Periodic Table of the Elements (Webquest)

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How is the PT arranged?

-left to right and top to bottom in order of increasing atomic number -rows are called periods -columns are called groups or families

How many different groups or families are there to the PT?


At room temperature, how many elements are gas?


How many columns (vertical) are there to the PT?


At room temperature, how many elements are liquid?


How many elements were known to exist in 1911?


At room temperature, how many elements are solid?


Why does the atomic radius decrease as you move from left to right in the same period?

As the atomic number increases, the number of protons increasing across the period and extra electrons are added to the same shell. The positive and negative charges attract, so the more that are added, the stronger the pull is and the more "dense" the element becomes, which makes the atomic radius smaller.

If the elements of the PT were in the form of a cubic meter, which would be the most dense?


What three scales are used to measure temperature?

Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit

What is the periodic table of the elements?

Most important chemistry reference that arranges all the known elements in an informative order.

What is the most recently created element? When?

Tennessine in 2010

Why does the atomic radius increase as you move down in the same family or group?

The more energy levels that are added, the bigger the radius is because the electrons have to extend outwards into more energy levels, increasing the radius.

What do you notice about the top three best conductors of heat?

They are in the same column/family/group

Name the ten groups of the PT.

alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, post-transition metals, metalloids, (other) nonmetals, halogens, Noble Gases, lanthanoids, actinoids

What element has the highest melting point?


What is the name of the sub-family in transition metals that contains copper, silver, and gold?

coinage metals

What element have we known the existence of the longest?

copper (since 8,000 B.C.)

What are the atomic numbers of copper, silver, and gold in ascending order?

copper 29, silver 47, gold 79

What are the top three best conductors of heat?

copper, silver, gold

What happens to atomic radius as you move from left to right in the same period?


What element will never change to a solid?


Which element of the PT is the least dense element?


What are the top 5 most abundant elements in the universe from greatest to least? Percents?

hydrogen (75%), helium (23%), oxygen (1%), carbon (0.5%), neon (0.13%)

Describe what happens to the radius of an atom as you move down in the same family or group.


The number of energy levels in each family from top to bottom ____________.


What happens to the number of protons (aka atomic number) as you move from top to bottom?


The atomic number in each row (horizontal) ____________ (___ ____) from left to right.

increases (by one)

What happens to the bonding charge or "oxidation number" from top to bottom in the same family or group?

it is the same

Which group of the PT are the poorest conductors of electricity?

noble gases

Which group of the PT has the least dense elements?

noble gases

What are the top 5 most abundant elements in the Earth's crust from greatest to least? Percents?

oxygen (46%), silicon (27%), aluminum (8.1%), iron (6.3%), calcium (5%)

What are the top 5 most abundant elements in the human body from greatest to least? Percents?

oxygen (61%), carbon (23%), hydrogen (10%), nitrogen (2.6%), calcium (1.4%)

What are the rows (horizontal) of the PT called?


The calculated ___________ of an atom is the comparative size of each element, or the distance from the center of the ___________ to the outermost electrons in the outermost energy level.

radius; nucleus

What element has the highest boiling point?


What side of the PT has the lowest melting and boiling points?


What side of the PT has the poorest conductors of heat?


Which element is the best conductor of electricity?


Which element is the best conductor of heat?


The number of valence electrons in each family (column) are _______________.

the same

Why are the boxes of the PT colored (or shaded) different colors/darknesses?

to differentiate between different types of elements

The AMUs increase from _________ to ___________ and __________ to ___________.

top; bottom; left; right

What group tends to have the highest melting points?

transition metals

Which group of the PT are the best conductors of electricity?

transition metals

Which group of the PT has the densest elements?

transition metals

Why are coinage metals called what they are?

were or are used to make coins

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