Patofiza practicni, pitanja moodle

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When we apply acetylcholine in order to induce hypotension: 1 minute after injection there is a sudden and significant decrease in urine output 10-15 minutes after injection occurs a sudden and significant decrease in urine output The anuria lasts for the next 1 minute immediately after injection there is a sudden and significant decrease in urine output

1 minute after injection there is a sudden and significant decrease in urine output

Biochemical markers of cholestasis include: gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase alkaline phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase, ornintine-carbamoyl transferase alkaline phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase, ornintine-carbamoyl transferase 5'-nucleotidase, gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase

5'-nucleotidase, gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase

What is leukemia? A cancer of white blood cells An infection of the white blood cells None of the answers A cancer of red blood cells

A cancer of white blood cells

Which factors can lead to increased thrombosis? Atherosclerosis Pregnancy Thrombophilia Vein compression All answers are correct

All answers are correct

Which of the following statements is correct? Transmural necrosis allows the recording electrode to register intraventricular electrical activity Subendocardial lesion is seen as depression of the ST segment on the ECG Depletion of ATP during ischemia initially leads to dysfunction of Na+/K+ ATP pump and affects repolarization Pathological Q wave is not present in every type of acute myocardial infarction All statements are correct5

All statements are correct5

Physiological shape of red blood cells (RBC) is: Schistocytes shape Sphere-shape Sickle Elliptical Biconcave


Physical property of urine is not: Casts Appearance (clarity or turbidity) Specific gravity Color pH value


A bone marrow biopsy shows increased number of myeloblasts and some different forms of neutrophils and precursors. The most likely diagnosis is: Acute myeloid leukemia Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Myelodysplastic syndrome Chronic myeloid leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia

If coagulation time of plasma - Howell method is prolonged and test for coagulation inhibitor(s) excess (mixed plasma test) is normal your patient probably has: Coagulation inhibitor(s) deficiency Antibodies against coagulation factors Coagulation factor(s) deficiency Coagulation inhibitor(s) excess Caoagulation factor(s) excess

Coagulation factor(s) deficiency

What are the characteristics of electropherogram in acute inflammation? Concentration of albumin is unchanged, while levels of α1 and α2globulins are increased. Concentration of albumin as positive acute-phase protein is increased as well as α2macroglobulin, while α1 and α2globulins are decreased. Concentrations of albumin and transferrin as negative acute-phase proteins are decreased, while α1 and α2globulins are increased. Concentration of albumin is unchanged, while levels of α1 and α2globulins are decreased.

Concentrations of albumin and transferrin as negative acute-phase proteins are decreased, while α1 and α2globulins are increased.

What are the characteristics of electropherogram in nephrotic syndrome with less damage of glomerular membrane? Concentration of albumin is decreased while concentrations of other fractions are unchanged. Concentrations of albumin as well as γ-globulin are reduced while α2globulins (due to α2 macroglobulin) are increased. All proteins fractions are reduced. Concentration of albumin is decreased while concentration of γ-globulin is increased.

Concentrations of albumin as well as γ-globulin are reduced while α2globulins (due to α2 macroglobulin) are increased.

Which of the following statements is correct? Coronary stenosis of 75% allows for adequate myocardial perfusion at rest due to distal vasodilation Platelets do not play a role in vasoconstriction of the coronary artery Emotional stress causes catecholamine release which in return activate endothelial receptors and induce NO synthesis Thromboxane A2 reduces coronary vascular resistance Severe ischemia initially occurs in subepicardial myocardial zone

Coronary stenosis of 75% allows for adequate myocardial perfusion at rest due to distal vasodilation

2. Which sign is NOT evident in active hyperemia Decreased metabolic rate Increased volume of tissue or organ Red colour of tissue Increased local temperature

Decreased metabolic rate

3. Which sings are characteristics of passive hyperemia? Red color, arterial pulsations, edema Edema, local hypothermia, cyanosis Cyanosis, increased metabolism, pain increased metabolic rate, systemic vasoconstriction, pallor

Edema, local hypothermia, cyanosis

What are electrophoresis and isoelectric point? Electrophoresis is the most commonly used method for separating plasma protein fractions based on their electrical charge and size under influence of electric field. A certain pH at which a protein molecule has the same amount of electropositive and electronegative charges is called isoelectric point. At this point the movement of proteins is absent. Electrophoresis is used to determine total protein concentration in blood. The isoelectric point represents the biggest concentration of proteins in blood. Electrophoresis is a method for separating plasma protein fractions based on their shape and size. A certain pH at which a protein molecule has the same amount of electropositive and electronegative charges is called isoelectric point. Electrophoresis is a method for separating plasma protein fractions based on their shape. The isoelectric point is a certain pH of buffer at which the movement of proteins is absent.

Electrophoresis is the most commonly used method for separating plasma protein fractions based on their electrical charge and size under influence of electric field. A certain pH at which a protein molecule has the same amount of electropositive and electronegative charges is called isoelectric point. At this point the movement of proteins is absent.

In metabolic alkalosis we have: Decreased pH, primarily reduced bicarbonates, compensatory reduced pCO2 Elevated pH, primarily elevated bicarbonates, compensatory elevated pCO2 Elevated pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2 Reduced pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates

Elevated pH, primarily elevated bicarbonates, compensatory elevated pCO2

In respiratory alkalosis we have: Elevated pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates Reduced pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates Reduced pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2 Elevated pH, primarily elevated pCO2, compensatory elevated bicarbonates

Elevated pH, primarily elevated pCO2, compensatory elevated bicarbonates

Correct sentence is: Physiologically, urine sediment must not contain hyaline casts. Proteins are not obligatory content of casts. Granular casts are the simplest casts. Erythrocyte and leukocyte casts indicate kidney disorder. „Glitter cells" are pathognomonic for urolithiasis.

Erythrocyte and leukocyte casts indicate kidney disorder.

Main typical characteristics of transmural acute myocardial infarction are: biochemical markers on myocardial necrosis are present and their concentrations correspond to the magnitude of infarcted zone pain lasts longer than 30 minutes and does not subside with rest or application of vasodilator drugs ECG shows inversion of the T wave, elevation of the ST segment and pathological Q wave intense retrosternal pain thar radiates to the left side of the neck and jaw and the left arm Every statement is correct

Every statement is correct

Cystic fibrosis is restrictive lung disease. False True


Under microscope, crystals in gout have a rhomboid shape and double deflect light. False true

False Response: Under microscope, crystals in gout have aneedle-likemorphology and donot deflect light and crystals in pseudogoat have a rhomboid shape and double deflect light

Hemorrhagic synovial fluid is usually seen in Rheumatoid arthritis Pseudogoat Haemophilia Systemic sclerosis Systemic lupus erythematosus


A 45-year-old women presents with a 10-pound weight gain over the past six months. She states that she has also been tired lately and has had problems with her memory. Examination reveals a blood pressure of 90/60 mm Hg, a heart rate of 55 BPM, and a temperature of 35 degrees C. Her reflexes are sluggish. The thyroid is enlarged but nontender on palpation. Serum T4 is 70 nmol/l (normal: 64-142 nmol/L) and serum TSH is 8 mU/mL (normal: 0,5-5,0 mU/L). Antimicrosomal antibodies are present. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? Hashimoto's thyroiditis Toxic adenoma Graves' disease Secondary hypothyroidism Tertiary hypothyroidism

Hashimoto's thyroiditis

The most common cause of primary hypothyroidism in areas with sufficient iodine is inflammation of pituitary gland Thyroid agenesis congenital hypothyroidism diseases of the hypothalamus Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is longer than 45s posible diagnosis is Glanzmann thrombasthenia Thrombocytopenia Deep vein thrombosis Hemophilia Pulmonary embolism


Patient N. P. (54) has vitamin B12 deficiency. Which of the following characteristic of blood smear IS NOT typical for the type of anemia that your patient has? Megalocytes Hypochromic RBC Anisocytosis Macrocytes

Hypochromic RBC

Major opsonins are: E selectins, L selectins C3a, C5a Ig G, C3b

Ig G, C3b

immune complex (IC) detection in human serum in this lab we used Direct immunoflorescence Immunoagglutination Indirect immunofluorescence ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Immunopertipitation


Incorrect statement is: Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant disease. In POTS, heart rate increases when patient sits or lies down. Crocodile's tears (Bogorad syndrome) may develop after facial nerve injury Shy-Drager syndrome may include orthostatic hypotension, urinary incontinence and loss of sweating. Parkinson disease is a degenerative disorder of basal ganglia with reduced dopamine concentration

In POTS, heart rate increases when patient sits or lies down.

Which sentence IS NOT correct: Megalocytes do not have biconcave shape. In patients with lead poisoning typical acidophilic stippling („dots" or „granules") of RBC can be found. Briliant cresyl blue staining can be used for differentiation of mature RBC and reticulocytes. Schistocytes can be found in hemolytic anemia blood smears. Spherocytosis can be the cause of hemolytic anemia.

In patients with lead poisoning typical acidophilic stippling („dots" or „granules") of RBC can be found.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct for Shultz-Dale's experiment? Upon first application of the allergen into the medium, strong contraction and shortening of the isolated intestine is observed. Administration of exogenous histamine provides the maintained vitality of the organ. In this experiment, isolated terminal ileum of previously sensitized guinea pig is used. In this experiment, cytotropic antibodies (IgG and IgM) are responsible for the anaphylactic manifestations on isolated organ.

In this experiment, cytotropic antibodies (IgG and IgM) are responsible for the anaphylactic manifestations on isolated organ.

A 48-year-old women presents with complaints of moderate weight loss over the past 6 months, heat intolerance, palpitations, and fine tremors in the hands. Physical examination reveals the presence of a diffuse goiter and exophthalmos. Which of the following laboratory findings would be expected in this individual? Increased plasma concentration of thyroglobulin Decreased resin T3 uptake Decreased radioactive iodine uptake Decreased serum T4 Increased plasma concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone

Increased plasma concentration of thyroglobulin

A pregnant woman in her second trimester complains of heat intolerance and palpitations. Physical examination reveals a slightly enlarged, non-tender thyroid gland, and a normal cardiac exam. The serum thyroxine (T4) level is increased; however, the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is normal. Which of the following best explains the laboratory findings in this patient? Increased thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) Increased progesterone Increased free thyroxine (T4) Increased serum triiodothyronine (T3) Decreased estrogen

Increased thyroid-binding globulin (TBG)

Encircle the correct mechanism of dyslipidemia in diabetes mellitus type 2. Insulin stimulates de novo lipogenesis in the liver associated with decreased lipolysis in the adipose tissue. Lack of insulin leads to increased lipolysis and increased triglyceride synthesis in the liver. Lack of insulin leads to increased lipogenesis in adipose tissue resulting in increased leptin release which then stimulates lipogenesis in the liver. Insulin resistance decreases oxidation of fatty acids in adipose tissue leading to accumulation of LDL in the blood. Insulin resistance leads to increased lipolysis in adipose tissue associated with increased de novo lipogenesis in the liver.

Insulin resistance leads to increased lipolysis in adipose tissue associated with increased de novo lipogenesis in the liver.

Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is assay for the evaluation of: Intrinsic coagulation pathway. Intrinsic and common coagulation pathways. Common coagulation pathway. Extrinsic and common coagualtion pathways. Platelet function.

Intrinsic and common coagulation pathways.

Which of the following statements is TRUE for the septic shock? It is associated with excessive release of cytokines from macrophages, neutrophils, and endothelial cells. It is associated with intensive vasoconstriction at he onset of sepsis. It is always associated with bacteremia. It is rarely associated with DIC The skin at the onset of septic shock is pale and cold.

It is associated with excessive release of cytokines from macrophages, neutrophils, and endothelial cells.

Correct sentence is: It is possible to detect Bence-Jones proteinuria by boiling test. It is possible to determine exact protein concentration in urine by qualitative test. Esbach`s method is fastened Kwilecky`s method. Qualitative test detects physiologically present proteins in urine. Boiling test is faster than sulphosalicylic acid test

It is possible to detect Bence-Jones proteinuria by boiling test.

The major lipoprotein fraction that transports cholesterol to the peripheral tissues is: LDL VLDL IDL chylomicrons HDL


What is the major mechanism of active hyperemia? Local vasodilatation Local vasoconstriction Systemic vasodilatation

Local vasodilatation

A 29-year-old notes a weight gain of about 3 kg, increasing fatigue, puffy face and marked cold intolerance. A complete blood count (CBC) reveals Haemoglobin of 11.1 and MCV (erythrocyte volume) of 90. Physical exam reveals a moderate-sized diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland. Which of the following thyroid profiles would most likely be seen in this woman? Low T3, high T4, low TSH Low T3, low T4, low TSH High T3, low T4, low TSH Low T3, low T4, high TSH High T3, high T4, low TSH

Low T3, low T4, high TSH

If bleeding time - Duke method is prolonged and coagulation time of plasma - Howell method is normal your patient probably has: Deep vein thrombosis Low paltelet count or functional platelet defects Haemophilia Vitamin K deficiency Virale hepatitis

Low paltelet count or functional platelet defects

Which statement is correct: Elecetrophysiological abnormalities observed in EEG recordings are spikes, spike-and-wave complexes and alpha waves Focal epileptic seizures are always accompanied by loss of consciousness and amnesia. In the experiment, Pentazol, a systemic convulsant, is administered to the animal intravenously. Grand-mal epileptic seizures are focal seizures with secondary generalization. Major characteristic of epileptic seizures is that they represent a hypersynchronous hyperactivity of neurons.

Major characteristic of epileptic seizures is that they represent a hypersynchronous hyperactivity of neurons.

First step in leukocytes exudation is: Adhesion Emigration Rolling Margination


Your patient has hypochromic anemia. Smear analysis was performed, and following characteristics were observed: Macrocytosis, hypochromic RBC, anisocytosis Microcytosis, hypochromic RBC, anulocytes Microcytosis, hypochromic RBC, megalocytes Megalocytosis, hypochromic RBC, anulocytes Microcytosis, hyperchromic RBC, poikilocytosis

Microcytosis, hypochromic RBC, anulocytes

Which of the following types of shock belongs to the group of distributive shock? Hypovolemic shock Cardiogenic shock Hemorrhagic shock Obstructive shock Neurogenic shock

Neurogenic shock

In haemolytic anemia, which type of hemoglobinuria occurs: Tubular Glomerular Renal Postrenal Prerenal


If D-dimer is elevated your patient can have: Haemophilia Aplastic anemia Low platelet count Vitamin K deficiency Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism

In phagocytosis, after chemotaxis, next phase is: Recognition and attachment Killing and degradation Engulfment

Recognition and attachment

In metabolic acidosis we have: Elevated pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates Reduced pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2 Elevated pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2 Reduced pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates

Reduced pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2

In respiratory acidosis we have: Reduced pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates Elevated pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates Elevated pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2 Reduced pH, primarily lowered bicarbonates, compensatory lowered pCO2

Reduced pH, primarily lowered pCO2, compensatory lowered bicarbonates

Immature form of RBC that contains substantia reticulofilamentosa is: Acidophilic erythroblast Reticulocyte Polychromatophilic erythroblast Proerythroblast Basophilic erythroblast


A patient with signs and symptoms consistent with hypothyroidism exhibits a decrease in both serum TSH and serum T4. Injection of TRH fails to produce the expected increase in TSH. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the patient's hypothyroidism? Tertiary hypothyroidism Secondary hypothyroidism T4 receptor insensitivity Hashimoto's thyroiditis Iodine deficiency

Secondary hypothyroidism

Which of the following is an example of systemic type III hypersensitivity reaction? Serum sickness Graft versus host disease Arthus reaction Anaphylactic shock

Serum sickness

List all conditions that alter protein metabolism. Insufficient protein intake and increased protein loss. Disorders of protein synthesis and disorders of protein catabolism. Digestion and absorption disorders and disorders of intermediate protein metabolism. Starvation, insufficient protein intake, digestion and absorption disorders, disorders of intermediate protein metabolism, disorders of protein synthesis, disorders of protein catabolism and increased protein loss.

Starvation, insufficient protein intake, digestion and absorption disorders, disorders of intermediate protein metabolism, disorders of protein synthesis, disorders of protein catabolism and increased protein loss.

A patient complains of heat intolerance, fine tremors in his hands, and palpitations. Laboratory data reveal that serum T4 is increased compared to normal. The results of a radioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU) are shown below. Which of the following best explains these findings? Thyroid hormone receptor insensitivity TSH-secreting tumor in the pituitary Surreptitious ingestion of thyroxine to lose weight Toxic adenoma Graves' disease

Surreptitious ingestion of thyroxine to lose weight

Anti-dsDNA antibodies have a high degree of specificity for Pseudogout Sjogren's syndrome Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus erythematosus Gout

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Sympathetic preganglionic cell bodies are located at the level: T1-S1 of the spinal cord C1-T2 of the spinal cord T1-L2 of the spinal cord L4-L5 of the spinal cord L5-S3 of the spinal cord

T1-L2 of the spinal cord

Which of the followinf statements is correct? None of the statements is correct Reffered pain occurs due to activation of contralateral inhibitory neurons in right gray matter of the spinal cord TRPV-1 and cation channel complex activation sends afferent signals to spinal ganglia located from Th1 to Th6 levels TRPV-1 and cation channel complex activation sends afferent signals to spinal ganglia located from C5 to Th5 levels Mediators released from the core of the ruptured atherosclerotic plaque cause pain

TRPV-1 and cation channel complex activation sends afferent signals to spinal ganglia located from Th1 to Th6 levels

In secondary hyperthyroidism anti-TSH receptor antibodies are elevated and T4 is elevated anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies are elevated and T4 is elevated TSH is decreased, T4 increased TSH is elevated and T4 is elevated TSH is normal and T4 is elevate

TSH is elevated and T4 is elevated

In subclinical hypothyroidism TSH is normal, free T4 reduced TSH is high, free T4 is low TSH is elevated, free T4 is normal free T4 is normal, TSH reduced TSH is reduced and free T4 is reduced

TSH is elevated, free T4 is normal

Which of the following laboratory parameters is the most convenient for the estimation of atherosclerosis risk? ApoB LDL cholesterol The ratio between apoB and apoAI total cholesterol HDL cholesterol

The ratio between apoB and apoAI

What is the major source of embolus in systemic arterial embolism? Thrombus in deep veins of lower extremities Lipid droplets from bone marrow Thrombus in left heart Obstruction of pulmonary circulation

Thrombus in left heart

Thyroid hormones are bound to TBG, albumin, ferritin transthyretin, cholesterol, TBG transthyretin, CRP, TBG TBG, ceruloplasmin, albumin Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG), transthyretin, albumin

Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG), transthyretin, albumin

Rheumatoid factor is an IgM antibody against alterated IgG True False


Which of the following events occur in the compensatory phase of shock? Vasoconstriction, reduced ADH secretion, increased cardiac output Vasodilation, reduced cardiac output, activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis Reduced cardiac output, sympathetic nervous system activation, vasoconstriction, especially in coronary and cerebral circulation Vasoconstriction, sympathetic nervous system activation, activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis Vasodilation, increased cardiac output, reduced activity of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis

Vasoconstriction, sympathetic nervous system activation, activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis

Decompensatory phase of hypovolemic shock is characterized by: Vasodilation of arterioles and opening of precapillary sphincters Vasoconstriction of both arterioles and venules Vasodilation of venules and vasoconstriction of arterioles Vasodilation of arterioles and increased cardiac output Vasodilation of arterioles and closing of precapillary sphincters

Vasodilation of arterioles and opening of precapillary sphincters

Positive Schlesinger reaction includes: appears a green ring on the contact surface a green fluorescence (inspection against dark background) content does not become red after heating on the flame red colour will spontaneously appear without heating

a green fluorescence (inspection against dark background)

Atrial fibrillation is: a very fast and irregular ectopic atrial rrhythm manifested by a rapid rate of 350 - 600 /min The presence of accessory AV conduction pathways characterized by premature complexes of supraventricular origin fast regular atrial rrhythm of ectopic origin and high rate ranging between 250 - 350 /min

a very fast and irregular ectopic atrial rrhythm manifested by a rapid rate of 350 - 600 /min

In sideropenic anemia we can see: c) Elevated MCV, decreased MCH, MCHC d) Elevated MCH, MCHC, decreased MCV b) Elevated MCV, MCH, MCHC a) Decreased MCV, MCH, MCHC

a) Decreased MCV, MCH, MCHC

Transferrin is a protein that: d) It is important in albumin synthesis c) Has the potential for retinol transmission a) Has the ability to bind and transport iron b) It binds albumins to itself and carries them to the liver for biotransformation

a) Has the ability to bind and transport iron

The number of reticulocytes is: b) Decreased in pregnancy, when giving vitamin B12 therapy, when bleeding c) Increased in pregnancy, decreased in vitamin B12 therapy and in bleeding a) Increased in pregnancy, when giving vitamin B12 therapy, when bleeding d) Decreased in pregnancy, increased in vitamin B12 therapy and i

a) Increased in pregnancy, when giving vitamin B12 therapy, when bleeding

Hemoglobin values are: a) Reduced in anemia b) Elevated in anemia d) In neonates reduced c) Decreased physiologically in persons living at higher altitudes

a) Reduced in anemia

In urine analysis, different properties of urine are analysed: a. physical properties, b. chemical properties, and c. urine sediment (microscopic characteristics).

a. physical properties, b. chemical properties, and c. urine sediment (microscopic characteristics).

In inflammatory process, pain occurs due to stimulation of free nerve endings of the sensory nerves by: edematous tissue mediators of the inflammation pathological metabolites formed and accumulated in the inflammatory focus all answers are correct1

all answers are correct1

Hyponatremia: exists if extracellular Na+ concentration falls below 135 mmol/L presents as letargy, headache, confusion and disorientation all listed answers are correct3 can cause brain edema formation

all listed answers are correct3

Hyperkalemia: can alter heart rhythm and ECG recording affects skeletal and smooth muscle activity all listed answers are correct4 can affect the level of the resting potential in excitable membranes

all listed answers are correct4

Post-tetanic potentiation (facilitation) occurs due to: inability of calcium-buffering systems to control intracellular calcium concentration none of the answers are correct all of the answers are correct increased exocytosis of ACh-filled vesicles high-frequency electrical stimulation of the axon terminal

all of the answers are correct

Sinus impulse activates: AV node first atrial myocardium first atrial and ventricular myocardium at the same time ventricular myocardium first

atrial myocardium first

What is the pathophysiological mechanism underlying Myasthenia Gravis? autoantibodies inhibit interaction and fusion of the ACh-packed vesicle membrane and the inner surface of the axon terminal membrane autoantibodies blosck voltage-gated calcium channels and inhibit exocytosis of ACh vesicles autoantibodies against nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) block the receptors none of the answeres are correct autoantibodies inhibit presynaptic reuptake of choline and block sythesis of ACh

autoantibodies against nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) block the receptors

The decompensatory phase of asphyxia is characterized by: bradycardia, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, pale skin, hypertension bradycardia, flushed skin, tachypnea, hypertension tachycardia, hyperventilation, urinary and bowel incontinence, flushed skin bradycardia, dyspnea, cyanosis, and urinary and bowel incontinence

bradycardia, dyspnea, cyanosis, and urinary and bowel incontinence

CRP can activate complement pathway cannot activate complement pathway

can activate complement pathway

Dehydrations: occur due to water loss through gut and skin only. never develop after a loss of fluid into the third compartment are always followed by a proportionate loss of water and electrolytes can be either hypotonic (true dehydrations) or hypertonic (hydropenia)

can be either hypotonic (true dehydrations) or hypertonic (hydropenia)

AC 50mA during more than 2 sec or 500 mA during 200 msec : can cause ventricular fibrillation cannot cause ventricular fibrillation

can cause ventricular fibrillation

Causes of death in hypothermia are: hyperventilation and ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, respiratory paralysis and slowing metabolism tachycardia and respiratory paralysis less strength of the heart contractions and bradycardia

cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, respiratory paralysis and slowing metabolism

Ewing`s tests are: invasive. blood tests reliable when only one test is performed. complicated to perform. cardiovascular tests.

cardiovascular tests.

Organophosphates inhibit: cholinesterases angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) enzyme Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD)


In secondary adrenocortical failure there is a deficiency in aldosterone and adrenal androgens cortisol and adrenal androgens cortisol, aldosterone and adrenal androgens cortisol and aldosterone

cortisol and adrenal androgens

Which of the following signs are NOT characteristic for anaphylactic reaction? urticaria and angioedema dizziness, confusion and syncope dyspnoea and hypotension decreased peristalsis and constipation

decreased peristalsis and constipation

Which of the following machanisms is associated with type IV hypersensitivity ? immune complex-mediated injury antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity direct cell cytotoxicity, mediated by CD8+ T cells cytokine-mediated inflammation, in which the cytokines are produced mainly by CD8+ T cells

direct cell cytotoxicity, mediated by CD8+ T cells

Choose the incorrect answer: direct stimulation of the muscle causes stronger response than indirect stimulation Curare is an alkaloid poison Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome ia a presynaptic disorder of the neuromuscular junction Botox inhibits interaction and fusion of ACh-filled vesicles and axonal membrane organophosphate poisoning leads to inhibition of acetylcholine esterase

direct stimulation of the muscle causes stronger response than indirect stimulation

Under anode can develop: wet necrosis dry necrosis

dry necrosis

Qualitative disorders of proteins can be divide into dysproteinemia (the disturbance of the normal ratio between individual protein fractions) and paraproteinemia (the appearance of pathologically altered plasma proteins). hypoproteinemia and hyperproteinemia. dysproteinemia (the disturbance of the normal ratio between individual protein fractions) and hyperproteinemia. dysproteinemia (the appearance of pathologically altered plasma proteins) and paraproteinemia (the disturbance of the normal ratio between individual protein fractions).

dysproteinemia (the disturbance of the normal ratio between individual protein fractions) and paraproteinemia (the appearance of pathologically altered plasma proteins).

Both serum amylase and lipase may be increased in: chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumours, choledochal duct obstruction, salivary gland dysfunction, macroamylasemia acute pancreatitis, exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumours, salivary gland dysfunction, macroamylasemia, and tumours that secrete amylase exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors, choledochal duct obstruction. acute pancreatitis, exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumours, choledochal duct obstruction, salivary gland dysfunction, macroamylasemia

exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors, choledochal duct obstruction.

Signs of lower motor neuron lesion are: flaccid paralysis, hyperreflexia, normal muscle tone, progressive muscle atrophy flaccid paralysis, areflexia, atonia, progressive muscle atrophy spastic paralysis, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, discrete muscle atrophy flaccid paralysis, areflexia, hypertonia, progressive muscle atrophy spastic paralysis, areflexia, atonia, progressive muscle atrophy

flaccid paralysis, areflexia, atonia, progressive muscle atrophy

The safest way of toxin entry in organism is: blood respiratory system gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

Osmotic polyuria develops due to: higher concentration of osmotically active substances in a tubular fluid hyperaldosteronism Hypoglycemia Nephritic syndrome

higher concentration of osmotically active substances in a tubular fluid

Exudate has: higher concentration of proteins than transudate lower concentration of proteins than transudate

higher concentration of proteins than transudate

Asphyxia is characterized by: hypoxia and hypercapnia resulting in alkalosis hypoxia and hypocapnia resulting in alkalosis hypoxia and hypocapnia resulting in acidosis hypoxia and hypercapnia resulting in acidosis

hypoxia and hypercapnia resulting in acidosis

Gas alterations in altitude sickness include: hypoxia and hypercapnia resulting in acidosis hypoxia and hypocapnia with resultant alkalosis hyperoxia and hypocapnia resulting in alkalosis hypoxia and hypercapnia resulting in alkalosis

hypoxia and hypocapnia with resultant alkalosis

Main factor that causes hypothermia is: respiratory diseases heart failure immersion in cold water dehydration

immersion in cold water

Which statement is correct for the experimental model of conduction disorders in the neuromuscular junction (NMJ): the blocking effect of d-tubocurarine in mild, transitory and resolves spontaneously the animal is stable throughout the experiment and requires no additional life support in order to see the effects of the curariform drug it is necessary to stimulate the muscle indirectly application of Prostigmine causes an additive blocking effect on the neuromuscular transmission during the experimental procedure skeletal muscles develop spastic paralysis

in order to see the effects of the curariform drug it is necessary to stimulate the muscle indirectly

What is the difference between prehepatic and obstructive jaundice? in prehepatic jaundice in plasma unconjugated bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin are increased, while in obstractive jaundice unconjugated bilirubin is increased in prehepatic jaundice in plasma conjugated bilirubin is increased, while in obstractive jaundice unconjugated bilirubin is increased in prehepatic jaundice unconjugated bilirubin is increased in plasma, while in obstractive jaundice conjugated bilirubin and ALP are increased in blood and bilirubin is present in urine. in prehepatic jaundice unconjugated bilirubin is increased in plasma and bilirubin is present in urine, while in obstractive jaundice conjugated bilirubin is increased in plasma

in prehepatic jaundice unconjugated bilirubin is increased in plasma, while in obstractive jaundice conjugated bilirubin and ALP are increased in blood and bilirubin is present in urine.

In the first stage of hypothermia we activate mechanisms that: will not change heat production (thermogenesis) only increase heat production (thermogenesis) only reduce the heat loss (thermolysis) increase heat production (thermogenesis) and reduce the heat loss (thermolysis)

increase heat production (thermogenesis) and reduce the heat loss (thermolysis)

Handgrip test pathological result is: increase of the diastolic blood pressure for 16 mmHg increase of the diastolic blood pressure for 17 mmHg. increase of the diastolic blood pressure for 10 or less mmHg. increase of the diastolic blood pressure for 18 mmHg. increase of the diastolic blood pressure for 15 mmHg.

increase of the diastolic blood pressure for 18 mmHg.

Removal of LDL particles is reduced in: increased carbohydrate intake obesity and metabolic syndrome reduced lipoprotein lipase activity increased saturated and trans fatty acid intake hyperthyroidism

increased saturated and trans fatty acid intake

Atherogenic dyslipidemia represents: increased triglyceride level, reduced HDL cholesterol, and increased small dense LDL increased triglyceride level, increased LDL, and reduced VLDL concentration decreased trygliceride and HDL level with increased concentration of large LDL increased triglyceride level, increased HDL and LDL cholesterol decreased triglyceride level, increased LDL, and reduced HDL cholesterol

increased triglyceride level, reduced HDL cholesterol, and increased small dense LDL

Type I hypersensitivity reactions: involve IgE cytotropic antibodies are cell mediated cause cytotoxicity through activation of the complement system are caused by antigen-antibody (immune) complexes that are formed in the circulation

involve IgE cytotropic antibodies

Sinus tachycardia: is a sinus rrhythm of abnormally fast heart rate of more than 60 beats per minute is condition that can be seen in hypothyroidism is allways pathophysiological condition is a sinus rrhythm of abnormally fast heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute

is a sinus rrhythm of abnormally fast heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute

Ventricular fibrillation: is an extremely fast ventricular rrhythm (rate of > 350 /min) with a highly irregular and uncoordinated ventricular activity is a fast ventricular rrhythm originating bellow the level of bundle of His, with a rate of 120 - 250 /min arises from the activity of an iritable ventricular focus discharging impulses with a rate of 250 - 350 /min

is an extremely fast ventricular rrhythm (rate of > 350 /min) with a highly irregular and uncoordinated ventricular activity

For the second stage of hypothermia: is characteristic bradycardia and less strength of heart contractions is characteristic tachycardia and less strength of heart contractions is characteristic hyperventilation, and pathological, periodic breathing is characteristic tachycardia and and slower circulation

is characteristic bradycardia and less strength of heart contractions

Peripheral vasoconstriction: increases heat loss over the body surface is characteristic only for the first stage of hypothermia is characteristic only for the second stage of hypothermia is characteristic for both stages of hypothermia

is characteristic only for the first stage of hypothermia

A sign of positive reaction for lactic acid: is yellow colour of lactic acid is yellow colour of FeCl3 is yellow colour of ferric lactate is blue colour of FeCl3

is yellow colour of ferric lactate

Pus pH is: greater than serum pH less than serum pH

less than serum pH

Vestibulospinal tract is responsible for: maintaining body posture and stability during linear acceleration of the head and body maintaining swallowing and sneezing reflex regulating the function of the limbic system none of the answers are correct regulating respiration and heart rate

maintaining body posture and stability during linear acceleration of the head and body

Hyperhydrations: cannot lead to edema formation occur due to water retention or excessive water intake usually represent clinically irrelevant findings should not be treated if chronic in duration.

occur due to water retention or excessive water intake

Which of the following may lead to conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice: pancreatic neoplasms haemolytic anaemia Gilbert disease UDP-glucuronyl transferase deficiency

pancreatic neoplasms

Ferritin is positive acute-phase protein negative acute-phase protein

positive acute-phase protein

Second-degree AV block - Möbitz type I is characterized by: ventricules have its own rrhythm progressive lengthening of the PR interval until one P wave is not conducted and QRS does not follow a sudden block in AV conduction complete heart block

progressive lengthening of the PR interval until one P wave is not conducted and QRS does not follow

Subfebrile temperature is above 41°C ranging from 37°C to 38°C ranging from 38°C to 41°C

ranging from 37°C to 38°C

Radioactive iodine uptake in thyroiditis is concentrated in one place in the thyroid gland reduced unchanged increased increased and iodine is diffusedly distributed


Muscle spasm in altitude sickness develops due to: respiratory alkalosis severe hypoxia severe bradycardia severe hypertension

respiratory alkalosis

Signs of upper motor neuron lesion are: spastic paralysis, hiporeflexia, hypotonia, discrete muscle atrophy spastic paralysis, hiperreflexia, hipertonia, discrete muscle atrophy spastic paralysis, hyporeflexia, hipertonia, progressive muscle atrophy flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, hypotonia, discrete muscle atrophy flaccid paralysis, hiperreflexia, hypotonia, discrete muscle atrophy

spastic paralysis, hiperreflexia, hipertonia, discrete muscle atrophy

Fasciculations are: none of the answers are correct spontaneous, involuntary contractions of muscle fascicles a cause of nystagmus spontaneous, involuntary contractions of muscle fibers always a hallmark of a neurological disorder

spontaneous, involuntary contractions of muscle fascicles

Parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies are located in: the nuclei of cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X, and in the spinal cord at the levels S2-S4 the nuclei of cranial nerves II, VIII, IX and X, and in the spinal cord at the levels S2-S4 the nuclei of cranial nerves II, VI, VIII and X, and in the spinal cord at the levels S2-S4 the nuclei of cranial nerves III, V, IX and X, and in the spinal cord at the levels S2-S4 the nuclei of cranial nerves I, VII, IX and X, and in the spinal cord at the levels S2-S4

the nuclei of cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X, and in the spinal cord at the levels S2-S4

Total acidity of the gastric juice represents: the sum of free HCl and very small quantities of organic acids the sum of HCl and lactic acid the sum of free and bound HCl. the sum of free and bound HCl and very small quantities of organic acids

the sum of free and bound HCl and very small quantities of organic acids

Lesions of the lower motor neuron occur in: all answers are correct brain aneurysm brain contusion in the frontal region ischemic stroke in the parietal lobe trauma of the spinal cord and/or peripheral nerves

trauma of the spinal cord and/or peripheral nerves

Which of these biochemical markers is amost specific indicatior of myocardial necrosis? lactate dehydrogenase creatine phosphokinase myoglobin C reactive protein troponins


A person with leukemia has cancer in the blood and bone marrow and makes abnormal white blood cells. Over time, the abnormal cells crowd out normal white and red blood cells, and platelets. False True


Graves disease is an example of: type III hypersensitivity type I hypersensitivity type II hypersensitivity type IV hypersensitivity

type II hypersensitivity

The contents of gastric juice are: water, electrolytes, hydrochloric acid, mucus, pepsin, intrinsic factor gastrin, electrolytes, hydrochloric acid, mucus, pepsin, intrinsic factor gastrin, lactic acid, hydrochloric acid, mucus, pepsin, intrinsic factor water, gastrin, hydrochloric acid, mucus, pepsin, intrinsic factor

water, electrolytes, hydrochloric acid, mucus, pepsin, intrinsic factor

The number of millilitres of NaOH in the process of titration should be written down twice: when orange colour appears and when red colour reappears when yellow colour appears and when orange colour reappears when yellow colour appears and when red colour reappears when orange colour appears and when violet colour reappears.

when orange colour appears and when red colour reappears

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