Patient Safety, Radiation Protection and Equipment Operation: Part H - MRI Safety

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True or False: The patient, guardian, or research subject and the screening MR staff member must both sign the completed form and this form should then become part of the individual's medical record.


Typically, patients are greeted in this region and are permitted to move freely throughout, under the supervision of MR Personnel, prior to entry into the next zone. a) Zone II b) Zone III c) Zone IV d) Zone I

Correct Answer: A

All portable metallic or partially metallic objects that are to be brought into Zone IV must be properly identified and appropriately labeled using the current ______ labeling criteria. a) FDA labeling b) MR labeling c) ARRT labeling d) NCRP labeling

Correct Answer: A

Conscious, nonemergent patients and research and volunteer subjects are to complete ________ MR safety screening questionnaires prior to their introduction to Zone III. a) Written b) Verbal c) Implied d) None of the above

Correct Answer: A

It is the responsibility of the ______ not only to identify the necessary training but also to identify those individuals who qualify as Level 1 and 2 MR Personnel. a) MRMD b) MRSE c) MRSO d) MRMR

Correct Answer: A

Level __ MR Personnel are those who have been more extensively trained and educated in the broader aspects of MR safety issues, including but not limited to issues related to the potential for RF-related thermal loading or burns and direct neuromuscular excitation from rapidly changing gradients. a) 2 b) 1 c) 4 d) 3

Correct Answer: A

This area is synonymous with the MR scanner room itself (ie, the physical confines of the room where the scanner is located). a) Zone IV b) Zone III c) Zone I d) Zone II

Correct Answer: A

This area is the region in which free access by unscreened Non-MR Personnel or ferromagnetic objects and equipment can result in serious injury or death due to interactions between the individuals or equipment and the MR scanner's particular environment. Access by Non-MR Personnel to and supervision over this region is controlled by, and entirely under the supervision of, Level 2 MR Personnel. a) Zone III b) Zone II c) Zone I d) Zone IV

Correct Answer: A

All portable metallic or partially metallic devices that are on or external to the patient (eg, oxygen cylinders) are to be positively identified in writing as MR Unsafe or MR ____________ in the MR environment prior to permitting them into Zone III. a) Practical b) Conditional c) Negative d) Cleared

Correct Answer: B

Nonemergent patients should be MR safety screened at least _______ prior to being granted access to the MR environment. a) Once b) Twice c) Never d) None of the above

Correct Answer: B

The _____ is responsible for providing and/or ensuring the provision of MR safety education and training in cooperation with and as per the policies of the MRMD and maintaining records of personnel education. a) MR personnel b) MRSO c) MRSE d) MRMD

Correct Answer: B

A designation indicating that the object or device may be safely used in the MR environment, provided the conditions for safe use are met. Decisions based on published MR Conditional or safety claims should recognize that all such claims apply to specifically tested static field and spatial gradient field strengths and only apply to the precise model, make, and identification of the tested object. a) MR Safe b) MR Caution c) MR Conditional d) MR Pending

Correct Answer: C

Level __ MR Personnel are individuals who have passed the facility's MR safety educational requirements (as defined by the facility's MRMD) to ensure that they would not constitute a danger to themselves or others in the MR environment. a) 2 b) 4 c) 1 d) 3

Correct Answer: C

MR personnel safety educational participation should be repeated ________, and appropriate documentation should be maintained to confirm this ongoing MR safety educational effort. a) Daily b) Monthly c) Annually d) Weekly

Correct Answer: C

A designation indicating that the object or device is known to present safety risks in the MR environment. These are primarily ferromagnetic objects. a) MR Hazardous b) MR Danger c) MR Conditional d) MR Unsafe

Correct Answer: D

A designation indicating that the object or device is safe in all MR environments, without conditions. It is reserved for nonmetallic, nonconducting, and nonmagnetic objects that pose no known hazards in any MR environment. a) MR Conditional b) MR Cleared c) MR Okay d) MR Safe

Correct Answer: D

The MRMD, MRSOs, and MRSEs, as well as all MR Personnel, should undergo MR safety-specific education on an __________ basis. a) Monthly b) Bi-annually c) Weekly d) Annual

Correct Answer: D

The safe use of external ferromagnetic and MR Unsafe devices while they are present in Zone III will be the responsibility of specifically named __________________. a) Hospital Personnel b) Medical Doctors c) Nurse Practitioners d) MR Personnel

Correct Answer: D

This region includes all areas that are freely accessible to the general public. This area is typically outside the MR environment itself and is the area through which patients, health care personnel, and other employees of the MR facility access the MR environment. a) Zone II b) Zone IV c) Zone III d) Zone I

Correct Answer: D

Those items that are wholly nonmetallic and not electrically conductive should be identified with a ______________________ label. a) Green circle label b) MR Okay label c) Red MR Safe label d) Square green MR Safe label

Correct Answer: D

True or False: Researchers, MRI staff and ancillary staff such as custodians, maintenance workers, security officers and support personnel must complete an MRI Medical Safety Screening Form before entering the first time and annually after that, or as directed.

Correct Answer: True

True or False: Emergent patients and their accompanying Non-MR Personnel must be screened twice, provided that the screening individual has Level 2 MR Personnel status.

False Correct Answer: Emergent patients and their accompanying Non-MR Personnel may be screened only once, provided that the screening individual has Level 2 MR Personnel status.

True or False: If a device has not been tested, or if its MR safety status is unknown, it may be permitted unrestricted access into Zone III.

False Correct Answer: If a device has not been tested, or if its MR safety status is unknown, it should not be permitted unrestricted access into Zone III.

True or False: Items that are clearly ferromagnetic should be identified as MR Unsafe and labeled appropriately with the corresponding square red label.

False Correct Answer: Items that are clearly ferromagnetic should be identified as MR Unsafe and labeled appropriately with the corresponding round red label.

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