PEDS Test 3

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. In which condition are all the formed elements of the blood simultaneously depressed? a. Aplastic anemia b. Sickle cell anemia c. Thalassemia major d. Iron deficiency anemia

a. Aplastic anemia

A young girl has just injured her ankle at school. In addition to notifying the childs parents, what is the most appropriate, immediate action by the school nurse? a. Apply ice. b. Observe for edema and discoloration. c. Encourage child to assume a position of comfort. d. Obtain parental permission for administration of acetaminophen or aspirin.

a. Apply ice.

A child with growth hormone (GH) deficiency is receiving GH therapy. When is the best time for the GH to be administered? a. At bedtime b. After meals c. Before meals d. After arising in morning

a. At bedtime

An injury to which part of the brain will cause a coma? a. Brainstem b. Cerebrum c. Cerebellum d. Occipital lobe

a. Brainstem

What explanation provides the rationale for why iron-deficiency anemia is common during infancy? a. Cows milk is a poor source of iron. b. Iron cannot be stored during fetal development. c. Fetal iron stores are depleted by 1 month of age. d. Dietary iron cannot be started until 12 months of age.

a. Cows milk is a poor source of iron.

What name is given to inflammation of the bladder? a. Cystitis b. Urethritis c. Urosepsis d. Bacteruria

a. Cystitis

The nurse is planning care for a child recently diagnosed with diabetes insipidus (DI). What intervention should be included? a. Encourage the child to wear medical identification. b. Discuss with the child and family ways to limit fluid intake. c. Teach the child and family how to do required urine testing. d. Reassure the child and family that this is usually not a chronic or life-threatening illness.

a. Encourage the child to wear medical identification.

As part of the diagnostic evaluation of a child with cancer, biopsies are important for staging. What statement explains what staging means? a. Extent of the disease at the time of diagnosis b. Rate normal cells are being replaced by cancer cells c. Biologic characteristics of the tumor or lymph nodes d. Abnormal, unrestricted growth of cancer cells producing organ damage

a. Extent of the disease at the time of diagnosis

After chemotherapy is begun for a child with acute leukemia, prophylaxis to prevent acute tumor lysis syndrome includes which therapeutic intervention? a. Hydration b. Oxygenation c. Corticosteroids d. Pain management

a. Hydration

A school-age child is admitted in vasoocclusive sickle cell crisis (pain episode). The childs care should include which therapeutic interventions? a. Hydration and pain management b. Oxygenation and factor VIII replacement c. Electrolyte replacement and administration of heparin d. Correction of alkalosis and reduction of energy expenditure

a. Hydration and pain management

An 18-month-old child is brought to the emergency department after being found unconscious in the family pool. What does the nurse identify as the primary problem in drowning incidents? a. Hypoxia b. Aspiration c. Hypothermia d. Electrolyte imbalance

a. Hypoxia

A 4-month-old with significant head lag meets the criteria for floppy infant syndrome. A diagnosis of progressive infantile spinal muscular atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease) is made. What should be included in the nursing care for this child? a. Infant stimulation program b. Stretching exercises to decrease contractures c. Limited physical contact to minimize seizures d. Encouraging parents to have additional children

a. Infant stimulation program

. In teaching parents how to minimize or prevent bleeding episodes when the child is myelosuppressed, the nurse includes what information? a. Meticulous mouth care is essential to avoid mucositis. b. Rectal temperatures are necessary to monitor for infection. c. Intramuscular injections are preferred to intravenous ones. d. Platelet transfusions are given to maintain a count greater than 50,000/mm3

a. Meticulous mouth care is essential to avoid mucositis.

The nurse is doing a neurologic assessment on a 2-month-old infant after a car accident. Moro, tonic neck, and withdrawal reflexes are present. How should the nurse interpret these findings? a. Neurologic health b. Severe brain damage c. Decorticate posturing d. Decerebrate posturing

a. Neurologic health

What condition can result from the bone demineralization associated with immobility? a. Osteoporosis b. Pooling of blood c. Urinary retention d. Susceptibility to infection

a. Osteoporosis

Therapeutic management of a 6-year-old child with hereditary spherocytosis (HS) should include which therapeutic intervention? a. Perform a splenectomy. b. Supplement the diet with calcium. c. Institute a maintenance transfusion program. d. Increase intake of iron-rich foods such as meat.

a. Perform a splenectomy.

What measure is important in managing hypercalcemia in a child who is immobilized? a. Provide adequate hydration. b. Change position frequently. c. Encourage a diet high in calcium. d. Provide a diet high in calories for healing.

a. Provide adequate hydration.

A young child with leukemia has anorexia and severe stomatitis. What approach should the nurse suggest that the parents try? a. Relax any eating pressures. b. Firmly insist that the child eat normally. c. Serve foods that are either hot or cold. d. Provide only liquids because chewing is painful.

a. Relax any eating pressures.

What diagnostic test allows visualization of renal parenchyma and renal pelvis without exposure to external-beam radiation or radioactive isotopes? a. Renal ultrasonography b. Computed tomography c. Intravenous pyelography d. Voiding cystourethrography

a. Renal ultrasonography

A child is upset because, when the cast is removed from her leg, the skin surface is caked with desquamated skin and sebaceous secretions. What technique should the nurse suggest to remove this material? a. Soak in a bathtub. b. Vigorously scrub the leg. c. Carefully pick material off the leg. d. Apply powder to absorb the material.

a. Soak in a bathtub.

A 12-year-old child with Guillain-Barr syndrome (GBS) is admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. She tells you that yesterday her legs were weak and that this morning she was unable to walk. After the nurse determines the current level of paralysis, which should the next priority assessment be? a. Swallowing ability b. Parental involvement c. Level of consciousness d. Antecedent viral infections

a. Swallowing ability

An adolescent whose leg was crushed when she fell off a horse is admitted to the emergency department. She has completed the tetanus immunization series, receiving the last tetanus toxoid booster 8 years ago. What care is necessary for therapeutic management of this adolescent to prevent tetanus? a. Tetanus toxoid booster is needed because of the type of injury. b. Human tetanus immunoglobulin is indicated for immediate prophylaxis. c. Concurrent administration of both tetanus immunoglobulin and tetanus antitoxin is needed. d. No additional tetanus prophylaxis is indicated. The tetanus toxoid booster is protective for 10 years

a. Tetanus toxoid booster is needed because of the type of injury.

The nurse is preparing a school-age child for computed tomography (CT) scan to assess cerebral function. The nurse should include what statement in preparing the child? a. The scan will not hurt. b. Pain medication will be given. c. You will be able to move once the equipment is in place. d. Unfortunately no one can remain in the room with you during the test.

a. The scan will not hurt.

A goiter is an enlargement or hypertrophy of which gland? a. Thyroid b. Adrenal c. Anterior pituitary d. Posterior pituitary

a. Thyroid

What form of diabetes is characterized by destruction of pancreatic beta cells, resulting in insulin deficiency? a. Type 1 diabetes b. Type 2 diabetes c. Gestational diabetes d. Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)

a. Type 1 Diabetes

What urine test result is considered abnormal? a. pH 4.0 b. WBC 1 or 2 cells/ml c. Protein level absent d. Specific gravity 1.020

a. pH 4.0

A student athlete was injured during a basketball game. The nurse observes significant swelling. The player states he thought he heard a pop, that the pain is pretty bad, and that the ankle feels as if it is coming apart. Based on this description, the nurse suspects what injury? a. Sprain b. Fracture c. Dislocation d. Stress fracture

a. sprain

Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and sex steroids are secreted by which gland? a. Thyroid gland b. Adrenal cortex c. Anterior pituitary d. Parathyroid glands

b. Adrenal cortex

What is an appropriate nursing intervention when caring for a child in traction? a. Removing adhesive traction straps daily to prevent skin breakdown b. Assessing for tightness, weakness, or contractures in uninvolved joints and muscles c. Providing active range of motion exercises to affected extremity three times a day d. Keeping child prone to maintain good alignment

b. Assessing for tightness, weakness, or contractures in uninvolved joints and muscles

What statement best describes a subdural hematoma? a. Bleeding occurs between the dura and the skull. b. Bleeding occurs between the dura and the cerebrum. c. Bleeding is generally arterial, and brain compression occurs rapidly. d. The hematoma commonly occurs in the parietotemporal region.

b. Bleeding occurs between the dura and the cerebrum.

The school nurse practitioner is consulted by a fifth-grade teacher about a student who has become increasingly inattentive and hyperactive in the classroom. The nurse notes that the childs weight has changed from the 50th percentile to the 30th percentile. The nurse is concerned about possible hyperthyroidism. What additional sign or symptom should the nurse anticipate? a. Skin that is cool and dry b. Blurred vision and loss of acuity c. Running and being active during recess d. Decreased appetite and food intake

b. Blurred vision and loss of acuity

The nurse is preparing a staff education in-service session for a group of new graduate nurses who will be working in a long-term care facility for children; many of the children have cerebral palsy (CP). What statement should the nurse include in the training? a. Children with dyskinetic CP have a wide-based gait and repetitive movements. b. Children with spastic pyramidal CP have a positive Babinski sign and ankle clonus. c. Children with hemiplegia CP have mouth muscles and one lower limb affected. d. Children with ataxic CP have involvement of pharyngeal and oral muscles with dysarthria.

b. Children with spastic pyramidal CP have a positive Babinski sign and ankle clonus

What is the recommended drink for athletes during practice and competition? a. Sports drinks to replace carbohydrates b. Cold water for gastrointestinal tract rapid absorption c. Carbonated beverages to help with acidbase balance d. Enhanced performance carbohydrateelectrolyte drinks

b. Cold water for gastrointestinal tract rapid absorption

What measure of fluid balance status is most useful in a child with acute glomerulonephritis? a. Proteinuria b. Daily weight c. Specific gravity d. Intake and output

b. Daily Weight

. The nurse is caring for a child receiving chemotherapy for leukemia. The childs granulocyte count is 600/mm3 and platelet count is 45,000/mm3. What oral care should the nurse recommend for this child? a. Rinsing mouth with water b. Daily toothbrushing and flossing c. Lemon glycerin swabs for cleansing d. Wiping teeth with moistened gauze or Toothettes

b. Daily toothbrushing and flossing

Immobilization causes what effect on metabolism? a. Hypocalcemia b. Decreased metabolic rate c. Positive nitrogen balance d. Increased levels of stress hormones

b. Decreased metabolic rate

Intranasal administration of desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) is used to treat which condition? a. Hypopituitarism b. Diabetes insipidus (DI) c. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) d. Acute adrenocortical insufficiency

b. Diabetes insipidus (DI)

The middle school nurse is speaking to parents about prevention of injuries as a goal of the physical education program. How should the goal be achieved? a. Use of protective equipment at the familys discretion b. Education of adults to recognize signs that indicate a risk for injury c. Sports medicine program to help student athletes work through overuse injuries d. Arrangements for multiple sports to use same athletic fields to accommodate more children

b. Education of adults to recognize signs that indicate a risk for injury

A 7-year-old child has just had a cast applied for a fractured arm with the wrist and elbow immobilized. What information should be included in the home care instructions? a. No restrictions of activity are indicated. b. Elevate casted arm when both upright and resting. c. The shoulder should be kept as immobile as possible to avoid pain. d. Swelling of the fingers is to be expected. Notify a health professional if it persists more than 48 hours

b. Elevate casted arm when both upright and resting.

A recommendation to prevent neural tube defects (NTDs) is the supplementation of what? a. Vitamin A throughout pregnancy b. Folic acid for all women of childbearing age c. Folic acid during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy d. Multivitamin preparations as soon as pregnancy is suspected

b. Folic acid for all women of childbearing age

A school-age child with leukemia experienced severe nausea and vomiting when receiving chemotherapy for the first time. What is the most appropriate nursing action to prevent or minimize these reactions with subsequent treatments? a. Administer the chemotherapy between meals. b. Give an antiemetic before chemotherapy begins. c. Have the child bring favorite foods for snacks. d. Keep the child NPO (nothing by mouth) until nausea and vomiting subside.

b. Give an antiemetic before chemotherapy begins.

The nurse is caring for a family whose infant was just born with anencephaly. What is the most important nursing intervention? a. Implement measures to facilitate the attachment process. b. Help the family cope with the birth of an infant with a fatal defect. c. Prepare the family for extensive surgical procedures that will be needed. d. Provide emotional support so the family can adjust to the birth of an infant with problems.

b. Help the family cope with the birth of an infant with a fatal defect.

Exophthalmos (protruding eyeballs) may occur in children with which condition? a. Hypothyroidism b. Hyperthyroidism c. Hypoparathyroidism d. Hyperparathyroidism

b. Hyperthyroidism

An adolescent comes to the school nurse after experiencing shin splints during a track meet. What reassurance should the nurse offer? a. Shin splints are expected in runners. b. Ice, rest, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) usually relieve pain. c. It is generally best to run around and work the pain out. d. Moist heat and acetaminophen are indicated for this type of injury.

b. Ice, rest, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) usually relieve pain.

. What pathologic process is believed to be responsible for the development of postinfectious glomerulonephritis? a. Infarction of renal vessels b. Immune complex formation and glomerular deposition c. Bacterial endotoxin deposition on and destruction of glomeruli d. Embolization of glomeruli by bacteria and fibrin from endocardial vegetation

b. Immune complex formation and glomerular deposition

Iron overload is a side effect of chronic transfusion therapy. What treatment assists in minimizing this complication? a. Magnetic therapy b. Infusion of deferoxamine c. Hemoglobin electrophoresis d. Washing red blood cells (RBCs) to reduce iron

b. Infusion of deferoxamine

An adolescent will receive a bone marrow transplant (BMT). The nurse should explain that the bone marrow will be administered by which method? a. Bone grafting b. Intravenous infusion c. Bone marrow injection d. Intraabdominal infusion

b. Intravenous infusion

The nurse stops to assist an adolescent who has experienced severe trauma when hit by a motorcycle. The emergency medical system (EMS) has been activated. The first person who provided assistance applied a tourniquet to the childs leg because of arterial bleeding. What should the nurse do related to the tourniquet? a. Loosen the tourniquet. b. Leave the tourniquet in place. c. Remove the tourniquet and apply direct pressure if bleeding is still present. d. Remove the tourniquet every 5 minutes, leaving it off for 30 seconds each time.

b. Leave the tourniquet in place.

Gingivitis is a common problem in children with cerebral palsy (CP). What preventive measure should be included in the plan of care? a. High-carbohydrate diet b. Meticulous dental hygiene c. Minimum use of fluoride d. Avoidance of medications that contribute to gingivitis

b. Meticulous dental hygiene

The nurse should suspect a child has cerebral palsy (CP) if the parent says what? a. My 6-month-old baby is rolling from back to prone now. b. My 4-month-old doesnt lift his head when on his tummy. c. My 8-month-old can sit without support. d. My 10-month-old is not walking.

b. My 4-month-old doesnt lift his head when on his tummy.

A child with sickle cell anemia (SCA) develops severe chest and back pain, fever, a cough, and dyspnea. What should be the first action by the nurse? a. Administer 100% oxygen to relieve hypoxia. b. Notify the practitioner because chest syndrome is suspected. c. Infuse intravenous antibiotics as soon as cultures are obtained. d. Give ordered pain medication to relieve symptoms of pain episode.

b. Notify the practitioner because chest syndrome is suspected.

What test is never performed on a child who is awake? a. Dolls head maneuver b. Oculovestibular response c. Assessment of pyramidal tract lesions d. Funduscopic examination for papilledema

b. Oculovestibular response

The parents of a child with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) state that their child seems to have significant pain. In addition to systemic pharmacologic management, the nurse includes which teaching? a. Patterning b. Positions to reduce spasticity c. Stretching exercises after meals d. Topical analgesics for muscle spasms

b. Positions to reduce spasticity

What finding is characteristic of fractures in children? a. Fractures rarely occur at the growth plate site because it absorbs shock well. b. Rapidity of healing is inversely related to the childs age. c. Pliable bones of growing children are less porous than those of adults. d. The periosteum of a childs bone is thinner, is weaker, and has less osteogenic potential compared to that of an adult.

b. Rapidity of healing is inversely related to the childs age.

The nurse notes that a child has lost 3.6 kg (8 lb) after 4 days of hospitalization for acute glomerulonephritis. What is the most likely cause of this weight loss? a. Poor appetite b. Reduction of edema c. Restriction to bed rest d. Increased potassium intake

b. Reduction of edema

A child with hypopituitarism is being started on growth hormone (GH) therapy. Nursing considerations should be based on which knowledge? a. Therapy is most successful if it is started during adolescence. b. Replacement therapy requires daily subcutaneous injections. c. Hormonal supplementation will be required throughout childs lifetime. d. Treatment is considered successful if children attain full stature by adolescence.

b. Replacement therapy requires daily subcutaneous injections.

What childhood cancer may demonstrate patterns of inheritance that suggest a familial basis? a. Leukemia b. Retinoblastoma c. Rhabdomyosarcoma d. Osteogenic sarcoma

b. Retinoblastoma

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is suspected in a newborn because of ambiguous genitalia. The parents are appropriately upset and concerned about their childs gender. In teaching the parents about CAH, what should the nurse explain? a. Reconstructive surgery as a female is preferred. b. Sexual assignment should wait until genetic sex is determined. c. Prenatal masculinization will strongly influence the childs development. d. The child should be raised as a boy because of the presence of a penis and scrotum.

b. Sexual assignment should wait until genetic sex is determined.

What condition occurs when the normal adult hemoglobin is partly or completely replaced by abnormal hemoglobin? a. Aplastic anemia b. Sickle cell anemia c. Thalassemia major d. Iron deficiency anemia

b. Sickle cell anemia

What type of cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common type? a. Ataxic b. Spastic c. Dyskinetic d. Mixed type

b. Spastic

A child with a hip spica cast is being prepared for discharge. Recognizing that caring for a child at home is complex, the nurse should include what instructions for the parents discharge teaching? a. Turn every 8 hours. b. Specially designed car restraints are necessary. c. Diapers should be avoided to reduce soiling of the cast. d. Use an abduction bar between the legs to aid in turning

b. Specially designed car restraints are necessary.

A child, age 3 years, has cerebral palsy (CP) and is hospitalized for orthopedic surgery. His mother says he has difficulty swallowing and cannot hold a utensil to feed himself. He is slightly underweight for his height. What is the most appropriate nursing action related to feeding this child? a. Bottle or tube feed him a specialized formula until he gains sufficient weight. b. Stabilize his jaw with caregivers hand (either from a front or side position) to facilitate swallowing. c. Place him in a well-supported, semireclining position. d. Place him in a sitting position with his neck hyperextended to make use of gravity flow.

b. Stabilize his jaw with caregivers hand (either from a front or side position) to facilitate swallowing.

The nurse is administering an intravenous chemotherapeutic agent to a child with leukemia. The child suddenly begins to wheeze and have severe urticaria. What nursing action is most appropriate to initiate? a. Recheck the rate of drug infusion. b. Stop the drug infusion immediately. c. Observe the child closely for next 10 minutes. d. Explain to the child that this is an expected side effect.

b. Stop the drug infusion immediately.

What term is used when a patient remains in a deep sleep, responsive only to vigorous and repeated stimulation? a. Coma b. Stupor c. Obtundation d. Persistent vegetative state

b. Stupor

The regulation of red blood cell (RBC) production is thought to be controlled by which physiologic factor? a. Hemoglobin b. Tissue hypoxia c. Reticulocyte count d. Number of RBCs

b. Tissue hypoxia

A child with hypoparathyroidism is receiving vitamin D therapy. The parents should be advised to watch for which signs or symptoms of vitamin D toxicity? a. Headache and seizures b. Weakness and lassitude c. Anorexia and insomnia d. Physical restlessness, voracious appetite without weight gain

b. Weakness and lassitude

The parents of an infant with cerebral palsy (CP) ask the nurse if their child will have cognitive impairment. The nurses response should be based on which knowledge? a. Affected children have some degree of cognitive impairment. b. Around 20% of affected children have normal intelligence. c. About 45% of affected children have normal intelligence. d. Cognitive impairment is expected if motor and sensory deficits are severe.

c. About 45% of affected children have normal intelligence.

The parent of a child hospitalized with acute glomerulonephritis asks the nurse why blood pressure readings are being taken so often. What knowledge should influence the nurses reply? a. The antibiotic therapy contributes to labile blood pressure values. b. Hypotension leading to sudden shock can develop at any time. c. Acute hypertension is a concern that requires monitoring. d. Blood pressure fluctuations indicate that the condition has become chronic

c. Acute hypertension is a concern that requires monitoring.

What statement is most accurate in describing tetanus? a. Inflammatory disease that causes extreme, localized muscle spasm. b. Disease affecting the salivary gland with resultant stiffness of the jaw. c. Acute infectious disease caused by an exotoxin produced by an anaerobic spore-forming, grampositive bacillus. d. Acute infection that causes meningeal inflammation resulting in symptoms of generalized muscle spasm.

c. Acute infectious disease caused by an exotoxin produced by an anaerobic spore-forming, grampositive bacillus.

. The parents of a child who has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes ask about exercise. What effect does exercise have on a type 1 diabetic? a. Exercise increases blood glucose. b. Extra insulin is required during exercise. c. Additional snacks are needed before exercise. d. Excessive physical activity should be restricted.

c. Additional snacks are needed before exercise.

What information should the nurse include when teaching the mother of a 9-month-old infant about administering liquid iron preparations? a. Give with meals. b. Stop immediately if nausea and vomiting occur. c. Adequate dosage will turn the stools a tarry green color. d. Allow preparation to mix with saliva and bathe the teeth before swallowing.

c. Adequate dosage will turn the stools a tarry green color.

What type of chemotherapeutic agent alters the function of cells by replacing a hydrogen atom of a molecule? a. Plant alkaloids b. Antimetabolites c. Alkylating agents d. Antitumor antibiotics

c. Alkylating agents

The nurse at a summer camp recognizes the signs of heatstroke in an adolescent girl. Her temperature is 40 C (104 F). She is slightly confused but able to drink water. Nursing care while waiting for transport to the hospital should include what intervention? a. Administer antipyretics. b. Administer salt tablets. c. Apply towels wet with cool water. d. Sponge with solution of rubbing alcohol and water.

c. Apply towels wet with cool water.

A 20-kg (44-lb) child in ketoacidosis is admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. What order should the nurse not implement until clarified with the physician? a. Weigh on admission and daily. b. Replace fluid volume deficit over 48 hours. c. Begin intravenous line with D5 0.45% normal saline with 20 mEq of potassium chloride. d. Give intravenous regular insulin 2 units/kg/hr after initial rehydration bolus.

c. Begin intravenous line with D5 0.45% normal saline with 20 mEq of potassium chloride.

A 5-year-old girl sustained a concussion when she fell out of a tree. In preparation for discharge, the nurse is discussing home care with her mother. What sign or symptom is considered a manifestation of postconcussion syndrome and does not necessitate medical attention? a. Vomiting b. Blurred vision c. Behavioral changes d. Temporary loss of consciousness

c. Behavioral changes

Parents bring a 7-year-old child to the clinic for evaluation of an injured wrist after a bicycle accident. The parents and child are upset, and the child will not allow an examination of the injured arm. What priority nursing intervention should occur at this time? a. Send the child to radiology so radiography can be performed. b. Initiate an intravenous line and administer morphine for the pain. c. Calmly ask the child to point to where the pain is worst and to wiggle fingers. d. Have the parents hold the child so that the nurse can examine the arm thoroughly.

c. Calmly ask the child to point to where the pain is worst and to wiggle fingers.

In a child with sickle cell anemia (SCA), adequate hydration is essential to minimize sickling and delay the vasoocclusion and hypoxiaischemia cycle. What information should the nurse share with parents in a teaching plan? a. Encourage drinking. b. Keep accurate records of output. c. Check for moist mucous membranes. d. Monitor the concentration of the childs urine.

c. Check for moist mucous membranes.

What are quick, jerky, grossly uncoordinated, irregular movements that may disappear on relaxation called? a. Twitching b. Spasticity c. Choreiform movements d. Associated movements

c. Choreiform movements

What is a physiologic effect of immobilization on children? a. Metabolic rate increases. b. Venous return improves because the child is in the supine position. c. Circulatory stasis can lead to thrombus and embolus formation. d. Bone calcium increases, releasing excess calcium into the body (hypercalcemia).

c. Circulatory stasis can lead to thrombus and embolus formation.

A school-age child has sustained a head injury and multiple fractures after being thrown from a horse. The childs level of consciousness is variable. The parents tell the nurse that they think their child is in pain because of periodic crying and restlessness. What is the most appropriate nursing action? a. Explain that analgesia is contraindicated with a head injury. b. Have the parents describe the childs previous experiences with pain c. Consult with a practitioner about what analgesia can be safely administered. d. Teach the parents that analgesia is unnecessary when the child is not fully awake and alert.

c. Consult with a practitioner about what analgesia can be safely administered.

What finding is a clinical manifestation of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in children? a. Low-pitched cry b. Sunken fontanel c. Diplopia, blurred vision d. Increased blood pressure

c. Diplopia, blurred vision

What is a common clinical manifestation of juvenile hypothyroidism? a. Insomnia b. Diarrhea c. Dry skin d. Rapid growth

c. Dry Skin

The parents of a child with sickle cell anemia (SCA) are concerned about subsequent children having the disease. What statement most accurately reflects inheritance of SCA? a. SCA is not inherited. b. All siblings will have SCA. c. Each sibling has a 25% chance of having SCA. d. There is a 50% chance of siblings having SCA

c. Each sibling has a 25% chance of having SCA.

An adolescent has just been brought to the emergency department with a spinal cord injury and paralysis from a diving accident. The parents keep asking the nurse, How bad is it? The nurses response should be based on which knowledge? a. Families adjust better to life-threatening injuries when information is given over time. b. Immediate loss of function is indicative of the long-term consequences of the injury. c. Extent and severity of damage cannot be determined for several weeks or even months. d. Numerous diagnostic tests will be done immediately to determine extent and severity of damage.

c. Extent and severity of damage cannot be determined for several weeks or even months.

A child is receiving propylthiouracil for the treatment of hyperthyroidism (Graves disease). The parents and child should be taught to recognize and report which sign or symptom immediately? a. Fatigue b. Weight loss c. Fever, sore throat d. Upper respiratory tract infection

c. Fever, sore throat

The nurse is preparing a child for possible alopecia from chemotherapy. What information should the nurse include? a. Wearing hats or scarves is preferable to a wig. b. Expose head to sunlight to stimulate hair regrowth. c. Hair may have a slightly different color or texture when it regrows. d. Regrowth of hair usually begins 12 months after chemotherapy ends.

c. Hair may have a slightly different color or texture when it regrows.

In teaching the parent of a newly diagnosed 2-year-old child with pyelonephritis related to vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), the nurse should include which information? a. Limit fluids to reduce reflux. b. Give cranberry juice twice a day. c. Have siblings examined for VUR. d. Surgery is indicated to reverse scarring.

c. Have siblings examined for VUR.

An 8-year-old child is hit by a motor vehicle in the school parking lot. The school nurse notes that the child is responding to verbal stimulation but is not moving his extremities when requested. What is the first action the nurse should take? a. Wait for the childs parents to arrive. b. Move the child out of the parking lot. c. Have someone notify the emergency medical services (EMS) system. d. Help the child stand to return to play.

c. Have someone notify the emergency medical services (EMS) system.

Spastic cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by which clinical manifestations? a. Athetosis, dystonic movements b. Tremors, lack of active movement c. Hypertonicity; poor control of posture, balance, and coordinated motion d. Wide-based gait; poor performance of rapid, repetitive movements

c. Hypertonicity; poor control of posture, balance, and coordinated motion

A child with severe anemia requires a unit of red blood cells (RBCs). The nurse explains to the child that the transfusion is necessary for which reason? a. Allow her parents to come visit her. b. Fight the infection that she now has. c. Increase her energy so she will not be so tired. d. Help her body stop bleeding by forming a clot (scab).

c. Increase her energy so she will not be so tired.

What statement best describes b-thalassemia major (Cooley anemia)? a. It is an acquired hemolytic anemia b. Inadequate numbers of red blood cells (RBCs) are present. c. Increased incidence occurs in families of Mediterranean extraction. d. It commonly occurs in individuals from West Africa.

c. Increased incidence occurs in families of Mediterranean extraction

The clinical manifestations of sickle cell anemia (SCA) are primarily the result of which physiologic alteration? a. Decreased blood viscosity b. Deficiency in coagulation c. Increased red blood cell (RBC) destruction d. Greater affinity for oxygen

c. Increased red blood cell (RBC) destruction

During a well-child visit, the mother tells the nurse that her 4-month-old infant is constipated, is less active than usual, and has a weak-sounding cry. The nurse suspects botulism and questions the mother about the childs diet. What factor should support this diagnosis? a. Breastfeeding b. Commercial formula c. Infant cereal with honey d. Improperly sterilized bottles

c. Infant cereal with honey

What statement is descriptive of a concussion? a. Petechial hemorrhages cause amnesia. b. Visible bruising and tearing of cerebral tissue occur. c. It is a transient and reversible neuronal dysfunction. d. It is a slight lesion that develops remote from the site of trauma.

c. It is a transient and reversible neuronal dysfunction.

What statement best describes Duchenne (pseudohypertrophic) muscular dystrophy (DMD)? a. It has an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. b. Onset occurs in later childhood and adolescence. c. It is characterized by presence of Gower sign, a waddling gait, and lordosis. d. Disease stabilizes during adolescence, allowing for life expectancy to approximately age 40 years

c. It is characterized by presence of Gower sign, a waddling gait, and lordosis.

Urinary tract anomalies are frequently associated with what irregularities in fetal development? a. Myelomeningocele b. Cardiovascular anomalies c. Malformed or low-set ears d. Defects in lower extremities

c. Malformed or low-set ears

A child is admitted in acute renal failure (ARF). Therapeutic management to rapidly provoke a flow of urine includes the administration of what medication? a. Propranolol (Inderal) b. Calcium gluconate c. Mannitol (Osmitrol) or furosemide (Lasix) (or both) d. Sodium, chloride, and potassium

c. Mannitol (Osmitrol) or furosemide (Lasix) (or both)

Chemotherapeutic agents are classified according to what feature? a. Side effects b. Effectiveness c. Mechanism of action d. Route of administration

c. Mechanism of action

A mother states that she brought her child to the clinic because the 3-year-old girl was not keeping up with her siblings. During physical assessment, the nurse notes that the child has pale skin and conjunctiva and has muscle weakness. The hemoglobin on admission is 6.4 g/dl. After notifying the practitioner of the results, what nursing priority intervention should occur next? a. Reduce environmental stimulation to prevent seizures. b. Have the laboratory repeat the analysis with a new specimen. c. Minimize energy expenditure to decrease cardiac workload. d. Administer intravenous fluids to correct the dehydration.

c. Minimize energy expenditure to decrease cardiac workload.

What is the primary objective of care for the child with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS)? a. Reduce blood pressure. b. Lower serum protein levels. c. Minimize excretion of urinary protein. d. Increase the ability of tissue to retain fluid.

c. Minimize excretion of urinary protein.

A hospitalized child with minimal change nephrotic syndrome is receiving high doses of prednisone. What nursing goal is appropriate for this child? a. Stimulate appetite. b. Detect evidence of edema. c. Minimize risk of infection. d. Promote adherence to the antibiotic regimen.

c. Minimize risk of infection.

What nursing intervention is appropriate when caring for an unconscious child? a. Avoid using narcotics or sedatives to provide comfort and pain relief. b. Change the childs position infrequently to minimize the chance of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). c. Monitor fluid intake and output carefully to avoid fluid overload and cerebral edema. d. Give tepid sponge baths to reduce fevers above 38.3 C (101 F) because antipyretics are contraindicated

c. Monitor fluid intake and output carefully to avoid fluid overload and cerebral edema.

A 14-year-old girl is in the intensive care unit after a spinal cord injury 2 days ago. What nursing intervention is a priority for this child? a. Minimizing environmental stimuli b. Administering immunoglobulin c. Monitoring and maintaining systemic blood pressure d. Discussing long-term care issues with the family

c. Monitoring and maintaining systemic blood pressure

An adolescent with a spinal cord injury is admitted to a rehabilitation center. Her parents describe her as being angry, hostile, and uncooperative. The nurse should recognize that this is suggestive of which psychosocial state? a. Normal phase of adolescent development b. Severe depression that will require long-term counseling c. Normal response to her situation that can be redirected in a healthy way d. Denial response to her situation that makes rehabilitative efforts more difficult

c. Normal response to her situation that can be redirected in a healthy way

What term is used to describe a childs level of consciousness when the child is arousable with stimulation? a. Stupor b. Confusion c. Obtundation d. Disorientation

c. Obtundation

. Peripheral precocious puberty (PPP) differs from central precocious puberty (CPP) in which manner? a. PPP results from a central nervous system (CNS) insult. b. PPP occurs more frequently in girls. c. PPP may be viewed as a variation in sexual development. d. PPP results from hormonal stimulation of the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH).

c. PPP may be viewed as a variation in sexual development.

The nurse uses the five Ps to assess ischemia in a child with a fracture. What finding is considered a late and ominous sign? a. Petaling b. Posturing c. Paresthesia d. Positioning

c. Paresthesia

What statement is characteristic of type 1 diabetes mellitus? a. Onset is usually gradual. b. Ketoacidosis is infrequent. c. Peak age incidence is 10 to 15 years. d. Oral agents are available for treatment.

c. Peak age incidence is 10 to 15 years.

The nurse is teaching the girls varsity sports teams about the female athlete triad. What is essential information to include? a. They should take low to moderate calcium to avoid hypercalcemia. b. They have strong bones because of the athletic training. c. Pregnancy can occur in the absence of menstruation. d. A diet high in carbohydrates accommodates increased training

c. Pregnancy can occur in the absence of menstruation.

What statement related to clinical trials developed for pediatric cancers is most accurate? a. Are accessible only in major pediatric centers b. Do not require consent for standard therapy c. Provide the best available therapy compared with an expected improvement d. Are standardized to provide the same treatment to all children with the disease

c. Provide the best available therapy compared with an expected improvement

The nurse is caring for a hospitalized adolescent whose femur was fractured 18 hours ago. The adolescent suddenly develops chest pain and dyspnea. The nurse should suspect what complication? a. Sepsis b. Osteomyelitis c. Pulmonary embolism d. Acute respiratory tract infection

c. Pulmonary embolism

The nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child with cerebral palsy (CP). The child, developmentally, is at an infant stage. Appropriate developmental stimulation for this child should be what? a. Playing pat-a-cake with the child b. None so the child does not become overstimulated c. Putting a colorful mobile with music on the bed d. Giving the child a coloring book and crayons

c. Putting a colorful mobile with music on the bed

What nursing care should be included for a child diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)? a. Maintain the child NPO (nothing by mouth). b. Turn the child frequently. c. Restrict fluids. d. Encourage fluids.

c. Restrict Fluids

The nurse is teaching a child experiencing severe edema associated with minimal change nephrotic syndrome about his diet. The nurse should discuss what dietary need? a. Consuming a regular diet b. Increasing protein c. Restricting fluids d. Decreasing calories

c. Restricting fluids

What condition is the most common cause of acute renal failure in children? a. Pyelonephritis b. Tubular destruction c. Severe dehydration d. Upper tract obstruction

c. Severe Dehydration

A 10-year-old boy on a bicycle has been hit by a car in front of a school. The school nurse immediately assesses airway, breathing, and circulation. What should be the next nursing action? a. Place the child on his side. b. Take the childs blood pressure. c. Stabilize the childs neck and spine. d. Check the childs scalp and back for bleeding.

c. Stabilize the childs neck and spine.

A 14-year-old is admitted to the emergency department with a fracture of the right humerus epiphyseal plate through the joint surface. What information does the nurse know regarding this type of fracture? a. It will create difficulty because the child is left handed. b. It will heal slowly because this is the weakest part of the bone. c. This type of fracture requires different management to prevent bone growth complications. d. This type of fracture necessitates complete immobilization of the shoulder for 4 to 6 weeks.

c. This type of fracture requires different management to prevent bone growth complications.

The nurse is teaching a client to prevent future urinary tract infections (UTIs). What factor is most important to emphasize as the potential cause? a. Poor hygiene b. Constipation c. Urinary stasis d. Congenital anomalies

c. Urinary stasis

A girl, age 5 1/2 years, has been sent to the school nurse for urinary incontinence three times in the past 2 days. The nurse should recommend to her parent that the first action is to have the child evaluated for what condition? a. School phobia b. Glomerulonephritis c. Urinary tract infection (UTI) d. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

c. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Nursing care of the child with myelosuppression from leukemia or chemotherapeutic agents should include which therapeutic intervention? a. Restrict oral fluids. b. Institute strict isolation. c. Use good hand-washing technique. d. Give immunizations appropriate for age.

c. Use good hand-washing technique.

. What blood glucose measurement is most likely associated with diabetic ketoacidosis? a. 185 mg/dl b. 220 mg/dl c. 280 mg/dl d. 330 mg/dl

d. 330 mg/dl

. What is a condition that can result if hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) occurs after epiphyseal closure? a. Cretinism b. Dwarfism c. Gigantism d. Acromegaly

d. Acromegaly

What statement is correct regarding sports injuries during adolescence? a. Conditioning does not help prevent many sports injuries. b. The increase in strength and vigor during adolescence helps prevent injuries related to fatigue. c. More injuries occur during organized athletic competition than during recreational sports participation. d. Adolescents may not possess insight and judgment to recognize when a sports activity is beyond their capabilities.

d. Adolescents may not possess insight and judgment to recognize when a sports activity is beyond their capabilities.

What functional ability should the nurse expect in a child with a spinal cord lesion at C7? a. Complete respiratory paralysis b. No voluntary function of upper extremities c. Inability to roll over or attain sitting position d. Almost complete independence within limitations of wheelchair

d. Almost complete independence within limitations of wheelchair

Homeostasis in the body is maintained by what is collectively known as the neuroendocrine system. What is the name of the nervous system that is involved? a. Central b. Skeletal c. Peripheral d. Autonomic

d. Autonomic

What is a nursing intervention to reduce the risk of increasing intracranial pressure (ICP) in an unconscious child? a. Suction the child frequently. b. Turn the childs head side to side every hour. c. Provide environmental stimulation. d. Avoid activities that cause pain or crying.

d. Avoid activities that cause pain or crying.

An 8-year-old girl is receiving a blood transfusion when the nurse notes that she has developed precordial pain, dyspnea, distended neck veins, slight cyanosis, and a dry cough. These manifestations are most suggestive of what complication? a. Air embolism b. Allergic reaction c. Hemolytic reaction d. Circulatory overload

d. Circulatory overload

What statement best describes iron deficiency anemia in infants? a. It is caused by depression of the hematopoietic system. b. Diagnosis is easily made because of the infants emaciated appearance. c. It results from a decreased intake of milk and the premature addition of solid foods. d. Clinical manifestations are related to a reduction in the amount of oxygen available to tissues.

d. Clinical manifestations are related to a reduction in the amount of oxygen available to tissues

The nurse is teaching parents the proper use of a hipkneeanklefoot orthosis (HKAFO) for their 4-year-old child. The parents demonstrate basic essential knowledge by making what statement? a. Alcohol will be used twice a day to clean the skin around the brace. b. Weekly visits to the orthotist are scheduled to check screws for tightness. c. Initially, a burning sensation is expected and the brace should remain in place. d. Condition of the skin in contact with the brace should be checked every 4 hours.

d. Condition of the skin in contact with the brace should be checked every 4 hours.

What pain management approach is most effective for a child who is having a bone marrow test? a. Relaxation techniques b. Administration of an opioid c. EMLA cream applied over site d. Conscious or unconscious sedation

d. Conscious or unconscious sedation

What chemotherapeutic agent is classified as an antitumor antibiotic? a. Cisplatin (Platinol AQ) b. Vincristine (Oncovin) c. Methotrexate (Texall) d. Daunorubicin (Cerubidine)

d. Daunorubicin (Cerubidine)

What physiologic defect is responsible for causing anemia? a. Increased blood viscosity b. Depressed hematopoietic system c. Presence of abnormal hemoglobin d. Decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of blood

d. Decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of blood

What recommendation should the nurse make to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in young girls? a. Avoid public toilet facilities. b. Limit long baths as much as possible. c. Cleanse the perineum with water after voiding. d. Ensure clear liquid intake of 2 L/day.

d. Ensure clear liquid intake of 2 L/day.

The parents of a child with cancer tell the nurse that a bone marrow transplant (BMT) may be necessary. What information should the nurse recognize as important when discussing this with the family? a. BMT should be done at the time of diagnosis. b. Parents and siblings of the child have a 25% chance of being a suitable donor. c. If BMT fails, chemotherapy or radiotherapy will need to be continued. d. Finding a suitable donor involves matching antigens from the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system

d. Finding a suitable donor involves matching antigens from the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system

What therapeutic intervention is most appropriate for a child with b-thalassemia major? a. Oxygen therapy b. Supplemental iron c. Adequate hydration d. Frequent blood transfusions

d. Frequent blood transfusions

What clinical manifestation is considered a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus? a. Nausea b. Seizures c. Impaired vision d. Frequent urination

d. Frequent urination

For children who do not have a matched sibling bone marrow donor, the therapeutic management of aplastic anemia includes what intervention? a. Antibiotics b. Antiretroviral drugs c. Iron supplementation d. Immunosuppressive therapy

d. Immunosuppressive therapy

The nurse is assessing a child who was just admitted to the hospital for observation after a head injury. What clinical manifestation is the most essential part of the nursing assessment to detect early signs of a worsening condition? a. Posturing b. Vital signs c. Focal neurologic signs d. Level of consciousness

d. Level of Consciousness

A child will start treatment for central precocious puberty. What synthetic hormone will be injected? a. Thyrotropin b. Gonadotropins c. Somatotropic hormone d. Luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone

d. Luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone

. What immunization should not be given to a child receiving chemotherapy for cancer? a. Tetanus vaccine b. Inactivated poliovirus vaccine c. Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) d. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

d. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

A child eats some sugar cubes after experiencing symptoms of hypoglycemia. This rapidreleasing sugar should be followed by which dietary intervention? a. Sports drink and fruit b. Glucose tabs and protein c. Glass of water and crackers d. Milk and peanut butter on bread

d. Milk and peanut butter on bread

An 8-year-old child is hospitalized with infectious polyneuritis (Guillain-Barr syndrome [GBS]). When explaining this disease process to the parents, what should the nurse consider? a. Paralysis is progressive with little hope for recovery. b. Disease is inherited as an autosomal, sex-linked, recessive gene. c. Disease results from an apparently toxic reaction to certain medications. d. Muscle strength slowly returns, and most children recover

d. Muscle strength slowly returns, and most children recover

. What is the most common cause of cerebral palsy (CP)? a. Central nervous system (CNS) diseases b. Birth asphyxia c. Cerebral trauma d. Neonatal encephalopathy

d. Neonatal encephalopathy

The nurse is closely monitoring a child who is unconscious after a fall and notices that the child suddenly has a fixed and dilated pupil. How should the nurse interpret this? a. Eye trauma b. Brain death c. Severe brainstem damage d. Neurosurgical emergency

d. Neurosurgical emergency

The nurse is caring for a child with severe head trauma after a car accident. What is an ominous sign that often precedes death? a. Delirium b. Papilledema c. Flexion posturing d. Periodic or irregular breathing

d. Periodic or irregular breathing

Total-body irradiation is indicated for what reason? a. Palliative care b. Lymphoma therapy c. Definitive therapy for leukemia d. Preparation for bone marrow transplant

d. Preparation for bone marrow transplant

What is a major goal of therapy for children with cerebral palsy (CP)? a. Cure the underlying defect causing the disorder. b. Reverse the degenerative processes that have occurred. c. Prevent the spread to individuals in close contact with the child. d. Recognize the disorder early and promote optimum development.

d. Recognize the disorder early and promote optimum development.

An 8-year-old girl with moderate cerebral palsy (CP) recently began joining a regular classroom for part of the day. Her mother asks the school nurse about joining the after-school Girl Scout troop. The nurses response should be based on which knowledge? a. Most activities such as Girl Scouts cannot be adapted for children with CP. b. After-school activities usually result in extreme fatigue for children with CP. c. Trying to participate in activities such as Girl Scouts leads to lowered self-esteem in children with CP. d. Recreational activities often provide children with CP with opportunities for socialization and recreation.

d. Recreational activities often provide children with CP with opportunities for socialization and recreation.

What laboratory finding, in conjunction with the presenting symptoms, indicates minimal change nephrotic syndrome? a. Low specific gravity b. Decreased hemoglobin c. Normal platelet count d. Reduced serum albumin

d. Reduced serum albumin

A child is admitted for minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS). The nurse recognizes that the childs prognosis is related to what factor? a. Admission blood pressure b. Creatinine clearance c. Amount of protein in urine d. Response to steroid therapy

d. Response to steroid therapy

What side effect commonly occurs with corticosteroid (prednisone) therapy? a. Alopecia b. Anorexia c. Nausea and vomiting d. Susceptibility to infection

d. Susceptibility to infection

The nurse is caring for an immobilized preschool child. What intervention is helpful during this period of immobilization? a. Encourage wearing pajamas. b. Let the child have few behavioral limitations. c. Keep the child away from other immobilized children if possible. d. Take the child for a walk by wagon outside the room.

d. Take the child for a walk by wagon outside the room.

A 12-year-old child is injured in a bicycle accident. When considering the possibility of renal trauma, the nurse should consider what factor? a. Flank pain rarely occurs in children with renal injuries. b. Few nonpenetrating injuries cause renal trauma in children. c. Kidneys are immobile, well protected, and rarely injured in children. d. The amount of hematuria is not a reliable indicator of the seriousness of renal injury.

d. The amount of hematuria is not a reliable indicator of the seriousness of renal injury.

The mother of a 1-month-old infant tells the nurse she worries that her baby will get meningitis like the childs younger brother had when he was an infant. The nurse should base a response on which information? a. Meningitis rarely occurs during infancy. b. Often a genetic predisposition to meningitis is found. c. Vaccination to prevent all types of meningitis is now available. d. Vaccinations to prevent pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis are available

d. Vaccinations to prevent pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis are available

What clinical manifestation occurs with hypoglycemia? a. Lethargy b. Confusion c. Nausea and vomiting d. Weakness and dizziness

d. Weakness and dizziness

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