PE Part 2

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"To-do" lists should be used to __________.


A democratic style of leadership is useful when all team members __________.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about a leader's attitude?


A conflict can arise when a child is deprived of basic needs.


Endurance is important for participating in sports because it __________.


Which of the following exercise preferences is NOT influenced by personality?


All of the following are characteristics of good leaders EXCEPT:


Which of the following is NOT an example of a personal attitude toward a conflict?


Conflicts arise when __________.

D. all of the above

Usually if a person wins with class it means that they win a competition in such a way that is shows off a bit or is in some way classy.


Which of the following is necessary to resolve conflict?


Field hockey is one of the most popular female sports.


Leaders are most effective when they focus on their personal goals.


Once exhaustion sets in, stress becomes easier to manage.


Only a select few people can be real leaders.


Passive leisure is just as beneficial as active leisure.


The amount of sleep you get will have little effect on your ability to perform tasks.


What questions should people ask themselves when deciding if they are a leader?

They should ask themselves if they have the qualities of a leader and if they are willing to commit to being a leader. 1. Honest -- doesn't lie to their team to make them happy. 2. Forward-Looking -- doesn't live in the past or hold things in. 3. Competent -- has the right ability and qualities. 4. Inspiring -- pushes others to do their best, even if its indirectly. 5. Intelligent -- knows how manage himself and who he leads because he has the knowledge to do so.

Which factor is important while brainstorming? A. haggling over failed solutions B. pursuing one party's objectives C. taking a break when facing roadblocks D. never compromising


Unless each step in the conflict resolution process is followed precisely, a conflict cannot be resolved.


Using only one management style with all people is the most effective leadership technique for any organization.


How can you adapt strategies for conflict resolution to your own personal life when a problem arises with friends or family?

When a problem arises I can try to use the steps in conflict resolution: define the problem, propose a solution, listen carefully to the other person, agree on shared values, and brainstorm together. We may need to compromise, use arbitration as a solution or a mediator, or agree to disagree.

Which of the following is a common precaution for people with known health issues?


Describe some of the traits that make leaders successful.

A successful leader is respectful, reliable, courageous, positive, motivational, and sincere. Leaders also have integrity and vision.

Five elements of active listening

Active listening clearly is important, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate. What's more, you'll avoid conflict and misunderstandings. All of these are necessary for workplace success! The five elements of active listening are to Pay Attention, Show That You're Listening, Provide Feedback, Defer Judgment, and Respond Appropriately.

Which of the following scenarios does NOT involve feelings leading to conflict?


How can coaches improve team performance?

Coaching to improve team performance can need different approaches for different teams and different people. What works for one team may not necessarily work for another. Effective working relationships are built by understanding team members' needs, preferences, and styles of work. By helping people understand their own styles and appreciate the different styles of others, you can work with them to change their behaviors and use everyone's strengths. The process of improving team performance takes time, and it may involve looking deeper than team processes. Organizational systems - such as reward and recognition, performance management, and training - may need to be addressed as well. However, the end result of this work is usually well worth it; improved collaboration and communication will benefit the organization as whole.

Describe how good communication helps people in a workplace.

Communication in the workplace can be either your best friend or your worst enemy. It will improve your overall workplace culture. Another positive is that good solid organizational communication eliminates barriers and resolve problems. While at the same time building stronger workplace relationships for increased productivity.

Discuss why it is important to evaluate an exercise program in which you want to participate.

It is important to evaluate an exercise program in which you want to participate because you are likely to fail if the program does not fit your needs.

What is the benefit of using neutral arguments to express oneself while in a conflict?

Neutral arguments avoid using "you" statements and, therefore, can assist in avoiding being perceived as offensive or indicating that you believe your opponent is unreasonable. It is best to use "I" statements rather than "you" statements, because it helps keep the tone of statements neutral, which avoids escalating the conflict.

Which of the following is important to take into consideration when organizing day-to-day priorities?


Which type of leadership style is most helpful in emergency situations?


Which of the following is an indication that Bill is listening carefully during his conflict resolution process? A. He is taking lots of notes. B. He is listening passively. C. He is correcting mistakes immediately. D. He is avoiding eye contact studiously.


A conflict is a fight, struggle, or disagreement, between a minimum of three or more people.


A problem at work must be handled the same way as a personal conflict.


A strong emotional response is better than logical reasoning because the other party involved will see how passionate you really are about the topic.


A two-year-old child is on the same level as a ten year old child in terms of conflict resolution.


The hormones released due to stress lead to increased risk of pregnancy.


Effective leaders have vision. Describe two elements of a leader's vision.

Two elements of a leader's vision are individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. What solidifies a charismatic leader's ability to influence their followers is that he engages is emotion-inducing and often unconventional behavior to demonstrate courage and conviction about the vision.

Briefly describe the factors that can lead to conflict.

The first factor is one's needs; when those things essential to personal well-being are being denied or taken away, conflict is likely to follow. Another factor is one's perceptions, such as when there is more than one way of looking at a situation. Power is another factor, which includes taking advantage of others or taking power away from others. Values can contribute to conflict when beliefs and principles are at odds. Finally, feelings or emotions can lead to conflict when emotions are ignored or if they differ.

A commitment to being ethical is important for good leadership.


Competitive sports are a form of active leisure.


Flexibility is a key characteristic for all leadership styles.


Game officials are accepted as the rule experts for any competition they oversee.


Our personality tends to shape our exercise habits.


Describe one difference between a leader using the coaching method and a leader using the democratic method.

The coaching leader develops people for the future. The coaching style works best when the leader wants to help teammates build lasting personal strengths that make them more successful overall. The democratic leader builds consensus through participation. The democratic style is most effective when the leader needs the team to buy into or have ownership of a decision, plan, or goal, or if he or she is uncertain and needs fresh ideas from qualified teammates.

Explain why it is important for a diabetic to check with a doctor prior to beginning an exercise program.

Your doctor can help you find a program that fits your physical condition, and determine your fitness to exercise safely.

What are some other organizations that supply health information to the public?

Health information exchange organizations (HIOs) provide the capability to electronically move clinical information between disparate health care information systems while maintaining the meaning of the information being exchanged. HIOs also provide the infrastructure for secondary use of clinical data for purposes such as public health, clinical, biomedical, and consumer health informatics research as well as institution and provider quality assessment and improvement.A RHIO facilitates accessibility and exchange of health-related information on individuals for a specified, contiguous geographic area. RHIOs typically include a range of participating health care provider entities as well as other health stakeholders such as payers, laboratories and public health departments and are often managed by a board of directors comprised of representatives from each participating organization.

Topic: strength training Subject: strength training Topic: aerobic exercise Subject: aerobic exercise BENEFITS

Helps your body use insulin, which controls your blood sugar Burns extra body fat Strengthens muscles and bones Lowers blood pressure Cuts LDL ("bad") cholesterol Raises HDL ("good") cholesterol Improves blood flow Makes heart disease and stroke less likely Boosts energy and mood Tames stress

Reinforcing established standards is an example of discipline.


Success in individual sports requires that a person be proficient in all areas since there is no one else to compensate for failures.


There are leaders in all areas of society.


Restate the sentence, "You are not telling me what is going on!" to avoid assigning blame and make it a more neutral.

"I feel like we are not communicating as well as we could," or, "I hope we can both start communicating our thoughts better," are possible answers

A delegative style of leadership is useful when all team members __________.


When setting your schedule, it is sometimes necessary to tell people "No."


Describe what it means to win with class.

Usually if a person wins with class it means that they win a competition in such a way that is shows off a bit or is in some way classy.

Which of the following is NOT another way of stating that perceptions differ? A. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. B. Situations can be viewed from many perspectives. C. People of different ages have different tastes and priorities. D. Most people share similar opinions on important life matters.


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

D. all of the above

All leaders have the same personality traits.


Conflict resolution is a violent method or process of finding a solution to a conflict.


Everyone reacts to stress in the same way.


Winning at any cost should never be the ultimate goal when competing in sports. What are some other benefits competition provides?

Instead of focusing on the amount of wins and losses a team has, it is best to focus on the quality of play the team had. It is better to watch for improvement rather than counting the wins and losses. Finally, challenging oneself is more important than tallying wins and losses.

All the following are techniques to manage time effectively EXCEPT:


Briefly describe the factors and characteristics that influence conflict resolution.

Personal attitudes play a role in conflict resolution and include prejudices, biases, prior experience, and the level of importance of a topic to the parties involved. It is important to note that you can control your own attitude, but you cannot control the attitudes of others; it is necessary to focus on your attitudes and assumptions before you address the other party's. Next, you need to know what the nature of the conflict is, or what the conflict is about. It is necessary to know how severe the conflict is, how easily it can be resolved, how much sacrifice it will take to overcome, and how heated it is likely to get. Lastly, one needs to understand the capabilities of the people involved. Is everyone on the same level and do they have what they need to work on the conflict, i.e. money, time, and support?

How are skill-related fitness goals different from health-related fitness goals?

Skill-related fitness goals are concerned with the development of a particular skill, such as reaction time and coordination. Health-related fitness goals focus more on general health conditions, such as cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength.

How one copes with winning and losing is related to the state of one's mental and emotional health.


Most people's actions on the sports field are similar to their actions in everyday life.


Participating in team sports can have a positive effect on all aspects of life.


Physical ability is just one of many factors that influence the outcome of a sporting event.


Describe the precautions someone with heart disease should observe when exercising.

There are many precautions you must keep in mind when developing an exercise program and have heart disease: Stop the exercise if you become overly fatigued or short of breath; discuss the symptoms with you doctor. Do not exercise if you are not feeling well or have a fever. If you experience shortness of breath or increased fatigue during any activity, slow down or stop the activity. Elevate your feet when resting. Stop the activity if you develop a rapid or irregular heartbeat or have heart palpitations. Stop if you have chest pains. Call the doctor if you have symptoms that do not go away.

What is visualization training?

Visualization in sport is a training technique that forms a part of the larger science of sports psychology. Visualization is also known as mental imagery and rehearsal. Visualization is used primarily as a training tool, one that improves the quality of athletic movement, increases the power of concentration, and serves to reduce the pressures of competition on the athlete while building athletic confidence. Visualization occurs when athletes are able to create an image or a series of images relevant to their sport, without any external prompts or stimulation; the images are mentally generated by the athlete alone. Visual images are usually the most important to athletic training and may be employed as the sole mental training method. Athletes may also depend on auditory images (sounds), kinesthetic images (movements), tactile sensations (touch), and purely emotional stimulation, in combination with visualization or as freestanding training aids, as may be appropriate to the effort to elevate the performance of the athlete.

Describe what endurance training is and explain in detail the four components of endurance training.

Endurance training increases the ability to sustain high-quality athletic ability over time. It includes aerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance, speed endurance, and strength endurance. Aerobic endurance is when the body's demands for oxygen and fuel can be met. Anaerobic endurance is when the body's demand for oxygen exceeds the rate of supply. Speed endurance is used to develop the coordination of the muscles. Strength endurance is used to maintain the quality of the body's muscles.

Explain in detail how exercise programs and sports activities can differ in number of participants, structure, competition level, and skill level.

Exercise programs and sports activities can differ in number of participants from one person doing an activity like jogging or swimming, to hundreds of participants at a track meet. Structure can be loose in solo exercises where you can set your own pace, or be very strict in most competitive sports. Competition varies from none to highly competitive, and can be on an individual or team level. More complex sports and activities can present a high skill level.

How does leadership style affect one's actions and behaviors?

Leadership Styles Leadership styles vary according to organizational structure, people, environment, and task. Leaders promote loyalty among subordinates by keeping an open mind, being self-aware, and being inquisitive. Awareness is important in working effectively with diverse groups and individuals, regardless of personal bias. Anger and frustration indicate a closed mind. The effective leader asks questions with a genuine interest in learning more, rather than as a probe to expose a mistake or fault. Employee inquiries should be conducted with genuine interest and with demonstrated respect. Even more important is listening to the feedback, so that appropriate action (if necessary) may be taken. One model for understanding leadership styles differentiates between four types of leaders: Directing leaders direct subordinates in what, how, when and where tasks should be done. These leaders maintain a standard of performance, and their style is high-directive and low-supportive in nature. Coaching (participative) leaders welcome input and consult with employees. These leaders are highly directive-oriented, but they are also highly supportive. Supporting leaders are friendly and show concern for the well-being of their subordinates; they treat subordinates as equals and offer a high-supportive and low-directive environment. Delegating (achievement-oriented) leaders encourage high achievement and sets challenging goals; the emphasis is on excellence, and these leaders outwardly show their confidence in subordinates' abilities. They operate in a low-supportive and low-directive environment, which allows employees to extend themselves and their abilities fully.2 The leadership style an individual uses is often a reflection of the individual's attitudes about workers, their competence, and how to get work done.

Two types of physical activities are exercise programs and sports activities.


Varying activities gives everyone a chance to have fun and to be more successful.


Why does weight training improve muscular strength more than cardiorespiratory fitness?

Weight training is a targeted exercise program that generally focuses on muscle building exercises, which leads to greater muscle strength. Cardiorespiratory exercises are typically sustained activities that improve, among others, one's heart and lung functions.

The traits of a good leader are easily acquired.


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