mutation is more severe when both parents carry this autosomal recessive gene. True or False?


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot in the deep veins of the legs, which poses a danger, when the clot breaks free from its place in the deep vein and migrates towards the lungs. True or False?


Granulocytes are characterized by granules in their cytoplasm which vary in shape of nucleus, which is usually lobed into three segments. True or False?


Innate immunity is based on inherited disposition and acquired immunity may be a result of either natural or artificial stimuli. True or False?


The immune system's role is to provide defense of the body against infectious organisms. True or False?


Choose the incorrect statement. a. Immunotherapy helps the white blood cells, organs, and tissues of the lymph system b. Target therapy utilizes monoclonal antibodies to mark can cancer cells to make it make it easier for the immune system to recognize the cancerous cells c. Hormone therapy blocks hormone receptors that would trigger growth of the cells. d. Bone marrow transplants are given to a patient with cancer, so that new bone marrow can help to kill the cancerous cells in their body, by boosting the immune system. e. Acupuncture may help treat the symptoms associated with cancer or the treatment of it.-------incorrect too

d. Bone marrow transplants are given to a patient with cancer, so that new bone marrow can help to kill the cancerous cells in their body, by boosting the immune system.

Choose the correct Gell and Coombs classification for hypersensitivity for the following reaction.. "Rh- mother during the first carrying of a fetus"...

maybe type 5? def not 1-4

Which component allows the immune system to distinguish self from non-self?

self markers are called major histocompatibility complex molecules (MHC class I) and function as identification tags.

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