Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory- Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT)

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Domains of the PEDI-CAT 4 Domains:? • Each domain is ______-_________ and can be used separately or with other domains • Illustrations of Daily Activities and Mobility items are included to facilitate understanding of the item intent

1. Daily Activities 2. Mobility 3. Social/Cognitive 4. Responsibility self-contained

ICF as conceptual framework Activity <----> participation ICF & PEDI-CAT • 3 domains aligned with ICF ***Activity*** dimension, i.e. the execution of discrete tasks x 3 ? - One domain aligned with ICF ***Participation*** dimension, involvement in life situation x 1

1. Mobility 2. Daily Activities 3. Social/Cognitive 4. Responsibility

• PEDI-CAT • Accurate & Precise • Increased efficiency • Reduced respondent burden Intended Population: • Children and youth (birth ***through _____ years of age) with physical and/or behavioral conditions • >20 years for scaled scores Applications: • Identification of functional ___________ • Examination of _______________ for an individual child after intervention • Evaluation and _______________ of group progress in program evaluation and research

20 delay improvement monitoring

• With each new response, the score & _______ __________ are re-estimated • CAT software then determines whether the pre-set _____________ rule has been satisfied (level of precision or a number of items) • If satisfied= Domain ends & score is provided • If not satisfied= New items administered until the stopping rule is satisfied

CI stopping

Social/Cognitive 60 items in Item Pool (No Pictures) • 4 Content areas: • Interaction • Communication • Everyday Cognition • Self Management Sample Items: Communicates ideas in a 2-3 page written assignment or report (________ __________)** Uses single words, gestures or signs to show what he/she wants (________________)***

Everyday Cognition Communication

Versions of the PEDI-CAT - ___________ (up to _______ items) - fastest way - 10-15 minutes for all 4 domains - ______-__________ (up to ____ items) • Program will choose items from all content areas within a domain • Example-for Daily Activities will get items from all 4 content areas: Getting Dressed, Keeping Clean, Home Tasks, and Eating & Mealtime • 20-30 minutes for all 4 domains (use for moderate to high level of functioning)*******

Speedy, 15 Content-Balanced, 30

Responsibility 51 items in Item Pool ( 4 Content areas) • Organization & Planning • Taking Care of Daily Needs • Health Management • Staying Safe • Items require children to use several functional skills in _______________ to carry out life tasks Sample Item: Keeping track of time throughout the day • Includes: Arriving on time to scheduled activities or appointments; Coming back home at planned time; Ending an activity on time to stay on schedule


What is Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)? • Administered only on the computer -No 'paper and pencil' version available! • Uses artificial intelligence to select relevant items from a 'bank' of validated items • Each item in the 'bank' represents a different level of '_________,' from most easy to most difficult to perform


• Set of calibrated items that describe one _____________ • ******Not every item needs to be answered to get a score • For each domain, all respondents begin with the same question in the ___________of the scoring range • Item response will dictate if a _________ or _________ ***** item will be administered next

domain middle harder or easier

PEDI-CAT Features • Age, gender and mobility device filters prevent __________ items from being presented • Items worded using everyday language & clear examples • Can be completed by the child's caregiver(s) or by the child's therapist/clinician**** • Equations available to link previous PEDI Functional Skills Self-care, Mobility and Social Function scores to the PEDI-CAT so that clinicians may continue to track a child's changes over time


Test Scores-Normative Standard - Age Percentile = indicates percent of the total frequency scored below that score - T Score = Mean of 50 SD of 10 Scaled Scores • 20-80 metric - odd, not able to test all items at once - had to scale it down to 50-85 items - leave so additional items could be added (easier to harder items) - didn't want to present a negative score to parents by adding easier items • Provide a way to look at a child's current functional skills and ____________ in these skills over time • Helpful in documenting ________________ in functional skills for children not expected to exhibit or regain normative levels of functioning

progress improvements

Administration of the PEDI-CAT • No special environment, materials or activities necessary • Focuses on ____________ performance at the ___________ time**** • Can be used on multiple occasions for the same child (e.g. initial, interim, discharge and follow-up) • No minimum time must pass between assessments • Recommendation: review of the PEDI-CAT Manual prior to administration to familiarize self with administration procedures, instrument content, item intent, response scales and score interpretation

typical, present

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